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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nêutrons, radiação e arqueologia: estudo de caso multianalítico de cerâmicas da tradição borda incisa na Amazônia Central / Neutrons, radiation and archaeology: a multianalytical case study of Incised Rim Tradition ceramics in Central Amazon

Hazenfratz-Marks, Roberto 09 May 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho é um estudo arqueométrico interdisciplinar envolvendo material cerâmico arqueológico da Amazônia Central, proveniente de dois sítios de grandes dimensões, Lago Grande e Osvaldo, na região de confluência dos rios Negro e Solimões. Procurou-se testar a hipótese de uma rede de trocas entre os antigos habitantes desses sítios, focando em trocas materiais e/ou tecnológicas. Essa hipótese tem implicações para teorias de ocupação da Amazônia Central pré-colonial que procuram relativizar o papel das dificuldades ambientais da floresta tropical como fator limitante para a emergência da complexidade social na região. A caracterização físico-química de fragmentos cerâmicos e argilas próximas aos sítios foi realizada por meio de: análise por ativação com nêutrons instrumental (INAA) para determinação da composição química elementar; espectroscopia de ressonância paramagnética eletrônica (EPR) para determinação da temperatura de queima; difração de raios X (XRD) para determinação da composição mineralógica; e datação de cerâmicas por luminescência opticamente estimulada (OSL). Estudos mostraram que a área dos sítios foi ocupada por culturas produtoras das fases cerâmicas Manacapuru e Paredão, da Tradição Borda Incisa, em torno dos séculos V-X d.C. e VII-XII d.C., respectivamente. Os resultados de INAA foram analisados por métodos estatísticos multivariados, que possibilitaram definir dois grupos químicos de cerâmicas para cada sítio, para os quais não se observaram variações significativas na temperatura de queima e composição mineralógica. A partir do cruzamento com dados arqueológicos, a superposição entre pares de grupos foi interpretada como correlata da existência de uma rede de trocas pretérita, embora não tenha sido possível definir se ela teria ocorrido apenas entre Lago Grande e Osvaldo. Pelo contrário, sugeriu-se, pela comparação de dois grupos químicos de cerâmicas, que Lago Grande participava de uma rede mais extensa de trocas. / This thesis is an interdisciplinary archaeometric study involving archaeological ceramic material from two large archaeological sites in Central Amazon, namely Lago Grande and Osvaldo, on the confluence region of Negro and Solimões rivers. It was tested a hypothesis about the existence of an exchange network between the former inhabitants of those sites, focusing on material and/or technological exchange. That hypothesis has implications for archaeological theories of human occupation of the pre-colonial Central Amazon, which try to relativise the role of ecological difficulties of the tropical forest as a limiting factor for the emergence of social complexity in the region. The physical-chemical characterization of potsherds and clay samples near the sites was carried out by: instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) to determine the elemental chemical composition; electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) to determine the firing temperature; X-ray diffraction (XRD) to determine the mineralogical composition; and dating by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL). Previous studies showed that Osvaldo and Lago Grande were occupied by people which produced pottery classified in the Manacapuru and Paredão phases, subclasses of the Incised Rim Tradition, around the 5-10th and 7-12th centuries BC, respectively. INAA results were analyzed by multivariate statistical methods, whereby two chemical groups of pottery were defined for each archaeological site. Significant variation in firing temperatures and mineralogical composition were not identified for such groups. By integration of the results with archaeological data, the superposition between pairs of chemical groups was interpreted as a correlate of an ancient exchange network, although it was not possible to define if it existed exclusively between Lago Grande and Osvaldo. On the contrary, it was suggested that Lago Grande participated in a more extensive exchange network by comparison of two chemical groups.

Finanční analýza evropských společností v elektroenergetickém průmyslu / Financial analysis of European companies in electroenergetic industry

Sura, David January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on providing complete characteristics of European electroenergetic industry by sample of 28 most important companies from 28 countries. Analyzing these companies, their financial results and relations to surroundings during terms from 2001 to 2010 is made by means of financial analysis, then output analysis and statistical analysis to prove relations between companies' financial results and macroeconomic and microeconomic factors. As a result of partial analyses there are several findings, of which the most interesting ones are following. Financial results were getting better during observating period, indebtedness was decreased in spite of low level of indebtedness at the beginning, however companies didn't show high profitability of their capital. Companies from southeastern part of Europe had worse results than the others. By statistical analysis there wasn't observed significant influence of prices of input commodities necessary for electricity production. On the other side the positive connection between domestic product with price index and development of these companies was found significant. During this period the decrease of portion of these companies in electricity production in domestic economies was found with average partial privatization.

Nêutrons, radiação e arqueologia: estudo de caso multianalítico de cerâmicas da tradição borda incisa na Amazônia Central / Neutrons, radiation and archaeology: a multianalytical case study of Incised Rim Tradition ceramics in Central Amazon

Roberto Hazenfratz-Marks 09 May 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho é um estudo arqueométrico interdisciplinar envolvendo material cerâmico arqueológico da Amazônia Central, proveniente de dois sítios de grandes dimensões, Lago Grande e Osvaldo, na região de confluência dos rios Negro e Solimões. Procurou-se testar a hipótese de uma rede de trocas entre os antigos habitantes desses sítios, focando em trocas materiais e/ou tecnológicas. Essa hipótese tem implicações para teorias de ocupação da Amazônia Central pré-colonial que procuram relativizar o papel das dificuldades ambientais da floresta tropical como fator limitante para a emergência da complexidade social na região. A caracterização físico-química de fragmentos cerâmicos e argilas próximas aos sítios foi realizada por meio de: análise por ativação com nêutrons instrumental (INAA) para determinação da composição química elementar; espectroscopia de ressonância paramagnética eletrônica (EPR) para determinação da temperatura de queima; difração de raios X (XRD) para determinação da composição mineralógica; e datação de cerâmicas por luminescência opticamente estimulada (OSL). Estudos mostraram que a área dos sítios foi ocupada por culturas produtoras das fases cerâmicas Manacapuru e Paredão, da Tradição Borda Incisa, em torno dos séculos V-X d.C. e VII-XII d.C., respectivamente. Os resultados de INAA foram analisados por métodos estatísticos multivariados, que possibilitaram definir dois grupos químicos de cerâmicas para cada sítio, para os quais não se observaram variações significativas na temperatura de queima e composição mineralógica. A partir do cruzamento com dados arqueológicos, a superposição entre pares de grupos foi interpretada como correlata da existência de uma rede de trocas pretérita, embora não tenha sido possível definir se ela teria ocorrido apenas entre Lago Grande e Osvaldo. Pelo contrário, sugeriu-se, pela comparação de dois grupos químicos de cerâmicas, que Lago Grande participava de uma rede mais extensa de trocas. / This thesis is an interdisciplinary archaeometric study involving archaeological ceramic material from two large archaeological sites in Central Amazon, namely Lago Grande and Osvaldo, on the confluence region of Negro and Solimões rivers. It was tested a hypothesis about the existence of an exchange network between the former inhabitants of those sites, focusing on material and/or technological exchange. That hypothesis has implications for archaeological theories of human occupation of the pre-colonial Central Amazon, which try to relativise the role of ecological difficulties of the tropical forest as a limiting factor for the emergence of social complexity in the region. The physical-chemical characterization of potsherds and clay samples near the sites was carried out by: instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) to determine the elemental chemical composition; electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) to determine the firing temperature; X-ray diffraction (XRD) to determine the mineralogical composition; and dating by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL). Previous studies showed that Osvaldo and Lago Grande were occupied by people which produced pottery classified in the Manacapuru and Paredão phases, subclasses of the Incised Rim Tradition, around the 5-10th and 7-12th centuries BC, respectively. INAA results were analyzed by multivariate statistical methods, whereby two chemical groups of pottery were defined for each archaeological site. Significant variation in firing temperatures and mineralogical composition were not identified for such groups. By integration of the results with archaeological data, the superposition between pairs of chemical groups was interpreted as a correlate of an ancient exchange network, although it was not possible to define if it existed exclusively between Lago Grande and Osvaldo. On the contrary, it was suggested that Lago Grande participated in a more extensive exchange network by comparison of two chemical groups.


Dickerson, Cynthia Rose 01 January 2018 (has links)
QBEST, a novel statistical method, can be applied to the problem of estimating the No Observed Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL or QNOAEL) of a New Molecular Entity (NME) in order to anticipate a safe starting dose for beginning clinical trials. The NOAEL from QBEST (called the QNOAEL) can be calculated using multiple disparate studies in the literature and/or from the lab. The QNOAEL is similar in some ways to the Benchmark Dose Method (BMD) used widely in toxicological research, but is superior to the BMD in some ways. The QNOAEL simulation generates an intuitive curve that is comparable to the dose-response curve. The NOAEL of ellagic acid (EA) is calculated for clinical trials as a component therapeutic agent (in BSN476) for treating Chikungunya infections. Results are used in a simulation based on nonparametric cluster analysis methods to calculate confidence levels on the difference between the Effect and the No Effect studies. In order to evaluate the statistical power of the algorithm, simulated data clusters with known parameters are fed into the algorithm in a separate study, testing the algorithm’s accuracy and precision “Around the Compass Rose” at known coordinates along the circumference of a multidimensional data cluster. The specific aims of the proposed study are to evaluate the accuracy and precision of the QBEST Simulation and QNOAEL compared to the Benchmark Dose Method, and to calculate the QNOAEL of EA for BSN476 Drug Development.

Lay internet usage

Christ, Mario 20 December 2002 (has links)
Trotz substantieller ökonomischer und sozialer Implikationen des World Wide Webs existiert noch immer eine überraschend große Forschungslücke in Bezug auf empirische Untersuchungen der Webnutzung. Insbesondere bezüglich der individuellen Webnutzung weiß man heute noch wenig über Schlüsselthemen dieses Forschungsfeldes, wie zum Beispiel die Anzahl der Webseitenbesuche von Individuen, der Loyalität von Nutzern, und den demographischen Charakteristika, die bestimmend für die Internetnutzung sind. Deshalb sieht sich diese Dissertation als Schritt zur Überbrückung dieser Forschungslücke. Sie präsentiert die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse verschiedener, voneinander abhängiger, empirischer Studien der individuellen Webnutzung Pittsburgher Bürger. Diese Dissertation erweitert die Forschung im Bereich individuellen Webnutzungsverhaltens durch: - die Analyse des Einflusses der steigenden Anzahl von Webangeboten auf die individuelle Webnutzung, - die anwendung sessionbasierter Maße auf individuelle Webnutzungsdaten, um Einsichten in den Verlauf der Webnutzung bei gleichzeitigem Anstieg der individuellen Weberfahrung zu erhalten, - die Analyse der Loyalitaet im Web von einzelnen Nutzergruppen, um die Frage zu beantworten, ob Nutzergruppen zu favorisierten Seiten im Web konvergieren, - spezifisches Herangehen an das Thema der Portalnutzung im Web und das Beantworten der Frage, ob sich Portalnutzer von durchschnittlichen Internetnutzern unterscheiden. Aus betriebswirtschaftlicher und volkswirtschaftlicher Sicht interessante Webnutzungsmaße werden entwickelt und diskutiert. Die Anwendung dieser Maße führt zu Erkenntnissen bezüglich signifikanter Trends. So wird beispielsweise deutlich, dass keinesfalls eine Gleichverteilung der Nutzung über Nutzer und Zeit besteht. Nutzer können in vier Gruppen mit verschiedenen Entwicklungskurven eingeteilt werden. Alle Nutzergruppen nähern sich über die Zeit Sättigungsgrenzen der Webnutzung an. Außerdem verbringen die meisten Nutzer nur wenig Zeit im Internet. Auch wird deutlich dass Loyalität im Web äußerst gering ist und Webnutzer trotz steigender Erfahrung im Umgang mit dem Internet nicht sonderlich gezieltes Surfverhalten entwickeln. Zusätzlich führt die Anwendung von Regressionsmodellen zu Erkenntnissen über die individuellen Charakteristika, welche die Webnutzung beeinflussen. Solch Charakteristika sind zum Beispiel ethnische Herkunft, Geschlecht, Haushaltseinkommen, Telefon- und Emailnutzung und Computerkenntnisse. Daher liefert die vorliegende Arbeit Erkenntnisse, welche sowohl aus betriebswirtschaftlicher Sicht als auch aus volkswirtschaftlicher Sicht Relevanz haben. Insbesondere können Marketingabteilungen, vor allem in der Informations- und Kommunikationsindustrie, von den vorliegen Resultaten profitieren. Themen wie Webloyalität und Webnutzung, die in der vorliegenden Arbeit angesprochen werden, sind insbesondere relevant für Geschäftsmodelle aus dem B2C Bereich. Adressaten sind dementsprechend zum Beispiel Internetfirmen, welche von Werbeeinkünften aus Bannerwerbung abhängig sind und Firmen, welche einen hohen Grad an Loyalität unter Ihren Webnutzern suchen. Außerdem bilden die Erkenntnisse die Grundlage für staatliche Initiativen, die der Sicherstellung des Zugangs zum Internet alle Gruppen der Bevölkerung dienen. Die vorliegende Arbeit reichert die empirische Grundlage, welche zum Verständnis individueller Webnutzung nötig ist, an. Die Erkenntnisse sind insbesondere für am neuen Informationszeitalter teilhabenden Individuen und Institutionen, auch staatlicher Art, interessant. / Despite the substantial social and economic implications of the World Wide Web, there is still a surprising lack of empirical research on Web usage. Specifically, at the level of the individual user, little is known about key issues of Internet usage, such as the trajectory of change over time in the number of visits to Web sites, the degree of individual loyalty to Web sites, and the demographics that determine Web usage. In order to overcome this lack of research, we report in this dissertation the results of several interrelated studies of individual Web usage patterns of average citizens from the Pittsburgh area. This dissertation advances the research on individual Web usage by: - analyzing the impact of increasing Web site visiting opportunities on Web utilization rates of individual users, - employing session-based measures to data on individual Web usage in order to identify how Web users change the way they use the Web as their level of expertise increases, - analyzing whether different user groups also differ in loyalty to Web sites and whether users converge over time to a set of favorite Web sites, - specifically dealing with the issue of Web portal utilization to answer the question whether Web portal users are different from average Web users. We develop measures of Web usage that are particularly relevant from a business and public policy perspective. By applying these measures to longitudinal data on Web usage, we identify significant trends in individual Internet usage. For example, we reveal that individual Web usage is not distributed equally across subgroups of users. Web users can be clustered into four groups with distinct trajectories of Web usage. All groups reach saturation in their extent of Web usage after following a downward path. Further, most Web users spent only limited time in the Web and only a small group of users uses the Web heavily. Also, users show consistently little loyalty to Web sites. Surprisingly, as Web users gain experience in using the Web, there does not seem to be a significant shift from undirected browsing to directed access of Web sites over time. We apply regression models in order to predict the determinants of Web utilization. Individual characteristics, such as ethnic background, gender, household income, phone usage, e-mail usage, and computer skill level, determine Web usage. Thus, the results have implications for both electronic commerce and public policy as it pertains to the digital divide. They are particularly useful for marketing departments, especially in the information and communication industry. Discussions of Web user loyalty and Web visiting opportunities as conducted in this dissertation are relevant to business models in use in business-to-consumer electronic commerce, especially for Internet companies that rely on advertising income generated from serving banner advertisements and companies that need to maintain a high degree of customer loyalty. The results also provide the factual foundation for key policy initiatives to promote access to the Internet for all groups of people. Policy makers need data on Internet usage in order to measure the size of a possible digital divide and ensure that everybody belonging to the present and the next generation - and not a subgroup of people only - has access to the Internet. In summary, this study advances the empirical foundation for understanding individual Web use. The findings of this dissertation will be useful to stakeholders in the new Information Age, in particular marketing departments and policy makers.

Light emitting organic nanofibers from para-phenylene and alpha-thiophene oligomers

Kankate, Laxman 26 May 2008 (has links)
Wir haben blau, grün und orange leuchtende organische Nanofäden oder Nanonadeln und Mikroringe aus para-Hexaphenyl (p-6P), alpha-Quaterthiophen (alpha-4T) und alpha-Sexithiophen (alpha-6T) mittels Organischer Molekularstrahlepitaxie (OMBE) auf Muskovit Glimmer hergestellt. Die Aggregate haben wir mit der Atomkraftmikroskopie, mit der Fluoreszenz-Mikroskopie und durch UV-vis Spektroskopie charakterisiert. Auf der Muskovit Oberfläche wachsen p-6P Fäden parallel zueinander auf und zeigen zwei verschiedene Orientierungsdomänen entlang [110] und [1-10]. Mit Hilfe einer systematischen statistischen Analyse diskutieren wir das Wachstum dieser p-6P Nadeln für verschiedene Wachstumsbedingungen. Zusätzlich zu den Fäden haben wir p-6P Cluster auf der Oberfläche beobachtet. Nadeln werden durch die Aggregation solcher Cluster gebildet. Ein Realraummodell der Morphologie der Nadeln sowie ein Modell für deren Wachstum werden vorgestellt. Indem wir Glimmer zunächst mit einer dünnen Goldschicht bedecken und die Wachstumsparameter variieren, erreichen wir eine weitgehende Kontrolle der Morphologie der Nadeln (Länge von 0,5 Mikrometer bis 1 mm, Höhe von 25 bis 300 nm und Breite von 100 bis 600 nm). Im Gegensatz zu p-6P orientieren Thiophene ihre Wachstumsrichtungen an allen hoch symmetrischen Richtungen von Glimmer. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Mechanismen für das Fadenwachstum von beiden Oligomere gleich sind, nämlich eine Kombination aus Epitaxie und einer Dipol-unterstützten Ausrichtung. Auch die Strukturen dieser Fäden sind ähnlich: die Moleküle liegen parallel angeordnet auf der Oberfläche, ihre Längsachsen orientieren sich schräg zur Längsachse der Fäden. Auf mit Wasser oder Methanol vorbehandeltem Glimmer wachsen diese beiden Oligomere als gebogene Fäden und Mikroringe auf. Diese Oberflächenvorbehandlungen sowie das Wachstum von p-6P auf Gold/Glimmer unterstützen auch den Wachstumsmechanismus auf der sauberen Glimmer-Oberfläche. / By using organic molecular beam epitaxy (OMBE) blue, green and orange light emitting organic nanofibers or nanoneedles and microrings from para-hexaphenyl (p-6P), alpha-quaterthiophene (alpha-4T) and alpha-sexithiophene (alpha-6T), respectively, on muscovite mica surfaces are generated. The aggregates are characterized by atomic force microscopy, fluorescence microscopy and UV-vis spectroscopy. On muscovite mica, p-6P fibers usually grow mutually parallel showing two domains of their orientations with an angle of 120 degree in between. The detail growth of nanofibers from p-6P by performing a systematic statistical analysis of fibers as a function of various growth conditions is discussed. Furthermore, the morphology exhibits p-6P clusters, which are found to be fibers´ building blocks. A real space model of the fiber and a model for their growth are also presented. By introducing a thin gold layer on mica prior to p-6P deposition together with varying growth parameters, the morphology of fibers is controlled in a wide range (length from 0.5 micrometer to 1 mm, height from 25 to 300 nm and width from 100 to 600 nm). In contrast to p-6P, thiophene fibers exhibit various orientations close to mica high symmetry directions. It is shown that the mechanism behind the fiber growth from all molecules on mica is the same, i.e. a combination of epitaxy and dipole assisted growth process. The fiber microscopic structures are similar, too: molecules take lying orientations and they hold themselves parallel pointing their long axes along an oblique direction off the long fiber axis. The growth of both types of oligomers on water or methanol treated mica surfaces leads to the formation of bent fibers and microrings. This surface pretreatment and the growth of p-6P on gold/mica support the fiber growth mechanism on plain mica.

模 糊 無 母 數 統 計 檢 定 及 其在 高 齡 化 社 會 調 查 之 應 用 / The Fuzzy nonparametric statistical test and its application on the survey of an aging society

趙淑倫 Unknown Date (has links)
在逐漸高齡化的社會中,關注老人的生活議題並加以分析益顯重要。在研究老人問題時,由於研究對象均曾經歷不同的時空背景與人生閱歷,各個體間存在的差異極大;不同族群的老人對其所慣用語彙的理解與表達亦不盡相同。故若利用傳統的統計分析研究結果,強迫人們採用二元邏輯的方式思考與解釋,可能會導致偏差或錯誤的結論。且傳統的統計檢定方法,往往假定取樣的樣本滿足某個分配,因而導致過多的解釋,影響決策品質。 因此,為避免因誤解老人而造成虛耗社會成本,使有限的社會資源得以充分運用,本文於研究老人身心特質與個人期待時,嘗試以模糊理論的軟計算,提出反模糊化轉換。並應用中位數檢定及變異數檢定,建立當統計參數為模糊數或模糊區間時之小樣本無母數模糊統計檢定方法模型。由實證例子分析結果顯示,我們提出的檢定方法,能有效分析模糊樣本的問題,並進而期望能對老人議題的分析和決策有所貢獻,及將此方法運用於其它模糊性議題之研究。 / In a gradually aging society, it is important to pay attention to and then analyze elderly people’s life issues. When a study about elderly people is undertaken, the subjects are very inconsistent given their diverse life experience, and various subgroups of subjects have quite different understanding of and way of expressing a vocabulary. Therefore, analyzing study result with conventional statistical analysis method, which forces thinking in a binary logic way, may lead to biased or erroneous conclusion. Furthermore, a conventional statistical test, usually assuming a certain distribution for its samples, may lead to exaggerated explanation, which is detrimental to the quality of a decision. So, in order to avoid the waste of our social cost from misunderstanding of the elderly, and to make the most use of our limited social resource, when we investigated the elderly people’s personal characteristics and expectations, we tried to apply the soft calculation of the fuzzy theory, proposed the counter-fuzzy transformation, and, by using the median test and variance test, established a nonparametric fuzzy statistical model for small-sized samples and for parameters of the fuzzy number or fuzzy interval types. The analyses of real-world examples demonstrated that this method of statistical test can analyze the problems of fuzzy samples, and can hopefully contribute to improved analysis and decision making of the elderly people’s issues, and apply this method on the investigation of other fuzzy social issues. Key words: counter-fuzzy transformation, fuzzy statistical analysis, median test, variance test, aging society.

Reliability, multi-state failures and survivability of spacecraft and space-based networks

Castet, Jean-François 30 October 2012 (has links)
Spacecraft fulfill a myriad of critical functions on orbit, from defense and intelligence to science, navigation, and telecommunication. Spacecraft can also cost several hundred millions of dollars to design and launch, and given that physical access for maintenance remains difficult if not impossible to date, designing high reliability and survivability into these systems is an engineering and financial imperative. While reliability is recognized as an essential attribute for spacecraft, little analysis has been done pertaining to actual field reliability of spacecraft and their subsystems. This thesis consists of two parts. The first part fills the gap in the current understanding of spacecraft failure behavior on orbit through extensive statistical analysis and modeling of anomaly and failure data of Earth-orbiting spacecraft. The second part builds on these results to develop a novel theoretical basis (interdependent multi-layer network approach) and algorithmic tools for the analysis of survivability of spacecraft and space-based networks. Space-based networks (SBNs) allow the sharing of on-orbit resources, such as data storage, processing, and downlink. Results indicate and quantify the incremental survivability improvement of the SBN over the traditional monolith architecture. A trade-space analysis is then conducted using non-descriptive networkable subsystems/technologies to explore survivability characteristics of space-based networks and help guide design choices.

Διερεύνηση τροχαίων ατυχημάτων στην Περιφέρεια Δυτικής Ελλάδας : μία νέα προσέγγιση

Σκλήβα, Παρασκευή 05 February 2015 (has links)
Στόχος της παρούσας διατριβής είναι η μελέτη των οδικών ατυχημάτων και ο προσδιορισμός των επικίνδυνων θέσεων (μελανών σημείων) στο οδικό δίκτυο της Περιφέρειας Δυτικής Ελλάδας. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, πραγματοποιήθηκε καταγραφή όλων των τροχαίων ατυχημάτων στους Νομούς Αχαΐα, Αιτωλοακαρνανίας και Ηλείας για τη χρονική περίοδο 2000 - 2012. Η συλλογή στοιχείων έγινε από τα κατά τόπους Τμήματα Τροχαίας των Αστυνομικών διευθύνσεων κάθε νομού, για ολόκληρο το οδικό δίκτυο, δηλαδή εθνικό, επαρχιακό και αστικό. Έγινε καταγραφή του κάθε τροχαίου ατυχήματος, του αριθμού νεκρών και τραυματιών, της ημερομηνίας και της ώρας του συμβάντος, της ακριβούς τοποθεσίας, όπως επίσης και των συνθηκών οδοστρώματος και των περιβαλλοντικών συνθηκών που επικρατούσαν τη στιγμή του συμβάντος. Τα στοιχεία που συλλέχθηκαν ομαδοποιήθηκαν κατάλληλα και επεξεργάστηκαν στατιστικά. Στη συνέχεια για κάποια τμήματα των εθνικών οδών της ΠΔΕ έγινε προσδιορισμός των μελανών σημείων με διαφορετικές αριθμητικές και στατιστικές μεθόδους. Δεν έγινε μελέτη των μελανών σημείων για όλο το οδικό δίκτυο της ΠΔΕ καθώς κάτι τέτοιο θα ήταν πέρα από τους σκοπούς της παρούσας διατριβής. / This master thesis aims to study road accidents and identify hotspots at Western Greece Region. First, accidents occurred during 2000 - 2012 at Achaia, Aitoloakarnania and Ilia prefectures were recorded. Each record includes date, time, number of fatalities and injuries, specific location, road and environmental conditions at the moment of the accident. Collected data were grouped and analyzed statistically. Then after reviewing several numerical and statistical methods for hazardous location identification, a selection of methods was made and were applied in order to identify hotspots for some parts of the national road network. Subsequently, conclusions about the condition of the Western Greece Region road network, and the causes of accidents were derived. Finally, proposals for treatment and future research were made.

Ανάλυση ηλεκτροεγκεφαλογραφικού σήματος με εφαρμογές στην επιληψία και τις μαθησιακές δυσκολίες / Electroencephalographic signal analysis with applications in epilepsy and learning difficulties.

Γιαννακάκης, Γιώργος 29 June 2007 (has links)
Σκοπός αυτής της διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι η εξαγωγή γνώσης και χρήσιμων συμπερασμάτων για το σχετικά αδιερεύνητο θέμα της διάγνωσης των μαθησιακών δυσκολιών. Χρησιμοποιήθηκαν δεδομένα καταγραφής ηλεκτροεγκεφαλογραφημάτων ηρεμίας και εγκεφαλικών προκλητών δυναμικών υγιών και ατόμων με μαθησιακές δυσκολίες, τα οποία συλλέχθηκαν στο εργαστήριο Ψυχοφυσιολογίας του Αιγινητείου Νοσοκομείου. Από την ανάλυση αυτών των σημάτων προσδιορίστηκαν παράμετροι (π.χ συγκεκριμένες κορυφώσεις) που διαφοροποιούν στατιστικά τα άτομα με μαθησιακές δυσκολίες σε σχέση με τους υγιείς. Παράλληλα, εξετάστηκαν παράμετροι από την κλασική θεωρία βιοσημάτων όπως η ενέργεια και οι χαρακτηριστικοί ρυθμοί. Τέλος, επιλύθηκε το αντίστροφο πρόβλημα της ηλεκτροεγκεφαλογραφίας ώστε να βρεθούν οι ρευματικές πηγές που προκαλούν τα αντίστοιχα σήματα στην επιφάνεια του κεφαλιού. Από τις πηγές αυτές επιδιώχθηκε ο προσδιορισμός περιοχών του εγκεφάλου που πιθανώς να είναι υπεύθυνες για την εμφάνιση μαθησιακών δυσκολιών. / The present thesis aims at the extraction of knowledge and useful conclusions for the relatively uninvestigated phenomenon of learning difficulties. Patients and healthy controls were evaluated by a computerized version of the digit span Wechsler test and EEG/ERP signals were recorded from 15 scalp electrodes based on the international 10-20 system of electroencephalography. The phenomenon was investigated via processing and analysis of EEG/ERP signals of healthy and persons with learning difficulties. Some features were extracted from these signals that statistically differentiate these two groups. Furthermore, features from classical theory of biosignals such as energy and characteristic rhythms were investigated. Finally, the so-called electroencephalography inverse problem was solved in order to define the internal current sources. The localization of such sources in the brain aimed at defining brain regions that are potentially responsible for learning difficulties.

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