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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelling And Analysis Of Crack Turning On Aeronautical Structures

Llopart Prieto, Llorenç 21 September 2007 (has links)
La motivació de la tesis deriva en el interès de la indústria aeronàutica a explotar, per mitjà d'un disseny adaptat, la utilització del gir d'esquerda per protegir els reforços situats davant una esquerda que s'està propagant en la xapa d'una estructura integral. L'objectiu principal és l'avaluació i predicció del gir d'esquerda en situacions de càrrega pròximes a Mode I, proporcionant una eina de modelització i un criteri confident. L'entorn industrial sota el qual s'ha realitzat aquest treball requereix una predicció ràpida del comportament estructural proporcionant informació útil als constructors. Per aquest motiu la predicció del gir d'esquerda s'ha investigat utilitzant la teoria linear elàstica de la mecànica de la fractura (LEFM) i l'anàlisi amb elements finits (FEA).Durant aquest treball s'ha demostrat la importància i necessitat de caracteritzar el camp de tensions a la punta de l'esquerda amb el factor d'intensitat de tensió (SIF) conjuntament amb un segon paràmetre. La tensió uniforme, no singular, normal a la línea de l'esquerda i dependent en la geometria i càrrega de la proveta, es a dir la tensió T, ha estat seleccionada com a segon paràmetre per dur a terme les prediccions del gir d'esquerda.El criteri més desenvolupat per predir el gir d'esquerda en situacions pròximes a Mode I és el proposat per Buczek, Herakovich, Boone et al., anomenat WEFO en la tesis. Aquest combina el criteri de tensió principal màxima amb la tensió T i considera efectes d'anisotropia. LEFM s'ha utilitzat també en la predicció del gir d'esquerda sota càrregues quasi estàtiques controlant en tot moment la plastificació del lligament.En la investigació d'eines de modelització/simulació s'ha tingut en compte les capacitats d'aquestes en el camp de la mecànica de la fractura, de disseny, d'implementació, així com la complexitat d'ús. Tot i que hi ha un gran ventall de Softwares que compleixen els requeriments assenyalats, només aquells que es trobaven a l'abast de l'autor s'han analitzat. StressCheck ha estat escollit com a resultat de la investigació. L'avaluació de la propagació de l'esquerda en provetes compactes en tensió (CT) i en provetes amb dos elements reforçants (2SP) sota els règims de Paris i Forman ha estat satisfactòria.Un pas important ha estat la implementació de la capacitat d'extracció de la tensió T. La demostració de la fiabilitat en el seu càlcul s'ha demostrat mitjançant resultats en la literatura i càlculs analítics en provetes de doble biga en volada (DCB). Un aspecte a tenir en compte és la importància en realitzar anàlisis no linears geomètrics pel càlcul del SIF i la tensió T.Prediccions en la trajectòria de l'esquerda s'han realitzat en base amb els resultats obtinguts en l'estudi de modelització. La millor trajectòria s'ha predit per mitjà del criteri WEFO. No obstant, les diferents trajectòries obtingudes per una esquerda propagant-se en la direcció T-L o L-T no són comparables amb els resultats experimentals.Aquestes deficiències estan relacionades en la definició del punt d'inestabilitat de l'esquerda. Algunes referències posen de manifest que hi ha experiències on l'esquerda es comporta de forma estable tot i mostrar T > 0. Per un altre banda, els criteris WEF i WEFO defineixen la inestabilitat dependent d'una distancia específica del material, rc. Però la seva definició no és única i no existeix cap acord sobre el seu càlcul.L'autor proposa un criteri derivat dels criteris existents i basant-se en els assajos, simulacions i resultats obtinguts. Aquest deriva del treball de Pettit i la tensió T normalitzada, TR, proposada per Pook. La fiabilitat d'aquest criteri es demostra amb la proveta DCB. Les prediccions de la trajectòria de l'esquerda en la proveta cruciforme no són tant satisfactòries. Tot i així, s'ha d'accentuar que el criteri desenvolupat proporciona la predicció més acurada. / The motivation of this thesis started from the interest of aeronautical industry to exploit the utilization of crack turning to protect stiffeners in front of an approaching skin-crack in integral structures by a tailored design. The main objective was to assess and predict crack turning under nearly Mode I situations on structures that reproduce aeronautical conditions by providing a modelling tool and a reliable criterion. The industrial environmental in which this work has been carried out requires a fast prediction of the structural behaviour to provide useful inputs to aircraft designers. It is for this reason that the crack turning prediction was investigated by means of LEFM and FEA. During this work it has been shown the importance and necessity of a second parameter for the characterisation of the stress field at the crack tip besides the SIF. Among the different proposed second parameters, the uniform non-singular stress, normal to the crack line and dependent on the type of loading and specimen geometry, i.e. the T-stress, was selected for crack turning predictions due to both calculation simplicity and its independence of the crack tip distance. The most developed criterion for crack turning predictions near Mode I loading is the criterion proposed by Buczek, Herakovich and Boone et al., called the WEFO-criterion. This is the Maximal Principal Stress criterion implemented with the T-stress and taking into account anisotropic effects. A challenge of this thesis was to overcome the lack of prediction on crack turning provided by this last criterion.Although the validity of LEFM is restricted, it was applied for the prediction of crack turning for quasi-static loading while paying attention to possible plastification. A screening of existent commercial and non commercial tools was carried out in respect to their fracture mechanics capabilities, their design abilities, implementation as well as their complexity. Although, there are many software possibilities, only those within the reach of the author were evaluated. This resulted in the selection of the commercial tool StressCheck®. The assessment of crack propagation on compact tension and two stringer specimens governed by the Paris and Forman regimes was satisfactory compared with experimental results using the material data from simple standard specimens.An important step was the implementation of the T-stress extraction facility in the tool and the evidence of its reliability. The latter was proved by literature and analytical calculations on DCB specimens. An important finding was the importance to perform geometric non-linear analyses for computing SIF and T-stress to find values comparable with literature data and analytical calculations. Taking into account the results obtained on the modelling study, crack path predictions were performed. The best prediction by means of existing criteria was reached by the WEFO-criterion. Different crack paths were predicted for a crack propagating in T-L or L-T directions. However, these predictions were not satisfactorily reliable: the point in the crack path where crack turning should take place was not predicted adequately. Additionally, the crack paths were similar for T L and L-T directions. These deficiencies are related with the definition of the crack path instability. Some literature results have shown that in some experiences the crack behaved in a stable manner even if T > 0. Moreover, WEF and WEFO criteria define crack instability to be related with a material specific distance, rc, but, there is no agreement about its definition. Based on tests, simulation results and observations noted during this work, a compilation criterion was proposed. This is based on the work of Pettit and the normalised T-stress, TR, proposed by Pook. Its reliability was successfully proved on the DCB. The crack path predictions on the CFS were not as satisfactory. But even at its worst the developed criterion was the most accurate.

Modèle condensé de plasticité pour la fissuration et influence de la contrainte T / Crack growth plasticity condensed model and T-stress influence

Brugier, François 04 July 2017 (has links)
Les divers composants d'un réacteur d'avion sont soumis à des chargements de fatigue mécaniques et thermiques fortement variables. Afin de prédire au mieux leurs durées de vie, il est alors nécessaire de prendre en compte l'ensemble de ces variations. Pour ce faire, un modèle représentant de façon incrémentale l'évolution de la plasticité en pointe de fissure a été développé. Celui-ci permet de prédire la vitesse de propagation d'une fissure tout en prenant en compte les effets d'histoire provenant de la plasticité produite lors de surcharges ou de sous-charges. Dans cette étude, ce modèle condensé de plasticité a été exprimé plus simplement à partir du facteur d'intensité des contraintes et l'identification automatisée de ses divers paramètres a été redéveloppée. Dans ce but, un essai de fissuration stable a été conçu pour déterminer simplement le seuil de non-propagation du matériau. Par ailleurs, les éventuelles fissures se propageant dans un composant sont en général amorcées en surface à partir de chocs ou de rayures. Ces fissures passent la majeure partie de leur vie dans un régime de propagation de fissure courte, différant de celui d'une fissure longue. En effet, à facteur d'intensité des contraintes équivalent, une fissure courte se propagera plus rapidement qu'une fissure longue. La prise en compte de ce comportement dans la prédiction de durée de vie est donc primordiale. En outre, il a été observé qu'une fissure longue subissant une contrainte T négative se propage de façon analogue à une fissure courte. Il a donc été choisi de développer un nouveau modèle adapté aux fissures courtes en prenant en compte l'influence de la contrainte T sur la vitesse de propagation. Enfin, à partir des essais de fissuration stable, un protocole a été développé pour réaliser des éprouvettes comportant fissure courte. Une campagne d'essais multiaxiaux pour différentes valeurs de contrainte T a été menée en régime permanent et transitoire afin d'étudier les similitudes entre effet de fissure courte et influence de la contrainte T. / The various components of an aircraft engine undergo strong changes in mechanical and thermal fatigue loadings. All these variations must be taken into account in order to anticipate the components' total fatigue life to the best. An incremental model showing the changes in plasticity at the crack tip has therefore been developed. It allows us to foresee the crack growth rate with history effects by modelling the plastic behaviour produced when overloads or underloads occur. In this study, the plasticity condensed model has been represented in an easier way, using the stress intensity factor and the automated identification of its parameters has been redeveloped. A stable crack growth test has been designed to determine easily the fatigue crack growth threshold of the material. Cracks usually grow from scratches or impacts on the surface of the component. These cracks spend much of their fatigue life growing with a short crack behaviour, differing from the long crack one. As a matter of fact, a short crack grows faster than a long crack for a same stress intensity factor. This behaviour must therefore be taken into account while modelling the crack growth to accurately predict the total fatigue life of the component. It appeared furthermore that a long crack undergoing a negative T-stress grows the same way as a short crack. It has consequently been chosen to develop a short crack growth model using the influence of T-stress on the crack growth rate. Finally, using the stable crack growth specimens, an experimental protocol has been designed to produce new specimens containing a short crack. A multiaxial tests campaign was carried out for various values of T-stress in permanent and transitional regimes in order to compare short crack and T-stress effects.

Hygrothermal Fracture Analysis Of Fibrous Composites With Variable Fiber Spacing Using Jk-integral

Saeidi, Farid 01 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, a Jk-integral based computational method will be developed to conduct fracture analysis of fibrous composite laminates that possess variable fiber spacing. This study will be carried out for the fibrous composites exposed to not only thermal but also hygroscopic boundary condition, which results hygrothermal load. Formulation of the Jk-integral will be carried out by using the constitutive relations of plane orthotropic hygrothermoelasticity. One of the most important challenges of this study is to change Jk-integral formulation into domain independent form, because dealing with infinitely small domains in solving the integral would be frustrating. Developed form of Jk-integral will be merged to ANSYS, a finite element analysis software. Numerical results will be generated so as to assess the influence of variable fiber spacing on the modes I and II stress intensity factors, energy release rate, and the T-stress. For validation and comparison, some of the results are also obtained using Displacement Correlation Technique (DCT).

Stress Gradients In Fretting Fatigue / L'effet du gradient en fretting fatigue

Bellecave, Johan 09 September 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse fait partie d’un programme de recherche international (IRG Cognac). Lancé par le motoriste SNECMA (groupe SAFRAN), ce projet regroupe l’ENS Cachan, UnB, ENSMA, CNRS, Snecma, Turbomeca et Messier Bugatti Dowti, et se concentre sur l’effet du gradient des contraintes sur endommagement par fretting fatigue. Le fretting-fatigue se réfère au processus d’endommagement localisés en bord de fuite entre deux corps en contact soumis à un chargement de fatigue. La maitrise de ce phénomène est d’une importance cruciale dans la détermination des durées de vie des disques de turbine. En bord de contact, le champ de contrainte hérité des forces de contact est maximal à la surface mais présente un fort gradient en s’éloignant du contact.Il a été montré dans cette thèse que pour l’alliage Ti-6AL-4V, les approches locales, basés sur le niveau de contrainte au points critiques ne sont pas applicable dans ces conditions. Une approche non locale, s’appuyant sur la théorie de la distance critique a donc été utilisée. En effet, des fissures courtes initiées au point critique peuvent propager jusqu’à rupture ou peuvent s’arrêter si la diminution des contraintes est suffisamment sévère. Une seconde difficulté réside dans la nature multiaxial et localement non proportionnel du chargement. Le fretting fatigue est généralement créé par la superposition d’un chargement de fatigue cyclique, d’une force normale à la surface souvent considérée constante, et d’une force cyclique tangentiel à la surface mais dont la fréquence peut être différente de celle de la fatigue.Les résultats des essais réalisés ont mis en évidence l’effet du gradient des contraintes sur la fissuration et ont étaient utilisés pour évaluer le potentiel de diffèrent critères pour le dimensionnement en fatigue des structures. La simulation du phénomène a en effet été réalisé en utilisant différente approches. La première s’appuie sur la Théorie de la distance critique et utilise un critère multiaxial. La seconde utilise l’amplitude du facteur d’intensité des contraintes, ΔK, pour prédire l’arrêt des fissures courtes. Finalement un récent modèle construit comme un critère de plasticité en pointe de fissure a été appliqué au problème de fretting fatigue. Ce critère a pour particularité de prendre en compte la contrainte T dans le développement asymptotique en pointe de fissure. / This thesis is part of an international research program (IRG Cognac) initiated by the engine manufacturer SNECMA (SAFRAN group) involving ENS Cachan, UnB, ENSMA, CNRS, Snecma, Turbomeca et Messier Bugatti Dowty. The thesis focuses on the effect of a stress gradient in fretting fatigue. Fretting-fatigue refers to the damage process localized at the frontier of the contact between two contacting bodies subjected to fatigue loadings. The prediction of this phenomenon is of major importance in determining, for instance, the lifetime of fan's disc. In the vicinity of the contact front, the stress field inherited from the contact loads is maximal at the surface and displays a strong gradient from the surface. It was shown in this thesis, for a Ti-6AL-4V alloy, that local approaches, based on local stresses at the most critical point, are not appropriate to predict fretting fatigue lives. As a matter of fact, short cracks initiated at the most critical point may stop if the stress decay from the surface is strong enough or may continue their growth, up to the failure of the component, if the stress gradient from the surface is not string enough. A second difficulty is the multiaxial and non-proportional nature of the loading conditions. Fatigue-fretting stems from the combination of loads that have neither the same spatial distribution nor the same time-dependency. In fretting-fatigue tests, three loading components are considered, the fatigue loading of the component (cyclic), the normal part (assumed to be constant) and the in-plane part (cyclic) of the loads between the two contacting components. To quantify the effect of the stress gradient, tests were carried out on a fatigue testing contact bench developed at the University of Brasilia, with experimental conditions ensuring different stress gradient while keeping the maximal stress the same. Damage mechanisms were studied using post-mortem analysis and optical microscopy on the contact elements tested. The prediction of the fretting fatigue life was done using different approaches. The first one is based on the Critical Distance Method and a fatigue criterion. The second is based on a K-based short crack arrest method. Finally, a new criterion was proposed. This method considers a generalized von Mises yield criterion for the crack tip region and accounts for the T-stresses in the asymptotic LEFM development.

Validation of the Two-Parameter Fracture Criterion Using Critical CTOA on 7075-T6 Aluminum Alloy

Ouidadi, Hasnaa 08 December 2017 (has links)
A two-parameter fracture criterion (TPFC) is used to correlate and predict failure loads on cracked configurations made of ductile materials. The current study was conducted to validate the use of the fracture criterion on more brittle materials, using elastic-plastic finite-element analyses with the critical crack-tip-opening angle (CTOA) failure criterion. Forman generated fracture data on middle-crack tension, M(T), specimens made of thin-sheet 7075-T6 aluminum alloy, which is a quasi-brittle material. The fracture data included a wide range of specimen widths (2w) ranging from 3 to 24 inches. A two-dimensional (2D) finite-element analysis code (ZIP2D) with a ''plane-strain core" option was used to model the fracture process. Fracture simulations were conducted on M(T), single-edge-crack tension, SE(T), and single-edge-crack bend, SE(B), specimens. The results supported the TPFC equation for net-section stresses less than the material proportional limit. However, some discrepancies were observed among the numerical results of the three specimen types. Thus, more research is needed to improve the transferability of the TPFC from the M(T) specimen to both the SE(T) and SE(B) specimens.


來海, 博央, KIMACHI, Hirohisa, 田中, 拓, TANAKA, Hiroshi, 田中, 啓介, TANAKA, Keisuke, 吉田, 康一, YOSHIDA, Koichi 06 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Výpočtové modelování deformačně-napěťových stavů čelního soukolí pomocí MKP / Computational modelling of strain and stress in spur gearing using FEM

Ševčík, Martin January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with computation modeling of spur gearing using FEM. The methodology of checking calculation was suggested for gears which are not possible to check only by using standard ČSN 01 4686. The analysis of influence of vicinity of stress concentration on stress distribution in tooth root was performed. It is possibility to use the gears with thinner rim than the standard ČSN 01 4686 recommends. The main part of this work is devoted to fatigue crack propagation study in gears with thin rim. Aiding T-stress the influence of constraint and stress multiaxiality on crack propagation was taking into account. The predicted fatigue crack propagation paths were compared with certain experimental data. It is demonstrated that the considering of influence of constraint improves estimation of consequent crack propagation direction and in some cases the influence of constraint can significantly change the estimated crack propagation path.

Crack Path Selection in Adhesively Bonded Joints

Chen, Buo 23 November 1999 (has links)
This dissertation is to obtain an overall understanding of the crack path selection in adhesively bonded joints. Using Dow Chemical epoxy resin DER 331® with various levels of rubber concentration as an adhesive, and aluminum 6061-T6 alloy with different surface pretreatments as the adherends, both symmetric and asymmetric double cantilever beam (DCB) specimens are prepared and tested under mixed mode fracture conditions in this study. Post-failure analyses conducted on the failure surfaces indicate that the failure tends to be more interfacial as the mode II component in the fracture increases whereas more advanced surface preparation techniques can prevent failure at the interface. Through mechanically stretching the DCB specimens uniaxially until the adherends are plastically deformed, various levels of T-stress are achieved in the specimens. Test results of the specimens with various T-stresses demonstrate that the directional stability of cracks in adhesive bonds depends on the T-stress level. Cracks tend to be directionally stable when the T-stress is compressive whereas directionally unstable when the T-stress is tensile. However, the direction of crack propagation is mostly stabilized when more than 3% mode II fracture component is present in the loading regardless of the T-stress levels in the specimens. Since the fracture sequences in adhesive bonds are closely related to the energy balance in the system, an energy balance model is developed to predict the directional stability of cracks and the results are consistent with the experimental observations. Using the finite element method, the T-stress is shown to be closely related to the specimen geometry, indicating a specimen geometry dependence of the directional stability of cracks. This prediction is verified through testing DCB specimens with various adherend and adhesives thicknesses. By testing the specimens under both quasi-static and low-speed impact conditions, and using a high-speed camera to monitor the fracture sequence, the influences of the debond rate on the locus of failure and the directional stability of cracks are investigated. Post-failure analyses suggest that the failure tends to be more interfacial when the debond rate is low and tends to be more cohesive when the debond rate is high. However, this rate dependence of the locus of failure is greatly reduced when more advanced surface preparation techniques are used in preparing the specimens. The post-failure analyses also reveal that cracks tend to be more directionally unstable as the debond rate increases. Finally, employing interface mechanics and extending the criteria for the direction of crack propagation to adhesively bonded joints, the crack trajectories for directionally unstable cracks are predicted and the results are consistent with the overall features of the crack paths observed experimentally. / Ph. D.

Solution of General Stress Concentrators in Anisotropic Media by Combination of FEM and the Complex Potential Theory / Solution of General Stress Concentrators in Anisotropic Media by Combination of FEM and the Complex Potential Theory

Ševeček, Oldřich January 2009 (has links)
Disertační práce se věnuje problematice obecných koncentrátorů napětí v anisotropních prostředích. Zejména se jedná o problém trhlin končících na rozhraní dvou různých materiálů, či problém obecného více-materiálového klínu. Cílem práce je vytvořit komplexní nástroj pro posuzování obecných koncetrátorů napětí tj, popis pole napětí v jeho okolí, zahrnutí případného vlivu přemostění trhliny do výsledného pole napětí a definici lomových kritérií pro obecný koncentrátor v anisotropním prostředí. U popisu pole napětí je využit tzv. Lechnického-Strohův formalismus a technika spojitě rozložených dislokací využívající teorii komplexních potenciálů. V práci je rovněž široce uplatněn tzv. dvoustavový "psí"-integrál (pro výpočet různých součinitelů asymptotického rozvoje pro napětí), založený na Bettiho recipročním teorému v kombinaci s metodou konečných prvků. Pro formulaci lomových kritérií je použita teorie tzv. „konečné lomové mechaniky“ a teorie sdružených asymptotických rozvojů. Studován je především vztah mezi ohybem trhliny podél rozhraní a její případnou pentrací do základního materiálu. Veškeré potřebné výpočty jsou prováděny v matematických softwarech MAPLE 10.0, MATLAB 7.1 a konečnoprvkovém systému ANSYS 10.0.

Řešení obecných koncentrátorů napětí v anisotropních prostředích pomocí kombinace MKP a teorie komplexních potenciálů / Solution of General Stress Concentrators in Anisotropic Media by Combination of FEM and the Complex Potential Theory

Ševeček, Oldřich January 2009 (has links)
Disertační práce se věnuje problematice obecných koncentrátorů napětí v anisotropních prostředích. Zejména se jedná o problém trhlin končících na rozhraní dvou různých materiálů, či problém obecného více-materiálového klínu. Cílem práce je vytvořit komplexní nástroj pro posuzování obecných koncetrátorů napětí tj, popis pole napětí v jeho okolí, zahrnutí případného vlivu přemostění trhliny do výsledného pole napětí a definici lomových kritérií pro obecný koncentrátor v anisotropním prostředí. U popisu pole napětí je využit tzv. Lechnického-Strohův formalismus a technika spojitě rozložených dislokací využívající teorii komplexních potenciálů. V práci je rovněž široce uplatněn tzv. dvoustavový "psí"-integrál (pro výpočet různých součinitelů asymptotického rozvoje pro napětí), založený na Bettiho recipročním teorému v kombinaci s metodou konečných prvků. Pro formulaci lomových kritérií je použita teorie tzv. „konečné lomové mechaniky“ a teorie sdružených asymptotických rozvojů. Studován je především vztah mezi ohybem trhliny podél rozhraní a její případnou pentrací do základního materiálu. Veškeré potřebné výpočty jsou prováděny v matematických softwarech MAPLE 10.0, MATLAB 7.1 a konečnoprvkovém systému ANSYS 10.0.

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