Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cub saharan africa"" "subject:"cub saharan affrica""
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Genderové aspekty afrického rozvoja / Gender aspects of African DevelopmentKolcunová, Petra January 2010 (has links)
Trade liberalization has different impacts on groups of individuals in the society. Some of them improve their situation, the other ones get worse. Due to the existing gender inequali-ties the distribution of benefits from trade liberalization between women and men is dis-proportional. The paper indentifies main areas, in which are the gender inequalities the most significant. African women are limited in their access to education, productive resources and to technologies, but also to the means of financing. These limits prevent women from full participation in trade and therefore also in economic growth of the country. The creation of new jobs in export-oriented sectors presents the main contribution of trade liberalization for African women. The income they are getting form those jobs are usually used to finance the education and health care for children, that is why their quality of life may improve. The paper concentrates on the reciprocal relation between liberalization and gender equality, which is demonstrated on the status of women in trade and in export-oriented sectors.
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Prévention de la transmission de la mère à l’enfant du VIH à l’ère des multithérapies antirétrovirales : études épidémiologiques réalisées à Abidjan, Côte d’IvoireCoffie, Ahuatchi Patrick 14 December 2009 (has links)
En 2004, l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS) recommandait dans les pays à ressources limitées, l’utilisation de la multithérapie antirétrovirale (MARV) chez les femmes enceintes éligibles au traitement antirétroviral pour leur propre santé. Le but visé était de réduire de manière plus significative encore le taux de transmission de la mère à l’enfant du VIH (TME) parmi les femmes à haut risque. Cependant, très peu de données étaient alors disponibles en Afrique sub-saharienne sur les bénéfices de la MARV en termes de réduction du TME, y compris pendant l’allaitement, et les risques de survenue d’effets indésirables graves (EIG) chez les femmes enceintes ainsi que sur d’éventuelles issues défavorables des grossesses (fausse couche, prématurité, mort-né et petit poids de naissance). De plus, en Afrique sub-saharienne, le régime de première ligne chez les femmes enceintes infectées par le VIH comprend presque toujours la lamivudine (3TC) et la névirapine (NVP), deux molécules antirétrovirales utilisées jusqu’à présent en régimes courts dans la PTME. La survenue de mutations de résistance à ces molécules après une telle utilisation pourrait donc compromettre le succès au traitement de première ligne dans le cadre d’une MARV. Nous avons étudié ces différentes questions à Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire) pour notre thèse avec les données du programme MTCT-Plus de prise en charge familiale avec comme porte d’entrée la femme enceinte infectée par le VIH, programme mis en place en juillet 2003. Cinq études ont ainsi été réalisées pour notre thèse. La première étude a porté sur la réponse virologique et/ou immunologique à 12 mois puis à 36 mois après l'initiation d’un régime antirétroviral de première ligne chez les femmes préalablement exposées à la névirapine monodose (NVPmd) et/ou au 3TC pour la PTME. Les délais médians entre l’exposition au 3TC ou à la NVP et l’initiation du traitement étaient respectivement de 22 mois et de 15 mois. Après 12 mois de MARV, 19,2% des femmes étaient en échec virologique et 11,1% des femmes étaient en échec immunologique. La survenue de mutations de résistance au 3TC après une exposition à ces ARV administrés dans le cadre d’un régime court de PTME était associée à une mauvaise réponse virologique à 12 mois de MARV, mais pas à une mauvaise immunologique à 12 et 36 mois. La survenue de résistance à la NVP après une exposition à la NVPmd n’était pas plus associée à une mauvaise réponse virologique à 12 mois qu’à une mauvaise réponse immunologique à 12 et 36 mois. La deuxième étude a porté sur l’estimation du taux de TME en fonction du type de recommandations de l’OMS qui était en vigueur. Le taux de TME à 12 mois était de 3,3% chez les femmes éligibles qui ont reçu une MARV (1,9% pour la transmission postnatale) et de 7,5% chez les femmes non éligibles ayant reçu un régime court d’antirétroviraux pour la PTME (3,5% pour la transmission postnatale). La troisième étude a porté sur l’estimation de l’incidence des effets indésirables graves (grade ¾), spécialement de l’hépatotoxicité et/ou du rash cutané, en fonction des CD4 et de l’initiation ou non d’une MARV contenant la NVP au cours de la grossesse. Durant un suivi médian de 25 mois, l’incidence des EIG était de 19,5 pour 100 femme-années. La probabilité de survenue d’hépatotoxicité et/ou de rash cutané à 24 mois n’était pas différente entre les femmes ayant des CD4 > 250 cellules/mm3 et celles ayant des CD4 = 250 cellules/mm3 (8,3% vs 9,9%, p = 0,75). De même, la probabilité de survenue d’hépatotoxicité et/ou de rash cutané à trois mois (durée médiane de grossesse) n’était pas différente entre les femmes initiant la MARV durant la grossesse et celles l’initiant en dehors de la grossesse (5,3% vs 7,5%, p = 0,35). / In 2004, the World Health Organization (WHO) began recommending Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) for pregnant women who were eligible for antiretroviral treatment in resource-limited settings. The aim of this recommendation was to significantly reduce the rate of mother-to-child transmission (MTCT), which remained high despite the use of short-course regimens for the prevention of MTCT (PMTCT). However, very little sub-Saharan Africa data were available on the benefits in reducing MTCT, including while breastfeeding, and the risks of occurrence of severe adverse events (SAEs) and adverse pregnancy outcomes associated with HAART. Moreover, the first regimen recommended for HIV-infected pregnant women in sub-Saharan Africa almost always included lamivudine (3TC) and nevirapine (NVP), two drugs used also for short-course PMTCT regimens. Thus, the relevant clinical question is whether the occurrence of viral resistance mutations, which could arise after using these drugs for PMTCT, might have an impact on the success of a future first-line regimen. We conducted five studies on pregnancy and HAART use in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, using data from the MTCT-Plus program, which was established in July 2003 as a multi-country family-centered program provides HIV care and treatment to pregnant and postpartum women and their families. The first study evaluated the 12 and 36-month virologic and/or immunologic response of NVP and 3TC-based HAART in women previously exposed to these drugs for PMTCT. The median intervals between exposure to 3TC or NVP and HAART initiation were 22 months and 15 months, respectively. After 12 months of HAART, 19.2% of women experienced virologic failure and 11.1% experienced immunologic failure. Resistance to 3TC tested at week 4 after delivery was associated with virologic failure at 12 months; but not immunologic failure at 12 and 36-month. Resistance to NVP tested at week 4 after delivery was not associated with virologic failure at 12 months or immunologic failure at 12 and 36-months. The second study assessed the efficacy of the WHO-recommended two-tiered PMTCT strategy. The MTCT rate 12 months was 3.3% among eligible women who received HAART (postnatal transmission, 1.9%) and 7.5% among non-eligible women who received short-course regimen for PMTCT (postnatal transmission, 3.5%). The third study estimated the incidence of SAEs (grade ¾), especially hepatotoxicity and/or skin rash, according to CD4 and initiation of NVP–based HAART during pregnancy. The incidence of SAEs was 19.5 per 100 woman-years after a median follow-up of 25 months. The probability of hepatotoxicity or rash 24 months after HAART initiation was similar in women with CD4 cell counts >250 cells/mm3 and =250 cells/mm3 (8.3% vs. 9.9%; log-rank test: p=0.75). Similarly, the probability of hepatotoxicity or rash 3 months after HAART initiation (median duration of pregnancy) was similar in women who initiated HAART during pregnancy and those who did not (5.3% vs. 7.5%; log-rank test, p=0.35).
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Účinnost rozvojové pomoci v subsaharské Africe / Effectiveness of development aid in sub Saharan AfricaŽaloudková, Jana January 2013 (has links)
Region of sub Saharan Africa receives the most resources from development aid in the long term and at the same time there is a highest number of least develop countries. Therefore thesis is dedicated to the matter of effectiveness of development aid. Introducing problems and overall characteristics of the region, development aid and its historic development is goal of the first chapter. In the second chapter effectiveness of development aid is examined through analysis of selected studies from distinguished authors within the field, moreover the scope is dedicated to issues of measurability of development aid and the question of inappropriately setting of goals. Following chapter is concentrated on dependency of sub Saharan countries to donor countries and agencies providing aid and to motives of those donors to intervene in this region. Emphasis is put on neo-colonialism as a representative form of this dependency. Ending of the thesis is dedicated to Norway that provides high amount of resources to development aid measured by share of the GDP in the long term.
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Neokolonialismus Francie ve 20. a 21. století: intervence v Africe / French neocolonialism in 20th and 21st century: military interventions in AfricaPokrupová, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on French neocolonialism towards its former African colonies. French neocolonialism is analysed from 1960 so called Year of Africa until nowadays. There are two case studies concerning recent French military interventions in Mali and Central Africa. The objective of this diploma thesis is to analyse French foreign approach towards the defined territory on the bases of specialized bibliography and primary resources, and to answer the question asked by the author of this diploma thesis in the Introduction of this piece and to reach the evaluation. The diploma thesis is structured into three parts. In the Introduction, there is a short summary of the topic and there is also the hypothesis stating that the French foreign policy towards its former African colonies shows characteristics of neocolonialism. The first chapter defines the basic terms such as colonialism, decolonisation and foreign policy. There is also a detailed description of terms necolonialism and postcolonialism. The second chapter analyses French actions in sub-Saharan Africa from 1960 till nowadays from the political, economic, cultural and military point of view. A special part of this chapter is a period from 1990 till our days. The third chapter is made of two case studies: military interventions in Mali and Central Africa that shows the neocolonial approach appearing in the French foreign policy towards sub-Saharan Africa. A part of this chapter is also a synthesis of both interventions. The conclusion of diploma thesis sums up all the knowledge gained thanks to the studying of specialized bibliography and it confirms the hypothesis set in the Introduction of this work.
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Religious Pluralism in Sub-Saharan Africa: Political Implications / Náboženský pluralismus v subsaharské Africe: Politické důsledkyLackovičová, Eva January 2014 (has links)
The master's thesis 'Religious Pluralism in Sub-Saharan Africa: Political Implications' is divided into three chapters which aim at defining the region of Sub-Saharan Africa, and further introducing the concept of religious pluralism, religion and its impact on politics and security situation in general and in Nigeria, which was chosen for the case study. The aim was to find out how religion influences society, politics and conflicts in Nigeria. In a region where religion is very important, an analysis of all these factors is interesting and crucial for future developments.
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Expanze Budějovického Budvaru n. p. na trhy vybraných zemí subsaharské Afriky / The expansion of Budweiser Budvar n. c. to the markets of selected countries in Sub-saharan AfricaMatoušková, Jaroslava January 2012 (has links)
The thesis concerns with appraisal of the potential of sub-Saharan Africa region as the new attractive region for international breweries, among others also for Budějovický Budvar n. c. In order to determine whether the sub-Saharan region is suitable for the expansion of this company, the initial chapters of this work deal with company Budějovický Budvar n. c., its overall strategy and marketing concept chosen for its flagship Budweiser Budvar brand. The following part of this thesis has been devoted to characterize the region of sub-Saharan Africa and using of PEST analysis method it evaluates African markets in terms of their political, economic , socio- cultural and technological environment. In the next chapter of this thesis I analyse specific environment of the African beer market. This analysis shows that the potential of this region is very significant also in this branch. In conclusion of this work, there is the comparison of selected indicators in individual African countries. On the basis of this comparisons top 10 countries from sub-Saharan region were selected, that have the greatest potential to become the new export territories of company Budějovický Budvar n. c.
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Konfliktné diamanty v subsaharskej Afrike / Conflict diamonds in Sub-Saharan AfricaBičová, Martina January 2011 (has links)
The objective of this diploma thesis is to bring different views on the issue of resource dependence and the origins of conflicts connected to the diamonds from Sub-Saharan Africa; and to point out on the existence of conflict diamonds and the disinterest of international forum to solve this problem in the present and in the past. The diploma thesis consists of three chapters. First chapter analyses the resource dependence, conflict and the connection between them. Second chapter is focused on the definition of conflict diamonds, international initiatives and Kimberley Process. Third chapter represents the practical part of this diploma thesis, it analyses two conflicts connected to diamonds, the conflict in Angola and in Sierra Leone.
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Genre, conditions de vie et conjugalité autour de deux ruptures biographiques : migration et diagnostic d’infection au VIH chez les immigré·e·s d’Afrique subsaharienne vivant en Île-de-France / Gender, Living Conditions and Conjugal Life Around two Biographical Turning Points : Migration and HIV Diagnosis Among Sub-Saharan Immigrants Living in Île-de-FranceLe Guen, Mireille 23 November 2018 (has links)
La migration internationale et le diagnostic d’infection au VIH sont deux ruptures biographiques pouvant affecter la trajectoire conjugale des individus. C’est en adoptant une approche matérialiste, et en abordant la conjugalité comme une forme d'« échanges économico-sexuels », que nous nous proposons d’étudier l’effet des conditions de vie sur les recompositions conjugales autour de ces deux évènements. Cette thèse s’appuie sur les données de l’enquête biographique ANRS-Parcours menée en 2012-2013 auprès de personnes immigrées d’Afrique subsaharienne âgées de 18 à 59 ans et vivant en Île-de-France. Nos résultats mettent en évidence que la migration affecte davantage les trajectoires conjugales des individus que le diagnostic d’infection au VIH. Par ailleurs, les recompositions conjugales suite à ces deux évènements dépendent des conditions de vie des personnes. Alors que les hommes ayant des situations administrative, professionnelle et résidentielle stables accèdent à l’union, les femmes ayant acquis une carte de résidente ou la nationalité française seraient davantage en mesure de retarder leur mise en couple après le diagnostic d’infection au VIH. Si la migration tend à renvoyer les femmes à la nécessité de faire couple afin d’accéder à la stabilité matérielle de leur partenaire, après le diagnostic d’infection aux VIH, elles semblent moins à même d’être en union probablement parce que le stigmate associé au VIH les affecte davantage que les hommes. / International migration and HIV diagnosis are two biographical turning points that can affect the conjugal trajectory of individuals. By adopting a materialist approach and by conceptualizing conjugal life as "economical and sexual exchanges", we propose to study the effect of living conditions on conjugal changes around these two events. This research is based on data from the ANRS-Parcours biographical survey conducted in 2012-2013 among sub-Saharan immigrants aged 18 to 59 living in the Paris area. Our results show that conjugal trajectories were more affected by migration than by HIV diagnosis. In addition, the conjugal changes following these two events are impacted differently according to the individuals’ living conditions. While men with stable administrative, occupational and residential situations are likely to get a partner, women who have acquired a resident card or French nationality are in a better position to delay entering a relationship after HIV diagnosis. While migration seems to increase women’s need to be in a relationship in order to share a partner’s material stability, they are less likely to be in a relationship after HIV diagnosis, most probably because the stigma associated with HIV infection impacts them more than men.
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The use of very-high-resolution earth observation satellite data for multi-thematic urban mapping in sub-Saharan Africa: Applications in population, household wealth and epidemiological modelingGeorganos, Stefanos 18 January 2021 (has links) (PDF)
Sub-Saharan African (SSA) cities are some of the most rapid-growing regions inthe world. As estimated by the United Nations, more than 50% of the Africanpopulation will reside in cities by 2030 while in absolute numbers, its population willhave doubled - from 1.2 billion in 2015 to 2.5 billion by 2050. This ongoing shift hasdramatically affected the capacity of several SSA cities to provide essential servicesfor its residents, such as durable housing, employment and healthcare accessibility.On the contrary, the proliferation of slums, further marginalizing the urban poor hasbeen an undisputed observation of the last years. It is therefore profound, that effortsto improve the quality of life of urban dwellers are needed. A starting point to do so,it to provide relevant authorities, stakeholders and organizations with useful socioeconomic,demographic and health indicators of the urban dwellers. Nonetheless, Inlarge parts of SSA, this type of critical information is at best scarce and at worstnon-existent and certainly not suited for sophisticated intra-urban analyses.This thesis harnesses the strength of very-high-resolution (VHR) satellite remotesensing to provide multi-level (physical, socio-economic, demographic and epidemiological)representations of the urban surface in several major SSA cities. First, cuttingedge advances relevant to the classification of urban land cover are presented.Afterwards, an assessment and evaluation of the potential of VHR satellite imageryas input to population estimation, household wealth and malaria risk models atunprecedented resolutions is investigated. The conclusions of this work encouragethe systematic exploitation of VHR data to support evidence-based decision makingshaping the sustainable future of SSA cities. / Doctorat en Sciences / In reference to IEEE copyrighted material which is used with permission in this thesis, the IEEE does not endorse any of ULB’s products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. If interested in reprinting/republishing IEEE copyrighted material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution, please go to http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/rights_link.html to learn how to obtain a License from RightsLink. If applicable, University Microfilms and/or ProQuest Library, or the Archives of Canada may supply single copies of the dissertation / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Can Export Diversification Save sub-Saharan Africa from Extreme Weather? : An instrumental variable approachArnarsdottir, Joanna, Hansson, Kristina January 2021 (has links)
Growth and development in the context of climate change and environmental challengesare issues of increasing importance in the economic debate. With higher levels of greenhousegases in the atmosphere, droughts and other forms of extreme weather are expected to increasein frequency. Some of the worst affected are people living in sub-Saharan African countries. However, there are literature showing that countries who diversify their production becomesmore resilient against negative shocks. This study aims to determine the relationship betweenprecipitation anomalies and GDP per capita growth under different levels of concentrationof the export portfolio, in order to understand what kind of diversification reduces economicrisks connected to precipitation. Precipitation anomalies, such as abnormally heavy rainfallor droughts, is seen as a good measurement for climate change, and can thus be treated aseconomic shocks. We are using data on export product shares and monthly precipitation todetermine whether the level of sectoral diversification in exports affects the influence precipitation anomalies have on GDP per capita growth. The effects are estimated using a two-stageleast squares model, only targeting countries in SSA for our estimations. The results show thatpositive weather anomalies correlate with lower levels of GDP per capita growth. But the samenegative trend cannot be seen for negative precipitation anomalies. The results also show thatthe level of diversification within exports does not have any significant effect on the influencethat precipitation anomalies have on GDP per capita growth.
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