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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

國內企業導入ERP系統之模式探討-以IC製造業為例 / The Research on Developing a Model of Implementing ERP Systems for the IC Manufacturing Industry in Taiwan

朱麗芬, Chu, Li-Fen Unknown Date (has links)
由於全球化營運的趨勢,許多企業皆邁向跨國的經營模式,組織的層級與規模隨業務需要逐漸擴大,導致對於整合與控制企業資源、企業流程和資訊系統的需求日益增強。不但必須了解國內外企業的所有資源與營運狀況,還需將所有資源加以整合,並整合上下游成為一個完整的供應鏈模式,以能即時提供對企業有利的資訊供決策之用。而企業經營面對的競爭也是全球性的,更快速地反應市場及客戶需求,或是更流暢地與上、下游廠商溝通,都是企業必備的條件,但這樣的理想便需要透過作好組織內部的企業資源規劃(Enterprise Resource Planning,ERP)來達成;亦即良好的企業資源規劃為供應鏈有效運作之基礎。 因此國內企業也逐漸體認企業資源規劃系統的重要性,尤其面對全球化競爭、組織扁平化、產業知識快速擴散與新科技對企業的衝擊,國內各企業無不全力投入提升企業競爭力的行列,對於企業資源規劃系統的需求也就日益增加。但目前國內尚無適合台灣企業本土化的導入方法,可作為企業資源規劃系統導入實施的步驟依據,故而提出一套能適合國內企業導入企業資源規劃系統的方法實為當務之急。 有鑑於此,本研究透過文獻探討蒐集彙整的方式,以瞭解成功導入企業資源規劃系統之方法;接著,利用模式推導方式,提出一適合國內企業導入企業資源規劃系統的參考模式及建議;再者,本研究將以半導體產業之IC製造業為例,對事先選定的個案公司透過深入訪談、實際觀察、文件及檔案資料收集等方式,輔以非結構化問卷進行個案研究;最後,藉由個案研究所得之結論,針對之前所提之參考模式加以修正,以供國內半導體產業之IC製造業的借鏡,並作為未來導入企業資源規劃系統之參考。 / For the trend towards global operations, the business models of many enterprises become in international style, and the organizational hierarchies and sizes of these enterprises are also becoming expanded. Therefore it extraordinarily needs to integrate and to control the business resources, processes and information systems of an enterprise to overcome these changes. To reach this goal, an enterprise must draw up the right enterprise resource planning (ERP). And also, a right enterprise resource plan is the basis to integrate its upstream and downstream as to be an efficient and effective supply chain. To face the worldwide competition and new information technologies striking, many enterprises in Taiwan are growing to realize the importance of implementing ERP systems to enhance their competition capabilities. Although the demand of implementing ERP systems is becoming great, it lacks a model of implementing ERP systems for the enterprises in Taiwan. Therefore, to provide a suitable model for the Taiwan’s enterprises is a task of the urgency at present. In this research, firstly we survey the existing models for the implementation of information technology applications and ERP systems. Secondly, we study the operating characteristics of the enterprises in Taiwan, and propose a preliminary model of implementing ERP systems for the enterprises in Taiwan. Finally we analyze the properties of IC manufacturing industry and visit an IC manufacturing enterprise as to be our real study case to get its implementation experience, and use this information to revise our preliminary model. The model proposed in this thesis could be used as a reference model for the IC manufacturing enterprises to implement their ERP systems.

The role of assurance within project management standards / Role dohledu ve standardech projektového řízení

Koch, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the role of assurance within project management standards. Firstly, the theoretical role of assurance was established based on the performed research. Three main areas of interest have been identified: Assurance over business, the project itself and the product. The role established in the theoretical part of the work was subsequently compared to information systems development methodologies and project management standards. From the comparison with AUP, Scrum and FDD methodologies, it seems that the better assurance is defined, the longer the feedback cycle is. During the comparison with the three most widespread project management standards - IPMA, PRINCE2 and PMBOK - various areas have been identified where these are not fully compliant with the theoretical role of assurance. Additions to IPMA and PMBOK have been created to support the compliance with the theoretically established role of assurance, fulfilling the objective set for the practical part of the work and providing benefits to IT project management professionals that struggle to deliver quality products while following one of the aforementioned standards.

Exploration potenzieller Barrieren für die Akzeptanz eines interdisziplinären sektorenübergreifenden Versorgungsnetzwerkes für Patient*innen mit Morbus Parkinson

Lang, Caroline, Timpel, P., Müller, G., Knapp, A., Falkenburger, B., Wolz, M., Themann, P., Schmitt, J. 30 May 2024 (has links)
Hintergrund Mit dem ParkinsonNetzwerk Ostsachsen (PANOS) soll ein intersektorales, pfadbasiertes und plattformunterstütztes Versorgungskonzept etabliert werden, um trotz steigender Behandlungszahlen eine flächendeckende Parkinson-Versorgung mit adäquaten Therapien zu unterstützen. Fragestellung Welche Barrieren könnten die Akzeptanz und eine erfolgreiche Verstetigung des PANOS-Behandlungspfades gefährden? Methode Implementierungsbarrieren wurden über eine selektive Literaturrecherche identifiziert und in einer Onlinebefragung von 36 projektassoziierten Neurolog*innen und Hausärzt*innen priorisiert. Die Auswertung der Ergebnisse erfolgte anonymisiert und deskriptiv. Ergebnisse Dreizehn mögliche Implementierungsbarrieren wurden identifiziert. Es nahmen 11 Neurolog*innen und 7 Hausärzt*innen an der Onlineumfrage teil. Die befragten Neurolog*innen sahen in Doppeldokumentationen sowie in unzureichender Kommunikation und Kooperation zwischen den Leistungserbringenden die größten Hindernisse für eine Akzeptanz von PANOS. Hausärzt*innen beurteilten u. a. die restriktiven Verordnungs- und Budgetgrenzen und den möglicherweise zu hohen Zeitaufwand für Netzwerkprozesse als hinderlich. Diskussion Doppeldokumentationen von Patienten- und Behandlungsdaten sind zeitintensiv und fehleranfällig. Die Akzeptanz kann durch adäquate finanzielle Kompensation der Leistungserbringenden erhöht werden. Das hausärztliche Verordnungsverhalten könnte durch die Verwendung interventionsbezogener Abrechnungsziffern positiv beeinflusst werden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen u. a. einen Bedarf an integrativen technischen Systemlösungen und sektorenübergreifenden Dokumentationsstrukturen, um den Mehraufwand für Leistungserbringende zu reduzieren. Schlussfolgerung Eine Vorabanalyse der Einflussfaktoren von PANOS sowie die Sensibilisierung aller mitwirkenden Akteure für potenzielle Barrieren sind entscheidend für die Akzeptanz des Versorgungsnetzwerkes. Gezielte Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung und Vermeidung identifizierter Barrieren können die anwenderseitige Akzeptanz erhöhen und die Behandlungsergebnisse optimieren. / Introduction The ParkinsonNetwork Eastern Saxony (PANOS) aims to establish an intersectoral, path-based and platform-supported care concept in order to support comprehensive care with adequate therapies despite the increasing number of patients to be treated. Objective Which barriers may limit the acceptance and successful implementation of PANOS? Methods Implementation barriers were identified through a selective literature review and prioritized in an online survey of 36 project-associated neurologists and general practitioners. The results were analyzed anonymously and descriptively. Results Thirteen potential implementation barriers were identified. Eleven neurologists and seven general practitioners participated in the online survey. The surveyed neurologists assessed double documentation and inadequate communication and cooperation between the service providers as the biggest obstacles to the acceptance of PANOS. General practitioners rated the restrictions for prescription and budget and the potentially high time expenditure required for network activities as barriers. Discussion Double documentation of patient and treatment data is time consuming and prone to errors. Adequate financial compensation could increase service providers’ willingness to participate in such measures. In addition, the prescribing behavior of general practitioners may be influenced positively by the use of intervention-related accounting numbers. The results indicate a need for integrative technical system solutions and intersectoral documentation structures in order to reduce the additional effort for service providers. Conclusion Analyzing the influencing factors of the PANOS network, and raising the awareness of all participating service providers to potential barriers, are decisive measures for the acceptance of the care network. Targeted measures to reduce and avoid identified barriers can increase user acceptance and optimize treatment results.

Proposta e avaliação de uma sistemática para a implementação da norma ISO 22000: 2005 - sistemas de gestão da segurança de alimentos e exemplo prático de sua implementação / Proposed and evaluation of a system for the implementation of ISO 22000: 2005 - Food safety management systems and practical example of its implementation

Lopes, Ellen Almeida 18 December 2007 (has links)
Foi desenvolvida uma proposta de sistemática para implementação de Sistema de Gestão da Segurança de Alimentos com base na Norma ISO 22000:2005 (NBR ISO 22000:2006). Esta sistemática está composta por: A) Mapeamento da documentação; B) Formulários para o Planejamento do sistema APPCC/ HACCP com base na norma ISO 22000, bem como Instrução para seu uso, incluindo tanto as etapas preliminares como os 7 Princípios estabelecidos pelo Codex Alimentarius; C) Documentos para a verificação dos sistemas: Checklist para auditoria de verificação, tanto de adequação como de implementação, e Mapeamento da comunicação. Esta sistemática foi aplicada em uma linha de produtos em pó de empresa real, de porte médio, denominada, ficticiamente, empresa EXEMPLO. Foram dados os treinamentos necessários, adequados ao nível de conhecimento da equipe de segurança de alimentos, e realizadas reuniões de consultoria. Após implementação da sistemática proposta pela equipe da empresa EXEMPLO na linha de produtos escolhida para este fim, foi realizada uma auditoria de verificação para a avaliação da adequação do Sistema de Gestão da Segurança de Alimentos com base na Norma ISO 22000. A equipe foi composta por três auditores, sendo dois deles com formação nível auditor líder de ISO 22000. Concluiu-se que a sistemática é eficaz e adequada, atendendo plenamente às exigências da Norma ISO 22000. Foi, também, incluído no trabalho exemplo prático da documentação básica resultante da implementação na empresa EXEMPLO. A sistemática e modelos desenvolvidos, bem como a visualização de um exemplo prático, podem auxiliar as empresas a diminuir significativamente o tempo de implementação, embora ajustes devam ser feitos para adequação à sua realidade. Os ajustes necessários devem considerar os requisitos regulamentares, dependendo do tipo de produto e do órgão regulatório responsável pela sua regulamentação e fiscalização, bem como requisitos estatutários que possam impactar na sistemática desenvolvida. / A proposed methodology was developed for the implementation of a Food safety management system based on ISO 22000:2005 (NBR ISO 22000:2006). This methodology includes: A) Map of all necessary documents; B) Forms for the HACCP system planning, based on ISO 22000 plus related instruction on how to use these forms, including the preliminary steps and the 7 Principles established by Codex Alimentarius; C) Documents for ISO 22000 system verification: Checklist for system assessment, considering adequacy and implementation and a Map of communication activities. This methodology was applied to one organization of medium size, focusing on one of its product lines. This organization was identified as EXAMPLE Organization. Necessary trainings and consultancy were offered by the author, considering the knowledge level of the food safety team. After implementation was complemented by the EXAMPLE Organization, according to the organization, an assessment was performed by a team composed of 3 auditors, two of them at the ISO 22000 lead auditor level. The main objective of this audit was to evaluate the adequacy of the proposed methodology. The conclusion was that the methodology is effective and adequate to the requirements of the ISO 22000 standard. The main documentation developed was also shown as the result of the implementation. The methodology and forms developed may help organizations to reduce the time involved in the implementation of the ISO 22000 system, even though adjustments to their circumstances shall be made. The necessary adjustments shall consider the kind of the product and the related statutory and regulatory requirements.

Proposta e avaliação de uma sistemática para a implementação da norma ISO 22000: 2005 - sistemas de gestão da segurança de alimentos e exemplo prático de sua implementação / Proposed and evaluation of a system for the implementation of ISO 22000: 2005 - Food safety management systems and practical example of its implementation

Ellen Almeida Lopes 18 December 2007 (has links)
Foi desenvolvida uma proposta de sistemática para implementação de Sistema de Gestão da Segurança de Alimentos com base na Norma ISO 22000:2005 (NBR ISO 22000:2006). Esta sistemática está composta por: A) Mapeamento da documentação; B) Formulários para o Planejamento do sistema APPCC/ HACCP com base na norma ISO 22000, bem como Instrução para seu uso, incluindo tanto as etapas preliminares como os 7 Princípios estabelecidos pelo Codex Alimentarius; C) Documentos para a verificação dos sistemas: Checklist para auditoria de verificação, tanto de adequação como de implementação, e Mapeamento da comunicação. Esta sistemática foi aplicada em uma linha de produtos em pó de empresa real, de porte médio, denominada, ficticiamente, empresa EXEMPLO. Foram dados os treinamentos necessários, adequados ao nível de conhecimento da equipe de segurança de alimentos, e realizadas reuniões de consultoria. Após implementação da sistemática proposta pela equipe da empresa EXEMPLO na linha de produtos escolhida para este fim, foi realizada uma auditoria de verificação para a avaliação da adequação do Sistema de Gestão da Segurança de Alimentos com base na Norma ISO 22000. A equipe foi composta por três auditores, sendo dois deles com formação nível auditor líder de ISO 22000. Concluiu-se que a sistemática é eficaz e adequada, atendendo plenamente às exigências da Norma ISO 22000. Foi, também, incluído no trabalho exemplo prático da documentação básica resultante da implementação na empresa EXEMPLO. A sistemática e modelos desenvolvidos, bem como a visualização de um exemplo prático, podem auxiliar as empresas a diminuir significativamente o tempo de implementação, embora ajustes devam ser feitos para adequação à sua realidade. Os ajustes necessários devem considerar os requisitos regulamentares, dependendo do tipo de produto e do órgão regulatório responsável pela sua regulamentação e fiscalização, bem como requisitos estatutários que possam impactar na sistemática desenvolvida. / A proposed methodology was developed for the implementation of a Food safety management system based on ISO 22000:2005 (NBR ISO 22000:2006). This methodology includes: A) Map of all necessary documents; B) Forms for the HACCP system planning, based on ISO 22000 plus related instruction on how to use these forms, including the preliminary steps and the 7 Principles established by Codex Alimentarius; C) Documents for ISO 22000 system verification: Checklist for system assessment, considering adequacy and implementation and a Map of communication activities. This methodology was applied to one organization of medium size, focusing on one of its product lines. This organization was identified as EXAMPLE Organization. Necessary trainings and consultancy were offered by the author, considering the knowledge level of the food safety team. After implementation was complemented by the EXAMPLE Organization, according to the organization, an assessment was performed by a team composed of 3 auditors, two of them at the ISO 22000 lead auditor level. The main objective of this audit was to evaluate the adequacy of the proposed methodology. The conclusion was that the methodology is effective and adequate to the requirements of the ISO 22000 standard. The main documentation developed was also shown as the result of the implementation. The methodology and forms developed may help organizations to reduce the time involved in the implementation of the ISO 22000 system, even though adjustments to their circumstances shall be made. The necessary adjustments shall consider the kind of the product and the related statutory and regulatory requirements.

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