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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comparaison du statut fonctionnel de personnes hémiplégiques vivant à domicile et présentant ou non une subluxation à l'épaule

Durand, Marie-José January 1991 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Biomechanical evaluation of two methods of surgical stabilization of the atlantoaxial joint

Kopf, Kelli Michaela 20 August 2013 (has links)
Several methods of surgical stabilization of the atlantoaxial joint are described in the veterinary literature. Threaded acrylic pins placed ventrally together with polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) is a well-established technique that has been widely used in clinical cases. However, Kishigami tension bands are a less technically demanding procedure with potentially fewer complications. The purpose of this study was to biomechanically compare these two techniques in ventral-to-dorsal bending in both mature and immature dogs. Seventeen normal canine cadavers <15kg were collected and radiographed to determine skeletal maturity. The cervical spines were dissected leaving bony and ligamentous structures intact. Eight mature spines and 9 immature spines were randomly divided into two groups. In one group a Kishigami tension band was applied over the dorsal arch of the atlas and attached to the spinous process of the axis using orthopedic wire. In the second group, six acrylic pins were placed ventrally in the atlas, axis, and transarticularly. The pins were then cut and covered with PMMA. The specimens were potted in custom steel pots and biomechanically analyzed in ventral-to-dorsal four-point bending. Load-displacement curves representing the degree of stiffness were compared between the groups. Stabilization using ventral pins and PMMA had a significantly greater stiffness than a Kishigami tension band when bending in ventral to dorsal bending. Within the stabilized vertebral segment, there was no significant difference between the stiffness of immature vs. mature bone. Further analysis in torsion and analysis in abnormal dogs will be helpful in establishing the clinical significance of these findings. / Master of Science


Elmore, Kevin 24 November 2009 (has links)
The glenohumeral joint is the most dislocated joint in the body due to the lack of bony constraints and dependence on soft tissue, primarily muscles and ligaments, to stabilize the joint. The goal of this study was to develop a computational model of the glenohumeral joint whereby joint behavior was dictated by articular contact, ligamentous constraints, muscle loading, and external perturbations. Validation of this computational model was achieved by comparing predicted results from the model to the results of a cadaveric experiment in which the relative contribution of muscles and ligaments to anterior joint stability was examined. The results showed the subscapularis to be critical to stabilization in both neutral and external rotations, the biceps stabilized the joint in neutral but not external rotation, and the inferior glenohumeral ligament resisted anterior displacement only in external rotation. Knowledge gained from this model could assist in pre-operative planning or the design of orthopedic implants. Use of this model as a companion to cadaveric testing could save valuable time and resources.

Avaliação morfológica e morfométrica da articulação coxofemoral do buldogue inglês / Morphological and morphometric evaluation of hip joint from English Bulldog

Ferrante, Bruno 06 May 2016 (has links)
A displasia coxofemoral é a afecção ortopédica mais frequente na espécie canina e, pela estatística apresentada pela Orthopaedic Foundation for Animals o buldogue inglês é a raça com maior acometimento proporcionalmente. Entretanto carece em literatura dados sobre o desenvolvimento e morbidade desta doença na raça. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a morfologia e morfometria da articulação coxofemoral de cães da raça buldogue inglês por meio de exame radiográfico e por tomografia computadorizada comparando-os com achados da avaliação ortopédica e cinética. A hipótese proposta é de que buldogues podem apresentar alterações radiográficas compatíveis com a displasia coxofemoral sem apresentar manifestações clínicas da doença. De cada articulação avaliada foram adquiridos dados por meio de exame ortopédico, avaliação cinética, radiográfica e por tomografia computadorizada. Foram feitas avaliação subjetiva das alterações morfológicas radiográficas e aferição do ângulo de Norberg, ângulo de inclinação do colo femoral e o escore de subluxação dorsolateral. Os dados obtidos foram correlacionados por meio dos coeficiêntes de Spearman. Trinta cães foram avaliados, 20 machos e 10 fêmeas. As médias de idade e peso dos participantes do estudo foram de 3,5 anos e 26,1 kg respectivamente. 76,6% dos animais apresentaram escore de condição corporal acima do considerado ideal e 63,3% viviam em ambiente de piso liso. Entretanto esses fatores de risco avaliados não apresentaram correlação com nenhuma alteração pesquisada. 63,3% dos cães apresentaram alterações nas articulações dos joelhos e 40% nas articulações coxofemorais pela avaliação ortopédica. Pela palpação da articulação coxofemoral foram observadas alterações em 50% dos animais, sendo a crepitação leve representando 86,6% das alterações, e crepitação de grau moderado e discreta manifestação de dor em 13,3%. A frequência de alterações morfológicas radiográficas observada foi de 98,3% para subluxação coxofemoral, 81,6% para o achatamento da cabeça do fêmur, 70% para presença de osteófitos ou entesófitos periarticulares e 61,1% para o arrasamento acetabular. A conformação radiográfica da articulação coxofemoral mais frequente foi de cabeça femoral com formato discretamente elíptico e discretamente subluxada, bordas acetabulares craniolateral arredondada e dorsal encurtada com discreta presença de osteófitos. A média das mensurações morfológicas obtidas no estudo foram abaixo dos valores considerado de normalidade, sendo de 94,94° para o ângulo de Norberg, 27,13% para o escore de subluxação dorsolateral e 128,53° para o ângulo de inclinação do colo femoral. A presença de osteófitos periarticulares obteve correlação estatística com presença de crepitação à palpação da coxofemoral, assim como o arrasamento acetabular com a presença de dor ao exame ortopédico. Entretanto as manifestações clínicas não coincidiram proporcionalmente às alterações observadas pelos métodos de diagnóstico por imagem. É questionado se a conformação muscular da raça pode contribuir para contrabalancear a instabilidade articular apresentada pelos métodos avaliados / Hip dysplasia is the most common orthopedic disorder in dogs, and the statistics presented by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals English Bulldog is the race with most animals affected proportionately. However it lacks in literature data of the development and morbidity of this disease in the race. The aim of this study was to evaluate the morphology and morphometry of the hip joint of English Bulldogs through radiographic examination and computed tomography comparing them with findings from orthopedic and kinetic evaluation. The hypothesis proposed is that Bulldogs may have radiographic changes compatible with hip dysplasia without showing clinical symptoms of the disease. From each joint evaluated were acquired data through orthopedic examination, and kinetics, radiographic and computed tomography evaluations. They were made subjective evaluation of radiographic morphological changes and measuring the Norberg angle, femoral neck inclination angle and the dorsolateral subluxation score. The data were correlated by the Spearman\'s rank. Thirty dogs were evaluated, 20 males and 10 females. The mean age and weight of the study participants was 3.5 years and 26.1 kg respectively. 76.6% of the animals had a body condition score considered above ideal and 63.3% lived in flat floor environment. However, these risk factors evaluated were not correlated with any changes searched. 63.3% of dogs showed changes in knee joints and 40% in hip joints by the orthopedic evaluation. Abnormalities were observed in 50% of animals by palpation of the hip joint, the slight crackle representing 86.6% of the changes, and moderate crackle and mild degree manifestation of pain in 13.3%. The frequency of morphological radiographic changes observed was 98.3% for hip subluxation, 81.6% for the femoral head flattening, 70% for the presence of periarticular osteophytes or entesophytes and 61.1% for the acetabular razing. The most common radiographic conformation of the hip joint was femoral head slightly elliptical shape and discreetly subdisluxated, rounded craniolateral acetabular edge and shrtened dorsal edge with discreet presence of osteophytes. The average morphological measurements obtained in the study were below the values considered normal, being 94.94° for the angle of Norberg, 27.13% for dorsolateral subluxation score and 128.53° for inclination angle of the femoral neck. The presence of periarticular osteophytes have statistical correlation with the presence of ckakle on palpation of the hip joint, as well as the acetabular razing with the presence of painful on orthopedic examination. However the clinical manifestations were not proportionaly coincidence with the changes observed by the diagnostic imaging methods. It questioned whether the muscle conformation of the race can help to counteract the instability joint presented by the evaluated methods

Perfil de complexos de subluxação da coluna vertebral de equinos de salto na avaliação quiroprática veterinária / Pattern of vertebral subluxation complexes found on the vertbral column of showjumping horses at veterinary chiropractic evaluation

Patricio, Claudia da Rocha January 2017 (has links)
Complexos de Subluxação vertebral são disfunções biomecânicas articulares que cursam com hipomobilidade, disfunção neural e de tecido conectivo. Avaliou-se a presença de complexos de subluxação vertebral (CS) em 492 equinos praticantes da atividade de salto, observados na rotina clínica de um examinador com 9 anos de experiência em quiropraxia veterinária. Os animais incluídos no estudo formam divididos por sexo e 4 grupos de idade. As idades variaram entre 4 e 19 anos (média de 9,9 anos), sendo 207 machos castrados, 249 fêmeas e 36 garanhões. O número médio de complexos de subluxação encontrado na coluna dos animais foi de 11,9 num total de 30 segmentos motores vertebrais avaliados. O número médio de complexos de subluxação da coluna cervical foi de 2,7; de 5,8 na coluna torácica, e de 2,6 na coluna lombar. Os segmentos motores acometidos com maior frequência foram L3, L2 e L1, nesta ordem. Não houve diferença significativa (p>0,05) nas médias do número de complexos de subluxação entre os sexos. Também não houve diferença significativa nas médias do número de complexos de subluxação entre grupos de idade para a coluna lombar e torácica, porém houve diferença significativa (p=0,028) no número médio de complexos de subluxação entre os grupos de idades de 0-5anos e acima de 15 anos na coluna cervical. Apresentaram complexo de subluxação no sacro 24,4% dos animais. A maioria dos animais não apresentou dor à palpação muscular, porém demonstraram aumento do tônus muscular. Pode-se concluir que a incidência de complexos de subluxação na coluna cervical aumenta com a idade. / Vertebral subluxation complexes are dysfunctional spinal segments characterized by hypomobility with altered neural and connective tissue function. Data collected from 492 showjumping horses evaluated by a veterinary chiropractor with 9 years of experience was analyzed for the presence of Vertebral Subluxation Complexes. The animals were divided into age groups and sex categories. Their age varied from 4 to 19 (mean=9.9) and there were 207 geldings, 249 females and 36 stallions included in the study. The animals had in average 11.9 vertebral subluxation complexes in 30 analyzed spinal segments along their spine. Per spinal segment, the animals presented in average 2.7 cervical, 5.8 thoracic and 2.6 lumbar subluxation complexes and 24,4% of the horses had subluxation complex in the sacrum. The most affected vertebrae were L3, L2 and L4, in this order. There was no significant difference (p>0.05) in the mean of subluxation complexes between sexes and between age groups for the lumbar and thoracic spine. There were significant difference (p=0.028) in the mean of subluxation complexes at the cervical spine between the age groups of 0-6 years and 15 years and above. Most of the animals had no pain to muscle palpation, but they showed an increase in muscle tone. It was concluded that the prevalence of subluxation complexes in the cervical spine increases with age.

La scoliose lombaire dégénérative − Relation entre la clinique, la statique rachidienne, la dégénérescence discale et musculo-ligamentaire : analyse tridimensionnelle par la stéréoradiographie, l’imagerie par résonance magnétique et la tomodensitométrie / Lumbar degenerative scoliosis – Relationship between clinical presentation, spinal alignment, and soft tissues degeneration : a tridimensional analysis with stereoradiography, magnetic resonance imaging and CT scan

Ferrero, Emmanuelle 15 November 2018 (has links)
La scoliose de l’adulte est une pathologie dont la prévalence augmente avec de le vieillissement de la population. De plus, la demande fonctionnelle est de plus en plus importante chez ces patients. De nombreuses études ont montré un bénéfice du traitement chirurgical de la déformation de l’adulte par rapport au traitement médical en termes d’amélioration des scores fonctionnels, de qualité de vie et de satisfaction. Néanmoins, cette chirurgie est associée à de nombreuses complications (jusque 50% dans certaines séries), pour la plupart mécaniques telle la pseudarthrose, la rupture d’implant, la dégradation des étages adjacents. Ainsi, si l’analyse radiographique de la scoliose a bien été explorée, certaines questions demeurent comme les phénomènes responsables d’une aggravation brutale de la déformation chez certains patients ou les causes d’échecs. L’objectif de ce travail était d’analyser la scoliose de l’adulte, en 3D à l’aide de la stéréoradiographie et d’évaluer le système musculaire de ces patients afin de mettre en évidence des relations entre déformations rachidiennes notamment par l’analyse du plan horizontal, et dégénérescence musculaire.La 1e partie de ce travail était consacrée à l’analyse 3D de la scoliose : tout d’abord avec l’analyse de reproductibilité chez l’adulte des mesures 3D effectuées par stéréoradiographie, puis par l’analyse de l’alignement global de ces patients avec une déformation rachidienne, à l’aide d’un nouveau paramètre prenant en compte la position de la jonction cervico-céphalique. Apres avoir analysé l’alignement postural, le système musculaire pelvi-rachidien a été étudié dans la 2e partie. En effet, en plus de l’alignement du squelette, c’est l’activation du système musculaire qui est responsable du maintien d’une posture érigée. Nous avons décrit les caractéristiques musculaires des patients avec une scoliose lombaire et analysé les relations avec les paramètres radiographiques de la déformation, montrant que selon le type de déformation certains groupes musculaires étaient plus touchés par l’atrophie et l’infiltration graisseuse. En les comparant à des sujets jeunes et âgés sans déformation, nous avons observé que les patients avec une scoliose avaient une dégénérescence musculaire à la fois liée à la déformation et au vieillissement. Dans une 3e partie, en faisant le lien entre les données de la posture par la stéréoradiographie et les données musculaires de l’IRM, nous avons utilisé un modèle musculosquelettique personnalisé pour mieux comprendre les contraintes exercées sur les segments vertébraux et donc pour essayer d’expliquer les faillites mécaniques.Ainsi, l’association de mesures 3D radiographiques et de l’analyse musculaire pourrait permettre en comprenant mieux les phénomènes dégénératifs, de mieux prédire l’aggravation de la déformation et donc de la prévenir par une rééducation ciblée. Par exemple, un renforcement des érecteurs du rachis mais aussi des fléchisseurs pourrait permettre de mieux maintenir la posture. Et, un renforcement des érecteurs et fléchisseurs de hanche pourrait permettre d’activer de manière plus efficace, les mécanismes de compensation telle la rétroversion pelvienne. De plus, la mise en évidence de facteur de risque musculosquelettique d’aggravation de la déformation entrainerait une prise en charge plus précoce de ces patients. Une analyse longitudinale serait donc intéressante. / Adult degenerative scoliosis is a pathology whose prevalence increases with the aging of the population. Moreover, the functional demand is more and more important in these patients. Many studies have shown a benefit of surgical treatment of adult spinal deformity compared to medical treatment in terms of improved functional scores, quality of life and satisfaction. Nevertheless, this surgery is associated with many complications (up to 50% in some series), mostly mechanical such as nonunion, implant rupture, degradation of adjacent levels. Thus, if the radiographic analysis of scoliosis has been well explored, some questions remain like the phenomena responsible for a sudden worsening of the deformation in certain patients or the causes of failures. The aim of this work was to analyze adult scoliosis in 3D using stereoradiography and to evaluate the muscular system of these patients in order to highlight the relationships between spinal deformities, particularly by the horizontal plane analysis, and muscle degeneration.The first part of this work was dedicated to the 3D analysis of scoliosis: first, with the analysis of reproducibility in the adult of 3D stereoradiographic measurements, then by the analysis of the global alignment of these patients with spinal deformity, using a new parameter taking into account the position of the cervico-cephalic junction. After analyzing the postural alignment, the spino-pelvic muscular system was studied in the second part. Indeed, in addition to the alignment of the skeleton, it is the activation of the muscular system that is responsible for maintaining an erect posture. We described the muscular features of patients with lumbar scoliosis and analyzed the relationships with the radiographic parameters of the deformity, showing that depending on the type of deformity some muscle groups were more affected by atrophy and fatty infiltration. Comparing them to young and elderly subjects without deformity, we observed that patients with scoliosis had muscle degeneration that was both related to deformity and aging. In the third part, by linking stereoradiographic posture data with muscular MRI data, we used a personalized musculoskeletal model to better understand the constraints on vertebral segments and therefore to try to explain the mechanical failures.Thus, the combination of 3D radiographic measurements and muscle analysis could better predict muscle degeneration and worsening of deformity and thus prevent it by targeted rehabilitation. For example, a strengthening of the erectors of the spine but also of the flexors could allow better maintaining the posture. And, a strengthening of the erectors and hip flexors could allow activating more effectively, compensation mechanisms such pelvic retroversion. In addition, the demonstration of a musculoskeletal risk factor worsening the deformity would lead to an earlier management of these patients. A longitudinal analysis would be interesting.

Minkštojo įtvaro ir elektrostimuliacijos poveikis girnelės padėčiai ir skausmui, esant girnelės chondromaliacijai / Effect of kinesio taping and electrostimulation for patellar position and pain in patients with patellar chondromalacia

Virbalaitė, Urtė 10 September 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas: minkštojo įtvaro ir elektrostimuliacijos poveikis girnelės padėčiai. Tyrimo tikslas: nustatyti minkštojo įtvaro ir elektrostimuliacijos poveikį girnelės padėčiai ir skausmui, esant girnelės chondromaliacijai. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Įvertinti girnelės padėtį ir skausmą prieš ir po minkštojo įtvaro taikymo. 2. Įvertinti girnelės padėtį ir skausmą prieš ir po raumenų elektrostimuliacijos taikymo. 3. Palyginti gautus duomenis prieš ir po minkštojo įtvaro ir raumenų elektrostimuliacijos taikymo. Tyrimo hipotezė: Minkštasis įtvaras turi didesnį poveikį girnelės padėčiai ir skausmo mažinimui nei raumenų elektrostimuliacija, esant girnelės chondromaliacijai. Tyrimo išvados: 1. Minkštasis įtvaras sumažino girnelės poslinkį ir skausmą; 2. Elektrostimuliacija sumažino girnelės poslinkį ir skausmą; 3. Minkštasis įtvaras yra efektyvesnis nei elektrostimuliacija mažinant girnelės panirimą ir skausmą. / Object of the research: effect of kinesio taping and electrostimulation for position of patella. The aim of the research: determine the effect of the kinesio taping and electrostimulation to reduce patellar subluxation and pain for patients with patellar chondromaliacia. The task of the research: 1. Evaluate patellar position and pain before and after application of kinesio taping; 2. Evaluate patellar position and pain before and after application of electrostimulation; 3. Compare results of patellar position and pain before and after application of both methods: kinesio taping and electrostimulation. Hypothesis: kinesio taping will have a greater effect on reduction of patellar subluxation and pain than electrical muscle stimulation for patients with patellar chondromaliacia. Conclusions: 1. Kinesio tape method significantly reduced patellar subluxation and pain; 2. Electrostimulation method significantly reduced patellar subluxation and pain; 3. Kinesio tape method is more effective than electrostimulation reducing patellar subluxation and pain.

Perfil de complexos de subluxação da coluna vertebral de equinos de salto na avaliação quiroprática veterinária / Pattern of vertebral subluxation complexes found on the vertbral column of showjumping horses at veterinary chiropractic evaluation

Patricio, Claudia da Rocha January 2017 (has links)
Complexos de Subluxação vertebral são disfunções biomecânicas articulares que cursam com hipomobilidade, disfunção neural e de tecido conectivo. Avaliou-se a presença de complexos de subluxação vertebral (CS) em 492 equinos praticantes da atividade de salto, observados na rotina clínica de um examinador com 9 anos de experiência em quiropraxia veterinária. Os animais incluídos no estudo formam divididos por sexo e 4 grupos de idade. As idades variaram entre 4 e 19 anos (média de 9,9 anos), sendo 207 machos castrados, 249 fêmeas e 36 garanhões. O número médio de complexos de subluxação encontrado na coluna dos animais foi de 11,9 num total de 30 segmentos motores vertebrais avaliados. O número médio de complexos de subluxação da coluna cervical foi de 2,7; de 5,8 na coluna torácica, e de 2,6 na coluna lombar. Os segmentos motores acometidos com maior frequência foram L3, L2 e L1, nesta ordem. Não houve diferença significativa (p>0,05) nas médias do número de complexos de subluxação entre os sexos. Também não houve diferença significativa nas médias do número de complexos de subluxação entre grupos de idade para a coluna lombar e torácica, porém houve diferença significativa (p=0,028) no número médio de complexos de subluxação entre os grupos de idades de 0-5anos e acima de 15 anos na coluna cervical. Apresentaram complexo de subluxação no sacro 24,4% dos animais. A maioria dos animais não apresentou dor à palpação muscular, porém demonstraram aumento do tônus muscular. Pode-se concluir que a incidência de complexos de subluxação na coluna cervical aumenta com a idade. / Vertebral subluxation complexes are dysfunctional spinal segments characterized by hypomobility with altered neural and connective tissue function. Data collected from 492 showjumping horses evaluated by a veterinary chiropractor with 9 years of experience was analyzed for the presence of Vertebral Subluxation Complexes. The animals were divided into age groups and sex categories. Their age varied from 4 to 19 (mean=9.9) and there were 207 geldings, 249 females and 36 stallions included in the study. The animals had in average 11.9 vertebral subluxation complexes in 30 analyzed spinal segments along their spine. Per spinal segment, the animals presented in average 2.7 cervical, 5.8 thoracic and 2.6 lumbar subluxation complexes and 24,4% of the horses had subluxation complex in the sacrum. The most affected vertebrae were L3, L2 and L4, in this order. There was no significant difference (p>0.05) in the mean of subluxation complexes between sexes and between age groups for the lumbar and thoracic spine. There were significant difference (p=0.028) in the mean of subluxation complexes at the cervical spine between the age groups of 0-6 years and 15 years and above. Most of the animals had no pain to muscle palpation, but they showed an increase in muscle tone. It was concluded that the prevalence of subluxation complexes in the cervical spine increases with age.

Perfil de complexos de subluxação da coluna vertebral de equinos de salto na avaliação quiroprática veterinária / Pattern of vertebral subluxation complexes found on the vertbral column of showjumping horses at veterinary chiropractic evaluation

Patricio, Claudia da Rocha January 2017 (has links)
Complexos de Subluxação vertebral são disfunções biomecânicas articulares que cursam com hipomobilidade, disfunção neural e de tecido conectivo. Avaliou-se a presença de complexos de subluxação vertebral (CS) em 492 equinos praticantes da atividade de salto, observados na rotina clínica de um examinador com 9 anos de experiência em quiropraxia veterinária. Os animais incluídos no estudo formam divididos por sexo e 4 grupos de idade. As idades variaram entre 4 e 19 anos (média de 9,9 anos), sendo 207 machos castrados, 249 fêmeas e 36 garanhões. O número médio de complexos de subluxação encontrado na coluna dos animais foi de 11,9 num total de 30 segmentos motores vertebrais avaliados. O número médio de complexos de subluxação da coluna cervical foi de 2,7; de 5,8 na coluna torácica, e de 2,6 na coluna lombar. Os segmentos motores acometidos com maior frequência foram L3, L2 e L1, nesta ordem. Não houve diferença significativa (p>0,05) nas médias do número de complexos de subluxação entre os sexos. Também não houve diferença significativa nas médias do número de complexos de subluxação entre grupos de idade para a coluna lombar e torácica, porém houve diferença significativa (p=0,028) no número médio de complexos de subluxação entre os grupos de idades de 0-5anos e acima de 15 anos na coluna cervical. Apresentaram complexo de subluxação no sacro 24,4% dos animais. A maioria dos animais não apresentou dor à palpação muscular, porém demonstraram aumento do tônus muscular. Pode-se concluir que a incidência de complexos de subluxação na coluna cervical aumenta com a idade. / Vertebral subluxation complexes are dysfunctional spinal segments characterized by hypomobility with altered neural and connective tissue function. Data collected from 492 showjumping horses evaluated by a veterinary chiropractor with 9 years of experience was analyzed for the presence of Vertebral Subluxation Complexes. The animals were divided into age groups and sex categories. Their age varied from 4 to 19 (mean=9.9) and there were 207 geldings, 249 females and 36 stallions included in the study. The animals had in average 11.9 vertebral subluxation complexes in 30 analyzed spinal segments along their spine. Per spinal segment, the animals presented in average 2.7 cervical, 5.8 thoracic and 2.6 lumbar subluxation complexes and 24,4% of the horses had subluxation complex in the sacrum. The most affected vertebrae were L3, L2 and L4, in this order. There was no significant difference (p>0.05) in the mean of subluxation complexes between sexes and between age groups for the lumbar and thoracic spine. There were significant difference (p=0.028) in the mean of subluxation complexes at the cervical spine between the age groups of 0-6 years and 15 years and above. Most of the animals had no pain to muscle palpation, but they showed an increase in muscle tone. It was concluded that the prevalence of subluxation complexes in the cervical spine increases with age.

Avaliação morfológica e morfométrica da articulação coxofemoral do buldogue inglês / Morphological and morphometric evaluation of hip joint from English Bulldog

Bruno Ferrante 06 May 2016 (has links)
A displasia coxofemoral é a afecção ortopédica mais frequente na espécie canina e, pela estatística apresentada pela Orthopaedic Foundation for Animals o buldogue inglês é a raça com maior acometimento proporcionalmente. Entretanto carece em literatura dados sobre o desenvolvimento e morbidade desta doença na raça. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a morfologia e morfometria da articulação coxofemoral de cães da raça buldogue inglês por meio de exame radiográfico e por tomografia computadorizada comparando-os com achados da avaliação ortopédica e cinética. A hipótese proposta é de que buldogues podem apresentar alterações radiográficas compatíveis com a displasia coxofemoral sem apresentar manifestações clínicas da doença. De cada articulação avaliada foram adquiridos dados por meio de exame ortopédico, avaliação cinética, radiográfica e por tomografia computadorizada. Foram feitas avaliação subjetiva das alterações morfológicas radiográficas e aferição do ângulo de Norberg, ângulo de inclinação do colo femoral e o escore de subluxação dorsolateral. Os dados obtidos foram correlacionados por meio dos coeficiêntes de Spearman. Trinta cães foram avaliados, 20 machos e 10 fêmeas. As médias de idade e peso dos participantes do estudo foram de 3,5 anos e 26,1 kg respectivamente. 76,6% dos animais apresentaram escore de condição corporal acima do considerado ideal e 63,3% viviam em ambiente de piso liso. Entretanto esses fatores de risco avaliados não apresentaram correlação com nenhuma alteração pesquisada. 63,3% dos cães apresentaram alterações nas articulações dos joelhos e 40% nas articulações coxofemorais pela avaliação ortopédica. Pela palpação da articulação coxofemoral foram observadas alterações em 50% dos animais, sendo a crepitação leve representando 86,6% das alterações, e crepitação de grau moderado e discreta manifestação de dor em 13,3%. A frequência de alterações morfológicas radiográficas observada foi de 98,3% para subluxação coxofemoral, 81,6% para o achatamento da cabeça do fêmur, 70% para presença de osteófitos ou entesófitos periarticulares e 61,1% para o arrasamento acetabular. A conformação radiográfica da articulação coxofemoral mais frequente foi de cabeça femoral com formato discretamente elíptico e discretamente subluxada, bordas acetabulares craniolateral arredondada e dorsal encurtada com discreta presença de osteófitos. A média das mensurações morfológicas obtidas no estudo foram abaixo dos valores considerado de normalidade, sendo de 94,94° para o ângulo de Norberg, 27,13% para o escore de subluxação dorsolateral e 128,53° para o ângulo de inclinação do colo femoral. A presença de osteófitos periarticulares obteve correlação estatística com presença de crepitação à palpação da coxofemoral, assim como o arrasamento acetabular com a presença de dor ao exame ortopédico. Entretanto as manifestações clínicas não coincidiram proporcionalmente às alterações observadas pelos métodos de diagnóstico por imagem. É questionado se a conformação muscular da raça pode contribuir para contrabalancear a instabilidade articular apresentada pelos métodos avaliados / Hip dysplasia is the most common orthopedic disorder in dogs, and the statistics presented by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals English Bulldog is the race with most animals affected proportionately. However it lacks in literature data of the development and morbidity of this disease in the race. The aim of this study was to evaluate the morphology and morphometry of the hip joint of English Bulldogs through radiographic examination and computed tomography comparing them with findings from orthopedic and kinetic evaluation. The hypothesis proposed is that Bulldogs may have radiographic changes compatible with hip dysplasia without showing clinical symptoms of the disease. From each joint evaluated were acquired data through orthopedic examination, and kinetics, radiographic and computed tomography evaluations. They were made subjective evaluation of radiographic morphological changes and measuring the Norberg angle, femoral neck inclination angle and the dorsolateral subluxation score. The data were correlated by the Spearman\'s rank. Thirty dogs were evaluated, 20 males and 10 females. The mean age and weight of the study participants was 3.5 years and 26.1 kg respectively. 76.6% of the animals had a body condition score considered above ideal and 63.3% lived in flat floor environment. However, these risk factors evaluated were not correlated with any changes searched. 63.3% of dogs showed changes in knee joints and 40% in hip joints by the orthopedic evaluation. Abnormalities were observed in 50% of animals by palpation of the hip joint, the slight crackle representing 86.6% of the changes, and moderate crackle and mild degree manifestation of pain in 13.3%. The frequency of morphological radiographic changes observed was 98.3% for hip subluxation, 81.6% for the femoral head flattening, 70% for the presence of periarticular osteophytes or entesophytes and 61.1% for the acetabular razing. The most common radiographic conformation of the hip joint was femoral head slightly elliptical shape and discreetly subdisluxated, rounded craniolateral acetabular edge and shrtened dorsal edge with discreet presence of osteophytes. The average morphological measurements obtained in the study were below the values considered normal, being 94.94° for the angle of Norberg, 27.13% for dorsolateral subluxation score and 128.53° for inclination angle of the femoral neck. The presence of periarticular osteophytes have statistical correlation with the presence of ckakle on palpation of the hip joint, as well as the acetabular razing with the presence of painful on orthopedic examination. However the clinical manifestations were not proportionaly coincidence with the changes observed by the diagnostic imaging methods. It questioned whether the muscle conformation of the race can help to counteract the instability joint presented by the evaluated methods

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