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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dynamics of strongly continuous semigroups associated to certain differential equations

Aroza Benlloch, Javier 09 November 2015 (has links)
[EN] The purpose of the Ph.D. Thesis "Dynamics of strongly continuous semigroups associated to certain differential equations'' is to analyse, from the point of view of functional analysis, the dynamics of solutions of linear evolution equations. These solutions can be represented by a strongly continuous semigroup on an infinite-dimensional Banach space. The aim of our research is to provide global conditions for chaos, in the sense of Devaney, and stability properties of strongly continuous semigroups which are solutions of linear evolution equations. This work is composed of three principal chapters. Chapter 0 is introductory and defines basic terminology and notation used, besides presenting the basic results that we will use throughout this thesis. Chapters 1 and 2 describe, in general way, a strongly continuous semigroup induced by a semiflow in Lebesgue and Sobolev spaces which is a solution of a linear first order partial differential equation. Moreover, some characterizations of the main dynamical properties, including hypercyclicity, mixing, weakly mixing, chaos and stability are given along these chapters. Chapter 3 describes the dynamical properties of a difference equation based on the so-called birth-and-death model and analyses the conditions previously proven for this model improving them by employing a different strategy. The goal of this thesis is to characterize dynamical properties of these kind of strongly continuous semigroups in a general way, whenever possible, and to extend these results to another spaces. Along this memory, these findings are compared with the previous ones given by many authors in recent years. / [ES] La presente memoria "Dinámica de semigrupos fuertemente continuos asociadas a ciertas ecuaciones diferenciales'' es analizar, desde el punto de vista del análisis funcional, la dinámica de las soluciones de ecuaciones de evolución lineales. Estas soluciones pueden ser representadas por semigrupos fuertemente continuos en espacios de Banach de dimensión infinita. El objetivo de nuestra investigación es proporcionar condiciones globales para obtener caos, en el sentido de Devaney, y propiedades de estabilidad de semigrupos fuertemente continuos, los cuales son soluciones de ecuaciones de evolución lineales. Este trabajo está compuesto de tres capítulos principales. El Capítulo 0 es introductorio y define la terminología básica y notación usada, además de presentar los resultados básicos que usaremos a lo largo de esta tesis. Los Capítulos 1 y 2 describen, de forma general, un semigrupo fuertemente continuo inducido por un semiflujo en espacios de Lebesgue y en espacios de Sobolev, los cuales son solución de una ecuación diferencial lineal en derivadas parciales de primer orden. Además, algunas caracterizaciones de las principales propiedades dinámicas, incluyendo hiperciclicidad, mezclante, débil mezclante, caos y estabilidad, se obtienen a lo largo de estos capítulos. El Capítulo 3 describe las propiedades dinámicas de una ecuación en diferencias basada en el llamado modelo de nacimiento-muerte y analiza las condiciones previamente probadas para este modelo, mejorándolas empleando una estrategia diferente. La finalidad de esta tesis es caracterizar propiedades dinámicas para este tipo de semigrupos fuertemente continuos de forma general, cuando sea posible, y extender estos resultados a otros espacios. A lo largo de esta memoria, estos resultados son comparados con los resultados previos dados por varios autores en años recientes. / [CAT] La present memòria "Dinàmica de semigrups fortament continus associats a certes equacions diferencials'' és analitzar, des del punt de vista de l'anàlisi funcional, la dinàmica de les solucions d'equacions d'evolució lineals. Aquestes solucions poden ser representades per semigrups fortament continus en espais de Banach de dimensió infinita. L'objectiu de la nostra investigació es proporcionar condicions globals per obtenir caos, en el sentit de Devaney, i propietats d'estabilitat de semigrups fortament continus, els quals són solucions d'equacions d'evolució lineals. Aquest treball està compost de tres capítols principals. El Capítol 0 és introductori i defineix la terminologia bàsica i notació utilitzada, a més de presentar els resultats bàsics que utilitzarem al llarg d'aquesta tesi. Els Capítols 1 i 2 descriuen, de forma general, un semigrup fortament continu induït per un semiflux en espais de Lebesgue i en espais de Sobolev, els quals són solució d'una equació diferencial lineal en derivades parcials de primer ordre. A més, algunes caracteritzacions de les principals propietats dinàmiques, incloent-hi hiperciclicitat, mesclant, dèbil mesclant, caos i estabilitat, s'obtenen al llarg d'aquests capítols. El Capítol 3 descrivís les propietats dinàmiques d'una equació en diferències basada en el model de naixement-mort i analitza les condicions prèviament provades per aquest model, millorant-les utilitzant una estratègia diferent. La finalitat d'aquesta tesi és caracteritzar propietats dinàmiques d'aquest tipus de semigrups fortament continus de forma general, quan siga possible, i estendre aquests resultats a altres espais. Al llarg d'aquesta memòria, aquests resultats són comparats amb els resultats previs obtinguts per diversos autors en anys recents. / Aroza Benlloch, J. (2015). Dynamics of strongly continuous semigroups associated to certain differential equations [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/57186 / TESIS

Pairing, paramagnetism and prethermalization in strongly correlated low-dimensional quantum systems

Robinson, Neil Joe January 2014 (has links)
Quasi-one-dimensional quantum models are ideal for theoretically exploring the physical phenomena associated with strong correlations. In this thesis we study three examples where strong correlations play an important role in the static or dynamic properties of the system. Firstly, we examine the behaviour of a doped fermionic two-leg ladder in which umklapp interactions are present. Such interactions arise at special band fillings and can be induced by the formation of charge density wave order in an array of two-leg ladders with long-range (three-dimensional) interactions. For the umklapp which arises from the half-filling of one of the bands, we show that the low-energy theory has a number of phases, including a strong coupling regime in which the dominant fluctuations are superconducting in nature. These superconducting fluctuations carry a finite wave vector – they are the one-dimensional analogue of Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov superconductivity. In a second example, we consider a quantum spin model which captures the essential one-dimensional physics of CoNb<sub>2</sub>O<sub>6</sub>, a quasi-one-dimensional Ising ferromagnet. Motivated by high-resolution inelastic neutron scattering experiments, we calculate the dynamical structure in the paramagnetic phase and show that a small misalignment of the transverse field can lead to quasi-particle breakdown – a surprising broadening in the single particle mode observed in experiment. Finally, we study the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of a model with tuneable integrability breaking. When integrability is broken by the presence of weak interactions, we show that the system relaxes to a non-thermal state on intermediate time scales, the so-called “prethermalization plateau”. We describe the approximately stationary behaviour in this regime by constructing a generalised Gibbs ensemble with charges deformed to leading order in perturbation theory. Expectation values of these charges are time-independent, but interestingly the charges do not commute with the Hamiltonian to leading order in perturbation theory. Increasing the strength of the integrability breaking interactions leads to behaviour compatible with thermalisation. In each case we use a combination of perturbative analytical calculations and non-perturbative numerical computations to study the problem at hand.

De la frustration et du désordre dans les chaînes et les échelles de spins quantiques / Frustration and disorder in quantum spin chains and ladders

Lavarelo, Arthur 19 July 2013 (has links)
Dans les systèmes de spins quantiques, la frustration et la basse dimensionnalité génèrent des fluctuations quantiques et donnent lieu à des phases exotiques. Cette thèse étudie un modèle d'échelle de spins avec des couplages frustrants le long des montants, motivé par les expériences sur le cuprate BiCu$_2$PO$_6$. Dans un premier temps, on présente une méthode variationnelle originale pour décrire les excitations de basse énergie d'une seule chaîne frustrée. Le diagramme de phase de deux chaînes couplées est ensuite établi à l'aide de méthodes numériques. Le modèle exhibe une transition de phase quantique entre une phase dimérisée est une phase à liens de valence résonnants (RVB). La physique de la phase RVB et en particulier l'apparition de l'incommensurabilité sont étudiées numériquement et par un traitement en champ moyen. On étudie ensuite les effets d'impuretés non-magnétiques sur la courbe d'aimantation et la loi de Curie à basse température. Ces propriétés magnétiques sont tout d'abord discutées à température nulle à partir d'arguments probabilistes. Puis un modèle effectif de basse énergie est dérivé dans la théorie de la réponse linéaire et permet de rendre compte des propriétés magnétiques à température finie. Enfin, on étudie l'effet d'un désordre dans les liens, sur une seule chaîne frustrée. La méthode variationnelle, introduite dans le cas non-désordonné, donne une image à faible désordre de l'instabilité de la phase dimérisée, qui consiste en la formation de domaines d'Imry-Ma délimités par des spinons localisés. Ce résultat est finalement discuté à la lumière de la renormalisation dans l'espace réel à fort désordre. / In quantum spins systems, frustration and low-dimensionality generate quantum fluctuations and give rise to exotic quantum phases. This thesis studies a spin ladder model with frustrating couplings along the legs, motivated by experiments on cuprate BiCu$_2$PO$_6$. First, we present an original variational method to describe the low-energy excitations of a single frustrated chain. Then, the phase diagram of two coupled chains is computed with numerical methods. The model exhibits a quantum phase transition between a dimerized phase and resonating valence bound (RVB) phase. The physics of the RVB phase and in particular the onset of incommensurability are studied numerically and by a mean-field treatment. Afterwards, we study the effects of non-magnetic impurities on the magnetization curve and the Curie law at low temperature. These magnetic properties are first discussed at zero temperature with probability arguments. Then a low-energy effective model is derived within the linear response theory and is used to explain the magnetic properties at finite temperature. Eventually, we study the effect of bonds disorder, on a single frustrated chain. The variational method introduced in the non-disordered case gives a low disorder picture of the dimerized phase instability, which consists in the formation of Imry-Ma domains delimited by localized spinons. This result is finally discussed in the light of the strong disorder real space renormalization.

Non-equilibrium aspects of the holographic duality / Aspectos da dualidade holográfica fora do equilíbrio

Silva, Giancarlo Thales Camilo da 16 February 2017 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to study far-from-equilibrium aspects of quantum systems at strong coupling using the holographic duality as a tool. The duality, originated from string theory and further generalized to broader scenarios, relates certain strongly coupled gauge theories to classical gravity theories in higher dimensions. Over the last years, it has proved itself useful as a calculational tool to map difficult questions of interest in the gauge theory into a dual (i.e., equivalent) problem in a higher-dimensional gravity language where the solution may become feasible. The interest in strongly coupled quantum field theories, in particular non-Abelian gauge theories, is motivated by a number of nuclear and condensed matter physics phenomena which are known to take place at a non-perturbative regime, such as the quark-gluon plasma phase of quantum chromodynamics or high-Tc superconducting materials. While dealing with strong coupling is typically a very hard task even at equilibrium, the situation becomes yet more dramatic when non-equilibrium setups are concerned since the main non-perturbative tool available nowadays lattice field theory suffers from serious problems when it comes to real-time dynamics. This is the reason why unconventional techniques such as the ones provided by holography are welcome. Of particular interest here are the problems of thermalization of strongly coupled plasmas as well as the quench dynamics of quantum systems, both of which admit a dual gravitational description involving time-dependent solutions to the corresponding classical equations of motion in the bulk of Anti de Sitter (AdS) spacetimes, such as collapsing solutions describing AdS black hole formation. Specifically, and always from a holographic point of view, in this thesis we deal with three classes of problems: the thermalization properties of a charged non-Abelian plasma after a sudden injection of energy (such as a heavy ion collision); the dynamics of a symmetry breaking quench process from a relativistic to a non-relativistic setup of the Lifshitz type with dynamical exponent z; and, finally, a new analytical approach to the non- equilibrium properties of conformal field theory plasmas placed in an expanding background. Apart from the specific problems, we also provide a self-contained but concise introduction to the holographic duality with a view towards newcomers with an elementary general relativity and quantum field theory background. / Esta tese designa-se ao estudo de sistemas quânticos fortemente acoplados e fora do equilíbrio utilizando como ferramenta a dualidade holográfica. A dualidade, originária da teoria de cordas e posteriormente generalizada a cenários mais abrangentes, relaciona certas teorias de calibre fortemente acopladas e teorias de gravidade clássica em dimensões mais altas. Nos últimos anos, ela tem se mostrado útil como uma ferramenta de cálculo para mapear questões complicadas na teoria de gauge em um problema \\q{dual} (isto é, equivalente) formulado na linguagem completamente diferente de gravidade em dimensões extras, onde obter uma solução pode ser viável. O interesse em teorias quânticas de campo fortemente acopladas, em particular teorias de calibre não-Abelianas, motiva-se por uma variedade de fenômenos das físicas nuclear e da matéria condensada que, reconhecidamente, ocorrem em um regime não-perturbativo, tais como o plasma de quarks e glúons da cromodinâmica quântica ou certos materiais supercondutores com temperatura crítica alta. Em geral, lidar com acoplamentos fortes é uma tarefa bastante complicada mesmo em configurações de equilíbrio, mas a situação se torna ainda mais dramática quando configurações longe do equilíbrio são tratadas, visto que a principal ferramenta não-perturbativa disponível atualmente (teoria de campos na rede) enfrenta sérios problemas em situações dinâmicas. Esta é a principal razão pela qual técnicas alternativas tais como as fornecidas pela dualidade holográfica são bem vindas. De particular interesse aqui são os problemas da termalização de plasmas fortemente acoplados bem como a dinâmica pós-\\emph{quench} de sistemas quânticos, ambos os quais admitem uma descrição gravitacional dual envolvendo soluções dependentes do tempo às correspondentes equações gravitacionais em espaços-tempo de Anti de Sitter (AdS), tais como soluções de colapso descrevendo a formação de buracos negros assintoticamente AdS. Especificamente, e sempre sob um ponto de vista holográfico, nesta tese lidamos com três tipos diferentes de problemas: a termalização de um plasma não-Abeliano carregado como resultado de uma injeção repentina de energia (tal como uma colisão de íons pesados); a dinâmica durante um processo de quebra da simetria relativística para uma simetria não-relativística do tipo Lifshitz com expoente dinâmico $z$; e, finalmente, uma nova abordagem analítica para tratar propriedades fora do equílibrio de plasmas conformes colocados em um fundo que se expande. Além de tais problemas específicos, este texto fornece também uma introdução sucinta e auto-contida à dualidade holográfica direcionada a um leitor com conhecimento elementar de relatividade geral e teoria quântica de campos.

Ion Friction at Small Values of the Coulomb Logarithm

Sprenkle, Robert Tucker 01 July 2018 (has links)
We create a dual-species ultracold neutral plasma (UNP) by photo-ionizing Yb and Ca atoms in a dual-species magneto-optical trap. Unlike single-species UNP expansion, these plasmas are well outside of the collisionless (Vlasov) approximation. We observe the mutual interaction of the Yb and Ca ions by measuring the velocity distribution for each ion species separately. We model the expansion using a fluid code including ion-ion friction and compare with experimental results to obtain a value of the Coulomb logarithm of Λ= 0.04.

Conception de circuits intégrés autotestables pour des hypothèses de pannes analytiques

Nicolaides, Michel 06 January 1984 (has links) (PDF)
Des études récentes montrent que le modèle de collage logique ne convient pas pour représenter les défauts réels qui peuvent survenir dans les circuits intégrés. C'est pourquoi on recherche des méthodes de test basées sur des hypothèses de pannes analytiques. Problème de la conception des circuits autotestables vis-a-vis d'hypothèses de pannes analytiques: méthodes et règles générales pour les circuits fonctionnels N-MOS "fortement garantis contre les fautes" ("strongly fault secure": sfs). Nouveaux codes. Classe des contrôleurs " à codes fortement disjoints" (" strongly code disjoint": scd). Application des méthodes à l'étude d'un microprocesseur mc68000 autotestable.

Transitions de phases magnétiques dans des systèmes de spins quantiques à basse dimension

Canevet, Emmanuel 16 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse porte sur l'étude de trois systèmes de spins basse dimension par diffraction et diffusion inélastique de neutrons. Dans le composé DMACuCl3, les mesures macroscopiques semblent indiquer la coexistence de deux types de dimères : antiferromagnétique et ferromagnétique. Une étude par diffraction nous a permis de déterminer sa structure magnétique en champ nul qui prouve l'existence des deux dimères de manière irrévocable. Il a été montré que le composé de type Ising BaCo2V2O8 serait le premier système présentant un ordre magnétique incommensurable longitudinal (ICL) sous champ. Tout d'abord, nous avons déterminé la structure magnétique en champ nul. Ensuite, nous avons suivi l'évolution du vecteur de propagation en fonction du champ magnétique caractérisant ainsi l'entrée dans la phase ICL à Hc = 3.9 T. La détermination de l'ordre magnétique de la phase ICL confirme que BaCo2V2O8 est le premier composé présentant un ordre magnétique colinéaire à la direction du champ. Il a été montré que le composé organique DF5PNN est bien décrit à basse température par des chaînes de spins à couplages alternés. Or la structure cristallographique connue à température ambiante implique des couplages uniformes. Notre étude par diffraction montre l'existence d'une transition structurale à basse température (Tc = 450 mK) faisant passer du groupe d'espace C2/c à Pc, et expliquant la nature alternée des interactions. Nous avons également caractérisé une transition structurale induite sous champ (Hc = 1.1 T) faisant revenir le groupe d'espace à C2/c. Cette transition implique un retour à l'uniformité des échanges, ce que nous avons confirmé en étudiant les excitations magnétiques.

Propriétés magnétiques de systèmes à deux dimensions : système frustré de spins sur réseau carré et propriétés magnétiques de systèmes finis de graphène.

Feldner, Hélène 07 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
L'objet de cette thèse est l'étude des propriétés magnétiques de deux systèmes bidimensionels. Le premier correspond à des composés de cuprate ou vanadate qui peuvent être modélisés par un système de spins sur réseau carré et un modèle d'Heisenberg à trois couplages, avec un premier couplage ferromagnétique et des couplages deuxièmes et troisièmes voisins antiferromagnétiques. Le système ainsi obtenu constitue un système frustré. Après obtention du diagramme de phase classique en fonction des couplages, nous avons étudié l'effet sur celui-ci des fluctuations quantiques par la méthode des bosons de Holstein-Primakov et celle des bosons de Schwinger. Le deuxième type de système auquel nous nous sommes intéressés sont les systèmes finis de graphène. Pour étudier ce matériau, nous avons utilisé une approximation champ moyen du modèle d'Hubbard. Dans un premier temps nous avons retrouvé des résultats déjà connus confirmant ainsi une implémentation correcte de notre modèle. Nous avons ensuite cherché à établir la précision de cette méthode en comparant les résultats obtenus par cette méthode avec ceux obtenus par diagonalisation exacte du modèle et ceux obtenus par simulation Monte Carlo. Et en dernier lieu nous avons mis en évidence une signature dynamique de l'aimantation des bords en zigzag des systèmes finis de graphène.

Quantum Circuit Based on Electron Spins in Semiconductor Quantum Dots

Hsieh, Chang-Yu 07 March 2012 (has links)
In this thesis, I present a microscopic theory of quantum circuits based on interacting electron spins in quantum dot molecules. We use the Linear Combination of Harmonic Orbitals-Configuration Interaction (LCHO-CI) formalism for microscopic calculations. We then derive effective Hubbard, t-J, and Heisenberg models. These models are used to predict the electronic, spin and transport properties of a triple quantum dot molecule (TQDM) as a function of topology, gate configuration, bias and magnetic field. With these theoretical tools and fully characterized TQDMs, we propose the following applications: 1. Voltage tunable qubit encoded in the chiral states of a half-filled TQDM. We show how to perform single qubit operations by pulsing voltages. We propose the "chirality-to-charge" conversion as the measurement scheme and demonstrate the robustness of the chirality-encoded qubit due to charge fluctuations. We derive an effective qubit-qubit Hamiltonian and demonstrate the two-qubit gate. This provides all the necessary operations for a quantum computer built with chirality-encoded qubits. 2. Berry's phase. We explore the prospect of geometric quantum computing with chirality-encoded qubit. We construct a Herzberg circuit in the voltage space and show the accumulation of Berry's phase. 3. Macroscopic quantum states on a semiconductor chip. We consider a linear chain of TQDMs, each with 4 electrons, obtained by nanostructuring a metallic gate in a field effect transistor. We theoretically show that the low energy spectrum of the chain maps onto that of a spin-1 chain. Hence, we show that macroscopic quantum states, protected by a Haldane gap from the continuum, emerge. In order to minimize decoherence of electron spin qubits, we consider using electron spins in the p orbitals of the valence band (valence holes) as qubits. We develop a theory of valence hole qubit within the 4-band k.p model. We show that static magnetic fields can be used to perform single qubit operations. We also show that the qubit-qubit interactions are sensitive to the geometry of a quantum dot network. For vertical qubit arrays, we predict that there exists an optimal qubit separation suitable for the voltage control of qubit-qubit interactions.

Quantum Circuit Based on Electron Spins in Semiconductor Quantum Dots

Hsieh, Chang-Yu 07 March 2012 (has links)
In this thesis, I present a microscopic theory of quantum circuits based on interacting electron spins in quantum dot molecules. We use the Linear Combination of Harmonic Orbitals-Configuration Interaction (LCHO-CI) formalism for microscopic calculations. We then derive effective Hubbard, t-J, and Heisenberg models. These models are used to predict the electronic, spin and transport properties of a triple quantum dot molecule (TQDM) as a function of topology, gate configuration, bias and magnetic field. With these theoretical tools and fully characterized TQDMs, we propose the following applications: 1. Voltage tunable qubit encoded in the chiral states of a half-filled TQDM. We show how to perform single qubit operations by pulsing voltages. We propose the "chirality-to-charge" conversion as the measurement scheme and demonstrate the robustness of the chirality-encoded qubit due to charge fluctuations. We derive an effective qubit-qubit Hamiltonian and demonstrate the two-qubit gate. This provides all the necessary operations for a quantum computer built with chirality-encoded qubits. 2. Berry's phase. We explore the prospect of geometric quantum computing with chirality-encoded qubit. We construct a Herzberg circuit in the voltage space and show the accumulation of Berry's phase. 3. Macroscopic quantum states on a semiconductor chip. We consider a linear chain of TQDMs, each with 4 electrons, obtained by nanostructuring a metallic gate in a field effect transistor. We theoretically show that the low energy spectrum of the chain maps onto that of a spin-1 chain. Hence, we show that macroscopic quantum states, protected by a Haldane gap from the continuum, emerge. In order to minimize decoherence of electron spin qubits, we consider using electron spins in the p orbitals of the valence band (valence holes) as qubits. We develop a theory of valence hole qubit within the 4-band k.p model. We show that static magnetic fields can be used to perform single qubit operations. We also show that the qubit-qubit interactions are sensitive to the geometry of a quantum dot network. For vertical qubit arrays, we predict that there exists an optimal qubit separation suitable for the voltage control of qubit-qubit interactions.

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