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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sustainable Software Development: Evolving Extreme Programming

Sedano, Todd 01 April 2017 (has links)
Context: Software development is a complex socio-technical endeavor that involves coordinating different disciplines and skill sets. Practitioners experiment with and adopt processes and practices with a goal of making their work more effective. Objective: To observe, describe, and analyze software development processes and practices in an industrial setting. Our goal is to generate a descriptive theory of software engineering development, which is rooted in empirical data. Method: Following Constructivist Grounded Theory, we conducted a 2.5 year participant-observation of eight software projects at Pivotal, a software development company. We interviewed 33 software engineers, interaction designers, and product managers, and analyzed one year of retrospection topics. We iterated between data collection, data analysis and theoretical sampling until achieving theoretical saturation and generating a descriptive theory. Results: 1) This research introduces a descriptive theory of Sustainable Software Development. The theory encompasses principles, policies, and practices aiming at removing knowledge silos and improving code quality, hence leading to development sustainability. 2) At the heart of Sustainable Software Development is team code ownership. This research widens our understanding of team code ownership. Developers achieve higher team code ownership when they understand the system context, have contributed to the code in question, perceive code quality as high, believe the product will satisfy the user needs, and perceive high team cohesion. 3) This research introduces the first evidence-based waste taxonomy, identifying eight wastes along with causes and tensions, and compares it with Lean Software Development’s waste taxonomy. Conclusion: The Sustainable Software Development theory refines and extends our understanding of Extreme Programming by adding principles, policies, and practices (including Overlapping Pair Rotation) and aligning them with the business goal of sustainability. One key aspect of the theory is team code ownership, which is rooted in numerous cognitive, emotional, contextual and technical factors and cannot be achieved simply by policy. Another key dimension is waste identification and elimination, which has led to a new taxonomy of waste. Overall, this research contributes to the field of software engineering by providing new insights, rooted in empirical data, into how a software organization leverages and extends Extreme Programming to achieve software sustainability.

Ecological Sustainability in Software Development : The Case of a Technical Consultancy Firm / Ekologisk hållbarhet inom mjukvaruutveckling : En fallstudie inom ett teknikkonsultbolag

Arslan, Bercis January 2021 (has links)
Sustainability in the software and Information Technology (IT) industry has previously been discussed by practitioners mostly with a focus on maintainability and extensibility. In turn, the ecological and environmental dimensions of sustainability have been neglected. Previous research has shown that there are obstacles in the industry in terms of knowledge, experience, and support. Lack of knowledge stems from a lack of tools to detect and determine factors that affect environmental sustainability in software development, such as energy consumption. Furthermore, examining employees’motivations, attitudes, and discretionary behaviours is important to understand how implementation can be enabled and sustained. The purpose of this study is to find practices and tools for achieving environmental sustainability in software development as well as understanding what factors are hindering software engineers from adopting sustainable practices and tools that already exist. A qualitative single case study was conducted with semi-structured interviews as the primary method for data collection. The interviews were performed with individuals with various roles within software engineering as well as their managers. The findings show that the focus on environmental sustainability in software development is insufficient as for now. Practices, such as, reduction of CPU cycles and inactivating idle programs are suggested as environmentally friendly. Additionally, the findings display hinders in areas such as responsibility, requirements, and knowledge. Organizations and their stakeholders have to prioritize and work against these hindrances in order to succeed with environmental efforts. / Hållbarhet inom mjukvaru- och Informationsteknologi (IT) -industrin har tidigare diskuterats av utövare mestadels med ett fokus på underhållning och tillbyggnad av mjukvara. Den ekologiska och miljömässiga hållbarheten har därför blivit försummad. Tidigare forskning har påvisat att det finns hinder i industrin gällande kunskap, erfarenhet, och stöd. Brist på kunskap härrör från en brist på verktyg för att upptäcka och fastställa faktorer som påverkar miljömässig hållbarhet inom mjukvaruutveckling, så som energiförbrukning. Dessutom, att undersöka de anställdas motivationer, attityder, och beteende är viktigt för att förstå hur en implementation kan möjliggöras samt upprätthållas. Syftet med denna studie är att hitta praktiker och verktyg för att uppnå miljömässig hållbarhet inom mjukvaruutveckling samt att förstå vilka faktorer som hindrar mjukvaruutvecklare att uppta hållbara principer och verktyg som redan existerar. Studien är genomfört som en kvalitativ fallstudie med semistrukturerade intervjuer som primär metod för datainsamling. Intervjuerna var genomförda med individer inom olika roller för mjukvaruutveckling samt deras chefer. Resultatet visar på att det finns ett otillräckligt fokus på miljömässig hållbarhet inom mjukvaruutveckling för tillfället. Praktiker så som reduktion av CPU cykler och inaktivering av program på tomgång (idle programs) är antydda att vara hållbara ur ett miljöperspektiv. Dessutom visar resultatet på att det finns hinder inom områden såsom ansvar, krav, och kunskap. Organisationer och deras intressenter behöver prioritera och arbeta mot dessa hinder för att lyckas med miljömässiga insatser.

Software development methodology in a Green IT environment / Méthodologie de développement de logiciels dans un environnement informatiquement vert

Acar, Hayri 23 November 2017 (has links)
Le nombre de périphériques mobiles (smartphone, tablette, ordinateur portable, etc.) et les internautes augmentent continuellement. En raison de l'accessibilité du cloud computing, de l'Internet et de l'Internet des Objets (IdO), les utilisateurs utilisent de plus en plus d'applications logicielles qui provoquent un effet croissant sur les émissions de gaz à effet de serre. Ainsi, les TIC (Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication) sont responsables d'environ 2% des émissions mondiales de gaz à effet de serre qui sont équivalentes à celles émises par l'industrie aérienne. Selon des rapports récents, le Groupe d'experts Intergouvernemental sur l'Evolution du Climat (GIEC), les émissions de CO2 dus aux TIC augmentent rapidement. Néanmoins, les TIC, en permettant de résoudre des problèmes complexes dans d'autres secteurs, peuvent grandement et facilement participer pour réduire une partie importante des 98% restants des émissions mondiales de CO2. L'utilisation du logiciel implique des opérations matérielles qui sont physiquement responsables de la consommation d'énergie. Par conséquent, le logiciel est indirectement impliqué dans la consommation d'énergie. Ainsi, nous devons réduire la consommation d'énergie du logiciel tout en conservant les mêmes fonctionnalités pour le logiciel afin de créer des logiciels durables et verts. Premièrement, dans ce travail de thèse, nous définissons les termes «durable et vert» dans le domaine du logiciel afin de créer des logiciels respectant les critères de ces termes. Pour créer un produit logiciel, nous devons suivre un processus d'ingénierie logicielle. Par conséquent, nous décrivons des critères durables et verts à respecter après chaque étape de ce processus afin d'établir un processus d'ingénierie logicielle durable et écologique. En particulier, nous nous concentrons sur l'estimation de la consommation d'énergie du logiciel. De nombreux travaux ont essayé de proposer divers outils pour estimer la consommation d'énergie due aux logiciels afin de réduire l'empreinte carbone. Pendant longtemps, les solutions proposées se sont concentrées uniquement sur la conception du matériel, mais ces dernières années, les aspects logiciels sont également devenus importants. Malheureusement, ces études, dans la plupart des cas, ne considèrent que le CPU et négligent tous les autres composants. Les modèles de consommation d'énergie existants doivent être améliorés en tenant compte de plus de composants susceptibles de consommer de l'énergie pendant l'exécution d'une application. L'écriture d'un logiciel durable, performant et vert nécessite de comprendre le comportement de consommation d'énergie d'un programme informatique. L'un des avantages est que les développeurs, en améliorant leurs implémentations du code source, optimiseront la consommation d'énergie du logiciel. De plus, il existe un manque d'outil d'analyse pour surveiller dynamiquement la consommation d'énergie du code source de plusieurs composants. Ainsi, nous proposons GMTEEC (Méthodologie Générique d'Outil pour Estimer la Consommation Energétique) qui se compose de quatre couches aidant et guidant la construction d'un outil permettant d'estimer la consommation énergétique d'un logiciel. Ainsi, dans notre travail, en respectant les couches de GMTEEC, nous créons TEEC (Outil pour Estimer la Consommation Energétique) qui repose sur une formule mathématique établie pour chaque composant (CPU, mémoire, disque dur, réseau) susceptible de consommer de l'énergie afin d'estimer la consommation totale d'énergie du logiciel composée de la somme de chaque consommation d'énergie par composant. De plus, nous ajoutons à TEEC la capacité de localiser dynamiquement les points chauds qui sont les parties du code source consommant la plus grande quantité d'énergie afin d'aider et guider les développeurs à optimiser leur code source et à créer des logiciels efficaces, durables et verts... [etc] / The number of mobile devices (smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc.) and Internet users are continually increasing. Due to the accessibility provided by cloud computing, Internet and Internet of Things (IoT), users use more and more software applications which cause an increasing effect on gas emission. Thus, ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) is responsible of around 2% worldwide greenhouse gas emissions which is equivalent of that emitted by the airline industry. According to recent reports, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), CO2 emissions due to ICT are increasing widely. Nevertheless, ICT, in allowing to solve complex problems in other sectors, can greatly and easily participate to reduce significant portion of the remaining 98% of global CO2 emissions. The use of software implies hardware operations which are physically responsible of energy consumption. Consequently, software is indirectly involved in the energy consumption. Thus, we need to reduce software energy consumption while maintaining the same functionalities for the software in order to build sustainable and green software. Firstly, in this thesis work, we define the terms sustainable and green in the area of software development. To build a software product, we need to follow a software engineering process. Hence, we define and describe sustainable and green criteria to be respected after each step of this process in order to establish a sustainable and green software engineering process. Then, we focus on the software energy consumption estimation. Many research works tried to propose various tools to estimate the energy consumption due to software in order to reduce carbon footprint. Unfortunately, these studies, in the majority of cases, consider only the CPU and neglects all others components. Existing power consumption methodologies need to be improved by taking into account more components susceptible to consume energy during runtime of an application. Writing sustainable, power efficient and green software necessitates to understand the power consumption behavior of a computer program. One of the benefits is the fact that developers, by improving their source code implementations, will optimize software power consumption. Moreover, there is a lack of analyzing tool to dynamically monitor source code energy consumption of several components. Thus, we propose GMTEEC (Generic Methodology of a Tool to Estimate Energy Consumption) which is composed of four layers assisting developers to build a tool estimating the software power consumption. Hence, in our work, respecting the layers of GMTEEC, we develop TEEC (Tool to Estimate Energy Consumption) which is based on mathematical formula established for each component (CPU, memory, hard disk, network) in order to estimate the total software energy consumption. Moreover, we add in TEEC the capacity to locate dynamically the hotpoints which are the parts of source code consuming the greater amount of energy in order to help and guide developers to optimize their source code and build efficient, sustainable and green software. We performed a variety of experiments to validate the accuracy and quality of the sustainable and green software engineering process and TEEC. The results demonstrate the possibility to save significant quantity of energy and time at limited costs with an important positive impact on environment

Sustainable Software Engineering : An Investigation Into the Technical Sustainability Dimension

HYGERTH, HENRIK January 2016 (has links)
is study has focused on the technical sustainability dimension of sustainable soŸware engineering. Sustainabilitywithin soŸware engineering is something that has recently started to gain traction, where most of theresearch has focused on the environmental dimension.e purpose of this study was to investigate the technicalsustainability dimension, and contribute by continuing to build upon previous research which has suggestedsustainability as a part of non-functional requirements and as a part of soŸware quality.is study was conducted with a qualitative approach. is approach used interviews with people withexperience of working in soŸware development to collect data. e interviews were used to gain in-depthinformation of the dišerent aspects in soŸware development, e.g. development processes.e results, based on the interviews, showed that from a technical sustainability perspective there are issueswith where the focus of the work is in soŸware development and also problems related to how timemanagementis used.e results also showed that there was some lacking in understanding the benets and tradeošs ofdecisions made in the project, for example regarding the soŸware design, which can result in unnecessarycomplexity is acquired.e study found that the culture within soŸware development projects and companies needs to be changedtowards a culture which promotes the development of high quality soŸware. Because non-functional requirementsand soŸware quality are components of technical sustainability, therefore is the technical sustainabilityhigher if the quality is high. It was further found that this culture would be possible if changes were made tothe way prioritisations are made, and the way testing is performed should be extended. Finally it was foundthat the understanding of the benets and tradeošs of decisions and ideas needs to be increased and extendedcollectively.e study concluded that the technical sustainability dimension can be achieved through these changes andthat the problem and solution therefore are not small and local but rather a big and complex issue where thesolution spans several solutions that encompasses dišerent aspects and perspectives.

GHG impact of cloud IT solutions from Scania's commercial autonomous vehicles in use phase: Assessment, challenges, and possible recommendations to reduce GHG impact

Huifen, Cong January 2022 (has links)
Sustainability study in the ever-growing Information technology (IT) sector is an emerging interdisciplinary research field. As one essential element in this sector, the development and implementation of cloud-based autonomous vehicles have the great potential to bring convenience to society and are defined as the climate change mitigation strategy. For instance, autonomous vehicles are able to fully utilize the eco-driving systems to reduce carbon emissions and reach high energy efficiency. Previous studies have shown that cloud IT service, one of the critical technologies for autonomous vehicles, is likely to yield novelties and advantages to the IT industry and reduce the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from other sectors. However, cloud services and their data center infrastructures consume plenty of electricity globally and cause GHG emission impacts. Robust methodologies to assess the environmental impacts related to cloud IT solutions are still lacking in academia and industry. In sum, there are knowledge gaps between empirical studies and general interest in software- supported and data-driven autonomous vehicles and their cloud service.  The purpose of this study is to investigate the possibilities and challenges connected to the assessment of the GHG impact related to cloud IT solutions in an autonomous vehicle set up. This study also aims to explore possible recommendations to reduce the GHG emission of cloud IT services. A qualitative in-depth case study is performed. The primary data is collected by semi-structured interview method, while the secondary data is collected by the scoping literature review method. The interviews are conducted with employees with different roles related to cloud services and/or sustainability at the case company.  The findings show the lack of transparent methodologies and calculation guidelines to assess cloud GHG emissions, both in the research community and industry. It shows the great opportunity and market demand for sound assessment methodologies and tools. Besides, six challenges to assessing cloud GHG emissions on the autonomous vehicle set up are identified: i) assessing system boundaries, ii) data quality and collection methods, iii) measurement methodologies, iv) calculation process, v) validation process, and vi) some other challenges. Additionally, five possible recommendations are developed to reduce the cloud GHG emissions: i) cloud GHG emission visualization and measurement tool, ii) better promotional schemes for user’s awareness and engagement, iii) investigations on both top-down and bottom-up approaches, iv) optimization through usage demand shaping, and v) optimization of the infrastructure services.

Klimatnyttoanalys : en potentiell modell för att utvärdera IKT lösningars miljöpåverkan / Climate benefit analysis : a potential model for evaluating the environmental impact of ICT solutions

Bergman, Linnéa January 2022 (has links)
Digitala lösningar och information- och kommunikationsteknik (IKT) har föreslagits som ett potentiellt kraftfullt verktyg för att skapa smarta hållbara lösningar som minskar utsläpp och energibehov. Det pågår däremot en debatt huruvida IKT-lösningar verkligen bidrar till minskade utsläpp och minskad energikonsumtion. Det finns ett behov att utvärdera IKT-lösningars påverkan på klimatet med utgångspunkt i ekologisk, ekonomisk och social hållbarhet. Ett tillvägagångssätt att utvärdera klimateffekter är genom hållbarhetsanalyser. Elvenite och dess moderbolag har tagit fram en hållbarhetsanalys som kallas klimatnyttoanalys, vars huvudsakliga syfte är att öka kunskapen kring företagets digitaliseringslösningars positiva och negativa klimatpåverkan. Klimatnyttoanalysen är ny arbetsprocess på Elvenite och denna studie ämnar undersöka dess utvecklingsmöjligheter genom att kartlägga hur medarbetarna på Elvenite och en utvald kund ser på arbetet med klimatnyttoanalys. Baserat på kartläggningen kommer denna studie ge förslag och rekommendationer för fortsatt arbete med klimatnyttoanalys samt ge ett förslag på ett ramverk. Studien är avgränsad att endast ta hänsyn till de ekologiska aspekterna av hållbarhet. Den metod som används är en litteratursökning, en enkätundersökning som analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys samt en intervjustudie som analyserades med tematisk analys. I resultatet presenteras klimatnyttoanalysen i relation till tidigare forskning, en sammanställning av enkätundersökningen samt en sammanställning av den tematiska analysen av intervjustudien. Studien kommer fram till åtta åtgärdsförslag på hur klimatnyttoanalysen behöver utvecklas samt vad Elvenite behöver göra för att fortsätta arbetet med klimatnyttoanalyser och en viktig tanke om social hållbarhet som Elvenite bör ta hänsyn till. Dessutom presenteras ett förslag på ett ramverk baserat på de åtta åtgärdsförslagen. / Digital solutions and information and communication technology (ICT) have been proposed as a potentially powerful tool for creating smart sustainable solutions that reduce emissions and energy needs. On the other hand, there is a debate about whether ICT solutions really contribute to reduced emissions and energy consumption. There is a need to evaluate the impact of ICT solutions on the climate based on ecological, economic, and social sustainability. One approach to evaluating climate effects is through sustainability analysis. Elvenite and its parent company have developed a sustainability analysis called climate benefit analysis, whose main purpose is to increase knowledge about the company's digitalization solutions' positive and negative climate impact. The climate benefit analysis is a new work process at Elvenite, and this study intends to investigate its development opportunities by mapping how the employees at Elvenite and a selected customer view the work with climate benefit analysis. Based on the survey, this study will provide proposals and recommendations for continued work with climate benefit analysis and provide a proposal for a framework. The study is limited to considering only the ecological aspects of sustainability. The method used is a literature search, a questionnaire survey that was analyzed with qualitative content analysis and an interview study that was analyzed with thematic analysis. The results present the climate benefit analysis in relation to previous research, a compilation of the questionnaire survey and a compilation of the thematic analysis of the interview study. The study comes up with eight proposals for measures on how the climate benefit analysis needs to be developed and what Elvenite needs to do to continue the work with climate benefit analyzes and an important idea of social sustainability that Elvenite should consider. In addition, a proposal for a framework based on the eight proposals for action is presented.

Designing Business Models of Tomorrow : Exploring the Expansion of Cleantech-as-a-Service through an Agile approach

Gudmundsson, Sofia, Lachini, Anaïs January 2021 (has links)
Background: Three mega trends are profoundly changing today’s market dynamics; climate change, digitalization, and globalization. The increasing interconnectivity and omnipresence of digital technologies are blurring the boundaries of the physical and virtual reality, implying a shift in how digital companies create value and internationalize. Also, new policies and higher customer demand in greener and smarter technologies have created new opportunities for value creation to develop cleaner technologies that foster the growth of clean-technology firms. To be competitive and persist in a sustainable and digital economy, firms must be able to cope with changing market conditions. Strategic agility can support to avoid rigidity and benefit from change, which is fostered by strong dynamic capabilities. Knowledge gaps: The study aims to address shortcomings of digital sustainability business models and specifically characterize the emerging sector of sustainable software companies offering Cleantech-as-a-Service applications. The international potential of these ventures recognizes the need to elaborate on internationalization drivers. The globally competitive environment enforces the need to be strategically agile, whereby applying agile principles to an international context can bring a comprehensive view of internationalizing digital sustainability ventures’ critical capabilities and business model characteristics. The study will also assert the role of collaborative ecosystems in an entrepreneurial internationalization. Purpose: This study will explore the emergence of Cleantech-as-a-Service and investigate how these digital entrepreneurs achieve strategic agility in global pivoting and competitive environments. Our exploratory research aims to apply agile principles to entrepreneurial internationalization strategies, where we through six in-depth interviews will discover the role of digital cleantech firms’ dynamic business models, capabilities, and ecosystems when entering a foreign market. Theoretical framework: The conceptual frame of references is based on two major sections where the first considers the context of digital and sustainable firms and exhibits the essences of digital and sustainable business model designs and how to sustain competitiveness through the interrelation of dynamic capabilities and strategic agility. In the second section the study brings forward theory supporting the exploration of an agile internationalization for digital firms, such as virtual markets and ecosystems. The key theoretical forthcomings are summarized into a conceptual framework that combines the role and interplay of entrepreneurs, business models, as well as networks and ecosystems on the basis of strategic agility and dynamic capabilities, that jointly foster an agile and virtual internationalization. Methodology: The interpretive research used an explorative and abductive approach to perform a qualitative multiple case design. The empirical study was based on six Cleantech-as-a-Service companies where in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with the informants of significant positions. The thematic and content data analysis supported the identification of common patterns and themes through coding which guided the subsequent analysis chapter. Findings: Our study revealed characteristics and success factors of Cleantech-as-a-Service ventures operating on global volatile markets, which adopt a leagile approach. The findings supported a definition of the concept but also identified the dynamic capabilities and flexible business models leveraged to sustain international competitive agility. The key agile capabilities relate to networking, experimenting, and learning whereas business model characteristics confer resiliency, interdependency, and efficiency.

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