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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Eficácia da associação de vidro bioativo e plasma rico em plaquetas na reparação óssea em coelhos

Luiz Alexandre Moura Penteado 29 June 2007 (has links)
A regeneração óssea requer não somente um arcabouço, mas também uma seqüência de eventos biológicos regulados por múltiplos fatores. No presente, o plasma rico em plaquetas (PRP) consiste numa importante fonte de fatores de crescimento. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficácia da associação de vidro bioativo e PRP na reparação de defeitos cirúrgicos realizados no osso parietal de coelhos. Para tanto, foram utilizados dez coelhos da raça Nova Zelândia, sendo que em cada animal foram confeccionados dois defeitos de 8 mm nos ossos parietais, os quais receberam tratamentos diferentes: a) grupo 1 vidro bioativo (tratamento VB) e coágulo sangüíneo (tratamento CO); b) grupo 2 vidro bioativo + PRP (tratamento VB + PRP) e PRP isolado (tratamento PRP). Os animais foram sacrificados após 12 semanas, sendo os espécimes submetidos a estudo radiográfico (densidade em tons de cinza), histológico (coloração de hematoxilina e eosina) e histomorfométrico (planimetria por contagem de pontos). Os dados de densidade radiográfica e histomorfometria foram submetidos separadamente ao teste de análise de variância (ANOVA) e ao teste de Tukey (5%). Nos tratamentos PRP + VB e PRP observou-se maior densidade óssea radiográfica e maior neoformação óssea histomorfométrica, não havendo diferença estatística entre os mesmos. Não houve diferença estatística entre os tratamentos VB e CO em relação à densidade óssea e neoformação óssea histomorfométrica. Histologicamente, a neoformação óssea foi maior nos tratamentos PRP + VB e PRP, destacando-se o PRP + VB. Portanto, o PRP favoreceu a reparação óssea e o VB não favoreceu o reparo ósseo isoladamente e não alterou a reparação óssea obtida pelo PRP. / Bone regeneration not only requires a scaffold, but also a sequence of biological events regulated by multiple factors. Nowadays, the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) consists an important source of growth factors. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the association of bioactive glass and PRP in the repairing of surgical defects realized in the parietal bone of rabbits. Ten rabbits New Zealand were used, and on each animal two defects of 8 mm in the parietal bones had been confectioned, which had received different treatments: a) group 1 - bioactive glass (treatment VB) and coagulum (treatment CO); b) group 2 - bioactive glass + PRP (treatment VB + PRP) and isolated PRP (treatment PRP). The animals were sacrificed after 12 weeks, and the specimens were submitted to radiographic (density grey degrees), histological (hematoxilin and eosin coloration) and histomorfometrical (planimetry for counting of points) analysis. The results of radiographic density and histomorfometric were submitted separately to the test of analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukeys test (5%). In the treatments PRP + VB and PRP major radiographic bone density and major histomorfometric new bone formation was observed, without statistical difference between them. It did not have statistical difference between treatments VB and CO in relation to the bone density and histomorfometric new bone formation. Histologically, the new bone formation was bigger in the treatments PRP + VB and PRP, emphasizing PRP + VB. Therefore, the PRP supported the bone repairing and the VB does not supported the bone repair separately and does not modified the bone repairing gotten by the PRP.

Arcabouços tridimensionais de vidros bioativos contendo nióbio para regeneração óssea : síntese, caracterização e avaliação do comportamento celular

Balbinot, Gabriela de Souza January 2017 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi sintetizar e caracterizar arcabouços tridimensionais de vidros bioativos contendo nióbio e avaliar a influência destes materiais no comportamento de células pré-osteoblasticas in vitro. A produção dos arcabouços foi realizada pelo método sol-gel a partir da mistura de precursores da matriz e modificadores minerais. Foram produzidos vidros contendo Nióbio (BAG-Nb) e vidros sem adição deste componente (BAG). A adição do nióbio foi feita por meio de NbCl5. Após a formação do sol foram adicionados um surfactante e um catalisador da condensação para que fosse possível produzir um gel poroso que, com o processo de queima deu origem aos arcabouços. A caracterização da estrutura química foi realizada por difração de raio-x (DRX) e espectroscopia Raman. A morfologia dos materiais foi avaliada por microscopia de varredura (MEV) e microtomografia computadorizada de raios-x (MicroCT). Células pré-osteoblasticas MC3T3-E1 foram cultivadas para avaliação da influência dos materiais na sua proliferação, mineralização e expressão gênica. Para este fim foram utilizados os testes da Sulforonamida B, a coloração por Vermelho de Alizarina e o teste de Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase (PCR), respectivamente. A caracterização do material demonstrou a presença de estruturas cristalinas nos vidros produzidos. O Nióbio foi encontrado no grupo BAG-Nb em sua forma de óxido disperso pela matriz do vidro de acordo com os resultados de DRX e Raman. Quanto à sua estrutura, a porosidade superficial e macroposidade, o tamanho dos poros e a interconectividade entre os poros mostraram-se favoráveis para o crescimento de tecido em ambos os grupos produzidos. O nióbio foi encontrado na estrutura do vidro na sua forma de óxido (Nb2O5). A incorporação de Nb2O5 ao vidro não interferiu na proliferação celular no entanto, os materiais contendo Nb2O5 promoveram maior aumento na mineralização das células pré-osteoblasticas após 7 e 21 dias de cultivo, indicando maior diferenciação celular. Estes resultados demonstram que a incorporação de Nióbio resultou em materiais com composição química e macroestrutura adequadas, induzindo maior e mais rápida taxa de diferenciação celular na cultura de células in vitro. / The aim of this study was to synthesize and characterized sol-gel derived bioactive glasses scaffolds containing Niobium and evaluate its influence in pre-osteoblastic cell behaviour. Sol-gel route was used to produce porous scaffolds by foaming method. Matrix precursors and mineral modifiers were used to produce the sol. Scaffolds were produced in two distinct compositions. One group containing Niobium (BAG-Nb) and one group without this component (BAG) were produced. NbCl5 was used as Nb precursor. After sol mixture a surfactant and catalyst for condensation was added under stirring to produce a porous gel structure. Heating treatment was applied to produce porous scaffolds. Chemical characterization was performed with X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy. To evaluate morphology, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Microcomputed thomography (μCT) were used. MC3T3-E1 pre-osteoblastic cells were used in cell culture analysis of cell proliferation, cell mineralization and gene expression. For these analyses, SulphoronamideB, Alizarin S Red and quantitative Polymerase Chain Reraction (qPCR) were used, respectively. Niobium was found scattered in glass matrix in its oxide form (Nb2O5) according to Raman and XRD results. These results showed Nb2O5 did not bond to glass matrix. Scaffolds superficial and macro porosity, pore size and connectivity were found favourable for growth of tissue. Cell proliferation was not influenced by the addition of Nb2O5, however scaffolds containing Nb2O5 induced increased mineralization after 7 and 21 days in preosteoblastic cell cultures. This result indicate increased cell differentiation for glasses containing Nb2O5. The development of bioactive glass scaffolds containing Niobium resulted in material with suitable chemical properties and microstructure with increased and faster mineralization in cellular studies showing potential of Nb2O5 containing bioactive glasses for tissue engineering applications.

Comparación de la aceptabilidad del sabor de preparaciones con bajo contenido de sodio usando glutamato monosódico, sal común y cloruro de potasio combinado con sal común en sujetos con prescripción de dieta hiposódica

Angela Aurora Ayerbe Azabache, Nancy Calderón Ramírez 15 December 2015 (has links)
La finalidad de este estudio experimental fue comparar la aceptabilidad del sabor de preparaciones con bajo contenido de sodio en pacientes diabéticos e hipertensos. Se realizó entre abril y mayo del 2015 en el Centro de Atención Integral de Diabetes e Hipertensión (CEDHI) en Lima, Perú. Las personas evaluadas fueron 67 pacientes ambulatorios del CEDHI, mayores de 18 años de ambos géneros, diagnosticados de hipertensión arterial o diabetes mellitus tipo 2. En total fueron aplicadas 134 pruebas sensoriales y 402 muestras preparadas. Las preparaciones que fueron sometidas a evaluación fueron arroz, caldo, pollo y verduras cocidas, adicionándoles sal común, cloruro de potasio [25%] con sal común [75%] y glutamato monosódico. Para medir los resultados se utilizaron dos pruebas hedónicas, de preferencia por ordenamiento y prueba de aceptabilidad (puntuación del 1 al 5). En los resultados no se encontraron diferencias significativas a nivel global en cuanto a la aceptabilidad y preferencia de las preparaciones con bajo contenido de sodio. Por lo cual, el reemplazo de la sal común por cualquiera de los sustitutos es viable para pacientes con prescripción de dieta hiposódica (1500mg Na / día). / The purpose of this experimental study was to compare the acceptability of the taste of preparations with low sodium in diabetic and hypertensive patients. It was conducted between April and May 2015 at the Centro de Atención Integral de Diabetes e Hipertensión (CEDHI) in Lima, Peru. Sixty-seven outpatient subjects from CEDHI were assessed; they were over 18 years of both genders, diagnosed with hypertension or diabetes mellitus type 2. In total 134 sensory tests were applied and 402 prepared food samples. The evaluated samples were rice, broth, chicken and cooked vegetables that were added with common salt, potassium chloride [25%] with salt [75%] and monosodium glutamate. In order to measure the results two hedonic tests were applied, ordered by preference and acceptability test (score of 1 to 5) were used. No significant global differences were found regarding the acceptability and preference in low sodium preparations. Therefore, the replacement of common salt by any of the substitutes is viable for patient’s prescribed low-sodium diet (1500mg Na / day). / Tesis

Flygskattens välfärdseffekter : En analys av flygskattens välfärdseffekter på inrikes flygresor i Sverige / The welfare effects on the aviation tax : An analysis on the welfare effects of the aviation tax on domestic flights in sweden

Andersson, Jesper January 2021 (has links)
Sverige införde den 1 april 2018 en flygskatt, på 60 kr inrikes, för att sänka flygplanens miljöpåverkan. Syftet med denna studie var att estimera välfärdseffekterna av denna skatt, med 2017 och 2019 som jämförelseår med data från både Trafikanalys och tidigare studier. I min studie kommer endast inrikesflyg i Sverige att analyseras, men data från utrikesflyg och inrikes tåg har tagits med för att kunna ge en bättre bild över hur inrikes flygresor har påverkats av flygskatten. Flygskatten påverkar antalet inrikesresor i Sverige, det blir färre resor vilket leder till välfärdsförluster. I och med att det blir färre resor, kommer däremot den globala nyttan öka på grund av minskat koldioxidutsläpp. Resultatet är varierat beroende på vilka antaganden som görs och vilket värde som används för koldioxidutsläppen. I huvudanalysen ger värdet som användes i Sverige för koldioxid välfärdsvinsten 59 640 000 kr, med värde från EDF blir välfärdsvinsten 11 152 000 kr. Med värde från Tyskland blir det en välfärdsförlust på 8 954 104 kr och om priset på utsläppsrätter inom EU ETS används blir förlusten 5 514 040 kr. Studien har som ett alternativ utgått ifrån data  från en tidigare studie. Med denna data blir istället den totala välfärdsvinsten 42 424 400 kr med Sveriges värde och 8 007 920 kr med värde från EDF. Tysklands värde på koldioxid gav då istället välfärdsförlusten 6 267 413 kr och EU ETS estimerades bli en förlust på 3 824 968 kr. För att få välfärdsförlusten att vara lika stor som välfärdsvinsten krävs det ett estimerat värde på drygt 355 kr per ton koldioxid. / On April 1st 2018 Sweden introduced an aviation tax, at 60 kr for flights domestically, in order to reduce the amount of impact on the climate. The purpose of this study is to estimate the welfare effects of the said tax, using 2017 and 2019 as comparison years. The data that is used to make the estimations are taken from Trafikanalys and previous studies. My study will only be estimating the welfare effects on the domestic flights in Sweden, but in order to get a better understanding of how the aviation tax has affected the flights, data from both international flights and domestic trains will be used as well. Due to the decrease in the number of flights, a welfare loss will arise, but as a result of this less carbon dioxide will be released and result in a global welfare gain. The results are varied depending on what assumptions are made and what value of carbon dioxide is used. In the main analysis, the value of carbon dioxide in Sweden results in a welfare gain of 59 640 000 kr. With the value from EDF the welfare gain is instead 11 152 000 kr, whereas the German value gives us a welfare loss of 8 954 104 kr. The value of emissions rights in the EU ETS instead gives us a loss of 5 514 040 kr. As an alternative, my study has used data from an earlier study which resulted in Sweden's value giving us a welfare gain of      42 424 400 kr. With the new data from the earlier study, EDF’s value results in a 8 007 920 kr gain. Both Germany’s value and EU ETS’s value still results in a welfare loss, with Germany at 6 267 413 kr loss and EU ETS at 3 824 968 kr. In order for as much gains as losses to be made, the value of a ton carbon dioxide must be 355 kr.

Desenvolvimento de amidos fosfatados de batata-doce e mandioca e aplicação como substitutos de gordura em sorvetes /

Rechsteiner, Mariana Schmidt, 1973- January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Cláudio Cabello / Banca: Simone Damasceno Gomes / Banca: Ana Paula Cerino Coutinho / Banca: Manoel Lima de Menezes / Banca: Magali Leonel / Resumo: O mercado de amidos vem crescendo e se aperfeiçoando, levando à busca de produtos com características específicas que atendam às exigências da indústria. Neste contexto a produção de amidos modificados é uma alternativa. Atualmente se observa uma intensa competição entre os setores de desenvolvimento de produtos nas indústrias, para oferecer aos consumidores alimentos com baixos teores de gordura. Os amidos podem sofrer várias modificações com a finalidade de serem usados como substitutos de gordura, e os amidos modificados têm-se mostrado os mais promissores substitutos de gordura. Levando em conta a importância dos amidos para o mercado de alimentos e o interesse em produtos alimentícios com menor teor de gordura, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver substituintes de gorduras a partir de amidos de batata-doce e mandioca e avaliar o comportamento dos amidos modificados na formulação de sorvetes de massa com teores de gordura reduzidos. Para a modificação dos amidos de mandioca e batata-doce os reagentes utilizados foram tripolifosfato de sódio (STPP) e trimetafosfato de sódio (STMP) cedidos pela Astaris do Brasil S.A. Após ensaios prospectivos, definiram-se as melhores condições para a modificação dos amidos de mandioca e batata-doce. Os amidos foram fosfatados por via úmida e por via seca,em pH 9,5 com porcentagem de 5% de tripolifosfato de sódio (STPP) e 1% de trimetafosfato de sódio (STMP). A fosfatação teve início à temperatura ambiente sob agitação constante e depois de 1 hora o amido foi transferido para bandejas de alumínio forradas com plástico poliéster e levados a estufa a 130ºC por 6 horas. Os amidos modificados foram analisados quanto as suas propriedades físicas e químicas, funcionais, reológicas e por difração... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract : The starch market comes growing and if perfecting, leading to the search of products with specific characteristics that take care of to the requirements of the industry. In this context the modified starch production is an alternative. Currently if it observes an intense competition enters the sectors of development of products in the industries, to offer to consuming foods with low texts of fat. The starches can suffer some modifications with the purpose to be used as substitute of fat, and the modified starches have revealed the most promising substitutes of fat. Taking in account the importance of starches for the food market and the interest in nourishing products with lesser text of fat, the present work had as objective to develop fat substitutes from cassava and sweet potato starches and evaluate the behavior of starches The starch market comes growing and if perfecting, leading to the search of products with specific characteristics that take care of to the requirements of the industry. In this context the modified starch production is an alternative. Currently if it observes an intense competition enters the sectors of development of products in the industries, to offer to consuming foods with low texts of fat. The starches can suffer some modifications with the purpose to be used as substitute of fat, and the modified starches have revealed the most promising substitutes of fat. Taking in account the importance of starches for the food market and the interest in nourishing products with lesser text of fat, the present work... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Determination of the Cariogenic Potential of Sugar Substitutes

Moelich, Nadine January 2020 (has links)
Early Childhood Caries (ECC) is a burden worldwide which has a negative impact on children’s wellbeing and affects aesthetics, speech and mastication. It may lead to loss of space, creating problems that are difficult and expensive to manage in future. The International Association of Paediatric Dentistry (IAPD) declared that more than 600 million children worldwide are affected by ECC. Caries is a multifactorial disease and frequent excessive sugar consumption is noted as a major risk factor in the development of caries. It also contributes to other non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease. The well-established link between dental caries and dietary sugar, specifically sucrose, can be explained due to the fact that it can be fermented by microorganisms. The use of sugar substitutes may be justified as an effective way to prevent dental caries by modifying the metabolism of microorganisms which will lead to a reduction in lactic acid production in the mouth. This study explored the cariogenic potential of sugar substitutes. The aim of the study was to determine and compare the cariogenic potential of commercially available sugar substitutes namely: xylitol, erythritol and stevia. The data collected could be useful in finding a suitable substitute for sucrose, one of the main causative factors of ECC. A total of 52 enamel slabs were prepared from the surfaces of extracted primary teeth and placed in growth media before being inoculated with Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans). The enamel slabs and growth media were used to determine the Colony Forming Units (CFUs) of S. mutans after exposure to xylitol, erythritol and stevia and to determine the acid production of S. mutans in the presence of these sugar substitutes by measuring the acidity (pH) of the growth media. Biofilm formation in the presence of sucrose, xylitol, erythritol and stevia was confirmed by means of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Considering the CFUs, pH and SEM analysis, this study suggests that xylitol, erythritol and stevia are all less cariogenic alternatives to sucrose. Stevia has been shown to have the lowest cariogenic potential, followed by erythritol and then xylitol. These substitutes should however be used with caution as they still produced a drop in pH close to the critical demineralization level. From the literature studied, it is clear that ECC is a preventable disease. It is the dental professional’s duty to raise awareness with parents, caregivers, other health care professionals and all relevant stakeholders. Parents and patients should be educated to limit sugar intake and to substitute sugar with healthier alternatives such as xylitol, erythritol or stevia, which all proved to be less cariogenic than sucrose. / Dissertation (MSc Dent)--University of Pretoria, 2020. / Community Dentistry / MSc Dent / Unrestricted

Estudo clínico randomizado e prospectivo do aumento ósseo vertical em enxertos sinusais maxilares realizados com o Beta-tricálcio fosfato de fase pura /

Mendes, Bruno Coelho. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: / Resumo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o aumento ósseo vertical em seios maxilares preenchidos com o β-TCP em duas granulações de diferentes dimensões e comparar o seu comportamento biológico ao do osso autógeno. Três grupos de 06 seios maxilares: (G1) correspondente ao osso autógeno, (G2) β-TCP com partículas de 0,5 mm a 0,7 mm e (G3) β-TCP com 0,1 mm a 0,5 mm foram avaliados por meio de análise histomorfométrica e imunoistoquímica após 6 meses do preenchimento sinusal. A neoformação óssea em G1, G2 e G3 foi de respectivamente 78,442 µm2, 71,283 µm2 e 64,508 µm2, sem diferença estatisticamente significante (p=0,314). A maior área de tecido conjuntivo foi observada em G3, com 124,265 µm2, seguido por G2, 112,993 µm2 e G1, 112,652 µm2 com ausência de diferença estatística na comparação dos grupos (p=0,366). A área de biomaterial remanescente foi observada em G2 com 9,268 µm2, seguido por G3, 6,021 µm2, e G1, 1,195 µm2, sendo ausente a diferença estatística entre os grupos (p=0,120). A imunomarcação para RUNX2 apresentou-se leve em G1 e G2 e moderada a intensa em G3, enquanto para VEGF foi moderada em G1 e G2 e pouco mais intensa em G3. Conclui-se que o β-TCP nas diferentes granulações mostrou-se osteocondutor e pode ser utilizado com critérios, em pequenos defeitos, em substituição ao osso autógeno. / Mestre

To (m)eat or not to (m)eat? : Exploring the effectiveness of message appeals on packaging of meat substitutes, focussing on reaction.

Apon, Marit, Huijs, Sven Paul January 2023 (has links)
Background: Environmental sustainability and climate change are of increasing concern. The agriculture and food sector generate a large negative impact on the environment, and whilst the awareness is increasing, limited change in behaviour is visible. This resulted in the exploration of opportunities in relation to this topic, where meat consumption, meat substitutes and reactions to messaging are the main focus.  Purpose: From an environmentally sustainable perspective, to understand how European Millennial and Gen Z consumers react to message appeals on the packaging of meat substitutes, by using the PMT.  Method: A qualitative approach was followed to understand the reactions from European Millennial and Gen Z consumers when showing different message appeals on the packaging of meat substitutes. To explore their feelings, attitudes and perception towards these message appeals, and how this could influence their reaction, semi-structured interviews were conducted.  Conclusion: The results show that message appeals are effective when applying PMT to explore the reaction to reduce meat consumption. The emotional appeal was found to be the most effective. The informational appeal is moderately effective as the effectiveness depends on presentation and communication, and reduce appeal is found ineffective.

Meat me in the green : En litteraturstudie om sensoriska egenskaper för veganska och vegetariska livsmedelsprodukter

Gillow Thorsén, Clara January 2023 (has links)
Förståelse och intresset för mat och måltid ökar explosionsartat vilket medför större krav pålivsmedelsprodukter och upplevelser av en måltid där en produkt står i centrum.Produktutvecklare och gastronomer arbetar ständigt för att producera smakfulla livsmedelsom både är klimatsmarta och uppfyller konsumenternas krav på smak. Inomlivsmedelsindustrin görs det kontinuerligt sensoriska bedömningar för att diskuterasensoriska egenskaper i livsmedelsprodukter. Men hur kommunicerar vi vår sensoriskaupplevelse av livsmedelsprodukter så precist som möjligt? Ett verktyg för att kommunicerasin upplevelse kan vara standardiserade sensoriska bedömning, vilket innebär att man skapartydliga riktlinjer för ett specifikt produktområde, vilket således kan användas för attidentifiera sensoriska egenskaper i en livsmedelsprodukt. Magisteruppsatsen syftar till en litteraturstudie som bygger på en kvalitativ innehållsanalysbaserad på 14 artiklar. Målet med innehållsanalysen var att komma fram till relevantasensoriska egenskapsord inom ramen för veganska och vegetariska livsmedelsprodukter. Ienlighet med de framtagna egenskapsorden kunde ett sensoriskt ramverk upprättas vilketsåledes också resulterar i tydliga smakprofiler och egenskaper för produktområdet. Avsiktenmed att ta fram ett semantiskt ramverk av denna sort var att förenkla smakprovningar inomOrkla Foods Sverige och på så vis utveckla ett enhetligt språk för produktområdet. Avslutningsvis går det att argumentera för att ett semantiskt ramverk med tydligaegenskapsord kan komma att underlätta processen inom produktutveckling, jämförelser avprodukter och dylikt. Trots att det inte går att utesluta människans subjektiva åsikt ochfysiska obalanser sinsemellan, är ett semantiskt ramverk ett relevant verktyg i avseende attförenkla kommunikationen och beskrivningen av veganska eller vegetariskalivsmedelsprodukt.

Mitigating Hypothetical Bias: An Application to Willingness to Pay for Beach Conditions Information

Quainoo, Ruth 10 August 2018 (has links)
Hypothetical bias continues to be a challenge for practitioners of the contingent valuation method (CVM). This study compared the effect of three hypothetical bias mitigation techniques in a CVM survey focused on estimating maximum willingness to pay for a beach conditions monitoring service among U.S. Gulf Coast beachgoers. Beach conditions information is known to affect beach patronage but no valuation study has yet estimated its value. The two techniques tested are: budget and substitutes cheap talk treatments and certainty follow-up. We presented a theoretically consistent model of budget-constrained utility maximization which accounts for the respondents’ subjective probability of a good beach trip with and without the beach conditions information. Interval regression was used to estimate respondents WTP for beach conditions monitoring service. Both mitigation treatments were unable to mitigate HB. The mean WTP was $3.39 and the net benefit for the program was between $188,531,063 and $391,474,452.

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