Spelling suggestions: "subject:"supports"" "subject:"upports""
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Graduate Mental Health and Wellness at McMaster UniversityGrearson, Adam January 2019 (has links)
Overview: Most of the mental health literature on students focuses on the experiences of undergraduates. In nearly all instances when graduate students are examined, their experiences are typically combined with those of undergraduates, despite graduate students representing a different group of students. Research questions: I asked what are correlates of psychological distress for graduate students? Which services or supports were students accessing? What were the characteristics of students who accessed help? Methods: This study used an online survey conducted during the spring and summer of 2018 that examined the mental health experiences of 389 graduate students at McMaster University. Results: I found that there was no consistent pattern for which groups of graduate students experienced distress markers: year of study did not predict which students would experience distress, and white and non-white students were equally likely to seek help. Students were more likely to seek a combination of formal and informal supports than select one type over the other. Finally, students who experienced stigma were equally likely to seek help as those who did not experience it. Contributions to literature: This thesis has highlighted some important findings about the graduate student population at McMaster University. By providing this information, I have helped extend the mental health literature to the graduate student group that is so often underrepresented or misrepresented. / Thesis / Master of Arts (MA) / This project investigated the mental health experiences of graduate students (i.e. Master’s degree or Ph.D. students) at McMaster University through an online survey. This survey was designed with the goal of determining the following: whether students were experiencing distress; what kinds of mental health services McMaster students use; and what some of the characteristics were for the students who seek help. I found that numerous students experienced overwhelming depression and overwhelming anxiety. A person’s racial background did not strongly influence whether they accessed services. Students were more likely to access a combination of supports between talking to a professional and talking to family, friends, or partners about mental health issues. Stereotypes or prejudices around mental health did not strongly influence which students accessed services. This thesis offers some important insights into the mental health experiences of graduate students, a topic which is often ignored in academia.
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Evaluation of underground supports made of wood and other materialsYu, Zhanjing January 1987 (has links)
A roof support system is one of the most important systems in underground mining. It may consist of various types of supports such as props, cribs, steel arches, powered supports and roof bolts, among others. In this research, powered supports and roof bolting are not included.
Evaluation of underground supports needs to take account of several factors. These factors include the mechanical behavior of the supports, the interaction between the support and the surrounding strata, the cost of the support, and the overall economic results. In this research, emphasis is placed on the mechanical behavior of the supports. Criteria have been set up and, based on these criteria, a variety of supports have been evaluated. / Master of Science
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Supports/Surfaces pris aux mots : Stratégies discursives d’une avant-garde picturale / Supports/Surfaces taken at its words : discursive strategies of apictorial avant-gardeMathieu, Romain 21 October 2013 (has links)
Le mouvement Supports/Surfaces se singularise, dans le contexte artistique de la fin des années soixante et du début des années soixante-Dix, en se présentant comme une avant-Garde à la fois picturale et théorique avec une importante production de textes qui accompagnent l’exposition des œuvres. Cette étude interroge le statut singulier de ces pratiques discursives développées par une avant-Garde qui revendique un faire pictural. Elle questionne le processus d’autodéfinition de Supports/Surfaces à travers ses textes en regard des œuvres des artistes. Faire l’histoire du groupe implique en effet d’analyser les dimensions productrices ou inhibitrices qu’ont pu avoir ces écrits. Gestes majeurs de cette avant-Garde, les discours des artistes procèdent à une mise en lumière et à un aveuglement. Étudier ce geste, opérer une lecture analytique de ces textes en relation avec les œuvres, c’est finalement répondre à l’injonction de ce mouvement pour la retourner contre elle-Même. Cette problématisation permet de penser les transformations formelles qui s’élaborent chez les artistes rassemblés sous l’appellation Supports/Surfaces à l’intérieur d’un ensemble de relations où se croisent champs artistique et littéraire, théorique et politique. Elle donne au “moment Supports/Surfaces” son contenu dense et multiple et appréhende la place du mouvement dans l’histoire de la peinture et de l’art de cette période. / In the artistic context of the late sixties and early seventies, Supports/Surfaces distinguishes itself by being both a pictorial and theoretical avant-Garde, the exhibition of artworks being accompanied by texts that were produced in considerable quantity. This study questions the singular situation of these discursive approaches developed by an avant-Garde claiming a pictorial process. It therefore questions how Supports/Surfaces self-Defines through its texts and the works produced by the artists. To constitute the history of the group involves to analyse the productive or inhibitive aspects that these writings may have had. The discourses of the artists, as a key action of this avant-Garde, proceed to a bringing to light and simultaneously to a blindness. The study of this action, the analytic reading of these texts in relation to the artworks, finally constitutes an answer to the injunction of this movement by turning it back on itself. This approach allows to consider the formal transformations, as elaborated in their works by the artists gathered under the name Supports/Surfaces, inside a whole combination of relations between literary and artistic fields as well as political and theoretical fields. It gives to the “Supports/Surface time” its dense and plural content, and it allows to consider the place of the movement in the history of painting and of art of that period.
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Catalizadores de Rh-soportado y su aplicación en la hidrogenación de crotonaldehídoKrstic, Vesna 19 July 2005 (has links)
Este trabajo ha sido realizado en el contexto de los proyectos de MAT 2002-03808 y MAT 2002-02158, financiados por la Dirección General de Investigación del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MCyT). Se han sintetizado y caracterizado catalizadores Rh-soportado (sólo o promovido con Sn) utilizando diferentes tipos de soportes. Como soportes de catalizadores se utilizaron tanto materiales microporosos, silicatos laminares (bentonitas) de distinta procedencia y bentonitas modificadas mediante la introducción de pilares (PILC's) o transformadas en productos zeolíticos; como materiales mesoporosos, MCM-41, con una o dos fuentes de Silicio. Los mencionados catalizadores han sido aplicados en la hidrogenación de crotonaldehído, en fase gaseosa y condiciones suaves, de alto interés tanto académico como industrial en química fina, farmacéutica y alimentaria. Se han analizado y discutido la actividad/selectividad en relación con las diferentes características de los soportes y las distintas condiciones de trabajo como: temperatura de reducción del Rh, temperaturas de reacción, y presencia de estaño como promotor. Se han caracterizado los soportes y catalizadores mediante diferentes técnicas instrumentales UV-Vis, espectroscopia IR, ATG/DTG, DRX, isotermas de adsorción-desorción de N2, quimisorción de O2/H2, quimisorción de NH3, adsorción-desorción de piridina mediante espectroscopia IR-TF, XPS y se utilizó la Cromatografia de gases para la hidrogenación de crotonaldehído. Los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto que tanto las arcillas de partida como las modificadas (con pilares o bien transformada en zeolitas) y materiales MCM-41, han resultado soportes idóneos para la formación de catalizadores heterogéneos de Rh y de Rh promovido con Sn, habiéndose generado, por tanto, nuevos materiales de alto valor añadido para el caso de las arcillas modificadas y nuevos retos de aplicación para los nuevos nanomateriales MCM-41. Así mismo se constata que la adición de Sn como promotor, modifica la conversión a todas las temperaturas de reacción, obteniéndose para todos los catalizadores, mayor selectividad hacia alcohol crotílico que en ausencia de Sn. En resumen, a lo largo de este trabajo se han logrado preparar catalizadores metal soportados utilizando unos nuevos soportes de catalizadores que muestran, generalmente, alta selectividad hacia alcohol crotílico en la hidrogenación de crotonaldehído, en condiciones suaves y a presión atmosférica, condiciones usuales de trabajo en la industria de química fina, farmacéutica y alimentaria, donde time mayor repercusión la aplicación de la reacción estudiada. / This work has been performed within the projects MAT 2002-03808 and MAT 2002-02158, financed by the DGESIC (Dirección General de Enseñanza Superior e Investigación y Ciencia) and CICYT (Comisión de Investigación Científica y Técnica), respectively.An Rh-supported catalyst (alone or promoted with Sn) has been synthesized and characterized using different types of supports. Aluminum silicate (clay) of different origins and clay modified by introduction of pillars (PILC's) or transformed into zeolytic products were used as microporous materials. MCM-41 (with one or two Silicon sources) was used as mesoporous materials. The catalyst has been applied in the hydrogenation of cortonaldehyde in gaseous phase and mild conditions. These have high academic and industrial interest. Activity and selectivity of catalysts have been analyzed at different conditions of work like: temperature of reduction of the Rh, temperatures of reaction and tin presence as promoter.These supports (micro and mesoporous materials) and catalysts have been characterized using different technical instruments: UV-Vis, spectroscopy IR, ATG/DTG, XRD, isotherms of adsorption-desorption of N2, chemisorptions of O2/H2, chemisorptions of NH3, adsorption-desorption of pyridine by DRIFTS, XPS and hydrogenation of crotonaldehyde by Gas Chromatography. The results obtained show that the natural clay material, as modified (with incorporation of pillars or transformed into zeolites), and materials MCM-41, have been good supports to the formation of heterogeneous catalysts of Rh and Rh promoted with Sn, having generated new materials of high value in the case of modified clays and raises new challenges of application for nanomaterials MCM-41. Also observed is that the addition of Sn as promoter was modifying the conversion at all temperatures of reaction, obtaining for all the catalysts greater selectivity to crotyl alcohol than without tin (Sn).In summary, throughout this work, we have been able to prepare and obtain metal supported catalysts using new supports of catalysts that show great selectivity towards crotyl alcohol in the hydrogenation of crotonaldehyde in mild conditions and atmospheric pressure. This is a very important reaction in the production of many pharmaceutical, agrochemical and fragrance compounds, having great repurcussion on the application of the studied reaction and attracting much interest in fundamental research in catalysis.
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Structures produits sur la filtration par le poids des variétés algébriques réelles / Product structures on the weight filtration of real algebraic varietiesLimoges, Thierry 10 March 2015 (has links)
On associe à chaque variété algébrique définie sur R un complexe de cochaînes filtré, qui calcule la cohomologie à supports compacts et coefficients dans Z_2 de ses points réels. Ce complexe filtré est additif pour les inclusions fermées et acyclique pour la résolution des singularités, et est unique à quasi-isomorphisme filtré près. Il est représenté par la filtration duale de la filtration géométrique sur les chaînes semi-algébriques à supports fermés définie par McCrory and Parusiński, et induit une suite spectrale qui calcule la filtration par le poids sur la cohomologie à supports compacts. Cette suite spectrale est un invariant naturel qui contient les nombres de Betti virtuels. On montre que le produit cartésien de deux variétés nous permet de comparer le produit de leurs complexe de poids et suite spectrale respectifs avec ceux du produit, et on prouve que les produits cap et cup en cohomologie et homologie sont filtrés par rapport à ces filtrations par le poids réelles. / We associate to each algebraic variety defined over R a filtered cochain complex, which computes the cohomology with compact supports and Z_2-coefficients of the set of its real points. This filtered complex is additive for closed inclusions and acyclic for resolution of singularities, and is unique up to filtered quasi-isomorphism. It is represented by the dual filtration of the geometric filtration on semialgebraic chains with closed supports defined by McCrory and Parusiński, and leads to a spectral sequence which computes the weight filtration on cohomology with compact supports. This spectral sequence is a natural invariant which contains the additive virtual Betti numbers. We then show that the cross product of two varieties allows us to compare the product of their respective weight complexes and spectral sequences with those of their product, and prove that the cup and cap products in cohomology and homology are filtered with respect to the real weight filtrations.
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Dynamická analýza konstrukce zatížená seismickým zatížením / Dynamic analysis of structure with seismic loadsŠnajdárková, Jana January 2016 (has links)
This thesis focuses on creation of two models of high-rise construction - beam and shell. A dynamic analysis is performed on these models. The selected program is RFEM software and the created high-rise construction is Hearst Tower skyscraper, which is interesting for its diagrid system around its perimeter. There is described process of creating both models and associated problems. Dynamic analysis is performed using standard EN 1998-1. There belongs calculations of sufficient number of modal shapes, spectral analysis and time analysis. Then the results are compared on selected point on the both models.
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L'émergence des phénomènes associatifs en Amérique centrale (Nicaragua, Salvador. 1960-2009) / Emergence of the Non-Profit Sector in Central America (Nicaragua, El Salvador. 1960-2009)Moallic, Benjamín 29 June 2018 (has links)
Au début des années 1990, au terme d’une décennie de guerres internes, le Salvador et le Nicaragua ont été les théâtres d’une multiplication sans précédent d’associations de développement et d’ONG humanitaires. Provenant des anciennes mouvances révolutionnaires du Front sandiniste de libération nationale au Nicaragua et du Front Farabundo Martí pour la libération nationale au Salvador, ces organisations nouvelles ont été le signe de l’apparition d’un militantisme professionnel et technicisé proche de « l’humanitaire-expert » et en rupture avec les engagements politico-militaires qui avaient jusqu’alors dominé les scènes militantes centraméricaines. Comment dès lors comprendre l’émergence de ces phénomènes associatifs ? Nés à la croisée de bouleversements sociaux et politiques majeurs, entre la fin des guerres, l’effondrement des gestes révolutionnaires et l’avènement de régimes démocratiques, ces faits associatifs ont d’abord été le fruit d’une conversion de leurs dirigeants. Anciens cadres révolutionnaires du parti-État sandiniste et des guérillas salvadoriennes, ceux-ci occupaient en effet déjà à la fin des années 1980 la tête des mouvances associatives du Front sandiniste et du Front Farabundo Martí. Or c’est là, au sein de ces nébuleuses, que ces acteurs se sont saisis de schèmes humanitaires nouveaux et de registres managériaux, entraînant dans leur sillage « l’ONGisation » de leurs organisations et l’investissement de causes féministes, indigénistes ou environnementalistes. De sorte que l’histoire de ces associations et de leur émergence est l’histoire de cette conversion. D’où le choix de ce travail de retracer le parcours de ces militants depuis leur basculement dans la lutte armée et les organisations révolutionnaires jusqu’à leur conversion à l’humanitaire-expert et leur insertion dans le monde des ONG. Ce faisant, ce travail met en résonance plusieurs analyses. Une réflexion d’abord sur les modalités de basculement dans la violence armée et d’incorporation aux organisations de guérillas. Une réflexion ensuite sur les logiques de conversion politique et de reconversion professionnelle des acteurs politico-militaires. Une réflexion enfin sur la naissance des milieux associatifs et la constitution de carrières militantes. Et au travers de ces analyses se dessine in fine une enquête plus générale sur la nature même des phénomènes associatifs au Salvador et au Nicaragua, leurs usages et leurs fonctions, et montrent le rôle de « supports » sociaux et politiques qu’ils jouent aujourd’hui dans les nouvelles démocraties centraméricaines. / At the beginning of the 1990s and after a decade of internal wars, El Salvador and Nicaragua were the stages of an unprecedented growth of development’s organizations and humanitarian NGOs. Originating from the former revolutionary movements of Sandinista National Liberation Front in Nicaragua and from Farabundo Marti National Front in El Salvador, those new organizations were a sign of professional technologized militancy close to « expert humanitarian work » but also breaking with the military-political commitments which had preponderated over the Central American activist scene so far. How then can we understand the emergence of those voluntary phenomena? Resulting from major social and political disruptions, as well as the end of wars, the collapsing of revolutionary actions and the advent of democratic regimes, those voluntary actions first started with the conversion of their leaders. As former revolutionary officers of the Sandinista state-party and of the Salvadorian guerrillas, by the end of the 1980s those were already heads of the non-profit movements of Sandinista Front and Farabundo Marti Front. Yet this is in the middle of this political maze that those leaders seized upon a new humanitarian framework as well as managerial repertories, bringing in their wake the « NGOzation » of their organizations and their commitment to the feminist as well as indigenist and environmentalist causes. In this way, the history of the emergence of those organizations is actually the history of that conversion. Hence the choice that has been made to work on recounting the activists’ paths from the moment they turned into an armed conflict and revolutionary organizations to their actual conversion into expert humanitarian work and the world of NGOs. In order to do this work several analyses have been compared; first, a reflection about the ways and means of their changeover into armed violence and their enlistments in guerrillas’ organizations; then a thought about the mindset of political conversion and the career change of the military-political leaders; then finally a reflection about the birth of the non-profit domain and the development of activists’ careers. And so, through these analyses appears a more general study on the true nature of voluntary phenomena in El Salvador and Nicaragua, and on their practices and functions, that shows the roles they play as social, political supports in the new Central American democracies nowadays.
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Support Networks of Rural Older Adults with Self-Care ChallengesCohen, Adrienne Lynn 19 April 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Unpacking the Discipline Gap: Referral Categories and School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and SupportsBarclay, Christopher Michael 14 October 2015 (has links)
Despite decades of efforts to racially integrate schools and the recent accountability movement, U.S. students’ access to equitable education remains elusive. Research demonstrates that discipline procedures disproportionately remove racial minority students from the classroom, creating a “discipline gap.” Racial disparities in discrete disciplinary infraction types (e.g., disruption, aggression) have shown nuanced patterns across groups and school levels. Moreover, the relationship between school-wide positive behavior interventions and supports (SWPBIS) – a framework for promoting positive behavior and preventing conflict – and the discipline gap is unclear. This investigation explored racial/ethnic disparities per infraction type (e.g. disruption, verbal abuse) and the relationship of SWPBIS implementation fidelity to these referrals using multilevel logistic regression analyses. Participants were 40 elementary schools receiving PBIS technical assistance and the 24,512 students served by the schools. Findings of disciplinary disparities largely were consistent with previous studies with similar methods. Compared to White peers, Black students were overrepresented in office discipline referrals (ODRs) across all infraction types while Hispanic students were underrepresented in Aggression referrals and other racial/ethnic minority students were underrepresented in Miscellaneous referrals. SWPBIS implementation fidelity demonstrated a significant negative relationship with the overall ODR rate and was significantly related to infractions for Aggression; however, no evidence was produced to support the notion that SWPBIS produces more equitable discipline practices. Implications for the research and practice of culturally responsive behavior supports are discussed.
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L'enseignement-apprentissage du français au lycée scientifique en Italie : Pratiques de classe et création de supports appropriésRusso, Maria Serafina 27 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
L'enseignement/apprentissage du français au lycée scientifique en Italie. Pratiques de classe et création de supports appropriés.Cette thèse porte sur l'étude des langues vivantes étrangères dans les établissements du secondaire en contexte italophone. L'objectif de ce travail a été de mener une réflexion sur l'enseignement/apprentissage du français au lycée scientifique, tout en focalisant l'attention sur l'attitude des apprenants face à des tentatives d'initiation à la langue de spécialité complémentaires au développement des programmes scolaires consacrés, notamment, à l'histoire littéraire. Nous avons émis l'hypothèse générale stipulant qu'" il est possible d'envisager l'organisation de séances au cours desquelles l'apprenant, s'exprimant en français, se livre à des tâches susceptibles de le motiver, lui permettant de connaître le discours et le milieu d'action propres aux futurs professionnels dans le domaine scientifique et médical ".L'hypothèse en objet a été testée par le biais d'une recherche-action qui a eu lieu en contexte institutionnel. Cette approche a été fondée sur l'utilisation de tâches, choisies/conçues selon le niveau des apprenants, liées surtout à des situations auxquelles les destinataires étaient susceptibles de se confronter dans la vie de tous les jours. La presque totalité du travail a été effectuée grâce à l'emploi des TIC.Les résultats ont prouvé l'efficacité de la recherche de terrain et en ont témoigné l'appréciation de la part des jeunes apprenants concernés. Par conséquent, l'ambition de cette thèse est de contribuer à nourrir le débat sur l'utilité de l'étude de deux langues vivantes étrangères dans les établissements du secondaire italiens, en harmonie avec les dispositions du Conseil de l'Europe, de même que de dégager les étapes d'un cheminement éducatif menant à l'acquisition des habiletés linguistiques nécessaires lors de séjours d'études/de travail en pays francophones pendant les années à venir.
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