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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An instruction set simulator for the 8086 16-bit microprocessor

Mapes, Glenn 03 June 2011 (has links)
The intent of this thesis is to show the usefulness simulating of an instruction set in software and to demonstrate the feasibility of doing so by providing the framework of a simulation program.The design of new computer architectures and computer based control systems is a trial and error process. Normal design practice is to design and build a prototype of the new system and then evaluate the performance of the prototype. Designing complex systems in this manner is very time consuming and expensive; using a software program to simulate the operation of the new system can help solve certain design problems and shorten the development time and effort.The instruction set simulator executes a subset of the 8086 instruction set and contains routines that are useful in debugging the target software.The feasibility of implementing an instruction set simulator to solve certain design problems has been demonstrated by implementing the most commonly used op codes from the 8086 instruction set.Ball State UniversityMuncie, IN 47306

Design and Evaluation of Primitives for Passive Link Assessment and Route Selection in Static Wireless Networks

Miskovic, Stanislav 06 September 2012 (has links)
Communication in wireless networks elementally comprises of packet exchanges over individual wireless links and routes formed by these links. To this end, two problems are fundamental: assessment of link quality and identification of the least-cost (optimal) routes. However, little is known about achieving these goals without incurring additional overhead to IEEE 802.11 networks. In this thesis, I design and experimentally evaluate two frameworks that enable individual 802.11 nodes to characterize their wireless links and routes by employing only local and passively collected information. First, I enable 802.11 nodes to assess their links by characterizing packet delivery failures and failure causes. The key problem is that nodes cannot individually observe many factors that affect the packet delivery at both ends of their links and in both directions of 802.11 communication. To this end, instead of relying on the assistance of other nodes, I design the first practical framework that extrapolates the missing information locally from the nodes' overhearing, the observable causal relationships of 802.11 operation and characterization of the corrupted and undecodable packets. The proposed framework employs only packet-level information generally reported by commodity 802.11 wireless cards. Next, I design and evaluate routing primitives that enable individual nodes to suppress their poor route selections. I refer to a route selection as poor whenever the employed routing protocol fails to establish the existing least-cost path according to an employed routing metric. This thesis shows that an entire family of the state-of-the art on-demand distance-vector routing protocols, including the standards-proposed protocol for IEEE 802.11s mesh networks, suffers from frequent and long-term poor selections having arbitrary path costs. Consequently, such selections generally induce severe throughput degradations for network users. To address this problem, I design mechanisms that identify optimal paths locally by employing only the information readily available to the affected nodes. The proposed mechanisms largely suppress occurrence of inferior routes. Even when such routes are selected their durations are reduced by several orders of magnitude, often to sub-second time scales. My work has implications on several key areas of wireless networking: It removes systematic failures from wireless routing and serves as a source of information for a wide range of protocols including the protocols for network management and diagnostics.

Rocket Engine System Analysis : Vinci Engine Turbines Analysis, Volvo Aero Corp.

Romanov, Artyom January 2008 (has links)
Major part of the current work describes the development of the update methodology for onedimensional code (TML) currently used at Volvo Aero Corporation during turbine design process. The methodology is then applied and tried out in a general engine analysis (GESTPAN).

Analys av system för rening av avloppsvatten i en anaerob membranbioreaktor / Analysis of systems for treatment of wastewater in an anaerobic membrane bioreactor

Sundberg, Tove January 2006 (has links)
The most common way to treat wastewater in Sweden today is by a combination of an activated sludge process and a chemical treatment. These processes are not very energy efficient and may not be the most environmentally friendly. That is why it is interesting to evaluate new alternative methods to see if they can be less harmful to the environment and help to a lower resource consumption. New techniques are tested in a pilot installation at Hammarby Sjöstad, Sjöstadsverket. To be able to evaluate these techniques in a wide perspective system analyses are conducted where different impacts can be considered, advantages and disadvantages in the systems. Five system structures for water treatment have been constructed in Matlab/Simulink in this study. The URWARE (URbanWAter REsearch) model was used to conduct a system analysis, which made a comparison of the different systems possible. Four of the systems contained a new technique for water treatment, consisting of an anaerobic membrane bioreactor (MBR) combined with a VSEP (Vibratory Shear Enhanced Process) unit. This is one of the techniques that now are tested in Sjöstadsverket. The fifth system was a reference system designed as a conventional treatment plant. The wastewater treated in the different systems was in some cases mixed wastewater, in other source sorted, with or without food waste from kitchen waste disposers. Results from the system analysis shows that the MBR technique gives some advantages compared to the conventional water treatment. A large part of the nutrients in incoming materials are recycled. The highest recycling percent is reached when the MBR technique is combined with compost that handles the food waste. The total impact on the environment by greenhouse gases and eutrophic substances is lower in all the alternative systems compared to the reference system. The system with the source sorted urine has the most favourable exergy turnover. When reversed osmosis is used in the treatment a lot of energy is needed which leads to a poor exergy turnover and the conventional technique is more advantageous in these cases. All the alternative systems give a larger acidification which is a disadvantage with the MBR technique. / Vid behandling av avloppsvatten i Sverige används idag i de flesta fall en aktivslamprocess kompletterad med kemiskfällning. Denna process är inte så energieffektiv och kanske inte heller den mest optimala ur miljösynpunkt. Därför kan det vara intressant att utvärdera nya alternativa metoder för att se om dessa kan vara skonsammare mot miljön och bidra till en minskad resursförbrukning. I Sjöstadsverket, som är en försöksanläggning vid Hammarby Sjöstad, undersöks flera nya tekniker i mindre skala. För att kunna utvärdera dessa tekniker utifrån ett helhetsperspektiv görs systemanalyser, där för- och nackdelar och andra effekter kan vägas in. I föreliggande studie har fem systemstrukturer för vattenrening byggts upp i Matlab/Simulink. Substansflödesmodellen URWARE (URban WAter REsearch) användes för att utföra en systemanalys, som gjorde en jämförelse av de olika systemen möjlig. Fyra av systemen innehöll ny reningsteknik bestående av en anaerob membranbioreaktor (MBR) kopplad till en VSEP- enhet (Vibratory Shear Enhanced Process). Det är en teknik som nu testas i Sjöstadsverket. Det femte systemet var ett referenssystem utformat som ett konventionellt reningsverk. De vatten som behandlades i reningsverken var i vissa fall blandat avloppsvatten, i andra källsorterat, med och utan matavfall från köksavfallskvarnar. Utifrån systemanalysen kan det konstateras att MBR-tekniken ger en del fördelar gentemot den konventionella reningen. Bland annat eftersom en stor andel av näringsinnehållet i avloppsvattnet kan fångas upp och återföras till åkermark. Bäst kretsloppspotential fås när membranbioreaktorn kombineras med en kompost som tar hand om allt matavfall. Totalt sett bidrar också alla de nya reningssystemen till lägre växthusgasutsläpp och lägre utsläpp av eutrofierande ämnen än referenssystemet med konventionell rening. Ur exergisynpunkt är den nya tekniken bättre än den konventionella i det fall då urin källsorteras. I de fall då omvänd osmos används vid behandling är den konventionella processen mer fördelaktig. En nackdel med MBR-tekniken är att utsläpp av försurande ämnen är markant större än för den konventionella tekniken.

Integrative Power Supply Solution for Future Generation Vehicles

Zhou, Qinsheng January 2012 (has links)
Abstract: How to secure the power supply for future generation vehicles is an open question. This thesis uses Web-HIPRE as a tool of Decision Support System to predict the main compositions of future generation vehicles and also analyzes the advantages and shortages of currently existing solutions. The method of system approach is utilized to find out common problems of those existing solutions and to form an integrative solution. A model for this integrative solution is built under PowerSIM environment and the main objective of the model is to simulate the energy balance between power supply and demand. Finally, a brief discussion mainly focuses on the social and economic impact of the solution is made under PEBOSCA framework.

A Study on the Future Sustainability of Sejong, South Korea's Multifunctional Administrative City, Focusing on Implementation of Transit Oriented Development

Kang, Jeongmuk January 2012 (has links)
Since the appearance of steam engines in the late 18th century, cities have been growing with the development of transportation and the consequent increase of its urban population and economic activities. Presently, cities accommodate more than half of the world population and are expected to be responsible for 73% of the world’s energy use in 2030. Cities come to the fore as a problem, being also the roots of solution for current environment and energy-related problems. The Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems applied in Latin American cities have shown the possibility of establishing efficient urban transport networks and sustainable urban structures at low cost. Meanwhile, Asian cities are anticipated to accommodate 54% of the world urban population by 2050. Sejong city, South Korea is the newest planned city in the region aiming to see its completion in 2030. The aim of this paper is to assess the future urban sustainability of Sejong city by analyzing first the Master Plan of the construction of the city in accordance with PEBOSCA (Physical, Economical, Biological, Organizational, Social, Cultural, and Aesthetical) resources, and second its implementation in general with a focus on the expected role of Transit-Oriented Development in particular looking at BRT. Putrajaya’s case is referred for anticipated shortcomings which Sejong should be prepared for. Secondary data and interpretations from books and articles regarding contemporary urban problems are comprehensively reviewed to systemically analyze the influences of implementation of TOD upon urban sustainability. This study revealed that planned actions derived from TOD will play an important role in resolving urban problems in Sejong city by relieving urban traffic congestion, CO2 emission and fossil fuel consumption. And systemic influences on improvement of business activities, government tax income, social activities and equity, and olfactory quality of the city are expected. Therefore, TOD is deemed to be a better option for existing cities and is necessary for newly developing planned cities in Asia and Africa.

Enabling High Wind Penetration in Electrical Grids

Elnashar, Mohab January 2011 (has links)
Wind generation has become one of the most popular choices of technology for adding new generation capacity to power systems worldwide. Several factors have contributed to the increased integration of wind generation, including environmental concerns and the continual increase in fossil fuel prices. As well, recent regulations have moved toward limitations on greenhouse gases, especially in the European Union (EU). Similar laws are currently under consideration in the US and other parts of the world. Other factors have also promoted the use of wind energy, such as advances in manufacturing and control technology and the attractiveness of wind as a “green” source of energy. The large-scale integration of wind power into an electricity system introduces planning and operational challenges because of the intermittent nature of wind speed and the difficulty involved in predicting it. For these reasons, wind energy is often considered an unreliable energy source. Additional problems are associated with the integration of large-scale wind farms into an electrical grid, among which wind power fluctuation is the most challenging. To maximize the penetration level of wind energy in a grid, a reliable technology must be developed in order to eliminate or at least decrease wind power fluctuation. The primary goal of this thesis was to develop methods of maximizing the penetration level of wind energy conversion systems (WECSs) into a grid, which requires mitigating wind power fluctuation. A robust control technique has therefore been developed for mitigating wind power fluctuation. This control technique exploits historical environmental data collected over a number of years in order to evaluate the profile of the output power of a variety of wind energy conversion systems (WECSs). The developed control technique was applied to Types A and C WECSs modifying the pitch angle controller of Type A WECS and the back-to-back converter control of Type C WECS. The Attachment of a storage device to the WECSs after the control technique is applied was investigated from both an economic and a technical point of view. The optimum sizing and siting of the wind energy conversion system equipped with the proposed control technique was also studied. This research is expected to contribute to the advancement of WECS technology by presenting a feasible solution to the problems associated with the integration of large-scale WECSs into electrical grids.

Spontaneous Synchronization of Josephson Junctions and Fiber Lasers

Tsygankov, Denis V. 20 July 2005 (has links)
The thesis is devoted to the study of spontaneous synchronization of coupled nonlinear oscillators. It consists of two major parts. The first describes synchronization of Josephson junctions embedded in a transmission line. I consider in detail a new phenomenon ??eation of inert oscillator pairs ??ich was observed in analytical studies. The second part of the thesis describes synchronization of an array of single mode fiber lasers, with special interest in the phenomenon of synchronization of subsets of fiber lasers in a two dimensional array through a specific arrangement of the under-pumped lasers.

Competitive Assessment of Aerospace Systems using System Dynamics

Pfaender, Jens Holger 20 November 2006 (has links)
Aircraft design has recently experienced a trend away from performance centric design towards a more balanced approach with increased emphasis on engineering an economically successful system. This approach focuses on bringing forward a comprehensive economic and life-cycle cost analysis, which can be addressed by the introduction of a dynamic method allowing the analysis of the future attractiveness of such a concept in the presence of uncertainty. One way of addressing this is through the use of a competitive market model. However, existing market models do not focus on the dynamics of the market, which results in poor predictive capabilities. The method proposed here focuses on a top-down approach that integrates a competitive model based on work in the field of system dynamics into the aircraft design process. The primary contribution is the demonstration of the feasibility of such integration. This integration is achieved through the use of surrogate models, which enabled not only the practical integration of analysis techniques, but also reduced the computational requirements so that interactive exploration as envisioned is actually possible. An example demonstration of this integration is built on the competition in the 250 seat large commercial aircraft market. Two aircraft models were calibrated to existing performance and certification data and then integrated into the system dynamics market model, which was then calibrated with historical market data. This calibration showed a much improved predictive capability as compared to the conventional logit regression models. The resulting market model was then integrated into a prediction profiler environment with a time variant Monte-Carlo analysis resulting in a unique trade-off environment. This environment was shown to allow interactive trade-off between aircraft design decisions and economic considerations while allowing the exploration potential market success in the light of varying external market conditions and scenarios. Another use of the existing outputs of the Monte-Carlo analysis was then realized by visualizing the model variables on a multivariate scatter plot. This enables the designer to define strategic market and return on investment goals for a number of scenarios and then directly see which specific aircraft designs meet these goals.

Study on a Architecture_Oriented System Analysis Methodology

Liu, Yu-Tse 24 January 2007 (has links)
There is a wide gap between the users and the developers in terms of understanding an information system. The most important job scope of a system analyzer is to interview the users to fulfill the requirements and to produce the documentation in layman terms. Chaos theory, system dynamics, project management theory, etc. all tell the initial stage playing an important role during system development. If the users¡¦ requirements are not clearly understood, it will have a bitter consequence when the information system is online. Therefore, system analysis is the essential stage for changes and to understand the requirements of the users. Currently, approaches of system analysis are related to either database management or structured methodology. As for the acquisition of users¡¦ requirements, there are no clear steps and procedures. This has made the understanding of users¡¦ requirement more difficult. We hope that by using a tool of architecture, system analyzers can better comprehend users¡¦ requirements. Hence, we come up with the Architecture-Oriented-System-Analysis-Model (AOSAM) for analysis, design, implementation and testing of an information system. For this research, there are three portions: (1) the fundamental theory of the AOSAM, (2) the build up of the AOSAM, and (3) procedures of using the AOSAM. In this study, we find out AOSAM is able to combine structure with process during the system analysis stage. Furthermore, AOSAM also reaches three significant accomplishments: (1) system analysts grasp users¡¦ requirements firmly, (2) system designers easier to transform users¡¦ requirements to design documents, and (3) to reduce repeating System Development Life Cycle. In the future, we would like to advance the AOSAM to the area of user acceptability, integrated business information system, system design, etc.

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