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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Controle ótimo de sistemas algébrico-diferenciais com flutuação do índice diferencial

Pfeifer, Adriene Artiaga 07 March 2007 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Optimal Control Problems (OCP), also known as Dynamic Optimization Problems, consist of an Objective Function to be maximized or minimized, associated with a set of differential and algebraic equations which include equality and inequality constraints in the state or control variables and characterize a system of Differential-Algebraic Equations (DAE). The differential-algebraic approach of numerical solution widely used in process simulation due the guarantee of attendance of the implicit algebraic constraints in the original formulation and the elimination of the necessary manipulations to transform the original problem into a purely differential system,was extended to OCP characterizing the called Differential-Algebraic Optimal Control Problem (DAOCP). A category of DAOCP of special interest includes inequality constraints, due the necessity of previous knowledge of the activations and deactivations sequence of these constraints along the trajectory and also of the instants where they occur, named Events. This DAOCPs with inequality constraints is equivalent to a class of hybrid dynamic optimization problems, where continuous and discrete behaviors are associated (FEEHERY, 1998). A particular type of hybrid OCP is that one where continuous state does not present jumps in the Events, called Switched OCP, for which Xu e Antsaklis (2004) considers a solution methodology based on the parameterization of Events with a previous specification of active subsystems sequence, resulting in the solution of a two-point boundary value differential-algebraic problem, formed by the state, co-state and stationarity equations, boundary and continuity conditions and its differentiations, called sensitivity equations. In this work, this indirect approach for Switched OCP was extended for DAOCP with inequality constraints, with the objective to estimate the Events, along the control, state and adjoint variables. The developed approach for Switched OCP described by Xu e Antsaklis (2004) was implemented in a specific code using Maple 9.5, called EVENTS, with the objective to symbolically generate the equations based on the parameterization of Events. This code was incorporated in a interface named OpCol, that collect characterization tools of DAE systems and generation of the optimality conditions extended Pontryagin s Principle for PCOAD of different types. The characterization tools are the INDEX of Murata (1996) that symbolically identifies the index, the resolubility and the consistency of initial conditions and the ACIG of Cunha e Murata (1999) that implements the Gear s algorithm for the index reduction and the index 1 equivalent system generation. The OTIMA (GOMES, 2000; LOBATO, 2004) generates the Euler-Lagrange equations for DAOCP. These tools had been implemented initially in different versions of Maple and all had been update to 9.5 version using the Maplets package that allows the data entry through interactive windows with the user, demanding a little knowledge of the Maple syntax. The OpCol interface was tested for four cases and for each tool a example data bank with typical problems of literature was created to assist the user in its use. Moreover, the direct method implemented in DIRCOL code was extended for multi-phases formulation with estimates of Events and the indirect method with Events Parameterization and differential-algebraic approach implemented in a Matlab code had been used for the numerical solution of three cases: a switched OCP and 2 DAOCP of batch reactors where the control variable is the feed rate of the component B - the first one has parallel reactions and selectivity constraints with 3 phases of index 1, 3 and 1 and the second a safety constraint with 2 phases of index 2 and 1 respectively and had been described by Srinivasan et al. (2003). The methodology used by this authors was applied to attained analytical expressions for the control variable in each phase necessary in indirect method, composing the called Switching Functions, from the optimality conditions based in the Pontryagin s Principle - specifically from the stationarity condition and the active constraint identification that will allow the control variable determination - and of the physical analysis of the problem in order to discard not appropriate activations/deactivations sequences. The results obtained by indirect and direct methods are compared for the 3 cited problems, showing the viability as much of the multiphase formulation using the DIRCOL and also the satisfactory performance of the indirect method with estimates of Events, beyond the utility of the tools of characterization of EADs, of attainment of optimality conditions and parameterization of Events available in Opcol interface. / Os Problemas de Controle Ótimo, também chamados Problemas de Otimização Dinâmica, são formados por uma Função Objetivo a ser maximizada ou minimizada, associada a conjuntos de equações algébricas e diferenciais que incluem restrições de igualdade e de desigualdade nas variáveis de estado e de controle que caracterizam um sistema de Equações Algébrico-Diferenciais (EADs). A extensão do ponto de vista algébricodiferencial de solução numérica aos PCOs, já amplamente utilizado na simulação de processos devido à garantia de atendimento às restrições algébricas originais e implícitas na formulação e à eliminação das manipulações necessárias para transformar o problema original num sistema de equações puramente diferenciais, caracteriza o chamado Problema de Controle Ótimo Algébrico-Diferencial (PCOAD). Uma categoria de PCOAD de especial interesse é a dos que incluem restrições de desigualdade, devido à necessidade de conhecimento prévio da seqüência de ativações e desativações destas restrições ao longo da trajetória e também dos instantes em que elas ocorrem, chamados Eventos. As ativações/desativações das restrições causam flutuações no índice diferencial e no número de graus de liberdade dinâmicos do PCOAD, exigindo técnicas especiais de redução deste índice até um e o emprego de métodos numéricos eficientes que garantam a convergência e estabilidade da solução. Estes PCOADs com restrições de desigualdade são equivalentes a uma classe de problemas de otimização dinâmica híbridos, que associam comportamentos contínuos e discretos (FEEHERY, 1998). Um tipo particular de PCO híbrido é aquele cujo estado contínuo não apresenta saltos nos Eventos, chamado PCO Chaveado, para o qual Xu e Antsaklis (2004) propõem uma metodologia de solução baseada na parametrização dos Eventos com a especificação prévia da seqüência de subsistemas ativos, resultando na solução de um problema de valor no contorno algébrico-diferencial em dois pontos, formado pelas equações de estado, co-estado e de estacionariedade, condições de contorno e de continuidade e suas diferenciações, chamadas equações de sensibilidade. Neste trabalho, esta abordagem indireta empregada para PCO Chaveados foi estendida para PCOAD com restrições de desigualdade, com o objetivo de estimar também os Eventos, além das variáveis de controle, de estado e adjuntas. A abordagem desenvolvida por Xu e Antsaklis (2004) para PCO Chaveados foi implementada num código específico utilizando o Maple 9.5, chamado EVENTS, com o objetivo de gerar simbolicamente as equações baseadas na parametrização dos Eventos. Este código foi incorporado a uma interface chamada OpCol, que reúne ferramentas de caracterização de sistemas de EAD e de geração das condições de otimalidade segundo o Princípio de Pontryagin estendidas para PCOAD de diferentes classes. As ferramentas de caracterização são o INDEX de Murata (1996) que identifica simbolicamente o índice, a resolubilidade e a consistência das condições iniciais e o ACIG de Cunha e Murata (1999) que implementa o algoritmo de Gear para a redução do índice e geração do sistema equivalente de índice 1. O OTIMA (GOMES, 2000; LOBATO, 2004) gera as equações de Euler-Lagrange para PCOAD. Estas ferramentas foram inicialmente implementadas em diferentes versões do Maple e todas foram atualizadas para a versão 9.5 utilizando o pacote Maplets que permite a entrada de dados através de janelas interativas com o usuário, exigindo dele pouco conhecimento da sintaxe Maple. A interface OpCol foi testada para quatro casos e para cada ferramenta foi criado um banco de exemplos com problemas típicos da literatura que auxiliam o usuário na sua utilização. Além disto, o método direto implementado no código DIRCOL estendido para formulações multifásicas com estimativa dos Eventos e o método indireto com Parametrização dos Eventos e abordagem algébrico-diferencial implementado num código MATLAB foram utilizados na solução numérica de três estudos de casos: um PCO chaveado e 2 PCOAD de reatores batelada onde a variável de controle é a taxa de alimentação do componente B: o primeiro tem reações paralelas e restrições de seletividade com 3 fases de índices 1, 3 e 1 e o segundo restrições de segurança com 2 fases de índices 2 e 1 e respectivamente e foram descritos por Srinivasan et al. (2003). A mesma metodologia utilizada por estes autores foi empregada na obtenção de expressões analíticas para a variável de controle em cada fase necessárias no método indireto, compondo as chamadas Funções Identificadoras de Fase (FIF), a partir das condições de otimalidade baseadas no Princípio de Pontryagin - especificamente a partir da condição de estacionariedade e da identificação da restrição ativa que permitirá a determinação da variável de controle - e da análise física do problema de modo a descartar seqüências de ativação/desativação não apropriadas. Os resultados obtidos pelo método indireto e pelo método direto são comparados entre si para os 3 problemas citados, mostrando a viabilidade tanto da formulação multifásica empregando o DIRCOL quanto o desempenho satisfatório do método indireto com estimativa de Eventos, além da utilidade das ferramentas de caracterização de EADs, de obtenção das condições de otimalidade e de parametrização dos eventos disponibilizadas na interface Opcol. / Mestre em Engenharia Química

De l'identification des systèmes (hybrides et à sortie binaire) à l'extraction de motifs / From system Identification (hybride system and system with binary output) to pattern extraction

Goudjil, Abdelhak 07 December 2017 (has links)
Les travaux de cette thèse portent sur l'identification des systèmes et l'extraction de motifs à partir de données. Dans le cadre de l'identification des systèmes, nous nous intéressons plus précisément à l'identification des systèmes dynamiques hybrides et l'identification des systèmes dynamiques linéaires ayant une sortie binaire. Deux classes très populaires des systèmes hybrides sont les systèmes linéaires à commutations et les systèmes affines par morceaux. Nous faisons tout d'abord un état de l'art sur les méthodes d'identification de ces deux classes. Nous proposons ensuite un algorithme basé sur une méthode d'identification de type OBE "Outer Bounding Ellipsoid" pour l'identification en temps réel des systèmes à commutations soumis à un bruit borné. Nous présentons ensuite plusieurs extensions de l'algorithme soit pour l'identification des systèmes affines par morceaux, l'identification des systèmes à commutations décrits par un modèle du type erreur de sortie et l'identification des systèmes MIMO à commutations. Nous abordons ensuite le problème d'identification des systèmes linéaires ayant une sortie binaire en introduisant un point de vue original consiste à formuler le problème d'identification comme un problème de classification. Ceci permet de proposer deux algorithmes d'identification basés sur l'utilisation des SVMs. Le premier algorithme est dédié à l'identification des systèmes à temps discret et le deuxième algorithme est dédié à l'identification des systèmes à temps continu. Dans le cadre de l'extraction de motifs, nous présentons dans un premier temps un état de l'art sur les algorithmes d'extraction de motifs et sur les techniques de la classification non supervisée. Ensuite, nous proposons un algorithme d'extraction de motifs à partir des données basé sur des techniques de classification non supervisée. / In this thesis, we deal with the identification of systems and the extraction of patterns from data. In the context of system identification, we focus precisely on the identification of hybrid systems and the identification of linear systems using binary sensors. Two very popular classes of hybrid systems are switched linear systems and piecewise affine systems. First, we give an overview of the different approaches available in the literature for the identification of these two classes. Then, we propose a new real-time identification algorithm for switched linear systems, it's based on an Outer Bounding Ellipsoid (OBE) type algorithm suitable for system identification with bounded noise. We then present several extensions of the algorithm either for the identification of piecewise affine systems, the identification of switched linear systems described by an output error model and the identification of MIMO switched linear systems. After this, we address the problem of the identification of linear systems using binary sensors by introducing an original point of view. We formulate the identification problem as a classification problem. This formulation allows the use of supervised learning algorithms such as Support Vector Machines (SVMs) for the identification of discrete time systems and the identification of continuous-time systems using binary sensors. In the context of pattern extraction, we first present an overview of the different pattern extraction algorithms and clustering techniques available in the literature. Next, we propose an algorithm for extracting patterns from data based on clustering techniques.

Analyse de stabilité des systèmes à commutations sur un domaine de temps non-uniforme / Stability analysis of switched systems on non-uniform time domains

Taousser, Fatima Zohra 07 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse à l’étude de la stabilité des systèmes à commutation qui évoluent sur un domaine de temps non uniforme en introduisant la théorie des échelles de temps. On s’intéresse essentiellement aux systèmes dynamiques linéaires à commutation définis sur une échelle de temps particulière T = P{tσk ,tk+1} = ∪∞k=0[tσk , tk+1]. Le système étudié commute entre un sous-système dynamique continu sur les intervalles ∪∞k=0[tσk , tk+1[ et un sous-système dynamique discret aux instants ∪∞k=0{tk+1} (à temps discret) avec un pas discret qui varie dans le temps. Dans une première partie, des conditions suffisantes sont données pour garantir la stabilité exponentielle de cette classe de systèmes à commutation. Ensuite, des conditions nécessaires et suffisantes de stabilité sont données en déterminant une région de stabilité exponentielle. Dans une deuxième partie, la stabilité de cette classe des systèmes à commutation avec des perturbations nonlinéaires a été traitée en utilisant des majorations de la solution, puis en introduisant l’approche de la fonction de Lyapunov commune. La troisième partie est consacrée au problème du consensus en présence d’interruptions de transmission d’informations où le système multi-agent en boucle fermée peut être représenté comme un système à commutation par une combinaison de modèles de systèmes linéaires à temps continu et de systèmes linéaires à temps discret. / This thesis deals with the stability analysis of switched systems that evolve on non uniform time domain by introducing the time scale theory. We are interested mainly in dynamical linear switched systems defined on particular time scale T = P{tσk ,tk+1} = ∪∞k=0[tσk, tk+1]. The studied system switches between a continuous-time dynamical subsystem on the intervals ∪∞k=0[tσk, tk+1[ and a discrete-time dynamical subsystem on instants ∪∞k=0{tk+1} (a discrete time) with a time-varying discrete step. In a first part, sufficient conditions are given to guarantee the exponential stability of this class of switched systems. Then necessary and sufficient conditions for stability are given by determining a region of exponential stability. In the second part, the stability of this class of switched systems with nonlinear uncertainties, is treated using majoration of the solution, and after that by introducing the approach of a common Lyapunov function. The third part is devoted to the consensus problem under intermittent information transmissions where the closed-loop multi-agent system can be represented as a switched system using a combination of linear continuous-time and linear discrete-time systems.

On control and estimation problems in antilock braking systems / Quelques problèmes de commande et d'estimation liés aux systèmes d'antiblocage des roues

Aguado rojas, Missie María del Rocío 14 June 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse aborde trois problèmes liés à l’ABS dans le cadre de la dynamique de la roue : l’estimation de la rigidité de freinage étendue (XBS) des pneus lors du freinage d’urgence, la commande de l’ABS basée sur l’estimation de l’XBS, et l’estimation de la vitesse et de l’accélération angulaires de la roue à partir des mesures provenant d’un codeur avec des imperfections. L’objectif général de ce travail est de développer des outils visant à améliorer la performance des systèmes de freinage, en utilisant des techniques adaptées de l'automatique non linéaire. La première partie de la thèse est consacrée à la construction d’un observateur adaptatif commuté pour l’XBS, c’est-à-dire un observateur adaptatif dont les gains d’estimation commutent entre deux valeurs possibles en fonction du signe de la sortie mesurée du système. La stabilité de l’observateur est analysée en utilisant des outils pour des systèmes commutés et en cascade, ainsi que des concepts tels qu’excitation permanente et transformations singulières d’échelle de temps. La deuxième partie de la thèse est dédiée à la conception d’une loi de commande pour l’ABS. L’objectif de contrôle est formulé en termes de l’XBS et une loi de commande hybride est conçue afin de faire en sorte que les trajectoires du système satisfassent les conditions requises pour l’estimation de l’XBS. La stabilité du contrôleur est analysée en utilisant l'application de Poincaré. La troisième partie de la thèse aborde la construction d’un algorithme pour estimer la vitesse et l’accélération angulaires de la roue et éliminer des perturbations qui sont introduites par les imperfections du codeur, et dont l’amplitude et la fréquence sont une fonction de la position, la vitesse, et l’accélération angulaires (réelles) de la roue. L’algorithme est basé sur la méthode connue comme « time-stamping algorithm », ainsi que sur des techniques de filtrage est d’estimation de paramètres. Des essais expérimentaux et des simulations numériques illustrent la performance des algorithmes d’estimation et de contrôle présentés dans cette thèse. Dans tous les cas nos résultats sont comparés par rapport à l’état de l’art. / This thesis addresses three problems related to the antilock braking system (ABS) in the context of the wheel dynamics: the estimation of the tyre extended braking stiffness (XBS) during an emergency braking situation, the control of the ABS based on the estimation of the XBS, and the estimation of the angular velocity and acceleration of the wheel from the measurements of an incremental encoder with imperfections. The general objective of this work is to develop tools aimed at improving the performance of braking systems by using techniques adapted from nonlinear control theory. The first part of the manuscript is devoted to the construction of a switched adaptive observer for the XBS, that is, an adaptive observer whose estimation gains switch between two possible values based on the sign of the system’s measured output. The stability of the observer is analyzed using tools for switched and cascaded systems, as well as concepts such as persistency of excitation and singular time-scale transformations. The second part of the manuscript is dedicated to the design of a control algorithm for the ABS. The control objective is formulated in terms of the XBS and a hybrid controller is designed so that the trajectories of the system satisfy the conditions required for the estimation of the XBS. The stability of the controller is analyzed using the Poincaré map. The third part of the manuscript focuses on the construction of an algorithm to estimate angular velocity and acceleration of the wheel and remove perturbations which are introduced by the encoder imperfections and whose amplitude and frequency are a function of the wheel's (real) position, velocity, and acceleration. The algorithm is based on the method known as time-stamping algorithm, as well as filtering and parameter estimation techniques. Experimental tests and numerical simulations illustrate the performance of the estimation and control algorithms presented in this thesis. In all cases our results are compared with respect to the state of the art.

Modeling and Control of a Hybrid-Electric Vehicle for Drivability and Fuel Economy Improvements

Koprubasi, Kerem 16 September 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Stabilité et performance des systèmes distribués de contrôle-commande / Stability and performance of distributed computer control systems

Felicioni, Flavia 10 March 2011 (has links)
L’objectif principal de cette thèse est l’étude de propriétés dynamiques et de méthodes de conception et synthèse des algorithmes de contrôle-commande des systèmes dans le cas où les fonctions de mesures, actionnements et contrôles sont distribuées sur des organes de calcul pouvant être partagés avec d’autres applications et connectés sur un réseau de communication numérique. En conséquence, les boucles de contrôle sont en compétition avec d’autres applications pour accéder aux ressources de calcul et de communication de capacité limitée et gérées par des politiques spécifiques. Ceci provoque l’apparition de délais et de perte d’informations transmises entre les différents nœuds qui peuvent dégrader les performances des systèmes et conduire à leur instabilité.Dans une première partie de la thèse, nous avons étudié l’analyse des performances de certains systèmes ainsi que la conception de contrôleurs robustes en fonction de la qualité de service fournie par le réseau. Cette étude a permis de spécifier les règles de conception de contrôleurs.Dans la deuxième partie, nous avons présenté une approche de conception conjointe intégrant les résultats obtenus dans les deux domaines: la synthèse et la conception des algorithmes de contrôle et l’ordonnancement de tâches temps réel qui partagent des ressources limitées. La technique proposée repose sur le changement de la période d’activation de l’algorithme de contrôle, et en conséquence le modèle du système devient un modèle échantillonné à taux variable. Les résultats proposés, en considérant l’algèbre de Lie des matrices d’évolution, permettent de calculer des contrôleurs adaptifs aux périodes qui stabilisent tous le système / The main contributions of this thesis are related to the analysis, synthesis and design of control systems sharing communication and computational resources. The research focuses on control systems where the feedback loops are closed over communication networks which transmit the information provided to its nodes by sensors, actuators and controllers. The shared resource in this scenario is the network. Some of the results are valid when the resource is a processor locally placed respect to several controller executing their algorithms on it. In any of the preceding scenarios, the control loops must contend for the shared resource. The limited capacity of the resource can cause delays and packet losses when information is transmitted. These effects can degrade the control system performance and even destabilize it.The first part of this thesis contributes to the performance analysis of specific classes of systems and to the design of robust controllers for network characteristics modeled by Quality of Service parameters. A series of methods to assist the control systems engineer are provided.In the second part, a contribution to the CoDesign approach is made via the integration of control system synthesis and design techniques with rules allowing to define the communication policy to manage real-time tasks sharing a limited resource. Putting in correspondence a scheduling of instances of the controller tasks with their sampling periods, the proposed policy results in discrete-time varying systems. The stabilization problem of these systems is solved with methods based on the solvability of Lie-algebras. Specifically, the proposed methodology provides adaptive controllers

Qualitative Properties of Stochastic Hybrid Systems and Applications

Alwan, Mohamad January 2011 (has links)
Hybrid systems with or without stochastic noise and with or without time delay are addressed and the qualitative properties of these systems are investigated. The main contribution of this thesis is distributed in three parts. In Part I, nonlinear stochastic impulsive systems with time delay (SISD) with variable impulses are formulated and some of the fundamental properties of the systems, such as existence of local and global solution, uniqueness, and forward continuation of the solution are established. After that, stability and input-to-state stability (ISS) properties of SISD with fixed impulses are developed, where Razumikhin methodology is used. These results are then carried over to discussed the same qualitative properties of large scale SISD. Applications to automated control systems and control systems with faulty actuators are used to justify the proposed approaches. Part II is devoted to address ISS of stochastic ordinary and delay switched systems. To achieve a variety stability-like results, multiple Lyapunov technique as a tool is applied. Moreover, to organize the switching among the system modes, a newly developed initial-state-dependent dwell-time switching law and Markovian switching are separately employed. Part III deals with systems of differential equations with piecewise constant arguments with and without random noise. These systems are viewed as a special type of hybrid systems. Existence and uniqueness results are first obtained. Then, comparison principles are established which are later applied to develop some stability results of the systems.

Qualitative Properties of Stochastic Hybrid Systems and Applications

Alwan, Mohamad January 2011 (has links)
Hybrid systems with or without stochastic noise and with or without time delay are addressed and the qualitative properties of these systems are investigated. The main contribution of this thesis is distributed in three parts. In Part I, nonlinear stochastic impulsive systems with time delay (SISD) with variable impulses are formulated and some of the fundamental properties of the systems, such as existence of local and global solution, uniqueness, and forward continuation of the solution are established. After that, stability and input-to-state stability (ISS) properties of SISD with fixed impulses are developed, where Razumikhin methodology is used. These results are then carried over to discussed the same qualitative properties of large scale SISD. Applications to automated control systems and control systems with faulty actuators are used to justify the proposed approaches. Part II is devoted to address ISS of stochastic ordinary and delay switched systems. To achieve a variety stability-like results, multiple Lyapunov technique as a tool is applied. Moreover, to organize the switching among the system modes, a newly developed initial-state-dependent dwell-time switching law and Markovian switching are separately employed. Part III deals with systems of differential equations with piecewise constant arguments with and without random noise. These systems are viewed as a special type of hybrid systems. Existence and uniqueness results are first obtained. Then, comparison principles are established which are later applied to develop some stability results of the systems.

Projeto de controladores baseados em LMIs: realimentação derivativa e sistemas chaveados utilizando estrutura variável

Cardim, Rodrigo [UNESP] 12 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:30:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009-09-12Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:00:53Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 cadim_r_dr_ilha.pdf: 1217588 bytes, checksum: e5c74b6a258852f996ebb5ae3e66b97a (MD5) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Neste trabalho são apresentados estudos teóricos, projetos de controladores e simulações numéricas de alguns sistemas de controle automáticos, que no decorrer das pesquisas geraram novas contribuições. Primeiramente foi feito um breve estudo sobre os sistemas fuzzy Takagi- Sugeno (TS) e realizadas algumas simulações envolvendo exemplos acadêmicos como o sistema bola-viga e o levitador magnético. Em decorrência desses estudos foi proposto um novo método para o controle de sistemas mecânicos não-lineares, descritos através de modelos fuzzy TS, considerando o acesso somente às derivadas das variáveis de estado da planta, com projeto baseado em desigualdades matriciais lineares, em inglês Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs) e estabilidade assegurada através de funções de Lyapunov. Adicionalmente, foram feitos estudos sobre realimentação derivativa, e proposto um novo método para projetar a matriz de realimentação discreta no tempo da derivada do vetor de estado, tal que o sinal de controle obtido seja equivalente a uma dada lei de controle contínua no tempo com realimentação do vetor de estado. O controlador discreto é obtido com base no controlador contínuo, utilizando um método de aproximação, baseado em LMIs. É suposto que a planta é controlável, linear e invariante no tempo, com uma (SI) ou múltiplas (MI) entradas. Este procedimento permite o uso de métodos de projeto bem conhecidos de realimentação das variáveis de estado em sistemas contínuos no tempo, para calcular diretamente os ganhos de realimentação da derivada das variáveis de estado em sistemas discretos no tempo. Os projetos com realimentação derivativa podem ser úteis no controle de sistemas mecânicos, utilizando-se acelerômetros como sensores. Finalizando, um outro assunto abordado neste trabalho e que também trouxe contribuições relevantes... / In this work, theoretical studies, controller designs and numeric simulations of several automatic control systems that generated new contributions are presented. Firstly, a study on Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems modeling, control designs and simulations with practical examples, such as a ball-beam system and a nonlinear magnetic suspension system, are described. With these studies a simple method, based on Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs) and Lyapunov functions, for designing a control system using the Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy models in mechanical systems, where the available signals for the control are state-derivative, is proposed. Additionally, new results about state-derivative feedback including a simple method for designing a digital state-derivative feedback gain such that the control law is equivalent to a known and adequate continuous-time state feedback control law with a guaranteed stability are proposed. The digital controller is obtained by the continuous controller, using an approach method, based on LMIs. It is assumed that the plant is a linear controllable, time-invariant, Single-Input (SI) or Multiple-Input (MI) system. This procedure allows the use of well-known continuous-time state feedback design methods to directly design discrete-time state-derivative feedback control systems. The state-derivative feedback can be useful in the vibration control of mechanical systems, where the main sensors are accelerometers. Finally, we have the study with the design of state-feedback Variable Structure Controllers (VSC) for a class of continuous-time switched plants where is assume that the state vector is available for feedback. The design is based on Lyapunov-Metzler (LM) inequalities and also on Strictly Positive Real (SPR) systems stability results. The recent definition of Lyapunov-Metzler-SPR (LMSPR) systems is presented and a new direct application... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

Projeto de controladores baseados em LMIs : realimentação derivativa e sistemas chaveados utilizando estrutura variável /

Cardim, Rodrigo. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Marcelo Carvalho Minhoto Teixeira / Banca: Edvaldo Assunção / Banca: José Paulo Fernandes Garcia / Banca: Aldayr Dantas de Araujo / Banca: Ramon Romankevicius Costa / Resumo: Neste trabalho são apresentados estudos teóricos, projetos de controladores e simulações numéricas de alguns sistemas de controle automáticos, que no decorrer das pesquisas geraram novas contribuições. Primeiramente foi feito um breve estudo sobre os sistemas fuzzy Takagi- Sugeno (TS) e realizadas algumas simulações envolvendo exemplos acadêmicos como o sistema bola-viga e o levitador magnético. Em decorrência desses estudos foi proposto um novo método para o controle de sistemas mecânicos não-lineares, descritos através de modelos fuzzy TS, considerando o acesso somente às derivadas das variáveis de estado da planta, com projeto baseado em desigualdades matriciais lineares, em inglês Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs) e estabilidade assegurada através de funções de Lyapunov. Adicionalmente, foram feitos estudos sobre realimentação derivativa, e proposto um novo método para projetar a matriz de realimentação discreta no tempo da derivada do vetor de estado, tal que o sinal de controle obtido seja equivalente a uma dada lei de controle contínua no tempo com realimentação do vetor de estado. O controlador discreto é obtido com base no controlador contínuo, utilizando um método de aproximação, baseado em LMIs. É suposto que a planta é controlável, linear e invariante no tempo, com uma (SI) ou múltiplas (MI) entradas. Este procedimento permite o uso de métodos de projeto bem conhecidos de realimentação das variáveis de estado em sistemas contínuos no tempo, para calcular diretamente os ganhos de realimentação da derivada das variáveis de estado em sistemas discretos no tempo. Os projetos com realimentação derivativa podem ser úteis no controle de sistemas mecânicos, utilizando-se acelerômetros como sensores. Finalizando, um outro assunto abordado neste trabalho e que também trouxe contribuições relevantes... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: In this work, theoretical studies, controller designs and numeric simulations of several automatic control systems that generated new contributions are presented. Firstly, a study on Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems modeling, control designs and simulations with practical examples, such as a ball-beam system and a nonlinear magnetic suspension system, are described. With these studies a simple method, based on Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs) and Lyapunov functions, for designing a control system using the Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy models in mechanical systems, where the available signals for the control are state-derivative, is proposed. Additionally, new results about state-derivative feedback including a simple method for designing a digital state-derivative feedback gain such that the control law is equivalent to a known and adequate continuous-time state feedback control law with a guaranteed stability are proposed. The digital controller is obtained by the continuous controller, using an approach method, based on LMIs. It is assumed that the plant is a linear controllable, time-invariant, Single-Input (SI) or Multiple-Input (MI) system. This procedure allows the use of well-known continuous-time state feedback design methods to directly design discrete-time state-derivative feedback control systems. The state-derivative feedback can be useful in the vibration control of mechanical systems, where the main sensors are accelerometers. Finally, we have the study with the design of state-feedback Variable Structure Controllers (VSC) for a class of continuous-time switched plants where is assume that the state vector is available for feedback. The design is based on Lyapunov-Metzler (LM) inequalities and also on Strictly Positive Real (SPR) systems stability results. The recent definition of Lyapunov-Metzler-SPR (LMSPR) systems is presented and a new direct application... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

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