Spelling suggestions: "subject:"state 2analysis"" "subject:"state 3analysis""
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Avaliação do desempenho dos dispositivos de controle e modelagem de carga a partir de regiões de segurança estáticaAlmeida, Felipe de Castro Brum 29 March 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-07-21T13:36:30Z
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felipedecastrobrumalmeida.pdf: 1845415 bytes, checksum: 51a0b14098a88f1127e6d6291d69e2f7 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011-03-29 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Este trabalho tem por objetivo principal a avaliação do desempenho de dispositivos de controle e da modelagem da carga a partir de Regiões de Segurança Estática. Trata-se de uma importante ferramenta para avaliação da segurança de sistemas elétricos de potência, utilizadas tanto em ambiente off-line de planejamento da expansão e operação, quanto em tempo real nos centros de controle e operação (sistemas on-line VSA). Estas regiões são obtidas através de sucessivas soluções de casos de fluxo de potência e seu objetivo principal é verificar as condições de atendimento a carga (mercado) a partir de diversas condições de despacho da geração. Inicialmente, portanto, é apresentado de forma detalhada o processo de construção das Regiões de Segurança Estática, bem como os principais aspectos construtivos e considerações relevantes que podem influenciar de forma significativa a análise do desempenho do sistema.
Com este objetivo, foi desenvolvido um programa para construção automática das Regiões de Segurança Estática na plataforma MatLab®. Um ambiente de processamento paralelo, intrínseco ao próprio MatLab®, foi utilizado com o intuito de aprimorar o desempenho computacional, o que permite a avaliação tanto de sistemas de pequeno porte, de valor tutorial, quanto de sistemas de médio/grande porte.
Numa segunda etapa, este trabalho objetiva avaliar o desempenho de importantes dispositivos de controle e modelagem de carga a partir da construção automática das Regiões de Segurança. Os dispositivos de controle avaliados são: (i) Controle Remoto de Tensão; (ii) Controle de Tensão por Bancos Shunt Chaveados Automaticamente; (iii) Controle Automático de Tensão por Transformadores tipo LTC (Load Tap Changer); (iv) Controle Secundário de Tensão. A influência da modelagem da carga na avaliação da segurança do sistema é investigada a partir dos modelos ZIP e motor de indução. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que a representação de dispositivos de controle e da modelagem da carga podem influenciar significativamente as Regiões de Segurança Estática de sistemas elétricos de potência. / The main objective of this work is to evaluate the performance of control devices and load modelling through Static Security Regions. This is an important tool for security assessment of electric power systems, which can be used for both the operating environment (on-line systems VSA) and planning studies. These regions are obtained through successive power flow solutions and its main objective is to verify the steady-state security conditions from different configurations of generation dispatch for a given constant demand. Initially, the construction process of the Static Security Regions, as well as the key aspects of the construction and relevant considerations that may significantly impact the analysis of the system performance, is presented in detail.
In this sense, a program for automatic construction of the Static Security Regions have been developed using the MatLab® platform. An intrinsic parallel processing environment was used to improve the computational performance, which allowed the evaluation of a small tutorial system and medium/large scale systems.
As a second step, this work proposes the evaluation of the impact of important control devices and load modelling on the Static Security Regions construction. The control devices investigated are: (i) Remote Voltage Control; (ii) Shunt Devices with Automatic and Discrete Switching; (iii) Voltage Control by Automatic Load Tap Changing (LTC) Transformers; (iv) Secondary Voltage Control. The impact of load modelling is investigated through ZIP and induction motors models. The results obtained indicated that the representation of control devices and load modelling may significantly impact the Static Security Regions of the electrical power systems.
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Analýza radiálních kluzných ložisek s využitím pokročilých výpočtových metod / Radial Slide Bearing Analysis Using Advanced Computational MethodsOrbán, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
This master’s thesis introduces a slide bearing analysis using the MBS software tool of FEV Virtual Engine, including real surface topography based on 3D roughness measurements. The first half of the thesis gives a brief overview about gasoline combustion engines, slide bearing usage in engines, slide bearing construction and about essential approaches for the characterization of elasto-hydrodynamic behavior. In the second half, the process of model building, rough surface measurement and preparation of analyses are described. At the end of this thesis, the results of the analyses are shown and discussed.
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Etude d’un convertisseur DC-DC pour les réseaux haute tension à courant continu (HVDC) : modélisation et contrôle du convertisseur DC-DC modulaire multiniveaux (M2DC) / A DC-DC power converter study for High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) grid : Model and control of the DC-DC Modular Multilevel Converter (M2DC)Li, Yafang 11 July 2019 (has links)
Les travaux présentés dans ce mémoire portent sur les convertisseurs continu-continu (DC/DC) pour les réseaux de transport à Courant Continu (HVDC) dans un contexte de réseau maillé de type Multi Terminaux DC (MTDC). Dans ce genre de réseau, les convertisseurs DC/DC sont nécessaires pour interconnecter ces réseaux. L’objectif de ce travail est donc d’étudier un convertisseur DC/DC pour des applications à haute tension et forte puissance. De nombreux convertisseurs DC/DC classiques existent, mais ne sont pas adaptés à ces niveaux de tension et puissance. Le volume et coût sont les points clés de l’étude pour l’industrialisation des structures dédiées aux réseaux HVDC. Parmi les structures identifiées, le convertisseur DC-DC Modulaire Multiniveaux (M2DC), récent et compact, a été finalement choisi. Le travail proposé développe l’étude du M2DC en régime établi et une modélisation en modèle moyen de ce convertisseur. Ensuite, des lois de contrôle sont proposées pour valider les analyses précédentes sur la base du principe de l’inversion du modèle. Le travail vise enfin à valider les analyses et le contrôle à l’aide de la maquette du Convertisseur Modulaire Multiniveaux (MMC) du L2EP. Pour cela, un dimensionnement du M2DC basé sur le MMC existant est proposé. Enfin, des simulations HIL (Hardware-In-the-Loop) valident les analyses et montrent la faisabilité du prototypage du M2DC / This work is based on Multi Terminal Direct Current (MTDC) grids. In the MTDC grid, DC/DC converter stations are needed to connect different HVDC grids. A lot of DC/DC converters have been studied and developed, but are not suitable for high voltage and great power constraints. Therefore, the objective of this work is the study of a DC/DC converter for high voltage and great power applications. For the potentially HVDC applications, the volume and costs are major criteria. According to this, a high voltage and great power potential DC/DC converter is selected, which is the DC-DC Modular Multilevel Converter (M2DC). Focusing on the M2DC, the work proposes analyses in steady state and builds an average model for the converter. Based on the average model, the basic control algorithm for the converter is developed to validate the previous analysis. Since the thesis aims to use the existing L2EP Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC) to test the M2DC model and control, a design of the M2DC based on MMC is proposed. Finally, the M2DC HIL (Hardware In-the-Loop) simulations results are presented confirming previous analyses and allowing to go on to prototyping the M2DC on the base of the existing MMC
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Entwicklung und Optimierung von Referenzmaterialien, Mess- und Auswertemethoden für die ortsaufgelöste Analyse von biologischen ProbenRogoll, Anika 10 July 2023 (has links)
Die Herstellung von homogenen Referenzmaterialien ist für die ortsaufgelöste Festkörperanalytik von besonderer Bedeutung. Eine neue Methode zur Herstellung von Referenzmaterialien auf Polymerbasis unter Verwendung von Metallacetylacetonaten wurde entwickelt. Die Elemente Al, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Fe, La, Mg, Pb, Sr und Zn wurden im Spurenbereich eingebracht. Mit µRFA, LA-ICP-MS und LIBS konnte die homogene Elementverteilung in den auf diese Weise hergestellten Polymerschichten und deren Anwendbarkeit zur Kalibrierung von quantitativen Analysen gezeigt werden. Aufgrund der guten Stapelbarkeit der Polymerschichten, konnten diese auch für tiefenaufgelöste Messungen mittels CµRFA erfolgreich eingesetzt werden. Anhand der hergestellten Materialien wurden die Einflüsse verschiedener Messbedingungen bei LA-ICP-MS-Analysen auf das Untersuchungsergebnis evaluiert. Für die Auswertung und Visualisierung der Elementverteilungen sowie deren Kombination mit molekülspektrometrischen Daten wurden, passende Pythonskripte entwickelt.:1 Abkürzungsverzeichnis
2 Einleitung
3 Stand der Forschung
3.1.1 Allgemeiner Aufbau
3.1.2 Einflüsse auf das Messergebnis
3.2 Röntgenfluoreszenzanalyse
3.2.1 Allgemeines Prinzip
3.2.2 Besonderheiten der Mikro- und konfokalen Röntgenfluoreszenzanalyse
3.3 Referenzmaterialien
3.3.1 Allgemeiner Zweck
3.3.2 Kalibrierstrategien
3.3.3 Etablierte Materialien für matrixangepasste Standards
3.3.4 Referenzmaterialien auf Basis polymerer Kunststoffe
3.3.5 Zusammenfassung
4 Herstellung von Referenzmaterialien auf Basis strahlenhärtender Lacke
4.1 Hinführung zum Thema
4.2 Herstellung der Acetylacetonat-Komplexe
4.3 Einbringen der Komplexe in die Lackschichten und Bestimmung der Homogenität4.3.1 Präparation der Lackschichten
4.3.2 Probensysteme
4.3.3 Homogenitätsbestimmung
4.3.4 Analyse mit NMR
4.4 Kalibrierreihe
4.4.1 μRFA
4.4.2. LA-ICP-MS
4.4.3 Handheld LIBS
4.4.4 Tiefenprofile
4.5 Multischichtsysteme
4.5.1 Tiefenprofilmessungen gestapelter Lackschichten
4.5.2 Anwendbarkeit für die Tiefenkalibrierung
4.5.3 Temperatureinflüsse auf gestapelte Proben
4.6 Zusammenfassung
5 Einfluss verschiedener Messparameter auf das Ergebnis der LA-ICP-MS-Analysen
5.1 Hinführung zum Thema
5.2 Einfluss auf die Gesamtintensität
5.2.1 Gasflussgeschwindigkeiten
5.2.2 Beurteilung der Schussrate
5.3 Einfluss auf das Austragsverhalten
5.3.1 Skript zur Auswertung der Peakform
5.3.2 Auswertung der Peakform
5.4 Ablagerung von Material auf der Probenoberfläche
5.4.1 Analyse der geklebten Proben
5.4.2 Analyse der gestapelten Proben
5.5 Zusammenfassung
6 Etablierung einer Auswerteroutine
6.1 LA-ICP-MS-Mapping
6.1.1 Einlesen der Daten
6.1.2 Offset-Korrektur
6.1.3 Auswerten von Linienmessungen
6.1.4 Auswertung und Darstellung von Mappings
6.1.5 Clusteranalyse
6.2 Datenkombination verschiedener Analysemethoden
6.2.1 Daten der ultrahochauflösenden Molekülmassenspektrometrie
6.2.2 Probenpräparation
6.2.3 Zusammenfügen der Einzeldaten
6.3 CμRFA-Datenverarbeitung
6.3.1 Einlesen der Daten
6.3.2 Subtraktion und Addition
6.3.3 Darstellung der dreidimensionalen Elementverteilung mit MayaVi
6.3.4 Anpassung des dargestellten Volumens
6.3.5 Datenkorrektur mittels Gaußfit
6.4 Zusammenfassung
7 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick
8 Anhang
8.1 Literatur
8.2 zusätzliche Graphiken und Tabellen
8.3 Pythonskripte
8.4 Geräte und Chemikalien
8.4.1 Chemikalienliste
8.4.2 Geräte und Parameter
8.5 Publikationsliste
8.5.1 Artikel in Fachzeitschriften
8.5.2 Patenteinreichung
8.5.3 Konferenzbeiträge
8.6 Lebenslauf
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Data preparation, hydrodynamic and contaminant transport shallow-water simulations of Lake VictoriaPaul, Seema January 2019 (has links)
This study explores shallow lake numerical hydrodynamic processes that support model development and validation, extreme events and effects of water circulation in Lake Victoria. Lake Victoria is the second largest freshwater lake in the world, and the largest in East Africa. It is the major freshwater reservoir and source for domestic, agriculture, industrial, fishery, and transport. The resources support livelihoods and ecosystem services for over 40 million people. The lake is severely affected by water quality degradation by pollution. This thesis aims at improving the understanding by following recommendation of the Lake Victoria Environment Management Project, Lake Victoria Basin Commission climate change adaptation strategy and action plan 2018-2023, Lake Victoria Basin Commission operational plan 2015-2020, and Lake Victoria Basin Commission report. These reports suggested detailed lake bathymetry survey, modelling of lake flow, study of lake hydrometeorological processes by modelling and simulation, to identify extreme weather events, assess water circulation effect, and study lake pollution near the shore. A numerical hydrodynamic model was built in the COMSOL Multiphysics (CM) software for assessing lake flows and water turn-over from river inflows which carry pollution. The work included the development of systematic methods for lake bathymetry that are relevant for lake numerical and hydrodynamic modelling. The hydrometeorological driven simulation model was employed to assess lake water balance, water circulation and soluble transport. Paper 1 creates a bathymetry from several methods and from several data sources, and a vertically integrated free surface flow model was implemented in CM. The model was used to investigate outflow conditions, mean velocities driven by river inflow, outflow, precipitation and evaporation. It is shown to be exactly conservative and give water level variation in reasonable agreement with measurements. The results indicate that the shallow water model is close to linear. An outflow model, linear in water level, predicts water level reasonable agreement with measurements. The findings suggest that the model should consider wind stress driven flow to provide more accurate lake flow behavior. Paper 2 performed an assessment of the hydro-meteorological processes and extreme weather events that are responsible for changing the characteristics of lake water balance, and changing streamflow variations, and lake transportation. We compare historical data over a long time with data from the model including water balance, sources of data uncertainty, correlations, extreme rain and inflow years, and seasonal variations. Solute loading and transportation was illustrated by tracing the water from the river inflows. The results indicate that the lake rainfall has a strong seasonal variation with strong correlations between tributary inflows and precipitation, and between lake outflow and water level. The tracer transport by mean flow is very slow. Flow increases somewhat in wet periods and is faster in the shallow Kenya lake zone than in the deeper Uganda and Tanzanian lake zones, where the major inflow, from the Kagera River, appears to strongly influence transportation. / Denna studie undersöker med numerisk metodik hydrodynamiska processer i den mycket grundaVictoriasjön och hur de påverkas av extrem väderlek, inflöden, och nederbörd. Victoriasjön är denandra största sötvattensjön i världen, och den största i Afrika. Den är färskvattenförråd och källa förhushåll, jordbruk, industri, fiske och transporter. Resurserna ger livsuppehåll och ekosystemtjänsterför mer än 40 miljoner människor. Sjön är utsatt för allvarliga föroreningar som försämrarvattenkvaliteten. Detta arbete avser att förbättra förståelsen genom att följa rekommendationer somgivits ut av Lake Victoria Environment Management Project (LVEMP), och Lake Victoria BasinCommissions (LVBC) rapporter om strategi för anpassning till klimatförändringar, åtgärdsplan2018-2023 och översiktsplan 2015-2020. Rapporterna föreslår detaljerad genomgång avdjupkartor, modellering av strömning i sjön i syfte att identifiera extrema väderhändelser,undersöka vattencirkulationen, och studera föroreningarna nära stränder. En hydrodynamisknumerisk modell har byggts i simuleringspaketet COMSOL Multiphysics (CM) för uppskattning avströmning och vattenutbyte från förorenade inflöden. Arbetet innefattade utveckling av metoder förvattendjups-modeller för hydrodynamiska studier. Simuleringsmodellen drivs avhydrometeorologiska data och används för vattenmängds-balans, cirkulation ochföroreningstransport.Artikel 1 skapar vattendjupskartan från flera data-mängder med olika metoder. En vertikaltintegrerad modell med fri yta implementerades i CM. Modellen ger vertikalt medelvärdesbildadehastigheter drivna av flodinflöden, utflöde, nederbörd och avdunstning. Modellen representerarvattenbalansen exakt och ger variationer i vattennivå i rimlig överensstämmelse med mätningar.Resultaten antyder att modellen är nära linjär och tids-invariant. En utflödesmodell ansatt somlinjär i vatten-nivån kan anpassas noggrant till historiska data. Bättre realism kan uppnås omvindens pådrivande verkan inkluderas.Artikel 2 går igenom de hydro-meteorologiska processer och extrema väder-händelser som ändrarvattenbalans, strömningsmönster och transport. Vi har jämfört data över femtio år med modellens,inkluderande vattennivå, källor för osäkerhet i data, korrelationer, år med extrema regn ochinflöden, och årstidsvariationer. Resultaten tyder på att nederbörden varierar kraftigt medårstiderna, och signifikanta korrelationer ses mellan nederbörd och inflöden, och mellan utflöde ochvattennivå.Transport av lösliga föroreningar illustrerades genom spårning av vatten från de olika inflödena.Spårämnestransport med vertikalt medelvärdesbildade hastigheter är mycket långsam.Strömningen ökar något i våta årstider och är snabbare i den grunda zonen i Kenya än i de djuparedelarna i Uganda och Tanzania. Det största inflödet som kommer från Kagera tycks ha stor inverkanpå transporten. / <p>QC 20191106</p>
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Analyse visuelle et cérébrale de l’état cognitif d’un apprenantBen Khedher, Asma 02 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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