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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Correlação clínica e termográfica do ponto-gatilho miofascial nos músculos da mastigação / Thermographic and clinical correlation of myofascial trigger points in the masticatory muscles

Haddad, Denise Sabbagh 09 August 2011 (has links)
A síndrome dolorosa miofascial (SDM) é uma disfunção musculoesquelética não articular caracterizada por pontos-gatilho miofasciais. Estes pontos, identificados por meio da palpação, são descritos como bandas tensas na fibra muscular, podendo apresentar dor referida à compressão. Sabe-se que os pontos-gatilho miofasciais provocam hiperatividade simpática regional de temperatura local devido à atividade vasoconstritora cutânea. Para documentação objetiva por imagem desta alteração funcional, a termografia tem sido proposta como método auxiliar diagnóstico. O objetivo deste estudo foi correlacionar os exames clínico e termográfico dos pontos-gatilho nos músculos da mastigação masseter e temporal parte anterior. A amostra constituiu-se por 26 mulheres voluntárias com 41 ± 15 anos. Os resultados demonstraram correlação diretamente proporcional entre algometria e termografia na avaliação do ponto-gatilho miofascial, onde, quanto menor a força aplicada, menor a temperatura local (p<0,001). As áreas com dor referida apresentaram níveis de limiar de dor à pressão (1.28±0.45 kgf) menores quando comparados às áreas de dor local (1.73±0,59 kgf; p<0.001). Sendo assim, a imagem termográfica de um ponto-gatilho apresentou-se hiporradiante quando comparada à região de ausência de ponto-gatilho (&#916;T>0,4ºC; p<0.001). Além disso, a avaliação termográfica dos pontos-gatilho nos músculos masseter e temporal pelo gradiente térmico (&#916;T e &#916;&#952;) apresentou maior sensibilidade e especificidade em comparação com a temperatura absoluta (T), mesmo quando corrigidos estes valores para a temperatura ambiente e temperatura timpânica da voluntária durante o exame (&#952;). A termografia isoladamente identificou pontos-gatilho com sensibilidade de 62,5% e especificidade de 71,31%. Os autores concluíram que a termografia é um método de imagem não invasivo, com potencial de identificação de pontos-gatilho miofasciais na região facial. / Myofascial pain syndrome is a myalgic dysfunction characterized by myofascial trigger points (MTP). The taut band is a constant feature of a trigger point characterized by referred pain when stimulated. It is known that the myofascial trigger points cause regional sympathetic hyperactivity in local temperature due to the cutaneous vasoconstrictor activity. For detection of functional changes, thermography may be used as an auxiliary diagnostic imaging. The aim of this study was to correlate clinical and thermographic myofascial trigger points in the masticatory muscles masseter and temporalis. Twenty six women volunteers were included, having a mean age of 41 ± 15 years. The results showed directly proportional relationship by algometry and thermography in the assessment of MTP, where smaller the force applied, lower the local temperature will be (p<0.001). Moreover, when the soreness was evaluated and local vasomotor response, the temperature decreases as the worst local situation. PPT (pressure pain threshold) levels measured at the points of referred pain in MTP (1.28±0.45 kgf) were significantly lower than the areas of local pain in MTP (1.73±0,59 kgf; p<0.001). Thus, the thermographic image of a MTP presented colder than the area without trigger point (&#916;T>0,4ºC; p<0.001). In the thermographic assessment of MTP in the masseter and temporalis muscles, the results suggest that the parameters of thermal asymmetry (&#916;T and &#916;&#952;) show greater sensitivity and specificity in comparison to local absolute temperature values (T), even when corrected for the volunteer\'s core temperature and the temperature of the room during the exam (&#952;). Thermography can identify trigger points (referred pain) with sensitivity of 62,50% and specificity of 71,31%. The authors concluded that thermography is a noninvasive imaging method with potential for screening patients with MTP in the facial region.

Estudo crítico de mastocitomas caninos e avaliação termográfica de técnicas de anaplastia / Critical study of canine mast cell tumors and thermographic evaluation of reconstructive surgery

Melo, Samanta Rios 26 July 2017 (has links)
Em grande parte das vezes, a excisão cirúrgica apropriada de mastocitomas em cães requer a realização de técnicas de reconstrução para o fechamento da ferida resultante, e o seu conhecimento se torna essencial para todo o cirurgião. Alcançar margens livres tem uma influência significativa sobre o tempo de sobrevida, e deve ser o objetivo para a maioria dos pacientes. A avaliação da evolução de retalhos cutâneos e a mensuração da aderência e neovascularização do tecido no local intencionado é extremamente importante para diagnóstico precoce de falhas na implantação do tecido. Não há evidências em literatura de trabalhos relacionados a avaliação da perfusão tecidual de retalhos cutâneos em animais de companhia, com o uso de técnicas de termografia. Neste trabalho, foram obtidas imagens, do tipo padrão e do tipo termográficas, de 63 mastocitomas, provenientes de 60 cães. A classificação histológica determinada neste estudo foi significativa na influência à sobrevida (p&lt;0,001). A pontuação prognóstica (0-13) aqui proposta, adaptada de Melo e colaboradores (2015) teve forte associação com sobrevida (p&lt;0,001). A presença de metástase foi observada em 17% dos casos, e de recidiva em 14%. Em ambas as ocorrências 90% dos animais acometidos vieram a óbito. Por meio de analises estatísticas comprovamos a associação entre esses dois fatores (metástase e recidiva) com o tempo de sobrevida (em ambas p&lt;0,001). Dentro do nosso estudo foi observado que, em tumores com a presença de AIM (agrupamentos independentes de mastócitos) há um risco de mortalidade 8,57 vezes maior do que animais com margens livres ou mesmo comprometidas. Esse risco é inclusive maior do que o risco de óbito em animais com recidiva (HR 5,13). VEGF-A se mostrou de significância estatística perante sobrevida; confirmando estudo anteriores e sugerido mais uma vez a inclusão desse marcador no perfil prognóstico do mastocitomas. Todas as formações apresentadas neste estudo tiveram análise termográfica concluída e documentada. Nota-se que mesmo quando considerado ponto central ou quando considerada toda área tumoral, 65 e 67% respectivamente, dos mastocitomas eram mais quentes que a pele sadia circundante. A causa destas mudanças de temperatura não é totalmente compreendida, mas sugere-se que esteja associada a neoangiogênese e inflamação local (XIE et al., 2004). Por meio das análises estatísticas é possível afirmar que as regiões tumoral e não tumoral são significativamente diferentes, tanto na avaliação de ponto central (SpT e SPNT) como na avaliação da área (AT e ANT) do tumor e pele circundante sadia (p &lt; 0,001). Ainda por meio de termografia, pudemos estabelecer que retalhos cutâneos pediculados apresentaram chance de deiscência 5,57 vezes maior do que o uso de outras técnicas de anaplastia e deslizamento de tecidos. Por fim, conseguimos estabelecer uma curva térmica de evolução das feridas da nossa população do estudo, bem como diferenciar o comportamento térmico quando há ou não deiscência. Isso pode ser útil a estudos futuros ou mesmo à prática clínico-cirúrgica, de modo a comparar a evolução de pacientes com as curvas previamente aqui estabelecidas, sendo factível assim prever a cicatrização da ferida. Acreditamos, por meio deste estudo, que a análise termográfica da evolução de retalhos cutâneos pode ser usada como correspondente a perfusão tecidual, conforme indicado em literatura e ser usada como ferramenta de reconhecimento precoces de deiscência da ferida cirúrgica, conforme proposto por diversos autores (SALMI et al., 1995; EICHHORN et al., 2009; WEERD et al., 2009; WEERD et al., 2011). / In most cases, proper surgical excision of mast cell tumors in dogs requires reconstructive techniques for the closure of the resulting wound, and it knowledge becomes essential for the surgeon. Achieving free margins has a significant influence on survival time, and should be the goal for most patients. The evaluation of the evolution of cutaneous flaps and the measurement of tissue adherence and vascularization at the intended site is extremely important for early diagnosis of defects in tissue implantation. There is no evidence in literature of studies related to evaluate tissue perfusion of skin flaps in companion animals, using thermography techniques. In this study, standard images and thermographic ones were obtained from 63 mast cell tumors from 60 dogs. The histological classification of the tumors in this study was significant in survival time (p &lt;0.001). The prognostic score (0-13) proposed here, adapted from Melo et al. (2015), had also strong association with survival time (p &lt;0.001). The presence of metastasis was observed in 17% of cases, and relapse in 14%. In both cases, 90% of the affected animals died. By means of statistical analyzes, we verified the association between these two factors (metastasis and relapse) in survival time (for both p &lt;0.001). Within our study it was observed that in tumors with the presence of AIM (independent mast cell groups) there is a mortality risk 8.57 times higher than animals with free or even compromised margins. This risk is even greater than the risk of death in animals with relapse (HR 5,13). Also, VEGF-A was shown to be statistically significant at survival time; confirming previous studys and leading us to suggets once again the inclusion of this marker in the prognostic profile of mast cell tumors. All the tumors presented in this study had a thermographic analysis completed and documented. It is noted that even when considered central point or tumor area, 65 and 67% respectively, of the mast cell tumors were warmer than the surrounding healthy tissue. The cause of these temperature changes is not fully understood, but it is suggested to be associated with neoangiogenesis and local inflammation (XIE et al., 2004). By means of the statistical analyzes it is possible to affirm that the tumoral and non-tumoral regions are significantly different, as well as in the evaluation of the central point (SpT and SPNT) and in the evaluation of the tumoral area (TA and ANT) im comparison with healthy surrounding skin (p &lt;0.001 ). Also through thermography, we could establish that skin flaps had a chance of dehiscence 5.57 times greater than the use of other techniques of reconstructive surgery. Finally, we were able to establish a thermal curve of evolution of the wounds of our study population, as well as to differentiate the thermal behavior when there is or not dehiscence. This may be useful for future studies or even clinical-surgical practice, in order to compare the evolution of patients with the curves previously established here, and it is feasible to predict wound healing. We believe, by means of this study, that the thermographic analysis of the evolution of cutaneous flaps can be used as corresponding to tissue perfusion, as indicated in the literature and be used as an early recognition tool for surgical wound dehiscence, as proposed by several authors (SALMI et al., 1995; EICHHORN et al., 2009; WEERD et al., 2009; WEERD et al., 2011).

Détection et caractérisation de défauts sous-jacents à la surface dans des bandes d’acier décapées par thermographie infrarouge stimulée / Detection and characterization of subsurface defects in steel strips using Active Infrared Thermography

Taram, Abdoulaye 21 March 2019 (has links)
Dans le contexte actuel d’ouverture des marchés, le contrôle qualité est primordial dans le domaine de la production sidérurgique où qualité se conjugue avec réduction de coûts de fabrication. Ce contrôle peut être décrit comme un ensemble de systèmes déployés pour vérifier et maintenir le niveau de qualité souhaité. Cela implique une inspection minutieuse, accompagnée le plus souvent d’actions correctives. Cette inspection se traduit par l’utilisation, à différentes étapes de la production, d’outils de Contrôle Non-Destructif (CND) pour détecter des défauts. Etant donné que la détection au stade le plus en amont possible de la production est essentielle pour réduire le coût de la qualité et améliorer la production, des systèmes d’inspection à ultrasons sont utilisés au stade du décapage pour détecter certains défauts internes sans ralentir la cadence de production. Toutefois, le besoin de disposer d’une technique de CND sensible aux défauts sub-surfaciques très proches de la surface pouvant se transformer en défauts surfaciques demeure.Parmi les techniques courantes de CND, la thermographie infrarouge stimulée a été identifiée comme ayant un fort potentiel pour la détection des défauts internes très proches de la surface. En outre, cette technique présente des avantages remarquables : elle est sans contact, relativement rapide et adaptable. Son principe est relativement simple : il consiste à créer un transitoire thermique dans un échantillon et à surveiller la réponse de sa surface avec une caméra infrarouge (IR). La présence d’éventuel défaut interne créerait un contraste sous forme de motifs thermiques irréguliers dans la séquence thermique enregistrée. Cette technique, bien qu’attractive n’est pas encore déployée en ligne de production pour détecter des défauts dans les bandes d’aciers décapées. C’est ce qui constitue d’ailleurs l’innovation majeure de cette thèse.La thèse explore les limites théoriques et expérimentales de la thermographie infrarouge stimulée pour la détection de défauts internes dans des métaux. Elle a abouti aux développements d'outils de laboratoire capables de détecter des défauts très proches de la surface, tant dans des configurations statiques qu’en défilement. Ces développements se sont appuyés sur des simulations numériques en 3D qui ont permis d’évaluer le potentiel de la technique ; gagner en expertise ; obtenir des indications pour optimiser et concevoir les dispositifs expérimentaux. Les connaissances acquises à la suite des développements des outils de laboratoire ont montré qu’il est possible d’implémenter la technique directement dans la chaîne de production, particulièrement au stade de décapage où la bande se déplace généralement à 5 m / s. Par conséquent, un système d’inspection a été construit et déployé avec succès pour l’inspection d’une fraction de bande d’acier en milieu industriel. Les résultats obtenus et présentés dans cette thèse sont très encourageants. Des points d’améliorations sont mis en évidence et leur prise en compte permettra d’aboutir sur un système industriel finalisé, robuste et efficient. / In today’s competitive market, the quality control is vital in steelmaking industry where high quality product must pair with cost reduction. This control can be described as a system used for verifying and maintaining a desired level of quality. It implies careful inspection and corrective action if needed. The inspection can be performed with several Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) techniques to detect defects. Since the detection at the earliest possible stage is vital for the reduction of the quality cost, the ultrasonic systems have been used at pickling stage to detect internal defects without slowing down the production paces. However, there is still a need of a sensitive NDT technique to detect near subsurface defects which may turn into surface defects at downstream stages or even worse, at the customers during forming.Amongst the common NDT techniques, Active Infrared Thermography (AIRT) was identified as having a great potential for the detection of near surface internal defects. As an attractive NDT technique, AIRT has remarkable: it is contactless, relatively fast and versatile. Its principle is relatively simple: it consists in heating the sample and monitoring the surface response with an Infrared (IR) camera. The presence of any subsurface defect appears as specific thermal patterns in the recorded thermal sequence. Despite being an attractive technique, AIRT is not deployed yet to detect subsurface defects in steel strip at pickling stage on an industrial production line which is the innovative part of this thesis.The work provided in the thesis investigates the theoretical and experimental limits of AIRT for the detection of subsurface defects in steel samples. First, the investigation led to the development of laboratory tools capable of detecting near subsurface defects in static as well as moving samples. These developments are supported by 3D simulations which allowed evaluating the potential of the technique; gaining comprehensive knowledge; getting guidance for and/or optimize experimental designs. Then, the knowledge developed in laboratory has allowed outlining that the technique can be implemented directly in production line; especially at pickling stage where the strip travels at typically 5 m/s. Therefore, an inspection system was built and successfully implemented for the inspection of a reduced width of the moving strip in industrial environment. The thesis presents encouraging results and some keys identified points that should be considered for the design of full-integrated industrial AIRT inspection system.

Fatores prognósticos em mastocitoma canino: Correlação entre parâmetros clínicos, histológicos, marcadores de proliferação e análise termográfica / Prognostic factors in canine mast cell tumors: correlation between clinical and histological parameters, proliferation markers and thermographic analysis

Melo, Samanta Rios 21 June 2013 (has links)
Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: Analisar prospectivamente a eficácia da correlação entre parâmetros clínicos, histológicos, e marcadores de proliferação celular buscando melhores indicadores de prognóstico em casos de mastocitoma canino; Testar o uso de nova ferramenta diagnóstica e prognóstica para mastocitomas caninos: a termografia. Para isso, um total de 20 cães com diagnóstico citológico e histopatológico de mastocitoma tiveram suas formações excisadas e foram utilizados para estudo clínico e imunohistoquímico e dentre estes, 15 também para estudo termográfico. As avaliações imunohistoquímicas incluíram quantificação de AgNORs, PCNA, VEGF, localização de KIT. Os estudos termográficos incluíram análise e correlação das temperaturas no ponto central da formação (SpT), e na área da formação (AT) e em ponto de pele sadia (SpNT) e área equivalente, em pele sadia (ANT). Estatisticamente pode-se demonstrar uma correlação positiva significativa entre a classificação proposta determinada pela presença dos fatores prognósticos e o estadiamento proposto pela WHO. Não foi observada correlação estatística entre tempo livre de doença (óbito, novas formações, recidiva ou metástase) e o estadiamento ou fatores prognósticos. 95% (19/20) dos cães teve suas formações classificadas como Grau II e 5% (1/20) Grau I, segundo a classificação histológica de Patnaik (1984). Todos os cães tiveram suas formações classificadas como Baixo Grau, de acordo com a classificação proposta por Kiupell (2011). 5,6% (1/18) dos animais foi considerada padrão KIT - I, 44,4% (8/18) padrão KIT - II e 50% (9/18) padrão KIT - III. Não foi observada correlação estatística entre o padrão KIT e tempo livre de doença ou graduação histológica. Apesar de não significativo estatisticamente, foi notado menor tempo de sobrevida livre de doença nos animais com PCNA e AgNOR acima das medianas (p =0,089 e p = 0,080, respectivamente).O VEGF foi o único marcador a demonstrar relação significativa com o tempo livre de doença (p = 0,004). As análises termográficas indicaram média de temperatura do SpT de 33,18ºC, média de temperatura do SpNT de 33,39ºC, temperatura média de AT de 33,27ºC e temperatura média de ANT de 33,95ºC. A diferença entre os pontos mensurados foi em média -0,21ºC (variando entre -5,60ºC e +4,4ºC). A diferença entre os pontos mensurados foi em média -0,21ºC (variando entre -5,60ºC e +4,4ºC). Esta diferença foi negativa em 7/15 casos (47%) formações mais frias que a pele distante; e positiva em 8/15 casos (53%) formações mais quentes que a pele distante. Não foi possível correlacionar estatisticamente essas alterações de temperatura com a presença dos marcadores estudados, mas as análises estatísticas demonstram que a termografia na região tumoral é estatisticamente diferente da região não tumoral. / The objectives of this study were: To prospectively analyze the effectiveness of the correlation between clinical, histologic, and cell proliferation markers, seeking better indicators of prognosis in cases of canine mast cell tumor; and testing the use of new diagnostic and prognostic tool for canine mast cell tumor: thermography (infrared images); A total of 20 dogs with histopathological and cytological diagnosis of mast cell tumor were excised and their formations were used for immunohistochemical and clinical study, and 15 of those were also used for thermographic study. The evaluations included immunohistochemical quantification of AgNOR, PCNA, VEGF, KIT location. The studies included thermographic images analysis and correlation of the temperatures at the midpoint of tumor (SPT), and tumor area (AT) and point of healthy skin (SpNT) and equivalent area in healthy skin (ANT). We were able to demonstrate a statistically significant positive correlation between the proposed classification determined by the presence of prognostic factors and staging proposed by the WHO. No correlation was found between disease-free interval (death, new formations, recurrence or metastasis) staging, and prognostic factors. 95% (19/20) of the dogs had their tumors classified as Grade II and 5% (1/20) as Grade I, according to the histological classification of Patnaik (1984). All dogs had their tumors classified as low-grade, according to the classification proposed by Kiupell (2011). 5.6% (10/18) of the animals was graduated as KIT - I, 44.4% (8/18) as KIT - II and 50% (9/18) as KIT - III. No correlation was found between the KIT pattern and disease-free interval or histological grade. Although not statistically significant, we observed a shorter disease-free survival in animals with PCNA and AgNOR above the median (p = 0.089 and p = 0.080, respectively). VEGF was the only marker to show a significant relationship with disease-free interval (p = 0.004). The thermographic images analysis indicated average temperature on SpN of 33.18 º C, SpNT average temperature of 33.39 ° C, AT average temperature of 33.27 º C and ANT average temperature of 33.95 ° C. The difference between the measured points averaged -0.21 ° C (ranging between -5.60 ° C and +4.4 ° C). The difference between the measured points averaged -0.21 ° C (ranging between -5.60 ° C and + 4.4 ° C). This difference was negative in 7/15 cases (47%) - formations cooler than the healthy skin, and positive in 8/15 cases (53%) - formations warmer than the healthy skin. We could not statistically correlate these changes in temperature in the presence of the markers studied, but the statistical analyzes demonstrated that in the region thermography tumor is statistically different from non-tumor region.

Relação entre diferentes índices de eficiência alimentar e características de desempenho, carcaça e termografia em bovinos Nelore confinados / Relationship of different feed efficiency indexes with performance, carcass traits and thermography in feedlot Nellore cattle

Buarque, Vicente Luiz Macêdo 23 March 2018 (has links)
Esse trabalho foi desenvolvido para avaliar a relação entre diferentes medidas de eficiência utilizadas na bovinocultura de corte e as características de desempenho, carcaça e termografia infravermelho (TIV) em bovinos Nelore confinados. Foram utilizados 111 bovinos Nelore, machos não-castrados contemporâneos, com idade aproximada de 16±2 meses, peso corporal médio de 420±55 kg. Os animais foram confinados por 91 dias, sendo 21 dias de adaptação às instalações e à dieta. A dieta foi a mesma para todos os animais e composta por 73% de concentrado e 27% de volumoso. O consumo de matéria seca (CMS) foi avaliado diariamente, enquanto o peso vivo, medidas de ultrassom para avaliação de características de carcaça e imagens de TIV foram realizadas a cada 28 dias até o dia 70. A partir dos dados de CMS foram calculados o consumo alimentar residual (CAR), ganho de peso residual (GPR), consumo e ganho residual (CGR). Após a obtenção dos dados foram realizadas análises de associação (correlação e regressão) visando à identificação de possíveis relações entre as diferentes características com as medidas de eficiência. Não houve correlação entre o GMD com o CAR (r=0,001), e com o CGR (r= 0,114), enquanto o GPR apresentou correlação com o GMD (r= 0,588). O CMS foi correlacionado com o CAR (r= 0,612) e com o CGR (r= -0,532) e não houve correlação com o GPR (r= -0,002). Não houve correlação entre as medidas de eficiência com as características de peso vivo inicial (PVI) e peso vivo final (PV70). Dentre as características de carcaça avaliadas ao abate, apenas o GPR apresentou correlação com a gordura renal pélvica e inguinal (GRPIkg), trato gastrintestinal (TGIkg) e peso de corpo vazio (PCVZkg) na ordem de (r= 0,240), (r= 0,226) e (r= 0,210), respectivamente. Entre as medidas de carcaça avaliadas por ultrassom, apenas a espessura de gordura subcutânea (EGS) final apresentou correlação com o CAR (r= 0,348), GPR (r= -0,188) e CGR (r= -0,340), enquanto a espessura de gordura da picanha (EGP) final apresentou correlação apenas com o CAR (r= 0,233) e CGR (r= -0,200). Houveram correlações entre o ganho de EGS e o CAR (r= 0,371) e CGR (r= 0,345), porém o ganho de EGP se correlacionou apenas com o CAR (r= 0,202). Não foram observadas correlações entre as medidas de eficiência e TIV, porém, esses resultados podem ter sido influenciados pelos fatores ambientais. A AOL não apresentou correlação com nenhuma das medidas de eficiência avaliadas. Dessa forma conclui-se que, o CAR é a medida que mais se aplica n seleção de animais de menor CMS, sem prejuízos as características de desempenho. Adicionalmente, o CAR e CGR selecionam animais mais eficientes em termos de menor consumo, enquanto que o GPR seleciona animais de maior GMD. / The aim of the present study was to evaluate the relationship between different efficiency indexes used in beef cattle and performance, carcass traits and thermography in Nellore cattle at the feedlot system. A total of 111 Nellore male, with around 16±2 months age and 420±55 kg of body weight, were used. The animals were confined for 91 days, with 21 days for adaptation to the facilities and diet. The diet was the same for all animals, and composed by 73% of concentrate and 27% of roughage. Dry matter intake (DMI) was evaluated daily, and performance, ultrasound measurements and infrared thermography images were performed every 28 days until day 70. From the DMI measurements, residual feed intake (RFI), residual weight gain (RWG), residual intake and body weight gain (RIG) were calculated. From the data obtained, association analysis (correlation and regression) were performed to identify the possibilities relationships between the different characteristics with the efficiency measures. The ADG showed no correlation with RFI (r= 0.001) and RIG (r= 0.114); however, the RWG was correlated with ADG (r= 0.588). DMI was correlated with RFI (r= 0.612) and RIG (r= -0.532) and there was no correlation with RWG (r= -0.002) There was no correlation between efficiency measures with initial body weight (IBW) and final body weight (BW70). For carcass traits, evaluated at slaughter, only the RWG showed correlation with pelvic renal and inguinal fat (PRIFkg), gastrintestinal tract (GITkg) and empty body weight (EBWkg) in order of the (r= 0.240), (r= 0.226) and (r= 0.210), respectively. For carcass measurements evaluated by ultrasound, the final backfat thickness (BFT) showed correlation with RFI (r= 0.348), RWG (r= -0.188) and RIG (r= -0.340), while final subcutaneous fat thickness on the Biceps femoris muscle (BFTP8) showed a correlation with RFI (r= 0.233) and RIG (r= -0.220). In addition, BFT gain has been also correlated with RFI (r= 0.371) and RIG (r= 0.345); however, the BFTP8 gain only showed correlation with the RFI (r=0.202). There was no correlation between efficiency measures and the infrared thermography (IRT). The rib eye area (REA) showed no correlation with any the efficiency measures evaluated. In conclusion, the RFI is the measure that most applies in the selection of animals of smaller DMI, without damage to the performance traits. In addition, the RFI and RIG can promoter the selection of more efficient animals by lower consumer, whereas the RWG selected great ADG animals.

Temperamento divergente em bovinos está associado à alteração no amaciamento de carne e atividade inibitória de calpastatina / Divergent temperament in cattle is associated with the change in meat tenderization and calpastatin inhibitory activity

Coutinho, Marcelo Aranda da Silva 11 April 2016 (has links)
Embora muitos avanços tenham ocorrido no entendimento dos fatores que afetam a maciez, a incidência de carne dura ainda é significativa. Animais mais reativos apresentam carnes mais duras, porém o mecanismo que determina este efeito ainda não foi estabelecido. Presume-se que o maior estresse nos animais reativos aumente a atividade de calpastatina afetando o amaciamento post mortem. Com objetivo de testar esta hipótese, foram avaliadas correlações da força de cisalhamento (FC), temperamento e temperatura corporal obtida de noventa e seis novilhos Nelore castrados, com cerca de 20 meses de idade. O temperamento foi baseado nas variáveis velocidade de fuga (VF) e escore de tronco (ET) avaliadas 3 - 4 semanas antes do abate (Manejo 1) e 2 dias pré-abate (Manejo 2). A análise de componentes principais com as variáveis de temperamento obtidas em ambos os manejos resultou em dois índices: índice de temperamento (IT) e índice de habituação (IH). Estes índices apresentaram maior correlação com a FC do que a VF. O IH apresentou correlação negativa e positiva com FC e pH (P < 0,05), respectivamente. A temperatura retal foi positivamente correlacionada com IT e negativamente com FC. A termografia infravermelho de várias regiões corporais apresentou correlações baixas com IT ou FC. Dois grupos divergentes quanto à FC (extremos da população para FC), cada qual com 6 novilhos, foram comparados para variáveis de temperamento, expressão dos genes CAPN1, CAST, CAST1 e CAST2, e características de carne. O grupo de alta FC (AFC) apresentou maior (P< 0,05) VF, ET, IT e índice de temperamento com base na média da VF e ET (ITM). Os grupos de AFC e baixa FC (BFC) não diferiram (P > 0,05) para comprimento de sarcômero e pH final, mas tiveram diferenças no amaciamento post mortem, com diferenças em maciez que persistiram em todos os tempos de maturação (2, 16 e 30 dias post mortem; P < 0,05). O grupo AFC apresentou maior atividade inibitória de calpastatina total 48 h post mortem medida no M. triceps brachii (P < 0,05), embora diferenças não tenham sido observadas no M. longissimus lumborum (P > 0,05). No entanto, o grupo AFC teve no M. longissimus maior expressão de CAST do que o grupo de BFC (P < 0,05). Em conclusão, temperamentos divergentes têm impacto na atividade de calpastatina que influência o amaciamento post mortem. / Despite significant advancements in the knowledge of factors affecting beef tenderness, incidence of tough beef continues to be elevated. Animals more excitable have tougher meat, but the mechanism that determines this effect has not been established. It is presumed that more stress in excitable animals increases calpastatin activity with effects on tenderization post mortem. With the aim of test this hypothesis, correlations were measured for shear force (SF), temperament and body surface temperature obtained from ninety-six Nellore with about 20 months of age. Temperament was based on the exit velocity variables (EV) and crush score (CS) measured 3-4 weeks (handling 1) and two days (handling 2) before slaughter. The principal component analysis with the temperament variables obtained in both handlings resulted in two index: temperament index (TI) and habituation index (HI). These indexes had higher correlation with the SF than the VF. The HI had negative and positive correlation with SF and pH (P < 0.05), respectively. Rectal temperature was positively correlated with TI and negatively with SF. Infrared thermography of different body sites had low correlations with TI or SF. Two divergent groups to SF (extremes of the population to FC), each with 6 steers, were compared to temperament variables, expression of genes CAPN1, CAST, CAST1 and CAST2, and meat traits. The high SF group (HSF) had higher EV, CS, TI and temperament index based on the average of EV and CS (ATI) (P < 0.05). The HSF groups and low SF (LSF) did not differ for sarcomere length and final pH (P < 0.05), but it had differences in post mortem tenderization, with differences in tenderness that persisted in all aging times (2, 16 and 30 days post mortem; P < 0.05). The HSF group had higher calpastatin inhibitory activity 48 h post mortem measured in M. triceps brachii (P < 0.05), although no differences were observed in the M. longissimus lumborum (P > 0.05). However, the HSF group had in the M. longissimus greater CAST expression than the LSF group (P < 0.05). In conclusion, divergent temperaments affect the calpastatin activity that influence the tenderization post mortem.

Feasibility Study of Infrared Detection of Defects in Green-State and Sintered PM Compacts

Benzerrouk, Souheil 27 April 2004 (has links)
The electric Joule heating of solid materials through direct current excitation can be used to generate a temperature profile throughout a powdermetallic (P/M) compact. When recording the surface temperature distribution with an infrared (IR) camera important information regarding the integrity of the sample can be gained. This research will concentrate on the formulation of a mathematical model capable of predicting the temperature distribution and heat flow behavior in P/M parts and its relations to the supplied current, injection method, geometric shape as well as the thermo-physical properties. This theoretical model will subsequently be employed as a tool to aid in the actual measurements of infrared signatures over the sample surface and their correlation with the detection of surface and subsurface flaws. In this work we will develop the theoretical background of IR testing of green-state and sintered P/M compacts in terms of stating the governing equations and boundary conditions, followed by devising analytical and numerical solutions. Our main emphasis is placed on modeling various flaw sizes and orientations in an effort to determine flaw resolution limits as a function of minimally detectable temperature distributions. Preliminary measurements with controlled and industrial samples have shown that this IR testing methodology can successfully be employed to test both green-state and sintered P/M compacts.

Contribution de l'hypoxie à la cicatrisation cutanée anormale chez le cheval : méthodes physiques d'évaluation

Celeste, Christophe J. 03 1900 (has links)
La guérison des plaies cutanées appendiculaires chez le cheval, à la différence de celle des plaies corporelles, se complique régulièrement. Un retard de cicatrisation s’y observe et un tissu de granulation exubérant tend à s’y développer, le tout menant à une cicatrice pathologique hypertrophiée. La pathogénie exacte du tissu de granulation exubérant chez le cheval demeure inconnue à ce jour. Une hypoxie tissulaire pourrait favoriser son développement tout comme elle semble contribuer au développement de cicatrices cutanées pathologiques similaires observées chez l’Homme. L’objectif de cette étude était d’évaluer la perfusion vasculaire et la disponibilité locale en oxygène de plaies cutanées appendiculaires et corporelles en cours de cicatrisation normale et pathologique chez le cheval, à l’aide de la thermographie infrarouge et de la spectroscopie par réflectance dans le proche infrarouge. Six juments âgées de 3 à 4 ans ont été utilisées. Trois plaies cutanées ont été créées à l’aspect dorso-latéral du canon des membres thoraciques (plaies appendiculaires), et sur la paroi costale de l’un des hémithorax (plaies corporelles). Chez chaque jument, un canon a été aléatoirement bandé dans le but d’induire la formation de tissu de granulation exubérant dans les plaies s’y trouvant, tel que rapporté. La perfusion vasculaire et la disponibilité locale en oxygène ont été évaluées séquentiellement par thermographie infrarouge et spectroscopie par réflectance dans le proche infrarouge pour chaque plaie de chaque site (thorax; membre bandé; membre non bandé) au cours du processus de cicatrisation cutanée. Un modèle linéaire à doubles mesures répétées associé à une correction séquentielle de Bonferroni a révélé des différences significatives de perfusion vasculaire et de disponibilité locale en oxygène entre les plaies appendiculaires et corporelles. Ainsi la perfusion vasculaire et la disponibilité locale en oxygène étaient significativement plus élevées dans les plaies corporelles (P<0.05) et la perfusion vasculaire était significativement plus élevée dans les plaies appendiculaires non bandées que dans celles bandées (P<0.05). Nous avons récemment rapporté une plus grande occlusion de la micro-vascularisation au niveau des plaies appendiculaires chez le cheval. Nous rapportons maintenant que la perfusion vasculaire et la disponibilité locale en oxygène sont significativement inférieures dans les plaies appendiculaires, en particulier lorsqu’un tissu de granulation exubérant s’y développe. Compilés, ces résultats sous-tendent l’hypothèse que les plaies appendiculaires souffrent d’une altération de la perfusion vasculaire à l’origine possible d’une hypoxie tissulaire qui pourrait favoriser une cicatrisation cutanée anormale, telle la formation d’un tissu de granulation exubérant. / Cutaneous wound healing in horse limbs is often perturbed by the development of exuberant granulation tissue while body wounds tend to repair uneventfully. A delay in healing is usually observed in horse limb wounds, which tend to develop exuberant granulation tissue and excessive scarring. The events leading to exuberant granulation tissue formation in horses are not fully elucidated. Tissue hypoxia has been proposed as a major contributing factor as it appears to contribute to the development of similar abnormal skin scarring in human. The objective of this study was to investigate skin blood flow and tissue oxygen availability in normal / abnormal healing of full-thickness wounds created on the horse limb and body, using infrared thermography and near infrared reflectance spectroscopy. Six healthy, 3- to 4-year-old mares were used for the experiment. Three full-thickness cutaneous wounds were surgically created on the dorso-lateral surface of each metacarpal area (limb wounds) and on the lateral thoracic wall (body wounds). One randomly chosen distal forelimb was then left to heal by second intention without bandage, while the contralateral limb was bandaged postoperatively to induce the formation of exuberant granulation tissue and lead to excessive scarring. Thermal and spectroscopic data were collected from both anatomic sites (limb without bandage, bandaged limb, thoracic wall) at specific times following wounding. Mean changes in skin blood flow and tissue oxygen availability at specific wound sites over time were compared by use of repeated measures ANOVA with anatomical location and wound management as within-subject factors. A priori contrasts, submitted to Bonferroni sequential correction, were then used to compare pre-selected individual means. The statistical analysis revealed that there were significant differences in skin blood flow and tissue oxygen availability within wounds. Skin blood flow and tissue oxygen availability were significantly increased within body over limb wounds (P<0.05). Skin blood flow was significantly increased within unbandaged limb over bandaged limb wounds (P<0.05). We have recently reported a greater occlusion of microvessels in limb wounds in horses. We report here that skin blood flow and tissue oxygen availability are significantly inferior in limb wounds in horses, especially when exuberant granulation develops. Taken together, these results suggest that equine limb wounds may suffer from altered vascular perfusion and tissue hypoxia, which could favor abnormal skin healing and exuberant granulation tissue development.

Relação entre diferentes índices de eficiência alimentar e características de desempenho, carcaça e termografia em bovinos Nelore confinados / Relationship of different feed efficiency indexes with performance, carcass traits and thermography in feedlot Nellore cattle

Vicente Luiz Macêdo Buarque 23 March 2018 (has links)
Esse trabalho foi desenvolvido para avaliar a relação entre diferentes medidas de eficiência utilizadas na bovinocultura de corte e as características de desempenho, carcaça e termografia infravermelho (TIV) em bovinos Nelore confinados. Foram utilizados 111 bovinos Nelore, machos não-castrados contemporâneos, com idade aproximada de 16±2 meses, peso corporal médio de 420±55 kg. Os animais foram confinados por 91 dias, sendo 21 dias de adaptação às instalações e à dieta. A dieta foi a mesma para todos os animais e composta por 73% de concentrado e 27% de volumoso. O consumo de matéria seca (CMS) foi avaliado diariamente, enquanto o peso vivo, medidas de ultrassom para avaliação de características de carcaça e imagens de TIV foram realizadas a cada 28 dias até o dia 70. A partir dos dados de CMS foram calculados o consumo alimentar residual (CAR), ganho de peso residual (GPR), consumo e ganho residual (CGR). Após a obtenção dos dados foram realizadas análises de associação (correlação e regressão) visando à identificação de possíveis relações entre as diferentes características com as medidas de eficiência. Não houve correlação entre o GMD com o CAR (r=0,001), e com o CGR (r= 0,114), enquanto o GPR apresentou correlação com o GMD (r= 0,588). O CMS foi correlacionado com o CAR (r= 0,612) e com o CGR (r= -0,532) e não houve correlação com o GPR (r= -0,002). Não houve correlação entre as medidas de eficiência com as características de peso vivo inicial (PVI) e peso vivo final (PV70). Dentre as características de carcaça avaliadas ao abate, apenas o GPR apresentou correlação com a gordura renal pélvica e inguinal (GRPIkg), trato gastrintestinal (TGIkg) e peso de corpo vazio (PCVZkg) na ordem de (r= 0,240), (r= 0,226) e (r= 0,210), respectivamente. Entre as medidas de carcaça avaliadas por ultrassom, apenas a espessura de gordura subcutânea (EGS) final apresentou correlação com o CAR (r= 0,348), GPR (r= -0,188) e CGR (r= -0,340), enquanto a espessura de gordura da picanha (EGP) final apresentou correlação apenas com o CAR (r= 0,233) e CGR (r= -0,200). Houveram correlações entre o ganho de EGS e o CAR (r= 0,371) e CGR (r= 0,345), porém o ganho de EGP se correlacionou apenas com o CAR (r= 0,202). Não foram observadas correlações entre as medidas de eficiência e TIV, porém, esses resultados podem ter sido influenciados pelos fatores ambientais. A AOL não apresentou correlação com nenhuma das medidas de eficiência avaliadas. Dessa forma conclui-se que, o CAR é a medida que mais se aplica n seleção de animais de menor CMS, sem prejuízos as características de desempenho. Adicionalmente, o CAR e CGR selecionam animais mais eficientes em termos de menor consumo, enquanto que o GPR seleciona animais de maior GMD. / The aim of the present study was to evaluate the relationship between different efficiency indexes used in beef cattle and performance, carcass traits and thermography in Nellore cattle at the feedlot system. A total of 111 Nellore male, with around 16±2 months age and 420±55 kg of body weight, were used. The animals were confined for 91 days, with 21 days for adaptation to the facilities and diet. The diet was the same for all animals, and composed by 73% of concentrate and 27% of roughage. Dry matter intake (DMI) was evaluated daily, and performance, ultrasound measurements and infrared thermography images were performed every 28 days until day 70. From the DMI measurements, residual feed intake (RFI), residual weight gain (RWG), residual intake and body weight gain (RIG) were calculated. From the data obtained, association analysis (correlation and regression) were performed to identify the possibilities relationships between the different characteristics with the efficiency measures. The ADG showed no correlation with RFI (r= 0.001) and RIG (r= 0.114); however, the RWG was correlated with ADG (r= 0.588). DMI was correlated with RFI (r= 0.612) and RIG (r= -0.532) and there was no correlation with RWG (r= -0.002) There was no correlation between efficiency measures with initial body weight (IBW) and final body weight (BW70). For carcass traits, evaluated at slaughter, only the RWG showed correlation with pelvic renal and inguinal fat (PRIFkg), gastrintestinal tract (GITkg) and empty body weight (EBWkg) in order of the (r= 0.240), (r= 0.226) and (r= 0.210), respectively. For carcass measurements evaluated by ultrasound, the final backfat thickness (BFT) showed correlation with RFI (r= 0.348), RWG (r= -0.188) and RIG (r= -0.340), while final subcutaneous fat thickness on the Biceps femoris muscle (BFTP8) showed a correlation with RFI (r= 0.233) and RIG (r= -0.220). In addition, BFT gain has been also correlated with RFI (r= 0.371) and RIG (r= 0.345); however, the BFTP8 gain only showed correlation with the RFI (r=0.202). There was no correlation between efficiency measures and the infrared thermography (IRT). The rib eye area (REA) showed no correlation with any the efficiency measures evaluated. In conclusion, the RFI is the measure that most applies in the selection of animals of smaller DMI, without damage to the performance traits. In addition, the RFI and RIG can promoter the selection of more efficient animals by lower consumer, whereas the RWG selected great ADG animals.

Temperamento divergente em bovinos está associado à alteração no amaciamento de carne e atividade inibitória de calpastatina / Divergent temperament in cattle is associated with the change in meat tenderization and calpastatin inhibitory activity

Marcelo Aranda da Silva Coutinho 11 April 2016 (has links)
Embora muitos avanços tenham ocorrido no entendimento dos fatores que afetam a maciez, a incidência de carne dura ainda é significativa. Animais mais reativos apresentam carnes mais duras, porém o mecanismo que determina este efeito ainda não foi estabelecido. Presume-se que o maior estresse nos animais reativos aumente a atividade de calpastatina afetando o amaciamento post mortem. Com objetivo de testar esta hipótese, foram avaliadas correlações da força de cisalhamento (FC), temperamento e temperatura corporal obtida de noventa e seis novilhos Nelore castrados, com cerca de 20 meses de idade. O temperamento foi baseado nas variáveis velocidade de fuga (VF) e escore de tronco (ET) avaliadas 3 - 4 semanas antes do abate (Manejo 1) e 2 dias pré-abate (Manejo 2). A análise de componentes principais com as variáveis de temperamento obtidas em ambos os manejos resultou em dois índices: índice de temperamento (IT) e índice de habituação (IH). Estes índices apresentaram maior correlação com a FC do que a VF. O IH apresentou correlação negativa e positiva com FC e pH (P < 0,05), respectivamente. A temperatura retal foi positivamente correlacionada com IT e negativamente com FC. A termografia infravermelho de várias regiões corporais apresentou correlações baixas com IT ou FC. Dois grupos divergentes quanto à FC (extremos da população para FC), cada qual com 6 novilhos, foram comparados para variáveis de temperamento, expressão dos genes CAPN1, CAST, CAST1 e CAST2, e características de carne. O grupo de alta FC (AFC) apresentou maior (P< 0,05) VF, ET, IT e índice de temperamento com base na média da VF e ET (ITM). Os grupos de AFC e baixa FC (BFC) não diferiram (P > 0,05) para comprimento de sarcômero e pH final, mas tiveram diferenças no amaciamento post mortem, com diferenças em maciez que persistiram em todos os tempos de maturação (2, 16 e 30 dias post mortem; P < 0,05). O grupo AFC apresentou maior atividade inibitória de calpastatina total 48 h post mortem medida no M. triceps brachii (P < 0,05), embora diferenças não tenham sido observadas no M. longissimus lumborum (P > 0,05). No entanto, o grupo AFC teve no M. longissimus maior expressão de CAST do que o grupo de BFC (P < 0,05). Em conclusão, temperamentos divergentes têm impacto na atividade de calpastatina que influência o amaciamento post mortem. / Despite significant advancements in the knowledge of factors affecting beef tenderness, incidence of tough beef continues to be elevated. Animals more excitable have tougher meat, but the mechanism that determines this effect has not been established. It is presumed that more stress in excitable animals increases calpastatin activity with effects on tenderization post mortem. With the aim of test this hypothesis, correlations were measured for shear force (SF), temperament and body surface temperature obtained from ninety-six Nellore with about 20 months of age. Temperament was based on the exit velocity variables (EV) and crush score (CS) measured 3-4 weeks (handling 1) and two days (handling 2) before slaughter. The principal component analysis with the temperament variables obtained in both handlings resulted in two index: temperament index (TI) and habituation index (HI). These indexes had higher correlation with the SF than the VF. The HI had negative and positive correlation with SF and pH (P < 0.05), respectively. Rectal temperature was positively correlated with TI and negatively with SF. Infrared thermography of different body sites had low correlations with TI or SF. Two divergent groups to SF (extremes of the population to FC), each with 6 steers, were compared to temperament variables, expression of genes CAPN1, CAST, CAST1 and CAST2, and meat traits. The high SF group (HSF) had higher EV, CS, TI and temperament index based on the average of EV and CS (ATI) (P < 0.05). The HSF groups and low SF (LSF) did not differ for sarcomere length and final pH (P < 0.05), but it had differences in post mortem tenderization, with differences in tenderness that persisted in all aging times (2, 16 and 30 days post mortem; P < 0.05). The HSF group had higher calpastatin inhibitory activity 48 h post mortem measured in M. triceps brachii (P < 0.05), although no differences were observed in the M. longissimus lumborum (P > 0.05). However, the HSF group had in the M. longissimus greater CAST expression than the LSF group (P < 0.05). In conclusion, divergent temperaments affect the calpastatin activity that influence the tenderization post mortem.

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