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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise tomográfica da formação óssea em defeito segmentar na mandíbula de coelho preenchido com bloco de osso bovino liofilizado / Tomographic analysis of bone formation in segmental defects created in the mandible of rabbits filled with lyophilized bovine bone block

Corrêa, Danilo da Silva 04 December 2013 (has links)
O recente aumento da procura por implantes osseointegráveis consequentemente levou ao aumento dos procedimentos de enxertos ósseos. Com isso, novos materiais têm surgido para estes procedimentos. Um destes materiais é o osso bovino integral (OBIN), cujo diferencial é o seu método de processamento, que visa manter suas características o mais próximas possível ao osso in natura. Por se tratar de um material novo, ainda existem poucos estudos avaliando seu desempenho, sendo a maioria deles estudos pré-clínicos testando sua biocompatibilidade. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho do OBIN na região maxilofacial através de um modelo experimental em animais. Foram criados defeitos ósseos na base da mandíbula de coelhos, onde foram enxertados blocos de OBIN nos grupos experimentais e deixados vazios nos grupos controle. Os animais foram sacrificados nos tempos 0 (imediatamente após a cirurgia), 3 e 6 meses após o procedimento cirúrgico. As mandíbulas foram analisadas através de tomografias computadorizadas de feixe cônico, onde foi analisada a regeneração óssea qualitativamente e quantitativamente. Na análise qualitativa observou-se que aos três e seis meses, nos animais do grupo controle, não houve regeneração total, restando um defeito côncavo na base da mandíbula, confirmando que o defeito criado possuía tamanho crítico. No grupo experimental, no tempo 0, observou-se grande variação de densidade entre os enxertos e esta variação pareceu influenciar seu desempenho, havendo mais regeneração óssea nos menos densos. No tempo 3, todos os enxertos haviam integrados, com perda de densidade, sugerindo uma reabsorção parcial. Aos seis meses, a reabsorção e regeneração pareciam mais avançadas do que aos três meses. Na análise quantitativa houve diferença estatisticamente significante nos grupos controles entre os tempos 0 e os tempos 3 e 6. Nos grupos experimentais não houve diferença entre os tempos e na comparação entre os grupos controles e experimentais houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre todos os tempos. Os resultados observados sugerem que o OBIN é um material indicado para a realização de procedimentos de enxerto na região maxilofacial, com aparente reabsorção e substituição por osso regenerado, ideal para a reabilitação com implantes ósseo integráveis. / The recent increase in the demand for dental implants consequently led to increased bone grafting procedures. Therefore, new materials have emerged for these procedures. One of these materials is integral bovine bone (IBB) whose differential is its processing, which aims to maintain its characteristics as close as possible to the raw bone. Because it is a new material, there are only a few studies evaluating its performance, with the majority of them constituted of preclinical studies testing its biocompatibility. For this reason, the aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of the IBB at the maxillofacial region through an experimental model in animals. Bone defects were created on the basis of the mandible of rabbits, which were grafted with blocks of IBB in the experimental groups, while control groups were left empty. The animals were sacrificed at time 0 (immediately after surgery), 3 and 6 months after surgery. The jaws were analyzed using cone beam computed tomography, where bone regeneration was analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Qualitative analysis showed that at three and six months, in the control group, there was not full regeneration, leaving a concave defect in the base of the mandible, confirming that the defect created had critical size. In the experimental group, at time 0, there was wide variation in density between the grafts and this variation appeared to influence their performance, seeming to be more bone regeneration in less dense ones. At time 3, all grafts were integrated, and a density loss, suggesting a partial resorption of the graft, was also observed. At six months, resorption and regeneration seemed more advanced than at three months. The quantitative analysis did not showed statistically significant difference in controls between time 0 and times 3 e 6. In experimental groups there was no difference between times and comparison between control and experimental groups were statistically significant different between all time. The data suggest that the IBB is a material suitable for the realization of grafting procedures in the maxillofacial region, with apparent resorption and replacement by regenerated bone, ideal for rehabilitation with dental implants.

Knowledge, attitude and practices of nursing staff regarding the baby friendly hospital initiative in non accredited obstetric units in cape town.

Jacobs, Lynette Carmen. January 2008 (has links)
<p>Background: The Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) is considered one of the most successful international efforts to protect, promote and support breastfeeding. The initiative has proven impact, increasing the likelihood of babies being exclusively breastfed for six months. Official designation as Baby Friendly requires careful assessment completed by a trained external team to confirm that the institution is truly carrying out all Ten Steps of successful breastfeeding and conforming to the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes (BMS).The implementation of these principles are however challenging for facilities as it requires &ldquo / strategic planning, implementation and maintaining change&rdquo / within the facilities. Aim: To assess the factors influencing the implementation of BFHI principles in non accredited MOU` s in the Metropole region of the Western Cape.</p>

Modulating fibrin matrix properties via fibrin knob peptide functionalized microgels

Sathananthan, Saranya 10 July 2012 (has links)
Fibrin is the body's natural provisional matrix activated in response to vascular injury in which noncovalent knob:hole interactions between fibrin monomers lead to the assembly of fibrin for clot formation. In this study we aimed to exploit fibrin knob:hole affinity interactions with swelling, space filling microgels for the development of a potential bio-synthetic hybrid polymer system with hemostatic properties. Previous work has explored the inherent binding interactions of various fibrin knobs and their complementary polymerization holes, which have led to the development of fibrin knob peptide mimic (GPRPFPAC) with enhanced binding affinity for fibrin(ogen) holes. By coupling this enhanced fibrinogen binding peptide with a pNIPAm microgel system capable of being dynamically tuned and self-assembled, we hypothesized the specific and rapidly triggered formation of a bulk hydrogel in a wound environment (i.e. in the presence of fibrinogen). We found that at the peptide ligand density and concentrations of microgels used, that a rapid formation of a gel did not occur in the presence of fibrinogen alone. However with fibrinogen and thrombin, we found that fibrin network polymerization, structure, and viscoelastic properties were greatly altered in the presence of knob peptide-conjugated microgels.

Att trivas men inte vilja stanna : Upplevelser av att vara anställd i en vikariepool hos ett bemanningsföretag, med fokus på organisationsriktad commitment och socialt stöd / To thrive but don’t want to stay : Perceptions of being employed in a pool of substitutes at a temporary work agency, focusing on organizational commitment and social support

Olofsson, Hanna, Johannesson, Sara January 2013 (has links)
En bemanningsanställd har sin dagliga arbetsplats ute hos ett klientföretag, och inte hos sin arbetsgivare. Detta kan göra att kontakten med arbetsgivaren försvagas, vilket kan skapa speciella förutsättningar för organisationsriktad commitment och socialt stöd. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur det upplevs att vara anställd i en vikariepool hos ett bemanningsföretag, med fokus på organisationsriktad commitment och socialt stöd. Frågeställningarna som ligger till grund för undersökningen är hur respondenterna upplever, och vad som påverkar respondenternas upplevelser av organisationsriktad commitment, samt hur respondenterna upplever, och vad som påverkar respondenternas upplevelser av socialt stöd. För att besvara frågeställningarna genomfördes intervjuer med sju anställda i en vikariepool hos ett bemanningsföretag. Resultatet visar att affektiv commitment är en betydande del av förklaringen till varför de för tillfället stannar kvar i bemanningsföretaget. Visst socialt stöd erhålls från bemanningsföretaget, medan annat föredras från arbetsplatserna. Det upplevs vara brist på informativt stöd, i form av information kring vad som gäller på respektive arbetsplats. Vidare visar resultatet att kontakten med samordningsansvarige är avgörande för såväl organisationsriktad commitment som socialt stöd. Upplevelsen av socialt stöd främjar upplevelsen av organisationsriktad commitment. Upplevelsen av socialt stöd påverkas av hur lång erfarenhet de har från arbetet inom kommunens skola och barnomsorg. Det framkommer också att synen på anställningens funktion påverkar upplevelsen av organisationsriktad commitment. / The daily workplace for a temporary agency worker takes place at a client company, and not at the employer. This can weaken the contact with the employer, which can create special conditions for organizational commitment and social support. The purpose of the study is to examine the perception of being employed in a pool of substitutes at a temporary work agency, focusing on organizational commitment and social support. The issues underlying the study are how the respondents perceive, and what influence their perceptions of organizational commitment to the temporary work agency, and how the respondents perceive and what influence their perceptions of social support from the temporary work agency. To answer the questions, interviews were conducted with seven employees in a pool of substitutes at a temporary work agency. The results show that affective commitment is a considerable part of the reason why they currently remain in the agency. Some social support is received from the temporary work agency, while other is preferred from the workplaces. A lack of informational support is perceived, regarding information about the routines in each workplace. Furthermore the results show that the contact with the coordinator is essential for organizational commitment as well as for social support. The perception of social support promotes the perception of organizational commitment. The perception of social support is influenced by the length of experience they have from working in the municipal schools and childcare. It also emerges that the view of the function of the employment influences the perception of organizational commitment.

Valoración de la regeneración ósea en un modelo animal: Utilización del plasma rico en plaquetas en la curación de los defectos óseos. Estudio preliminar para un diseño experimental en conejos.

Bonete Lluch, Daniel José 03 May 2007 (has links)
INTRODUCCIÓN: Los factores de crecimiento y otras moléculas con capacidad osteoinductora pueden considerarse biomateriales que poseen actividad importante en los procesos de reparación y regeneración de los seres vivos. Esta capacidad puede utilizarse para favorecer, asegurar y aumentar lo procesos de reparación del tejido óseo. En esta tesis doctoral se realiza el estudio de la aplicación aislada en un defecto óseo, de un compuesto rico en plaquetas y factores de crecimiento, el plasma rico en plaquetas (PRP).MATERIAL Y MÉTODO: Hemos realizado un estudio experimental prospectivo, comparativo bilateral y controlado, interviniendo quirúrgicamente 30 conejos raza Nueva Zelanda, a los que se practicó defectos cavitarios de 6mm de diámetro en la metáfisis proximal de tibia y defecto un diafisarios de 6mm en el peroné. Los animales fueron divididos en 2 grupos de 15 individuos que recibieron como ttº plasma rico en plaquetas (PRP) o plasma pobre en plaquetas (ppp) en sus tibias y peroné derechos. La tibia y peroné izquierdo se utilizó como grupo control sin recibir ningún tipo de tratamiento. Los resultados se obtuvieron por medio de estudios radiológicos, TAC e histológico a las 8, 12 y 16 semanas.RESULTADOS: El estudio de las imágenes de reconstrucción de TAC, densidad mineral ósea y el análisis cualitativo de la histología reveló una mejoría del grupo tratado con plasma pobre en plaquetas (ppp) sin ser las diferencias estadísticamente significativas. Los procesos de reparación se realizaron fundamentalmente por una osificación membranosa sin observarse focos de osificación endocondral. El estudio estadístico de las diferentes variables en función del tiempo de evolución y tipo de tratamiento empleado no presentó ninguna diferencia significativa. (P < 0.05).CONCLUSIÓN: El plasma rico en plaquetas, sustancia o compuesto autólogo, seguro y fácil de obtener, en nuestro modelo experimental de defectos óseos en el animal de experimentación no se comporta como un sustitutivo óseos con capacidad osteoinductora ni osteopromotora. / INTRODUCTION: Growth factors and others molecules with osteoinductive capacity could be considered biomaterials with an important role in the biological prossess of healing in the human body. These properties could be potentially employed to enhance bone healing. Platelet rich plasma and growth factors alone were studied in an experimental bone defect model in this PhD Thesis.MATERIAL AND METHOD: A prospective, comparative bilateral and controlled experimental study was performed. A bone cavitary defect of diameter 6 mm. in the proximal tibial methaphyses and a 6 mm diaphysal fibula defect was made on 30 New Zealand white rabbits. The animals were divided in two groups of 15 rabbits that received, as treatment of the defect, platelet rich plasma (PRP) or platelet poor plasma (ppp) in the right tibia and fibula. The left tibia and fibula were untreated as a control group. The results were evaluated with a radiological, CTScan and histological studies at 8, 12 and 16 weeks.RESULTS: The 3D images from CTscan reconstruction, bone mineral density (BMD) and cualitative histological studies demonstrated an improvement in the platelet poor plasma group (ppp) without statistically significant differences. The bone regeneration was obtained from a membranous process without encondral reaction. The statistical study of different variables in relation to time and type of treatment revealed no significant differences (P < 0.05).CONCLUSION: Platelet rich plasma, easy to obtain, safe and autologous compound does not work as bone substitute with an osteoinduction capability in our bone defect experimental animal model.

Development and Application of a 3-D Perfusion Bioreactor Cell Culture System for Bone Tissue Engineering

Porter, Blaise Damian 23 November 2005 (has links)
Tissue engineering strategies that combine porous biomaterial scaffolds with cells capable of osteogenesis or bioactive proteins have shown promise as effective bone graft substitutes. Attempts to culture bone tissue-engineering constructs thicker than 1mm in vitro often result in a shell of viable cells and mineralized matrix surrounding a necrotic core. To address this limitation, we developed a perfusion bioreactor system that improves mass transport throughout large cell-seeded constructs. Additionally, we established and validated 3-D computational methods to model flow and shear stresses within the microporosity of perfused constructs. Micro-CT scanning and analysis techniques were used to non-destructively monitor mineral development over time in culture. CFD modeling of axial perfusion through cylindrical scaffolds with a regular microarchitecture revealed a uniform flow field distributed throughout the scaffold. Perfusion resulted in a 140-fold increase in mineral deposition at the interior of 3 mm thick polymer scaffolds seeded with rat bone marrow stromal cells. The total detected mineral volume tripled as the construct length was increased from 3 to 9 mm. Increasing scaffold length to 9 mm did not affect the mineral volume fraction (MVF) within the full volume of each construct. Mineral volume, spatial distribution, density, particle size and particle number were then quantified on cell-seeded constructs in 5 different culture environments. The effect of time varying flow conditions was compared with continuous perfusion as well as two different control cell culture methods in an attempt to enhance mineralized matrix within the constructs. Intermittent elevated perfusion and dynamic culture in an orbital rocker plate produced the greatest amount of mineral within 9 mm long constructs compared to low continuous flow and high continuous flow cases. Together, these studies indicate that dynamic culture conditions enhance construct development with regards to cell viability, mineralized matrix deposition, growth rate, and distribution. Furthermore, these techniques provide a rational approach to selecting perfusion culture conditions that optimize the amount and distribution of mineralized matrix production. Finally, the established perfusion bioreactor, in combination with micro-CT analysis, provides a foundation for evaluating new scaffolds and cell types that may be useful for the development of effective bone graft substitutes.

Knowledge, attitude and practices of nursing staff regarding the baby friendly hospital initiative in non accredited obstetric units in cape town.

Jacobs, Lynette Carmen. January 2008 (has links)
<p>Background: The Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) is considered one of the most successful international efforts to protect, promote and support breastfeeding. The initiative has proven impact, increasing the likelihood of babies being exclusively breastfed for six months. Official designation as Baby Friendly requires careful assessment completed by a trained external team to confirm that the institution is truly carrying out all Ten Steps of successful breastfeeding and conforming to the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes (BMS).The implementation of these principles are however challenging for facilities as it requires &ldquo / strategic planning, implementation and maintaining change&rdquo / within the facilities. Aim: To assess the factors influencing the implementation of BFHI principles in non accredited MOU` s in the Metropole region of the Western Cape.</p>


Berry, Jennifer N 01 January 2013 (has links)
Stress promotes the use of methamphetamine and other recreational substances and is often implicated in relapse to stimulant use. Thus, it is of critical importance to examine the consequences of the co-occurance of stress and methamphetamine use. Activity of the glutamatergic N-methyl D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor system appears to be involved in the neurotoxic effects of both chronic stress and methamphetamine exposure. The current studies investigated the hypothesis that chronic pre-exposure to the stress hormone corticosterone (CORT) results in an increase of NMDA receptor activity and that this will potentiate the neurotoxic effects of methamphetamine (METH). Co-cultures of the ventral tegmental area, nucleus accumbens, and medial prefrontal cortex were pre-exposed to CORT (1 μM) for 5 days prior to co-exposure to METH (100 μM) for 24 hours to investigate the combined effects on neurotoxicity and protein density of NMDA receptor subunits. The combination of CORT and METH resulted in significant neurotoxicity within the medial prefrontal cortex compared to either CORT or METH alone. The CORT+METH-induced toxicity was attenuated by co-exposure to the NMDA receptor antagonist (2R)-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (APV; 50 μM) during the 24 hour CORT and METH co-exposure. Although CORT alone did not significantly alter the density of the NR1 and NR2B subunits of the NMDA receptor, METH exposure for 24 hours resulted in a significant loss of the polyamine sensitive NR2B subunit. Co-exposure to CORT and METH also resulted in decreased extracellular glutamate while not significantly altering extracellular dopamine. These results suggest an enhancement of NMDA receptor systems or downstream effectors in areas of the mesolimbic reward pathway following chronic pre-exposure to CORT, which leads to enhanced neuronal vulnerability to future excitotoxic insults. This may be of critical importance as use of psychostimulants such as METH and other drugs of abuse may produce excitotoxic events in these areas, thus further compromising neuronal viability.

Bone tissue regeneration indento-alveolar surgery : clinical and experimental studies on biomaterials and bone graft substitutes

Sahlin-Platt, Annika January 2011 (has links)
Pathological processes in the alveolar and facial bones can lead to bone loss that may not heal with complete regeneration. Biomaterials can be used to facilitate the healing process and/or as a bone substitute, but the mechanisms are not fully understood. Persistent leakage of bacteria/bacterial toxins, after root canal treatment, may lead to a residual bone defect. The healing is dependent on a placed dental biomaterial providing a tight seal. The composition of the filling material may also influence the healing process. The general aim of this study is to investigate surface properties and biological interactions of biomaterials used in dento-alveolar surgery. A dental biomaterial, a bonded compomer (DAP) containing a corroding glass filler, was used as a root end filling material, promoting a new operation technique. The healing (assessed according to Molven´s x-ray criteria) demonstrates a significant improvement in healing results for the compomer group, compared to a commonly used technique. The surface properties and biological interactions of DAP were analyzed. ICP-OES of DAP cell culture medium extract demonstrated a significant release of Sr, Si and F from the dental biomaterial. Human periodontal ligament (PDL) cells grew on and around DAP specimens without any sign of toxic reactions. DAP extract stimulated proliferation of PDL cells, but caused an inhibition of osteoblastic gene expression in mouse bone marrow cells. The surface properties of the glass containing compomer may contribute to improved healing of the periapical lesions. A bovine inorganic bone graft substitute (BO) is commonly used as a treatment option in dento-alveolar surgery with new bone formation in immediate close contact with BO material. ICP-OES dissolution analysis of cell culture media, after incubation with BO particles, demonstrated a dosedependent release of Si and a decrease of Ca and P. An uptake of Ca from the medium to the BO particle was demonstrated with calcium-45 labeling. The Si dissolution varied between different batches, possibly reflecting a variation in food intake in the animals. Stimulated osteogenic response was seen in close contact to the BO particles in cell cultures. Furthermore, it was clearly demonstrated that the study design is a critical factor for correctly understanding biomaterials’ biological interactions. The surface properties of three bone graft substitutes reported to have good results in dento-alveolar surgery were investigated, in order to establish whether or not dissolution-precipitation reactions could contribute to the bone healing. Dissolution-precipitation extracts of BO, bioactive glass 45S5 (BG) and a marine algae hydroxyl apatite (AP) in cell culture media were analyzed. Dissolution of Si at significant levels was detected for BO and 45S5 over time. Significant uptake levels of Ca and P from the culture were seen for both 45S5, BO and AP but at different times. Surface analysis of the biomaterials with SEM/EDAX, before and after immersion in cell culture media, revealed a smoothing of the surface morphology for 45S5 over time. No obvious alterations for BO and AP were detected. Ca/P ratio decreased significantly for 45S5, but no major changes were detected by XPS for BO or AP. XPS further demonstrated a surface charge for BO, changing from negatively to positively charged when exposed to serum. 45S5 and AP had positive surface charges, both in the absence and the presence of serum. These demonstrated surface changes in biomaterials could contribute to adherence of cells and subsequently affect bone healing. Conclusion: Biomaterials used in dento-alveolar surgery interact with biological surroundings through surface and dissolution-precipitation reactions which may have implications for bone healing.

Cholesterol and Phospholipid Modulation of BK[subscript Ca] Channel Activity and Ethanol Sensitivity: a dissertation

Crowley, John J. 01 June 2003 (has links)
The large conductance Ca++-activated K+ channel (BKCa) regulates neuronal excitability through the efflux of K+, in response to membrane depolarization and increases in intracellular Ca++. The activity of the BKCa channel is increased by acute exposure to ethanol (EtOH), which is thought to underlie, in part, the influence of the drug on peptide hormone release from neurohypophysial nerve terminals (Dopico et al., 1996, 1998). Moreover, chronic EtOH exposure attenuates acute drug action on hormone release, and reduces the sensitivity of BKCa channels to acute EtOH exposure (Knott et al., 2002). The factors regulating EtOH action on BKCa channels are not well understood. Several lines of evidence suggest, however, that the lipid composition of the plasma membrane may influence channel sensitivity to the drug. The plasma membrane is highly complex in its organization (Welti and Glaser, 1994; Brown and London, 1998). There is a growing body of literature indicating that the local lipid composition of the membrane can influence the function of ion channels, including BKCa (Chang et al., 1995a, b; Moczydlowski et al., 1985; Park et al., 2003; Turnheim et al., 1999). Interestingly, chronic exposure to EtOH in animal models results in alterations in the composition of synaptic plasma membranes, including changes in the amount and distribution of membrane cholesterol (CHS) (Chin et al., 1978; Chin et al., 1979; Wood et al., 1989). The significance of these alterations is unclear. Here, we set out to determine the ability of membrane lipids to modulate BKCa channel activity and EtOH sensitivity. To address this, we implement the planar lipid bilayer technique, allowing control of both the protein and lipid components of the membrane. Native BKCa channels retain EtOH sensitivity in this reductionist preparation (Chu et al., 1998), and we extend the study here to examine cloned human brain (hslo) BKCachannels. We show here that hslo channels maintain their characteristic large conductance, voltage and Ca++-dependent gating, and sensitivity to 50 mM EtOH in bilayers cast from a 3:1 mixture of 1-pamiltoyl-2-oleoyl-phosphatidylethanolamine (POPE) and 1-pamiltoyl-2-oleoyl-phosphatidylserine (POPS). The addition of CHS to the bilayer decreases both the basal activity and EtOH sensitivity of the channels, in a concentration-dependent manner. This lends support to the notion that alterations in plasma membrane CHS levels following chronic EtOH exposure may reflect adaptations to the acute actions of the drug on ion channels. Furthermore, the EtOH sensitivity and CHS modulation of these reconstituted hslo channels are greatly reduced in the absence of negatively charged POPS in the bilayer (pure POPE). Based on these findings, we look to gain mechanistic insight into the lipid headgroup and acyl chain properties that may regulate BKCa channel modulation by EtOH and CHS. When POPS is replaced with the uncharged lipid 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-phosphatidylcholine (POPC), the hslo response to EtOH and CHS is restored, suggesting that the loss of negative surface charge or PS headgroup structure itself cannot explain the lack of channel modulation by these agents in POPE bilayers. Moreover, increases in the proportion of unsaturated acyl chains in the bilayer cannot significantly influence the hslo response to EtOH. The loss of EtOH sensitivity in pure POPE and CHS-containing bilayers may, therefore, reflect the propensity of POPE and CHS to form nonlamellar (nonbilayer) structures. Regarding the basal activity of the channel, we demonstrate that decreases in negative surface charge, increases in the proportion of unsaturated acyl chains, and increases in the complexity of head group interactions can all influence the steady-state activity of reconstituted hslochannels, relative to control POPE/POPS (3:1) bilayers. Overall, these data further suggest the ability of the local lipid environment to regulate the basal function and EtOH sensitivity of an ion channel protein. Parts of this dissertation have appeared in separate publications: Treistman, S.N., O'Connell, R.J., and Crowley, J.J. (2002). Artificial Bilayer Techniques in Ion Channel Study. In Methods in Alcohol-Related Neuroscience Research, D. Lovinger and Y. Liu, eds. (Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press) Crowley, J.J., Treistman, S.N., and Dopico, A.M. (2003). Cholesterol antagonizes ethanol potentiation of human BKCA channels in binary phospholipid bilayers. Mol. Pharma. 64(2):364-372.

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