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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lisabonos strategijos efektyvus įgyvendinimas atsižvelgiant į Lietuvos strateginius prioritetus / Effective realization of lisabons‘s strategy according to strategical priorities of lithuania

Papievis, Justinas 26 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo aktualumas. 2000 m. Europos Taryba patvirtino Lisabonos strategiją, kuria nustatė Europos Sąjungos strateginius tikslus, siekiant žiniomis grindžiamoje ekonomikoje padidinti užimtumą, stiprinti ekonomines reformas ir socialinę sanglaudą. Per pirmuosius penkerius Lisabonos strategijos įgyvendinimo metus ES mastu norimų rezultatų nebuvo pasiekta, todėl buvo priimtas sprendimas orientuotis į nacionalinių Lisabonos strategijos įgyvendinimo programų kūrimą. Šiame darbe analizuojamos Lisabonos strategijos ir 4 pagrindinių Lietuvos ilgalaikių strategijų sąsajos. Šios strategijos dėl bendros kilmės, panašių vizijų ir siekių, Lisabonos procese turėtų būti įgyvendinamos kartu su Nacionaline Lisabonos strategijos įgyvendinimo programa, atsižvelgiant į bendrus prioritetus, koordinuojant veiksmus ir planuojant tikslingą projektų bei reformų finansavimą. Darbo objektas – Lisabonos strategija. Darbo tikslas – sukurti Nacionalinės Lisabonos strategijos įgyvendinimo sinergetinį modelį, kuris užtikrintų efektyvesnį Lisabonos strategijos įgyvendinimą atsižvelgiant į Lietuvos strateginius prioritetus. Praktinė darbo reikšmė grindžiama Lisabonos strategijos įgyvendinimo Lietuvoje sinergetinio modelio sukūrimu bei jo analize. Teorinė darbo reikšmė orientuota į tinkamą Lisabonos strategijos ir 4 pagrindinių Lietuvos ilgalaikių strategijų įgyvendinimo koordinavimą bei makroekonominės politikos suderinamumą siekiant sinergijos efekto. / The relevance of the study. European Council has confirmed Lisbon strategy in year 2000, according to this strategy European‘s Council strategical aims were set, by way of increasing business in economy, grounded by knowledge, consolidate economical reforms and social cohesion. There wasn‘t obtained desirable results in the degree of EU during the first five years of realization of Lisbon strategy, thus there was accepted a decision oriented around creation of programs of nacional Lisbon strategy realization. There are analized connections between Lisbon strategies and 4 general permanent Lithuania‘s strategies in this issue. In Lisbon process these strategies should be realized together with Nacional Lisbon‘s strategy realization program, because of their common origin, similar visions and objects. This should be realized considering to common priorities, cordinating actions and planning purposeful sponsorship to projects and reforms. The object of the study – Lisbon strategy. The aim of the study – to create a synergy model of realization of Nacional Lisbon strategy, whick will make the realization of Lisbon strategy more effetive, considering to Lithuania‘s strategical priorities. Practical import of this issue is going entirely by realization of Lisbon strategy in Lithuania, creation of synergy model and it‘s analyse. Theorical import of this issue is oriented to suitable cordination of Lisbon‘s strategy and 4 general permanent Lithuania‘s strategies realization and... [to full text]

Biržoje prekiaujami fondai (ETF): vertinimas ir portfelio sudarymas iš ETF / Exchange traded funds (etf): evaluation and portfolio building from etf’s

Valukonis, Mantas 25 June 2014 (has links)
Prasidėjus pasaulinei finansų krizei investuotojai stengiasi ieškoti naujų investavimo būdų. Daugeliui akcijų krentant, investicijos į akcijas tampa nepatraukliomis, o tai mažina ir pačios biržos likvidumą. Akcijų rinkose dominuojant meškoms vis daugiau investuotojų renkasi įvairias investavimo alternatyvas. Viena iš jų yra biržoje prekiaujami fondai, todėl reikia išsamiau susipažinti su šių fondų valdymu bei jų ypatybėmis ir pranašumais. Norint pasirinkti geriausią ETF fondų derinį sudarant investicinį portfelį reikia išanalizuoti ETF fondų rezultatus bei sukuriamą riziką bei nustatyti kaip šie fondai dera viename portfelyje ir kokį rezultatą gali duoti. Tyrimo objektas – Biržoje prekiaujami fondai (ETF) kaip rizikos mažinimo priemonė. Šio darbo tikslas – atlikti biržoje prekiaujamų fondų bei pagal sukurtą modelį suformuotų skirtingos rizikos portfelių iš ETF vertinimą. Tikslui pasiekti iškelti šie svarbiausi uždaviniai: aptarti ETF fondų ypatybes bei rūšis ir išnagrinėti dėl savitų ETF savybių atsirandančius fondų privalumus ir trūkumus, išskirti kuo ETF fondai skiriasi nuo tradicinių investicinių fondų, išanalizuoti galimus ETF fondų portfelio valdymo būdus, išnagrinėti ETF fondų bei iš jų suformuoto portfelio rizikos ir pelningumo priklausomybę bei jų matavimą, išskirti investicinio portfelio iš ETF fondų sudarymo ir valdymo strategijas bei pagal jas sukurti portfelio iš ETF fondų formavimo modelį, išanalizuoti ETF fondų rezultatus bei pagal sukurtą modelį suformuoti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / As the global financial crisis is started, investors are trying to look for new investment methods. During the meltdown of most shares, share investments are becoming unattractive, it decreases the liquidity of the exchange itself. As bears are dominating in share markets, more and more investors choose various alternatives of investments. One of them is Exchange Traded Funds, therefore a closer acquaintance with the management, features and advantages of these funds is needed. In order to choose the best combination of ETF funds while forming an investment portfolio, analysis of ETF fund results and created risk is required, as well as determination of how these funds match in one portfolio and what result can be obtained. The object of research – Exchange Traded Funds, as means of risk decreasing. The purpose of this work – to perform evaluation of Exchange Traded Funds and different risks ETF portfolios that were formed according to the created model. To fulfill the purpose the following most important tasks were set: to discuss the features and types of ETF funds and to analyze advantages and disadvantages of the funds arising because of distinctive features of ETF, to distinguish the differences of ETF funds from traditional investment funds, to analyze possible ETF funds portfolio management methods, to analyze the dependence of risks and profitability as well as measuring of ETF funds and portfolio formed of them, to distinguish forming and management strategies of ETF... [to full text]

Klaipėdos miesto subalansuota susisiekimo sistema / Sustainable transportation system in Klaipeda City

Dambrauskienė, Daiva 21 July 2004 (has links)
The subject of the work is Sustaqinable transportation system in Klaipeda city. The work covers the analysis of the importance of the transportation system in Klaipeda city in the context of global transportation system in Lithuania and EU. It provides with a number of soliutions corresponding to the provisions of White Paper on European Transport policy for 2010 and designed to achieve the sustainability of the existing transportation system. The progressive management of the transportation system invoking strategies and principles of the sustainable policy is proposed as one of the main soliutions for sustainable transportation. The establishment of a unified automatic ticketing system and an innovative transport mode is also proposed for the optimization of the operation of public transport in Klaipeda city. The work includes the research on the formation and the structure of parking places in the central part of Klaipeda city. The action plan and detailed, feasible solutions are proposed for the systematic development of the parking places. Sustainabgle transportation system in Klaipeda city is shaped with a view of creating proper conditions for both society and environment, harmonizing their interaction, and proposing strategy of sustainable transportation system suitable for unique surroundings of the city.

Vietos plėtros strategijų rengimo konsultavimas / Consultation of Local Development Strategy Arrangement

Sakalauskienė, Genovaitė 15 June 2006 (has links)
SUMMARY The final work of postgraduate studies, 97 pages, 25 pictures, 5 tables, 48 references, 4 appendices in Lithuanian language. Key words: local development strategy, the process of strategy arrangement, consultation of strategy arrangement, local action groups, consultation methods. The subject of investigation is consultation of local development strategy arrangement. The aim of investigation is to research the process of local development strategy consultation and prepare recommendations for consultation of local development strategy arrangement groups. The tasks: 1. To analyze the general theoretical regularities of strategy arrangement. 2. To identify peculiarities of local development strategy arrangement. 3. To establish the problems that mostly confront the organizers and consultants of strategies. 4. To prepare the model of consultation of local development strategy arrangement groups. The subject of investigation is consultation process of local development strategy. Investigation period – 2001-2006. The methods of investigation. To solve scientific problems were chosen methods of analysis of scientific literature, systemic research method; qualitative inquest methods: arrangement of local development strategy groups and their consultants’ telephonic inquest (Cati), arrangement of local development strategy groups and their consultants’ questionnaire, systematizing of primary and secondary sources of information, analysis and synthesis, comparing methods... [to full text]

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