Spelling suggestions: "subject:"abstands"" "subject:"blåtands""
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Standortsökologische Baumarteneffekte in einem Mischbestand aus Gemeiner Fichte (Picea abies [L.] KARST.) und Sand-Birke (Betula pendula Roth) im ErzgebirgeSchua, Karoline 17 January 2012 (has links)
In einem für das Erzgebirge (Sachsen, Südostdeutschland) typischen Wirtschaftswald aus ca. 60-jähriger Fichte (Picea abies [L.] KARST.), in den Sand-Birken (Betula pendula Roth) eingemischt sind, sollte die Wirkung der Baumartenmischung auf den Oberbodenzustand erfasst und bewertet werden. Die Befunde stammen aus einem Bestand, der sowohl hinsichtlich der Altersstruktur, des Bodentyps als auch der Stoffeinträge und der Kalkung für das Erzgebirge repräsentativ ist. Analysiert wurden photosynthetisch aktive Strahlung, Bodenvegetation, Streumenge und -verteilung, Dynamik der Streuzersetzung, Humuskörpermorphologie sowie chemische und mikrobiologische Oberbodeneigenschaften. Dabei fand ein einzelbaumweiser Ansatz in Kopplung mit Transekten Anwendung. Es wurden eindeutige Effekte durch einzelbaumweise eingemischte Birken nachgewiesen. Mit Hilfe des Einzelbaumansatzes und davon ausgehenden Transekten wurden reine Fichtenbereiche und Mischungsbereiche untersucht. Zusätzlich wurden für die Auswertung drei Straten gebildet. Die Zuordnung dafür war die folgende: Probepunkte unter der Birkenkrone ergaben das Birken-Stratum, Probepunkte unter der Fichte das Fichten-Stratum und Probepunkte im Übergangsbereich zwischen Birke und Fichte das Fichten-Birken-Stratum.
Im Bereich der Birkenkronen waren überwiegend höhere Strahlungswerte festzustellen als unter den Fichtenkronen. Gezeigt wurde aber auch, dass die höheren Strahlungswerte, die unter den Birkenkronen auftraten, auch in lichteren bzw. lückigeren Partien des reinen Fichtenbestandes zu finden waren. Die Sippenanzahl der Bodenvegetation erhöhte sich sowohl unter reiner Fichte als auch in Mischung von Fichte und Birke vor allem mit zunehmender Annäherung zum Kronenrand. Insgesamt waren aber bei der Mischung von Fichte und Birke ähnlich hohe Sippenanzahlen wie im reinen Fichtenbereich zu finden. Allerdings gab es Sippen, die nur auf einer der beiden Flächen auftraten. Es waren höhere Deckungsgrade bei der Mischung von Fichte und Birke im Vergleich zur reinen Fichte sichtbar. Die Befunde der Streusammler ließen erkennen, dass in einer Entfernung von > 16 m vom Birkenstamm kaum noch Birkenstreu auftrat. Nennenswerte Trockenflussdichten wurden nur in einem Radius von 10 m festgestellt. In diesem Bereich ist ein Effekt der Birkenstreu auf die Oberbodeneigenschaften zu erwarten. Die Gesamttrockenmasse einer relativ vitalen Birke mit rund 38 cm Brusthöhendurchmesser betrug im Untersu-chungsjahr rund 8 kg. Die Modellierung unter Hinzunahme weniger vitaler Birken reduzierte die Gesamttrockenmasse auf 6,3 kg. Der Massenverlust der Birkenblätter in den Litter-Bags war in allen drei Straten bei der Mischung der Birkenblätter mit Fichtennadeln im Verhältnis 5:1 am größten. Bei den Fichtennadeln zeigten sich die höchsten Trockenmassenverluste in den reinen Nadel-Litter-Bags. Die Litter-Bags unter der Birkenkrone wiesen für alle Varianten die beste Zersetzung der Birkenblätter und der Fichtennadeln auf. Die C/N-Verhältnisse der Streu ließen keine eindeutigen positiven Effekte der Birkenkrone erkennen. Sie waren aber bei den Birkenblättern in allen Varianten, in allen Straten und zu allen Terminen deutlich enger als die der Fichtennadeln. Desweiteren war der Abfall der C/N-Kurven bei den Birkenblättern steiler als bei den Fichtennadeln. Die Mächtigkeit des Of-Horizontes wies sowohl in der Mischsituation als auch in der reinen Fichtenfläche deutlichere räumliche Muster auf als im Oh-Horizont. Im Of waren dadurch deutliche, vom Einzelbaum abhängige, Muster zu erkennen. Die höchsten Mächtigkeiten traten in Stammnähe auf. Die größten Gesamtmächtigkeiten existierten unter reiner Fichte. Beim Vergleich der Mächtigkeiten in den Straten war in der Of-Lage vor allem das Birken-Stratum signifikant verschieden vom Fichten-Stratum. Für die Oh-Mächtigkeit und somit auch die Gesamtmächtigkeit zeigte zusätzlich das Fichten-Birken-Stratum signifikante Unterschiede im Vergleich zum Birken-Stratum. Als Humusform trat der rohhumusartige Moder auf. Dabei überwog im Fichtenstratum der feinhumusreiche rohhumusartige Moder, im Fichten-Birken-Stratum und im Birken-Stratum dagegen der feinhumusarme rohhumusartige Moder. Signifikante Unterschiede zwischen Straten konnten in der Of-Lage für den pH-Wert, Cges-Vorrat, Ccarbonat-Gehalt, Nges-Gehalt, Nges-Vorrat, und den metabolischen Quotienten erfasst werden. In der Oh-Lage waren es die nachstehenden Oberbo-deneigenschaften: Corg/N-Verhältnis, Cges-Gehalt, Nmik-Gehalt, Cmik/Nmik-Verhältnis, Basalatmungsaktivität, sowie der metabolische Quotient, die sich zwischen den Straten signifikant unterschieden. Im A-Horizont zeigten sich signifikante Unterschiede der Straten beim Corg/N-Verhältnis, Cges-Gehalt, Ccabonat-Gehalt, Corg-Gehalt sowie dem Nges-Vorrat. Mit Hilfe der multivariaten Ordination (mit verschiedenen Elementgehalten und pH-Werten) ist die Stratenbildung erneut bestätigt worden. Dabei hatten die Elemente C, Mg, Ca und N den größten Einfluss. Die Auswertung der Daten der effektiven Kationenaustauschkapazität ließ vor allem für den A-Horizont Unterschiede zwischen den Straten erkennen. Dabei war die Akeff im Fichtenstratum am kleinsten und der prozentuale Anteil der sauren Kationen an der Akeff am größten. Die höchste Akeff besaß das Birken-Stratum.
Eine Reihe der untersuchten Größen ließen eindeutige Baumarteneffekte erkennen. Alles in allem wurde der Nachweis erbracht, dass die Effekte in dem Bereich zu finden sind, der durch die Laubstreu der Birken geprägt ist. Bei den Oberbodeneigenschaften wurden keine Veränderungen an Punkten, die mehr als 10 m vom Birkenstamm entfernt waren, festgestellt. Aus den Ergebnissen war abzuleiten, dass für ähnliche Bedingungen wie im Untersuchungsbestand ein Mischungsanteil der Birke von mindestens 10 % zu empfehlen ist. Die Ergebnisse sind aber durch zukünftige Forschung noch zu verifizieren. Dafür sollten vor allem die Produktionsziele und die waldbaulichen Behandlungskonzepte für Mischbestände aus Fichte und Birke in Deutschland erneut konkretisiert werden. Um dafür eindeutige ökologische und ökonomische Kriterien festlegen zu können, wird eine Zusammenführung wichtiger Ergebnisse aus den verschiedenen forstlichen Forschungsbereichen (z. B. Standortskunde, Vegetationskunde, Waldwachstumskunde, Ökonomie, Zoologie, Waldbau) empfohlen. / In a typical managed forest of the Ore Mountains (Saxony, SE Germany), consisting of 60 years old Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] KARST.) admixed with silver birches (Betula pendula Roth) the impact of the admixture on topsoil properties was quantified and evaluated. This study was conducted in a stand which is representative for the Ore Mountains regarding the soil type, deposition and liming. Photosynthetic active radiation, the layer of herbs and mosses, the mass and distribution of the litter fall, the dynamics of litter decom-position, and morphology of the humus layer as well as the chemical and microbiological topsoil properties were all analyzed. The study was based on a single-tree-approach where samples were collected along transects from selected sample trees of birch and spruce. Transects were established within areas of pure spruce as well as within areas of spruce and birch mixture. Three different strata were defined based on the situation of the examined points in relation to the crowns of birch and spruce: the birch stratum, the spruce stratum and the spruce-birch stratum with measurements from underneath the crowns of birches, spruces and the transition area between spruce and birch crowns, respectively.
Higher photosynthetic active radiation values were detected in the area underneath the crowns of birch crowns in comparison with the area underneath the crowns of spruce. Higher values of photosynthetic active radiation were also registered within areas of light foliage and in gaps in the pure spruce stand. The number of ground vegetation species underneath pure spruce and in the mixture of spruce and birch was negatively correlated with the distance to the crown edge. But altogether the same number of ground vegetation species was found in the mixed stand and in the pure spruce stand. A few species were, however, specific for each stand type. A higher coverage of ground vegetation was found in the mixture of spruce and birch in comparison to the pure spruce. The results of the litter traps show marginal densities of birch leaves at a distance of more than 16 m from the birch stem. The majority of the dry flux density was found within a radius of 10 m around the birch stem. Within this area an effect of the birch litter on top soil properties was expected. The whole dry litter mass was measured in the study time of a relative vital birch with a diameter at breast high of ca. 38 cm and was ca. 8 kg. Modeling the amount of litter for birches with lower vitality indicated a dry litter mass of 6.3 kg. The mass lost of the birch leaves in the litter bags was in each stratum the highest at a ratio of 5 to 1 of birch leaves to spruce needles. The greatest loss of dry mass for spruce needles was registered in litter-bags with pure needles. The litter-bags under the birch crowns exhibited the best decomposition rate of birch leaves and spruce needles for all variants. The C/N-ratios of the litter showed no clear positive effects of the birch crown. But they were clearly smaller for the birch leaves in contrast to the spruce needles in all variants, in each stratum and at all dates. Furthermore the C/N-curves drop away more for the birch leaves in contrast to the spruce needles. The thickness of the Of-horizon in contrast to the Oh-horizon showed clear spatial patterns for the mixed situation and the pure spruce area. Thus in the Of-horizon a clear spatial pattern in connection to the single tree was apparent. The highest thickness was found close to the stem. The highest total thickness of the Of- and Oh-horizon was found underneath the pure spruce stand. When comparing the thickness of the humus layers between the stratums, significant differences where found for the Of-layer between the birch stratum and the spruce stratum. In addition, for the thickness of the Oh-layer as well as for the total thickness of all layers, significant differences were observed between the spruce-birch stratum and the birch stratum. The humus form was a mor-like moder. In the spruce stratum more fine-humus-rich variants of the mor-like moder was found, in the spruce-birch stratum and in the birch stratum it was more fine-humus-poor variants of the mor-like moder. Significant differences between the stratums in the Of-layer were found with respect to acidification, the pool of Ctot and Ntot, the content of Ccarbonat and Ntot and the metabolic quotient. For the Oh-layer significant differences between the stratums were found for the ratio of Corg and N, the content of Ctot and Nmic, the ratio of Cmic and Nmic, the basal respiration activity and the metabolic quotient. In the A-horizon significant differences between the stratums were found for the ration of Corg and N, the content of Ctot, Ccarbonat and Corg and the pool of Ntot. The results of multivariate ordination confirm the formation of stratums again. Thereby the contents of C, Mg, Ca and N had the greatest influence. The data analysis of the effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC) showed differences between the stratums mainly for the A horizon. In the spruce stratum the ECEC was lowest and the percentage of acid cations at the ECEC was greatest. The highest ECEC was in the birch stratum.
Different results showed clear tree effects. These were only found in areas, which are influenced by birch leaves. In this study, a minimum tree admixture of 10% was required before an impact on the ground conditions of the whole stand was observed. Therefore, based on the results of this study, an admixture of birch of 10% is recommended. These results however must be verified through future research. These findings can be used to assist in meeting the goals of silvicultural management for mixed spruce and birch forests in Germany. Definition of explicit ecological and economic criteria created from a combination of results from different forest research sectors (e. g. Site ecology, Vegetation science, Forest Growth, Economy, Zoology, Silviculture) is recommended.
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Street Level Food Networks: Understanding Ethnic Food Cart Supply Chains in Eastern Portland, ORNovie, Alexander G. 25 November 2014 (has links)
Portland, OR, is the site of a unique urban food cart phenomenon that provides opportunities for small business ownership and access points for culturally specific food for the city's foreign-born and minority populations. Known as a "foodie haven," Portland also has an active sustainable food movement with engaged citizens and support from city and regional policies aimed at significantly increasing the consumption of local food. To date, there have been no in-depth studies on the sourcing habits of Portland food cart owners and whether or not these street-level actors are involved in the area's local alternative food movements (AFNs). The current understanding of the Portland food cart phenomenon is based on studies that have focused on carts and pods located in the central business district and "inner-ring" areas of the city. Areas beyond these locations (defined as Eastern Portland) are currently home to the majority of the city's growing foreign-born and minority populations. This thesis uses a situational analysis framework to explore the food supply practices of ethnic food cart owners operating in Eastern Portland cart pods. I investigate the feasibility of purchasing locally grown ingredients for use in ethnic cuisines and the degree to which cart owners incorporate the region's prevailing locavore ethics into their everyday culinary practices. Findings from this inquiry suggest that ethnic cart owners in Eastern Portland have a range of habitus, or personal dispositions and embodied knowledge, that is reflected in how they perceive the benefits of and barriers to "buying local" and the extent (if any) that they engage with AFNs in the Portland area. I assert that ethnic food cart owners in Eastern Portland are performing multiple community roles by providing access points for culturally specific cuisines for their particular ethnic groups, while also offering exotic experiences to other residents and tourists alike. I discuss variations within the food cart phenomenon itself by highlighting the differences in design, amenities, types of access, and neighborhood customer bases of cart pods located in Eastern Portland. Finally, I discuss future research directions for understanding the dynamics of food supply chains in small-scale, direct-to-vendor relationships and the implications for local and regional food sustainability policy goals.
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Contributions of informal trading towards urban livelihoods in Polokwane city central business District, Limpopo ProvinceMeso, Kevin Kwena January 2017 (has links)
Thesis (M.Dev. (Planning and Management)) -- University of Limpopo, 2017 / The central focus of this study was to investigate the contributions of informal trading
towards urban livelihoods in Polokwane CBD. A multiplicity of stressors and shocks
affect informal trading and its contributions towards urban livelihoods. Third world
African countries like Nigeria and Ghana inter alia take cognizance of the countless
external pressures and shocks that affect informal trading and its contributions towards
urban livelihoods. The South African reality is not any different, the local political,
social, economic and environmental elements that characterize the second economy
provides evidence of the countless stressors and shocks facing the practice of informal
trade. As a result, specific working objectives were formulated as follows: to
understand the typologies, characteristics and challenges of informal trading, to
evaluate the determinants of urban livelihoods, to analyze the contributions of informal
trading towards urban livelihoods; and, to recommend possible measures that would
improve informal trading and its contributions towards urban livelihoods. The study
utilizes evaluation analysis; evaluation based analysis allows for the appraisal of
disaggregated contributions of various informal trading activities on urban livelihoods.
In addition, the study employs both qualitative and quantitative research approaches;
hence, the use of descriptions, classifications and making connections will form an
integral part of the data analysis. The study adopts non-probability convenience
sampling in that the study area is convenient, accessible and comprises the required
features. Various data collection methods were used in this study, including: literature
review, questionnaire survey and observations. Importantly, the contributions of
informal trading towards urban livelihoods is predominantly an area of contestation
given various informal sector prospects and impediments. Furthermore, a host of
challenges, stressors and shocks affect the contributions of informal trading towards
urban livelihoods in Polokwane city CBD. Various economic, political, societal and
environmental stressors are regarded as negatively affecting informal trading. The
study argues that numerous challenges, stressors and shocks impinge on the abilities
of informal trading to positively contribute towards urban livelihoods notwithstanding
their capacity to absorb and seemingly sustain the indigent urbanites. The findings of
the study exhibit that multiple internal and external stressors, shocks and trails that
form part of the second economy deleteriously affect informal trading and its
contributions towards urban livelihoods at Polokwane CBD, Limpopo Province.
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Les relations sol/plantes en forêts méditerranéennes : approche bioclimatique des déterminants de la structuration fonctionnelle des communautés microbiennes des sols et de leurs réponses à un double stress hydrique et thermique en région provençale calcaire / Soil-plant relationships in Mediterranean forests : bioclimatic assessment of the driving factors of soil microbial community functional structure and response to a water and thermic stress in limestome-based Provence areaPailler, Alexia 18 December 2013 (has links)
En contexte forestier méditerranéen au sein de la région provençale calcaire (sud de la France), les relations sol/structure fonctionnelle catabolique des communautés microbiennes/communautés végétales ont été abordées selon différentes échelles bioclimatiques : un gradient latitudinal et altitudinal, et une échelle écosystémique restreinte à différentes séries de chênes pubescents. Ces travaux ont permis d’estimer les contributions respectives (et de leurs interactions) de la structure et de la composition de la végétation et des variables abiotiques dans la détermination des propriétés fonctionnelles des communautés microbiennes des sols. Dans le contexte des changements climatiques globaux, cette même stratégie a été mise en œuvre pour estimer les incidences, sur les potentiels cataboliques et les profils fonctionnels, d’un double stress hydrique et thermique ex situ, mimétique d’une vague de chaleur. Pour les diverses échelles spatiales, nos résultats ont mis en évidence la prépondérance de la part d’interaction entre la végétation et les variables abiotiques épigées et hypogées dans la structuration fonctionnelle des communautés microbiennes. Suite au stress, une diminution globale de leurs potentiels cataboliques a pu être observée. Néanmoins, nos résultats ont révélé une robustesse différentielle des relations entre la végétation et la structure fonctionnelle des communautés microbiennes selon le stade d’évolution de la végétation et de la nature des espèces constitutives de ces formations au niveau de leur dynamique d’occupation spatiale. Ceci pourrait atténuer ou exacerber les effets du réchauffement climatique sur les écosystèmes forestiers méditerranéens. / In Mediterranean forest ecosystems in the limestome-based Provence area (south of France), soil-microbial community functional catabolic structure-vegetation relationships were assessed based on different bioclimatic scales, across a latitudinal gradient, an elevation gradient, and at a restricted ecosystemic scale focusing on Pubescent oak forest stands. The respective parts (and their interactions) of the vegetation composition and structure and the abiotic variables in their functional profiles were investigated. Furthermore, in the context of climate change, this same strategy was used to investigate the effects of an ex situ water and thermic stress, mimetic to a heatwave event on microbial community catabolic potentials and functional profiles. For all the considered scales, our results highlighted the major part of the interactions between vegetation and abiotic aboveground-belowground variables in the determination of soil microbial community functional structure. Drought induced a decrease in their potential catabolic activities. Nevertheless, our results revealed a varying robustness of the interactions between vegetation and soil microbial functional structure based on the dynamic step of the evolution of the forest stands and on the type of their constitutive species. This may mitigate or exacerbate climate change effects on Mediterranean forest ecosystems.
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Efeito residual do lodo de esgoto na produtividade e na ciclagem de nutrientes em plantios de Eucalyptus grandis e no cultivo de plantas alimentícias (simulando alteração do uso agrícola do solo) / Long term effect of the sewage sludge on productivity and nutrient cycling in Eucalyptus grandis stands and in food plants cultivation (simulating change in the agricultural use of the soil)Ferraz, Alexandre de Vicente 22 January 2014 (has links)
Nas ultimas décadas, a elevação do consumo e do custo dos fertilizantes minerais tem preocupado o setor agrícola mundial. Portanto, o uso do lodo de esgoto tratado (biossólido) como adubo está sendo incentivado em diversos países, visto que aumenta a produtividade e gera benefícios pela reciclagem da matéria orgânica e nutrientes contidos em sua composição. Ainda assim, a presença de elementos potencialmente tóxicos (ex. metais pesados) no lodo e a falta de conhecimento sobre o seu efeito residual no ambiente, principalmente, em casos onde há a alteração do uso agrícola do solo, têm contribuído para a sua disposição final em aterros sanitários. Esta pesquisa pressupõe que o uso agrícola do lodo de esgoto, mesmo algum tempo após a sua aplicação ao solo, continua exercendo efeito residual favorável sobre a produtividade (biomassa) e a ciclagem de nutrientes em plantios de eucalipto, bem como em culturas de plantas alimentícias. No município de Itatinga-SP, foram instalados três experimentos com povoamentos de Eucalyptus grandis, sendo: (1) Prática de desbaste em dois talhões de eucalipto plantados em 1998, sobre Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo (LVA) e Latossolo Vermelho Escuro (LVE), e adubados com 20 t ha-1 lodo de esgoto; (2) Prática da talhadia (condução de rebrota) em parcelas cultivadas com eucalipto e adubadas (em 2003) com 10, 20 e 30 t ha-1 de lodo de esgoto, aplicadas na forma úmida (torta) e seca (granulado) e (3) Prática de reforma em parcelas de eucalipto adubadas (em 2005) com 15 t ha-1 dos lodos produzidos pelas estações de tratamento de esgoto de Barueri, São Miguel e Parque Novo Mundo. Um quarto experimento procurou simular a alteração do uso agrícola do solo, pela substituição de povoamentos de eucaliptos adubados com lodo de esgoto (há catorze anos) por áreas de cultivo das espécies: Lactuca sativa L. (alface), Raphanus sativus L. e Oryza sativa L. (arroz de sequeiro). Neste experimento, as plantas foram cultivadas em vasos preenchidos com dois tipos de latossolo (LVA e LVE), ambos coletados em talhões de E. grandis adubados há catorze anos com lodo de esgoto. De modo geral, a adubação dos plantios de eucalipto com os lodos de esgoto elevou o teor de fósforo, cálcio e zinco no solo. Nas áreas de desbaste, as concentrações foliares de nutrientes foram mais elevadas nas árvores cultivadas sob efeito residual do lodo de esgoto; todavia, este efeito não foi suficiente para alterar o crescimento do tronco (em circunferência) das árvores. Na área de talhadia, a adubação com 10 t ha-1 de lodo de esgoto aplicado seco exerceu efeito residual positivo sobre a produção de biomassa aérea. Na área de reforma, a biomassa acumulada pelas árvores cultivadas sob efeito residual do lodo foi superior (até 150%) em relação à testemunha; além disso, este efeito residual do lodo trouxe reflexos positivos também na ciclagem de nutrientes, devido à maior deposição de folhedo. Sob o efeito residual do lodo de esgoto, as plantas alimentícias acumularam 2 a 5 vezes mais biomassa em relação ás respectivas testemunhas, principalmente ao serem cultivadas no LVA. Essas plantas apresentaram, também, concentrações mais elevadas de cádmio nas folhas, bem como de cromo e níquel nas raízes; todavia, em nenhum dos cultivos, foram excedidos os limites de metais pesados preconizados pela Agência de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA) do Brasil. / Over the last few decades, the increase in consumption and in the cost of mineral fertilizers has concerned overall agriculture. Therefore, the use of treated sewage sludge (biosolids) as fertilizer has being encouraged in many countries, inasmuch as it increases productivity and generates benefits by the recycling of organic matter and nutrients in its composition. Nevertheless, the presence of potentially toxic elements (e.g. heavy metals) in the sludge and the lack of knowledge about its long term effect on the environment, especially in cases where there is a change in agricultural use, have contributed to its final disposal in landfills. This research assumes that the agricultural use of sewage sludge, even some time after its application to the soil, have a favorable long term effect on productivity (biomass) and nutrient cycling in eucalypt stands, as well as in cultures of food plants. For this study, three experiments with Eucalyptus grandis were installed in Itatinga/SP: (1) Thinning practice in two eucalyptus stands planted in 1998, on sandy and clayey ferralsol (LVA and LVE, by its acronym in Portuguese), both fertilized with 20 t ha-1 of sewage sludge; (2) Coppicing practice (sprouting conduct) in eucalyptus plots fertilized (in 2003) with 10, 20 and 30 t ha-1 of wet and dry sewage sludge; and (3) Reform techniques in eucalyptus plots fertilized (in 2005) with 15 t ha-1 of sludge produced by Barueri\'s, São Miguel\'s and Parque Novo Mundo\'s wastewater treatment plants. A fourth experiment simulated the change of use of agricultural soil, by replacing eucalyptus stands fertilized with sewage sludge (fourteen years ago) for vegetable species: Lactuca sativa L. (lettuce), Raphanus sativus L. (radish) and Oryza sativa L. (upland rice). In this experiment, plants were grown in pots filled with two types of ferralsol (LVA and LVE), both collected in E. grandis stands fertilized with sewage sludge (14 years ago). In general, the eucalyptus stands fertilization with sewage sludge increased the phosphorus, calcium and zinc content in the soil. In thinning stands, the leaf nutrient concentrations were greater in trees grown under long term effect of sewage sludge; however, this effect was not sufficient to alter the growth of the trunk (in circumference). In coppice stands, the fertilization with 10 t ha-1 of dry sewage sludge had positive long term effect on the biomass production. In areas undergoing stand reform, the biomass accumulated by trees grown on long term effect of the sewage sludge was greater (150%) than the control. Furthermore, this effect of the sludge also brought positive impacts on nutrient cycling, due to an increasing in the leaf fall production. Under the long term effect of sewage sludge, the food plants accumulated 2 to 5 times more biomass than respective control treatments, especially if they are grown on the LVA. These plants also showed greater cadmium concentrations in the leaves, as well as greater chromium and nickel concentration in the roots. However, the concentrations of heavy metals didn\'t exceed the limits recommended by the Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA, by its acronym in Portuguese) in any of the crops.
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Effet des pratiques sylvicoles sur les propriétés chimiques et microbiologiques des sols forestiers : approche multiscalaire en contexte méditerranéen / Effect of sylvicultural practices on chemical and microbiological properties of forest soils : a multiscalar approach in the mediterranean contextBrunel, Caroline 21 April 2016 (has links)
Les sols forestiers contiennent des stocks de C importants et la gestion de tels espaces naturels est donc cruciale dans le contexte du changement climatique. Ce travail s’attache à comprendre quels leviers (facteurs environnementaux, pratiques sylvicoles) contrôlent le fonctionnement microbien des sols de peuplements représentatifs de Provence calcaire en considérant différentes échelles spatiales. La hiérarchisation des facteurs modulant le fonctionnement des sols forestiers a mis en évidence une structuration des communautés fonctionnelles microbiennes à l’échelle régionale par les conditions bioclimatiques (bioclimats sub-humide vs. humide), et une modulation des activités enzymatiques à l’échelle locale par la MO définie par le peuplement (Quercus ilex et Pinus halepensis vs. Q. pubescens et P. sylvestris en composition pure ou mixte). Les effets de la mixité forestière (décrite via les surfaces terrières et les densités des troncs) sur le fonctionnement du sol a été évaluée dans les deux contextes bioclimatiques: la complémentarité des essences en peuplements mixtes sous bioclimat humide favorise le recyclage de la MO et induit une diminution des stocks de C et N, cet effet non-additif des essences n’est pas observé sous bioclimat sub-humide. L’addition de différents types de rémanents (feuilles/aiguilles vs. bois) a été testée en mésocosmes : les équilibres entre les populations fongiques et bactériennes sont conditionnés par le ratio C/N, lui-même dépendant du type de rémanents apporté. Ainsi, ces résultats indiquent que les pratiques sylvicoles pourraient orienter les dynamiques des flux de C dans les sols forestiers. / Since forest soils can store large carbon amounts, the management of such ecosystem is of major importance considering the forecasted climate change. This work aims at understanding which drivers (environmental factors and sylvicultural practices) control soil microbial functioning in forest stands of Provence (South of France) considering different spatial scales. The hierarchization of drivers showed that microbial functional diversity is driven at the regional scale by bioclimatic conditions (sub-humid vs. humid bioclimate) and enzyme activities at the local scale by the organic matter print defined by stand composition (Quercus ilex and Pinus halepensis vs. Q. pubescens and P. sylvestris in pure or mixed stand). Mixed forest composition and structure (described through basal area and density of trunks of pines and oaks) influenced soil functioning differently depending on the bioclimate: the complementarity of species in mixed stands in humid bioclimate favoured organic matter recycling and induced a decrease in C and N stocks, while an additive effect of tree species was found in sub-humid bioclimate. Amendments with different types of logging residues (leaves / needles vs. wood) were tested in mesocosms: the balance between fungal and bacterial populations was conditioned by the C to N ratio, C and N amounts varying with the type of residue. Thus, these results indicate that forest management - through the choice of adapted practices - has the potential to drive microbial functioning in forest soils.
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Regulation of the informal trading sector in the City of TshwaneMokgatetswa, Brian Ngwako. January 2014 (has links)
M. Tech. Entrepreneurship / This study aims to gain an understanding of how the City of Tshwane assist and manage informal trading in the city and to understand perceptions of the City of Tshwane about the effectiveness of the municipal bi-laws to find out if the bi-laws are achieving their intended goals. It also looks at the requirements of the informal traders within the City Tshwane.
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Versuchsflächenanalyse, Modellparametrisierung und waldbauliche Konsequenzen für die Behandlung von Buchen-Lärchen-Mischbeständen im Südniedersächsischen Bergland / Growth dynamics of mixed stands of Beech and European Larch (Larix decidua, Mill.).Guericke, Martin 16 March 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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This doctoral dissertation has been accomplished during the period of 1995-2006 in the Department of Forestry at the Lithuanian University of Agriculture. In Lithuanian forests only one species of genus - small-leaved lime (Tilia cordata Mill.) – is natural. Study aim was to determine the distribution of lime stands in Lithuania, estimate their productivity and phenotypic variation. For the first time distribution of lime stands in different natural forest regions of Lithuania has been analysed. For the first time studies of the phenotypical diversity were conducted, phenotypical diversity in natural stands has been analysed. Phenological forms of small-leaved lime were singled out, their development differences were justified. Yield models for all lime stand sites and site productivity scale for lime stands were designed.For the first time data on the diversity of phenotypical traits and on the influence of environmental factors on phenotypical indices of lime trees were analysed in Lithuanian stands of natural origin. The data may be applied to estimate the possibilities of lime growth in different conditions, forecasting stand productivity. The data on phenotypic diversity may be important to preserve genetic diversity of naturally growing lime stands. For the first time the distribution of lime stands, their species composition in natural forest regions of Lithuania and in different sites were analysed. Yield models of modal stands and site productivity scales for lime... [to full text]
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Ugdymo kirtimų projektavimas ir vertinimas / Planning and estimation of forest thinningBanys, Tomas 09 June 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore haw thinning planning standards agree with standards of estimation. Study was carried out in Kretinga forest enterprise Grūšlaukė forestry. Study of ratio of stands medial diameter and medial high was carried out in 11 – 60 years old pure spruce. The main purpose of thinning is to increase total productivity of forest stands and to form desirable structure and closeness of stands. It is important that all kinds of forest thinning concern biodiversity, increase resistance to wind and snow damage of forest stands, improve the quality of growing timber. Forests thinning use that timber part which rots in forests and gives no profit. To reach all these purpose forests thinning must be planned. Planning standard must be definite as it possible. It is important that these standards be suit with forests thinning normative. It was estimated that both standards has different rates and they are not matched. Thinning is planning by thickness of stands, but they are estimating by the number of trees in one hectare of stands. It was estimated that the ratio of forest stands medial diameter and medial high can be used in thinning planning. In pure spruce stands thinning must planned until ratio of medial diameter and medial high reach value: 0,8 in 11 – 20 years old stands; 0,9 in 21 – 40 years old stands; 1,0 in 41 – 60 years old stands.
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