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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Scaled Strong Field Interactions at Long Wavelengths

Sistrunk, Emily Frances 15 December 2011 (has links)
No description available.


Bohinski, Timothy Blaise January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the electronic spectroscopy of a series of alkyl phenyl ketone radical cations and the dynamics of selective launch states in the strong field regime with tunable near infrared ultrashort laser pulses from 790 nm - 1550 nm coupled to mass spectrometric detection. Our method relies on tunable strong field laser pulses in the range from 1150 nm - 1550 nm to adiabatically ioinized gas phase molecules and prepare ions in the ground ionic state that serve as a launch state for future excitation and control. Adiabatic ionization is capable of transferring little energy to the molecule and producing a majority of a parent molecular ion in comparison to nonadiabatic ionization wherein multiple ionic states can be populated with an accompanying high degree of molecular fragmentation. We measure a dynamic resonance in the low lying electronic states of the acetopheone radical cation via preparation of a launch state with adiabatic ionization followed by a one photon transition within a single pulse duration which facilitates bond dissociation to produce the benzoyl ion. Experiments on acetophenone homologues and derivatives elucidate the structural dependence of the electronic resonance and supporting ab initio calculations identify the dynamic resonance along the molecular torsional coordinate between the ground ionic state, D0, and second excited state, D2. Post ionization excitation within the pulse duration transfers the ground state wavepacket to the D2 surface where the wavepacket encounters a three state conical intersection that facilitates the preferred bond dissociation. Time resolved photodissociation experiments measure the dynamics of the launch state, large amplitude oscillations and extended coherence times support the notion that adiabatic ionization populates a majority of the ground ionic surface. Control of the dissociation products is initiated from the launch state by varying the pump wavelength and probe intensity. Elimination of the D0 wavepacket with a 1370 nm reveals additional secondary dynamics that are attributed to wavepacket motion on the D2 surface. Finally, the effect of para substitution on the acetophenone radical cation is explored as a strategy to control the launch state wavepacket dynamics. Suppresion of the wavepacket dynamics are observed with the addition of alkoxy groups whereas extended coherence of the launch state dynamics approaching ~5 ps is observed upon trifluoromethyl substitution. A possible mechanism for the extended coherenece based on coupled torsional rotors is proposed. / Chemistry

Controlling the dynamics of electrons and nuclei in ultrafast strong laser fields

Kling, Nora G. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Physics / Itzik Ben-Itzhak / One ultimate goal of ultrafast, strong- field laser science is to coherently control chemical reactions. Present laser technology allows for the production of intense (>10[superscript]13 W/cm[superscript]2), ultrashort ( 5 fs), carrier-envelope phase-stabilized pulses. By knowing the electric field waveform, sub-cycle resolution on the order of 100's of attoseconds (1 as=10[superscript]-18 s) can be reached -- the timescale for electron motion. Meanwhile, the laser field strengths are comparable to that which binds electrons to atoms or molecules. In this intense-field ultrashort-pulse regime one can both measure and manipulate dynamics of strong-field, quantum-mechanical processes in atoms and molecules. Despite much progress in the technology, typical durations for which lasers can be reliably locked to a specific carrier-envelope phase ranges from a few minutes to a few hours. Experiments investigating carrier-envelope phase effects that have necessarily long data acquisition times, such as those requiring coincidence between fragments originating from the same atom or molecule, are thus challenging and uncommon. Therefore, we combined the new technology for measuring the carrier-envelope phase of each and every laser shot with other single-shot coincidence three-dimensional momentum imaging techniques to alleviate the need for carrier-envelope phase stabilized laser pulses. Using phase-tagged coincidence techniques, several targets and laser-induced processes were studied. One particular highlight uses this method to study the recollision process of non-sequential double ionization of argon. By measuring the momentum of the two electrons emitted in the process, we could study their energy sharing. Furthermore, by selecting certain carrier-envelope phase values, and therefore laser pulses with a particular waveform, events with single recollision could be isolated and further analyzed. Another highlight is our studies of carrier-envelope phase effects in the dissociation of the benchmark H[subscript]2[superscript[+] ion beam. Aided by near-exact quantum mechanical calculations, we could identify interfering pathways which lead to the observed spatial asymmetry. These and other similar experiments are described in this thesis as significant steps toward their ultimate control.

High energy and high repetition rate parametric sources in the mid- wavelength Infrared and their applications / Sources paramétriques de haute énergie et de haute cadence dans l’infrarouge moyen et leurs applications en champ fort

Archipovaite, Giedre Marija 25 September 2018 (has links)
Les sources lasers à impulsions ultracourtes de forte puissance dans la région spectrale du proche à moyen infrarouge sont très demandées pour la physique des champs forts dans les atomes, les molécules et la matière condensée. D’après le modèle en trois étapes [1], l’énergie coupée des harmoniques élevées générées varie comme I×λ2. Cela favorise les longueurs d’onde plus longues pour générer des photons XUV plus énergétiques, et potentiellement des impulsions attosecondes plus courtes. Malheureusement, l’extension de l’énergie des photons se fait au prix d’une diminution de l’efficacité en λ−5,5 [2]. La disponibilité d’un système laser à haute cadence est un atout majeur pour palier aux problèmes d’efficacité et produire des flux de photons élevés. Même s’il existe quelques matériaux de gain laser adaptés à la génération d’impulsions femtoseconde intense dans la région spectrale infrarouge intermédiaire, l’amélioration globale du taux de répétition, de la durée et de la puissance des impulsions sont encore des défis [3, 4]. Ainsi, les systèmes paramétriques basés sur un mélange non linéaire à trois ondes sont une alternative intéressante pour générer les impulsions ultracourtes requises pour ce type d’expériences. Actuellement, les systèmes paramétriques à haute puissance dans l’infrarouge moyen ne peuvent pas atteindre les intensités requises pour générer des harmoniques dans le gaz. Cependant, ces sources sont des moteurs intéressants pour la génération d’harmonique (HHG) dans les solides, qui nécessitent des intensités sur cible plus faibles. Par ailleurs, les systèmes à haute énergie, mais à taux de répétition plus bas, sont capables de générer des impulsions suffisamment énergétiques pour les expériences HHG dans le gaz. Cependant, l’efficacité globale de ces sources est encore faible. En fonction de l’énergie harmonique requise, le rayonnement peut être généré efficacement par des lasers NIR post-comprimés.Cette thèse décrit le développement des sources MWIR et leurs applications en physique des champs forts. Nous avons choisi d’étudier des sources paramétriques pilotées par un laser à pompe CPA de puissance moyenne élevée et par un système laser à grande énergie Yb: CaF2. Les impulsions MWIR générées sont ensuite utilisées pour sonder l’interaction du matériau laser à travers HHG dans les solides et les gaz. / Ultrashort pulse light sources in the near- to mid-wavelength infrared spectral region are in high demand for strong field physics in atoms, molecules and condensed matter. According to the three step model [1], the energy cut off of generated high harmonics scales as I×λ2, which favors longer driving wavelengths in order to generate more energetic XUV photons, and potentially shorter attosecond, soft X-ray pulses. Unfortunately, photon energy extensionis at the cost of an efficiency drop scaling as λ−5.5 [2]. The availability of a high-repetitionrate laser system is paramount to mitigate the efficiency issues and still produce high photon fluxes. Even though there are only a few laser gain media suitable for intense femtosecond pulse generation in the mid-IR spectral region, the overall scalability of the pulse repetition rate, the duration and power are still a challenge [3, 4]. Thus, parametric systems based on a nonlinear three wave-mixing, are an attractive alternative to generate the required ultrashort pulses for those experiments. Currently high power middle infrared parametric systems can’t reach the required intensities to reliably drive high harmonic generation (HHG) in gas. However, these sources are attractive drivers for HHG in solids, which requires lower intensities on the target. On the other hand, high energy, but lower repetition rate systems arecapable of generating energetic pulses for HHG experiments in gas. However, the overall efficiency of those drivers is still low. Depending on the required harmonics energy, the XUV could be efficiently generated by post-compressed NIR lasers.This thesis describes the development of MWIR sources and their applications in strong field physics. We have chosen to investigate parametric sources driven by high average power fiber CPA pump laser and by high energy Yb:CaF2 bulk laser system. The generated MWIR few cycle pulses are then used to probe laser material interaction through HHG in solids and gas.

Paquets d'onde vibrationnels créés par ionisation de H2 en champ laser intense

Fabre, Baptiste 09 December 2005 (has links)
Les dernières évolutions technologiques en matière de laser ont permis l'observation de nouveaux phénomènes hautement non-linéaires lors de l'interaction de ces sources brèves et intenses avec la matière. Du point de vue moléculaire, ces processus, tels que l'affaiblissement de la liaison ou la génération d'harmonique, sont consécutifs à la création au sein de l'ion d'un paquet d'onde vibrationnel après ionisation par effet tunnel de la molécule neutre. Il est généralement admis dans nombre d'articles que cette transition électronique conduit à une distribution des états de vibration conforme à celle prédite par l'approximation de Condon. Afin de vérifier la validité de cette assertion, nous avons mis en place un dispositif expérimental original permettant une mesure fiable de l'excitation vibrationnelle de H2+ après ionisation de la molécule neutre par un champ laser intense. Les résultats obtenus contredisent fortement le postulat selon lequel la transition aurait lieu préférentiellement à la séparation internucléaire d'équilibre (approximation de Condon) et remettent en cause les interprétations des expériences de dynamique moléculaire précédentes. En faisant varier la longueur d'onde, nous avons également mis en évidence les processus dominants et l'importance de la structure électronique au sein des différents domaines d'ionisation. Ces mesures ouvrent des perspectives intéressantes quant à la mise en place d'expériences de dynamique moléculaire utilisant un faisceau d'ions moléculaires d'excitation vibrationnelle connue. / The continuing development of femtosecond laser technology allows the study of new, highly non-linear phenomena in laser-molecule interaction. Most scientists agree that the first step of all these processes is the creation of an elctronic wavepacket in the continuum by tunnelling ionisation of the neutral molecule. As a rule, most publications were also unanimous about the vibrational population created in the ion, asumed to be properly described by the classical Condon approximation. Thanks to a unique setup we were able to measure in an unambiguous way the vibrational distribution created by intense-laser-field ionisation. Our study shows a discrepancy between our results and the one predicted by the Condon approximation. Other wavelength-dependent measurements reveal the dominant processes for the different ionisation regimes. These results open new experimental perspectives for the study of the molecular dynamics.

Pulsed-perturbative QED

Hernandez Acosta, Uwe 23 September 2021 (has links)
Moderne Lasereinrichtungen stellen hochintensives Licht mit sehr kurzer zeitlicher Struktur zur Verfügung. Damit bringen diese Einrichtungen die Phänomene in die Laboratorien, welche normalerweise nur in der Nähe von stark strahlenden Sternen im Weltall zu finden sind. Bezüglich der Streuprozesse von Teilchen innerhalb dieser extremen Lichtquellen gibt es eine Vielzahl an theoretischen Untersuchungen. Vorwiegend geschehen diese unter der Verwendung der Starkfeld-Quantenelektrodynamik, einer Theorie zur quanten- theoretischen Beschreibung von elektromagnetischen Wechselwirkungen innerhalb eines kohärenten hochintensiven Feldes, welches als semi-klassisches Hintergrundfeld beschrieben wird. Zum Beispiel zeigte die theoretische Behandlung des Compton-Prozesses (die inelastis- che Elektron-Photon-Streuung) oder des Breit-Wheeler-Prozesses (der Paarproduktion in der Kollision von zwei Photonen) innerhalb der Starkfeld-Quantenelektrodynamik eine große Menge an neuen nicht-linearen Effekten und Phänomen, welche stellenweise in zukun- ftsweisenden Experimenten nachgewiesen werden konnten. Von großem Interesse und auch zentrales Untersuchungsobjekt der vorliegenden Arbeit ist ebenso der Trident-Prozess: ein Prozess zweiter Ordnung in der (Starkfeld-) Quan- tenelektrodynamik, bei dem ein Elektron-Positron-Paar innerhalb der Kollision eines Photonstrahls (z.B. erzeugt von einem Laser) und eines gegenläufigen Elektronenstrahls entsteht. Allerdings ist der Trident-Prozess im Zusammenhang mit hochintensiven Feldern nicht ausschließlich das Produkt seiner Teile, den erwähnten Compton- und Breit-Wheeler- Prozessen, vielmehr erzeugt das Vorhandensein des intermediären Photons durch seine virtuellen und reellen Beträge überaus komplizierte Strukturen. In den letzten Jahren gab es daher eine große Menge an theoretischen Beiträgen zur nicht-linearen Behandlung des Trident-Prozesses bezüglich eines weiten Bereichs an Eigenschaften der verwendeten Lichtquelle. Jedoch ist der nicht-lineare Trident-Prozess wegen seiner anspruchsvollen mathematischen Natur bisher nicht als völlig verstanden anzusehen. In der vorliegen- den Arbeit liegt der Fokus auf der Abhängigkeit des Trident-Prozesses von den kurzen zeitlichen Strukturen der verwendeten Lichtquellen bei hohen Energien. Grob gesprochen bedeutet dies, dass die kurz gepulsten Strukturen der modernen Lichtquellen zu breiten Spektren der Photonstrahlen führen, welche sich dann auch in den betrachteten Prozessen widerspiegeln. Demfolgend wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit eine neue Approximation an die Starkfeld-Quantenelektrodynamik erarbeitet, welche in der Lage ist, die spektralen Abhängigkeiten in den Prozessen zu beschreiben, die in Laser-Elektron-Kollisionen bei hohen Energien vorzufinden sind. Diese neue Approximation wird dann auf den Trident- Prozess angewendet und es werden die neuen Strukturen herausgearbeitet, welche durch das breite Spektrum der betrachteten Lichtquelle entstehen. Ferner werden bestehende oder geplante extreme Lichtquellen dahingehend untersucht, in welcher Weise diese, kombiniert mit einem passendem Elektronenstrahl, sensitiv für die vorgestellten spektralen Effekte im Trident-Prozess sind. Abschließend werden weitere mögliche Anwendungsbereiche der neuen Approximation diskutiert.:1 Introduction 1 2 Strong-field quantum electrodynamics 11 2.1 Description of the laser field 12 2.2 Background field approximation 18 2.3 Momentum space rules of strong-field QED 25 2.4 Ward identity and gauge invariance 34 2.5 Strong-field trident process 36 3 Pulsed-perturbative quantum electrodynamics 43 3.1 Approaches and approximations to strong-field QED 43 3.2 Momentum space rules in pulsed-perturbative QED 46 3.3 Spectrum of the background field 52 4 Pulsed-perturbative trident process 57 4.1 Matrixelement and cross section 57 4.2 Total cross section 72 4.3 Inclusive positron distributions 75 4.4 Exclusive electron distributions 81 4.5 Experimental capability 93 5 Summary and Outlook 97 Appendix 101 A Relativistic Kinematics 103 A.1 Preliminary remarks 103 A.2 Coordinate systems 104 A.3 Frames of reference 109 A.4 Kinematics of 2→3 processes 111 B Feynman rules of QED 121 C Perturbative trident pair production 125 C.1 Matrixelement and cross section 125 C.2 Numerical implementation and comparison to literature 129 C.3 Differential cross sections in transverse coordinates 132 C.4 Darkphotons 134 D Useful mathematical statements 139 Bibliography 153 / Modern laser facilities provide highly intense light with a very short temporal structure, which brings the phenomena originally found near the strong radiating stars in the universe into the laboratory. Accordingly, there are, among others, wide theoretical investigations w.r.t. scattering processes of particles impinging this extreme light sources. This has been done by applying the strong-field quantum electrodynamics, which is a theory of electromagnetic interactions within coherent highly intense light treated as a semi-classical background field. For instance, the treatment of the Compton process (inelastic electron- photon scattering) and the Breit-Wheeler process (pair production of a collision of two photons) with strong-field quantum electrodynamics revealed a vast amount of novel non-linear structures and phenomena, which were to some extent experimentally verified. Of particular interest and the central object of investigation within this thesis is also the trident process: a second order process in (strong-field) quantum electrodynamics producing an electron-positron pair within the collision of a photon beam (e.g. produced by a laser) with a counter-propagating electron. However, in the context of highly intense fields, the trident process is more than the product of its parts, the mentioned Compton and Breit-Wheeler process, since the intermediate photon yields both virtual and real contributions producing exceedingly complicated structures. Over the last years, there are several theoretical contributions to the non-linear treatment of the trident process w.r.t. a wide range of laser properties, but the trident process has not yet been fully understood due to its demanding mathematical nature. Within the present thesis, we focus on the dependence of the trident process to the short temporal structures of the involved light source at high energies. Loosely speaking, this means the short pulsed structure of modern light sources provide a wide energy spectrum of the respective photons, which is imprinted on the considered scattering processes. Accordingly, we elaborate a new approximation to strong-field quantum electrodynamics capable to describe the spectral dependence of processes within laser-electron collisions at high energies. Then we apply this new approximation to the trident process and reveal the novel structures generated by the spectrum of the light source. Therefore, we provide an analysis of the spectral impact to the trident process involving the total cross section as well as several inclusive and exclusive distributions of its final particles. Consequently, we examine in principle the experimental capabilities of present or planed extreme light sources by combining them with a suitable electron beam, whether they are sensitive to the encountered spectral effects of the trident process and discuss further applications of the newly introduced approximation.:1 Introduction 1 2 Strong-field quantum electrodynamics 11 2.1 Description of the laser field 12 2.2 Background field approximation 18 2.3 Momentum space rules of strong-field QED 25 2.4 Ward identity and gauge invariance 34 2.5 Strong-field trident process 36 3 Pulsed-perturbative quantum electrodynamics 43 3.1 Approaches and approximations to strong-field QED 43 3.2 Momentum space rules in pulsed-perturbative QED 46 3.3 Spectrum of the background field 52 4 Pulsed-perturbative trident process 57 4.1 Matrixelement and cross section 57 4.2 Total cross section 72 4.3 Inclusive positron distributions 75 4.4 Exclusive electron distributions 81 4.5 Experimental capability 93 5 Summary and Outlook 97 Appendix 101 A Relativistic Kinematics 103 A.1 Preliminary remarks 103 A.2 Coordinate systems 104 A.3 Frames of reference 109 A.4 Kinematics of 2→3 processes 111 B Feynman rules of QED 121 C Perturbative trident pair production 125 C.1 Matrixelement and cross section 125 C.2 Numerical implementation and comparison to literature 129 C.3 Differential cross sections in transverse coordinates 132 C.4 Darkphotons 134 D Useful mathematical statements 139 Bibliography 153

Probing femtosecond and attosecond electronic and chiral dynamics : high-order harmonic generation, XUV free induction decay, photoelectron spectroscopy and Coulomb explosion / Mesure de dynamiques électroniques et chirales à l'échelle femtoseconde et attoseconde : génération d'harmoniques d'ordre élevé, décroissance libre de l'induction XUV, spectroscopie de photoélectrons et explosion Coulombienne

Beaulieu, Samuel 23 May 2018 (has links)
Ce manuscrit de thèse s'articule autour de l'étude de l'interaction entre des impulsions lumineuses ultra brèves et des atomes ainsi que des molécules polyatomiques et chirales en phase gazeuse. En utilisant des techniques développées en physique attoseconde ainsi qu'en femtochimie, notre objectif général est de parvenir à une meilleure compréhension des dynamiques ultrarapides photoinduites dans la matière. Pour ce faire, nous avons développé des sources de lumière à ultra brèves dans le proche infrarouge et l’infrarouge moyen, qui ont été utilisées pour construire une source de rayons X dans la fenêtre de l’eau, basée surla génération d'harmoniques d’ordre élevé (GHOE), ainsi que pour l’étude de nouveaux canaux de GHOE impliquant des états hautement excités (Rydberg). Cette dernière étude a démontré une émission harmonique via l'ionisation depuis des états de Rydberg et la recombinaison radiative sur l'état fondamental, attirant ainsi notre intérêt pour le rôle des états de Rydberg en physique des champs forts. Cela nous a conduit à étudier la décroissance libre de l’induction XUV de paquets d'ondes électroniques comme une nouvelle technique de spectroscopie 2D. De plus, nous avons découvert que l'interaction entre un laser intense et un atome préparé dans une superposition cohérente d'états électroniques peut conduire à la génération de lignes hyper-Raman concomitantes avec la GHOE standard. Ce mécanisme avait été prédit lors des premiers calculs théoriques de GHOE, mais n'avait jamais été démontré expérimentalement. Par la suite, nous nous sommes intéressé à l’étude de systèmes moléculaires, dans lesquelles une excitation électronique induite par la lumière peut déclencher des dynamiques nucléaires. Nous avons étudié la photo isomérisation non-adiabatique de l’acétylène cationique en vinylidène cationique ainsi que le contrôle cohérent de la localisation électronique lors de la photodissociation de H2+. La simplicité de ces systèmes moléculaires a permis la comparaison des résultats expérimentaux avec des calculs théoriques de pointe,révélant l'importance du couplage entre les degrés de liberté nucléaires et électroniques lors de dynamiques moléculaires photoinduites.Un autre pilier majeur de cette thèse est l'étude de l'ionisation de molécules chirales avec des impulsions chirales. On sait depuis les années 70 que l'ionisation d'un ensemble de molécules chirales aléatoirement orientées, en utilisant une impulsion polarisée circulairement, conduit à une forte asymétrie avant-arrière dans le nombre de photoélectrons émis, selon l'axe de propagation de la lumière (DichroismeCirculaire de Photoélectron, DCPE). Avant cette thèse, le DCPE a été largement étudié à l’aide du rayonnement synchrotron (ionisation à un photon) et a récemment été démontré avec des lasers femtoseconde, via des schémas d'ionisation multiphotonique. Dans cette thèse, nous avons montré que le DCPE est un effet universel, c'est-à-dire qu'il émerge dans tous les régimes d'ionisation: l'ionisation àun photon, l'ionisation à multiphonique, l'ionisation au-dessus du seuil ainsi que l’ionisation par effet tunnel. Ensuite, nous avons démontré que la combinaison d’approches standard de femtochimie et du DCPE peuvent être utilisées pour suivre des dynamique de molécules chirales photoexcitées. En utilisant des approches expérimentales similaires, avec des séquences d'impulsions ayant des états de polarisation contre-intuitifs, nous avons démontré un nouvel effet chiroptique, appelé Dichroïsme Circulaire de Photoexcitation (DCPX), qui est décrit par un courant électronique directionnel et chirosensible, lorsque plusieurs niveaux sont peuplés de manière cohérente avec de la lumière chirale. Enfin, nous avons introduit une perspective temporelle à la photoionisation chirale en mesurant l'asymétrie avant arrièredes retards de photoionisation dans les molécules chirales photoionisées par des impulsions lumineuses chirales. / This thesis manuscript is articulated around the investigation of the interaction between ultrashort light pulses and gas-phase atoms, polyatomic and chiral molecules. Using the toolboxes developed in attosecond and strong-field physics as well as in femtochemistry, our general goal is to reach a better understanding of subtle effects underlying ultrafast light-induced dynamics in matter.To do so, we developed cutting-edge near-infrared and mid-infrared few-cycle light sources, which were used to build a water-window soft-X-ray source based on high order harmonic generation (HHG), as well as to study new HHG channels involving highly-excited (Rydberg) states. The latter study revealed a delayed HHG emission from the ionization of Rydberg states and radiative recombination onto the electronicground state, triggering our interest in the role of Rydberg states in strong-field physics. This led us to investigate the laser-induced XUV Free Induced Decay from electronic wave packets as a new background-free 2D spectroscopic technique.More over, we have found out that strong-field interaction with a well prepared coherent superposition of electronic states led to the generation of hyper-Ramanlines concomitant with standard high-order harmonics. These spectral features were predicted in the early-days theoretical calculations of HHG but had never been reported experimentally.After these experiments in rare gas atoms, we moved to molecular targets, in whichlight-induced electronic excitation can trigger nuclear dynamics. Using simple benchmark molecules, we have studied dynamics involving the participation of both nuclear and electronic degrees of freedom: first, we studied the ultrafast non adiabatic photoisomerization of the acetylene cation into vinylidene cation, andsecond, we investigated the coherent control of electron localization during molecular photodissociation of H2+. The simplicity of these molecular targets enabled the comparison of the experimental results with state-of-the-art theoretical calculations,revealing the importance of the coupling between nuclear and electronic degrees of freedom in photoinduced molecular dynamics.The other major pillar of this thesis is the study of ionization of chiral molecules usingchiral light pulses. It has been known since the 70s that the ionization from an ensemble of randomly oriented chiral molecules, using circularly polarized light pulse,leads to a strong forward-backward asymmetry in the number of emitted photoelectrons, along the light propagation axis (Photoelectron Circular Dichroism,PECD). Prior to this thesis, PECD was widely studied at synchrotron facilities (single photonionization) and had recently been demonstrated using table-top lasers in resonant-enhanced multiphoton ionization schemes. In this thesis, we have shownthat PECD is a universal effect, i.e. that it emerges in all ionization regimes, from single photon ionization, to few-photon ionization, to above-threshold ionization, up to the tunneling ionization regime. This bridges the gap between chiral photoionizationand strong-field physics. Next, we have shown how the combination of standard femtochemistry approaches and PECD can be used to follow the dynamics of photoexcited chiral molecules using time-resolved PECD. Using similar experimental approaches, but by using pulse sequences with counter-intuitive polarization states,we have demonstrated a novel electric dipolar chiroptical effect, called Photoexcitation Circular Dichroism (PXCD), which emerges as a directional and chirosensitive electron current when multiple excited bound states of chiral molecules are coherently populated with chiral light. Last, we introduced a time-domain perspective on chiral photoionization by measuring the forward-backward asymmetry of photoionization delays in chiral molecules photoionized by chiral light pulses. Our work thus carried chiral-sensitive studies down to the femtosecond and attosecond ranges.

Spectral and angular distributions of synchrotron radiation in quantum theory / Distribuições espectrais e angulares da radiação síncrotron no âmbito da teoria quântica

Burimova, Anastasia 15 December 2014 (has links)
In the framework of quantum theory the characteristics of synchrotron radiation (SR) are considered. In order to simplify theoretical description the process of radiation is restricted to single-photon emission. For arbitrary quantum transitions the spectral-angular distributions of SR power are given in exact analytical form. Scalar particles (bosons) and particles with spin $\\hbar/2$ (electrons) are treated separately. Special attention is given to the particular transitions, namely, to the transitions to first excited and ground states. It is shown that the components of linear polarization of radiation from electron switch places due to the orientation of spin when the electron jumps to the ground state. This fact can be considered an analytical proof for the presence of $\\pi$-component of quantum radiation in the plane of motion. The radiation emitted from weakly excited particles is thoroughly analysed. To describe the evolution of the profiles of angular distributions various functions are introduced both for two- and three-level systems. For quantum transitions from the first excited state to the ground state the comparative analysis of radiation from bosons and electrons is performed, which helps to estimate the influence of spin and its direction on the characteristics of radiation. The radiation from unpolarized electron is considered separately. Tracking the behavior of effective angles allows to discover the inconsistency of well-known classical conclusion about the concentration of total (summed over spectrum) ultrarelativistic radiation in the plane of motion. It is shown that the effective angles of quantum radiation tend to finite values and do not vanish in ultrarelativistic region. A brief review of classical theory includes an introduction of the new concept, $n$-part of spectrum. In order to find an adequate classical analogue for the radiation from weakly excited particles, the idea to reduce classical spectrum was developed. It turns out that the characteristics of radiation calculated for reduced classical spectrum stay in good quantitative and qualitative agreement with their quantum analogues, at least for single-harmonic and two-harmonic quantum spectra, and classical theory of a reduced spectrum can be claimed representational in this sense. The evolution of maximum in radiation spectrum is considered in separate chapter. A well-known approximation obtained for critical frequency in the framework of classical theory is invalid when quantum corrections enter the picture. But there appears a possibility to find the conditions for the maximum to shift to the highest harmonic of finite quantum spectrum. It is shown that the shifts occur successively starting with primary harmonic in non-relativistic case, and this result remains valid independently of spin. For a scalar particle there exists a fixed set of numbers, which are the critical values of external field, such that the shift of radiation maximum in the spectrum of boson can only happen when the intensity of external field is greater than certain critical value related to corresponding harmonic. If this condition is not satisfied, the position of maximum remains unchanged. It turns out that the presence of spin perturbs this picture, so that the critical values of field intensity depend on the number of initial level. / Consideramos as características da radiação sincrotron (RS) no âmbito da teoria quântica. Para simplificar a descrição teórica do processo de radiação restringimos à consideração da emissão de único fóton. Para transições quânticas arbitrárias, as distribuições espectrais e angulares da potência da RS são dadas de forma analítica exata. Tratamos separadamente partículas escalares (bósons) e com spin ½ (elétrons). Atenção especial é dada às transições particulares, a saber, as transições ao primeiro estado excitado e estado fundamental. É mostrado que os componentes de polarização linear da radiação de elétron se trocam em relação à orientação de spin quando o elétron passa para o estado fundamental. Este fato pode ser considerado como uma comprovação analítica para a presença de -componente da radiação quântica no plano de movimento. Analisamos minuciosamente a radiação emitida pela partícula fracamente excitada. Várias funções são introduzidas para descrever a evolução dos perfis de distribuições angulares para sistemas de dois e três níveis. Para transições quânticas do primeiro estado excitado ao estado fundamental a análise comparativa da radiação de bósons e elétrons é realizada, e isso ajuda à estimar a influência de spin e sua direção sobre as características da RS. A radiação de elétrons não polarizados é considerada separadamente. Observando o comportamento dos ângulos efetivos, é fácil perceber a inconsistência da conclusão clássica bem conhecida sobre a concentração de radiação ultra-relativista total no plano do movimento. Mostramos que os ângulos efetivos da radiação quântica tendem aos valores finitos e não desaparecem na região ultrarelativista. Uma revisão breve da teoria clássica inclui a introdução do conceito novo, isto é a n-parte do espectro. A fim de encontrar um análogo clássico adequado para a radiação das partículas fracamente excitados, a ideia de reduzir o espectro clássico foi desenvolvida. Constatamos que as características da radiação calculadas para o espectro clássico reduzido permanecem em boa concordância, tanto quantitativa quanto qualitativa, com os seus análogos quânticos, pelo menos no que diz respeito aos espectros quânticos de uma ou duas harmônicas. Neste sentido, a teoria clássica do espectro reduzido pode ser chamada de representativa. A evolução do máximo no espectro da radiação é considerada em capítulo separado. A aproximação, comumente considerada na teoria classica para frequência crítica, é inválida quando as correções quânticas entram em cena. Mas existe uma possibilidade de encontrar as condições para o máximo transferir-se à harmônica maior do espectro quântico. É mostrado que as transferências ocorrem sucessivamente, comecando com a harmônica principal no caso não relativístico, e este resultado permanece válido, independentemente de spin. Para uma partícula escalar existe um conjunto fixo dos valores críticos do campo externo, de tal modo que a transferência do máximo da radiação entre duas harmônicas específicas pode acontecer somente quando a intensidade do campo externo é maior do que o valor crítico associado com essas harmônicas. Se essa condição não for satisfeita, a posição do máximo permanece inalterada. Verificamos que a presença de spin perturba esta condição, no caso do elétron os valores críticos da intensidade do campo dependem de número do nível inicial.

Spectral and angular distributions of synchrotron radiation in quantum theory / Distribuições espectrais e angulares da radiação síncrotron no âmbito da teoria quântica

Anastasia Burimova 15 December 2014 (has links)
In the framework of quantum theory the characteristics of synchrotron radiation (SR) are considered. In order to simplify theoretical description the process of radiation is restricted to single-photon emission. For arbitrary quantum transitions the spectral-angular distributions of SR power are given in exact analytical form. Scalar particles (bosons) and particles with spin $\\hbar/2$ (electrons) are treated separately. Special attention is given to the particular transitions, namely, to the transitions to first excited and ground states. It is shown that the components of linear polarization of radiation from electron switch places due to the orientation of spin when the electron jumps to the ground state. This fact can be considered an analytical proof for the presence of $\\pi$-component of quantum radiation in the plane of motion. The radiation emitted from weakly excited particles is thoroughly analysed. To describe the evolution of the profiles of angular distributions various functions are introduced both for two- and three-level systems. For quantum transitions from the first excited state to the ground state the comparative analysis of radiation from bosons and electrons is performed, which helps to estimate the influence of spin and its direction on the characteristics of radiation. The radiation from unpolarized electron is considered separately. Tracking the behavior of effective angles allows to discover the inconsistency of well-known classical conclusion about the concentration of total (summed over spectrum) ultrarelativistic radiation in the plane of motion. It is shown that the effective angles of quantum radiation tend to finite values and do not vanish in ultrarelativistic region. A brief review of classical theory includes an introduction of the new concept, $n$-part of spectrum. In order to find an adequate classical analogue for the radiation from weakly excited particles, the idea to reduce classical spectrum was developed. It turns out that the characteristics of radiation calculated for reduced classical spectrum stay in good quantitative and qualitative agreement with their quantum analogues, at least for single-harmonic and two-harmonic quantum spectra, and classical theory of a reduced spectrum can be claimed representational in this sense. The evolution of maximum in radiation spectrum is considered in separate chapter. A well-known approximation obtained for critical frequency in the framework of classical theory is invalid when quantum corrections enter the picture. But there appears a possibility to find the conditions for the maximum to shift to the highest harmonic of finite quantum spectrum. It is shown that the shifts occur successively starting with primary harmonic in non-relativistic case, and this result remains valid independently of spin. For a scalar particle there exists a fixed set of numbers, which are the critical values of external field, such that the shift of radiation maximum in the spectrum of boson can only happen when the intensity of external field is greater than certain critical value related to corresponding harmonic. If this condition is not satisfied, the position of maximum remains unchanged. It turns out that the presence of spin perturbs this picture, so that the critical values of field intensity depend on the number of initial level. / Consideramos as características da radiação sincrotron (RS) no âmbito da teoria quântica. Para simplificar a descrição teórica do processo de radiação restringimos à consideração da emissão de único fóton. Para transições quânticas arbitrárias, as distribuições espectrais e angulares da potência da RS são dadas de forma analítica exata. Tratamos separadamente partículas escalares (bósons) e com spin ½ (elétrons). Atenção especial é dada às transições particulares, a saber, as transições ao primeiro estado excitado e estado fundamental. É mostrado que os componentes de polarização linear da radiação de elétron se trocam em relação à orientação de spin quando o elétron passa para o estado fundamental. Este fato pode ser considerado como uma comprovação analítica para a presença de -componente da radiação quântica no plano de movimento. Analisamos minuciosamente a radiação emitida pela partícula fracamente excitada. Várias funções são introduzidas para descrever a evolução dos perfis de distribuições angulares para sistemas de dois e três níveis. Para transições quânticas do primeiro estado excitado ao estado fundamental a análise comparativa da radiação de bósons e elétrons é realizada, e isso ajuda à estimar a influência de spin e sua direção sobre as características da RS. A radiação de elétrons não polarizados é considerada separadamente. Observando o comportamento dos ângulos efetivos, é fácil perceber a inconsistência da conclusão clássica bem conhecida sobre a concentração de radiação ultra-relativista total no plano do movimento. Mostramos que os ângulos efetivos da radiação quântica tendem aos valores finitos e não desaparecem na região ultrarelativista. Uma revisão breve da teoria clássica inclui a introdução do conceito novo, isto é a n-parte do espectro. A fim de encontrar um análogo clássico adequado para a radiação das partículas fracamente excitados, a ideia de reduzir o espectro clássico foi desenvolvida. Constatamos que as características da radiação calculadas para o espectro clássico reduzido permanecem em boa concordância, tanto quantitativa quanto qualitativa, com os seus análogos quânticos, pelo menos no que diz respeito aos espectros quânticos de uma ou duas harmônicas. Neste sentido, a teoria clássica do espectro reduzido pode ser chamada de representativa. A evolução do máximo no espectro da radiação é considerada em capítulo separado. A aproximação, comumente considerada na teoria classica para frequência crítica, é inválida quando as correções quânticas entram em cena. Mas existe uma possibilidade de encontrar as condições para o máximo transferir-se à harmônica maior do espectro quântico. É mostrado que as transferências ocorrem sucessivamente, comecando com a harmônica principal no caso não relativístico, e este resultado permanece válido, independentemente de spin. Para uma partícula escalar existe um conjunto fixo dos valores críticos do campo externo, de tal modo que a transferência do máximo da radiação entre duas harmônicas específicas pode acontecer somente quando a intensidade do campo externo é maior do que o valor crítico associado com essas harmônicas. Se essa condição não for satisfeita, a posição do máximo permanece inalterada. Verificamos que a presença de spin perturba esta condição, no caso do elétron os valores críticos da intensidade do campo dependem de número do nível inicial.

Application of attosecond pulses to high harmonic spectroscopy of molecules / Application des impulsions attosecondes à la spectroscopie harmonique des molécules

Lin, Nan 16 December 2013 (has links)
La génération d'harmoniques d'ordre élevé (HHG) est un processus non linéaire extrême qui peut être compris intuitivement par la séquence de trois étapes: i) ionisation tunnel de la cible atome/ molécule et création d'un paquet d'ondes électronique (EWP) dans le continuum, ii) accélération de l'EWP par le champ laser intense et iii) recombinaison avec le cœur ionique et émission d’une impulsion attoseconde de lumière cohérente dans l’extrême UV (XUV). La HHG fournit ainsi une source ultracourte accordable dans l’XUV/ rayons X mous à l'échelle de temps attoseconde pour les applications (schéma «direct»). Dans le même temps, elle encode de manière cohérente dans le rayonnement XUV émis la structure et la dynamique de réarrangement de charge des atomes/molécules qui rayonnent (schéma «auto-sonde» ou Spectroscopie d'harmoniques d'ordre élevé). Cette thèse est consacrée à ces deux schémas d'application en attophysique basés sur une caractérisation et un contrôle avancés de l'émission attoseconde. Dans ce qu'on appelle le schème "auto-sonde", la dernière étape de la HHG, la recombinaison électron-ion peut être considérée comme un procédé de sonde et l'émission peut coder des informations fructueuses sur le système se recombinant, telles que la structure moléculaire et la dynamique. Dans la première partie, nous avons effectué la spectroscopie harmonique de molécules N₂O et CO₂ qui sont alignées par rapport à la polarisation du laser générateur. Nous avons implémenté deux méthodes basées respectivement sur l'interférométrie optique et quantique afin de caractériser l'amplitude et la phase de l'émission attoseconde en fonction à la fois de l'énergie des photons et de l'angle d'alignement. Nous avons découvert de nouveaux effets dans la génération d'harmoniques qui ne peuvent pas être expliqués par la structure de l'orbitale moléculaire la plus haute occupée (HOMO). Au lieu de cela, nous avons trouvé que pendant l'interaction avec le champ laser, deux états électroniques sont excitées de manière cohérente dans l'ion moléculaire, formant un paquet d'ondes de «trou» se déplaçant à une échelle de temps attoseconde dans la molécule après l’ionisation tunnel. Nous nous sommes concentrés sur l'exploration de ce mouvement électronique cohérent à l'intérieur de la molécule, et comparé les mesures de N₂O et CO₂. La différence frappante dans la phase harmonique nous a conduits à l'élaboration d'un modèle multi-canal permettant l'extraction de l’amplitude et de la phase relative des deux canaux impliqués dans l'émission. Un déphasage inattendu de pi/4 entre les deux canaux est obtenu. En outre, nous avons étudié le profil des impulsions attosecondes émises par ces deux molécules, et nous avons proposé un moyen simple mais flexible pour la réalisation de la mise en forme d’impulsions attosecondes. Dans la deuxième partie, la spectroscopie harmonique a été étendue à d'autres systèmes moléculaires, y compris certaines molécules relativement complexes, par exemple, SF₆ et petits hydrocarbures (méthane, éthane, éthylène, acétylène). Elle a révélé de nombreux résultats intéressants tels que des distorsions de phase observées pour la première fois. Dans le schéma «direct», nous avons photoionisé des atomes de gaz rares en utilisant des impulsions attosecondes bien caractérisées combinées avec un laser infrarouge d’habillage avec un délai contrôlé, stabilisé à environ ± 60 as. Nous avons mesuré des différences marquées dans les distributions angulaires des photoélectrons, en fonction du nombre de photons IR échangés. Jointes à notre interprétation théorique, ces observations apportent de nouvelles connaissances sur la dynamique de cette classe de processus de photo-ionisation multi-couleurs qui sont une étape clé vers l'étude de la photo-ionisation dans le domaine temporel avec une résolution attoseconde. / High-order Harmonic Generation (HHG) is an extreme nonlinear process that can be intuitively understood as the sequence of 3 steps: i) tunnel ionization of the target atom/molecule, creating an electronic wave packet (EWP) in the continuum, ii) acceleration of the EWP by the strong laser field and iii) recombination to the core with emission of an attosecond burst of XUV coherent light. HHG thus provides a tunable ultrashort tabletop source of XUV/Soft X-ray radiation on attosecond time scale for applications (‘direct’ scheme). At the same time, it encodes coherently in the XUV radiation the structure and dynamical charge rearrangement of the radiating atoms/molecules (‘self-probing’ scheme or High Harmonic Spectroscopy). This thesis is dedicated to both application schemes in attophysics based on advanced characterization and control of the attosecond emission. In the so-called ‘self-probing’ scheme, the last step of HHG, the electron-ion re-collision can be considered as a probe process and the emission may encode fruitful information on the recombining system, including molecular structure and dynamics. In the first part, we performed high harmonic spectroscopy of N₂O and CO₂ molecules that are (laser-)aligned with respect to the polarization of the driving laser. We implemented two methods based on optical and quantum interferometry respectively in order to characterize the amplitude and phase of the attosecond emission as a function of both photon energy and alignment angle. We discovered new effects in the high harmonic generation, which could not be explained by the structure of the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO). Instead, we found that during the interaction with the laser field, two electronic states are coherently excited in the molecular ion and form a hole wave packet moving on an attosecond timescale in the molecule after tunnel ionization. We focused on exploring this coherent electronic motion inside the molecule, and compared the measurements in N₂O and CO₂. The striking difference in the harmonic phase behavior led us to the development of a multi-channel model allowing the extraction of the relative weight and phase of the two channels involved in the emission. An unexpected pi/4 phase shift between the two channels is obtained. Moreover, we studied the attosecond profile of the pulses emitted by these two molecules, and we proposed a simple but flexible way for performing attosecond pulse shaping. In the second part, high harmonic spectroscopy was extended to other molecular systems, including some relatively complex molecules, e.g., SF₆ and small hydrocarbons (methane, ethane, ethylene, acetylene). It revealed many interesting results such as phase distortions not previously reported. For the ‘direct’ scheme, we photoionized rare gas atoms using well characterized attosecond pulses of XUV coherent radiation combined with an infrared (IR) laser ”dressing” field with controlled time delay, stabilized down to about ± 60 as. We evidenced marked differences in the measured angular distributions of the photoelectrons, depending on the number of IR photons exchanged. Joined to a theoretical interpretation, these observations bring new insights into the dynamics of this class of multi-color photoionization processes that are a key step towards studying photoionization in the time domain, with attosecond time resolution.

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