Spelling suggestions: "subject:"atemsystem analysis"" "subject:"systsystem analysis""
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A Descriptive Study of Value Systems Within ReligionPryor, Dan 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine the various value levels that may be affecting communication in the church and to discover the predominant levels of psychological existence.
Data was collected using the Value for Religion test. A total of 288 college and seminary students were tested. Comparisons of the differing scores of demographic variables formed the bases of the conclusions drawn in the study. Significant relationships were found between one's personal value cluster and sex, career intention, and type of college attended.
Much research is still needed in the area of value levels in religion. Hopefully, this research will contribute to the success of religion in the future.
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Modélisation des flux de carbone, d'énergie et d'eau entre l'atmosphère et des écosystèmes de steppe sahélienne avec un modèle de végétation global / Modelisation of carbon, water and energy fluxes between the atmosphere and sahelian ecosystems with a dynamic global vegetation model.Brender, Pierre 29 May 2012 (has links)
Compte tenu de la vulnérabilité de la population rurale de la région sahélienne aux aléas pluviométriques, et devant les ambitions de certains acteurs d’utiliser le levier de l’usage des terres pour contribuer à l’atténuation du changement climatique, il est important de comprendre les facteurs contribuant à la variabilité de la couverture végétale au Sahel.Une synthèse de la littérature expliquant l’évolution récente de la végétation au Sahel est donc d’abord présentée. Les études s’intéressant au paradigme qui souligne l’impact de l’usage des terres sur les précipitations en Afrique de l’Ouest évaluent principalement ces effets par le couplage de modèles dynamiques globaux de végétation – DGVM – avec des modèles de circulation générale. C’est à l’amélioration d’un tel DGVM, ORCHIDEE, développé à l’Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, que le reste du travail cherche à contribuer.Comme d’autres études ont montré qu’il était possible d’utiliser en première approximation les steppes pâturées et les jachères pour décrire le comportement global de la surface sahélienne, les écarts entre modèle et mesures sont caractérisés pour une jachère située à proximité de Wankama (Niger). Plus précisément, les forces et faiblesses de la paramétrisation et de la structure par défaut du modèle sont diagnostiqués, et l’importance de la réduction d’erreur permise par l’optimisation de certains des paramètres est donnée. En particulier, l’emploi d’une résolution aux différences finies de la diffusion de l’eau dans la colonne de sol est évalué, dans la mesure où cela permet de mieux simuler la réponse rapide du flux évaporatoire aux événements pluvieux que le schéma conceptuel utilisé par défaut dans ORCHIDEE.Le réalisme du modèle est également mesuré à l’échelle régionale, par la comparaison d’observations de NDVI GIMMS_3G à la couverture végétale simulée par le modèle en réponse à différents forçages climatiques . Si les modifications introduites au cours du travail ne permettent pas de mieux décrire les tendances de la végétation au cours des dernières décennies, tirer partie des leçons du présent travail pourra se révéler utile. Il en est de même des conclusions de l’étude de la transitivité des biais conditionnels du modèle réalisée avec Tao Wang et présentée en annexe B. / The evolution of the land-surface conditions is often assessed through the use of “dynamic global vegetation models”, as is shown in a review of the current understanding of the factors of variability and of the recent evolution of the vegetation cover in the Sahel. Such models are also coupled to atmospheric general circulation models to evaluate the land feedback on precipitation in monsoonal climates.Thus, the improvement of the skills of such surface models to simulate the radiative and turbulent fluxes between the land of surface and the atmosphere in the Sahel over a range of scales from hourly to multi-annual has a potential to have significant implications. This is especially true considering the vulnerability of the rural population of the region, which largely relies on rainfed agriculture and the interest on the evolution of the carbon stocks of ecosystems in the context of climate change. Such a work on the ORCHIDEE model is presented here. In complement to croplands, rangelands and fallows represent a large share of the sahelian landscapes and have intermediate characteristics between erosion glacis and acacia bushes. As such, their evolution (in terms of albedo, roughness length,…) may be used to study the Sahel ecosystem behaviour as a first approximation. Differences between model outputs and field observations are quantified for a fallow close to Wankama (Niger). More precisely, some of the drawbacks of the standard parametrisation and structure of the model are diagnosed, and the range of reduction of the model-observation mismatch that results from optimizing some of the parameters are given (plant phenology,…). In particular, the use of a finite difference resolution of the soil water diffusion is considered as it enables to better simulate the fast response of evaporative fluxes to rainfall than the conceptual scheme routinely used in ORCHIDEE. The benefits of the use of such a “physical” hydrological scheme on the different outputs of the surface scheme is evaluated.The realism of the model is also measured at the regional scale, through a comparison with GIMMS_3G NDVI time series over West Africa. If the modifications that have been introduced in the model don’t improve its ability to describe the vegetation cover trends over the last decades in the region, several lessons can be kept from the analysis that has been realised, especially from the work on the transitivity of state-dependant model biases that has been conducted with Tao Wang and which is presented in annex B.
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Introducing Complex Systems Analysis in High School Mathematics Using System Dynamics Modeling: A Potential Game-Changer for Mathematics InstructionFisher, Diana Marie 14 May 2016 (has links)
Complex systems abound on this planet, in the composition of the human body, in ecosystems, in social interaction, in political decision-making, and more. Analytical methods allowing us to better understand how these systems operate and, consequently, to have a chance to intervene and change the undesirable behavior of some of the more pernicious systems have developed and continue to be enhanced via quickly changing technology. Some of these analytical methods are accessible by pre-college students, but have not been widely used at that level of education. Jay Forrester, the founder of one of the methodologies, System Dynamics (SD), used to study complex system behavior involving feedback, laments the lack of understanding of complex systems evident in short-sited decisions made by legislators -- global climate change and fiscal policies being cases in point.
In order to better prepare future decision makers with tools that could allow them to make more informed decisions about issues involving complex systems efforts have been underway to increase pre-college teacher understanding of the SD method. The research described in this dissertation introduces the mathematics education community to the value of System Dynamics modeling in pre-college algebra classes, indicates a path by which a traditional mathematics curriculum could be enhanced to include small SD models as a new representation for elementary functions studied in algebra classes, and provides an empirical study regarding conceptual understanding of functions by students.
Chapter 2 indicates the numerous beneficial learning outcomes that empirical studies have shown accompany model-building activities. Chapter 3 indicates the need for students to become familiar with complex systems analysis, how SD modeling (one method of complex systems analysis) aligns with the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics, and the work that has transpired over the past two decades using SD in K-12. Chapter 4 focuses on the importance of the concept of function in high school mathematics, some limitations of exclusive reliance on the closed form equation representation for mathematizing problems and the SD stock/flow representations of some of the elementary functions that are studied in algebra classes. Chapter 5 looks at the issues affecting two traditional teachers and the challenges they faced when trying to reintroduce SD modeling into their algebra classes. Chapter 6 explains the student component of the classroom experiment that was conducted by the teachers who are highlighted in Chapter 5.
The analysis of the results of student model-building activities in the two classroom studies that are part of the third paper did not indicate a statistical difference between the two experimental groups and the two control groups. Many environmental and scheduling issues conspired to adversely affect the experiment. However, positive outcomes were evident from the two pairs of students who were videotaped while they built the final multi-function drug model, the final student lesson in the experiment. Research focused on student outcomes is needed to further assess the strengths and weakness of the SD approach for student learning in mathematics.
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Improvement of the software systems development life cycle of the credit scoring process at a financial institution through the application of systems engineeringMeyer, Nadia 11 October 2016 (has links)
A Research Report
Submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment in partial fulfilment of the Requirements for the degree of
Master of Science in Engineering / The research centred on improving the current software systems development life cycle (SDLC) of the credit scoring process at a financial institution based on systems engineering principles. The research sought ways to improve the current software SDLC in terms of cost, schedule and performance. This paper proposes an improved software SDLC that conforms to the principles of systems engineering.
As decisioning has been automated in financial institutions, various processes are developed according to a software SDLC in order to ensure accuracy and validity thereof. This research can be applied to various processes within financial institutions where software development is conducted, verified and tested.
A comparative analysis between the current software SDLC and a recommended SDLC was performed. Areas within the current SDLC that did not comply with systems engineering principles were identified. These inefficiencies were found during unit testing, functional testing and regression testing.
An SDLC is proposed that conforms to systems engineering principles and is expected to reduce the current SDLC schedule by 20 per cent. Proposed changes include the sequence of processes within the SDLC, increasing test coverage by extracting data from the production environment, filtering and sampling data from the production environment, automating functional testing using mathematical algorithms, and creating a test pack for regression testing which adequately covers the software change. / MT2016
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Análise de causa raiz dos erros de medicação em uma unidade de internação de um hospital universitário / Root cause analysis of medication errors at an inpatient unit of a university hospitalTeixeira, Thalyta Cardoso Alux 20 September 2007 (has links)
O método da análise de causa raiz tem sido utilizado para investigar e analisar erros de medicação, promover a segurança do paciente e implementar o sistema de forma a garantir a qualidade na assistência e, por isso, ele foi utilizado neste estudo. Os objetivos do estudo foram descrever as doses de medicamentos preparadas e administradas diferentemente daquelas prescritas, em uma clínica médica, de um hospital universitário, utilizando o método da análise de causa raiz; apresentar a freqüência dos tipos de erros identificados, dos turnos de ocorrência, dos profissionais e dos medicamentos envolvidos; elaborar um desenho dos fatores causais de cada dose observada e propor estratégias e recomendações que evitem a recorrência desses erros no sistema de medicação. Tratou-se de estudo descritivo e que realizou uma análise secundária de dados de um estudo já existente. No estudo, 74 erros de medicação foram identificados durante o preparo e a administração de medicamentos pela equipe de enfermagem, sendo que 84,3% foram cometidos por auxiliares de enfermagem que prepararam ou administraram os medicamentos. Erros de dose (24,3%), erros de horário (22,9%) e medicamentos não autorizados (13,5%) foram os mais freqüentes. Dos 70 eventos descritos, a equipe de enfermagem utilizou a requisição da farmácia para preparar os medicamentos em 81,4% das observações, rotulou os medicamentos inadequados ou não rotulou em 80%, não consultou a prescrição médica antes da administração em 74,3% dos eventos, não orientou (41,4%) e não confirmou o paciente pelo nome antes da administração em 22,9% dos eventos. Além desses fatores, outros, como falta de equipamento no setor, medicamento deixado com o acompanhante para administrar, comunicação inadequada e alteração da prescrição médica contribuíram para a ocorrência dos erros. Assim, erros de medicação foram identificados, a análise de causa raiz foi realizada identificando múltiplos fatores que contribuíram para a ocorrência dos erros e estratégias foram recomendadas para evitar a ocorrência dos erros. Este estudo contribuiu para a garantia da segurança do paciente, apresentando o método de análise de erros e as estratégias que podem ser utilizadas pelas instituições para a prevenção dos erros. / Root cause analysis has been used to investigate and analyzing medication errors, promoting patient safety and system improvement, for that, he was used in this study. This study aimed at: describing, by using the root cause analysis method, medication doses prepared and administered differently from those prescribed at a medical clinical of a university hospital; presenting the frequency of the identified error types, shifts of occurrence and professionals and drugs involved; outlining the causative factors for each dose and proposing strategies that will prevent the recurrence of such errors in the medication system. It is a descriptive study in which a secondary analysis of data from a previously existing investigation was performed. In the study, 74 medication errors were identified during medication preparation and administration by the nursing staff, of whose members 84.3% were nursing auxiliaries who prepared or administered medication. Dose errors (24.3%), schedule errors (22.9%) and unauthorized medication (13.5%) were the most frequent. Of the 70 events described, the nursing staff used the pharmacy order to prepare the medication in 81.4% of the observations, labeled inadequate medication or did not in 80%, did not consult the medical order prior to administration in 74.3% of the events, did not provide patient orientation (41.4%) and did not confirm the patient\'s name prior to administration in 22.9% of events. Additionally to these factors, others such as the lack of equipment in the facilities, medication being left for the patient\'s companion to administrate, inadequate communication and alteration of the medical order contributed to error occurrence. Hence, medication errors were identified, and root cause analysis was performed, leading to the identification of multiple factors that contributed to error occurrence, and strategies were recommended in order to prevent it. Therefore, this study has contributed to patient safety by presenting an analysis method and strategies that can be used by institutions for the prevention of errors.
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Hybrid model for optimization of cost operations for a university transit serviceUnknown Date (has links)
The demand on transportation infrastructure is dramatically increasing due to population growth causing the transportation systems to be pushed to their limits. With the projected population growth, not only for the U.S. but especially for the higher education field, university campuses are of great importance for transportation engineers. Urban univeristy campuses are considered major trip generators and with the population forecast many challenges are bound to arise. The implementation of an improved transit system provides a lower-cost solution to the continuously increasing congestion problems in university campus road networks and surrounding areas. This paper presents a methodology focused on the development of a hybrid system concentrated in three main aspects of transit functionality : access to bus stop location, reasonable travel time and low cost. Two methods for bus stop locations assessment are presented for two levels of analysis : microscopic and mesoscopic. The resulting travel time from the improved bus stop locations is analyzed and compared to the initial conditions by using a microsimulation platform. The development of a mathematical model targets the overall system's cost minimization, including user and operator cost, while maximizing the service coverage. The results demonstrate the benefits of the bus stop assessment by the two applied methods, as well as, the benefits of the route and headway selection based on the mathematical model. Moreover, the results indicate that the generation of routes using travel time as the impedance factor generates the optimal possible routes to obtain the minimum system's overall cost. / by Alicia Benazir Portal Palomo. / Thesis (M.S.C.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2012. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2012. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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RF-based location system for communicating and monitoring vehicles in a multivehicle networkUnknown Date (has links)
This document reports on a hands-on project aimed at learning and
experiencing the concept of system-of-systems. The motivation behind this
project is to study and implement the concept of System of Systems in the
generation of a RF-based communication and control complex system. The goal
of this project is to develop a multi-level integrated and complete system in which
the vehicles that belong to a same network can become aware of their location,
communicate with nearby vehicles (sometimes with no visible line of sight), be
notified of the presence of different objects located in their immediate vicinity
(obstacles, such as abundant vehicles), and generate a two dimensional
representation of the vehicles’ location for a remote user. In addition, this system
will be able to transmit back messages from the remote user to a specific or to all
local vehicles. The end result is a demonstration of a complex, functional, and
robust system built and tested for other projects to use and learn from. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2015 / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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Legislação bancária no Brasil Império:o debate jurídico sobre a função bancária na década de 1850 / Banking legislation in the Brazilian empire: the legal debate on the banking matter in de decade of 1850Gornati, Gilberto 15 May 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta a análise dos estatutos bancários aprovados na década de 1850 no Brasil Império, considerando a trama de negociações entre o governo central e os governos provinciais, bem como a forma de inserção do Brasil na economia mundial do Século XIX, liderada pela hegemonia britânica e por ela influenciada, de modo a identificar a evolução do direito comercial brasileiro com vistas ao desenvolvimento jurídico do tema bancário durante a década proposta. / This essay regards the analysis of Brazilian banks bylaws as approved by the Brazilian Empire during the decade of 1850, taking into account the plot which developed the negotiations between the central government of the Empire and the regional political powers in Brazil, as well as analyzing the insertion of the Brazilian economy in the global market of the nineteenth century, as such market was mainly controlled and biased by the world hegemony established by Great Britain, in order to identify the evolution of Brazilian commercial law in connection with the development of the legal banking system during the proposed decade.
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Application of detection filter theory to longitudinal control of guideway vehicles.Gerard, Jean-Pierre Augustin January 1978 (has links)
Thesis. 1978. M.S.--Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND AERONAUTICS. / Bibliography: leaf 86. / M.S.
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Structural properties and estimation of delay systems.Kwong, Raymond Hon-Sing January 1975 (has links)
Thesis. 1975. Ph.D.--Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. / Vita. / Includes bibliographical references. / Ph.D.
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