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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lietuvos Respublikos Vidaus reikalų ministerijos strateginis veiklos planavimas / Strategic action planning of the ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania

Turonytė, Lina 28 January 2008 (has links)
Išanalizavus Lietuvos strateginio planavimo raidą, strateginį planavimą reglamentuojančius teisės aktus, atlikus Vidaus reikalų ministerijos 2007–2009 m. strateginio veiklos plano analizę ir atsižvelgiant į atliktą tyrimą galima pateikti išvadas, į kurias galėtų atsižvelgti strateginį planavimą vykdančios ir diegiančios valstybės institucijos bei tobulinant Strateginio planavimo metodiką. Institucijos, rengdamos strateginį veiklos planą, turi tinkamai įvertinti turimus išteklius, išanalizuoti išorinę ir vidinę aplinką, suvokti grėsmes, galimybes, stiprybes ir silpnybes, sugebėti tinkamai parengti strateginį veiklos planą ir jį įgyvendinti, analizuoti ir sugebėti taikyti užsienio šalių patirtį strateginio planavimo srityje. Pirmame darbo skyriuje nagrinėjama Lietuvos strateginio planavimo raida, aptariamos problemos, su kuriomis buvo susiduriama diegiant strateginį planavimą, analizuojami Strateginio planavimo metodikos pokyčiai. Antrame skyriuje analizuojama, ar Vidaus reikalų ministerijoje efektyviai vykdomas strateginis veiklos planavimas bei tinkamai parengtas strateginis veiklos planas, kaip vykdoma stebėsena ir atsiskaitymas už rezultatus, analizuojama, ar strateginis veiklos planavimas vykdomas vadovaujantis metodika. Trečiame skyriuje apibendrinami atlikto tyrimo metu gauti rezultatas, įvardijamos problemos ir didžiausią įtaką turintys veiksniai įtakojantys strateginį veiklos planavimą. Pabaigoje apibendrinamos išvados ir pateikiami pasiūlymai strateginio planavimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Having analysed the development of the Lithuanian strategic planning and the legislation regulating strategic planning, having analysed the strategic action plan of the Ministry of the Interior for 2007–2009 and taking into account the study performed it is possible to draw conclusions that could be taken into account by agencies which carry out and develop strategic planning, as well as to improve the Strategic planning methodology. Agencies which draft their strategic action plan have to properly assess their resources, analyse external and internal conditions, realise threats, opportunities strengths, and weaknesses, be able to properly draft strategic action plan and carry it out, analyse and apply best practices of foreign countries in the sphere of strategic planning. Initial section of the thesis analyse development of the Lithuanian strategic planning, discusses the issues that have been faced in implementing strategic planning, analyses changes to Strategic planning methodologies. The seconde chapter assesses whether the Ministry of the Interior is carrying out an effective strategic planning and whether it has a proper strategic action plan, how monitoring and reporting is done, analyses whether strategic action planning is based on Strategic planning methodology. The third chapter summarises results obtained during the study, issues and factors with greatest influence are brought forward. The thesis ends with conclusions and suggestions for improvement of strategic... [to full text]

The adoption of e-government in the Kingdom of Bahrain

Ebrahim, Zakareya Ahmed January 2005 (has links)
The last two decades have seen rapid evolution of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capabilities in the public sector which facilitate the adoption of several IT innovations. E-government is one of these strategic innovations that many government organisations have considered adopting to deliver government information and services to citizens and to support the modernisation of their business processes. This work therefore investigates this issue through a study of the impact of e-government on government organisations and their capabilities towards the e-government adoption. This has led to developing a framework for e-government adoption that outlines the implementation process, determines critical factors influencing adoption, and identifies barriers that could keep government organisations behind the advanced stages of the implementation process. The research also proposes a novel architecture framework for e-government that offers a clear picture of ICT requirements, along with a business process model needed for the implementation for e-government. This framework also supports the researcher in terms of validating the proposed conceptual framework in case organisations. The researcher, by adopting a qualitative case study strategy, examines the proposed framework in three government organisations in the Kingdom of Bahrain.. The analysis of empirical data comes up with a novel comprehensive framework for e-government adoption in the public sector that can be a benefit in multiple ways. The major benefit of this framework is to reduce the confusion surrounding e-government adoption in the public sector by understanding the implementation process, identifying the requirements of ICT tools, and highlighting the importance of organisational readiness and the impact of the environment. The framework can also help decision makers in government to provide a clear strategic action plan for e-government. Finally, the proposed framework can be used by IT experts to estimate the progress level of their e-government projects.

Reflexões sobre o papel do Estado na constituição do Campo Democrático Digital : um estudo de caso do Gabinete Digital do Rio Grande do Sul

Baumgarten, Marcelo Zepka January 2016 (has links)
O avanço das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação e a capacidade de mobilização proporcionada por seu uso têm mostrado ao mundo que o futuro está em transformação: regimes políticos são contestados no Oriente Médio a partir de movimentos digitais; governos questionados no mundo todo sofrem ataques de grupos hackers anônimos; pessoas de todo o globo se comunicam em tempo real e interagem por meio de jogos eletrônicos online, movimentando expressivas somas de dinheiro em microtransações. Considerando esse novo meio digital de interações, a proposta desta tese é investigar a prática da Democracia Digital (subsidiariamente, do Governo Eletrônico), com foco na ação estruturante do Estado nesse campo, como modo de facilitar a participação da Sociedade Civil nos rumos da democracia. Igualmente há – aqui – o interesse de conhecermos a preocupação e a ação (ou a ausência dela) por parte do Estado, com relação à possível ocorrência de um efeito de ampliação da exclusão social na participação democrática – a partir do uso reiterado do meio virtual para manifestações de interesse e vontade, já que, em tese, tal espaço tem uma população substancialmente menor do que o campo físico – offline. O caso de estudo que propicia as discussões é o GD do Rio Grande do Sul, devido à sua relevância e o reconhecimento como uma das experiências recentes mais prolíficas dentro da temática da Democracia Digital. Este estudo se deu a partir de dados primários e secundários. Foram realizadas entrevistas com atores-chave para o GD do Rio Grande do Sul, no intuito de conhecer suas motivações, conceitos e ações à época do projeto. Dentre os resultados das reflexões desta tese, chegou-se a uma série de ações que os estados poderiam empreender; assim como precauções que poderiam ser tomadas, de modo a estruturar seu campo democrático digital e, ao mesmo tempo, reduzir o risco da ciberelitização. Finalmente, como sugestão para futuras pesquisas a partir dessa temática, e considerando a complexidade envolvida num trabalho dessa natureza, indica-se aos futuros pesquisadores que investiguem as ações do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul em termos de inclusão social. Além disso, nos parece relevante conhecer em pesquisas vindouras as opiniões e as experiências dos usuários do GD, a fim de compreender a sua visão sobre o que foi atingido. / The advance of Information and Communications Technology and the mobilization capacity provided by its use has shown to the world that the future is changing: political regimes have been defied in the Middle East by digital movements; unpopular government have been suffering digital attacks by anonymous hackers groups in the whole world; people around the world have been chatting in real time and interacting through games online, with the circulation of a great amount of money in micro transactions. Considering this new digital way of interactions, the proposal of this study is to investigate the practices of Digital Democracy (subsidiarily to e-Government), focusing on the State structural actions in this field, and to allow the participation of the Civil Society in the government’s decision making and democracy. Also, is here the interest of knowing the conception and actions (or the lack of) by the State, in relation to the possible occurrence of Social Exclusion and CyberElitism on democratic participation process through the Internet. The case study selected here, the Digital Office of Rio Grande do Sul, is recognized as one of the most prolific of the recent experiences within the subject of Digital Democracy in Brazil. This study used from primary and secondary data. Interviews were conducted with key actors of the Digital Office of Rio Grande do Sul, in order to know their motivations, concepts and actions at the time of the project. Among the results of this study, a series of actions that states must undertake emerged, and also precautions that need to be taken in order to structure their digital democratic fields and, at the same time, to avoid the risk of cyberelitization. Considering the complexity of the issue, we suggest as guidelines for future researchers to continue this investigation seeking for the actions of the State of Rio Grande do Sul in terms of Social Inclusion. It would be equally relevant to investigate the views and experiences of the users of the Digital Office, i. e. the population.

Crisis and Policy Reformcraft : Advocacy Coalitions and Crisis-induced Change in Swedish Nuclear Energy Policy

Nohrstedt, Daniel January 2007 (has links)
<p>This dissertation consists of three interrelated essays examining the role of crisis events in Swedish nuclear energy policymaking. The study takes stock of the idea of ‘crisis exceptionalism’ raised in the literature, which postulates that crisis events provide openings for major policy change. In an effort to explain crisis-induced outcomes in Swedish nuclear energy policy, each essay explores and develops theoretical assumptions derived from the Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF). The introduction discusses the ACF and other theoretical perspectives accentuating the role of crisis in policymaking and identifies three explanations for crisis-induced policy outcomes: minority coalition mobilization, learning, and strategic action. Essay I analyzes the nature and development of the Swedish nuclear energy subsystem. The results contradict the ACF assumption that corporatist systems nurture narrow subsystems and small advocacy coalitions, but corroborate the assumption that advocacy coalitions remain stable over time. While this analysis identifies temporary openings in policymaking venues and in the advocacy coalition structure, it is argued that these developments did not affect crisis policymaking. Essay II seeks to explain the decision to initiate a referendum on nuclear power following the 1979 Three Mile Island accident. Internal government documents and other historical records indicate that strategic considerations superseded learning as the primary explanation in this case. Essay III conducts an in-depth examination of Swedish policymaking in the aftermath of the 1986 Chernobyl accident in an effort to explain the government’s decision not to accelerate the nuclear power phaseout. Recently disclosed government documents show that minority coalition mobilization was insufficient to explain this decision. In this case, rational learning and strategic action provided a better explanation. The main theoretical contribution derived from the three essays is to posit the intensity and breadth of political conflict, strategic action, and analogical reasoning as key factors affecting the propensity for crisis-induced policy change.</p>

Strategic thinking of Swedish TV production companies : How do they cope with change?

Blumenkehl, Roberth, Magnfält, Fredrik, Törnblom, Marcus January 2011 (has links)
The Swedish TV production  is  facing great challenges  today and actors on  the market have  to  strategize  to cope with  these changes. This  thesis explores what  strategies are used,  how  they  are  formed,  and what  parameters  are  focused  on when  analyzing  the market  and  industry,  from  a  company  perspective. Consequently,  the  purpose  of  this thesis  is  to  investigate  how  Swedish  TV  production  companies  think  strategically  to cope with emerging market changes. The method used to collect data was semi-structured interviews. In order to retrieve ac-curate and reliable information we conducted four interviews. Three of these interviews were  done with  actors within  the market. To  ensure  an  accurate market  picture, with high  trustworthiness, we  interviewed one  large,  one medium  and one  small  company. Finally, we  interviewed an  independent market consultant, who provided an additional perspective. After having analyzed  the material  from each  interview we  later on com-pared the findings in a cross case analysis, in order to draw general conclusions. Our research and findings indicate that Swedish TV production companies mainly keep track of social trends, industry demand, the factors of the SWOT analysis, and the bar-gaining  power  of  buyers  in  order  to  plan  and  form  their  strategies. Additionally,  our findings  indicate  that Swedish TV production companies mainly use: a differentiation strategy and international strategic alliances. Moreover, we have also found that if Swe-dish TV production companies belong to an international conglomerate, they use this to their advantage.

Crisis and Policy Reformcraft : Advocacy Coalitions and Crisis-induced Change in Swedish Nuclear Energy Policy

Nohrstedt, Daniel January 2007 (has links)
This dissertation consists of three interrelated essays examining the role of crisis events in Swedish nuclear energy policymaking. The study takes stock of the idea of ‘crisis exceptionalism’ raised in the literature, which postulates that crisis events provide openings for major policy change. In an effort to explain crisis-induced outcomes in Swedish nuclear energy policy, each essay explores and develops theoretical assumptions derived from the Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF). The introduction discusses the ACF and other theoretical perspectives accentuating the role of crisis in policymaking and identifies three explanations for crisis-induced policy outcomes: minority coalition mobilization, learning, and strategic action. Essay I analyzes the nature and development of the Swedish nuclear energy subsystem. The results contradict the ACF assumption that corporatist systems nurture narrow subsystems and small advocacy coalitions, but corroborate the assumption that advocacy coalitions remain stable over time. While this analysis identifies temporary openings in policymaking venues and in the advocacy coalition structure, it is argued that these developments did not affect crisis policymaking. Essay II seeks to explain the decision to initiate a referendum on nuclear power following the 1979 Three Mile Island accident. Internal government documents and other historical records indicate that strategic considerations superseded learning as the primary explanation in this case. Essay III conducts an in-depth examination of Swedish policymaking in the aftermath of the 1986 Chernobyl accident in an effort to explain the government’s decision not to accelerate the nuclear power phaseout. Recently disclosed government documents show that minority coalition mobilization was insufficient to explain this decision. In this case, rational learning and strategic action provided a better explanation. The main theoretical contribution derived from the three essays is to posit the intensity and breadth of political conflict, strategic action, and analogical reasoning as key factors affecting the propensity for crisis-induced policy change.

Prestige as the Highest Ambition: Emerging Research Universities and the National Research University Fund

Ryan, Sean Alan 05 1900 (has links)
In 2009 the Texas legislature created the National Research University Fund (NRUF), intended to encourage a select group of public doctoral universities in the state, known as emerging research universities (ERUs), to increase their institutional status related to academic research by awarding supplemental financial support for meeting specific policy metrics. Efforts to increase the research status of these universities occurred at a time when public financial support remained stagnate and overall institutional costs increased within the higher education sector. This study utilizes a theoretical approach grounded in strategic action fields and employs panel data and a difference in differences statistical technique to analyze the impact that NRUF policy has in assisting ERUs in achieving R1 status, and how this organizational change impacted access to, and the quality of, undergraduate education. Results indicate that the NRUF policy intervention was not statistically significant for any part of the study. These findings suggest that policy interventions do not matter as much as specific institutional characteristics and the overall policy environment. Enrollment and tuition revenue predicted institutional performance related to academic research and graduate education, while also assisting these institutions in maintaining undergraduate academic quality and access. These cultural and material resources at the institutional level matter, as does how the overall state field prioritizes various aspects of higher education. Given the amount of resources required of the policy, and the general lack of evidence of its positive or negative effects, these indicate that those resources would be more wisely targeted elsewhere.

Reflexões sobre o papel do Estado na constituição do Campo Democrático Digital : um estudo de caso do Gabinete Digital do Rio Grande do Sul

Baumgarten, Marcelo Zepka January 2016 (has links)
O avanço das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação e a capacidade de mobilização proporcionada por seu uso têm mostrado ao mundo que o futuro está em transformação: regimes políticos são contestados no Oriente Médio a partir de movimentos digitais; governos questionados no mundo todo sofrem ataques de grupos hackers anônimos; pessoas de todo o globo se comunicam em tempo real e interagem por meio de jogos eletrônicos online, movimentando expressivas somas de dinheiro em microtransações. Considerando esse novo meio digital de interações, a proposta desta tese é investigar a prática da Democracia Digital (subsidiariamente, do Governo Eletrônico), com foco na ação estruturante do Estado nesse campo, como modo de facilitar a participação da Sociedade Civil nos rumos da democracia. Igualmente há – aqui – o interesse de conhecermos a preocupação e a ação (ou a ausência dela) por parte do Estado, com relação à possível ocorrência de um efeito de ampliação da exclusão social na participação democrática – a partir do uso reiterado do meio virtual para manifestações de interesse e vontade, já que, em tese, tal espaço tem uma população substancialmente menor do que o campo físico – offline. O caso de estudo que propicia as discussões é o GD do Rio Grande do Sul, devido à sua relevância e o reconhecimento como uma das experiências recentes mais prolíficas dentro da temática da Democracia Digital. Este estudo se deu a partir de dados primários e secundários. Foram realizadas entrevistas com atores-chave para o GD do Rio Grande do Sul, no intuito de conhecer suas motivações, conceitos e ações à época do projeto. Dentre os resultados das reflexões desta tese, chegou-se a uma série de ações que os estados poderiam empreender; assim como precauções que poderiam ser tomadas, de modo a estruturar seu campo democrático digital e, ao mesmo tempo, reduzir o risco da ciberelitização. Finalmente, como sugestão para futuras pesquisas a partir dessa temática, e considerando a complexidade envolvida num trabalho dessa natureza, indica-se aos futuros pesquisadores que investiguem as ações do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul em termos de inclusão social. Além disso, nos parece relevante conhecer em pesquisas vindouras as opiniões e as experiências dos usuários do GD, a fim de compreender a sua visão sobre o que foi atingido. / The advance of Information and Communications Technology and the mobilization capacity provided by its use has shown to the world that the future is changing: political regimes have been defied in the Middle East by digital movements; unpopular government have been suffering digital attacks by anonymous hackers groups in the whole world; people around the world have been chatting in real time and interacting through games online, with the circulation of a great amount of money in micro transactions. Considering this new digital way of interactions, the proposal of this study is to investigate the practices of Digital Democracy (subsidiarily to e-Government), focusing on the State structural actions in this field, and to allow the participation of the Civil Society in the government’s decision making and democracy. Also, is here the interest of knowing the conception and actions (or the lack of) by the State, in relation to the possible occurrence of Social Exclusion and CyberElitism on democratic participation process through the Internet. The case study selected here, the Digital Office of Rio Grande do Sul, is recognized as one of the most prolific of the recent experiences within the subject of Digital Democracy in Brazil. This study used from primary and secondary data. Interviews were conducted with key actors of the Digital Office of Rio Grande do Sul, in order to know their motivations, concepts and actions at the time of the project. Among the results of this study, a series of actions that states must undertake emerged, and also precautions that need to be taken in order to structure their digital democratic fields and, at the same time, to avoid the risk of cyberelitization. Considering the complexity of the issue, we suggest as guidelines for future researchers to continue this investigation seeking for the actions of the State of Rio Grande do Sul in terms of Social Inclusion. It would be equally relevant to investigate the views and experiences of the users of the Digital Office, i. e. the population.

Reflexões sobre o papel do Estado na constituição do Campo Democrático Digital : um estudo de caso do Gabinete Digital do Rio Grande do Sul

Baumgarten, Marcelo Zepka January 2016 (has links)
O avanço das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação e a capacidade de mobilização proporcionada por seu uso têm mostrado ao mundo que o futuro está em transformação: regimes políticos são contestados no Oriente Médio a partir de movimentos digitais; governos questionados no mundo todo sofrem ataques de grupos hackers anônimos; pessoas de todo o globo se comunicam em tempo real e interagem por meio de jogos eletrônicos online, movimentando expressivas somas de dinheiro em microtransações. Considerando esse novo meio digital de interações, a proposta desta tese é investigar a prática da Democracia Digital (subsidiariamente, do Governo Eletrônico), com foco na ação estruturante do Estado nesse campo, como modo de facilitar a participação da Sociedade Civil nos rumos da democracia. Igualmente há – aqui – o interesse de conhecermos a preocupação e a ação (ou a ausência dela) por parte do Estado, com relação à possível ocorrência de um efeito de ampliação da exclusão social na participação democrática – a partir do uso reiterado do meio virtual para manifestações de interesse e vontade, já que, em tese, tal espaço tem uma população substancialmente menor do que o campo físico – offline. O caso de estudo que propicia as discussões é o GD do Rio Grande do Sul, devido à sua relevância e o reconhecimento como uma das experiências recentes mais prolíficas dentro da temática da Democracia Digital. Este estudo se deu a partir de dados primários e secundários. Foram realizadas entrevistas com atores-chave para o GD do Rio Grande do Sul, no intuito de conhecer suas motivações, conceitos e ações à época do projeto. Dentre os resultados das reflexões desta tese, chegou-se a uma série de ações que os estados poderiam empreender; assim como precauções que poderiam ser tomadas, de modo a estruturar seu campo democrático digital e, ao mesmo tempo, reduzir o risco da ciberelitização. Finalmente, como sugestão para futuras pesquisas a partir dessa temática, e considerando a complexidade envolvida num trabalho dessa natureza, indica-se aos futuros pesquisadores que investiguem as ações do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul em termos de inclusão social. Além disso, nos parece relevante conhecer em pesquisas vindouras as opiniões e as experiências dos usuários do GD, a fim de compreender a sua visão sobre o que foi atingido. / The advance of Information and Communications Technology and the mobilization capacity provided by its use has shown to the world that the future is changing: political regimes have been defied in the Middle East by digital movements; unpopular government have been suffering digital attacks by anonymous hackers groups in the whole world; people around the world have been chatting in real time and interacting through games online, with the circulation of a great amount of money in micro transactions. Considering this new digital way of interactions, the proposal of this study is to investigate the practices of Digital Democracy (subsidiarily to e-Government), focusing on the State structural actions in this field, and to allow the participation of the Civil Society in the government’s decision making and democracy. Also, is here the interest of knowing the conception and actions (or the lack of) by the State, in relation to the possible occurrence of Social Exclusion and CyberElitism on democratic participation process through the Internet. The case study selected here, the Digital Office of Rio Grande do Sul, is recognized as one of the most prolific of the recent experiences within the subject of Digital Democracy in Brazil. This study used from primary and secondary data. Interviews were conducted with key actors of the Digital Office of Rio Grande do Sul, in order to know their motivations, concepts and actions at the time of the project. Among the results of this study, a series of actions that states must undertake emerged, and also precautions that need to be taken in order to structure their digital democratic fields and, at the same time, to avoid the risk of cyberelitization. Considering the complexity of the issue, we suggest as guidelines for future researchers to continue this investigation seeking for the actions of the State of Rio Grande do Sul in terms of Social Inclusion. It would be equally relevant to investigate the views and experiences of the users of the Digital Office, i. e. the population.

Turning threats into opportunities: an analysis of strategies for deployment of an Internet service / Transformando ameaÃas em oportunidades: uma anÃlise das estratÃgias de implantaÃÃo de um serviÃo de internet

Edilton Teixeira Ferreira 20 June 2005 (has links)
The present work search to evaluate strategic actions of implantation of the service of Public Access to Internet adopted by the Brazilian Company of Mail and Telegraphs - ECT to the light of the theoretical revision about formulation of strategies protected for several studious authors of the subject. Customers, managers of agencies of ECT and technicians of the area of computer science of the company were interviewed, to understand the threats and opportunities that the internet can make possible and which the possible managerial strategies that the Mail could adopt to create opportunities, being followed theoretical models that turn on the subject. Electric outlet of strategic decision is the central object of that dissertation, the study of strategic actions for application of that new service of access terminal to the internet intended by the Mail, it finds in the several strategic models presented by some authors as Porter, Mintzberg, among other, some resonance that guides your development and application better. The study is limited to the strategic analysis of the use of the new service as competitive advantage for the company, have seen, that the research demonstrated that there is field for installation of the service, transforming the possible threat of the internet for the conventional mail in opportunity for a company of correspondences / O presente trabalho busca avaliar aÃÃes estratÃgicas de implantaÃÃo do serviÃo de Acesso PÃblico à Internet adotadas pela Empresa Brasileira de Correios e TelÃgrafos â ECT à luz da revisÃo teÃrica sobre formulaÃÃo de estratÃgias defendida por vÃrios autores estudiosos do assunto. Foram entrevistados clientes, gerentes de agÃncias da ECT e tÃcnicos da Ãrea de informÃtica da empresa, para compreender as ameaÃas e oportunidades que a internet pode possibilitar e quais as possÃveis estratÃgias empresariais que os Correios poderiam adotar para potencializar as oportunidades, seguindo-se modelos teÃricos que versam sobre o assunto. Tomada de decisÃo estratÃgica à o objeto central dessa dissertaÃÃo, o estudo de aÃÃes estratÃgicas para aplicaÃÃo desse novo serviÃo de terminal de acesso à internet pretendido pelos Correios, encontra nos diversos modelos estratÃgicos apresentados por alguns autores como Porter, Mintzberg, dentre outros, alguma ressonÃncia que oriente melhor seu desenvolvimento e aplicaÃÃo. O estudo està limitado à anÃlise estratÃgica do uso do novo serviÃo como vantagem competitiva para a empresa, haja vista, que a pesquisa demonstrou que hà campo para implementaÃÃo do serviÃo em pauta, transformando a possÃvel ameaÃa da internet para o correio convencional em oportunidade para uma empresa de correspondÃncias

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