Spelling suggestions: "subject:"systemteknik"" "subject:"systemteknisk""
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Utveckling av dokumentdatabas / Development of Document DatabaseLorentzon, Marie, Lindstrand, Anders January 2002 (has links)
<p>Denna rapport beskriver ett examensarbete inom Programmet för Användarinriktad Systemutveckling vid Linköpings universitet, Campus Norrköping. Resultatet är en databasapplikation som är utvecklad specifikt för C.N.S. Systems AB i Linköping. </p><p>I uppgiften ingår analys, utformning, realisering, implementering, dokumentation samt i viss mån även förvaltning och drift. Utvecklingsarbetet har skett i nära samarbete med företaget som har tillhandhållit arbetsplatser och datorutrustning. </p><p>Applikationen är ett dokumentregistreringssystem där information om företagets interna och externa dokument lagras. Tidigare har motsvarande uppgifter lagrats i Excel. Den färdiga databasapplikationen har främst gjort det lättare att registrera och söka ett dokument vilket också var ett av de uppsatta målen. Själva databasen är utvecklad i Access och gränssnittet i Visual Basic. Kopplingen mellan dessa är skapad med ActiveX Data Objects 2.0 (ADO). </p><p>Rapporten ger inledningsvis en närmare presentation av utgångsläge och förutsättningar. Därefter beskrivs teorin bakom det arbetssätt som använts. I resultatdelen presenteras applikationen översiktligt, valda delar lite mer ingående. Och slutligen, i diskussionsavsnittet, görs en subjektiv bedömning av resultatet och utvecklingsarbetet. </p> / <p>This report is based on a project within ”User oriented System development Program”, ASP, at the University of Linköping, Campus Norrköping, Sweden. The result is a database application developed for C.N.S. Systems AB in Linköping. </p><p>The report describes analysis, design, implementation, documentation and in some extent maintenance of the system. The development work has been done in collaboration with the company at their office in Linköping. </p><p>The application handles and stores information about internal and external documents. The purpose of the database is to improve registration and searching of documents. The system is designed with MS Access 2000 connected to Visual Basic with ActiveX Data Objects 2.0(ADO).</p>
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Enabling Reactive Design of Robust Real-Time Embedded SystemsEriksson, Johan January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Identifying and Managing Key Challenges in Architecting Software-Intensive SystemsWallin, Peter January 2011 (has links)
In many traditional industry applications, such as automotive, process automation and manufacturing automation, software plays a crucial role as an enabler for the introduction of new functionality and retaining competitiveness. The system and software architecture plays an important part in ensuring the systems’ qualities. However, the design of the architecture may be neglected during system development, whilst development efforts are centered on implementing new functionality. The architecture is supposed to support and enable key quality attributes such as safety, reliability, maintainability and flexibility, and so on. This thesis identifies some of the key issues in architecting these software intensive systems. In total, 21 issues have been identified; examples of these issues are (1) there is a lack of process for architecture development, (2) there is a lack of method or model to evaluate business value when choosing architecture, (3) there is a lack of clear long-term architectural strategy, and (4) processes and methods are less valued than individuals’ knowledge and competence. Through a series of workshops, root causes were identified for a selection of these issues. Based on these root causes, five success factors were identified. The success factors are (1) define an architectural strategy (2) implement a process for architectural work (3) ensure authority for architects (4) clarify the business impact of the architecture and (5) optimize on the project portfolio level instead of optimizing each project. In an attempt to provide a possible solution to some of the issues, a method has been created to evaluate how new functionality is successfully integrated into an existing architecture. The method is a combination of the Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method, ATAM, and the Analytical Hierarchy Process, AHP. The method firstly supports a structured way of listing system goals, and secondly, it also supports design decision-making. Since several issues relate to the organization and are affected by management, a comparison was made between the view of management and architects. This study revealed that one cause for the lack of focus on architecture could be that the existing performance measurement systems used by management all focus on the later phases of development when the architecture is already set. / CoSy
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Energy Harvesting in Wireless Sensor NetworksPersson, Erik January 2019 (has links)
Over the past few years, the interest of remote wireless sensor networks has increased with the growth of Internet of Things technology. The wireless sensor network applications vary from tracking animal movement to controlling small electrical devices. Wireless sensors deployed in remote areas where the grid is unavailable are normally powered by batteries, inducing a limited lifespan for the sensor. This thesis work presents a solution to implement solar energy harvesting to a wireless sensor network. By gathering energy from the environment and using it in conjunction with an energy storage, the lifetime of a sensor node can be extended while at the same time reducing maintenance costs. To make sensor nodes in a network energy efficient, an adaptive controller of the nodes energy consumption can be used. A network consisting of a client node and a server node was created. The client node was powered by a small solar cell in conjunction with a capacitor. A linear-quadratic tracking algorithm was implemented to adaptively change the transmission rate for a node based on its current and previous battery level and the energy harvesting model. The implementation was done using only integers. To evaluate the system for extended run-times, the battery level was simulated using MATLAB. The system was simulated for different weather conditions. The simulation results show that the system is viable for both cloudy and sunny weather conditions. The integer linear-quadratic algorithm responds to change very abruptly in comparison to a floating point-version.
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Implementing and studying the effects of a roll stability system in heavy vehicles using a moving simulator / Implementering samt undersökning av nyttoeffekter av ett rollstabiliseringssystem hos tunga fordon i en rörelsesimulatorPettersson, Ulrika January 2010 (has links)
<p>This thesis presents the making and the implementation of a roll stability system for a simulator truck. The purpose of the system is to prevent rollover. The making of the system consists of three parts; calculating the roll angle, calculating a rollover index and constructing the control system. The roll angle was calculated using a one degree of freedom model of the truck with the measured lateral acceleration as input signal. Using the roll angle and the roll rate, a rollover index was calculated. The controller made the truck brake to avoid the impending rollover when the rollover index was at a critical point. The benefits of the system were measured by conducting a study in which test persons drove the simulator truck both with the stability system switched on and switched off. The scenario in the study was carefully constructed so that it would test the system thoroughly. The results were not unambiguous, in some situations the roll stability system prevented roll over, but in others it had the opposite effect.</p> / <p>I den här examensarbetesrapporten presenteras ett rollstabiliseringssystem för tunga fordon framtaget på VTIs (Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut) begäran. Systemet ska användas i VTIs simulator och det ska förhindra att fordonet välter. Utvecklingen av systemet kan delas in i tre större områden; beräkning av fordonets rollvinkel, framtagandet av ett rolloverindex samt skapandet av en regulator. Rollvinkeln är framtagen utifrån en lastbilsmodell med en frihestgrad, och skattades utifrån den mätta sidoaccelerationen. Rollhastigheten i sin tur skattades utifrån rollvinkeln. Ett rolloverindex som anger risken för vältning i varje ögonblick räknades fram med hjälp av rollvinkeln och rollhastigheten. Då indexet indikerar att vältning är nära aktiveras ett reglersystem. Detta system bromsar in lastbilen för att minska vältrisken. Examensarbetet avslutades med en studie utförd i simulatorn där försökspersoner körde både med och utan stabiliseringssytemet inkopplat. Scenariot i studien var speciellt utformat för att testa stabiliseringssystemet. Resultaten var inte entydiga, stabiliseringssystemet hjälpte i vissa situationer men i andra hade det motsatt effekt och fick lastbilen att välta snarare än att förhindra vältningen. Slutligen utvärderades nyttoeffekterna av det framtagna systemet.</p>
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Implementation and Testing of a Semi-Active Damping SystemNordin, Peter January 2007 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this thesis is to implement and test a semi-active damping system based on a concept from an earlier thesis. The project includes implementation of mechanical, hydraulic and electronic hardware, aswell as controller software. The idea is to measure the movements of the vehicle chassis and based on these measurements set the damping torque using hydraulics. To be able to develop, test and evaluate the system, realistic input data must be available. To acquire such data, driving trials have been conducted on a variety of tracks.</p><p>The first part of the system is the sensors that measure chassis movements. Both accelerometers and a gyro has been used. To remove drift and high frequency vibrations, the signals are filtered. The suggested controller from the earlier thesis requests damping torque based on the dampers vertical velocity. When accelerometer signals are integrated, measurement and rounding errors causes drift in the velocity. To compensate for this, a floating average is calculated and used.</p><p>The main hydraulic component is a pressure reduction valve that controls the pressure inside the damper. Higher pressure will give higher damping torque. The reaction speed of the system is mostly depending on the hydraulic components. It is important to know the time delay from a change in the valve control signal, to when the actual pressure in the damper has been reached. Tests have shown that a large step, going from 10 Bar to 60 Bar takes approximately 46ms, and that a small step from 1 Bar to 20 Bar takes 63ms. The valve is faster when higher pressure levels are requested. In addition to the hydraulic response time the delay through the signal filters, measured to about 14ms, must be added.</p><p>The sensors are affected by vibrations. If these can be reduced, the digital filters can be made less sharp with a lower filter delay as result. It is also important to have a good control computer so that large rounding errors in the filter calculations can be avoided. This would greatly decrease drift in the integrated velocity.</p>
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Realtidsmodeller av däck och koppling för fordonssimulatorWedell, Stefan January 2007 (has links)
<p>Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka metoder för modellering och realtidssimulering av fordonskomponenterna koppling och däck. Avsikten skulle sedan vara att implementera utvalda modeller i simulink för användning tillsammans med en befintlig fordonssimulator. Arbetet innehåller en litteraturstudie som ger fysikalisk förståelse för fordonskomponenterna samt vägledning vid valet av modelleringsmetod.</p><p>Utmaningen med kopplingen var att modellera övergången mellan låst och</p><p>slirande tillstånd. Efter utvärdering av olika metoder valdes en metod som använder samma systemstruktur för båda fallen, dvs ett system med två frihetsgrader.</p><p>Däcksmodellen valdes med hänsynen att ett trovärdigt beteende skulle uppnås utan att kräva för mycket beräkningskraft. En metod byggd på fysikaliska resonemang är svår att få verklighetstrogen med begränsad komplexitet. Valet föll därför på metoden Magic Formula som är en metod baserad på experimentella mätningar som är vanligt använd i realtidstillämpningar.</p><p>Ett problem vid modelleringen av både koppling och däck är sista steget i simuleringen innan kopplingen låser sig respektive däcket går från slirande till rullande. Orsaken är att simuleringen görs diskret med fix steglängd och en hög sannolikhet för att övergången mellan tillstånden "missas" och en oscillering uppstår. Problemet löses med hjälp av en prediktering av nästkommande beräkningssteg.</p><p>Med modellerna implementerade och sammankopplade med den övriga fordonsmodellen erhålls en acceptabel körkänsla vid realtidssimulering på en helt vanlig hemdator. Med detta anses syftet med detta arbete vara uppfyllt.</p>
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Design Support for e-Commerce Information Systems using Goal, Business and Process ModellingEdirisuriya, Ananda January 2009 (has links)
Enterprises use various models to find design solutions to their e-Commerce information systems. Goal, business and process models are parts of a chain of models used for this purpose. Business modelling requires structured methods to support design and traceability. Process modelling also needs structured methods to manage design complexity, traceability and flexibility. The thesis proposes several artifacts to address these challenges. It proposes a method to design business models from goal models. We start by analyzing strategic goals and express goal model notions using business notions. A set of guidelines is proposed to design a business model. The method provides structured business model design and traceability of the decisions from business to strategic level. The thesis also discusses a set of mappings to relate goal modelling language constructs to process modelling notions. We use BMM, i* and KAOS for goal modelling. The mappings are used to identify how these techniques can support process design. In addition, a set of mappings is proposed to relate business modelling language constructs to process modelling notions. We use the e3value model for business modelling. Based on these mappings a number of activities are identified to structure process activities from a business viewpoint. We also propose a method to design process models using goal and business models as inputs. As a bridge between two input models and a process model, the notion of an activity dependency model is introduced. The transitions between models are performed by using guidelines. The method provides structured process model design, flexibility for process models and traceability of the decisions from operational to strategic and business levels. These artifacts can be used for designing enterprise business and process models. We follow the design science research method used in information systems research. The evaluation builds on scenarios, implementations and a literature review.
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Modelling for diagnosis in Modelica : implementation and analysisBäck, Olof January 2008 (has links)
<p>Technical systems of today are often complex and integrated. To maintain operational functionality and security it is sometimes necessary to have a surveillance system which can detect a fault in an early stage. The device that detects and locates the faulty component is called a diagnosis system. There are several different approaches to fault diagnosis, this study focus on a part of technical diagnosis that uses a model of the system for assistance to make the diagnosis. In the creation of the model of the system computer tools can be used, in this thesis it is investigated if one such software tool is practical to use in the building of the model of the system.</p><p>One aspect of technical diagnosis based on models is the creation of a model of the process in question with support for faults, a fault model. In this thesis, Modelica is used to create fault models. The models produced from Modelica are then analyzed by some existing diagnosis algorithms.</p><p>The approach of designing fault models in Modelica and then exporting the corresponding system and perform diagnosis analysis on it in Matlab is considered feasible. But the process falls a bit short of the aim of a automatic model building and and diagnosis analysis procedure.</p><p>If the results from this thesis are to be used in the future will depend on if the freedom that Modelica gives in designing fault models are deemed worthwhile to accommodate so that the results from the modeling suits the diagnosis analysis. One way to do ease this transformation of data is to restrict the freedom of model designs in Modelica but then some of the benefit that Modelica brings is negated. It is shown here however that it it possible to design fault models in Modelica and then use the results to analyze the models regarding sensor placement and test design.</p>
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Distributed machine learning for embedded devicesGyllsdorff, Niclas January 2018 (has links)
The goal of the master thesis is to investigate the feasibility ofhaving distributed machine learning on embedded devices and toanalyse how the architecture of such a system can look like. A systemis proposed which enables machine learning running on multipleembedded devices to communicate with an end application. Theapplication communicates with the distributed machine learning via agateway, which decouples the application. The proposed system isimplemented as a proof of concept system, which utilizes distributedmachine learning to achieve gesture recognition. The Intel Curiemodule was selected as the embedded device, as it provides a hardwareaccelerated implementation of the machine learning algorithmsK-Nearest Neighbour and Radial Basis Function. This module alsoprovides accelerometer/gyroscope sensors for collecting gesture dataas well as Bluetooth Low Energy, which enables wireless communicationwith other devices. The implemented system shows that it is feasibleto implement distributed machine learning on embedded devices if themachine learning is hardware accelerated. If a hardware acceleratorwas not used the computational load on the embedded device willincrease, which will increase the overall power consumption. For alow powered and constrained devices, hardware accelerated machinelearning is likely the best approach to implement edge intelligence.
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