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High intensity focused ultrasound in ophthalmology : part one, transscleral drug delivery : part two, infrared thermography for scalable acoustic characterization, an application in the manufacture of a glaucoma treatment deviceRazavi Mashoof, Arash 14 April 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Therapeutic ultrasound has become a topic of growing interest in ophthalmology. High intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) for the treatment of glaucoma and ultrasound (US) drug delivery are the two main areas of research in this field. This work addresses these domains in two separate parts: transscleral ultrasound drug delivery (USDD), and infrared (IR) field characterization of an ophthalmic HIFU device for glaucoma treatment. The sclera is a promising pathway for ocular drug delivery, since transscleral administration can address both the anterior and posterior segments of the eye. Due to the low permeability however, efficient drug delivery is challenging. In this study, HIFU was investigated as a potential modality for an enhanced transscleral drug delivery (in vitro). Among US effects, cavitation was shown to be the major contributor to an enhanced USDD. A pulsed US protocol designed to maximum cavitation activity may therefore be a viable method for enhancing ocular drug delivery. In the second part, a new method of ultrasonic field characterization was developed for a multi-element HIFU device. This system is designed and produced for glaucoma treatment by Eyetechcare Company (Rillieux-la-Pape, France). The traditional hydrophone method for field characterization was prohibitively slow on an industrial scale. An alternative modality for rapid qualitative assessment of the intensity distribution based on infra-red (IR) thermography was developed specific to this high frequency (19-21 MHz) device with line-focus US radiators. The second part of the study was aimed to expand the application of a R&D technique for ultrasonic field characterization to an industrial scale
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Thermografische Ermittlung physiologischer Wärmeprofile und pedografische Untersuchungen an den Extremitäten sowie Haltungsanalysen beim Asiatischen Elefanten (Elephas maximus) in menschlicher ObhutSchmidt-Burbach, Jan 26 June 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Im Zuge systematisch durchgeführter thermografischer Untersuchungen an 95 Asiatischen Elefanten in europäischen Zoos konnten physiologische Wärmeprofile aller nicht von Fußkrankheiten betroffener Elefanten erstellt werden. Um eine objektivere Befundung zu ermöglichen, wurden dafür definierte Messbereiche an den Füßen festgelegt und deren Temperaturdaten als Wärmekurven für jeden Zeh dargestellt. Es zeigte sich, dass die Bandbreite von Temperaturen gleicher Messbereiche starken individuellen Schwankungen unterliegt, weshalb eine Befundung nicht anhand absoluter Temperaturwerte erfolgen sollte. So wurden über gleichen Messbereichen unterschiedlicher Elefanten Temperaturunterschiede von bis zu 8 °C festgestellt. Auch die Umgebungsfaktoren während der Untersuchung tragen zu dieser Varianz bei. Bei Umgebungstemperaturen zwischen 17,5 °C und 23 °C stellt sich durch Erhöhung der Außentemperatur um 1 °C eine um 0,5 °C erhöhte Wärmeabstrahlung über der Haut dar. Eine Erhöhung der Luftfeuchte um 1 % verursacht eine um 0,03 °C vermehrte Wärmeabstrahlung. Die Wärmeprofile stellten sich für die Kronsaum- und Hufwandbereiche der Zehen eines Fußes von medial nach lateral in einem parabelförmigen Verlauf dar, wobei die höchsten Temperaturen an den kranialen Zehen gemessen wurden. Die Differenz zwischen Kronsaum- und Hufwandbereichen blieb dabei konstant. Die Temperaturen der Zehenregion oberhalb des Kronsaums folgten nicht dieser Parabelform, lagen aber, außer an der jeweils medialen Seite, konstant unterhalb der Kronsaumtemperaturen. Bei Vergleich mit thermografischen Befunden erkrankter Zehen zeigte sich meist ein starker Anstieg der Zehenregiontemperatur weit über die Kronsaumtemperaturen hinaus, weshalb sich dieses Verhältnis als Indiz für ein akutes Enzündungsgeschehen nutzen lässt. Ein gleichmäßiges Wärmeprofil, welches möglichst dicht dem in dieser Arbeit entwickelten Profil gleicht und konstante Temperaturdifferenzen zwischen den einzelnen Messbereichen aufweist, ist ein gutes Indiz für einen gesunden Fuß. Thermografische Befundungen sollten immer mit Hilfe herkömmlicher visueller Auswertung und zusätzlich der Erstellung eines Wärmeprofils vorgenommen werden, um die Subjektivität zu minimieren. Erstmalig wurden in dieser Arbeit drei Elefanten mittels Pedografie untersucht, um Aufschlüsse über die Druckverteilung unter dem Elefantenfuß zu erhalten. Wie bei Menschen und pedografisch vermessenen Rindern fanden sich auch beim Elefanten charakteristische Druckprofile. Druckspitzenwerte tauchten hierbei vor allem im kranialen Bereich der Füße als Druckleiste, aber auch im kaudalen Bereich in Form zweier Druckpfeiler auf. Experimente mit einer Methode zur Simulierung weicheren Untergrundes schienen die Druckspitzenwerte etwas abzuschwächen und das allgemeine Druckprofil einzuebnen, waren aber nur schwer auszuwerten. Die Methode eignet sich ebenso zur Erfassung der tatsächlich belasteten Fläche der Füße, welche sich bei stärkerer Belastung, beispielsweise dreibeinigem Stehen, vergrößerte. Trotz noch einiger methodischer und technischer Probleme, eröffnet sich mit der Pedografie ein sicherlich lohnenswertes Forschungsfeld für weitere Studien, die einen besseren Einblick in die Druckphysiologie des Elefantenfußes gewähren könnten. Weiterhin wurden in dieser Arbeit Daten der Elefantenhaltungssysteme von 17 besuchten europäischen Zoos, sowie Daten über Häufigkeit und Art der Gliedmaßenkrankheiten und anderer gesundheitlicher Parameter aller 95 untersuchter Elefanten ausgewertet. Hierbei zeigte sich immer noch starker Verbesserungsbedarf im Hinblick auf Innengehegegrößen und die verwendeten Bodenmaterialien. Auch Bewegungsprogramme für den Aufenthalt im Außengehege wurden nur in weniger als der Hälfte der Zoos eingesetzt. Positiv fiel auf, dass die Elefanten in den besuchten Zoos kaum noch angekettet werden und falls doch, nur kurzzeitig zu Untersuchungszwecken. Den Daten der Haltungsanalysen entsprechend, fielen die Auswertungen zur Fußgesundheit aus: Nur 36 % der untersuchten Elefanten litten bisher noch niemals unter Fußerkrankungen. Allein zum Zeitpunkt der Untersuchung wurden bei 27 % der Tiere akute Erkrankungen festgestellt, die unter Behandlung standen. Hierbei handelte es sich hauptsächlich um Abszesse oder andere entzündliche Veränderungen im Bereich des Nagelbetts. Weiterhin wurden 30 % der Elefanten als übergewichtig eingeschätzt und 36 % der Tiere zeigten stereotype Bewegungsmuster. / A total of 95 Asiatic Elephants in 17 European zoos were systematically examined using a high resolution thermographic camera and physiologic heat profiles of elephant’s feet without known foot diseases were established. To allow a more objective evaluation of thermographic findings, the feet and toes were divided schematically into defined areas for measurement purposes, based on anatomical features for which the temperature data was then plotted to produce heat curves for each area. Measurements of temperatures pertaining to similar areas of different elephants showed strong individual fluctuation. Temperature variation was as high as 8 °C in similar areas between elephants. Thus, evaluation of thermographic findings should never be based on absolute temperature readings alone. This strong variation is partly caused by environmental factors during the examination. With environmental temperatures between 17,5 °C and 23 °C, a one degree increase of this temperature will cause a 0,5 °C increase of the heat radiation of the feet. An increase of air humidity by 1 % will cause an increase of 0,03 °C of the measured thermographical heat radiation. The physiological heat profiles for coronary and hoof wall areas of the toes showed an arched, parable-like shape when plotted from the medial over the cranial to the lateral toes. The highest temperature readings were found on the cranial toes. The difference between coronary and hoof wall temperatures of similar toes were constant all over the foot. The physiological heat profiles of the toe areas above the coronary region did not show this arched shape but stayed below the coronary temperature readings except on the medial toe. On comparison with thermographic findings of inflammated toes, a strong increase of this area above the coronary band was found which exceeded the temperature of the coronary region. This characteristic can be used as an indicator for acute inflammations. A regular heat profile, which resembles closely the physiological heat profile created in this study and which shows constant temperature differences between the defined areas of the single toes, is a good indicator of healthy foot. It is recommended that thermographic examinations always are evaluated using conventional observation of the heat patterns in conjunction with the additional creation of a heat profile to minimize subjectivity by the clinician. For the first time three elephants were examined in this study using a new pedographic method to gain information on the pressure distribution below the elephant’s foot. As found in humans as well as in pedographically examined cows, the pressure distribution in elephant’s feet showed a characteristic profile. Pressure peaks showed up especially in the cranial area of the foot, possibly the border between sole and pad, as well as in the caudal region in the shape of two pressure pillars. Experiments with a method to simulate softer ground seemed to lower the pressure peaks slightly in favor of a broader distribution, but were very difficult to evaluate, especially considering the small sample size. This method is also suited to register the actual area size put under pressure by the elephant, which was shown to rise under increased pressure, e. g. three legged standing. Despite some encountered methodical and technical problems, pedography of elephants is going to be a very promising field for further scientific studies in order to acquire more information on the physiology of pressure distribution. Data on husbandry conditions of the 17 visited zoos and as well as data on frequency and type of foot diseases and other health parameters of all 95 examined elephants were also collected and evaluated. A strong need for improvement was observed in terms of enclosure sizes and the surface materials used in indoor enclosures. Also, daily routines to increase activity of the elephants in the outdoor enclosures were found to be carried out only in half of the visited zoos. On a positive note, elephants in the evaluated zoos were hardly ever chained and if so, only for examination purposes. According to the data of the husbandry evaluation the information on the current status of foot health showed the need for improvement: Only in 36 % of the examined elephants foot problems were so far not encountered. On the time of examination 27 % of the animals were found to be under ongoing treatment for foot diseases. Mostly these were abscesses or other inflammation processes in the area of the nail’s laminar tissue. Out of the study sample, 30 % of the elephants were estimated to be overweight and 36 % showed stereotypic movement patterns.
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Die subklinische Klauenrehe beim Milchrind - thermographische Untersuchungen der Klaue und Beziehungen zum Energiestoffwechsel / Subclinical laminitis in dairy cattle - Thermographic examination of the claw and relations to energy metabolismWilhelm, Katrin 11 October 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Die subklinische Klauenrehe stellt als Ausgangspunkt für eine Vielzahl daraus resultierender Klauenerkrankungen einen wichtigen Faktor in Bezug auf Tierschutz und Wirtschaftlichkeit von Hochleistungsmilchkühen dar. Die Ätiologie und Pathogenese dieser komplizierten Klauenerkrankung ist bis heute noch nicht eindeutig geklärt. Eine Vielzahl von Faktoren kann die Klauenlederhaut im Sinne einer Reheentwicklung negativ beeinflussen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte der Einfluss der negativen Energiebilanz nach der Kalbung und eines daraus resultierenden Fettmobilisationssyndroms auf die Entwicklung rehetypischer Anzeichen an den Klauen untersucht werden. Weiterhin sollte geprüft werden, inwieweit die thermographische Untersuchung der Klauen nach der Kalbung, also dem predistinierten Zeitpunkt für die Entwicklung einer Klauenrehe, in der Lage ist, Aufschluss über den Entzündungszustand der Lederhaut zu geben und dementsprechend als frühdiagnostisches Mittel zur Erkennung der subklinischen Klauenrehe Anwendung finden kann. Die Temperaturverteilung über die einzelnen Hauptklauen und die Veränderung dieser im Laufe der Frühlaktation, sowie Unterschiede zwischen primiparen und multiparen Tieren wurde untersucht.
Hierfür wurden die Klauen von 123 Kühen und Färsen bzw. Jungkühen aus drei Milchviehanlagen mit ähnlichen Jahresleistungen und verschiedenen Stallböden in der ersten Woche nach der Kalbung, sowie nach Vollendung des zweiten Laktationsmonats bezüglich des Vorliegens einer Lahmheit und, nach der Durchführung einer funktionellen Klauenpflege, auf Anzeichen der subklinischen Klauenrehe durch Vergabe eines Klauenscores untersucht und zusätzlich mittels Thermographie der Fußungsfläche analysiert. Um den Einfluss des Stoffwechsels auf die Reheentwicklung definieren zu können, erfolgten im Zeitraum von 8 Wochen vor der Kalbung bis 8 Wochen nach der Kalbung in regelmäßigen Abständen Messungen der Rückenfettdicke sowie Blutprobenentnahme zur Bestimmung der jeweiligen Freien-Fettsäuren- (FFS), ß-Hydroxybutyrat- (BHB) und Glucosekonzentrationen. Um den Einfluss anderer Stoffwechselentgleisungen abzugrenzen, wurden weiterhin die Parameter Lactat, Gesamtprotein, Albumin, Harnstoff, Calcium, Creatinkinase (CK), Aspartataminotransferase (ASAT) und Lactatdehydrogenase (LDH) bestimmt.
Bei der Beurteilung von Lahmheit und Reheanzeichen stellte sich eine signifikante Zunahme letztgenannter nach dem zweiten Laktationsmonat dar. Die Lahmheitsinzidenz nahm dagegen leicht ab. Gummiböden hatten insgesamt einen positiven Effekt auf die Reheentwicklung. Jungkühe wiesen deutlich stärkere rehetypische Veränderungen (Hämorrhagien, Gelbverfärbungen im Horn, weiches Horn) auf als ältere Tiere. Die rehetypischen Veränderungen konzentrierten sich dabei bei allen Probanden auf die hinteren Lateralklauen. Die Thermographie zeigte gravierende Differenzen zwischen den Vorder- und Hintergliedmaßen, sowie zwischen Lateral- und Medialklauen. Die Hinterklauen waren deutlich (p<0,0001) wärmer als die Vorderklauen. Die Lateralklauen der Hintergliedmaßen zeigten sich wärmer als die Medialklauen, während es sich an den Vorderklauen tendenziell umgekehrt verhielt. Im Laktationsverlauf ließ sich eine leichte Zunahme der Differenzen beobachten, wobei sich die Absoluttemperaturen kaum unterschieden. Obwohl die Verteilung von rehetypischen Veränderungen dem Muster der Temperaturverteilung über die Hauptklauen entsprach (hintere Lateralklauen hatten die meisten rehetypischen Veränderungen und die höchsten Temperaturen), konnte keine eindeutige Korrelation zwischen der Klauentemperatur nach der Kalbung und den sichtbaren Reheveränderungen acht Wochen später gefunden werden. Die Temperaturverteilung auf den einzelnen Hauptklauen zeigte in den meisten Fällen (77,3 %) einen um ca. 2-3°C wärmeren Ballenbereich (Rusterholzstelle) im Vergleich zur Klauenspitze. Bei 16,5 % der Klauen waren beide Bereiche gleichwarm (Temperaturunterschied < 1°C) und bei einem geringen Anteil (6,2 %) zeigte sich die Spitze als wärmste Stelle an der Fußungsfläche. Zwischen der Höhe der Rückenfettdicke, der FFS-, BHB- und Glucosekonzentrationen und der Entwicklung einer subklinischen Klauenrehe ergaben sich keine aussagekräftigen Korrelationen. Tendenziell waren eher unterkonditionierte Tiere von Klauenveränderungen betroffen.
Schlussfolgerung: Obwohl die Temperaturverteilung auf der Fußungsfläche dem Verteilungsmuster rehetypischer Veränderungen entsprach, war die Thermographie nicht als frühdiagnostisches Mittel zur Erkennung der subklinischen Klauenrehe geeignet. Die Temperaturen zwischen Vorder- und Hinterklauen sowie zwischen Lateral- und Medialklauen unterschieden sich deutlich. Eine direkte Beeinflussung der Klauen durch das Fettmobilisationssyndrom konnte in den hier durchgeführten Untersuchungen nicht gefunden werden.
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Control strategies and inspection methods for welded partBaradi, Divyank January 2013 (has links)
Present and future demonstrator designs were used to demonstrate the quality assurance of welds. The NDT methods tested on prototype demonstrator parts are: visual inspection, radius gauges, throat size gauge, liquid-penetrant testing, magnetic particle testing and ultrasonics with pulse echo and phased array. The other methods like eddy current, time of flight diffraction, radiography, impression test, macro test and infrared thermographs are currently being analyzed along with their inspection costs. The control plans for present and future designs with corresponding present and future NDT methods are suggested to minimize a shift in process. Magnetic particle testing revealed a lack of fusion and cracks for fillet welds, whereas ultrasonic pulse echo and phased array identified an internal lack of fusion, inner pores/slag inclusions on butt welds. Ultrasonic PAUT & TOFD could be used for accurate defect identification and thermography for online identification of lack of penetration, depth of penetration and weld parameters. / Weight reduction by improved weld quality (WIQ)
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Análise e extração de características de imagens termográficas utilizando componentes principaisSantos, Gilnete Leite dos [UNESP] 15 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
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santos_gl_me_ilha.pdf: 4835852 bytes, checksum: 8f5c7964f7834bad1240378b2d45737b (MD5) / As técnicas de termografia vêm atualmente ganhando espaço como técnicas de manutenção preditiva, principalmente, por seu caráter não invasivo (ferramenta de não contato) que possibilita o monitoramento do aquecimento de máquinas e equipamentos em operação ou mesmo energizados. A utilização de câmeras termográficas hoje é uma realidade em vários setores industriais para monitoramento e detecção de falhas com base na temperatura. Entretanto, a utilização de câmaras termográficas na manutenção não deve se restringir apenas à avaliação da temperatura, uma vez que as imagens termográficas são sinais que apresentam padrões complexos que podem captar as diferentes características e condição de operação do equipamento. Outras informações além da temperatura poderiam ser observadas para uma avaliação mais consistente do estado de operação do equipamento. Este trabalho discute a utilização da técnica da estatística multivariada, Análise de Componentes Principais (ACP) para o processamento e análise de um conjunto de imagens termográficas. Essa proposta visa à identificação de padrões associados às variações térmicas das imagens, bem como, a interpretação desses dados em termos da sua variabilidade espacial/temporal para aplicação na manutenção preditiva com base na termografia. Num primeiro momento a técnica foi aplicada para a avaliação de um conjunto de dados (imagens térmicas) obtidos a partir da simulação do aquecimento de um dado componente (chave elétrica), cujo objetivo foi testar e verificar a validade da proposta e do programa desenvolvido. Posteriormente a técnica foi aplicada para o acompanhamento e avaliação do aquecimento de componentes de um modelo simplificado de um painel de telefonia, formado por blocos de alumínio fixados em uma placa de acrílico. A análise no modo espacial e no modo temporal do conjunto de ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Thermography techniques are currently gaining ground as predictive maintenance techniques, mainly due to its non-invasive character (non-contact tool) that allows the monitoring of heating condition of machines and equipment also in operation and even energized. The use of thermographic cameras is now a reality in many industrial and electrical sectors for monitoring and fault detection based on temperature. However, the use of thermal imagers in the maintenance should not be restricted to only the evaluation of temperature, since the thermographic images are signs that show complex patterns and they can capture the different characteristics of the actual condition of the monitored equipment. Information other than temperature could be observed for a more consistent evaluation of its state of operation. This paper discusses the propose of use of the multivariate analysis technique, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for the processing and analysis of a series of thermographic images in order to identify patterns associated with temperature variations of the images, as well as, the interpretation of these data in terms of their spatial/temporal variability. Initially the technique was used to the analysis of data (thermal images) obtained from the simulation of heating conditions of a component (electric switch) aiming at to test and verify the validity of the proposal and program development. Later the technique was applied to the monitoring and evaluation of the heating condition of components of a simplified model of a telephone panel, formed by aluminum blocks fixed in a plate of acrylic. The analysis in the spatial and temporal mode of the set of thermograms obtained for different heating conditions of the blocks, it showed that it is possible to verify and establish correlations between the Principal Components and the thermal profile of the system
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Parâmetros para o desenvolvimento de sapatilhas femininas de uso diário com ênfase no conforto térmico e percepção da usuária / Parameters for the Development of Daily Use Women Sneakers with emphasis in the Thermal Comfort and Wearer s PerceptionAnselmo, Taiza Kalinowski 31 July 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-07-31 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Research related to the thermal comfort in shoes has been bringing substantial technological advancements to the shoe sector. The present study aims to contribute the evaluation of the thermal comfort attribute of materials used in shoe manufacturing. During this development, qualitative and quantitative techniques were applied which contributed to the evaluation of the materials studied. Two volunteers participated in the present study where they tested five similar sneakers, manufactured with different types of lining materials being laminated synthetic polyurethane with viscose substrate, polyester, viscose and polyester mix, cacharrel and leather. Evaluated points: a) volunteers perception of heat and humidity thermal evaluation and easiness of wearing in a 1 to 10 scale; b) their perception in regards to the areas which present higher variation in thermal comfort; c) feet temperature variation from thermopairs readings (Digital Thermometer TD 890 with 4 channels); d) feet thermal radiation variation using thermographic camera (Eletrophysics PV 320 model). The measurement procedures were taken during a 30 min walk at 4km/h speed. The perception, the temperature and radiation evaluation were measured before and after the 30 min. walk. The qualitative research has appointed leather as the best performance material throughout the tests. The region, which presented the highest perception in heating and humidity increase perception, was the toes region. The highest increase in temperature occurred in the Viscose lined sneaker, with a general mean percentage of 13.16% for the thermo-pairs and of 14.03% for the thermographics. Leather had the best performance with a mean percentage of approximately 1%. Despite this difference, none of the materials was considered uncomfortable according to the ABNT/NBR 14837 table of the Level of Internal Shoe Temperature Comfort. All the materials used was considered comfortable with the exception of Viscose, which was considered normal/acceptable according to the table. / A pesquisa do conforto em calçados vem proporcionando avanços tecnológicos significativos para o setor calçadista. Este estudo procurou contribuir com a avaliação de materiais usados na confecção de calçados, que promovam conforto térmico. Ao longo do desenvolvimento, foram aplicadas técnicas qualitativas e quantitativas que contribuíram na avaliação destes materiais. Participaram do estudo duas voluntárias, que testaram cinco pares de sapatilhas similares, confeccionadas com diferentes materiais no forro, laminado sintético de poliuretano com substrato em viscose, poliéster, misto (viscose e poliéster), o cacharrel e o couro. Foram avaliados: a) a percepção das voluntárias quanto à avaliação térmica de aquecimento e umidade, e calce através de uma escala com pontuação de 1 a 10; b) a percepção das regiões que apresentaram maior alteração do conforto térmico; c) registro da variação de temperatura dos pés a partir de medidas com termopares (Termômetro Digital TD 890 com 4 canais); d) registro da variação da radiação térmica do pé utilizando câmera termográfica (Eletrophysics modelo PV 320). Os procedimentos de medidas, foram conduzidos ao longo de uma caminhada de 30 min a 4 km/h. A avaliação da percepção, temperatura e radiação foram medidas antes e depois da caminhada. A pesquisa qualitativa apontou, o couro como o material que apresentou maior desempenho ao longo dos testes. A região dos pés com maior percepção de aquecimento e umidade foram os dedos. O incremento de temperatura ocorreu principalmente na sapatilha com forro viscose, com uma média percentual geral de 13,16% para os termopares e 14,03% para a termografia. O couro teve o maior desempenho, com uma média percentual aproximadamente 1%. Apesar desta diferença, nenhum material foi considerado desconfortável, de acordo com a tabela do Nível de conforto da temperatura interna do calçado ABNT/NBR 14837. Todos os materiais foram considerados confortáveis, com exceção da viscose considerada de acordo com a tabela normal.
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Método de avaliação de conforto térmico em órteses esportivas de joelho / Thermal Comfort Evaluation Method in Sports Knee OrthosisPorto, Maetê da Costa 28 November 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-11-28 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The present study aims to evaluate the temporal evolution of the temperature and humidity provided by different materials used in the lining of sports orthotics neoprene knee with the interface. This is a study of exploratory and descriptive and experimental nature, combined with quantitative and qualitative data collection methods and analysis of thermographic images approach. Measurements occurred in six alternate days in the morning. Identical orthoses made with smooth, neoprene lined on the outside with black polyamide fabric, with different liners (100 % polyester, 100 % polyamide, Emana® 270g, double frontura, Emana® 350g) and identical orthoses made from perforated neoprene lined were evaluated on the outside with black polyamide fabric and various lining (100 % polyester, 100 % polyamide, Emana® 270g, double frontura, Emana® 350g). Volunteers (men) were selected according to age, sex, BMI, duration of practice, hours of weekly practice, to have a physical integrity. For the tests used the same garments clo value. The instruments used were: a thermographic camera Eletrophysics model PV 320 and a precision scale BEL Engenering - Mark 160 - Class II. Temperature data were analyzed by thermography knees and moisture with the mass difference of bracing before and after the test. Of the materials tested, the combination of double polyester lining, perforated neoprene and nylon on the outside of the orthosis showed the best performance in knee - brace interaction. / O presente estudo tem por objetivo desenvolver um método para avaliar a evolução temporal da temperatura e umidade proporcionado por diferentes materiais utilizados no forro das órteses esportivas de neoprene com a interface do joelho. Trata-se de um estudo de cunho exploratório-descritivo e experimental, com abordagem combinada de métodos quantitativos e qualitativos de coleta e análise de imagens termográficas. As medições ocorreram em seis dias alternados no período da manhã. Foram avaliadas órteses idênticas confeccionadas com neoprene liso, forrado na parte externa com tecido poliamida preto, com diferentes forros: 100% poliéster, 100% poliamida, Emana® 270g, dupla frontura e Emana® 350g. Órteses idênticas confeccionadas com neoprene perfurado, também foram avaliadas, forradas na parte externa com tecido poliamida preto e diferentes forros:100% poliéster, 100% poliamida, Emana® 270g, dupla frontura e Emana® 350g. Os voluntários (homens) foram selecionados segundo a idade, sexo, IMC, tempo de prática, horas de treinos semanais, para ter uma integridade física. Para os testes utilizaram vestimentas com o mesmo valor em clo que é a unidade utilizada para medir o isolamento térmico das roupas. Os instrumentos de medida utilizados foram: uma Câmera Termografica Eletrophysics modelo PV 320 e uma balança de precisão BEL Engenering - Mark 160 - Classe ll. Foram analisados dados de temperatura através da termografia dos joelhos e a umidade com a diferença de massa da órtese antes e depois do ensaio. Dos materiais testados, a combinação forro de duplo poliéster, neoprene perfurado e a poliamida na parte externa da órtese apresentou o melhor desempenho na interação joelho-órtese.
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Análise e extração de características de imagens termográficas utilizando componentes principais /Santos, Gilnete Leite dos. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: João Antonio Pereira / Banca: Amarildo Tabone Paschoalini / Banca: Renê Pegoraro / Resumo: As técnicas de termografia vêm atualmente ganhando espaço como técnicas de manutenção preditiva, principalmente, por seu caráter não invasivo (ferramenta de não contato) que possibilita o monitoramento do aquecimento de máquinas e equipamentos em operação ou mesmo energizados. A utilização de câmeras termográficas hoje é uma realidade em vários setores industriais para monitoramento e detecção de falhas com base na temperatura. Entretanto, a utilização de câmaras termográficas na manutenção não deve se restringir apenas à avaliação da temperatura, uma vez que as imagens termográficas são sinais que apresentam padrões complexos que podem captar as diferentes características e condição de operação do equipamento. Outras informações além da temperatura poderiam ser observadas para uma avaliação mais consistente do estado de operação do equipamento. Este trabalho discute a utilização da técnica da estatística multivariada, Análise de Componentes Principais (ACP) para o processamento e análise de um conjunto de imagens termográficas. Essa proposta visa à identificação de padrões associados às variações térmicas das imagens, bem como, a interpretação desses dados em termos da sua variabilidade espacial/temporal para aplicação na manutenção preditiva com base na termografia. Num primeiro momento a técnica foi aplicada para a avaliação de um conjunto de dados (imagens térmicas) obtidos a partir da simulação do aquecimento de um dado componente (chave elétrica), cujo objetivo foi testar e verificar a validade da proposta e do programa desenvolvido. Posteriormente a técnica foi aplicada para o acompanhamento e avaliação do aquecimento de componentes de um modelo simplificado de um painel de telefonia, formado por blocos de alumínio fixados em uma placa de acrílico. A análise no modo espacial e no modo temporal do conjunto de ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Thermography techniques are currently gaining ground as predictive maintenance techniques, mainly due to its non-invasive character (non-contact tool) that allows the monitoring of heating condition of machines and equipment also in operation and even energized. The use of thermographic cameras is now a reality in many industrial and electrical sectors for monitoring and fault detection based on temperature. However, the use of thermal imagers in the maintenance should not be restricted to only the evaluation of temperature, since the thermographic images are signs that show complex patterns and they can capture the different characteristics of the actual condition of the monitored equipment. Information other than temperature could be observed for a more consistent evaluation of its state of operation. This paper discusses the propose of use of the multivariate analysis technique, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for the processing and analysis of a series of thermographic images in order to identify patterns associated with temperature variations of the images, as well as, the interpretation of these data in terms of their spatial/temporal variability. Initially the technique was used to the analysis of data (thermal images) obtained from the simulation of heating conditions of a component (electric switch) aiming at to test and verify the validity of the proposal and program development. Later the technique was applied to the monitoring and evaluation of the heating condition of components of a simplified model of a telephone panel, formed by aluminum blocks fixed in a plate of acrylic. The analysis in the spatial and temporal mode of the set of thermograms obtained for different heating conditions of the blocks, it showed that it is possible to verify and establish correlations between the Principal Components and the thermal profile of the system / Mestre
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Evaluation de la température des composants à semi-conducteurs de puissance au sein des convertisseurs d’énergie électrique : application aux onduleurs photovoltaïques pour accroitre leurs performances et leur disponibilité / On-line junction temperature measurements in power electronics converters : application to photovoltaic inverters to increase their performance and availabilityKa, Ibrahima 11 December 2017 (has links)
L’utilisation diversifiée des dispositifs de l’électronique de puissance est une conséquence des avancées fulgurantes dans la compréhension théorique de la physique des semi-conducteurs. L’approche applicative se traduit par la conception de modules de puissance au sein desquels sont implantées des puces semi-conductrices. Les densités de puissance injectées dans ces composants ne cessent d’accroitre et les seuils d’intégration sont également toujours repoussés dans le sillage de la conception de systèmes à encombrement réduit. Dès lors, la gestion des contraintes, notamment électrothermiques, est devenue un challenge majeur dans l’utilisation des systèmes de l’électronique de puissance. L’environnement sévère résultant des profils de température contraignants fait qu’une attention particulière est portée sur les aspects de fiabilité des dispositifs. Les stratégies de suivi de l’état de santé des modules et les méthodes de caractérisation des assemblages de puissance nécessitent l’estimation de la température des puces semi-conductrices.Diverses méthodes sont aujourd’hui mises en œuvre afin d‘estimer la température des composants semi-conducteurs ; cette dernière étant assimilée à une température de jonction virtuelle Tjv, caractéristique de la zone active des puces semi-conductrices. Les paramètres électriques thermosensibles (PETS) sont largement utilisés afin d’estimer la température de jonction de ces puces. La problématique de la représentativité de ces PETS n’est toutefois pas suffisamment adressée dans la littérature scientifique. Il est par conséquent nécessaire de mettre au point des moyens et méthodes complémentaires afin d’évaluer des paramètres thermosensibles, notamment dans les conditions de fonctionnement des composants au sein des convertisseurs de l’électronique de puissance.Dans le cadre de nos travaux de thèse, nous avons réalisé une puce semi-conductrice instrumentée qui offre la possibilité de mener de manière simultanée une mesure de température avec un PETS et un capteur résistif. Les procédés classiques de la microélectronique sont adaptés à l’électronique de puissance pour la réalisation de cet outil de validation des PETS. Les capteurs résistifs sont implémentés à la surface de composants de puissance du commerce (Diodes, IGBTs) ; ces composants instrumentés sont par la suite intégrés dans des modules de puissance. Une campagne expérimentale est menée en dernier lieu pour valider le bon fonctionnement des capteurs sur la base d’une comparaison de mesures de température par thermographie infrarouge et avec un PETS dédié. / The fast-paced advancements in the understanding of semiconductor theoretical basis lead to the conception of diversified power electronic devices. In the field of power electronics, the efficiency of those devices is strongly linked to high power rates and full integration trends that guide the design process of converters. Consequently, electrothermal constraints management is gaining importance when it comes to the reliability aspect of power systems. The key parameter that needs to be monitored during converter lifetime is the junction temperature of semi-conductor components.Many methods are used to estimate the junction temperature of semi-conductor chips embedded into power converters. That parameter is usually defined as a virtual junction temperature Tjv which reflects the temperature of the active parts of power chips. Among those approaches, ThermoSensitive Electrical Parameters (TSEPs) are widely employed. Nonetheless, the representativeness of TSEPs is not fully addressed in the scientific literature. It is therefore mandatory to investigate this aspect using new additional methods to validate the temperature measurements performed thanks to TSEPs, especially under the converter’s conditions of use.As part of our work, a new temperature measurement tool dedicated to TSEPs validation is designed. Microelectronic conventional processes are adapted in order to develop a power instrumented chips (Diodes, IGBTs) with integrated temperature sensor. It makes possible simultaneous junction temperature measurements using a TSEP and the on-chip resistive detector. The experimental validation results are performed using instrumented power modules and infrared thermography.
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Contrôle non destructif d'un matériau excité par une onde acoustique ou thermique, observation par thermographie / Non destructive testing of a material excited by an acoustic wave or a heat wave, observation with thermographyKuhn, Eric 06 December 2013 (has links)
Afin de pouvoir détecter un défaut dans un composite, plusieurs méthodes de contrôle non destructif ont été développées. Le but de ce travail est de localiser un délaminage dans un stratifié carbone / époxyde en utilisant deux méthodes : la thermosonique et la thermographie. La première méthode consiste en une excitation par ultrasons et une détection par caméra IR. Pour la seconde technique, le matériau est irradié par une onde thermique et la détection est aussi réalisée par une caméra IR. Afin de comparer les résultats obtenus, des tests par immersion ultrasons C-scan ont été réalisés sur les échantillons. Cette méthode permet d'obtenir une cartographie du délaminage présent dans le stratifié. Un algorithme de comparaison entre la détection du délaminage faite par les ultrasons C-scan et les deux méthodes a permis de révéler les différences de forme du défaut détecté. Différents traitements d'images ont été appliqués aux images IR obtenues : des analyses temporelles et des analyses spatiales/temporelles. L'étude de l'évolution instantanée ainsi que l'évolution globale de la température se sont révélées prometteuses pour la thermosonique. L'image la plus décorrélée obtenus par l'analyse en composante principales donne un résultat tout aussi satisfaisant pour cette méthode. Pour la méthode sans contact, la thermographie, l'étude de la phase a permis de révéler la forme du délaminage avec la même précision que la thermosonique.Une comparaison de ces deux méthodes a été réalisée afin de mettre en évidence leurs avantages et leurs inconvénients. / To detect a defect in a composite, several methods of non destructive testing have been developped. The aim of this work is to find a delamination in polymer matrix laminates thanks to two methods : thermosonics and thermography. The first method consists of an ultrasonic excitation and a detection by an IR camera. For the second technique, the plate is irradiated with a thermal wave and the detection is also performed by an IR camera. To compare the results, ultrasonic immersion tests were performed on the samples. This method provides a map of the delamination in the laminate. An algorithm for comparing the detection of delamination made by the ultrasonic C-scan and both methods revealed differences in the shape of the detected defect. Several image processing have been applied to the IR images recorded : temporal analysis and spatial / temporal analysis. The study of the instant evolution and the global evolution of the temperature are promissing for thermosonics. The most uncorrelated image obtained by principal component analysis gives is satisfactory for this method. For thermography, the non contact method, the phase study revealed the shape of delamination with the same precision as thermosonics.A comparison between the two methods was realised to highlight their advantages and their drawbacks.
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