Spelling suggestions: "subject:"curvey study"" "subject:"asurvey study""
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Vuxen anknytning som prediktion av copingstrategier : En enkätstudie om vuxen anknytning och copingstrategier / Adult attachment as a predikton of copingstrategies : A survey study about adult attachment and copingstrategiesWärme, Jesper January 2016 (has links)
En kvantitativ enkätstudie har genomförts med syfte att undersöka korrelationer och prediktioner mellan vuxen anknytning och copingstrategier. Urvalet till studien är 133 studenter från olika universitet och högskolor i Sverige som besvarade en enkät. För att mäta vuxen anknytning användes Experience in close relationship (ECR-R) och för att mäta copingstrategier användes Brief COPE. Insamlad data analyserades i SPSS med Pearsons korrelationskoefficient test och multipel regressionsanalys. Resultatet från föreliggande studie visade på ett negativt signifikant samband mellan ångestladdad anknytning och problemfokuserad coping. Resultatet visade även på ett negativt signifikant samband mellan undvikande anknytning och problemfokuserad coping. Resultatet visade på ett signifikant samband mellan ångestladdad anknytning och dysfunktionell coping. Resultatet visade även på ett signifikant samband mellan undvikande anknytning och dysfunktionell coping. Föreliggande studies resultat visade att det inte fanns något samband mellan ångestladdad anknytning och emotionsfokuserad coping. Resultatet från föreliggande studie visade även att det inte fanns något samband mellan undvikande anknytning och emotionsfokuserad coping. Resultatet visade på att ångestladdad anknytning var en signifikant prediktor av problemfokuserad coping där 15 % av variansen för problemfokuserad förklarades. Ångestladdad anknytning var en signifikant prediktor för dysfunktionell coping där 22 % av variansen förklarades. Slutsatserna är att studenter med ångestladdad och undvikande anknytning använder i lägre grad problemfokuserad coping. Studenter med ångestladdad och undvikande anknytning använder i högre grad dysfunktionella copingstrategier. Slutsatsen är även att andra variabler än vuxen anknytning påverkar användande av olika copingstrategier. / A quantitative survey study has been carried out to investigate possible correlations and predictions between adult attachment and coping strategies. The sample for the study was 133 students from various Universities and colleges in Sweden who answered a questionnaire. . To measure adult attachment this study used Experience in close relationship (ECR-R), and copingstrategies was measured by Brief COPE. Data collected were analyzed in SPSS using the Pearson correlationcoefficient test and multiple regression analysis. The results from the present study showed significant negative correlation between anxiety loaded attachment and problem focused coping. The results also showed a significant negative correlation between avoidance attachment and problem focused coping. The results from the present study showed a significant correlation between anxiety loaded attachment and dysfunctional coping. The results also showed a significant correlation between avoidance attachment and dysfunctional coping. The study results showed that there was no correlation between anxiety loaded attachment and emotion focused coping. The results also showed that there was no correlation between avoidance attachment and emotion focused coping. The result from the present study showed that anxiety loaded extension was a significant predictor of problem-focused coping where 15% of the variance of problem-focused was explained. Anxiety loaded attachment was a significant predictor of dysfunctional coping where 22% of the variance was explained. The conclusions are that students with anxiety loaded and avoidance attachment use lower grade of problem-focused coping. Students with anxiety and avoidance attachment uses increasingly dysfunctional coping strategies. It is concluded that variables other than adult attachment affects using various coping strategies.
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Patienters upplevelse av olika temperaturmätningsmetoder : En enkätstudieGunnarsson, Oskar, Lennmalm, Frida January 2016 (has links)
Background Based on the writers’ experiences, the ear thermometer is the most common method for temperature measurements, even though patients usually not are asked if they prefer it. No previous research about patients’ experiences of measurements with different thermometers was found. Aim The aim of the study was to assess and compare patients' inconvenience and expected inconvenience, and preferences of different thermometers, totally and divided by gender and age. Method A survey with 31 hospitalized patients in Central Sweden was conducted. The questionnaire contained questions about experienced and expected inconveniences from different types of thermometers. Data were analyzed using the Mann Whitney U-test and the results are descriptively presented. Results Compared to oral and rectal thermometers, the ear thermometer was considered the least unpleasant. It was also the most preferred thermometer. The patients ranked the methods’ correctness as the most important characteristic. Regarding the different methods and also regarding experienced and expected inconveniences there were no statistically significant differences between age groups or between gender. Conclusion Most participants preferred the ear thermometer before the rectal thermometer and the oral thermometer. The majority wanted a thermometer that was as precise as possible. More studies are needed to investigate differences between expectations and experiences of the thermometers. Studies that will conclude if there is a disparity between different age groups and gender are recommended. / Bakgrund Enligt författarnas erfarenhet är örontermometern idag den mest förekommande mätmetoden, vilken används även om patienterna inte blivit tillfrågade om de föredrar en annan metod. Ingen forskning kring patienternas upplevelser av olika temperaturmätningsmetoder står att finna. Syfte Syftet var att undersöka patienters upplevda och förväntade obehag samt preferenser av temperaturmätningsmetoder, totalt sett och fördelat på köns- och åldersgrupper. Metod En enkätstudie med 31 patienter på sjukhus i Mellansverige genomfördes. Enkäten innehöll frågor om bl.a. patientens upplevda och förväntade obehag av olika temperaturmätningsmetoder och om vilka karakteristika som var viktigast vid valet av termometer. Data analyserades med hjälp av Mann Whitney U-test och resultatet presenteras deskriptivt. Resultat Örontermometer ansågs vara mindre obehaglig än oral och rektal temperaturmätning, och var också den mest föredragna mätmetoden. Patienterna ansåg att den viktigaste karakteristikan hos en mätmetod var att den var korrekt. Det fanns ingen statistiskt signifikant skillnad mellan ålders- eller könsgrupperna avseende obehag av de olika mätmetoderna eller mellan de som hade erfarenheter av mätmetoderna och de som skattade förväntat obehag av samma mätmetoder. Slutsats De flesta patienter föredrog örontermometern framför rektal- och oraltermometern. Majoriteten ville också ha en termometer som är så korrekt som möjligt. Ytterligare studier för att undersöka om det finns en skillnad mellan patienters förväntningar och upplevelser av olika temperaturmätningsmetoder behövs. Även studier som kan utröna om det finns skillnader mellan olika åldersgrupper och mellan kvinnor och män rekommenderas.
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Enskilda avlopp : Ett kommunalt ansvar? / Individual sewage disposal system : A municipal responsibility?Eriksson, Gustav January 2013 (has links)
Vattnet är en livsviktig resurs för levande organismer och ekosystem. Idag används vatten i alla möjliga sammanhang vilket har lett tillatt vattnet har blivit övergött och förorenat. Utsläpp av näringsämnen i för stora mängder anses vara den största orsaken til lövergödning och detta gäller framför allt utsläpp av avloppsvatten. Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka Sveriges kommunerskartläggningsstrategier för enskilda avlopp och vilka åtgärder de vidtar, samt hur många enskilda avlopp det finns. För att ta reda pådetta skickades en enkät och ett följebrev ut till alla kommuner i Sverige och sedan sammanställdes dessa. Av Sveriges 290 kommunervar det 232 som deltog. De vanligaste strategierna för att kartlägga enskilda avlopp är att skicka ut enkäter eller göra inventeringar. I många fall används bådastrategierna med enkät som ett första steg och inventering som ett andra. Resultatet av enkäten visar att mellan 50-90 % av de enskildaavloppen är undermåliga eller bristfälliga och att åtgärder krävs. Kommunerna ställer krav på fastighetsägarna att åtgärda sina avloppinom en viss tidsram annars kan förbud att använda avloppen utfärdas. Undersökningen visade att det finns ungefär 813 000 enskilda avloppsanläggningar i Sverige, vilket är en ökning med cirka 71 000 sedan2006. Ökningen kan bero på att fler än hälften av Sveriges kommuner har gjort en kartläggning sedan 2006
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Internet Use among Occupational Therapists in their Clinical PracticeLaw, Veronica Mun Wah 07 January 2011 (has links)
This study investigated the extent to which occupational therapists (OT) use the Internet as a clinical resource and as a tool for communication with clients. It also identified barriers and facilitators associated with Internet use. A survey was mailed to all occupational therapists registered with the College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario. Our findings based on 1382 respondents show that a large percentage of occupational therapists currently use the Internet for clinical purposes. A majority of respondents reported using the Internet to meet their practice needs, primarily for looking up relevant clinical information, and less commonly as a communication tool with their clients. Greater Internet use was associated with younger age and fewer years of practice. Having a computer station, a work culture fostering Internet use, accessible technical support, paid time and credible ratings of websites were five most influential factors on Internet use in OTs’ clinical practice.
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Internet Use among Occupational Therapists in their Clinical PracticeLaw, Veronica Mun Wah 07 January 2011 (has links)
This study investigated the extent to which occupational therapists (OT) use the Internet as a clinical resource and as a tool for communication with clients. It also identified barriers and facilitators associated with Internet use. A survey was mailed to all occupational therapists registered with the College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario. Our findings based on 1382 respondents show that a large percentage of occupational therapists currently use the Internet for clinical purposes. A majority of respondents reported using the Internet to meet their practice needs, primarily for looking up relevant clinical information, and less commonly as a communication tool with their clients. Greater Internet use was associated with younger age and fewer years of practice. Having a computer station, a work culture fostering Internet use, accessible technical support, paid time and credible ratings of websites were five most influential factors on Internet use in OTs’ clinical practice.
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Application of Analytical Hierarchy Process in SupplierAssessment from Environmental Perspective : A survey Study in Pan Nordic Logistics ABHadadi, Azad, Köseoğlu, Burak January 2009 (has links)
ABSTRACTNowadays the importance of environmental logistics is increasing while organizations are trying to pay more attention to their transport activities. Since PNL is a famous logistics company in Nordic countries and transport activates are done by sub contractors they intend to make sound environmental choices by assessing their suppliers from environmental performance in order to identify the best suppliers which is comply with the PNL environmental policy.In this project the survey study and questionnaire has been made in order to evaluate the supplier performance from environmental perspective. At first the investigation has been made for improving the previous questionnaire which was made by PNL. Some parts were revised according to researchers‟ knowledge, reliable references and suggestion of environmental consultant. Lots of study has been made in order to find the most importing effects that can affect environmentalism. Obtained results from questionnaire were analyzed and appropriate suggestions were given in order to enlighten the significant importance of environmental issues.Due to complexity of decision making environment, the applicable and reliable method should be applied to cope with complexity and the factors that can affect the objective while simplifying the process. Analytical Hierarchy process has been applied for this project in order to change the qualitative situation into quantitative manner to rate the suppliers based on their performance.The first step in AHP process is constructing hierarchy in two or more level for evaluating the alternatives. The goal of the project is environmental performance .Second level is criteria which has been made according to literature and the importance of them while the suggestions of consultant has been applied as well. Third level is sub criteria which are questions of questionnaire and finally the forth level include alternative which is suppliers.Next step in AHP process is weighting criteria and sub criteria and making pair wise comparison between them. Procedure of weighting is done by researchers and managers from PNL in order to decrease the subjectivity of decision making process. The result from suppliers has been investigated and points were given to them according to their performance and ability regarding environmental logistics.Sensitivity analysis was made for analyzing the result from AHP in order to investigate the responsiveness of the result.Key words: Logistics, Environmentalism, AHP Method, Supplier Assessment, Survey Study.
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Preoperativ information på en barnkirurgisk avdelning : Föräldrars åsikter och omdömenBonér, Sara, Jansson, Ing-Marie January 2012 (has links)
Syfte: Att studera föräldrars uppfattning om den preoperativa information de får inför sitt barns planerade operation, samt undersöka om och på vilket sätt föräldrarna anser att informationen behöver förbättras. Metod: Kvantitativ, deskreptiv enkätstudie. Enkäten innehöll främst standardiserade frågor men även några öppna frågor. Föräldrar till barn i åldrarna 0-3 år inneliggande på en barnkirurgisk vårdavdelning ombads delta i studien. Antalet insamlade enkäter var 22 stycken. Resultat: Föräldrarna var som helhet nöjda med den preoperativa informationen, majoriteten ansåg att mängden information varit lagom omfattande och att informationen från personalen oftast gavs på ett sätt så att de förstod. Några föräldrar ansåg att informationen gällande det postoperativa vårdförloppet delvis varit bristfällig. De flesta ansåg att informationen de fått stämde med vårdförloppet som följde. Dock framkom att föräldrarna önskat få mer förberedande information, såväl praktisk som medicinsk tillsammans med kallelsen. Slutsats: Resultatet visar att de flesta föräldrar som helhet var nöjda med informationen de fått inför sitt barns operation med visst undantag för innehållet i kallelsen och den properativa informationen gällande det postoperativa förloppet. / Aim: To study the parent’s perception of the preoperative information they receive for their child's scheduled surgery, and examine whether and how parents believe that the information needs to be improved. Method: Quantitative Descriptive survey study. The questionnaire contained mainly standardized questions and some open questions. Parents of children aged 0-3 years hospitalized at a children's surgical ward were asked to participate in the study. The number of collected questionnaires was 22 pieces. Results: Parents were overall satisfied with the preoperative information, the majority felt that the amount of information was extensive enough and that the information from the staff is usually given in a way that they understood. Some parents felt that the information regarding the postoperative care process had partly been inadequate. Most parents felt that the information they received matched the care process that followed. However, it was found that parents wanted more preparatory information, both practical and medical, with the invitation. Conclusion: The results show that most parents as a whole were satisfied with the information they received before their child's surgery with certain exceptions for the content of the notice and the properativa information regarding the postoperative course.
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A Survey Study on Parental Involvement in Mathematics Learning for First and Second Grade Children in Kaohsiung Elementary SchoolsChou, Hui-Chi 31 January 2012 (has links)
In this survey study, the investigator studied parental involvement in mathematics learning of grade one and grade two children; also parents¡¦ needs; and finally, relationship of involvements to needs. In order to conduct the survey, the investigator referred to Epstein (1995) and developed a questionnaire. There are 3 parts in the questionnaire: background information (6 parent variables and 8 children variables), parental involvement and parents¡¦ needs. A total of 958 parents from 40 classes completed the questionnaires; they came from ten elementary schools (2 classes in each grade). Data analyzes were completed by descriptive statistics, t tests, ANOVA-one way, and, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient. First, results on parental involvement are two: among the items in Epstein, the involvement is highest in Learning at Home category and lowest in Decision Making category; and, three among the six parent variables and seven among the eight children variables were related to parental involvements. Second, results on parents¡¦ needs indicated that the overall parents¡¦ need is high. Third, there is positive correlation between parental involvements and parents¡¦ needs. Finally, the investigator closed with recommendations for future research and practice.
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Application of Analytical Hierarchy Process in SupplierAssessment from Environmental Perspective : A survey Study in Pan Nordic Logistics ABHadadi, Azad, Köseoğlu, Burak January 2009 (has links)
<p>ABSTRACTNowadays the importance of environmental logistics is increasing while organizations are trying to pay more attention to their transport activities. Since PNL is a famous logistics company in Nordic countries and transport activates are done by sub contractors they intend to make sound environmental choices by assessing their suppliers from environmental performance in order to identify the best suppliers which is comply with the PNL environmental policy.In this project the survey study and questionnaire has been made in order to evaluate the supplier performance from environmental perspective. At first the investigation has been made for improving the previous questionnaire which was made by PNL. Some parts were revised according to researchers‟ knowledge, reliable references and suggestion of environmental consultant. Lots of study has been made in order to find the most importing effects that can affect environmentalism. Obtained results from questionnaire were analyzed and appropriate suggestions were given in order to enlighten the significant importance of environmental issues.Due to complexity of decision making environment, the applicable and reliable method should be applied to cope with complexity and the factors that can affect the objective while simplifying the process. Analytical Hierarchy process has been applied for this project in order to change the qualitative situation into quantitative manner to rate the suppliers based on their performance.The first step in AHP process is constructing hierarchy in two or more level for evaluating the alternatives. The goal of the project is environmental performance .Second level is criteria which has been made according to literature and the importance of them while the suggestions of consultant has been applied as well. Third level is sub criteria which are questions of questionnaire and finally the forth level include alternative which is suppliers.Next step in AHP process is weighting criteria and sub criteria and making pair wise comparison between them. Procedure of weighting is done by researchers and managers from PNL in order to decrease the subjectivity of decision making process. The result from suppliers has been investigated and points were given to them according to their performance and ability regarding environmental logistics.Sensitivity analysis was made for analyzing the result from AHP in order to investigate the responsiveness of the result.Key words: Logistics, Environmentalism, AHP Method, Supplier Assessment, Survey Study.</p>
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DEN HÄLSOFRÄMJANDE BETYDELSEN AV SOCIALT STÖD FÖR ARBETSRELATERAD STRESS : En kvantitativ studieSundbäck, Magnus January 2015 (has links)
Förändringar på arbetsmarknaden på grund av nedskärningar och effektiviseringar har för individen inneburit mer ansvar, tyngre arbetsbörda och högre krav i arbetsuppgiften. Med denna utveckling har stressrelaterade sjukdomar ökat i Sverige de senaste åren. Det framkommer att det sociala stödet kan fungera som en hälsofrämjande resurs i förhållande till graden av arbetsrelaterad stress. Vidare kan en hög belastning i arbetslivet och i privatlivet kan ha en negativ effekt och bidra till en högre skadlig stressnivå. Syftet med studien är därefter att undersöka i vilken utsträckning socialt stöd och dubbelbelastning kan kopplas till arbetsrelaterad stress. Resultatet har analyserats med teoretisk ansats utifrån Krav-kontroll-stödmodellen och socialt stöd som hälsofrämjande resurs. För att undersöka sambandet mellan socialt stöd och dubbelbelastning i förhållande till arbetsrelaterad stress tillämpades en kvantitativ enkätstudie. Insamlad data analyserades i univariata samt multivariata linjära regressionsanalyser. Analysen visade inte att arbetsrelaterad stress hade något signifikant samband med socialt stöd i arbetslivet, i privatlivet och dubbelbelastning. Dock framkom det att kön var associerat med graden av arbetsrelaterad stress. / Changes in the labor market because of downsizing and efficiency improvements for the individual meant more responsibility, workload and the increasing demands of the job. With this development, stress-related diseases have increased in Sweden in recent years. It appears that social support can serve as a health resource in relation to the degree of work-related stress. Furthermore, a high load at work and in private life may have an adverse effect and contribute to a higher distress levels. The purpose of this study is then to examine the extent to which social support and the double burden can be linked to work-related stress. The results have been analyzed with the theoretical approach based on the Demand-Control-Support model and social support that health promotion resource. To examine the relationship between social support and the double burden in relation to work-related stress a quantitative survey has been applied. Collected data were analyzed in univariate and multivariate linear regression analyzes. The analysis revealed that work-related stress had no significant correlation with social support at work, in private and double load. However, it emerged that gender was associated with the rate of work-related stress.
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