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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Manliga romers upplevelser av bemötande inom den svenska hälso- och sjukvården

Rönnberg, Christina, Andersson, Margareta January 2010 (has links)
<p>Background: In studies about Romani people’s health, it becomes clear that the Romani inseveral countries have a poor health and avoid seeking health care.Objective: The purpose of this study was to explore Romani men's experiences of treatmentin the Swedish health care.Method: A qualitative interview study was conducted with respondents about theirexperiences in individual interviews. Seven male Romanis were elected with a purposefulsample. A content analysis by systematic text condensation on the data obtained was made asdescribed by Granheim & Lundman (2004).Results: The summed up impressions of the responses was perceived to be good, however,many men believe that the information is inadequate. Staff at the emergency department inUppsala should listen more to patients. Less than half of men have felt discriminated againstwhen they sought treatment. More than half of respondents had experienced difficulties inhospitals when there may be a large number of visitors. Lack of understanding of the Romaniculture by health care professionals was experienced by almost all informants. A wish foropen-minded and respectful treatment was among the participants in the study.Conclusions: Culture and traditions have been shown to have a significant impact on theRomani men. It is essential that health professionals hold knowledge about the Romaniculture in order to satisfy the best response from this population.</p>

Manliga romers upplevelser av bemötande inom den svenska hälso- och sjukvården

Rönnberg, Christina, Andersson, Margareta January 2010 (has links)
Background: In studies about Romani people’s health, it becomes clear that the Romani inseveral countries have a poor health and avoid seeking health care.Objective: The purpose of this study was to explore Romani men's experiences of treatmentin the Swedish health care.Method: A qualitative interview study was conducted with respondents about theirexperiences in individual interviews. Seven male Romanis were elected with a purposefulsample. A content analysis by systematic text condensation on the data obtained was made asdescribed by Granheim &amp; Lundman (2004).Results: The summed up impressions of the responses was perceived to be good, however,many men believe that the information is inadequate. Staff at the emergency department inUppsala should listen more to patients. Less than half of men have felt discriminated againstwhen they sought treatment. More than half of respondents had experienced difficulties inhospitals when there may be a large number of visitors. Lack of understanding of the Romaniculture by health care professionals was experienced by almost all informants. A wish foropen-minded and respectful treatment was among the participants in the study.Conclusions: Culture and traditions have been shown to have a significant impact on theRomani men. It is essential that health professionals hold knowledge about the Romaniculture in order to satisfy the best response from this population.

Tuberculosis care in Stockholm : An organizational analysis based on staff perception

Åhlin, Erik January 2013 (has links)
In an increasingly more interconnected world, the importance of epidemiology in public and international health is rapidly increasing. Tuberculosis is one of the diseases that contributes to this, as its lengthy incubation time and annual high mortality count makes it one of the toughest bacteria for the medical community to combat. Sweden is today a low-endemic region but still suffers a number of cases each year. The majority of these infections have occurred abroad. This qualitative study aims evaluate the Swedish healthcare systems organizational structure in relation to the treating and tracking of tuberculosis. Key personnel from several different units working with diagnosing, treating and tracking of tuberculosis have been interviewed about their perception regarding the organizational structure. The data have been analyzed through H. Mintzbergs theoretical framework regarding organizational structure. The analysis shows that the current system can be described as an Adhocracy. The organization is highly capable of handling adjustment and producing unique and complex outputs in the form of individualized treatment plans and disease tracking efforts. However, the system is highly dependent on internal communication and has great difficulty in up-scaling and expanding. The study shows that the current system would be challenged by a sharp increase in tuberculosis-cases in Stockholm. / I en alltmer sammankopplad värld så får epidemiologin en ökad betydelse i folk- och internationell hälsa. Tuberkulos är en av de sjukdomarna som ligger bakom detta. Dess långa inkubationstid och höga dödstal gör att är en av de svåraste bakteriesjukdomarna att få bukt med. Sverige är idag ett låg-endemiskt land men drabbas ändå av ett par hundra fall per år. Majoriteten av dess infekteras i utland och reser sedan in i Sverige. Denna kvalitativa studie har som mål att utvärdera det svenska hälsovårdssystemet utifrån dess organisatoriska struktur. Datainsamlandet har skett via intervjuer med nyckelpersoner inom tuberkulos-vården kring deras uppfattning om den organisatoriska strukturen. Dessa har varit inblandade i att diagnostisera, behandla och smittospåra tuberkulos patienter. Denna data har sedan analyserat utifrån H.Mintzbergs teorier kring organisationsstruktur. Analysen visar att det aktuella systemet har många likheter med modellen Adhocracy, på så sätt att det är en organisation som kan justeras på ett mycket detaljerat och följsamt sätt i en dynamisk kontext. Den kan också producera unika och komplexa produkter i form av skräddarsydda behandlingsplaner och smittspårningar. Systemet lider dock av ett stort behov av inre kommunikation och möter svårigheter när verksamheten utökas. Slutsatsen blir att det nuvarande systemet skulle ha stora utmaningar med att hantera en markant ökning av tuberkulos fall i Stockholm.

Samordning för barn och ungdomar med frekvent behov av sjukvård / Coordination for children and youth with frequent need for medical care

Nilsson, Hanna, Johansson, Julia January 2014 (has links)
Purpose- The purpose of this project is to contribute to the knowledge of creating customer value through streamlining and coordination of patient flows for children and youth with frequent need of care on child and youth medical clinics. Method- One of the methods used for achieving the project's purpose is a case study on the Child and Youth Medicine Clinic at Länssjukhuset Ryhov in Jönköping. The case study has been used for collecting the empirical data that has been generated through interviews, observations and documents from the Child and Youth Health Clinic. Except the case study the authors also made studies in literature, which the collected empirical data has been anchored and related to. Together this led to the project's analysis and results. Results- When investigating the questions found in chapter one, it was determined standardized work is of great importance to create structure and implement procedures for the patient flows. A weak link in the patient flow has been identified, which is the sub-process coordination and planning. This constraint includes three types of requirements: patient requirements, requires of health professionals and legislated requirements. By paying attention to and taking into account these requirements a coordination function can be designed to streamline patient flows and increase the customer value. The authors concluded that a specific employment as a coordinator should be appointed. A coordinator provides opportunities for a personal communication between patients and health professionals. At the same time the coordinator is able to work with techniques for efficiency while taking into account the soft values in health care. Conclusions- There is a demand for coordination from health professionals and patients. A coordination function would streamline operations and contribute to increase the customer value. Taking into account the identified wastes and limitations a coordination can be possible. Research limitations- The project's data is collected during the case study that was conducted at the Child and Youth Health Clinic. Further case studies are desirable in other clinics and in other hospitals country wide. These studies will allow for a higher security when generalizing the results of the project. / Syfte- Syftet med projektet är att bidra till kunskapen om att skapa kundvärde genom effektivisering och samordning av patientflöden för barn med frekvent behov av vård på barn- och ungdomsmedicinska kliniker. Metod- För att uppnå projektets syfte har bland annat en fallstudie på Barn- och ungdomsmedicinska kliniken på Länssjukhuset Ryhov i Jönköping genomförts. Fallstudien har använts för insamling av empiri, genom intervjuer, observationer samt dokument från Barn- och ungdomsmedicinska kliniken. Utöver denna fallstudie har även en litteraturstudie bedrivits, som den insamlade empirin har förankrats och relaterats till. Detta har gemensamt lett till projektets analys och resultat.  Resultat- Det har framkommit att ett standardiserat arbetssätt är en förutsättning för att skapa struktur och införa rutiner gällande samordning för patientflöden. En svag länk i patientflödet har identifierats vilken är delprocessen samordning och planering. Denna länk innefattar tre typer av begränsningar, patientrelaterade begränsningar, begränsningar kopplade till vårdpersonal samt lagstiftade begränsningar. Genom att uppmärksamma och ta hänsyn till dessa begränsningar kan en samordningsfunktion utformas för att effektivisera patientflödet och höja kundvärdet. En specifik befattning som samordnare bör tillsättas, vilket ger möjlighet till personlig kontakt mellan patienter och vårdpersonal och kan även arbeta med tekniker för effektivisering samtidigt som hänsyn tas till mjuka värden. Slutsatser- Det finns en efterfrågan om samordning för såväl vårdpersonal som patienter. En samordningsfunktion skulle effektivisera verksamheten och bidra till ett ökat kundvärde. Genom att ta hänsyn till identifierade slöserier i patientflödet och begränsningar i vårdprocessen kan samordning möjliggöras. Begränsningar- Projektets empiri är insamlad under den fallstudie som bedrevs på Länssjukhuset Ryhov. Författarna hade önskat utöka sina perspektiv genom att involvera fler intervjupersoner för att ge projektet högre reliabilitet och validitet. Eftersom majoriteten av all personal med planeringsansvar på Barn- och ungdomsmedicinska kliniken intervjuats hade författarna behövt intervjua personal utanför det avgränsade området. Det hade även varit önskvärt att göra ytterligare fallstudier på andra kliniker och möjligtvis även på andra sjukhus i landet för att med högre säkerhet kunna generalisera projektets resultat. På grund av sekretesslagar och geografiska avstånd var detta inte möjligt.

Mångkulturell läkarvård i Sverige. Utländska läkares upplevelser av stress på arbetsplatsen / Multicultural medical care in Sweden. Foreign doctors' experiences of stress at work

Toma, Eva January 2010 (has links)
<p>Stress hör till vårdpersonalens vardag och talangen att hantera stress är en lämplig egenskap för ett bra vårdarbete. Undersökningens syfte var att beskriva hur utländska läkare upplever stress på arbetsplasten i sammanhang med språkbarriärer, kommunikationssvårigheter och kulturskillnader samt hur dessa svårigheter påverkade deras arbetsförande och privatlivet. Via sju intervjuer granskades läkares tankar, kunskaper och upplevelser och resultatet visade att dålig kommunikation och okunskap från patienter och kollegor hade en negativ påverkan på stressnivån i arbetet. Medan otillräckliga språkkunskaper i svenska uppfattades som ett stort hinder av informanterna. Resultatet visade även att socialt stöd och hjälp från kollegor och ansvariga chefer saknades vilket påverkade informanternas privatliv i form av försämrat självförtroende och minskad energi under ledig tid. Ett par förslag på förbättring för att minska stressnivån på informanternas arbetsplatser ges i slutet.</p>

Mångkulturell läkarvård i Sverige. Utländska läkares upplevelser av stress på arbetsplatsen / Multicultural medical care in Sweden. Foreign doctors' experiences of stress at work

Toma, Eva January 2010 (has links)
Stress hör till vårdpersonalens vardag och talangen att hantera stress är en lämplig egenskap för ett bra vårdarbete. Undersökningens syfte var att beskriva hur utländska läkare upplever stress på arbetsplasten i sammanhang med språkbarriärer, kommunikationssvårigheter och kulturskillnader samt hur dessa svårigheter påverkade deras arbetsförande och privatlivet. Via sju intervjuer granskades läkares tankar, kunskaper och upplevelser och resultatet visade att dålig kommunikation och okunskap från patienter och kollegor hade en negativ påverkan på stressnivån i arbetet. Medan otillräckliga språkkunskaper i svenska uppfattades som ett stort hinder av informanterna. Resultatet visade även att socialt stöd och hjälp från kollegor och ansvariga chefer saknades vilket påverkade informanternas privatliv i form av försämrat självförtroende och minskad energi under ledig tid. Ett par förslag på förbättring för att minska stressnivån på informanternas arbetsplatser ges i slutet.

Leaving so soon? : A study on the bullying of nurses

Lindqvist, Desirée January 2024 (has links)
Introduction. This study is about examining bullying of nurses in the Swedish health care system. Bullying is a negative behaviour that has been going on for a longer period of time (Arbetsmiljöverket, 2023a). The negative behaviour in healthcare can have consequences for not just the nurses, but also for the society as a whole. When nurses experience negative behaviour they are more likely to leave (Bambi, et al., 2018) and when nurses leave there is a greater shortage. Since the focus on previous research has mostly been on individuals and not the social interactions between co-workers, is why this studie has chosen to examen these social factors closer using Social perception theory. Framwork. Social perception theory is the processes by which people perceive other people. Especially how people interpret, categorize and form impressions of others. There are three major influences on social perception, which will form the three hypothesis. H1: There is a strong positive relationship between the characteristic of the situation on bullying which can triggers resignations. H2: There is a strong positive relationship between the characteristic of the person perceived on bullying which can triggers resignation. H3: There is a strong positive relationship between the characteristic of the perceiver on bullying which can triggers resignation. Method. Since the interest of the study was to investigate perceived bullying, a quantitative method was chosen. The lack of quantitative studies in the field also contributed to the choice of a quantitative approach. The data collection to answer the research question was done through a quantitative method, specifically a survey. The collected data was compiled and analysed through descriptive statistics and regression analyses. Reliability and Validity tests were performed to ensure high research quality. Results. There were 106 people who responded to the3 (79)survey, only 61 fit the requirement. There were a significant correlation between Internal competition (p&lt;0,05), Support from co-workers (p&lt;0,01) and H3 (p&lt;0,01). However H1 is very close to the significant value (0,065). Conclusion. Only hypothesis 3 was accepted since it showed a positive effect of resigning. Hypothesis H2 was rejected, whereas H1 was rejected with hesitation.

Integrative Medicine: Cooperation or Polarization? : Integrating complementary and alternative medical practice in a biomedical environment: theory and practice.

Michaelsen, Katherine January 2006 (has links)
<p>Alongside the complementary and alternative medicine movements, a new concept is emerging: integrative medicine. Though more and more authors have begun to use this term, they use it to refer to widely varying concepts of health care. This study begins with a theoretical look at integration and continues with an examination of current integrative efforts. These general discussions are followed by the presentation of the situation in Sweden, and at the Vidarklinik in particular. Finally the study turns to an empirical study investigating the communication between the Vidarklinik and the outside biomedical system. The research suggests a much more comprehensive picture of integrative medicine than those put forward by most authors and finds that to create and maintain an integrative system, all the levels of health care must be actively engaged in the system and the entire spectrum of care must be coordinated for the patient. Attempts at integration are found in diverse local efforts, which are all limited by lack of cooperation between different levels of health care. The study of communication at the Vidarklinik in Sweden illustrates that communication is crucial between all levels of health care in order for even relatively localised efforts in integration, and further that various factors limit whom various individuals and groups can communicate with, while in-person dialogue mitigates some of these factors.</p>

Integrative Medicine: Cooperation or Polarization? : Integrating complementary and alternative medical practice in a biomedical environment: theory and practice.

Michaelsen, Katherine January 2006 (has links)
Alongside the complementary and alternative medicine movements, a new concept is emerging: integrative medicine. Though more and more authors have begun to use this term, they use it to refer to widely varying concepts of health care. This study begins with a theoretical look at integration and continues with an examination of current integrative efforts. These general discussions are followed by the presentation of the situation in Sweden, and at the Vidarklinik in particular. Finally the study turns to an empirical study investigating the communication between the Vidarklinik and the outside biomedical system. The research suggests a much more comprehensive picture of integrative medicine than those put forward by most authors and finds that to create and maintain an integrative system, all the levels of health care must be actively engaged in the system and the entire spectrum of care must be coordinated for the patient. Attempts at integration are found in diverse local efforts, which are all limited by lack of cooperation between different levels of health care. The study of communication at the Vidarklinik in Sweden illustrates that communication is crucial between all levels of health care in order for even relatively localised efforts in integration, and further that various factors limit whom various individuals and groups can communicate with, while in-person dialogue mitigates some of these factors.

Rawls’s distributional justice in Swedish healthcare / Distributionsrätt enligt Rawls i svensk sjukvård

Sturesson, Johan January 2022 (has links)
Everyone will probably be given healthcare at some point in life, and might ask themselves how and why the healthcare is distributed the way it is in Swedish society. I also believe this is a matter where one would like the distribution of healthcare to be just. When I have read about different distribution theories, I have noticed similarities between the healthcare in Sweden and Rawls theory of justice, and the aim of this paper is to compare the Swedish ethical consideration on healthcare distribution with Rawls’s ideas. I find the three ethical principles stated by the Swedish Health Care and Medical Priorities Commission conform quite well with Rawls’s two principles of justice. They agree on equal healthcare distribution of resources on a population scale and that the ones in most need should be prioritised. Although, Rawls and Norman Daniels believe that only the equal opportunity to healthcare in order to strive for one’s life plans is valued, while the ethical principle of Swedish healthcare also adds an egalitarian adjustment of resources to people not living healthy. Normans’ interpretation of Rawls ideas argues to elevate individuals’ health to what is thought of as normal biological functioning, while my interpretation of Swedish ethical principles do not forbid elevating beyond the normal functioning. It might be impossible to make an ideal distribution of healthcare completely just, but I believe the Swedish healthcare distribution would be more just if it adheres more to Rawls’s principle of justice.

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