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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Atributos que condicionam o desenvolvimento de loteamentos residenciais fechados. / Attributes that condition the development of gated communities.

Wilson Saburo Honda 08 August 2008 (has links)
Abrir mão do conceito de centralidade, da proximidade aos centros comerciais, de serviços e culturais para morar em locais mais distantes provoca maiores deslocamentos para o trabalho, estudo e demais atividades rotineiras. Porém, percebe-se que a ocorrência de bairros residenciais nos arredores das metrópoles é um fenômeno mundial, como as gated communities nos Estados Unidos da América e os LOTEAMENTOS RESIDENCIAIS FECHADOS no Brasil, que podem oferecer condições de moradias mais espaçosas, dotadas de áreas livres e jardins, condições de segurança e privacidade, com menor preço da terra, demandadas sobretudo pelas camadas de renda mais altas da população. Esta rotina de deslocamentos pelo público que mora em um município e trabalha e/ou estuda em outro provoca o que se denomina de MOVIMENTO PENDULAR. A incidência do fluxo de MOVIMENTOS PENDULARES na população de alta renda foi atestada a partir de tabulações realizadas pelo autor utilizando o Microdados da Amostra dos Censos Demográficos (MICRODADOS), elaborado pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). O objetivo da dissertação é a elaboração e hierarquização de ATRIBUTOS que mais influenciam na motivação deste público, em abrir mão do conceito de centralidade e ir residir nestes empreendimentos. Os atributos foram hierarquizados de acordo com o método Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) por especialistas que atuam neste segmento de mercado imobiliário nos municípios de Barueri, Santana de Parnaíba, Cotia e Arujá. Os ATRIBUTOS hierarquizados consideram que a LOCALIZAÇÃO e as CARACTERÍSTICAS DO LOTEAMENTO RESIDENCIAL FECHADO, bem como as necessidades e preferências do público alvo, que estão associadas conforme o estágio nos CICLOS de VIDA FAMILIAR e PROFISSIONAL, podem condicionar estratégias competitivas quanto à seleção de terrenos para desenvolvimento de empreendimentos dessa tipologia. / Giving up the idea of centrality, that is, living near commercial, service and cultural centers to go live in distant places results in longer journeys to work, study and other routine activities. However, it can be noticed that residential neighborhoods in the outskirts of the big cities is a worldwide phenomenon, like the gated communities in the United States and the LOTEAMENTOS RESIDENCIAIS FECHADOS in Brazil, with their spacious houses, free areas and gardens, security and privacy, at a lower cost for the plots which are sought mainly by the higher income population. Such routine of coming and going by the people living in a given municipality and working and / or studying in another brings about the so-called Pendulum Movement. The incidence of the Pendulum Movement flow among the high-income population was attested by tabulations carried out by the author using Microdata from the Demografic Census Sample (MICRODADOS) prepared by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). The thesis objective is the development and ranking of ATTRIBUTES that most influence the motivation of the public in abdicating the concept of centrality and going live in these residential. The ATTRIBUTES were ranked according to the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) by specialists working in this segment of the real state market in the municipalities of Barueri, Santana de Parnaíba, Cotia and Arujá. The above ranked ATTRIBUTES consider that LOCATION and CHARACTERISTICS OF LOTEAMENTO RESIDENCIAL FECHADO, as well as the needs and the preferences of the target public associated according to their stage in the FAMILY and PROFESSIONAL LIFE CYCLES might determine the competitive strategies regarding the site selection to develop ventures of this typology.

Autobiografphization and formation of youths: a reflection on the production life in periphery. / AutobiografizaÃÃo e formaÃÃo de juventudes: uma reflexÃo sobre a produÃÃo da vida na periferia.

Osmar Rufino Braga 29 May 2013 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de NÃvel Superior / Este trabalho trata de uma reflexÃo sobre autobiografizaÃÃo e formaÃÃo de juventudes na periferia da cidade de Fortaleza (CE) e visa analisar e refletir sobre os processos (auto) formativos de produÃÃo de si vividos nos grupos juvenis e sobre a produÃÃo da vida pessoal e coletiva no contexto da periferia Parte pois do contexto socioespacial em que vivem os jovens e as jovens co-pesquisadores e co-pesquisadoras da pesquisa abordando a condiÃÃo juvenil trazendo à tona o imaginÃrio social contemporÃneo e o campo das juventudes populares destacando as significaÃÃes sociais em torno desses segmentos no mundo atual Essas reflexÃes apoiam-se em estudos de Henri Lefebvre Josà de Souza Martins Ana Fani Carlos J Habermas Hannah Arendt Karl Mannheim Pierre Bourdieu Giusepper Cocco Machado Pais Juarez Dayrell Antonio Negri dentre outros e outras à resultado de uma pesquisa qualitativa com base epistemolÃgica no campo da educaÃÃo com fundamentaÃÃo nos elementos teÃrico-metodolÃgicos da Pesquisa-aÃÃo e da BiografizaÃÃo acionando um dispositivo de pesquisa autobiogrÃfica nomeado de âMuseu das Juventudes: construÃÃo e movimentoâ TrÃs instrumentos deste dispositivo sÃo utilizados para produzir e analisar os dados da pesquisa os âCÃrculos de ContaÃÃo de Siâ as âCenas Fulgoresâ e o âProjeto-futuroâ O trabalho parte das histÃrias de vida dos jovens e das jovens integrantes de grupos artÃstico-culturais que atuam no Pici locus da pesquisa: Bando Oco do Mundo Maria das Vassouras Soltando a Voz Coletivo Muquifo de Teatro Subvercine Grafiticidade Casa da MÃe Joana e a ONG Escuta Todos esses grupos estÃo organizados em torno do Coletivo de Culturas Juvenis (CCJ-Fortaleza) articulaÃÃo que agrega os referidos grupos e tem o apoio tÃcnico e polÃtico da ONG Diaconia instituiÃÃo tambÃm integrante da pesquisa Autores como Jorge Larossa Michel Foucault Delory-Momberger Christine Josso Jacques Ardoino MartÃn-Barbero Jean Piaget Edgar Morin Maria Sposito dentre outros e outras foram fundamentais nesta parte da pesquisa Os processos (auto) formativos juvenis na periferia tambÃm sÃo analisados a partir de cenas fulgores recurso cÃnico utilizado para trazer à tona dimensÃes do vivido juvenil favorecendo reflexÃes de aspectos da subjetividade dos sujeitos donde o corpo à considerando como material biogrÃfico As cenas fulgores favoreceram uma abordagem da condiÃÃo juvenil com recorte de gÃnero O construto utilizado na produÃÃo de dados culmina com a construÃÃo dos projetos-futuro instrumental a partir do qual os sujeitos constroem aÃÃes que apontam para a continuidade de sua (auto) formaÃÃo considerando o conceito de formabilidade Pretende-se que os achados da pesquisa contribuam para pensar os processos de formaÃÃo no campo formal nÃo-formal e informal na periferia na Ãrea da educaÃÃo, podendo tambÃm serem Ãteis como corpus de conhecimento para a sociologia da juventude / This work is a reflection about autobiographization and outh formation on the outskirts of Fortaleza (CE). The research aims to analyse and reflect on self production (auto) formative processes lived by youth groups and it is about the personal and collective life production in the context of the suburbs. Therefore, it comes from the sociospatial context where live the young people, co-researchers of this work, dealing with the youth condition, and showing the contemporaneous social imaginary and the popular youth field, highlighting the social signification around these segments in the world today. These reflections rely on studies of Henri Lefebvre, Josà de Souza Martins, Ana Fani Carlos, J. Habermas, Hannah Arendt, Karl Mannheim, Pierre Bourdieu, Giusepper Cocco, Machado Pais, Juarez Dayrell, Antonio Negri, among others. The work is a result of a qualitative research on epistemological base in education field, with groundwork in theoretical-methodological elements of the research-action and of the biographization, activating a device of autobiographical research, created by the author, named of âyouth museumâ: construction and movement. Three instruments of this device are used to produce and analyse the research data: the âself-telling storiesâ, â the bright scenesâ, and the âfuture-projectâ. The work starts with the life stories of young people components of artistic-cultural groups that act in Pici, place of the research: âBando Oco do Mundoâ, âMaria das Vassourasâ, âSoltando a Vozâ, âColetivo Muquifo de Teatroâ, âSubvercineâ, âGrafiticidadeâ, âCasa da MÃe Joanaâ and the âEscutaâ NGO. All these groups are organized around the âColetivo de Culturas Juvenisâ (CCJ â Fortaleza), articulation that joins the mentioned groups and has the technical and political support of Diaconia NGO, institution also component of the research. Authors as Jorge Larossa, Michel Foucault, Delory-Momberger, Christine Josso, Jacques Ardoino, Martin-Barbero, Jean Piaget, Edgar Morin, Maria Sposito, among others, were essential to this part of the research. The youth (auto) formative processes in the suburbs are also analysed from âbright scenesâ, scenic resource used to come to surface dimensions of the youth lived, facilitating reflections of the aspects of the subjectivity of the subjects where the body is considered biographical material. The bright scenes favored a youth condition approach with gender cutting. The construct used in the data production culminates with the construction of the future-projects, instrument from which the subjects build actions that points to a continuity of their (auto) formation, considering the concept of formability. It intends that the research findings contribute to think the formation processes in the formal, non-formal and informal field in the suburbs in the education area. it can also be useful as corpus of knowledge to the youth sociology.

Jovens e experiência social na educação de jovens e adultos / Youth and social experience in the youth and adult education.

Gilberto Geribola Moreno 02 August 2010 (has links)
Essa dissertação é o resultado final de uma pesquisa que teve como pressuposto a necessidade de se investigar as dinâmicas e práticas escolares não se limitando apenas aos elementos presentes no interior da escola. Compreendese que o entendimento sobre a experiência social e os modos de vida dos jovens estudantes são elementos fundamentais para o desenvolvimento dos processos educativos. Adotase, como categoria analítica, as noções de jovem e juventude. Estas são relacionadas à categoria de experiência desenvolvida por Thompson (1981), entendida como um conceito articulador entre as dimensões estruturais e cotidianas da vida social. O trabalho se deu através de uma investigação etnográfica que tomou como aporte teórico as proposições da antropologia urbana. As categorias de cenário, mancha e trajeto desenvolvidas por Magnani (2000) foram operacionalizadas para o entendimento das relações que os jovens estabelecem entre a escola, as instituições locais, a vizinhança e espaços sociais da região. O foco inicial da investigação incidiu sobre jovens estudantes da Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA), tendo como campo empírico de pesquisa um equipamento público voltado ao atendimento desse segmento da população na periferia da cidade de São Paulo. Através da observação de campo foi possível definir dois tipos de grupos juvenis no interior da escola investigada: um grupo entre 15 e 18 anos nomeados jovens jovens e outro entre 18 e 26 anos nomeado como jovens adultos. A partir dessa constatação foi possível definir aspectos da circulação desses jovens pelo bairro, atividades no tempo livre e pertencimentos locais. Observouse uma significativa positivação das características locais e a elaboração de uma identidade juvenil que se processa pelo pertencimento à região definida segundo a categoria nativa quebrada. Uma certa substancialização pode ser observada através de um processo de inversão dos estigmas recorrentemente imputados aos moradores da periferia da cidade. Concomitantemente, observouse uma classificação nativa dicotômica estabelecendo distinções simbólicas entre a quebrada e os demais espaços da cidade. Constatouse, também, a presença do crime organizando referenciais simbólicos e códigos de condutas para alguns desses jovens. Foi possível traçar o perfil de quatro tipos de jovens que mantém uma maior ou menor aproximação com o mundo do crime embora todos vivam sob as injunções emanadas de seu interior. Dentro desse cenário a direção da escola investigada adota uma constante negociação com os atores locais articulando a prática educativa com os símbolos e códigos que organizam os modos de vida de parte desses jovens, garantindo o funcionamento da escola. / This dissertation is the final result of a survey which assumed the need of investigating both the dynamics and school practices that were not limited by the elements presented within the school. It is understood that the comprehension of the social experience and the lifestyles of young students are critical elements to the development of educational processes. Therefore, it has been adopted the notions of youth and the young as analytical categories. Those are related to the category of experience developed by Thompson (1981), thought as a concept which articulates the structural dimensions and everyday social life. The study comprises an ethnographic investigation which has taken propositions of urban anthropology as its theoretical basis. Also, the categories of scene, patch and route developed by Magnani (2000) were used in order to understand the relationships the youth establish among school, local institutions, neighborhood and social spaces of the region. Initially this research focused on young students at Youth and Adults Education (EJA) having its empirical field research as a public facility meant to serve this segment of the population in the outskirts of Sao Paulo. Through field observation it was possible to define two types of youth groups within the investigated school: one group whose age ranged between 15 and 18 years, named youngyoung and another, named as youngadults (aged between 18 and 26). From this evidence it was possible to define aspects of the movement of these young people in the district, recreational activities, locations and affiliations. It was observed a significant positivization of local characteristics and the making of a youth identity which is processed by belonging to the defined region according to the plot (quebrada) native category. Certain substantiation could be observed through a process of inversion of the repeatedly imputed stigmas to residents of the city\'s outskirts. At the same time, it was noticed a dichotomous native classification, setting symbolic distinctions between the plot and other areas of the city. It was noted the presence of the crime organizing symbolic references and codes of conduct for some of those young people as well. It was possible to draw a profile of four types of youth that holds a greater or lesser proximity to the world of crime although everybody lives under the orders emanating from its inner side. Within this scenario the investigated school board adopts a constant negotiation with local actors articulating educational practice with the symbols and codes that organize the lifestyles of some of these young people, ensuring the school run.

Tem que ter categoria: construção do saber futebolístico / It must have cateory: construction of soccer knowledge

Enrico Spaggiari 23 October 2009 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo principal investigar o ensino e aprendizado da prática futebolística para crianças e jovens de alguns bairros da Zona Leste de São Paulo. Acompanhei as aulas, treinos e jogos relacionados à escolinha do CDM Cidade Líder, como também as demais atividades praticadas naquele espaço, principalmente, as partidas de futebol de várzea aos finais de semana. A partir da observação das relações construídas entre os diversos atores (crianças, jovens, jogadores de várzea, pais e mães, olheiros, empresários e outros), pude identificar diferentes aspectos ligados ao ensino e aprendizado do futebol, que aparecem articulados na etnografia: trabalho, corpo, dom, peneiras, masculinidade, modelos pedagógicos, profissionalização etc. Se, por um lado, observava o processo de ensino e aprendizado do futebol entre os alunos, pais e professores, por outro, percebia que, concomitante ao ensino, trabalhava-se a idéia da formação de jovens jogadores. Tal questão me fez pensar em estender a pesquisa a novas espacialidades. Marcada, inicialmente, pela observação no bairro Cidade Líder, na Zona Leste paulistana, a pesquisa posteriormente ganhou uma amplitude de atores, experiências, trajetórias e situações, o que me fez atentar às redes de relações entre os diversos atores. Com este fim, tracei uma rede futebolística, entre outras tantas possíveis, que se inicia no bairro de Guaianases, também na Zona Leste, com o objetivo de investigar a diversidade de situações, atores e questões conectadas ao processo de formação de jovens jogadores de futebol. Assim, temas como peneiras, empresários, clientelismo, política municipal e futebol de várzea aparecem entrelaçados e mostram-se decisivos no processo de formação dos jogadores. Por meio desta rede, pesquisei atores e práticas que se encontram numa posição de invisibilidade quando observados somente por meio de classificações dicotômicas: jogo/esporte, amadorismo/profissionalismo e cotidiano/ritual. Trata-se, portanto, de um esforço de investigação de algumas das inúmeras mudanças estruturais do universo futebolístico, tanto no plano profissional, quanto nas formas cotidianamente ativadas nos espaços urbanos. / This study aimed to investigate the main teaching and learning of football practices for children and young people in some districts of the East Zone of São Paulo. I followed the instruction, drills and games related to the CDM Cidade Líder football school, as well as other activities conducted in that area, especially the amateur football games in the weekends. From the observation of the relationships built between the various actors (children, young people, amateur players, parents and mothers, scouts, agents and others), I could identify different aspects of teaching and learning of football, which appear in the pleadings ethnography: working, body, Dom, screens, masculinity, pedagogical models, professionalism etc. If, on the one hand, I watched the process of teaching and learning football between students, parents and teachers, on the other hand, I understood that, concurrent to education, the idea of training young players was also developed. This question made me think of extending the search to a new space. Marked, initially, for observation in the Cidade Líder district in East Sao Paulo, the search later won a range of actors, experiences, histories and situations, which made me look at the networks of relationships between different actors. To this end, a specific football network was plotted, among many others that are possible, which begins in the neighborhood of Guaianases, also in the East, aiming to investigate the diversity of situations, actors and issues connected to the process of training young football players. Thus, issues such as sieves, business, patronage, local politics and amateur football appear interwoven and are crucial in the training of players. Through this network, I researched actors and practices that are in a position of invisibility when seen only by means of dichotomous classifications: game/sport, amateurism/professionalism and everyday/ritual. It is therefore an effort to research some of the many structural changes in world of football, in the professional and in the everyday forms that turn up in urban spaces.

Analyse socio-historique d’une politique de prévention par le sport : entre inflexions politiques et contexte local, l'exemple de la ville de Trappes / Socio-historical analysis of a prevention through sports policy : between political inflexions and local context, the example of the town of Trappes

Philippe, Damien 05 December 2011 (has links)
Depuis plusieurs décennies, les « banlieues populaires » sont au coeur de multiples dispositifs gouvernementaux, pour combattre la marginalisation de ces territoires et échapper au diktat de la violence urbaine. S’il existe bien une Politique de la Ville, les moyens mis en oeuvre, et en particulier dans le domaine de la prévention par le sport, sont discutés et discutables. C’est à partir d’une analyse locale, d’un exemple précis, la ville de Trappes, qu’on s’est questionné sur le pouvoir de ces politiques publiques de prévention par le sport.Pour comprendre le rôle du sport au sein de notre terrain d’analyse, un travail d’archives, d’observations et d’entretiens, avec un panel de soixante-quinze acteurs, a été réalisé. Tous les acteurs qui ont, ou qui ont eu, de près ou de loin, un rôle dans la commune, ont été rencontrés, afin de retracer l’histoire de la ville. En somme, on a cherché à analyser la genèse d’une politique de prévention par le sport, ses transformations, appréhender les conflits, déterminer les stratégies des acteurs, les enjeux de pouvoir, et évaluer les effets de cette politique sur la localité. On s’est intéressé à l’ensemble de l’action sportive communale.L’objectif de ce travail n’est pas d’inventorier les bonnes pratiques, mais plutôt de mettre en avant les préconisations nécessaires à la mise en oeuvre de ces politiques de prévention par le sport, c’est-à-dire la gestion de l’urgence et des conflits, la question du territoire, de l’espace, du public, et l’importance de l’évaluation. Il faut aussi prendre en compte l’importance du contexte local, de son histoire, de ses richesses, de ses acteurs, avant de mettre en place une action politique, d’où la nécessité de s’adapter à la situation / For the last few decades, the popular suburbs are at the heart of many governmental measures implied so as to combat the marginalization of these areas and to escape from the dictum of urban violence. If a town planning policy does indeed exist, the resources implemented particularly in the domain of prevention through sports are currently under discussion and many issues have yet to be discussed. Hence stemming from a local analysis of the town of Trappes we looked into the question of how influential these prevention through sports public policies really are.So as to better understand the role of sport in relation to our field of analysis, our work was axed around archive study, observations and interviews with a panel of about 75 participants. All of the participants who have or who have had a role to play in the district were met with in order to try to retrace the history of the town. Overall our aim was to look towards analyzing the genesis of prevention through sports public policies – the changes, the fear of conflict, the strategical definitions of the participants, power issues and the evaluation of the effects of this policy on the local district. We were also very interested in the global sporting action within the community.Through-out the study our aim was never to categorize the “right way of doing things” but moreover to put forward certain recommendations regarding the implementation of these prevention through sports policies – notably aspects such as emergency management, the notion of territory, of space, of the public system and the importance of evaluation. The importance of the local context must be also taken into account – its history, resources, actors – before implementing political actions hence it was also of utmost necessity to adapt oneself to each situation

Le métro hors les murs : prolongements de lignes et évolution urbaine de la banlieue parisienne / The Underground Off the Walls : lines Extensions and Urban Evolution of Parisian Suburbs

Padeiro, Miguel 15 October 2009 (has links)
Depuis le début des années 1970, le prolongement vers la banlieue parisienne de plusieurs lignes du métropolitain a contribué à l’unification fonctionnelle de deux espaces traditionnellement opposés. Ce déploiement d’un réseau à l’origine éminemment parisien interroge à la fois, d’une part, l’évolution intrinsèque du tissu social et urbain des quartiers desservis et, de l’autre, le rôle joué par l’infrastructure de transport collectif. Cette recherche, qui se base sur un découpage de l’espace par bandes annulaires ainsi que sur l’exploitation des données de l’occupation du sol (IAURIF/MOS) et du recensement de la population (INSEE/RGP), est conduite en trois temps. D’abord, l’identification de formes de polarisation urbaine par intensification des tissus bâtis montre l’existence d’une différenciation spatiale interne à la banlieue et indépendante de la distance à Paris. Ensuite, l’introduction de la dimension temporelle et des variables descriptives du parc de logements conduit à remettre en question le sens du lien causal entre réseau métropolitain et configuration urbaine. Enfin, l’analyse de la distribution des variables sociodémographiques et de leur évolution récente permet de reconnaître la concomitance entre la distribution des résidents et la distance au métro, mais révèle surtout leur lien aux caractéristiques des logements. Plus que le métro, le poids des héritages urbains apparaît comme le principal déterminant des configurations observées / Since the early 1970’s, the extensions to the suburbs of several lines of the Paris subway system has contributed to the functional unification of two traditionally opposed areas. Such a deployment of an originally Parisian network queries, on the one hand, the intrinsic social and urban fabric evolution in the served urban areas and the other the role played by transportations infrastructure. Based on a space division by ring strips, the use of land-use data (IAURIF / MOS) and the population census (INSEE / RGP), this research was conducted in 3 steps. First, urban polarization forms identification through building intensification shows the existence of spatial differentiation within the suburbs, independent from the distance to Paris. Then, the introduction of temporal dimension and descriptive variables of housing stock put into question the origin of leading influence between underground stations and urban configuration. Finally, the analysis of sociodemographic variables distribution and their recent developments allows to recognize the match concomittance between residents settlements and the distance to the subway, but reveals their relationship to the livings characteristics. More than the subway, the urban heritage weight is seen as the main determinant of the observed configurations

Finding Their Niche: A Study of the Interactions Between Central Cities and Their Neighboring Suburbs

Sloan, Alicia 17 November 2021 (has links)
No description available.


Rozanski, Robin 01 January 2004 (has links)
Trackers is a collection of short stories that attest to the oddities and complexities found even in the non-exotic middle-class American suburbs. The characters in these stories experience disappointments that result from the physical and emotional distancing of families. In "Tokens," a woman's attempts at revenge on her cheating husband are unsatisfying because she ends up feeling more alone than before. In "Trackers," eleven-year old Richard hunts for Bigfoot as he and his family cope with the emotional aftermath of his sister's suicide attempt. In these stories people struggle to maintain normalcy in their lives--sometimes through inappropriate means. When their expectations are destroyed, they are forced to deal not only with specific abandonment, but also the reality that the world around them has no knowledge--let alone appreciation--of their personal struggles or fears. Occasionally, however, some good can come from this realization. In "Camilla," a ten-year-old girl learns that she can depend on her own experiences for strength rather than knowledge borrowed from fantasies inspired by a collection of obituaries. A woman recovering from the loss of a romantic relationship strengthens her bond with her young niece in "Cattywampus," and they are both strengthened by the world they share as women in different stages of self-discovery.

Hatching Asynchrony Occurs As A Byproduct Of Maintaining Egg Viability

Aldredge, Robert 01 January 2008 (has links)
For many organisms, embryonic development begins directly after an egg (ovum) has been fertilized by sperm; however, some organisms delay the onset of embryonic development until conditions are favorable for raising young. This delayed onset of development could occur by delaying implantation of fertilized ovum on the uterine wall, as seen in many mammals. Birds delay embryonic development by laying a set of fertilized ova over a period of consecutive days. These fertilized ova are protected from the ambient environment by an exterior shell, and it is in this shell outside of the female s body that embryonic development occurs, but only when females initiate incubation. The number of fertilized ova (eggs) that can be laid by a single female in a single clutch varies among and within bird species, and understanding this variation remains a vital, unanswered question in ornithology. A latitudinal gradient in clutch size is widely recognized, but the reason for this pattern is unclear. Some birds lay relatively large clutches over many days, thus we should expect that eggs could withstand fairly long exposure to ambient temperature and remain viable. However, recent evidence suggests that egg viability declines with increased exposure to ambient temperatures. The egg viability hypothesis predicts that eggs will fail to hatch if exposed to warm ambient temperatures for prolonged periods. I conducted a natural experiment to determine whether egg viability can explain site-specific variation in hatching failure. Hatching failure is higher in a suburban population of Florida Scrub-Jays than it is in a wildland population, possibly because suburban scrub-jays lay larger clutches. Scrub-jays, like many bird species, lay one egg per day and begin incubation with the last-laid egg, thus first-laid eggs in the larger suburban clutches should be exposed to the warm ambient temperatures of sub-tropical Florida longer than first-laid eggs in the smaller clutches typical of the wildland population. As predicted, I found hatching failure is higher in first-laid eggs in the suburbs, and these eggs experience increased exposure to warm ambient temperatures. At both sites, females appear to begin incubation earlier in the laying period as ambient temperatures increase seasonally, possibly to minimize exposure to warm ambient temperatures and minimize hatching failure in first-laid eggs. However, early onset of incubation causes eggs to hatch asynchronously ( > 24 hours between the first and last-hatched egg), and hatching asynchrony increases within-brood size-asymmetries, which leads to an increased frequency of brood reduction (the nonrandom loss of last-hatched young because of starvation). Thus, a tradeoff may exist between beginning incubation earlier in the laying period to minimize hatching failure in first-laid eggs and delaying the onset of incubation to minimize hatching asynchrony and brood reduction. This tradeoff can have profound effects on avian clutch sizes, and may potentially explain the widely known negative relationship between latitude and clutch size.

The Making of the Meadowlands: How Ancaster's Fields Became Hamilton's Suburbs

Parsons, Jeremy 11 1900 (has links)
In an age of increasing urbanization, rural communities and agricultural lifestyles are quickly disappearing. Many local, pastoral histories have been buried under the new narratives of modern suburban development. Do such places, located along the rural-urban fringe, contain accounts worth memorializing? This thesis is a case study of the Ancaster Meadowlands—a growing neighbourhood within the City of Hamilton, Ontario. It explores the process of suburban growth and uncovers the local history of a landscape. As a narrative, the study traces land-use change over time, displaying the area’s evolution from a site of Neolithic settlement, to an important Loyalist village, and finally to a large suburban neighbourhood with commercial and residential components. Three principal methods are employed: resident interviewing, key informant interviewing, and archival research. Themes elicited in this study include land-use conflict, NIMBYism, real-estate volatility, and the interconnectedness of politicians and developers. Given that there are few case studies of contemporary suburban development, this study provides a rare illustration of the multi-faceted process of expansion around a Canadian city while also supplying a historical account of local importance. / Thesis / Master of Arts (MA)

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