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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Keep on Tracking : Understanding the long term use of personal informatics systems

Balaskas, Andreas January 2016 (has links)
Personal Informatics (PI) systems common trending theme is fitness, which in turn is a trending theme in human-computer interaction. These systems have been the focus of a handful of studies. So far, the research that has been conducted merely focuses on the technical details of such services and few investigate the longitudinal use of PI systems. Even though fitness is a popular area, still personal informatics systems designed for this purpose suffer from short-term use. Therefore, there is a need to design systems that encourages users for prolong use. The prolonged use of digital artifacts is an issue of sustainable interaction design. The purpose of this thesis is to explore the design space of personal informatics fitness systems through the lens of sustainable interaction design. This thesis aims at investigating motives and intentions behind the longitudinal use of personal informatics fitness systems. This thesis argues that by adopting the lens of sustainable interaction design we can find ways of designing PI systems with prolonged use for the users. Based on the findings the thesis ends by suggesting a guideline for designing personal informatics fitness systems which will hopefully help interaction designers and researchers alike.

Framtagande av en prototyp som stöder ett mer hållbart konsumtionsbeteende gällande e-returer

Johannesdottir, Lara, Berg, Tilde January 2023 (has links)
På grund av den ökade klädkonsumtionen inom e-handeln har antalet digitala returer ökat markant, vilket har bidragit till ohanterbara mängder returer för återförsäljare inom e-handeln. En stor mängd av dessa returer slängs eller bränns upp och orsakar på så sätt negativ påverkan på miljön. För att minska antalet returer har tidigare studier genomförts där olika former av storleks- och passformsteknologi har tagits fram med syfte att underlätta för klädkonsumenter att hitta rätt storlek. Denna form av teknologi har däremot inte bidragit till minskningen av antalet returer. Förutom problem med storlek och passform, är klädkonsumenters beteende en bidragande orsak till den stora mängden returer. Forskningsfrågan för denna studie är därför: Hur kan klädkonsumenters tidigare erfarenhet av e-returer bidra till designprocessen vid framtagande av en prototyp som stöder ett mer hållbart konsumtionsbeteende? De datainsamlingsmetoder som används i studien är enkät, intervjuer och framtidsverkstäder med utgångspunkt i forskningsstrategin grundad teori. Analys utifrån grundad teori tillämpas sedan för att identifiera mönster i deltagarnas utsagor. Utifrån analysen av den insamlade datan och resultatet från framtidsverstäderna framtas tre prototyper som utgår ifrån persuasive design, som innebär att genom design försöka övertyga personer att agera på ett mer hållbart vis. Genom testning av dessa identifieras den slutgiltiga prototypen som kan uppmuntra klädkonsumenter till ett mer hållbart konsumtionsbeteende. Baserat på datainsamlingen och den framtagna prototypen utformas en teori som tyder på att det behöver framföras korrekt information kring företags returhantering för att möjliggöra en förändring i klädkonsumenters returbeteende. / Due to the increased consumption of clothing in e-commerce, the number of digital returns has increased significantly, which has contributed to unmanageable amounts of returns for e-commerce retailers. A large amount of these returns are thrown away or burned, thus causing a negative impact on the environment. To reduce the number of returns, previous studies have been carried out where various forms of size and fit technology have been developed with the aim of making it easier for clothing consumers to find the right size. However, this form of technology has not contributed to reduction of returns. In addition to size and fit issues, clothing consumer behavior is a contributing factor to the high volume of returns. The study’s research question therefore is: How can clothing consumers' previous experience with e-returns contribute to the design process when producing a prototype that supports more sustainable consumption behavior? The data collection methods used in the study are questionnaires, interviews and future workshops based on the research strategy grounded theory. Analysis based on grounded theory is then applied to identify patterns in the participants' statements. Based on the analysis of the collected data and the results from the future workshops, three prototypes are created that are based on persuasive design, which means trying to convince people to act in a more sustainable way through design. By testing the prototypes, the final prototype is identified which can encourage clothing consumers to a more sustainable consumption behavior. Based on the data collection and the prototype, a theory is developed that suggests that correct information needs to be presented regarding companies' return management in order to enable a change in the return behavior of clothing consumers.

A design proposal for reducing online consumption and providing knowledge about sustainability using critical design and a user-centric design approach

Muftic, Amina January 2018 (has links)
Overconsumption is one of the reasons why our natural resources are running out faster thanever. However, the word overconsumption can be interpreted in different ways. Thus, it thecore meaning is, the excessive consumption of redundant belongings. The purpose of thisthesis is to research how people consume today, and what can be done to reduce thoseneedless purchases. It will specifically focus on the clothes since that is one of the things thatnot only affects the environment but it can be ethically immoral for the people whomanufacture the clothes.Through research and findings, a prototype will be created in order to study if that can be asolution for people’s excessive consumptions. It will investigate if a digital interactivesolution can impact people to consume less or at least make them rethink about sustainableand ethically made items.

SwapnSave - A design proposal for collectively reducing carbon emissions

Arnold, Kristina January 2020 (has links)
This thesis contributes to Sustainable Interaction Design by exploring how an eco-feedback enriched design proposal may engage people to collectively reduce carbon emissions. Taking a participatory design approach, the project identified fashion consumption as an area of opportunity towards this aim and proposes a design concept as an alternative to resource and emission-intense consumption by engaging swapping and renting of fashion. Challenges found in field research with regard to re-using fashion were problematised, namely quality, trust and fairness. The project aimed to address these challenges by conceptualizing an engaging user experience that creates a community between people to share fashion with each other. Values and unique qualities of fashion were investigated as well as how visualizing the environmental impact of such activity affects user engagement. User testing suggests that such eco-feedback positively impacts engagement with the proposed concept.

Värdet av sentimentalitet: Att reda ut kopplingen mellan människa och objekt

Friberg, Beatrice, Wahlstein, Elsa January 2023 (has links)
I denna rapport kommer ämnet sentimentalitet och ensoulment att undersökas. Sentimentalitet är något väldigt personligt och svårdefinierat, och att koppla det till en designprocess är utmanande. Det engelska begreppet ensoulment, som även kommer diskuteras i arbetet, syftar på det värde som en design tar in och hur designen kan förmedla en viss känsla. Dessa två begrepp kopplat till design kan beskriva hur en användare värdesätter artefakter. Det finns ett antal artiklar som diskuterar sentimentalitet i design och hur viktigt det är att inkorporera det i en designprocess, men väldigt få har applicerat det och producerat prototyper eller produkter. Att jobba med ett begrepp kopplat till känslor och egna minnen gör att det är svårt att få ett generellt tillvägagångssätt i en designprocess. Den frågeställning som detta arbete har jobbat med ifrågasätter på vilket sätt det går att uppnå sentimentalitet i design genom att arbeta med fyra termer, engagemang, historia, förstärkning och upplevd hållbarhet. De metoder som valdes att tillämpas i detta arbete är forskning genom design, fokusgrupp, tematisk analys och en look & feel prototyp. Dessa metoder valdes för att de ansågs lämpliga för att kunna besvara frågeställningen. Två fokusgrupper utfördes med grund i detta där deltagarna uppmuntrades att diskutera deras egen syn på sentimentalitet och hur samt vad de värdesätter i objekt de håller kärt. Resultatet av studien visar att det inte aktivt går att skapa en produkt som förmedlar sentimentalitet, utan det går att trigga en sentimental känsla hos användare genom att använda sig av kopplingar till känslor och minnen. Resultatet visar att ensoulment dock är något som bättre kan inkorporeras i en designprocess för att skapa värde hos användaren. Slutsatsen som drogs är att det inte går att skapa ett sentimentalt värde i en ny produkt, men det går att trigga sentimentalitet med hjälp av olika sinnen. Att använda sig av de fyra termerna kommer att leda till att en design har större chans att bli ensouled från start. / In this paper, the topic of sentimentality and ensoulment will be explored. Sentimentality is something very personal and difficult to define and linking it to a design process is challenging. The English term ensoulment, which will also be discussed in the work, refers to the value that a design takes in and how the design can convey a certain feeling. These two concepts related to design can describe how a user values an artefact. There are several articles discussing sentimentality in design and how important it is to incorporate it into a design process, but very few have applied it and produced prototypes or products. Working with a concept linked to emotions and personal memories makes it difficult to get a general approach in a design process. The outline of this work questions in what way it is possible to achieve sentimentality in design by working with four terms: engagement, history, augmentation, and perceived durability. The methods chosen to be applied in this work are research by design, focus group, thematic analysis, and a look & feel prototype. These methods were chosen because they were considered suitable for answering the research question. Two focus groups were conducted based on this, where participants were encouraged to discuss their own views on sentimentality and how and what they value in objects they value. The results of the study show that it is not possible to actively create a product that conveys sentimentality, but it is possible to trigger a sentimental feeling in users by using links to emotions and memories. However, the results show that ensoulment is something that can be better incorporated into a design process to create value for the user. The conclusion drawn is that it is not possible to create a sentimental value in a new product, but it is possible to trigger sentimentality using different senses. Using the four terms will mean that a design has a greater chance of being ensouled from the start.

IXD and Second-hand Shopping Experience : Interactions to better the user experience of second-hand stores to attract Fast-Fashion Consumers to Second-hand Shopping Experience

Al-Eryani, Abdulrahman January 2022 (has links)
This project deals with the potential interaction design that can create ways for fast-fashion consumers toward using second-hand clothing. Through contextual inquiries, main insights were used to guide the prototyping. This led to creating Vintage Block, an app and in-store experience consisting of three different ideas. The first one is a raffle that inspires more people to give quality items to the store for a chance to win the monthly premium item. This is in hopes of receiving a wider variety of sizes and styles from the customers. Secondly, the use of upcycling to customize through the app as well as through QR codes on items at the store. That aims to incentivize customers to download the app and potentially fulfill their shopping needs. Thirdly, an online shopping experience through the app where there is no shipping option to promote sustainable behavior and lower transportation emissions.

Mevetenhet och förändringsvilja i vardagen : En studie om hur mobilapplikationer kan bidra till en mer hållbar livsstil / Awareness and will of change in the everyday life : A study on how mobile applications can contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle

Klerks, Josephine, Zetterman, Agnes January 2015 (has links)
Today smartphones and mobile applications are a part of our everyday life and information has become more accessible then ever before. The notion of sustainability was established in 1987 and is just as relevant now as then. Sustainable Interaction Design is still today a rather unexplored area, nonetheless important to examine. The purpose of this thesis is to study how mobile applications can help and encourage users toa more sustainable lifestyle. Further more we wanted to look into the awareness of people and their willingness to change their everyday life. By choosing two different mobile applications with a focus on environmental questions we have analyzed how users are allowed to be affected. The result is also based on one survey and one focus group. The resultis interpreted based on previous research by Jeffrey Bardzell and Shaowen Bardzell, Elina Eriksson and Daniel Pargman, Maria Normark and Jacob Tholander with theories around Critical Design, Vanilla Sustainability and Perfomative Design. Our conclusion is that mobile applications can help users to a more sustainable living. For users to be encouraged and affected we have defined som key factors. Pleasing aesthetics and structure are required, the information published should not be ambiguous, but clear and accurate, and the behaviour that is encouraged should benefit the user. In addition we have discovered a connection between awareness and the willingness to change. / Smarta telefoner och mobilapplikationer är idag en del av vår vardag och information harblivit mer lättillängligt än någonsin. Begreppet hållbarhet definierades år 1987 och är likaaktuellt då som nu. Hållbar interaktionsdesign är idag ett relativt outtforskat område och somär, möjligtvis just därför, viktigt att undersöka.Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur mobilapplikationer kan hjälpa och uppmuntraanvändare till en mer hållbar livsstil. Samtidigt ville vi undersöka medvetenheten och viljantill förändring hos människor i vardagen när det kommer till hållbara val.Vi har valt ut två applikationer med miljöfokus och med hjälp av dem har vi analyserat huranvändare blir påverkade av miljörelaterade frågor. Resultatet är även baserat på enenkätundersökning och en fokusgruppstudie. Vi har tolkat resultatet utifrån tidigare forskningav Jeffrey Bardzell och Shaowen Bardzell, Elina Eriksson och Daniel Pargman samt MariaNormark och Jacob Tholander med teorier kring kritisk design, vanillasustainability och perfomative design. Vi har kommit fram till att mobilapplikationer kanhjälpa användare till en mer hållbar livsstil. Vi har definierad några viktiga faktorer för attanvändare ska bli påverkade och uppmuntrade. En tilltalande estetik och struktur krävs,informationen som ges ut bör inte vara tvetydig utan klar och korrekt samt att denbeteendeförändring som uppmuntras gärna ska gynna användaren själv. Vi har även funnit enkoppling mellan medvetenhet och förändringsvilja.

StickyDesignSpace: Incorporating the Attachment Framework into Product Design Practice

Chu, Wanjun January 2015 (has links)
Creating and encouraging longer-lasting relationship between designed products and its users is one of the goals that researchers in Sustainable HCI trying to achieve. The attachment framework is proposed by previous study that aims to provide knowledge and insight for designers to create longer-lasting relationship between products and users. As arguments have been made that there is a gap between Sustainable HCI theory and design practice. The attachment framework is one of the well established theoretical frameworks that need effective knowledge transformation from theory to practice. The aim of the study is to design, develop and evaluate a web-based interactive tool -- StickyDesignSpace, which helps product designers to embed the attachment framework into their design background research process. The study employs a research through design approach which focuses on the creation of innovative artifacts to solve practical problems. A web-based tool was designed and developed through the grounding, ideation and iteration process. And a high-fidelity prototype was evaluated by four design participants. The results indicated that the web tool StickyDesignSpace fostered the participated designers' attachment-related thinking by providing attachment design principles and generic design properties in a two dimensional space for organizing design background research data. Furthermore, the tool promoted the participated designers' attachment design knowledge transformation from background research process to design ideation process. According to participants' design objectives and background research goals, the tool also showed flexibility to be applied in other design process such as design idea formation and design evaluation process. The study shed light on the possibility of creating interactive tools to communicate sustainable HCI design frameworks to design practitioners, and offer the insights of how design practitioners integrate the attachment framework into their design thinking and process.

Learning from Green Technology Designers

Friedberg, Earl January 2014 (has links)
This thesis presents results from a qualitative case study on environmentally minded technology designers, and provides an account of how these designers think, differ and behave. Through semi-structured interviews, we interview designers at a large mobile phone manufacturer. The responses of environmentally minded designers are contrasted with traditional designers. The findings lead to a discussion on the differing roles, tradeoffs and standards between these two groups of designers.

This SUX! The Sustainable UX Design Toolkit : Towards sustainable development goals in UX practice

Markmann, Alice January 2021 (has links)
UX designers define digital products that shape our modern world. They are at the very beginning of product development and can directly influence the impact the products generate. However, little attention is paid to sustainability values in day-to-day business, which has a counterproductive effect on all dimensions of sustainable development. This thesis explores how a digital co-design toolkit can help UX design (UXD) practitioners find ways to integrate sustainable values into their daily work. Thematically, this project focuses on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). On the one hand, to ensure a holistic point of view on the topic of sustainable development. On the other hand, to provide an approach to contribute to the SDGs from the UXD field. This research builds upon Sustainable Interaction Design (SID) theories, and a participatory design approach is pursued using a co-design process. The result of this work is a digital toolkit, which is designed for a collaborative online whiteboard platform for UX practitioners. The thesis contributes knowledge to the field of Interaction Design by proposing a toolkit for sustainable UX design.

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