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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Structure des solutions aqueuses de polyélectrolytes fortement chargés / Structure of aqueous solutions of strongly charged polyelectrolytes

Lorchat, Philippe 06 September 2012 (has links)
Nous étudions la structure des solutions concentrées de polyélectrolytes (PE). Celle-ci n’a fait l’objet que de rares études expérimentales et aucun ordre d'orientation n'a jamais pu être observé dans les solutions de PE flexibles et semi-flexibles, bien que des travaux théoriques, basés sur l’approche d’Onsager, prévoient l'apparition d'une phase nématique aux fortes concentrations. Nous avons mesuré la position q* dans l'espace réciproque du pic présent dans la fonction de corrélation des solutions de PE fortement chargés obtenue par diffusion de rayonnement (DXPA et DNPA), et avons confronté sa variation avec la concentration c aux lois d'échelles théoriques q*~ca. Nous avons combiné des très fortes concentrations avec une haute résolution spatiale. La rigidité intrinsèque du PE est le paramètre clef de l’étude. En effet, le PSS, PE flexible, présente 3 régimes déjà connus : a=1/2 -régime semi-dilué- a=1/4 -régime concentré- un régime « ionomère » aux plus fortes concentrations pour lequel a=0. Le PDADMAC, PE semi-flexible, présente un comportement plus original puisque 4 régimes se succèdent : régimes semi-dilué et concentré avec a=1/2 et 1/4, puis deux régimes pour lesquels a=1 puis 1/2 qui sont totalement inédits. Le PaMSS, de rigidité intrinsèque intermédiaire, présente un comportement ambivalent, puisque les régimes semi-dilué et concentré précèdent un régime où a=1, puis un comportement « ionomère ». Nous introduisons un modèle simple permettant d'interpréter la succession des régimes a=1 puis 1/2 par l'apparition d'un ordre d'orientation. Nous discutons aussi les différences observées par DXPA et DNPA, et le rôle de la force ionique, variée par ajout de sel. / The structure of concentrated polyelectrolyte (PE) solutions is studied. There is a lack of experimental data on these systems. Specifically, no orientational order has ever been observed in solutions of flexible or semi-flexible PE, even though the existence of a nematic phase has been theoretically predicted at high concentration. We have measured the position q* in the reciprocal space of the peak that is present in the correlation function of aqueous solutions of highly charged PE, obtained by scattering measurements (SAXS and SANS). We combined high spatial resolution and a very wide concentration range to compare the variation of q* versus the concentration c, with the predicted scaling laws q*~ca. The intrinsic stiffness of PE is the key parameter of our study. Indeed, PSS, a flexible PE, exhibits 3 regimes already described: a=1/2 -semi-dilute regime- a=1/4 -concentrated regime- an “ionomeric” regime at extreme concentrations, for which a=0. PDADMAC is semi-flexible and exhibits a unique series of exponents involving 4 regimes: semi-dilute and concentrated regimes with a=1/2 and 1/4, followed by 2 regimes associated with a=1 and 1/2 respectively, which are new and unpredicted for PE solutions. PaMSS has an intermediate intrinsic stiffness, and exhibits hybrid behaviour. The semi-dilute and concentrated regimes are followed by an a=1 regime, and then an “ionomeric” regime for extreme concentrations. We introduce a simple model which explains the succession of the a=1 and 1/2 regimes as the appearance of an orientational order. We also discuss the differences between SAXS and SANS measurements, and the role played by the ionic strength, when salt is added.

Mécanismes génétiques de lembryogenèse chez Phaseolus et application en hybridation interspécifique / Genetical mechanisms of Phaseolus embryogenesis and application in interspecific hybridization

Silué, Souleymane 08 April 2009 (has links)
Notre travail qui sinscrit dans le cadre général de létude du développement embryonnaire de Phaseolus a pour objectif principal disoler et de caractériser des gènes différemment exprimés chez les embryons en voie davortement, et donc nécessaires au développment normal des embryons. Des embryons en cours de dégénérescence issus des hybridations interspécifiques et de la mutagenèse induite ont été analysés. Des ADNc différemment exprimés chez ces embryons ont été identifiés par les techniques de lHybridation Soustractive Suppressive (HSS) et de la dot blot. Les hybridations interspécifiques ont été réalisées entre lespèce P. vulgaris L. utilisée comme parent mâle et les espèces P. coccineus L. et P. polyanthus Greenm. utilisées comme parents femelles (formes sauvages et cultivées). La mutagenèse induite à lEthyl Méthyl Sulfonate (EMS) a été appliquée sur le génotype BAT93 de P. vulgaris, une variété améliorée du CIAT. Dans les croisements P. coccineus x P. vulgaris, 938 hybridations ont été effectuées et le taux de gousses avortées au-delà de 8 JAP est denviron 12%. Quatre gousses supposées hybrides ont été obtenues. Pour les croisements P. polyanthus x P. vulgaris, 733 hybridations ont été réalisées. Le taux de gousses avortées au-delà de 8 JAP est denviron 18% et une seule gousse supposée hybride a été produite. Les caractères hybrides dune plante de chacune des deux combinaisons interspécifiques ont été mis en évidence au moyen de caractères morphologiques des fleurs et des graines, mais aussi grâce à lutilisation dun marqueur moléculaire, le microsatellite BM160. La mise en évidence et la caractérisation des embryons en voie davortement ont été effectuées à partir de matériels issus des hybridations interspécifiques et de la mutagenèse à lEthyl Méthyl Sulfonate (EMS). Les observations, faites sur des embryons extraits et sur des coupes histologiques dovules, révèlent des malformations au niveau du suspenseur et des cotylédons et des retards de croissance. Les plantes issues de la mutagenèse et produisant des graines avortant avant la maturité ont été croisées avec des plantes normales. Lanalyse de la F2 effectuée sur 96 plantes révèle une proportion mendélienne 3:1 de plantes avec des graines normales et de plantes avec graines qui avortent. Ce résultat suggère un contrôle du caractère « avortement des graines » par une paire dallèles récessifs. La technique de lHSS a permis disoler des fragments dADNs complémentaires différemment exprimés dans les graines en voie davortement. Lanalyse des séquences de ces ADNs complémentaires montre quils codent pour plusieurs protéines intervenant dans les développements cellulaire et embryonnaire. Les principales protéines sont le cytochrome P450, la myo-inositol 1-phosphate synthase, la peroxydase cationique, le voltage-dependent anion channel et la sucrose synthase. A lexception du cytochrome P450, les niveaux dexpression des autres gènes sont plus faibles dans les graines en voie davortement issues de la mutagenèse par rapport aux graines normales. The main objective of this study was to isolate and to characterize cDNAs differentially expressed in Phaseolus degenerating embryos. Aborting embryos from interspecific hybridizations and induced mutation were analysed. cDNAs differentially expressed in these embryos were isolated using the Suppressive Subtractive Hybridization (SSH) and the dot blot techniques. The interspecific hybridizations were performed between P. vulgaris L. used as male parent and P. coccineus L. and P. polyanthus Greenm. used as female parents (wild and cultivated forms). The induced mutation was performed whith Ethyl Methyl Sulfonate (EMS) applied on the genotype BAT93 of P. vulgaris, a breeding line from CIAT. A total number of 938 crosses P. coccineus x P. vulgaris and 733 crosses P. polyanthus x P. vulgaris were carried out. In the crosses P. coccineus x P. vulgaris, the rate of pod abortion after 8 days after pollination (DAP) is 12%. Four putative hybrid pods were obtained. The rate of pod abortion after 8 DAP in the crosses P. polyanthus x P. vulgaris is 18% and one putative hybrid pod was produced. The hybrid nature of one plant from each interspecific combination was confirmed using morphological characters of flowers and seeds and molecular marker (microsatellite BM160). The isolation and the characterization of degenerating embryos were realised with materials from interspecific hybridizations and from chemical mutagenesis with EMS. The observations of these two materials revealed abnormalities mainly in suspensor and cotyledons; and the embryos failed to grow normally. Plants from mutagenesis which produce degenerating seeds were crossed with normal plants. Genetic analysis on 96 F2 plants revealed a 3:1 Mendel ratio of plants with normal seeds and plants with degenerating seeds. This result suggests the control of the seed abortion trait by a single recessive gene. The SSH technique was used to isolate cDNAs fragments differentially expressed in aborting seeds. Analysis of the cDNAs sequences revealed that these cDNAs encode for proteins involved in cellular and embryonic development. The main proteins are cytochrome P450, myo-inositol 1-phosphate synthase, cationic peroxidase, voltage-dependent anion channel and sucrose synthase. All the genes showed a reduction of their expression in developing seeds of the mutagenized plants, compared to those observed in wild-type plants.

Ionisation par faisceau d'électrons de solutions aqueuses de benzènesulfonate et naphthalènesulfonate et sous-produits / Ionization by electron beam of aqueous solutions of naphthalenesulfonate, benzenesulfonate and by-products

Alkhuraiji, Turki 17 April 2013 (has links)
Ce sujet entre dans le cadre de l'étude d'un procédé d'oxydation avancé innovant dans le domaine de la dépollution des eaux, à savoir l'ionisation par faisceau d'électrons. Le radical hydroxyle (•OH) et l'électron hydraté (e−aq) sont les deux espèces majoritaires issues de l'ionisation de solutions aqueuses par un faisceau d'électrons d'intense énergie. Il a été démontré que la génération des radicaux supplémentaires tels que le radical sulfate (SO4•−) et le radical hydroxyle par les réactions radicalaires entre l'ion persulfate, le peroxyde d'hydrogène et l'électron hydraté respectivement, améliore l'efficacité de ce procédé pour la dégradation de polluants organiques en solution aqueuse. Dans le présent travail, la dégradation et la minéralisation de benzènesulfonate et naphthalènesulfonate de sodium, et d'acide gallique ont été obtenues par irradiation par faisceau d'électrons seul et couplé avec un oxydant (S2O8−−, H2O2). En absence d'oxydant une dose absorbée de 1,5 kGy a été suffisante pour l'élimination totale de ces composés. La présence d'oxydant permet généralement de réduire les doses d'irradiation nécessaires. Par ailleurs, l'augmentation de la concentration en oxydant ou de la dose appliquée a un effet bénéfique vis-à-vis de l'élimination du carbone organique. Cependant, le couplage S2O8−−/faisceau d'électrons est plus adapté que le couplage H2O2/faisceau d'électrons même en présence de constituants inorganiques. Les résultats obtenus soulignent l'importance du rôle du dioxygène dissous lors de l'étape de la minéralisation en vue de favoriser la formation des radicaux organiques (ROO•). Pour chaque une des molécules étudiées, des sous-produits d'oxydation... / This research belongs to the study of the ionization of aqueous solutions by electron beam (E.B.) as an advanced oxidation process for water treatment. The hydroxyl radical (•OH) and hydrated electron(eaq¯) are the two major active species produced from the ionization of aqueous solutions by high energy electron beam. It has been shown that the generation of additional radicals such as the sulphate radical (SO4•¯) and hydroxyl radical from the reaction of persulfate ion (S2O8¯) or hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) with the hydrated electron, improved the efficiency of this process towards the degradation and mineralization of organic pollutants in aquaeous solution. In the présent work, the degradation and mineralization of naphthalenesulfonate, benzenesulfonate and gallic acid were studied by electron beam irradiation alone and coupled with oxidants (S2O8¯, H2O2).In the absence of oxidant, an absorbed dose of 1,5 kGy leads to total elimnation of these pollutants. The presence of added oxidants usually reduces the radiation dose required. In addition, increasing oxidant concentration or applied dose had a beneficial effect towards the organic carbon removal. It was found that coupling E.B./S2O8¯ has more suitable than E.B./ H2O2 even in the presence of inorganic constituents. The results also highlighted the importance of dissolved oxygen in the system when mineralization is aimed. For each of the molecules studied, oxidation by-products resulting from hydroxylation and aromatic ring opening were identified.

Propriétés magnétiques et structurales de complexes moléculaires supportés par des ligands de type acyle-hydrazone / Magnetic and structural properties of molecular complexes bearing acyl-hydrazone ligands

Specklin, David 12 November 2014 (has links)
Ces travaux consistent en l’étude selon trois axes de la chimie de coordination des ligands de type acyle-hydrazone, faisant suite à l’isolation d’un complexe binucléaire de manganèse (III) portant un tel ligand, et montrant un fort couplage ferromagnétique. Le développement de leur chimie de coordination avec des éléments de la première série de transition a permis la synthèse de plusieurs complexes binucléaires, permettant d’étudier la relation entre les structures moléculaires de ces systèmes, et leurs propriétés magnétiques. En parallèle, une série de polymères de coordination de métaux alcalins et alcalino-terreux portant des ligands acyle-hydrazone fonctionnalisés par un groupement sulfonate a été étudiée. Enfin, la synthèse de deux ligands dérivés d’un anthracène est présentée, celle-ci est accompagnée d’une étude de leurs propriétés de coordination. / This work consists in the study of the coordination chemistry of acyl-hydrazone ligands, following the discovery of a manganese (III) dinuclear complex showing a strong ferromagnetic coupling. The development of the acyl-hydrazone coordination to first-row transitional metals resulted in several dinuclear complexes allowing the study of the relationship between their structural and magnetic properties. In a second part the study of several coordination polymers of alkali and alkali-earth metals bearing acyl-hydrazone ligands functionalized with a sulfonate group is presented. Finally the synthesis of two anthracene-based ligands is presented along a study of their coordination properties.

Bioavailability of organic contaminants in rivers

Onogbosele, Cyril Oziegbe January 2015 (has links)
In rivers, association of organic contaminants with dissolved organic carbon may limit freely dissolved or bioavailable fractions and toxicity of organic contaminants. Consequently, assessment of toxicity of organic contaminants on the basis of their total chemical concentrations may lead to overestimation of risks to organic contaminants. Therefore, to achieve reliable and accurate risks assessment for organic contaminants, determination of bioavailability is important. The influence of humic acid on the bioavailability of organic contaminants in rivers was studied, using three chemicals with different properties as model contaminants, which at the start of the study were detected in wastewater effluents. It was hypothesized that in the presence of dissolved organic carbon, a fraction of the total concentration of an organic contaminant would not be bioavailable in river water. Therefore, the aim of the study was to determine bioavailability and its impact on toxicity. Bioavailability in the presence of humic acid was determined chemically and using a yeast estrogen screen assay. The chemical method comprised solid-phase extraction and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry to determine freely dissolved and the fraction of the chemicals associated with dissolved organic carbon. The results indicated increased binding to dissolved organic carbon with the hydrophobicity of the test compounds except for perfluorooctane sulfonate. The dissolved organic carbon-water partition coefficient for ethinylestradiol was determined to be Log KDOC 2.36. Log KDOC values of 4.15 and 4.41 at 10 and 100 mg/L humic acid, respectively, were derived for hexabromocyclododecane indicating greater binding than ethinylestradiol due to the more hydrophobic character. The yeast estrogen screen was used as a biological method to measure the effect of humic acid on the bioavailability of ethinylestradiol and a more hydrophobic compound, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane. Results of the yeast estrogen screen indicated that the presence of humic acid had no effect on bioavailability of either of the chemicals.

The Development of a Novel Multi-dimensional Product for Wound Healing Applications

Roach, Necrisha 05 May 2010 (has links)
A characteristic feature of chronic wounds is a prolonged inflammatory response as well as susceptibility to infection. Studies have shown that during the inflammatory response, there is a significant increase in the levels of neutrophil-derived enzymes. The purpose of this work was to determine whether the anionic macromolecule polystyrene sulfonate (PSS) and five of its salt forms, namely PSS-calcium, PSS-chlorhexidine, PSS-doxycycline, PSS-glutathione and PSS-silver are able to inhibit the activity of three of the enzymes whose levels are elevated in chronic wounds: elastase, cathepsin G and myeloperoxidase. In addition to the enzyme inhibition study, the various formulations’ antimicrobial properties were analyzed by evaluating their ability to inhibit the growth of three common clinical isolates: Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter baumanii. It is worthy to note that the structure of PSS makes it a very flexible platform to which other molecules can be added in order to address a variety of “targets” as well as tailor quantitative strength. The results from this project showed that purified PSS and the various salt derivatives were able to inhibit elastase and cathepsin G activity. In addition, three of the therapeutic cations attached to PSS: silver, doxycycline and chlorhexidine retained their intrinsic antimicrobial properties without having an adverse effect on healthy tissue. In summary, this study demonstrated that PSS possessed an intrinsic ability to inhibit a number of proteases and that it could also be used as a delivery vehicle for other compounds with potential therapeutic value.

Estudo do comportamento de sistemas hidrotrópicos / Study of the hydrotropic behavior

Machado, Douglas Silva 21 June 2012 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudou-se o comportamento de soluções dos hidrótropos toluenossulfonato de sódio (TSS) e n-butilbenzeno sulfonato de sódio (NBBSNa) quanto a suas características de agregação/associação por Ressonância Magnética Nuclear 1H (RMN 1H), espalhamento de raios-X à baixo ângulo (SAXS), espalhamento de luz estático (SLS) e espalhamento de luz a médios ângulos (WAXS). Medidas realizadas com outros hidrótropos tais como estirenossulfonato de sódio (ESS), salicilato de sódio (SalS) e benzoato de sódio (BS) foram realizadas para comparação dos resultados. O NBBSNa foi sintetizado, purificado e caracterizado. Os experimentos de RMN revelam mudanças no deslocamento químico com a concentração, indicando mudança de ambiente a que as moléculas estão submetidas. Pela técnica de SLS pode-se avaliar o segundo coeficiente do virial das soluções de TSS com e sem a adição de um soluto. Pelas análises de SAXS determinou-se o tamanho do agregado de NBBSNa utilizando ajustes pelo programa SASfit, sendo o resultado comparado com um surfactante clássico dodecilbenzenossulfonato de sódio (DBSNa). O NBBSNa é um sistema de três densidades eletrônicas e esférico. Os demais hidrótropos estudados apresentam comportamento de líquido, sendo observado a correlação das moléculas a curta distância nos experimentos de WAXS. / In this work the behavior of solutions of the hydrotropes sodium toluene sulfonate (TSS) and sodium n-butylbenzene sulfonate (NBBSNa) was studied, concerning the aggregation/association characteristics of this molecules by the use of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR 1H), small angle x ray scattering (SAXS), static light scattering (SLS) and wide angle x ray scattering (WAXS). Measurements with other hydrotropic molecules like sodium styrene sulfonate (ESS), sodium salicylate (SalS), sodium benzoate (BS) were realized in order to discuss the results. The NBBSNa molecule was synthesized, purified and characterized. The experiments of NMR revealed changes in the chemical shift with the concentration, indicating the changes of the surround environment in what molecules are embedded. For the technique of SLS, the second virial coefficient of the solutions of TSS could be evaluated with and without the addition of a solute. By the SAXS data the size of the aggregate of NBBSNa was determined using the SASfit software. The result was compared with a classic surfactant sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate (DBSNa). NBBSNa is a spherical system of three electronic densities. All the other hydrotropes studied shows a liquid scattering behavior. By WAXS experiments a correlation of the molecules at short distance was observed.

Effect of PFOS and HBCD on the lipid profiles of developing rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss) analyzed with UHPLC/Q-TOF-MS

Stefanovic, Vanja January 2018 (has links)
Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) is widely used in industrial products and is potentially dangerous to the aquatic environment due to not being broken down whether by chemical or biological means, having a half-life of more than 41 years and disrupting hormones. Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) is the third most used brominated flame retardant and is of environmental concern as it bioaccumulates and magnifies in the food chain and is highly toxic to aquatic organisms. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of PFOS and HBCD on the embryos of rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss) by analyzing lipid profiles with UHPLC/Q-TOF-MS. The fish embryos were treated with various concentrations of PFOS and HBCD (0.058-58 μg/l and 0.014-14 μg/l respectively) with DMSO as carrier solvent and then extracted after homogenization with 0.9% NaCl-solution followed by addition of ISTD mixture, methanol, methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) and MQ-water. The raw data was processed with MZmine-2.32. 153 lipids were identified with the main lipids consisting of glycerophospholipids and triacylglycerols. A two-tailed t-test was used to study the impact of the chemical exposure on the embryos, where p-values below 0.05 were lipids considered as significant change. The HBCD exposure caused significant change in various triacylglycerols, whereas PFOS exposure caused significant change in triacylglycerols as well as in glycerophospholipids such as PC(O-38:5) and LPC(20:4). The results were in alignment with previous studies.

A Rapid and Specific Gas Chromatographic Analysis for Cysteine-S-Sulfonate to Determine the Distribution of Sulfite in Mammalian Plasma

deBethizy, Joseph Don 01 May 1979 (has links)
It has been shown in previous studies that when sulfite is absorbed by rabbits via either inhalation of SO2 or oral exposure to sulfite, the hydrated form, bisulfite, interacts with plasma disulfides where it is suspected to be in the form, cysteine-S-sulfonate. A rapid and specific gas chromatographic analysis procedure for cysteine-S-sulfonate has been developed to better study the distribution of sulfite in biological systems. Sulfonated proteins are enzymatically hydrolyzed to ensure stability of the acid labile S-sulfonate disulfide. The hydrolysate is then applied to a 6 cm cation-exchange column and eluted with 0.1 N HCl which elutes the acidic cysteine-S-sulfonate with the void volume of the column leaving behind any remaining cysteine. the silylated derivatives of the column effluent are prepared using Tri-Sil/BSA. These derivatives are injected into a gas chromatograph equipped with a flame-photometric detector operating in the sulfur mode, 2% 0v-101 on Chromosorb W/HP 1/4 inch glass column, oven temperture 140°C, and carrier flow rate of 86 ml/min. The presence of cysteine-S-sulfonat in the sulfite treated rabbits had been directly determined by the described method.

Décanolides hydroxylés : nouvelles approches synthétiques et glycosylation par de nouveaux réactifs à base d'iode hypervalent

Gallier, Florian 26 October 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Lors de ces travaux de thèse effectués en co-tutelle, nous nous sommes intéressés à la fois : <br />(i) à de nouvelles approches synthétiques de macrolactones hydroxylées à 10 chaînons via deux étapes clés de formation d'un hétéroadduit bicyclique et d'ouverture oxydante de ce bicycle.<br />(ii) à la glycosidation de 9-décanolides naturels par une méthodologie utilisant un réactif à iode hypervalent sous une forme immobilisable.<br />Le travail de synthèse multi-étapes a nécessité une étude de la réactivité, en hétérocycloaddition [4+2] à demande électronique inverse, de nouveaux hétérodiènes visant à favoriser une configuration endo des adduits bicycliques obtenus. Ceux-ci ont alors montré des réactivités particulières pouvant conduire à une certaine diversité structurale. Nous avons également développé un nouveau diénophile chiral issu de la cyclohexanone porteur d'une copule oxazolidinone. L'hétérocycloaddition catalysée par l'Eu(fod)3 de ce diénophile avec des arylidènepyruvates de méthyle, s'opère avec un double stéréocontrôle endo et facial excellent et de très bons rendements. Ces résultats ont ensuite pu être mis en application lors de l'accès à des cibles macrolactoniques à 10 chaînons d'origine naturelle (décarestrictines et herbarumines). <br /> Dans une seconde partie, nous avons mis au point la synthèse de nouveaux réactifs à base d'iode hypervalent fonctionnalisés par un groupement sulfonate d'iso-butyle. Nous avons montré que ce groupement permettait l'immobilisation des réactifs iodés hypervalents et surtout de leurs produits d'évolution. L'utilisation d'une résine échangeuse d'ion fonctionnalisée par un azoture permet en effet cette immobilisation via une substitution nucléophile du groupement sulfonate. Nous avons ainsi préparé quatre iodanes (III) à ancre sulfonate originaux et avons testé ces réactifs dans diverses réactions parmi lesquelles l'ouverture oxydante de bicycles, et la O-glycosidation d'alcools polyfonctionnels. Cette dernière nous a permis d'obtenir des structures hybrides décarestrictine-sucre de façon rapide et en limitant les étapes de purification en utilisant la méthodologie précédemment mise au point.

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