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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of a Technical Procedure Manual for Norwegian

Franzén, Magnus, Gunnarsson, Kim January 2008 (has links)
<p>The purpose with a TPM is to ease the workload for both the maintenance organization and the airline. Until today Norwegian has had problems caused by absence of clear directives how the administrative work between the maintenance organization and the airline should go on. Norwegian wants a manual where issues about responsibility distribution, working procedures and the way of business are clearly illustrated and described. In this project we have focused on a couple of chosen procedures as “Technical Log Procedure”, “Work Order Procedure” and “Spare Part Procedure”. We have tried to create an easy-lucid and user-friendly manual as a result of flowcharts and declaring pictures. The work has been performed in Norwegian´s head office at Stockholm Arlanda Airport.</p>

Flödeslogistik vid Laponia Hotel / Flow Logistics

Eriksson, Ingela January 2002 (has links)
<p>The aim of this report is to analyse the logistics of a medium sized restaurant and give an overall solution for improvements on the restaurant's logistics. The restaurant of interest belongs to Laponia Hotel and is located in Arvidsjaur, Sweden. Investments for over 100.000 Euros are planned for the hotel, which includes a reconstruction of the restaurant. The details on how the restaurant will be reconstructed are not yet known. I therefore chose to analyse the problemin general terms and find a solution that is focused on the logistic system itself rather than its layout. </p><p>In order to find the best system I have chosen to analyse three different logistic models, each representing different levels of logistic systems. The first model, representing the logistics of a small restaurant, is named ´the simple logistic model´ and has a manual system. The second method is called ´the complex logistic model´. This model describes the hotel that is too small to afford a full-scale computer system, and too complex to operate with only a manual system. The last model is'the advanced logistic model'and it is meant to represent the full-scale logistics with all necessary computer aid. </p><p>The models are analysed by the SWOT method and the materials used are found through literature research, interviews and observations. The analyse shows that the best model for Laponia Hotel's restaurant would be the advanced logistic model in combination with the simple logistic model. This would allow the restaurant to use all the benefits of computer aid and large quantities without loosing the small-scale feeling of ownership and responsibility among the employees.</p>

Perception-based second generation image coding using variable resolution / Perceptionsbaserad andra generationens bildkodning med variabel upplösning

Rydell, Joakim January 2003 (has links)
<p>In ordinary image coding, the same image quality is obtained in all parts of an image. If it is known that there is only one viewer, and where in the image that viewer is focusing, the quality can be degraded in other parts of the image without incurring any perceptible coding artefacts. This master's thesispresents a coding scheme where an image is segmented into homogeneous regions which are then separately coded, and where knowledge about the user's focus point is used to obtain further data reduction. It is concluded that the coding performance does not quite reach the levels attained when applying focus-based quality degradation to coding schemes not based on segmentation.</p>

Analys av lastbilars nyttjandegrad / Analysis of the level of usage among trucks in forestry

Häll, Carl Henrik January 2002 (has links)
<p>Denna rapport behandlar framtagandet av en modell för beräkning av lastbilars nyttjandegrad. Vidare beskrivs hur denna modell har implementerats och vilka möjliga ekonomiska besparingar som finns att hämta med ett ökat nyttjande. Den kostnadskalkyl som upprättades för att kunna beräkna dessa möjliga besparingar resulterade i en kalkylerad timkostnad på 551 SEK per timme och lastbil. </p><p>De resultat som beräkningarna av lastbilarnas nyttjandegrader gav, tyder på att bilarna i den södra regionen, som förväntat, hade en klart lägre nyttjandegrad än övriga. Mer oväntat var dock att detta till stor del berodde på ett lågt kapacitetsutnyttjande. </p><p>Ett förslag på ny utformning av den databas vari information om utförda transporter registreras har också tagits fram. Om databasen omarbetas enligt detta förslag, eller på annat lämpligt sätt, skulle den här typen av beräkningar kunna snabbas upp betydligt. </p><p>De totala ekonomiska besparingarna som skulle uppnås om samtliga bilar höll ett kapacitetsutnyttjande och ett tidsutnyttjande motsvarande medelvärdet av de bästa 25 procenten i respektive kategori, motsvarar 14,1%, alltså nästan 36 miljoner SEK per år. Stora problem ses dock med att kunna förverkliga dessa besparingar, åtminstone på någorlunda kort sikt.</p>

Classification of busses and lorries in an automatic road toll system / Klassificering av bussar och lastbilar i ett automatiskt vägtullsystem

Jarl, Adam January 2003 (has links)
<p>An automatic road toll system enables the passing vehicles to change lanes and no stop is needed for payment. Because of different weight of personal cars, busses, lorries (trucks) and other vehicles, they affect the road in different ways. It is of interest to categorize the vehicles into different classes depending of their weight so that the right fee can be set. An automatic road toll system developed by Combitech Traffic Systems AB (now Kapsch TrafficCom AB), Joenkoping, Sweden, classifies the vehicles with help of a so called height image. This is a three dimensional image produced by two photographs of a vehicle. The photographs displays the same view but are mounted with a little spacing. This spacing makes it possible to create a height image. The existing classification uses only length, width and height to divide vehicles into classes. Vehicles of the same dimensions would then belong to the same class independent of their weight. An important example is busses and lorries (trucks) which often have the same dimensions, but trucks often have greater weight and should therefore require a larger fee. This work describes methods for separating busses from lorries with the help of height images. The methods search for variations in the width and height, and other features specific for busses and lorries respectively.</p>

Tracking by Image Processing in a Real Time System / Målföljning genom bildbehandling i ett realtidssystem

Öberg, Per January 2003 (has links)
<p>This master's thesis develops an algorithm for tracking of cars robust enough to handle turning cars. It is implemented in the image processing environment Image Processing Application Programming Interface (IPAPI) for use with the WITAS project. </p><p>Firstly, algorithms, comparable with one currently used in the WITAS-project, are studied. The focus is on how rotation, that originates from the turning of the cars, affects tracking performance. The algorithms studied all perform an exhaustive search over a region, close to the last known position of the object being tracked, to find a match. After this, an iterative algorithm, based on the idea that a car can only rotate, translate and change scale, is introduced. The algorithm estimates the parameters describing this rotation, translation, and change of scale, iteratively. The iterative process needs a initial parameter estimate that is accurate enough for the algorithm to converge. The developed algorithm is based on an earlier publication on the subject, however the mathematical description, and deduction, of it is taken one step further than in this publication. </p><p>The iterative algorithm used performs well under the assumption that the data used fulfills some basic criteria. These demands comprises: placement of camera, template size as well as how the parameters may vary between two observations. The iterative algorithm is also potentially faster than exhaustive search methods, because few iterations are needed when the parameters change slowly. Better initial parameters should improve stability and speed of convergation. Other suggestions that could give better performance is discussed, e.g., methods to better extract the target from the surroundings.</p>

Simulerad trafik till VTIs körsimulator / Simulated Traffic for the VTI Driving Simulator

Janson Olstam, Johan, Simonsson, Jenny January 2002 (has links)
<p>En körsimulator är en modellkonstruktion som ska efterlikna ett verkligt fordon. Den körsimulator som finns vid Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut, VTI, bygger på en riktig fordonskaross och ett avancerat rörelsesystem. Omgivningen simuleras och visas för föraren på tre skärmar. I dagsläget finns ingen modell för generering och simulering av trafik till VTIs körsimulator. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att ta fram en sådan modell. </p><p>En del av examensarbetet var att undersöka förekomsten av modeller för generering och simulering av trafik till körsimulatorer i världen. Resultatet av undersökningen är att det åtminstone finns tio sådana modeller. </p><p>Den modell som konstruerats för att generera och simulera trafik är giltig för en rak, torr och plan fyrfältig motorväg utan på- och avfarter. Den konstruerade modellen har döpts till <i>Intelligent Traffic Generator</i>, INTRAG. Modellen för att generera trafiken bygger på tre olika typer av områden. De tre typerna är: simulerat område, kandidatområde samt genereringsområde. I det simulerade området, området närmast simulatorn, simuleras fordonen enligt detaljerade modeller för förar- och fordonsbeteenden. De förar- och fordonsmodeller som används i modellen för <i>car-following</i>, körfältsbyten samt acceleration bygger till stor del på modellen <i>Traffic Performance on Major Arterials</i>, TPMA, och VTIs trafiksimuleringsmodell. Det finns även modeller för retardation, transformation av ideal hastighet samt hur förare kommunicerar med körriktningsvisare och bromsljus. Kandidatområdena är de områden som omger det simulerade området. De fungerar som en buffert av fordon. I dessa områden uppdateras fordonen sällan och inte enligt några modeller för förar- och fordonsbeteenden. Det finns två genereringsområden, ett i slutet av respektive kandidatområde. I dessa områden genereras nya fordon. </p><p>Förutom att konstruera en modell för att generera och simulera trafik till en körsimulator bestod uppgiften i att ta fram ett upplägg för hur kommunikationen mellan modellen och körsimulatorn ska se ut. Kommunikationen i det framtagna upplägget sker över intranät med internetprotokollet IP och transportprotokollet UDP. De paket som skickas mellan modellen och körsimulatornpaketeras efter en framtagen struktur. </p><p>Modellen har implementerats i programmeringsmiljön Borland Delphi 5. För att kunna testköra modellen skapades en applikation som fungerar som ett substitut för en körsimulator. Substitutet har även använts vid verifiering och validering av modellen. Vid verifieringen framkom att det uppmätta flödet i modellen i medel ligger mellan 3,6 och 9,9 % för lågt. Detta beror troligen på dåliga mätmetoder. För övrigt verkar modellen vara korrekt implementerad. Modellen har inte kunnat testköras mot VTIs körsimulator. De testkörningar som genomförts med körsimulatorsubstitutet har dock givit en indikation på att modellen är en bra avbildning av verkligheten.</p> / ISRN/Report code: LiU-TEK-LIC- 2005:58

Automatiskt avvägningssystem för obemannad undervattensfarkost / Automatic Trim System for Unmanned Underwater Vehicle

Carlsson, Magnus, Kristoffersson, Daniel January 2005 (has links)
<p>This master thesis work was done at Saab Underwater Systems AB, a company at the cutting edge of underwater technology. Here torpedoes and other underwater vehicles are developed and manufactured. The major customers are navies of different countries, mostly the Swedish navy. </p><p>The aim of this master thesis is to develop, construct and evaluate an automatic Trim System for Unmanned Underwater Vehicles. The task of the system is to change the position of the centre of mass and the vehicle’s total mass or volume. A system like this gives more opportunities like improved low speed properties, manoeuvre ability and energy consumption. </p><p>Different ways to make this change of total mass and position of centre of mass has been discussed and a choice has been done. A system of chosen concept has then been developed, constructed and evaluated. A part of big importance in this report is the work with simulations to predict the performance of the system and its behaviour. Other big parts has been to find suiting components and to develop the control electronics of the system.</p>

Estimation of the Residual Gas Fraction in an HCCI-engine using Cylinder Pressure / Uppskattning av andelen residual gas i en HCCI-motor med hjälp av cylindertrycket

Ivansson, Niklas January 2003 (has links)
<p>The residual gas fraction is an important parameter to get good performance with high efficiency and low emissions in the HCCI-engine. </p><p>The goal in this thesis is to formulate an algorithm for estimation of the residual gas fraction based on the cylinder pressure. The estimation is improved if also the exhaust gas temperature is used together with the cylinder pressure. </p><p>The formulated algorithm has then been tested on data from a single cylinder engine running in HCCI-mode during steady state conditions. An error of 4% was noted compared with the residual gas fraction obtained from simulations. </p><p>The thesis also investigates the effects of some possible error sources.</p>

Knock prediction with reduced reaction analysis / Knackprediktion med hjälp av reducerad raktionsanalys

Lidholm, Tomas January 2003 (has links)
<p>In the report a model using a reduced reaction analysis has been used to see if it is possible to predict knock. The model is based on n-heptane combustion, but it is used for iso-octane. The model was supposed to be able to adapt to different fuels, but it is shown to be unable to do so. Further, the model has been compared to an existing method for predicting knock, known as knock index, to see if any improvements could be made. When comparing the model to the knock index, it has shown that no big advantages can be found using the new model. It is more time consuming and is not able to work with simulated input, instead of measured. It can however predict if knock occurs with a good reliability, but compared to the knock index it is not an improvement.</p>

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