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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kauno miesto sveikatos priežiūros įstaigos darbuotojų patiriamo priekabiavimo darbe paplitimas ir sąsajos su subjektyviu savo sveikatos vertinimu / Workplace bullying in Kaunas health care institution and the associations with self-report health

Dačkutė, Aušra 15 June 2009 (has links)
Pastarųjų metų Europos tyrimai rodo, kad psichologinis smurtas ir priekabiavimas sukelia didesnę grėsmę daugumai darbuotojų, nei fizinis smurtas. Priekabiavimas sukelia stresą, padidina psichologinę įtampą bei riziką darbe, įtakoja ligų atsiradimą. Darbo tikslas. Išanalizuot Kauno miesto sveikatos priežiūros įstaigos darbuotojų patiriamo priekabiavimo darbe paplitimą ir jų sąsajas su subjektyviu savo sveikatos vertinimu. Tyrimo metodika. Tyrime iš viso dalyvavo 226 sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų darbuotojai. Iš jų 176 Kauno miesto sveikatos priežiūros įstaigos darbuotojai ir palyginamosios grupės 130 sveikatos priežiūros specialistų. Tyrimas atliktas anoniminės apklausos būdu 2008-2009 m. rugsėjo - balandžio mėnesiais. Duomenų analizei naudotos programos SPSS 15,0 for Windows ir MS Excel. Rezultatai. Kauno miesto sveikatos priežiūros įstaigos darbuotojai statistiškai reikšmingai dažniau patyrė dažną priekabiavimą (5,8 proc.), nei palyginamoji grupė (3,8 proc.) (p=0,022). Pagal pareigas, dažną priekabiavimą patyrė 4,4 proc. slaugytojų ir 8,6 proc. kitas personalas. Gydytojai priekabiavimo darbe nepatyrė. Nustatytas ryšys tarp dažnai patiriamo priekabiavimo ir diagnozuotų sveikatos sutrikimų: kaklo/peties skausmų (p=0,047); traumų, lūžių, išnirimų, žaizdų, sužalojimų (p<0,000); plaštakos/rankos skausmų (p=0,028). 50 proc. slaugytojų, patyrusių dažną priekabiavimą, turėjo minimalių psichinės sveikatos sutrikimų (p=0,015). 28,6 proc. slaugytojų, dažnai patyrusių priekabiavimą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Recent researches in Europe have shown that workplace bullying induces more intense threat in comparison with physical violence. Aim of the study. To make analysis of prevalence of undergoing bullying by the workers of Kaunas health care institutions and find out the links with self-reported health. Methods. The survey was conducted in one of the health care institutions in Kaunas and 96 workers of that institution were interviewed. Additionally, 130 nurses were randomly selected form the Kaunas district as control group. The questionnaire was composed of seven parts and 59 questions overall. The Negative Acts questionnaire, developed by S. Einarsen and H. Hoel, was used. The statistical software SPSS 15.0 for windows was used in the data analysis. Results. Less than one quarter of Kaunas health care institution workers admitted about undergoing bullying in the work place. Moreover, workers of Kaunas health care institution statistically significant more often have undergone bullying in workplace (5.8 %) in comparison with control group (3.8 %, p=0.022).Depending on position, repeated bullying have undergone 4.4% of nurses and 8.6% other staff. Occasional bullying have undergone 24.4% of nurses and 2.9% other staff. Medical doctors have not undergone any bullying in the workplace. Conclusions. Bullying in the workplace was common in both comparative groups of health care workers. Workers who have undergone repeated bullying in the workplace more often complained about... [to full text]

Sveikatos priežiūros specialistų, vykdančių moksleivių sveikatos priežiūrą Kauno mieste, kompetencijos vertinimas / Competence self-assessment of school health care specialists in Kaunas

Mingailienė, Rūta 13 June 2006 (has links)
Aim of the study: to evaluate competence of school health care specialists in Kaunas. Objectives: 1. to evaluate professional competence; 2. to evaluate personal and social competence; 3. to determine the factors related to competence evaluation. Methods: The object of the research – competence of school health care specialists. Three levels of competence – professional, personal and social – are evaluated. Methods – 1. review of scientific literature; 2. juridical paper analysis; 3. questionnaire survey; 4. statistical data analysis (Spearman correlation coefficient, t – test, descriptive statistics. Results: The analysis of professional knowledge self-assessment of separate functions showed that 10 functions out of 17 were evaluated by 4 points and over. Total evaluation of knowledge of all 17 functions was 67,9±8,8 points out of 85 points possible. The analysis of professional skills self-assessment showed that skills of 9 functions out of 17 were evaluated by 4 points and over. Total evaluation of professional skills was 64,6±10,2 points out of 85 points possible. The evaluation of personal competence showed that respondents gave 4 points and over to 3 personal features out of 8 features possible. Total evaluation of personal competence was 31,7±4,3 points out of 40 points possible. The analysis of social competence evaluation showed that 2 out of 5 social features were evaluated by 4 points and over. Total evaluation of social competence reached 19,5±2,7... [to full text]

Medicinos darbuotojų psichologinių darbo aplinkos veiksnių ir savo sveikatos vertinimo sąsajų tyrimas / Medical staff health assessment research in perfective their interfaces of psichosocial work environment factors

Leščinskienė, Kristina 11 June 2012 (has links)
Įvadas. Pastarųjų metų Lietuvos ir Europos tyrimai rodo, kad psichologinė įtampa ir distresas darbe sukelia vis daugiau sveikatos sutrikimų bei įtakoja ligų atsiradimą. Darbo tikslas. Nustatyti sąsajas tarp medicinos darbuotojų psichosocialinių darbo aplinkos veiksnių ir savo sveikatos vertinimo. Tyrimo metodika. Tyrime iš viso dalyvavo 278 sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų darbuotojai. Iš jų 121 gydytojas ir 157 bendrosios praktikos slaugytojos. Tyrimas atliktas anoniminės apklausos būdu 2011 metų vasario - birželio mėnesiais. Naudojome standartizuotą Lietuvoje adaptuotą švedų klausimyną pagal Karaseką – reikalavimai, kontrolė, socialinė parama. Duomenų analizei naudotos programos SPSS 14,0 ir MS Word. Rezultatai. Kauno miesto sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų bendrosios praktikos slaugytojos (55,4 proc.) statistiškai reikšmingai dažniau patyrė įtampą darbe nei gydytojai (35,5 proc.) (p<0,001). Nustatytas statistiškai reikšmingas ryšys tarp aukšto arterinio kraujo spaudimo ir savo sveikatos vertinimo. 46,3 proc. (p=0,01) gydytojų turėjo aukštą arterinį kraujospūdį ir savo sveikatą įvertino kaip blogą. 45,3 proc. (p<0,001) slaugytojų turėjo aukštą arterinį kraujospūdį ir savo sveikatą įvertino kaip blogą. Nustatyti statistiškai reikšmingi skirtumai tarp gydytojų patiriamo psichologinio distreso (p=0,03), silpnos vidinės darnos (p<0,001) bei blogo savo sveikatos vertinimo. 41,9 proc. (p=0,02) bendrosios praktikos slaugytojų, patiriančių aukštus reikalavimus darbe ir pasižyminčių silpna... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Introduction. In recent years Lithuanian and European studies have shown that the psychological strain and distress at work is causing more and more health problems and influence the emergence of diseases. Aim of study. To determine the associations between medical staff’s psychosocial work environment factors and their health perception. Methods. The study included a total of 278 health care workers, 121 medical doctors and 157 general practice nurses. The survey has been accomplished anonymously in 2011, between February and June. A standardized Swedish questionnaire by Karasek adapted to Lithuanians – demands, control, and social support – was used. For Data analysis SPSS 14.0 and MS Word was used. Results. The general practice nurses in Kaunas city (55.4%) statistically significantly more frequently experienced job strain as compared to medical doctors (35.5%) (p<0.001). We established a statistically significant association between high blood pressure and self-rated health assessment. 46.3% (p=0.01) of medical doctors with elevated blood pressure assessed their health as poor. 45.3% (p<0.001) of nurses with elevated blood pressure rated their health as poor. We established statistically significant differences between psychological distress (p=0.03), weak sense of coherence (p<0.001) and poor self-rated health among medical doctors. 41.9% (p=0.02) general practice nurses experiencing high demands at work and having weak sense of coherence 33.7% (p=0.01) rated their... [to full text]

Paliatyviosios pagalbos organizavimas onkologine nepagydoma liga sergančiam vaikui: specialistų patirtis ir požiūris / Organisation of palliative care for children with terminal cancer: professional experience and approach

Balčiūnienė, Andželika 20 June 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas. Atskleisti sveikatos priežiūros specialistų, dirbančių vaikų onkohematologiniame skyriuje, patirtį teikiant paliatyviosios pagalbos paslaugas ir požiūrį į vaikų paliatyviosios pagalbos paslaugų organizavimą vaikui, sergančiam onkologine nepagydoma liga, Lietuvoje. Tyrimo klausimai: Kokia yra sveikatos priežiūros specialistų patirtis teikiant paliatyviosios pagalbos paslaugas vaikų onkohematologiniame skyriuje? Koks yra sveikatos priežiūros specialistų požiūris į vaikų paliatyviosios pagalbos paslaugų organizavimą vaikui, sergančiam onkologine nepagydoma liga, Lietuvoje? Tyrimo metodika. Atliktas kokybinis aprašomasis tyrimas, taikant giluminį interviu ir kokybinę turinio indukcinę analizę. Tyrimas buvo vykdomas 2012 m. lapkričio – 2013 m. vasario mėnesiais. Viso atlikta 12 interviu. Tyrime dalyvavo 12 specialistų: trys gydytojai, šeši slaugytojai, du psichologai, vienas socialinis darbuotojas. Tyrimo duomenų apdorojimui pasirinktas temų analizės metodas. Rezultatai. Tyrime dalyvavę specialistai vaikų paliatyviosios pagalbos sampratą apibūdino ir suprato plačiąja prasme, įžvelgdami ne tik medicininės, bet ir socialinės, psichologinės pagalbos svarbą. Grupinės diskusijos metu dominavo nuomonė, kad teikiant vaikų paliatyviosios pagalbos paslaugas labai svarbus yra medicininis aspektas, skausmo malšinimas, medicininė slauga. Specialistai aptarė vaikų paliatyviąją pagalbą kaip ypatingą bei keliančią didelę emocinę naštą dirbantiems šioje sityje. Specialistų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The objective of the research is to disclose the experience of health care professionals working at the Children’s Department of Oncology and Hematology in providing palliative care services and their approach towards organisation of palliative care services for children with terminal cancer in Lithuania. Research issues: What is the experience of health care professionals in providing palliative care services to children with terminal cancer at the Children’s Department of Oncology and Hematology? What is the approach of health care professionals towards organisation of palliative care services for children with terminal cancer in Lithuania? Research methods. The qualitative descriptive research involving in-depth interview and qualitative inductive content analysis was performed. The research was carried out during the period from November 2012 till February 2013. The total of 12 interviews was completed. 12 professionals participated in the research: three doctors, six nurses, two psychologists and one social worker. The topic analysis method was selected for the processing of the research data. Results. The professionals who participated in the research described and perceived the conception of palliative care for children in a broad sense and discerned the significance not only of medical care, but also of social and psychological help. During the group discussion the opinion that the medical aspect, pain relief and medical nursing are very important in providing... [to full text]

Sveikatos priežiūros paslaugų poreikis Alytaus miesto mokyklose / The need of health care services at the secondary schools of Alytus town

Kubilienė, Daiva 07 June 2005 (has links)
SUMMARY THE NEED OF HEALTH CARE SERVICES AT THE SECONDARY SCHOOLS OF ALYTUS TOWN Author: Daiva Kubiliene Supervisor: Linas Sumskas, PhD, Assoc. Professor, Department of Preventive Medicine, faculty of Public Health, Kaunas University of Medicine Aim of study. To evaluate the need of health care services in the secondary schools of Alytus. Objectives: 1. To assess the health and health behavioral problems in school-aged children. 2. To evaluate the attitudes of parents to the need of health care services at the secondary schools. 3. To evaluate the attitudes of staff of health care services at school about the provision of health care services in school settings. Methods. Questionnaire survey was carried out in parents of school-aged children of 3rd, 7th and 11th grades at the secondary schools in Alytus town in 2004. 216 respondents were selected for the study, 161 (74.5%) of them have filled in the questionnaire forms (response rate – 74.5%). A set of questions was addressed to parents in order to clarify parents’ attitudes about the health care services at schools. Also another questionnaire was developed for health care specialists of secondary schools: 9 from 12 have responded (75.0%). Statistical analysis was carried out using SPSS 10; criterion and p<0.05 confidence level was used for comparison between the variables. Results. Health care services were provided for students at all 18 secondary schools in Alytus. 12 health care specialists were conducting their duties... [to full text]

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