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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efeitos de inibidor de protease sobre os epitélios de revestimento e glandular do rato / Effects of protease inhibitors on epithelial tissues and salivar glands of rats

Cavenaghi, Fabiano Misael 26 November 2009 (has links)
O tratamento anti-HIV conhecido como HAART (Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy) se tornou comum por volta de 1996, e utiliza 3 ou 4 diferentes medicamentos em combinação - geralmente dois inibidores de transcriptase reversa + 1 ou 2 inibidores de protease. A introdução desse tipo de tratamento trouxe um grande impacto na morbidade e mortalidade de indivíduos infectados pelo HIV. Os inibidores de protease (PIs) são uma boa alternativa às falhas terapêuticas observadas com o uso dos inibidores de transcriptase reversa, no entanto também são associados a vários efeitos tóxicos, como desconforto abdominal, vômito, diarréia, dor de cabeça, tontura, lipodistrofia, hipercolesterolemia, hipertrigliceridemia e hiperglicemia. Em função da existência de efeitos adversos e da condição do ritonavir como protótipo desse tipo de medicação, nosso objetivo é avaliar o efeito desse medicamento sobre os epitélios de revestimento e glandular relacionados à cavidade bucal, de forma a identificar a possibilidade da existência de complicações bucais relacionadas ao uso de inibidores de protease. Ratos albinos (Wistar) foram tratados com Ritonavir (10mg/Kg) por períodos de 4 e 8 semanas. Foram avaliadas as taxas séricas de triglicérides e colesterol (total, HDL, LDL, VLDL). Ao final dos períodos de tratamentos propostos, os animais foram sacrificados, e as peças utilizadas no estudo foram colhidas, (sangue, pele, língua, palatos e glândulas salivares). O sangue coletado foi imediatamente centrifugado sendo o plasma foi utilizado para avaliação das lipoproteínas. Os tecidos colhidos foram fixados, descalcificados quando necessário, processados para inclusão em parafina, cortados com 6µm de espessura, montados em slides e corados com hematoxilina e eosina, para avaliação histopatológica, morfométrica e estereológica. Os dados colhidos foram apresentados em valores médios, e as diferenças analisadas por testes estatísticos adequados para a comparação entre as amostras. Nossos resultados mostram pequenas variações nas características morfológicas de epitélios de revestimento e glandulares, variações essas que poderiam deixar esses tecidos mais propensos a sofrer alterações significativas com traumas ou injúrias, comuns nos tecidos bucais. Embora observadas com pequeno grau de expressão, essas variações, parecem ser progressivas, ou seja, mais expressivas com o uso continuado do medicamento. Mais estudos devem ser realizados, principalmente voltados para avaliações histoquímicas, bioquímicas e moleculares, no entanto nosso estudo é um alerta inicial para a avaliação dos tecidos bucais de pacientes que utilizam inibidores de protease. / HAART had a dramatic impact on the HIV infection, however, protease inhibitor exhibit significant drug-drug interactions, and side effects. There are only few data on effects of protease inhibitors on oral tissues. We propose to observe experimental effects of ritonavir on oral epithelial tissues, covering and glandular. Wistar rats received Ritonavir twice a week for 4-8 weeks. Controls received no treatment. At the time for sacrifice, plasma were collected for evaluation of triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL, LDL and VLDL. Were also collected skin, tongue, palate and glandular tissues Lipoproteins were evaluated and histological examination of skin, mucosal epithelium on tongue, palate and salivar submandibular glandula were made under light microscope. Morphometric methods (cariometry and stereology) were used. Data were statistically analysed by Kruskal Wallis test for multiple samples, since our data were considered not-normal. P[U] 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Our results show that protease inhibitor may be associated with small alterations in epithelial tissues, significant mostly when on longer times using the medication. The complete significance of this data has to be better understood, and other studies has to be done to define these points.

Avaliação das glândulas parótidas e submandibulares por ressonância magnética e correlação clínico-laboratorial em pacientes portadores das formas indeterminada e digestiva da doença de Chagas / Evaluation of parotid and submandibular salivary glands through magnetic resonance and clinical-laboratorial correlations in cronic form Chagas disease bearers

Eveline de Lucena Oliveira Souza Leão 04 September 2009 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A doença de Chagas é a parasitose endêmica mais importante na América Latina. O acometimento das glândulas salivares nesta doença é ainda pouco estudado. Há estudo com portadores da doença através de sialografia convencional, o que motivou a realização deste estudo com a utilização da sialorressonância (sialo RM), por ter melhor sensibilidade e especificidade em relação a outros métodos e não ser invasiva, com o intuito de identificar alterações glandulares nos pacientes da forma indeterminada que possibilitem sua reclassificação para a forma digestiva. OBJETIVO: avaliar as alterações encontradas pela sialo RM e correlacionar com dados clínicos e laboratoriais. METODOLOGIA: Estudaram-se 180 glândulas salivares maiores em 45 pacientes pela sialo RM que foram divididos em três grupos: A portadores da doença de Chagas na forma clínica indeterminada; B portadores da doença de Chagas na forma digestiva; C controle. As idades médias encontradas foram: 48; 55 e 50 anos, respectivamente. Quanto ao sexo, 9; 11 e 10 pacientes dos grupos avaliados eram do feminino. Foram utilizadas seqüências anatômicas ponderadas em T1 e T2, e seqüências específicas para sialo RM T2 fast spin eco 2D e 3D. Realizou-se avaliação clínica específica, sialometria, nasofibroscopia, e dosagem sanguínea da amilase. RESULTADOS: Os volumes médios das glândulas parótidas nos grupos foram de: A (31,1cm3); B (27,4cm3); C (32,4cm3) e das submandibulares foram: A (6,1 cm3); B (5,2 cm3) e C (7,0 cm3). Observou-se um caso no grupo A e outro no grupo B, com afilamento e importante substituição gordurosa de uma das glândulas. O calibre médio dos ductos parotídeos principais foi de: A (1,5mm) tortuosidade e dilatação segmentar em um caso; B (1,3mm) um deles não visualizado e C (1,2mm). Os ductos submandibulares principais tiveram calibre médio de: A (1,5mm); B (1,7mm) - um deles não visualizado; C (1,3mm). Os ductos salivares secundários parotídeos não foram identificados em: A (13,3%); B (20,0%); C (6,7%) e submandibulares, apenas um caso no grupo B. Os ductos salivares terciários parotídeos não foram visualizados em: A (43,3%); B (43,3%); C (33,3%) e submandibulares: A (40,0%); B (23,3%); C (20,0%). Observou-se dilatação sacular/cisto em apenas um ducto parotídeo do grupo B. Das queixas clínicas a xerostomia foi a mais prevalente: A (40,0%); B (53,3%); C (13,3%), com p = 0,066. A sialometria após estímulo apresentou-se alterada nos grupos em: A (60%); B (86,67%) e C (53,33%). O diâmetro parotídeo principal dos indivíduos com amilase normal foi menor que nos indivíduos com amilase anormal (p=0,046). CONCLUSÕES: Os volumes médios das glândulas submandibulares foram menores e o calibre dos ductos salivares de Wharton foi maior nos pacientes infectados, com diferença estatística. Em 5 casos houve alteração na morfologia glandular e/ou ductal. Foram visualizados menos ramos ductais de segunda e terceira ordem das glândulas parótidas e submandibulares em relação ao controle. / INTRODUCTION: Chagas disease is the most important endemic parasitosis in Latin America. The salivary glands onsets for this disease have been poorly studied. For MR (magnetic resonance) sialography has a better sensibility and specificity when compared to different methods and for not being invasive, it is used to identify glandular alterations in patients in the undetermined form, which possibility its reclassification to the digestive form. OBJECTIVES: Present work intends to evaluate the alterations found by MR sialography in Chagas disease patient bearers and correlate them with clinical and laboratorial data. CASUISTIC and METHOD: 180 Major salivary glands were studied in 45 patients by MR sialography divided into 3 groups: A Chagas disease bearers in the uncertain clinical form; B Chagas disease bearers in the digestive form; C Control group. Average ages were: 48; 55 and 50 years, respectively. Concerning sex, nine; 11 and 10 of the evaluated groups were feminine. Anatomical sequences were pondered in T1 and T2, as well as specific sequences for MR sialography T2 fast spin eco 2D and 3D. Specific clinical evaluation, sialometry, nasofibroscopy and blood dosages of amilasis were also evaluated. RESULTS: The parotids glands volumes for groups and expressed, varied for as presented: A (31.1 cm3); B (27.4 cm3); C (32.4 cm3) and for submandibular glands were: A (6.1 cm3); B (5.2 cm3) and C (7,0 cm3). A case was observed in group A and another one in group B, presenting gauging and an important fatty substitution for one of the glands. Main parotid ducts caliber or firstrate order, varied from: A (1.5mm) tortuosity and segmental dilation in one case; B (1.3mm) one of them not visualized and C (1.2mm). Submandibular main ducts presented calibers of: A (1.5mm); B (1.7mm) - one of them not visualized; C (1.3mm). Secondary salivary ducts of the parotid were not identified in: A (13.3%); B (20.0%); C (6.7%) and concerning to submandibular glands, only one case in group B was not identified. Tertiary salivary ducts of the parotid gland were not visualized in: A (43.3%); B (43.3%); C (33.3%) and for submandibular glands: The (40.0%); B (23.3%); C (20.0%). Saccular dilatation was observed in only one parotid of the group B. Among the clinical complaints, xerostomy was the most prevailing A (40.0%); B (53.3%); C (13.3%) p = 0,066. The sialometry after stimulus showed to be altered in the groups as follows: A (60.0%); B (86.7%) and C (53.3%) - <0,001. The main parotid duct diameter of individuals with normal amilasis was smaller than those in the ones with abnormal amilasis (p=0,046). CONCLUSION: The salivary gland volumes were smaller and there was enlargement in Wharton ducts caliber in patients infected by the disease, with statistical difference. There was alteration in the glandular and/or ductal morphology in five cases. Ductal branches of second and third order salivary glands in Chagas disease chronic form bearers were not visualized more often than in healthy patients. Xerostomy was the most reported complaint by patients infected by Tripanosoma cruzi, and there was a bigger association with abnormal pharyngeal nasofibroscopy. Sialometry after stimulus showed to be altered in the groups, especially in patients with chronic digestive form.

Avaliação das glândulas parótidas e submandibulares por ressonância magnética e correlação clínico-laboratorial em pacientes portadores das formas indeterminada e digestiva da doença de Chagas / Evaluation of parotid and submandibular salivary glands through magnetic resonance and clinical-laboratorial correlations in cronic form Chagas disease bearers

Leão, Eveline de Lucena Oliveira Souza 04 September 2009 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A doença de Chagas é a parasitose endêmica mais importante na América Latina. O acometimento das glândulas salivares nesta doença é ainda pouco estudado. Há estudo com portadores da doença através de sialografia convencional, o que motivou a realização deste estudo com a utilização da sialorressonância (sialo RM), por ter melhor sensibilidade e especificidade em relação a outros métodos e não ser invasiva, com o intuito de identificar alterações glandulares nos pacientes da forma indeterminada que possibilitem sua reclassificação para a forma digestiva. OBJETIVO: avaliar as alterações encontradas pela sialo RM e correlacionar com dados clínicos e laboratoriais. METODOLOGIA: Estudaram-se 180 glândulas salivares maiores em 45 pacientes pela sialo RM que foram divididos em três grupos: A portadores da doença de Chagas na forma clínica indeterminada; B portadores da doença de Chagas na forma digestiva; C controle. As idades médias encontradas foram: 48; 55 e 50 anos, respectivamente. Quanto ao sexo, 9; 11 e 10 pacientes dos grupos avaliados eram do feminino. Foram utilizadas seqüências anatômicas ponderadas em T1 e T2, e seqüências específicas para sialo RM T2 fast spin eco 2D e 3D. Realizou-se avaliação clínica específica, sialometria, nasofibroscopia, e dosagem sanguínea da amilase. RESULTADOS: Os volumes médios das glândulas parótidas nos grupos foram de: A (31,1cm3); B (27,4cm3); C (32,4cm3) e das submandibulares foram: A (6,1 cm3); B (5,2 cm3) e C (7,0 cm3). Observou-se um caso no grupo A e outro no grupo B, com afilamento e importante substituição gordurosa de uma das glândulas. O calibre médio dos ductos parotídeos principais foi de: A (1,5mm) tortuosidade e dilatação segmentar em um caso; B (1,3mm) um deles não visualizado e C (1,2mm). Os ductos submandibulares principais tiveram calibre médio de: A (1,5mm); B (1,7mm) - um deles não visualizado; C (1,3mm). Os ductos salivares secundários parotídeos não foram identificados em: A (13,3%); B (20,0%); C (6,7%) e submandibulares, apenas um caso no grupo B. Os ductos salivares terciários parotídeos não foram visualizados em: A (43,3%); B (43,3%); C (33,3%) e submandibulares: A (40,0%); B (23,3%); C (20,0%). Observou-se dilatação sacular/cisto em apenas um ducto parotídeo do grupo B. Das queixas clínicas a xerostomia foi a mais prevalente: A (40,0%); B (53,3%); C (13,3%), com p = 0,066. A sialometria após estímulo apresentou-se alterada nos grupos em: A (60%); B (86,67%) e C (53,33%). O diâmetro parotídeo principal dos indivíduos com amilase normal foi menor que nos indivíduos com amilase anormal (p=0,046). CONCLUSÕES: Os volumes médios das glândulas submandibulares foram menores e o calibre dos ductos salivares de Wharton foi maior nos pacientes infectados, com diferença estatística. Em 5 casos houve alteração na morfologia glandular e/ou ductal. Foram visualizados menos ramos ductais de segunda e terceira ordem das glândulas parótidas e submandibulares em relação ao controle. / INTRODUCTION: Chagas disease is the most important endemic parasitosis in Latin America. The salivary glands onsets for this disease have been poorly studied. For MR (magnetic resonance) sialography has a better sensibility and specificity when compared to different methods and for not being invasive, it is used to identify glandular alterations in patients in the undetermined form, which possibility its reclassification to the digestive form. OBJECTIVES: Present work intends to evaluate the alterations found by MR sialography in Chagas disease patient bearers and correlate them with clinical and laboratorial data. CASUISTIC and METHOD: 180 Major salivary glands were studied in 45 patients by MR sialography divided into 3 groups: A Chagas disease bearers in the uncertain clinical form; B Chagas disease bearers in the digestive form; C Control group. Average ages were: 48; 55 and 50 years, respectively. Concerning sex, nine; 11 and 10 of the evaluated groups were feminine. Anatomical sequences were pondered in T1 and T2, as well as specific sequences for MR sialography T2 fast spin eco 2D and 3D. Specific clinical evaluation, sialometry, nasofibroscopy and blood dosages of amilasis were also evaluated. RESULTS: The parotids glands volumes for groups and expressed, varied for as presented: A (31.1 cm3); B (27.4 cm3); C (32.4 cm3) and for submandibular glands were: A (6.1 cm3); B (5.2 cm3) and C (7,0 cm3). A case was observed in group A and another one in group B, presenting gauging and an important fatty substitution for one of the glands. Main parotid ducts caliber or firstrate order, varied from: A (1.5mm) tortuosity and segmental dilation in one case; B (1.3mm) one of them not visualized and C (1.2mm). Submandibular main ducts presented calibers of: A (1.5mm); B (1.7mm) - one of them not visualized; C (1.3mm). Secondary salivary ducts of the parotid were not identified in: A (13.3%); B (20.0%); C (6.7%) and concerning to submandibular glands, only one case in group B was not identified. Tertiary salivary ducts of the parotid gland were not visualized in: A (43.3%); B (43.3%); C (33.3%) and for submandibular glands: The (40.0%); B (23.3%); C (20.0%). Saccular dilatation was observed in only one parotid of the group B. Among the clinical complaints, xerostomy was the most prevailing A (40.0%); B (53.3%); C (13.3%) p = 0,066. The sialometry after stimulus showed to be altered in the groups as follows: A (60.0%); B (86.7%) and C (53.3%) - <0,001. The main parotid duct diameter of individuals with normal amilasis was smaller than those in the ones with abnormal amilasis (p=0,046). CONCLUSION: The salivary gland volumes were smaller and there was enlargement in Wharton ducts caliber in patients infected by the disease, with statistical difference. There was alteration in the glandular and/or ductal morphology in five cases. Ductal branches of second and third order salivary glands in Chagas disease chronic form bearers were not visualized more often than in healthy patients. Xerostomy was the most reported complaint by patients infected by Tripanosoma cruzi, and there was a bigger association with abnormal pharyngeal nasofibroscopy. Sialometry after stimulus showed to be altered in the groups, especially in patients with chronic digestive form.

Influência do sistema nervoso simpático na periodontite induzida e em glândula salivar de ratos

Martins, Luana Galvão [UNESP] 29 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:27:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2011-06-29Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:15:37Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 martins_lg_me_sjc.pdf: 695176 bytes, checksum: fb089e33ad4b62aa9c5866bfb90390b7 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) / A ação de beta-bloqueadores na melhoria da qualidade óssea e sua ação anti-inflamatória embasam a hipótese de que a modulação simpática pode influenciar a evolução da doença periodontal (DP). Estudos demonstram relação entre disfunção salivar e DP; no entanto, os efeitos da DP nas glândulas salivares, cuja secreção é controlada pelo sistema nervoso autônomo, são pouco estudados. Objetivou-se analisar os efeitos do bloqueio e da ativação de receptores beta-adrenérgicos na reabsorção alveolar na DP em ratos, assim como os efeitos da DP, associada ou não a tratamento adrenérgico, nas glândulas salivares. Foram utilizados 40 ratos divididos em quatro grupos: (1) Grupo Propranolol 0,1mg/Kg com indução de DP; (2) Grupo Isoproterenol 0,75mg/Kg e DP; (3) Grupo Controle sem DP, com administração solução fisiológica ; (4) Grupo Controle com DP, com administração solução fisiológica. Depois de 14 dias de tratamento, ocorreu a eutanásia. Removeram-se as hemimandíbulas e as glândulas submandibulares e sublinguais para análise. O suporte e a perda óssea alveolar foram determinados radiográfica e macroscopicamente. As glândulas foram pesadas, medidas e submetidas à preparação de rotina para coloração com hematoxilina e eosina e Alcian Blue. Avaliou-se histomorfometricamente a área de ácinos, ductos e a vacuolização celular. Após estatística (p<0,05), verificou-se menor suporte e maior perda alveolar na presença de ligadura e maior perda alveolar em animais com tratados com isoproterenol. O isoproterenol aumentou significantemente peso e dimensões glandulares, reduziu área ductal e vacuolização, e aumentou área acinar na submandibular. Propranolol apenas reduziu vacuolização em relação ao controle com DP, e as demais comparações não foram estatisticamente significantes... / The action of beta-blockers in the improvement of bone quality and their anti-inflammatory actions base the hypothesis that sympathetic nervous system modulation can influence periodontal disease (PD). Studies demonstrate a relationship between salivary dysfunction and PD; however, there are few studies about the effects of PD in salivary glands, whose secretion is controlled by the autonomic nervous system. The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of the blockade and of the activation of beta-adrenergic receptors in alveolar resorption in PD in rats, as well as the effects of PD, associated or not to adrenergic treatment, in salivary glands. Forty rats were divided into four groups: (1) group Propranolol 0.1mg/Kg with PD induction; (2) group Isoproterenol 0.75mg/Kg and PD; (3) group Control without PD, which received saline; (4) group Control with PD, which also received saline. After 14 days of treatment, euthanasia occurred. Hemimandibles and submandibular and sublingual glands were removed for analysis. Alveolar bone support and alveolar bone loss were evaluated by radiographic and macroscopic analysis. Gland weight and dimensions were measured, and then the samples were submitted to routine preparation for hematoxilin and eosin and Alcian blue stainings. Acinar and ductal area and cellular vacuolization were histomorphometrically evaluated. After statistical analysis (p <0.05), less alveolar bone support and larger alveolar loss were verified in animals with ligatures for PD induction and larger alveolar loss were also verified in rats treated with isoproterenol. Isoproterenol also increased significantly glandular weight, size and acinar area, and reduced ductal area and cellular vacuolization in submandibular glands. Group Propranolol presented less vacuolization than group Control with DP... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

Efeitos de inibidor de protease sobre os epitélios de revestimento e glandular do rato / Effects of protease inhibitors on epithelial tissues and salivar glands of rats

Fabiano Misael Cavenaghi 26 November 2009 (has links)
O tratamento anti-HIV conhecido como HAART (Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy) se tornou comum por volta de 1996, e utiliza 3 ou 4 diferentes medicamentos em combinação - geralmente dois inibidores de transcriptase reversa + 1 ou 2 inibidores de protease. A introdução desse tipo de tratamento trouxe um grande impacto na morbidade e mortalidade de indivíduos infectados pelo HIV. Os inibidores de protease (PIs) são uma boa alternativa às falhas terapêuticas observadas com o uso dos inibidores de transcriptase reversa, no entanto também são associados a vários efeitos tóxicos, como desconforto abdominal, vômito, diarréia, dor de cabeça, tontura, lipodistrofia, hipercolesterolemia, hipertrigliceridemia e hiperglicemia. Em função da existência de efeitos adversos e da condição do ritonavir como protótipo desse tipo de medicação, nosso objetivo é avaliar o efeito desse medicamento sobre os epitélios de revestimento e glandular relacionados à cavidade bucal, de forma a identificar a possibilidade da existência de complicações bucais relacionadas ao uso de inibidores de protease. Ratos albinos (Wistar) foram tratados com Ritonavir (10mg/Kg) por períodos de 4 e 8 semanas. Foram avaliadas as taxas séricas de triglicérides e colesterol (total, HDL, LDL, VLDL). Ao final dos períodos de tratamentos propostos, os animais foram sacrificados, e as peças utilizadas no estudo foram colhidas, (sangue, pele, língua, palatos e glândulas salivares). O sangue coletado foi imediatamente centrifugado sendo o plasma foi utilizado para avaliação das lipoproteínas. Os tecidos colhidos foram fixados, descalcificados quando necessário, processados para inclusão em parafina, cortados com 6&micro;m de espessura, montados em slides e corados com hematoxilina e eosina, para avaliação histopatológica, morfométrica e estereológica. Os dados colhidos foram apresentados em valores médios, e as diferenças analisadas por testes estatísticos adequados para a comparação entre as amostras. Nossos resultados mostram pequenas variações nas características morfológicas de epitélios de revestimento e glandulares, variações essas que poderiam deixar esses tecidos mais propensos a sofrer alterações significativas com traumas ou injúrias, comuns nos tecidos bucais. Embora observadas com pequeno grau de expressão, essas variações, parecem ser progressivas, ou seja, mais expressivas com o uso continuado do medicamento. Mais estudos devem ser realizados, principalmente voltados para avaliações histoquímicas, bioquímicas e moleculares, no entanto nosso estudo é um alerta inicial para a avaliação dos tecidos bucais de pacientes que utilizam inibidores de protease. / HAART had a dramatic impact on the HIV infection, however, protease inhibitor exhibit significant drug-drug interactions, and side effects. There are only few data on effects of protease inhibitors on oral tissues. We propose to observe experimental effects of ritonavir on oral epithelial tissues, covering and glandular. Wistar rats received Ritonavir twice a week for 4-8 weeks. Controls received no treatment. At the time for sacrifice, plasma were collected for evaluation of triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL, LDL and VLDL. Were also collected skin, tongue, palate and glandular tissues Lipoproteins were evaluated and histological examination of skin, mucosal epithelium on tongue, palate and salivar submandibular glandula were made under light microscope. Morphometric methods (cariometry and stereology) were used. Data were statistically analysed by Kruskal Wallis test for multiple samples, since our data were considered not-normal. P[U] 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Our results show that protease inhibitor may be associated with small alterations in epithelial tissues, significant mostly when on longer times using the medication. The complete significance of this data has to be better understood, and other studies has to be done to define these points.

Avaliação ultra-estrutural do efeito radioprotetor do selenito de sodio em glandulas submandibulares de ratos

Pontual, Maria Luiza dos Anjos 22 February 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Solange Maria de Almeida / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-04T04:01:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Pontual_MariaLuizadosAnjos_D.pdf: 19820473 bytes, checksum: dbd5a33178ca3a999b3af5968d746de7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005 / Resumo: Avaliou-se o efeito radioprotetor do selenito de sódio nas células secretoras das glândulas submandibulares de ratos, por meio da análise ultraestrutural. Foram utilizados 57 ratos subdivididos em quatro grupos experimentais: controle, irradiado, selenito de sódio e selenito de sódio/irradiado. Os animais, pertencentes aos grupos irradiado e selenito de sódio/irradiado, foram submetidos a 15 Gy de radiação gama na região de cabeça e pescoço. Nos animais correspondentes aos grupos selenito de sódio e selenito de sódio/irradiado foi administrado 0,5 mg/kg de peso de selenito de sódio por via intraperitonial 24 horas antes da irradiação e nos grupos controle e irradiado, injetou-se solução salina. As glândulas submandibulares foram removidas após 4, 8, 12, 24, 48 e 72 horas da irradiação. Os resultados mostraram que a radiação causou danos, desde o primeiro tempo, nas células secretoras, sendo maior para as células serosas. Os danos intensificaram-se até o período de 12 horas, com início do processo de reparo no tempo de 24 horas, sem recuperação completa nos últimos tempos avaliados. O grupo selenito de sódio também apresentou alterações celulares nos tempos estudados, porém com menor dano em relação ao causado pela radiação. Foram observados vacuolização, lise de inclusões citoplasmáticas e alterações nucleares. O grupo selenito de sódio/irradiado apresentou maior semelhança com o grupo controle que os outros grupos tratados durante todos os tempos estudados. Foi concluído que, apesar das alterações observadas no grupo selenito de sódio, o selenito de sódio possui ação radioprotetora nas células secretoras das glândulas submandibulares / Abstract: The radioprotective effect of sodium selenite in the secretory cells of submandibular glands of rats was assessed by ultrastructural analysis. A total of 57 rats were used, which were divided into four experimental groups: control, irradiated, sodium selenite and sodium selenite/irradiated. The animals belonging to the irradiated and sodium selenite /irradiated groups were submitted to 15 Gy of gamma radiation at the head and neck. The animals in the sodium selenite and sodium selenite/irradiated groups received intraperitoneal injections of sodium selenite, 0.5mg/kg of body weight, at 24 hours before irradiation; the control and irradiated groups received injection of saline solution. The submandibular glands were removed at 4, 8, 12, 24, 48 and 72 hours after irradiation. The results demonstrated that the radiation induced damages to the secretory cells, especially the serous cells, since the first period. The damages were increased up to the 12- hour period, with onset of the repair process at 24 hours, without complete recovery at the last periods. The sodium selenite group also presented cellular alterations in the study periods, yet with less damage compared to that caused by radiation. There was vacuolization, lysis of cytoplasmic inclusions and nuclear alterations. The sodium selenite/irradiated group was more similar to the control group than the other groups treated at all study periods. It was concluded that, despite the alterations observed in the sodium selenite group, the sodium selenite has a radioprotective action on the secretory cells of submandibular glands / Doutorado / Radiologia Odontologica / Doutor em Radiologia Odontológica

Endocannabinoids in TNF-α and Ethanol Actions

Rettori, Valeria, Fernandez-Solari, Javier, Prestifilippo, Juan P., Mohn, Claudia, De Laurentiis, Andrea, Bornstein, Stefan R., Ehrhart-Bornstein, Monika, Elverdin, Juan C., McCann, Samuel M. 03 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
During marijuana and alcohol consumption as well as during inflammation the reproductive axis is inhibited, mainly through the inhibition of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone release. In male rats, this inhibitory effect is mediated, at least in part, by the activation of hypothalamic cannabinoid type 1 receptors (CB1). During inflammation, this activation of the endocannabinoid system seems to be mediated by an increase in TNF-α production followed by anandamide augmentations, similarly the effect of intragastric administration of ethanol (3 g/kg) seems to be due to an increase in anandamide. On the other hand, a number of different actions mediated by the endocannabinoid system in various organs and tissues have been described. Both cannabinoid receptors, CB1 and CB2, are localized in the submandibular gland where they mediate the inhibitory effect of intrasubmandibular injections of the endocannabinoid anandamide (6 × 10–5M) on salivary secretion. Lipopolysaccharide (5 mg/kg/3 h) injected intraperitoneally and ethanol (3 g/kg/1 h) injected intragastrically inhibited the salivary secretion induced by the sialogogue metacholine; this inhibitory effect was blocked by CB1 and/or CB2 receptor antagonists. Similar to the hypothalamus, these effects seem to be mediated by increased anandamide. In summary, similar mechanisms mediate the inhibitory actions of endocannabinoids and cannabinoids in both hypothalamus and submandibular gland during drug consumption and inflammation. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

A expressão do inibidor de protease liberada por leucocitos (SLPI) em glandulas submandibulares de pacientes que morreram por AIDS / Expression of secretory leucocyte proteinase inhibitor (SLPI) in submandibular gland of patients that died from AIDS

Rocha, Lilia Alves 24 February 2006 (has links)
Orientadores: Thais Mauad, Pablo Agustin Vargas / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-06T14:43:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rocha_LiliaAlves_M.pdf: 978269 bytes, checksum: bfa78078389c5bf2cc8abfe5a8062e25 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: O lnibidor de Protease Liberada por Leucócitos (SLPI) é um inibidor de protease endógeno, originalmente caracterizado a partir de fluído salivar proveniente da glândula parótida. Além da ação inibitória contra o Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (IDV), o SLPI também possui atividades anti-bacterianase anti-rungicas. Os tecidos orais são sítios comuns de infecção em pacientes com AIDS. SLPI é expresso em glândulas submandibulares (GSM), mas existem poucos trabalhos sobre a expressão desta proteína em pacientes com infecções associadas ao HIY. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a expressão imunohistoquímica do SLPI em GSM de pacientes que morreram de AIDS. Foram analizadas amostras de GSM de 36 pacientes que morreram de AIDS (10 pacientes não apresentavam alterações histológicas em GSM, 10 pacientes apresentavam sialodenite, 08 pacientes apresentavam infecção por micobactérias e 08 pacientes apresentavam infecção por citomegalivírus (CMV)), e 10 pacientes IDV negativos (grupo controle). A expressão do SLPI foi quantificada nos ácinos serosos através de um analisador de imagens, com os resultados expressos em porcentagem de área corada. Foi verificada uma maior expressão de SLPI nas GSM de pacientes com AIDS apresentando infecção por CMV (~ SLPI= 37,37:f:14,45) quando comparado com todos os outros grupos (p= 0,009). Não houve diferença significativa entre o grupo controle (% SLPI= 22,7O:f:9,42) e o grupo de pacientes com AIDS sem alterações histúlógicas em GSM (%SLPI= 18,1O:f:7,58), pacientes com sialodenite (%SLPI= 17, 13:f:5 ,36), ou ainda pacientes com infecção por micobactérias (%SLPI= 21,09:f:4,66). Estes resultados indicam que a infecção por CMV aumentou a expressão de SLPI em GSM de pacientes com AIDS / Abstract: Seeretory Leukoeyte Proteinase Inhibitor (SLPI) is an endogen proteinase inhibitor originalIy eharaeterized ITom parotid fluids. Besides an inhibitory aetion on human immunodefieieney virus (IllV), SLPI possess also anti-baeterial and anti-fungical activities. The oral tissues are a eommon site of infeetious eonditions in patients with AIDS. SLPI protein is expressed in the submandibular glands, but there are few data on its expression in patients with assoeiatedIllV infections. The objeetive of this study was to analyze the immunohistoehemistry expression of SLPI in the submandibular glands (SMG) of patients that died ITom the AIDS. We analyzed SMG samples of 36 patients that died ITom AIDS (10 patients with no histologieal alterations, 10 patients had ehronie non specifie sialadenitis, 8 had myeobacteriosis and 8 had eytomegalovirus infeetion (CMV), and 10 IllV negative (eontrol group). SLPI expression was in the serous aeinar eelIs, quantified with image analysis, results being expressed in pereentage of stained areas. There was a statistieally signifieant higher expression of SLPI in AIDS patients with CMV infection (0,10 SLPI = 37.371:14.45) when eompared to alI other groups (p = 0.009). There were no signifieant differenees among eontrol subjeets (%SLPI = 22.701:9.42) and AIDS patients without histologieal alterations (%SLPI = 18.101:7.58), patients with ehronie non-speeifie sialadenitis (% SLPI = 17.131:5.36) or myeobaeterial infection (% SLPI = 21.091:4.66). These results indieate that the CMV infeetion inereases SLPI expression in the submandibular glands of AIDS patients / Mestrado / Patologia / Mestre em Estomatopatologia

Equine Herpesvirus Type 1: Filling Gaps Toward Improved Outbreak Management

Saklou, Nadia Talal 06 September 2023 (has links)
Equine herpesvirus type 1 (EHV-1) is a common pathogen of horses that typically causes upper respiratory disease, however is also associated with late-term abortion, neonatal foal death and neurologic disease. Once a horse is infected, the virus concentrates to local lymphoid tissue, where it becomes latent. The virus can recrudesce during times of stress, which can lead to the initiation of devastating outbreaks. Some variants of EHV-1 have been associated with more severe disease outcomes. Appropriate outbreak management focuses on minimizing the movement of potentially exposed horses. This approach lacks a strategy for prevention at the level of latency largely due to a knowledge paucity in regards to carriage rate of latent EHV-1. Biosecurity decisions are also dependent on awaiting currently-available diagnostic testing that often take several days for results. Thus, our work has been focused on understanding the carriage rate of the latent virus in different geographic regions as well as improving diagnostic efficiency, both of which are essential for improving the management of EHV-1 disease. Loop mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) is a method that amplifies nucleic acid rapidly at a constant temperature and is minimally affected by inhibitors that are often found in clinical samples. This procedure can be followed by multiple detection methods. A new, efficient sequencing method, called nanopore sequencing, has been developed in a handheld device, called MinION, that provides thorough output in a timely manner. When combined with LAMP, it has been referred to as LAMPore. The first objective of our work was to estimate the prevalence of latent EHV-1 and compare the frequency of each variant in the submandibular lymph nodes from horses in Virginia. Our second objective was to perform direct DNA sequencing of EHV-1 using the mobile MinION sequencer in combination with LAMP viral enrichment. Our findings demonstrated a low apparent prevalence of latent EHV-1 DNA in submandibular lymph nodes in this population of horses in Virginia as well as successful detection and identification of EHV-1 in equine nasal swab samples using LAMPore sequencing. / Doctor of Philosophy / Horses can develop disease from a virus called equine herpesvirus type 1 (EHV-1). Symptoms can vary from mild respiratory signs to the inability to rise leading to death or euthanasia. Horses transmit this virus to other nearby horses; however, the virus also becomes dormant once a horse is infected, meaning the virus is not infectious but is present within the animal. When the horse undergoes stress, such as during travel or competition, the virus can become active again, leading to the spread to other horses. This results in outbreaks, many of which are devastating to the equine industry. In order to minimize the risks of this virus spreading and causing disease, management is currently focused on minimizing the movement of horses that may have been exposed to the virus. There is little information regarding the number of horses that harbor the dormant virus and the current methods to detect the infectious virus can take multiple days for results. These limit decision-making during the management of an outbreak. Our work seeks to determine the number of horses in a region that harbor EHV-1 and also to test a new, efficient diagnostic method to identify the virus in samples from horses. Our findings showed a low number of horses in Virginia harbor dormant EHV-1 in the lymph nodes under their mandible, a common site of dormancy. Further, we found that our new method of detection was effective in identifying the virus in samples from nasal secretions from horse.

Protéome salivaire et sensibilité à l'amertume chez l'Homme / Human salivary proteome and sensitivity to bitterness

Dsamou, Micheline 18 December 2012 (has links)
L’amertume fait partie intégrante de notre alimentation. Elle est par exemple fortement représentée dans certaines boissons (ex: café) ou dans certains légumes tels les crucifères. Néanmoins, la perception de l’amertume varie entre les individus et certains aliments considérés comme bénéfiques pour la santé peuvent être rejetés en raison de leur goût amer. Des facteurs génétiques (ex : polymorphisme génétique des récepteurs du goût amer) ou environnementaux (ex : âge, prise de médicaments) expliquent en partie les variations interindividuelles dans la perception de l’amertume. Cependant, d’autres facteurs péri-récepteurs pourraient intervenir, notamment la composition salivaire. Afin d’investiguer dans un premier temps le lien existant entre le protéome salivaire propre à un individu et sa sensibilité à l’amertume, le seuil de détection du goût amer de la caféine a été mesuré sur 29 hommes sains. Leur salive au repos a été étudiée par électrophorèse mono- et bidimensionnelle. L’analyse par électrophorèse bidimensionnelle de la salive au repos des 6 sujets les plus sensibles et 6 les sujets les moins sensibles à la caféine a permis la détection de 255 spots, dont 26 étaient significativement différents entre hyper- et hyposensibles. L’identification de ces 26 spots a révélé la surexpression de fragments d’alpha amylase, de fragments d’albumine sérique, et de sous-unités alpha de l’immunoglobuline A ainsi que la sous-expression de cystatine SN chez les hypersensibles. Ce dernier résultat a été confirmé par Western Blot. Ceci a permis de formuler une hypothèse sur le rôle de la protéolyse en bouche sur la sensibilité à l’amertume. Dans un deuxième temps et afin d’étudier l’effet des molécules amères sur la composition salivaire, une étude in vitro a été menée sur la lignée cellulaire de glandes salivaires humaines HSG différenciées en acini ou non. Après une mise au point des conditions de différenciation (culture dite en 3D), la cystatine SN a été détectée dans les cellules HSG par Western blot après traitement des cellules à la caféine, à la quinine, et à l’urée. Après traitement à la caféine à 5, 50 ou 100µM, une quantification par ELISA a mis en évidence que la cystatine SN était toujours plus abondante dans les cellules HSG différenciées que dans les cellules non-différenciées. Spécifiquement dans les cellules différenciées, l’exposition à la caféine induisait une sur-expression de cystatine SN, la teneur maximale en cystatine SN étant observée avec la caféine à 50 µM. La présence de cystatine SN a également été détectée dans les milieux de culture / Bitterness is present in every day beverages (e.g. coffee) and foods (e.g. vegetables such as cruciferous plants). However, bitterness is perceived differently among individuals and some foods considered as healthy may be rejected due to their bitter taste. Several genetic (eg. genetic polymorphism of bitter taste receptors) or environmental (eg. age, medications) factors partly explain the interindividual variability in bitterness perception. However, other peri-receptor factors may intervene, in particular salivary composition. First, in order to investigate the link between salivary proteome and sensitivity to bitterness, the detection threshold to the bitter taste of caffeine was measured in 29 male healthy subjects. Their resting saliva was studied by one- and two-dimensional electrophoresis. Two-dimensional electrophoresis revealed that 26 out of 255 spots were significantly different between the 6 hypersensitive and 6 hyposensitive subjects to the bitter taste of caffeine. Identification of the 26 spots revealed an overexpression of amylase-, serum albumin-, and immunoglobulin A fragments, and an underexpression of cystatin SN in hypersensitive subjects. The latter finding was confirmed by Western blotting. These results have led to formulate an hypothesis on the role of in-mouth proteolysis in bitterness perception. Second, in order to study the effect of bitter molecules on salivary composition, an in vitro study was performed on undifferentiated and differentiated human salivary cell line HSG. After setting the experimental conditions for HSG cell differentiation (culture in 3D conditions), cystatin SN was detected in HSG cells by Western blot after treatment with caffeine, quinine, and urea. After cell exposure with caffeine at 5, 50 and 100 µM, quantification by ELISA demonstrated that cystatin SN was always more abundant in differentiated vs undifferentiated HSG cells. Specifically in differentiated cells, caffeine exposure resulted in over-expression of cystatin SN, 50µM inducing the highest effect. Cystatin SN was also detected in culture media of the HSG cells

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