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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Thermal transport in strongly correlated electron systems

Sanchez Lotero, Adriana Mercedes 08 July 2005 (has links)
Thermal conductivity and thermopower measurements in strongly correlated electron systems at low temperatures

Manipulation of time reversal symmetry breaking superconductivity in Sr₂RuO₄ by uniaxial pressure

Ghosh, Shreenanda 30 September 2021 (has links)
Unconventional superconductivity continues to be one of the most striking chapters in condensed matter physics, by posing challenges to our theoretical understanding of its origin. During the last three decades a large number of unconventional superconductors with exotic properties have been found arising great interest, such as the heavy fermion systems, high Tc cuprates as well as the Iron based superconductors etc. Sr2RuO4, the material I have studied, can be considered as an exemplary case in this regard. In spite of more than two decades of comprehensive research, Sr2RuO4 remains one of the most compelling superconductors till date. Various experimental results give evidence that the superconductivity of Sr2RuO4 is chiral: including measurements of the Kerr effect, sound velocities, critical currents across junctions, and muon spin relaxation(μSR), the experimental technique at the heart of this dissertation. Recent NMR Knight shift measurements suggests that the pairing is most likely spin-singlet, and in the tetragonal lattice of Sr2RuO4, the combination of singlet pairing and chirality compels consideration of an seemingly unlikely order parameter: dxz ± idyz. It is unlikely because it comes along with a horizontal line node at kz = 0, whereas Sr2RuO4 has a very low c-axis conductivity. And that makes the question whether or not the superconductivity of Sr2RuO4 is chiral, of great importance. This calls for an unique scenario in regard to our understanding of unconventional superconductivity, as the presence of chirality in Sr2RuO4 might imply a new form of pairing, which is yet to be firmly determined. Chiral superconductors break time reversal symmetry by definition, and in general time-reversal-symmetry breaking (TRSB) superconductivity indicates complex two component order parameters. Probing Sr2RuO4 under uniaxial pressure offers the possibility to lift the degeneracy between such components. However, despite strenuous efforts, a splitting of the superconducting and TRSB transitions under uniaxial pressure has not been observed so far. In this thesis, I report muon spin relaxation measurements on Sr2RuO4 samples, placed under uniaxial stress. The relatively large sample size suitable for μSR demanded for a customized uniaxial pressure cell in order to perform our experiments. It has been a technically challenging task to have a fully fledged uniaxial pressure cell with stringent requirements, that is suitable for time restricted facility experiments like μSR. The technical advancement has been documented thoroughly in this thesis. Using the dedicated uniaxial pressure cell, we observed the much awaited stress induced splitting between the onset temperatures of superconductivity and time reversal symmetry breaking, consistent with the qualitative expectations for a chiral order parameter in Sr2RuO4. In addition to that, we report the appearance of a bulk magnetic order in Sr2RuO4 under higher uniaxial stress for the first time, above the critical pressure at which a Lifshitz transition is known to occur. The signal in the state appearing at high stress qualitatively differs from that in the TRSB state in unstressed Sr2RuO4, which provides evidence that the enhanced muon spin relaxation at lower stresses is not a consequence of conventional magnetism. As a whole, our results strongly support the idea of two-component superconducting order parameter in Sr2RuO4, that breaks time-reversal symmetry.

Charge degrees of freedom on the kagome lattice

O'Brien, Aroon 20 December 2010 (has links)
Within condensed matter physics, systems with strong electronic correlations give rise to fascinating phenomena which characteristically require a physical description beyond a one-electron theory, such as high temperature superconductivity, or Mott metal-insulator transitions. In this thesis, a class of strongly correlated electron systems is considered. These systems exhibit fractionally charged excitations with charge +e/2 or -e/2 in two dimensions (2D) and three dimensions (3D), a consequence of both strong correlations and the geometrical frustration of the interactions on the underlying lattices. Such geometrically frustrated systems are typically characterized by a high density of low-lying excitations, leading to various interesting physical effects. This thesis constitutes a study of a model of spinless fermions on the geometrically frustrated kagome lattice. Focus is given in particular to the regime in which nearest-neighbour repulsions V are large in comparison with hopping t between neighbouring sites, the regime in which excitations with fractional charge occur. In the classical limit t = 0, the geometric frustration results in a macroscopically large ground-state degeneracy. This degeneracy is lifted by quantum fluctuations. A low-energy effective Hamiltonian is derived for the spinless fermion model for the case of 1/3 filling in the regime where |t| << V . In this limit, the effective Hamiltonian is given by ring-exchange of order ~ t^3/V^2, lifting the degeneracy. The effective model is shown to be equivalent to a corresponding hard-core bosonic model due to a gauge invariance which removes the fermionic sign problem. The model is furthermore mapped directly to a Quantum Dimer model on the hexagonal lattice. Through the mapping it is determined that the kagome lattice model exhibits plaquette order in the ground state and also that fractional charges within the model are linearly confined. Subsequently a doped version of the effective model is studied, for the case where exactly one spinless fermion is added or subtracted from the system at 1/3 filling. The sign of the newly introduced hopping term is shown to be removable due to a gauge invariance for the case of hole doping. This gauge invariance is a direct result of the bipartite nature of the hole hopping and is confirmed numerically in spectral density calculations. For further understanding of the low-energy physics, a derivation of the model gauge field theory is presented and discussed in relation to the confining quantum electrodynamic in two dimensions. Exact diagonalization calculations illustrate the nature of the fractional charge confinement in terms of the string tension between a bound pair of defects. The calculations employ topological symmetries that exist for the manifold of ground-state configurations. Dynamical calculations of the spectral densities are considered for the full spinless fermion Hamiltonian and compared in the strongly correlated regime with the doped effective Hamiltonian. Calculations for the effective Hamiltonian are then presented for the strongly correlated regime where |t| << V . In the limit g << |t|, the fractional charges are shown to be effectively free in the context of the finite clusters studied. Prominent features of the spectral densities at the Gamma point for the hole and particle contributions are attributed to approximate eigenfunctions of the spinless fermion Hamiltonian in this limit. This is confirmed through an analytical derivation. The case of g ~ t is then considered, as in this case the confinement of the fractional charges is observable in the spectral densities calculated for finite clusters. The bound states for the effectively confined defect pair are qualitatively estimated through the solution of the time-independent Schroedinger equation for a potential which scales linearly with g. The double-peaked feature of spectral density calculations over a range of g values can thus be interpreted as a signature of the confinement of the fractionally charged defect pair. Furthermore, the metal-insulator transition for the effective Hamiltonian is studied for both t > 0 and t < 0. Exact diagonalization calculations are found to be consistent with the predictions of the effective model. Further calculations confirm that the sign of t is rendered inconsequential due to the gauge invariance for g in the regime |t| << V . The charge-order melting metal-insulator transition is studied through density-matrix renormalization group calculations. The opening of the energy gap is found to differ for the two signs of t, reflecting the difference in the band structure at the Fermi level in each case. The qualitative nature of transition in each case is discussed. As a step towards a realization of the model in experiment, density-density correlation functions are introduced and such a calculation is shown for the plaquette phase for the effective model Hamiltonian at 1/3 filling in the absence of defects. Finally, the open problem of statistics of the fractional charges is discussed.

Resistivity and thermal conductivity measurements on heavy-fermion superconductors in rotating magnetic fields

Vieyra Villegas, Hugo Abdiel 30 January 2013 (has links)
CeCu_2Si_2 was the first heavy-fermion compound showing signatures of bulk superconductivity (T_c = 0.5 K). Further observations have put in evidence the correlations between superconductivity, magnetic order, Kondo physics, and quantum critical phenomena. In spite of the interest generated, a systematic study of such correlations was hampered by strong sample dependences. Fortunately, the inherent complexity associated to the stoichiometric composition has been recently understood. The availability of single-crystals with well-defined properties has thus reignited the interest in CeCu_2Si_2 as a window to novel phenomena, such as unconventional superconductivity. The present work summarizes the results of my doctoral research. It exemplifies the importance not only of high-quality materials, but also of suitable experimental techniques. A first step in this project involved the design of angle-dependent techniques in the milli-kelvin range, namely: electrical resistivity and thermal conductivity. It comprised the development of a rotational stage, the construction of sample holders, and the implementation of controlling and measuring components. In the second part of the project, electrical- and thermal-transport measurements on CeCu_2Si_2 were performed. Power-law behavior below T_c in the thermal conductivity suggests the presence of lines of nodes in the gap function. Also, the non-vanishing extrapolated residual terms (k_00/T ) support the presence of a residual density of states. The nodes are broadened by potential scattering, which appears to be significant in CeCu_2Si_2. The scattering hinders the determination of the symmetry of the order parameter and might be responsible for the observed isotropic angle dependence of the thermal conductivity. In contrast, angle-dependent measurements of the upper critical field exhibit a four-folded behavior, which also points towards the presence of nodes. By comparing with a weak-coupling model including the effects of Pauli limiting and anisotropic Fermi velocity, the results point towards a d_xy-wave symmetry of the order parameter. Such results represent the first angle-dependent measurements supporting a d-wave symmetry in CeCu_2Si_2.

Relaxationsprozesse in stark gekoppelten ultrakalten Plasmen

Bannasch, Georg 01 March 2013 (has links)
Typischerweise sind Plasmen extrem heiß - diese hohen Energien sind nötig, um die Ionisationsschwelle der Atome zu überwinden und damit einen stabilen Plasmazustand zu gewährleisten. Folglich werden die physikalischen Eigenschaften dieser Plasmen für gewöhnlich durch die thermischen Energie der Plasmateilchen bestimmt, während Korrelationen zwischen den Ladungen eine untergeordnete Rolle spielen. Durch die rasanten Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der ultrakalten Gase ist es jedoch ebenso möglich, Plasmen bei extrem tiefen Temperaturen zu erzeugen, indem lasergekühlte Atome photoionisiert werden. In diesen ultrakalten Plasmen (UKP) lassen sich aufgrund der niedrigen Temperaturen bereits deutliche Auswirkungen von Korrelationen beobachten, die zu gänzlich anderer Dynamik führen können als aus dem Bereich der heißen schwach gekoppelten Plasmen bekannt. Ähnliche Prozesse werden auch in dichten Plasmen beobachtet, in denen durch extrem kurzen Teilchenabstände die Wechselwirkungsenergie auch bei Temperaturen von über 10000 Kelvin die kinetische Energie dominiert. Dichte Plasmen spielen eine wichtige Rolle für technische Anwendungen wie die Trägheitsfusion. Im Gegensatz zu diesen dichten Plasmen realisieren UKP starke Korrelationen jedoch bei sehr viel geringen Dichten von ρ ∼ 10^9 cm^{−3} . Die daraus resultierende langsame Dynamik ist experimentell wesentlich besser zugänglich und macht diese System deshalb besonders interessant, um Korrelationseffekte in stark gekoppelten Plasmen zu studieren. Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit Effekten von starken Korrelationen auf verschiedene Relaxationsprozesse, die insbesondere, aber nicht ausschließlich in UKP eine bedeutende Rolle spielen. Neben dem fundamentalen Interesse an diesen Prozessen gilt ein Augenmerk auch möglichen experimentellen Tests der getroffenen Vorhersagen. Da die Theorie der schwach gekoppelten Plasmen Korrelationen größtenteils vernachlässigt, ist sie im Regime der UKP nur eingeschränkt anwendbar. Zur Berücksichtigung der starken Korrelationen werden in dieser Arbeit umfangreiche molekulardynamischen Simulationen eingesetzt, die teilweise mit quantenmechanischen Beschreibungen kombiniert werden, um den in UKP relevanten atomphysikalischen Aspekten gerecht zu werden. Im Rahmen dieser Rechnungen wird zunächst die seit langem ungeklärte Frage der Atombildung bei tiefen Temperaturen beantwortet. Dieser Prozess ist für UKP besonders relevanten, da die Rekombination die Lebensdauer des Plasmas bestimmt. Die konventionelle Theorie für Rekombination basiert auf der Annahme von von isolierten Drei-Körper-Stößen. Die daraus resultierende Rate divergiert mit abnehmender Temperatur und verliert daher ihre Gültigkeit im ultrakalten Bereich. In dieser Arbeit wird die Beschreibung der Rekombination mit Hilfe aufwendiger Vielteilchen-Simulationen auf den stark gekoppelte Bereich ausgebaut. Hierbei zeigt sich, dass die Rekombinationsrate im Bereich tiefer Temperaturen auf einen konstanten Wert konvergiert, so dass das Problem der divergierenden Rate gelöst werden kann. Ein weiteres, seit langem kontrovers diskutiertes Problem, stellt die Relaxation aufgrund von elastischen Stößen in stark gekoppelten Plasmen dar. Auch hier gilt, dass die konventionelle Theorie für heiße Plasmen, die auf Landau und Spitzer zurückgeht, aufgrund der Vernachlässigung von Korrelationen im Regime starker Kopplung unzureichend wird. Bisher waren keine experimentellen Ergebnisse verfügbar, um die verschiedenen Vorschläge zur Erweiterung der Landau-Spitzer-Beschreibung auf den stark gekoppelten Bereich zu beurteilen. In enger Zusammenarbeit mit der Gruppe von Prof. T. C. Killian (Rice University, Houston, USA) können im Rahmen dieser Arbeit nun erstmals Relaxationsraten in stark gekoppelten Plasmen gemessen werden. Dazu wird mittels eines Pump-Probe-Verfahren die Relaxation der ionischen Geschwindigkeitsverteilung in UKP beobachtet. In dieser Arbeit konnte eine Methode zur Interpretation der experimentellen Daten entwickelt und durch semiklassische Simulationen der Parameterbereich enorm erweitert werden. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Landau-Spitzer-Theorie bereits bei geringen Kopplungsstärken deutliche Defizite aufweist und liefern erstmalig Vorhersagen im stark gekoppelten Bereich. Bei der Untersuchung der ionischen Relaxation wird deutlich, dass insbesondere experimentelle Ergebnisse bei hohen Kopplungsstärken von Interesse sind. Derzeit sind typische UKP-Experimente jedoch auf mäßige Kopplungsstärken limitiert. Ursache hierfür ist, dass das Plasma in einem Zustand weit entfernt vom Gleichgewicht erzeugt wird. Bei der Relaxation ins Gleichgewicht kommt es zu einer Ausbildung von Korrelationen und damit zu einer Umwandlung von potentieller in kinetische Energie. In dieser Arbeit wird deshalb ein neues Plasmaherstellungsverfahren vorgeschlagen, das für die Ionen dieses „Korrrelationsheizen“ stark unterdrücken kann. Durch eine kollektive Anregung kalter Atome in Rydberg-Zustände werden vor der Photoionsation der Atome Korrelationen im atomaren Gas induziert. Es wird gezeigt, dass diese Korrelationen durch eine selektive Ionisation der Rydberg-Atome mit Hilfe von Mikrowellen an das Plasma weitergegeben werden können. Dadurch verringert sich das Korrelationsheizen und eröffnet neue Perspektiven für Untersuchungen ultrakalter Plasmen tief im stark gekoppelten Regime.

On Operads / Über Operaden

Brinkmeier, Michael 18 May 2001 (has links)
This Thesis consists of four independent parts. In the first part I prove that the delooping, i.e.the classifying space, of a grouplike monoid is an $H$-space if and only if its multiplication is a homotopy homomorphism. This is an extension and clarification of a result of Sugawara. Furthermore I prove that the Moore loop space functor and the construction of the classifying space induce an adjunction on the corresponding homotopy categories. In the second part I extend a result of G. Dunn, by proving that the tensorproduct $C_{n_1}\otimes\dots \otimes C_{n_j}$ of little cube operads is a topologically equivalent suboperad of $C_{n_1 \dots n_j}$. In the third part I describe operads as algebras over a certain colored operad. By application of results of Boardman and Vogt I describe a model of the homotopy category of topological operads and algebras over them, as well as a notion of lax operads, i.e. operads whose axioms are weakened up to coherent homotopies. Here the W-construction, a functorial cofibrant replacement for a topological operad, plays a central role. As one application I construct a model for the homotopy category of topological categories. C. Berger claimed to have constructed an operad structure on the permutohedras, whose associated monad is exactly the Milgram-construction of the free two-fold loop space. In the fourth part I prove that this statement is not correct.

Out-Of-Equilibrium Dynamics and Locality in Long-Range Many-Body Quantum Systems / Dynamique hors equilibre et localité dans les systèmes quantiques avec interaction de longue porté

Cevolani, Lorenzo 02 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse présente une étude des propagations des corrélations dans les systèmes avec interaction de longue portée. La dynamique des observables locales ne peut pas être décrite avec les méthodes utilisées pour la physique statistique à l’équilibre et les approches complètement nouvelles doivent être développées. Différentes bornes sur l’évolution temporelle des corrélations ont été dérivées, mais la dynamique réelle trouvée dans des données expérimentales et numériques est beaucoup plus compliquée avec différents régimes de propagation. Une approche plus spécifique est donc nécessaire pour comprendre ces phénomènes. Nous présentons une méthode analytique pour décrire l’évolution temporelle d’observables génériques dans des systèmes décrits par des hamiltoniens quadratiques avec interactions de courte et longue portée. Grâce ces expressions, la propagation des observables peut être interprétée comme la propagation des excitations du système. Nous appliquons cette méthode générique à un modèle de spins et on obtient trois régimes différents. Ils peuvent être directement expliqués qualitativement et quantitativement par les divergences du spectre des excitations. Le résultat le plus important est le fait que la propagation, là où elle n’est pas instantanée, est au plus balistique, voir plus lente, alors les bornes permettent une propagation significativement plus rapide. On applique les mêmes expressions analytiques à un système de bosons sur un réseau avec interaction de longue et courte portée. Nous étudions les corrélations à deux corps qui ont un comportement toujours balistique et les corrélations à un corps qui ont un comportement plus riche. Cet effet peut être expliqué en calculant la contribution aux deux observables des différentes excitations qui déterminent les parties du spectre contribuant à l’observable. Ces résultats démontrent que la propagation des observables n’est pas déterminée uniquement par le spectre des excitations mais également par des quantités qui dépendent de l’observable et qui peuvent changer complètement le régime de propagation. / In this thesis we present our results on the propagation of correlations in long-range interacting quantum systems. The dynamics of local observables in these systems cannot be described with the standard methods used in equilibrium statistical physics and completely new methods have to be developed. Several bounds on the time evolution of correlations have been derived for these systems. However the propagation found in experimental and numerical results is completely different and several regimes are present depending on the long-range character of the interactions. Here we present analytical expressions to describe the time evolution of generic observables in systems where the Hamiltonian takes a quadratic form with long- and short-range interactions. These expressions describe the spreading of local observables as the spreading of the fundamental excitations of the system. We apply these expressions to a spin model finding three different propagation regimes. They can be described qualitatively et quantitatively by the divergences in the energy spectrum. The most important result is that the propagation is at most ballistic, but it can be also significantly slower, where the general bounds predict a propagation faster than ballistic. This points out that the bounds are not able to describe properly the propagation, but a more specific approach is needed. We then move to a system of lattice bosons interacting via long-range interactions. In this case we study two different observables finding completely different results for the same interactions: the spreading of two-body correlations is always ballistic while the one of the one-body correlations ranges from faster-than-ballistic to ballistic. Using our general analytic expressions we find that different parts of the spectrum contribute differently to different observables determining the previous differences. This points out that an observable-dependent notion of locality, missing in the general bounds, have to be developed to correctly describe the time evolution.

Construction of dynamics with strongly interacting for non-linear dispersive PDE (Partial differential equation). / Construction de dynamiques à fortes interactions d'EDP (Équations aux dérivées partielles) non linéaires dispersives

Nguyen, Tien Vinh 26 June 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l’étude des propriétés dynamiques des solutions de type soliton d'équations aux dérivées partielles (EDP) dispersives non linéaires. `A travers des exemples-type de telles équations, l'équation de Schrödinger non-linéaire (NLS), l'équation de Korteweg-de Vries généralisée (gKdV) et le système de Schrödinger, on traite du comportement des solutions convergeant en temps grand vers des sommes de solitons (multi-solitons). Dans un premier temps, nous montrons que dans une configuration symétrique, avec des interactions fortes, le comportement de séparation des solitons logarithmique en temps est universel à la fois dans le cas sous-critique et sur-critique pour (NLS). Ensuite, en adaptant les techniques précédentes à l'équation (gKdV), nous prouvons un résultat similaire de l'existence de multi-solitons avec distance relative logarithmique; pour (gKdV), les solitons sont répulsifs dans le cas sous-critique et attractifs dans le cas sur-critique. Finalement, nous identifions un nouveau régime de distance logarithmique où les solitons sont non-symétriques pour le système de Schrödinger non-intégrable; une telle solution n'existe pas dans le cas intégrable pour le système et pour (NLS). / This thesis deals with long time dynamics of soliton solutions for nonlinear dispersive partial differential equation (PDE). Through typical examples of such equations, the nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLS), the generalized Korteweg-de Vries equation (gKdV) and the coupled system of Schrödinger, we study the behavior of solutions, when time goes to infinity, towards sums of solitons (multi-solitons). First, we show that in the symmetric setting, with strong interactions, the behavior of logarithmic separation in time between solitons is universal in both subcritical and supercritical case. Next, adapting previous techniques to (gKdV) equation, we prove a similar result of existence of multi-solitons with logarithmic relative distance; for (gKdV), the solitons are repulsive in the subcritical case and attractive in the supercritical case. Finally, we identify a new logarithmic regime where the solitons are non-symmetric for the non-integrable coupled system of Schrödinger; such solution does not exist in the integrable case for the system and for (NLS).

Effects of quenched disorder in frustrated magnets

Dey, Santanu 13 December 2021 (has links)
This PhD thesis focuses on the mutual interplay of frustration and quenched disorder in magnetic insulators. Frustrated quantum magnets are known to host a plethora of interesting many-body phenomena ranging from noncollinear N\'el ordering to spin liquid phases. In this thesis, the consequences of the breakdown of translation symmetry, a widely occurring phenomenon in real materials, are studied in several examples of frustrated spin systems. The thesis is split into two parts dedicated to different kinds of frustrated magnets and the effects of quenched random perturbations in them. In the first part, bond randomness in frustrated noncollinear ordering is considered. Noncollinear magnetic orders originating from the spontaneous breakdown of continuous spin rotation symmetries at zero temperature are found to be unstable in the presence of exchange randomness. It is shown that in this case, the frustrated N\'{e}el ordering is destroyed for any magnitude of random exchange disorder. The resulting disordered ground states, however, possess interesting distinctions depending on the precise nature of the broken spin rotation symmetry. For SU(2) Heisenberg spins, it is demonstrated that the weak disordered ground describes a classical spin glass at zero temperature with a finite correlation length. At higher disorder, enhanced quantum fluctuations are predicted to modify that ground state into a random-singlet-like form. On the other hand, for noncollinear XY spin systems with U(1) or SO(2) symmetry which have stable integer-valued vortex topological defects, it is instead found that the weak disorder and the strong disorder ground states are distinct even at the classical level. The former has a quasi-long range order spin arrangement, while the latter exhibits a truly short-range ordered state. These two phases are shown to be separated by a Kosterlitz-Thouless-like phase transition point where vortex unbinding takes place. The spontaneously broken chiral degeneracy of noncollinear N\'el ordering is witnessed to be robust up to the point of the vortex-driven phase transition. In the second part of the thesis, the focus is switched to the effects of quenched disorder on quantum spin liquids. These are quantum disordered phases of matter with long-range entanglement, topological order, and fractionalised excitations that often arise in frustrated spin systems. The U(1) Dirac spin liquid with its magnetic monopole excitations has been identified as a parent state for N\'{e}el, valence-bond solid, and algebraic spin liquid phases. In this thesis, the fate of this state is studied in the presence of quenched random perturbations. It is demonstrated that a wide class of random perturbations induce monopole-driven confinement of the fractionalised quasi-particles of the spin liquid, leading to the onset of a spin glass-like order. Finally, dilution effects in the $\rm Z_2$ spin liquid phase of the Kitaev model are discussed in the presence of generic symmetry allowed interactions. The spin-liquid state remains stable when the non-Kitaev perturbations and dilution are small. However, the low-energy properties of the ground state are altered. It is shown that the degeneracies from the Majorana zero modes, which are known to localise at defect sites of the Kitaev spin liquid, are generically lifted by the non-Kitaev perturbations. Consequently, a dilution-tuned impurity band with a finite density of states is found to emerge.

Collective Dynamics of Excitable Tree Networks

Khaledi Nasab, Ali 23 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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