Spelling suggestions: "subject:"systemteknik"" "subject:"systemteknisk""
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Distributed Functionality Allocation to Multi-core Computational NodesHrustic, Enesa, Kreho, Dzenan January 2024 (has links)
In previous years, there has been an increase in demand for new functionalities in the automotive and machinery domains. To meet these requirements, deploying more powerful single-core Electronic Control Units (ECUs) became necessary. However, single-cores may soon reach their limit in satisfying current performance and functionality needs. A promising solution lies in the use of multi-core ECUs. Although multi-cores are widely used in consumer electronics, their application in real-time systems has not yet been fully realized. This challenge stems from the fact that real-time systems impose strict timing requirements, making the transition to using multi-cores in real-time applications more challenging. This thesis investigates and analyzes methodologies to ensure that multi-core systems meet their real-time requirements. An extensive review of the state of the art is performed to determine different analysis approaches. Moreover, the thesis revises existing analyses, proposing refinements to enhance their correctness. Furthermore, the analyses are expanded to preemptive scheduling, as the majority of related work considers non-preemptive scheduling for multi-cores. Another scope of this thesis considers core interconnects. With that said, this thesis investigates two types of interconnects: bus and crossbar. An extensive analysis with evaluation is provided to compare the two. Furthermore, in order to investigate arbitration among cores for shared resources, two interconnect arbitration policies are used: First Come First Served and Round Robin. Theoretical considerations are laid out, and the evaluation of proposed approaches is presented. The proposed theories are tested against a typical automotive benchmarks and an industrial use case provided by Volvo Construction Equipment. The work culminates in assembling the analyses in a software tool developed in the C programming language. The tool is capable of running the aforementioned analyses and providing output based on the feasibility of the task set provided as input. Finally, the thesis discusses possibilities for refining the performed work and provides directions for future work.
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Återvinning : En studie gjord för att belysa företags syn på objektorientering och återanvändning / Recycling : A study made to illustrate companies view on object-orientation and reuseWall, Eva-Lotta January 2004 (has links)
Då man arbetar objektorienterat inom systemutvecklingen sägs det att återanvändning är en av fördelarna med detta arbetssätt. Mitt syfte i denna uppsats var att undersöka hur systemutvecklingsföretag som arbetar objektorienterat ser på fenomenet objektorientering och återanvändning. Studien skall även ge svar på hur de arbetar med återanvändning och vad de återanvänder, eller vad som ligger bakom då de inte arbetar mer för återanvändning. För att besvara mina frågeställningar har jag intervjuat sju informanter på sju olika företag. Jag har haft ett hermeneutiskt förhållningssätt i min studie, vid intervjuerna har jag använt mig av en kvalitativ ansats och vid analysen har jag använt mig analytisk induktion. Resultaten i min studie visar att objektorientering banar väg för återanvändning och ger effektivare systemutveckling. Resultaten visar också att då hjulet inte behöver uppfinnas på nytt, så leder det till tidsbesparingar och lägre kostnader för företagen. Alla företag arbetar med återanvändning, antingen mer eller mindre, men för att arbeta mer med det behövs en organisation som tar hand om det merarbete som tillkommer vid återanvändning. Slutsatser i denna studie är att objektorientering ger enklare system till skillnad från de traditionella systemutvecklingsmetoderna, det ger även säkrare system och snabbare systemutveckling, vilket även återanvändning leder till. För att bedriva återanvändning i större skala behövs det en organisation inom företaget som driver detta. / When you work object-oriented in system-development it is said that reuse is one of the benefits with this way of working. My purpose in this study was to examine how system development-companies, which work object-oriented, look at the object-orientation and reuse- phenomena. With this study I also want answers that say if they work with reuse and if they do what they reuse. To answer my questions at issue I have interviewed seven informants from seven different companies. I have had a hermeneutical attitude in my study, I have used a qualitative projection and in the analysis I have used an analytic induction. The results in my study shows that object-orientation pave the way for reuse and give more effective system-development. The results also show that if the wheel doesn’t have to be invented again, over and over, it leads to timesaving and lower costs for the companies. All companies work with reuse, more or less, but to be able to work even more with the reuse-issue the company needs an organization witch is able to take care of the extra work witch arise with reuse. The conclusion of this study is that object-orientation gives easier system in contrast to the traditional method of system-developments, it also gives more secure system and faster system-developing, witch also reuse leads to. There is a need for an organization within the company that is able to drive the reuse- issue, if they are going to be able to reuse in larger scale.
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Two-Tone PLL for On-Chip Test In 90nm-TechnologyShuaib, Muhammad January 2009 (has links)
<p>In this report the two-tone PLL circuit intended for on-chip test of RF blocks is presented. The primary application is the third order intermodulation test (TOI), vital for RF front-ends. If the spectral analysis can also be completed by DSP available on the chip or on board, it provides a built in self-test (BiST) which can replace costly test instrumentation (ATE). The advantage of the designed two-tone PLL is that it practically prevents the locking effect while keeping the two oscillation frequencies close. Also by careful design the possible intermodulation distortion of the two-tone stimulus can be avoided.</p><p>The two-tone PLL has been designed and verified at the system level using Verilog-A models in Cadence <sup>TM. </sup>Besides, two building blocks of the PLL were implemented at the circuit level in 90nm CMOS technology. The obtained results are promising in terms of a practical two-tone BiST implementation.</p>
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Dynamisk webbprogrammering : Varför väljer systemutvecklande organisationer ASP.NET? / Dynamic Web Programming : Why Do System Developing Organizations Choose ASP.NET?Blom, Jan, Ljung, Jörgen January 2004 (has links)
<p>Vi har i vår studie tittat på dynamisk webbprogrammering med fokus på Microsofts senaste teknik ASP.NET. Studien syftar till att ta reda på varför systemutvecklande organisationer infört ASP.NET, vilka förväntningar de har på tekniken och vilka utvecklingsverktyg som används. Vi har arbetat enligt ett hermeneutiskt synsätt för att få kvalitativ förståelse och ett helhetsperspektiv. Vi har valt semistrukturerade intervjuer för datainsamling och för analysen har vi valt en anpassad variant av Grundad teori. </p><p>Vårt resultat visar att några av anledningarna till införandet av ASP.NET hos organisationerna i studien beror dels på att de vill ligga långt fram i användandet av nya tekniker, dels upplever de att krav ställs på dem att de ska tillhandahålla och behärska de senaste utvecklingsteknologierna. Få uttalade förväntningar fanns på ASP.NET vid införandet och som utvecklingsverktyg används uteslutande Microsoft Visual Studio.NET som anses vara ett kraftfullt verktyg. Microsofts licensavtal och dominans på marknaden har också påverkat. </p><p>Några av slutsatserna blir att konkurrensfördelar kan erhållas genom en övergång till ASP.NET. Systemintegration blir enklare, vilket kan attrahera nya kundgrupper. Bättre möjligheter till struktur i programmeringen gör projekt lättare att planera och system lättare att underhålla. </p> / <p>In our research we have studied dynamical Web programming with the latest technology from Microsoft, ASP.NET. The purpose of the study is to find out why system developing organizations have introduced ASP.NET, what expectations of the technology they have and which development tools they use. We have worked according to a hermeneutical approach in order to get a qualitative understanding and a comprehensive view. We have chosen semi structured interviews for data acquisition and for analyze we have chosen an adapted variant of Grounded Theory. </p><p>Our result shows that some reasons to why the organizations in the study have introduced ASP.NET are that they will be in the frontline regarding the use of new technologies. They also feel that there is an expectation of them to use and know the latest of development technologies. There weren’t much explicit expectations of ASP.NET during the introduction. All of the organizations in the research used Microsoft Visual Studio.NET as development tool, because it is a powerful tool. The license agreement with Microsoft and its dominance on the market has also influenced them. </p><p>Some of our conclusions are that the organizations could have some competitive advantages if they introduce ASP.NET. System integration will be easier, which can attract new groups of customers. The possibilities to structure in the programming will make projects easier to plan and the maintaining of systems will be simpler.</p>
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Blir Sverige e-myndigt? En studie om arbetet mot 24-timmarsmyndighetsvisionen / Will Sweden be e-capable? A study of the work towards the vision of 24/7 agencyStarovlah, Aida, Wärn Björk, Marie January 2004 (has links)
<p>Vi lever i ett samhälle som genomgår stora förändringar på alla områden. Begreppet 24-timmarsmyndighet eller e-government är något som flera statsförvaltningar i världen liksom i Sverige redan har börjat arbeta mot. Den grundläggande idén med 24-timmarsmyndighet är att myndigheten ska vara i medborgarens tjänst, det vill säga erbjuda en bra service till medborgarna, öppenhet och insyn i sin verksamhet. Tillgängligheten är en av principerna för bra service. </p><p>Migrationsverket är en av myndigheterna i den svenska förvaltningen som har börjat arbeta mot det idealet. I vår uppsats använder vi oss av ELON-projektet på Migrationsverket där vi genom att studera användbarheten i en nyinförd webbtjänst undersöker hur denna webbtjänst påverkar Migrationsverkets tillgänglighet. </p><p>I vårt forskningsarbete kom vi fram till att det finns flera faktorer som är avgörande för tillgängligheten. Uppsatsen berättar om hur de faktorerna står i relation mot varandra och vad en myndighet kan göra för att förbättra sin tillgänglighet i 24-timmarsmyndigfhetsanda. </p><p>Den här uppsatsen har ambitionen att, genom att beskriva hur en svensk myndighet arbetar mot visionen 24-timmarsmyndighet, ge svar på frågan: Blir Sverige e-myndigt? </p> / <p>We are living in a society that is changing a great deal in all areas. The concept 24/7 agency or e-government is something many central government administrations in the world as in Sweden already have begun to work towards. The fundamental idea of 24/7 agency is that the public agency shall be in the service of the citizen i.e. offer a good service for the citizens and openness and insight in their activity. The availability is one of the principles for good service. </p><p>The Swedish Migration Board is one of the public agencies in the Swedish central government administration that has begun to work towards that ideal. In our essay we use the ELON-project at the Swedish Migration Board where we, by studying the usability of a newly introduced web service, examines how that affects the availability at the Migration Board. </p><p>In our research we found out that there are many factors that is decisive for the availability. The essay describes how the factors relate to each other and what a public agency can do to improve their availability in the spirit of 24/7 agency. </p><p>This essay has got the ambition to, by describing how a Swedish authority is working towards the vision of 24/7 agency, give answer to the question: Will Sweden be e-capable?</p>
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Dataintrång En studie av IT-säkerhet och IT-brott / Computer Trespass Study of IT-security and IT-crimeBartels, Anna, Shenavar, Shahla January 2004 (has links)
<p>Detta är en B-uppsats inom datasäkerhet och datajuridik. Uppsatsen består av först en litteraturstudie. Där tar vi upp vilka hot som finns mot information som hanteras med hjälp av datorer. Med hjälp av olika säkerhetsverktyg ökar man skyddet mot hoten. Vi beskriver de vanligaste verktygen som företag och även privatpersoner använder sig av. Ämnet dataintrång förklaras samt en beskrivning av externt- och interntdataintrång. I och med IT-utvecklingens snabba framväxt och förändringar på samhället ger det nya tillfällen till brott, ökningen av brott kan bero på att det finns en ökad skicklighet hos förövarna samtidigt som skyddet är svagt. Vad lagen säger om IT-brott och vilken lag som hanterar dataintrång tas upp. </p><p>I empiridelen har vi studerat olika rättsfall för att se hur dataintrång har skett i verkligheten, samt några olika tidningsartiklar som berättar om olika databrott. Uppsatsen avslutas med diskussion, där vi kopplar ihop teorin och empirin med varandra för att få en helhetssyn över valt ämne. Problemet dataintrång är komplicerat och det finns ingen enkel lösning för att motverka att sådana brott sker För att komma åt dem som utför brotten lagen ses över och vad gäller den svaga säkerheten så får datoranvändarna se över skyddet. </p> / <p>This is an essay within computer security and data law. First the essay contains a literature study. There we take up what kind of threats there are against information that handles with the help of computers. With help from different security tools you increase the protection against the threats. We describe the most common tools that companies use and also private persons use. The subject computer-trespass explains and describes internal and external computer-trespass. As the IT-development fast growth and changes on the society it gives new opportunity to crimes, the increase of crime may due on the fact that there is an increased skill within the perpetrators at the same time the protection is weak. What the law says about IT- crime and witch law who handles computer-trespass brings up. </p><p>In the Empire part we have studying different cases of how computer-trespass has been done in reality, and some different news-articles who tells about different computer-crimes. The essay ends with a discussion, in which we connect theory with empire to get a whole point of view over chosen subject. The problem computer-trespass is complicated and has no simple solution to counteract that those crime happens. To catch those who carry out the crimes the law should be looked over and what concern the weak protection the computer- user must revise the protection.</p>
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ERP-system : framgångsfaktorer vid införandet / ERP-System : successfactors when implementingThulin, Anders January 2005 (has links)
<p>Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att undersöka framgångsfaktorer vid införandet av ERP-system i olika företag. Både kundernas och leverantörens syn på framgångsfaktorer vid införandet har klargjorts. </p><p>Min empiriska undersökning har utförts på fem olika företag och jag har intervjuat totalt fem personer som samtliga haft mycket centrala roller vid ERP-införandena. Vid intervjuerna har jag använt mig av kvalitativ ansats där informanterna har fått berätta relativt fritt om vad de uppfattat kunna påverka framgången med införandet av ERP-systemen. Jag analyserade det insamlade materialet med hjälp av empirinär kvalitativ bearbetning, i form av innehållsanalys. </p><p>Undersökningens resultat visar att kunderna och leverantören inte ser helt lika på vilka faktorer som bidrar till framgång. Det finns dock några tydliga samband mellan leverantörens och kundens syn på framgångsfaktorer. Samsyn ligger i att kunden ska göra en dokumenterad processmappning av verksamhetens före och efterläge vilket leder till att leverantörens arbete underlättas och implementeringen av systemet kommer igång snabbare. Vidare samsyn finns kring det faktum att kunden ska förbereda sig på den kommande förändringen genom att utbilda personalen i handhavandet av systemet samt ge personalen ökad förståelse kring förändringsproblematiken. Detta leder till större engagemang hos kunden och snabbare acceptans av systemet i företaget.</p> / <p>The purpose of this report has been to investigate successfactors when implementing ERP-systems in different companies. The opinion of both the supplier and the customer’s point of view about the successfactors has been explained. </p><p>The empiricalstudy has included five different companies and a total of five persons. I have used a qualitative approach during the different interviews. The material from the interviews was analysed with the qualitative method content analysis. </p><p>The study shows the supplier and the customers both have and have not the same opinion about which successfactors to consider when implementing. There are a few obvious connections between the supplier and the customer’s point of view. They agree about the importance of linking business processes and information to the system in the feasibility study. This will lead to an easier and more rapid implementation phase. They also agree about the importance of educating the personal, both in practical skills of the system and also information of the reactions of change in the organisation. This will lead to a greater engagement from the customer and quicker system acceptance.</p>
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Evaluation and Comparison of Ecological Models Simulating Nitrogen Processes in Treatment Wetlands,Implemented in ModelicaEdelfeldt, Stina January 2005 (has links)
<p>Two ecological models of nitrogen processes in treatment wetlands have been evaluated and compared. These models have been implemented, simulated, and visualized in the Modelica language. The differences and similarities between the Modelica modeling environment used in this thesis and other environments or tools for ecological modeling have been evaluated. The modeling tools evaluated are PowerSim, Simile, Stella, the MathModelica Model Editor, and WEST. </p><p>The evaluation and the analysis have been performed using McCall’s factors for software quality (McCall et al, 1977), a correlation analysis and the Constant Comparative Method (Glaser&Strauss, 1999). The results show that the modeling tools and the models can both be separated into two categories: Simple Components and Complex Components for the modeling tools, and Simple Models and Complex Models for the models. The major difference between the Simple Components and the Complex Components is the higher possibility of the Complex Components to create and reuse separate components and the higher complexity in these components. The similarities between the categories are that they are consistent, easy to overview and use, if no new components are to be created. The major difference between the Simple Models and the Complex models lies in the number of functions and in the possibility of reuse and expansion. The similarities between all the models are that they are all consequent, logical, valid, specialized, and easy to use if the user has programming skill. </p><p>To conclude thisthesis, the nitrogen decrease in a constructed treatment wetland can well be simulated using the Nitrification/Denitrification model expressed in Modelica and the MathModelica Model Editor. However, some changes to the Model Editor are recommended to make the creation of the model easier. The most important of these changes are the addition of a tutorial, the ddition of useful error handling and messages, and the removal of unnecessary Visio features.</p>
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Prediction of Mobile Radio Channels : Modeling and DesignEkman, Torbjörn January 2002 (has links)
<p>Prediction of the rapidly fading envelope of a mobile radio channel enables a number of capacity improving techniques like fast resource allocation and fast link adaptation. This thesis deals with linear prediction of the complex impulse response of a channel and unbiased quadratic prediction of the power. The design and performance of these predictors depend heavily on the correlation properties of the channel. Models for a channelwhere the multipath is caused by clusters of scatterers are studied. The correlation for the contribution from a cluster can be approximated as a damped complex sinusoid. A suitable model for the dynamics of the channel is an ARMA-process. This motivates the use of linear predictors.</p><p>A limiting factor in the prediction are the estimation errors on the observed channels. This estimation error, caused by measurement noise and time variation, is analyzed for a block based least squares algorithm which operates on a Jakes channel model. Efficient noise reduction on the estimated channel impulse responses can be obtained with Wienersmoothers that are based on simple models for the dynamics of the channel combined with estimates of the variance of the estimation error.</p><p>Power prediction that is based on the squared magnitude of linear prediction of the taps will be biased. Hence, a bias compensated power predictor is proposed and the optimal prediction coefficients are derived for the Rayleigh fading channel. The corresponding probability density functions for the predicted power are also derived. A performance evaluation of the prediction algorithm is carried out on measured broadband mobile radio channels. The performance is highly dependent on the variance of the estimation error and the dynamics of the individual taps.</p>
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Prediction of Mobile Radio Channels : Modeling and DesignEkman, Torbjörn January 2002 (has links)
Prediction of the rapidly fading envelope of a mobile radio channel enables a number of capacity improving techniques like fast resource allocation and fast link adaptation. This thesis deals with linear prediction of the complex impulse response of a channel and unbiased quadratic prediction of the power. The design and performance of these predictors depend heavily on the correlation properties of the channel. Models for a channelwhere the multipath is caused by clusters of scatterers are studied. The correlation for the contribution from a cluster can be approximated as a damped complex sinusoid. A suitable model for the dynamics of the channel is an ARMA-process. This motivates the use of linear predictors. A limiting factor in the prediction are the estimation errors on the observed channels. This estimation error, caused by measurement noise and time variation, is analyzed for a block based least squares algorithm which operates on a Jakes channel model. Efficient noise reduction on the estimated channel impulse responses can be obtained with Wienersmoothers that are based on simple models for the dynamics of the channel combined with estimates of the variance of the estimation error. Power prediction that is based on the squared magnitude of linear prediction of the taps will be biased. Hence, a bias compensated power predictor is proposed and the optimal prediction coefficients are derived for the Rayleigh fading channel. The corresponding probability density functions for the predicted power are also derived. A performance evaluation of the prediction algorithm is carried out on measured broadband mobile radio channels. The performance is highly dependent on the variance of the estimation error and the dynamics of the individual taps.
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