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Istraživanje savremenih tehnologija za kontinualno livenje bronze / Exploration of modern technology for continuous casting bronzeArsenović Milan 05 February 2015 (has links)
<p>Kontinualno livenje se razlikuje od drugih procese očvršćavanja po svom<br />prirodnom stabilnom stanju, u odnosu na spoljnog posmatrača u<br />laboratorijskim referentnim uslovima. Rastopljeni metal očvršćuje prema<br />zidovima kalupa, dok se istovremeno povlači sa dna kalupa brzinom koja<br />održava čvrsto/tečno na konstantnom položaju tokom vremena. Proces<br />funkcioniše najbolje kada svi njegovi aspekti rade u ovakvom stabilnom<br />stanju. Vertikalne mašine se koriste za kontinuirani proces livenja. Ovaj rad<br />istražuje uticaj brzina protoka liva u kontinuiranom procesu livenja . U ovom<br />istraživanju , su prikazani rezultati kontinuiranog livenja bronze. Na osnovu<br />raspodele temperature na površini uzorka, tokom ispitivanja zatezne<br />čvrstoće, vrši se detekcija pukotina. Ova ispitivanja, koristeći metode<br />mehanike loma, su primenjena zbog sigurnosti procene metalnih konstrukcija.<br />Numerička simulacija distribucije napona, je takođe predstavljena. Rezultati<br />su pokazali, da je termografija pogodan metod za praćenje i predviđanje<br />prslina i njihovog rasta, kao i za određivanje kritičkog napona u toku<br />deformacija. Na kraju ovih istraživanja, može se zaključiti, da je ovaj rad<br />doprineo razvoju i usavršavanju tehnologije za vertikalno livenje na dole u<br />značajnoj meri, kako u naučnoj tako i u komercijalnoj sferi.</p> / <p>Continuous casting is distinguished from other solidification processes by its steady<br />state nature, relative to an outside observer in laboratory frame of reference. The<br />molten metal solidifies against the mold walls, while it is simultaneously withdrawn from<br />the bottom of the mold at rate which maintains the solid/liquid interface at a constant<br />position in time. The process works best when all of its aspects operate in this steadystate<br />manner. Vertical machines are used for continuous casting process. This work<br />investigates the effect of mold flow velocities in continuous casting process. In this<br />research, are the results of continuous casting study of bronze. Based on the<br />distribution of temperature on the surface of the sample, during the tensile test, crack<br />tip are determined. The tests, using the methods of fracture mechanics, were applied<br />due to the safety assessment of metal structures. The numerical simulation of stress<br />distributions, on the same model under the same condition, is presented, too. The<br />results have showed, that thermography is a suitable method for monitoring and<br />prediction of crack initiation and growth, as well as, critical stress in deformations. At the<br />end of these studies, we can conclude that this work has contributed to the<br />development and improvement of technologies for vertical casting to down to a<br />considerable extent, both in science and in the commercial sphere.</p>
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The detection of thermal windows in fossorial rodents with varied sociality degreeVEJMĚLKA, František January 2018 (has links)
Eight rodent species with fossorial activity differing in a number of characteristics such as ecology, climatic conditions, geographical distribution, or kinship were studied using infrared thermography in order to describe their surface temperature and its patterns. An attempt to describe the relation between surface temperature and varied social organisation in burrowing rodents was made.
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A High Accuracy Microwave Radiometric Thermometer to Measure Internal Body TemperatureGrady, Michael D. 30 November 2017 (has links)
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released heat illness data which highlighted that ~29 heat stress hospitalizations and ~3 heat-related deaths occurred every day during the summer months within the US from years 2000 to 2014. Heatstroke- the most severe form of heat illness which oftentimes lead to death- has been cited to be entirely preventable if a timely intervention is introduced. This dissertation uses microwave radiometric thermometry to perform wireless non-invasive internal body temperature monitoring which can enable intervention methods that help to prevent deaths associated with heat-illness.
Overall, this dissertation develops a comprehensive closed-form analytical radiometric model and validates the effectiveness of the comprehensive model through a controlled life-like human body temperature sensing experiment. Wireless sub-skin temperature data is predicted from a human tissue mimicking phantom testbed to within 1%.
A generic isolated radiometer system equation is derived for all possible calibration source combinations. The generic isolated radiometer system equation predicts comparable results to that of an ideal simulation. While improved isolation decreases measurement uncertainty, it does not improve the accuracy of estimated noise temperatures using a perfectly-isolated radiometer system equation assumption.
A highly reproducible tissue-mimicking biological phantom (bio-phantom) recipe (comprised of urethane, graphite powder, and a solvent) was developed to accurately emulate the electrical properties of actual dry human skin versus frequency up to 18 GHz. The developed solid state skin phantom begins in pourable liquid form and then cures at room temperature into a dry solid state mold.
An in-plane electromagnetic bandgap structure was developed and integrated within an on-body inward facing spiral antenna design. The inclusion of the in-plane electromagnetic bandgap structure demonstrated a +2.64dB gain improvement in the antenna broadside and -8dB in the rear gain while in-contact with the body as compared to the conventional spiral antenna. Likewise, the measured main beam efficiency is improved from 54.43% for the conventional antenna to 86.36% for the EBG antenna.
Two techniques based on signal-flow graph theory were derived to explain both the non-coherent steady-state radiative transfer and the coherent radiative transfer within multi-layered dielectric media with non-uniform temperatures and any number of stratified layers. Both models allow for the accurate characterization and sensing of the thermal emissions originating from subsurface tissue layers.
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Local heat transfer rate and bubble dynamics during jet impingement boilingMani, Preeti 29 October 2012 (has links)
Characterization of local boiling trends, in addition to the typically reported area-averaged trends, is essential for the robust design and implementation of phase change technologies to sensitive heat transfer applications such as electronics cooling. Obtaining the values of heat fluxes corresponding to locally varying surface temperatures has been a challenge limiting most investigations to area-averaged results. This thesis illustrates the importance of a spatially local heat transfer analysis during boiling.
Pool and submerged jet impingement boiling scenarios on a silicon surface are considered at the macroscale (27.5 mm heater with multiple nucleation sites) and microscale (1000 ��m heater for isolated bubble generation), by the use of two thin film serpentine heater geometries. The macroscale heater highlights the effect of spatial variations in imposed heat flux on boiling heat transfer with a circumferentially uniform but radially non-uniform heat flux distribution. The microscale heater simulates a local hot-spot for spot cooling on an electronic device.
Spatial variation in boiling heat transfer and bubble dynamics with and without a jet flow are documented using thin film voltage sensors along with qualitative and quantitative high speed imaging and infra-red thermography. Unique to this study is the documentation of local boiling curves for different radial locations on the heat transfer surface and their comparison with the corresponding area-averaged representations. It is shown here that sectionally averaged representations of boiling curves over regions of like-imposed heat flux can substantially simplify the interpretation of data while retaining important information of the local variations in heat transfer.
The radial influence of the convective jet flow on the bubble dynamics and boiling heat transfer is assessed for a single circular submerged jet configuration. Varied parameters include jet exit Reynolds numbers, nozzle geometry, test fluid (deionized water and FC-72), fluid subcooling and the supplied heat flux. Distinct modifications of the surface temperature distribution imposed by the impinging jet flow are highlighted by comparing radial temperature profiles during pool and jet impingement boiling. It is demonstrated that in contrast with pool boiling, thermal overshoots during jet impingement boiling for a highly wetting fluid like FC-72 are highest in regions farthest from the impingement point.
The effect of jet inertia on bubble departure characteristics are compared with pool boiling under subcooled conditions for FC-72. Qualitative high speed visualization indicates the presence of two modes of bubble generation during jet impingement boiling (a) bubble departure from the surface and (b) bubble separation from the source resulting in sliding bubbles over the surface. The effect of jet flow on bubble entrainment is depicted. Quantitative results indicate that in general departure diameters for pool and jet impingement boiling increase and plateau at a maximum value with increasing power input while no notable trends were observed in the corresponding departure frequencies. The largest departure diameters for jet impingement boiling at fixed fluid subcoolings of 10��C and 20��C were found to be smaller than that for the corresponding pool boiling test by a factor of 1.6 and 2.3, respectively. / Graduation date: 2013
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Förslag till övervakningslösning med värmekameror för Magnetgärdets transformatorstation / Suggestion for a monitoring solution with infrared cameras in the substation MagnetgärdetCarse, Eddie, Garsallawi, Naman, Wennström-Juslin, Christina January 2010 (has links)
Magnetgärdets transformatorstation är belägen i Ludvika och ägs av Västerbergslagens Energi AB. Transformatorstationen är nyligen ombyggd och nu mer placerad inomhus, vilket gör att påkänningar från väder och vind minskar. För att minimera behovet av personlig tillsyn och öka tillgängligheten behövs dock någon form av tillståndsövervakning. Syftet med examensarbetet har varit att undersöka om det med hjälp av värmekameror är möjligt att tillståndsövervaka de kritiska punkterna i transformatorstationen. För att fastställa detta har teori kring tillståndsövervakning, termografering och värmekameror sammanställts tillsammans med utförda mätningar och tester. Resultaten har sedan diskuterats för att se om ett möjligt lösningsförslag kan presenteras. Viktiga kriterier för att möjligöra tillståndsövervakning med hjälp av värmekameror har tagits fram. Slutsatsen är att det är möjligt, men kräver en komplicerad systemlösning. Lösningsförslaget bygger på flera samspelande delar och bör bli ett kraftfullt övervakningssystem. Huruvida värmekameror är det bästa och enda verktyget är dock tveksamt. Det anses därför väsentligt att även undersöka andra övervakningsmöligheter, som exempel termistorgivare. / The substation called Magnetgärdet is located in Ludvika, Sweden and it is owned by Västerbergslagens Energi AB. The substation has recently been renovated and is now placed indoors, which reduces the influence of weather on the station. To decrease the need for personal supervision and increase the availability of the station a monitoring solution is needed. The purpose of this degree thesis is to examine if it is possible to monitor the condition of critical items in the station with infrared cameras. To determine this, theory on condition monitoring, thermography and thermal imaging cameras has been compiled together with relevant measurements and tests. The results are then discussed to see if a possible solution can be presented. Important criteria for making condition monitoring with infrared cameras possible have also been formulated in this degree thesis. The conclusion is that it is possible, but a complicated system is required. The solution we have given is based on different parts interplaying with each other and it should become a powerful monitoring system. It is however uncertain whether infrared cameras are the only and best tools, therefore other tools should be considered. It might be possible to use thermistors with, or instead of infrared cameras.
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Non-destructive Examination Of Stone Masonry Historic Structures-quantitative Ir Thermography And Ultrasonic VelocityAkevren, Selen 01 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The in-situ examination of historical structures for diagnostic and monitoring
purposes is a troublesome work that necessitates the use of non-destructive
investigation (NDT) techniques. The methods of quantitative infrared
thermography (QIRT) and ultrasonic testing have distinct importance in this
regard. The key concern of the study was developing the in-situ use of QIRT for
assessment of stone masonry wall sections having different sublayer(s) and
failures. For that purpose, the non-destructive in-situ survey composed of QIRT
and ultrasonic testing was conducted on a 16th century monument, Cenabi Ahmet
PaSa Camisi, suffering from structural cracks, dampness problems and materials
deterioration. The combined use of these two methods allowed to define the
thermal inertia characteristics of structural cracks in relation to their depth. The
temperature evolution in time during the controlled heating and cooling process
was deployed for the cracks/defects inspection. The superficial and deep cracks
were found to have different thermal responses to exposed conditions which made
them easily distinguishable by QIRT analyses. The depth of cracks was precisely
estimated by the in-situ ultrasonic testing data taken in the indirect transmission
mode. The inherently good thermal resistivity of the wall structure was found to
have failed due to entrapped moisture resulting from incompatible recent plaster
repairs. The IRT survey allowed to detect the wall surfaces with different sublayer
configurations due to their different thermal inertia characteristics. The knowledge
and experience gained on the experimental set-ups and analytic methods were
useful for the improvement of in-situ applications of QIRT and ultrasonic testing.
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Μελέτη της ανίχνευσης βλάβης σε σύνθετο υλικό που υπόκειται σε κόπωση με χρήση παθητικής θερμογραφίαςΚουρούπης, Γεώργιος 16 May 2014 (has links)
Τα σύνθετα υλικά χρησιμοποιούνται σε μία ευρεία γκάμα της παγκόσμιας βιομηχανίας, στην αεροναυπηγική, στις μεταφορές, στα αθλητικά είδη και πιο πρόσφατα στις υποδομές. Αναλόγως των εφαρμογών αξιοποιούνται και αντίστοιχης ποιότητας σύνθετα υλικά διότι το κύριο μέλημα είναι η μείωση του συνολικού κόστους της κατασκευής. Η μείωση του κόστους, προφανώς, δεν έρχεται από τα ίδια τα υλικά, αφού είναι πιο ακριβά από τα αντίστοιχα που χρησιμοποιούνται τώρα, αλλά από την αξιοποίηση τους σε ένα μακροχρόνιο σχέδιο. Για τους λόγους αυτούς γίνεται όλο ένα και μεγαλύτερη χρήση των σύνθετων υλικών.
Παρόλα τα πλεονεκτήματα που παρουσιάζουν τα σύνθετα υλικά εμφανίζουν πολύ σοβαρά προβλήματα. Ένα κύριο πρόβλημα το οποίο αφορά την χρήση τους είναι ο προσδιορισμός της αντοχής τους όταν υποβάλλονται σε διάφορες καταπονήσεις. Παρατηρείται λοιπόν η μεγάλη ανάγκη που υπάρχει για την μελέτη των σύνθετων υλικών και για το λόγο αυτό υπάρχουν εξειδικευμένα εργαστήρια στα οποία μελετώνται οι μηχανικές ιδιότητες των σύνθετων υλικών. Όμως, πέραν των ενδογενών μηχανικών ιδιοτήτων που εμφανίζουν τα σύνθετα υλικά υπάρχουν και άλλοι παράγοντες που χρίζουν μελέτης όπως για παράδειγμα η επίδραση της θερμοκρασίας, της υγρασίας κ.α.
Τα σύνθετα υλικά που αξιοποιούνται είναι με ενίσχυση συνεχών ινών και με μήτρα από πολυμερές σε ψευδοϊσότροπη "quasi-isotropic" διαστρωμάτωση. Τα εκάστοτε δοκίμια υφίστανται εναλλασσόμενη φόρτιση μέχρις ότου εμφανίσουν αστοχία. Για την διαδικασία της κόπωσης ορίζονται πειραματικά οι τιμές της συχνότητας ταλάντωσης και της μέγιστης εφαρμοζόμενης τάσης. Όλα τα δοκίμια, κατά την διάρκεια της κόπωσης, υφίστανται μόνο τάσεις εφελκυσμού.
Η μελέτη της θερμοκρασίας πραγματοποιήθηκε μέσω παθητικής θερμογραφίας. Η παθητική θερμογραφία εξετάζει τα υλικά και τις δομές που σε φυσιολογικές συνθήκες παρουσιάζουν διαφορετική (συχνά υψηλότερη) θερμοκρασία από το περιβάλλον. Η παθητική θερμογραφία είναι ευρέως χρησιμοποιούμενη σε πλήθος εφαρμογών της βιομηχανίας, της προληπτικής συντήρησης, ιατρικής, δασικής πυρανίχνευσης, γεωργίας, βιολογίας, ανίχνευσης αερίων. Σε όλες αυτές τις εφαρμογές, εντοπίζονται ασυνήθιστες θερμοκρασίες σε σχέση με το περιβάλλον και υποδεικνύουν σημεία που πιθανόν χρήζουν προσοχής.
Στην παρούσα εργασία έγινε χρήση μίας πειραματικής διάταξης που είναι σε θέση να προκαλεί καταπόνηση στα σύνθετα υλικά και με τη βοήθεια υπέρυθρης κάμερας κατέστη δυνατή η απόκτηση θερμικών εικόνων των σύνθετων υλικών κατά την διάρκεια της καταπόνησης τους. Οι εικόνες αυτές αναπαριστούν την χωρική κατανομή της θερμοκρασίας του δείγματος και όχι μόνο της επιφάνειας. Οι θερμικές εικόνες υπέστησαν ειδική επεξεργασία για την εξαγωγή χαρακτηριστικών με σκοπό να οδηγήσουν σε συμπεράσματα ικανά να ερμηνεύουν την συμπεριφορά της θερμοκρασίας.
Τελικά, μέσω της μελέτης της συμπεριφοράς της θερμοκρασίας των σύνθετων υλικών υφιστάμενα κόπωση έγινε προσπάθεια για την πρόβλεψη και ανίχνευση αστοχιών σε αυτά τα υλικά. / Composite materials are used in a wide range of global industry, such as aeronautics, transportation, and more recently in infrastructure. Composites with different quality are utilized because the main concern is to reduce the total cost of construction. Cost reduction is obviously not coming from the raw materials, as they are more expensive than those used now, but by exploiting them in a long-standing plan. The technological evolution and market requirements have led to an increasing demand of composite materials.
Despite the advantages of composite materials they exhibit very serious problems. A fundamental problem concerning the engineering uses of composite materials is the determination of their resistance to combined states of cyclic stress (fatigue loading). Therefore, composite materials are needed to be studied and for this reason there are specialized laboratories studying their mechanical properties. Beyond the intrinsic mechanical properties of composites materials there are also other factors that need to be studied, for example the effect of temperature, humidity etc.
In this project the behavior of the temperature of composites in fatigue loading is studied. The composite materials that are utilized are fiber reinforced plastics (FPR) in "quasi-isotropic" lay-up. Each sample is going under tensile constant stress cycling until experiencing failure. For the process of fatigue loading, experimental values of the oscillation frequency and the maximum applied stress are defined.
The study of the temperature of composite materials was held by passive thermography. Passive thermography tests materials and structures which are naturally at different (often higher) temperature than ambient temperature. Important applications of passive thermography are in production, predictive maintenance, medicine, fire forest detection, building thermal efficiency survey programs, road traffic monitoring, agriculture and biology, medicine, detection of gas (by mean of absorbing tracer gas) and in nondestructive testing (NDT). In all these applications, abnormal temperature profiles indicate a potential problem that needs to be taken care of.
In this project an experimental setup was developed which is capable of a) causing specific fatigue loading to the samples and b) obtaining thermal images of them during their fatigue loading. These images represent the spatial distribution of the sample temperature, not just the temperature of their surface. Also, these thermal images were specially processed for feature extraction in order to lead to conclusions capable of interpreting the behavior of temperature.
Eventually, an effort was made to anticipate and discover failures in composites through the study of the behavior of the temperature that they develop.
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Energy Efficiency Improvements in Household Refrigeration Cooling SystemsBjörk, Erik January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is based on eight articles all related to the characteristics of the cooling system and plate evaporator of a household refrigerator. Through these articles, knowledge is provided that can be used to increase the operational efficiency in household refrigeration. Papers A, B and C focus on heat transfer and pressure drop in a commonly used free convection evaporator – the plate evaporator. Applicable correlations are suggested on how to estimate the air side heat transfer, the refrigerant side pressure drop and the refrigerant side heat transfer. Papers D, E and F hold a unique experimental study of the refrigerant charge distribution in the cooling system at transient and steady state conditions. From this cyclic losses are identified and estimated and ways to overcome them are suggested. In paper G the topic “charging and throttling” is investigated in an unparalleled experimental study based on more than 600 data points at different quantities of charge and expansions device capacities. It results in recommendations on how to optimize the capillary tube length and the quantity of refrigerant charge. Finally, Paper H holds a thermographic study of the overall cooling system operating at transient conditions. Overall, a potential to lower the energy use by as much as 25 % was identified in the refrigerator studied. About 10 % was found on the evaporator’s air side. 1-2 % was identified as losses related to the edge effect of the evaporator plate. About 8 % was estimated to be cyclic losses. About 5 % was found in cycle length optimization. It is believed that most of these findings are of general interest for the whole field of household refrigeration even though the results come from one type of refrigerator. Suggestions of simple means to reduce the losses without increasing the unit price are provided within the thesis / <p>QC 20120411</p>
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Contribution de l'hypoxie à la cicatrisation cutanée anormale chez le cheval : méthodes physiques d'évaluationCeleste, Christophe J. 03 1900 (has links)
La guérison des plaies cutanées appendiculaires chez le cheval, à la différence de celle des plaies corporelles, se complique régulièrement. Un retard de cicatrisation s’y observe et un tissu de granulation exubérant tend à s’y développer, le tout menant à une cicatrice pathologique hypertrophiée. La pathogénie exacte du tissu de granulation exubérant chez le cheval demeure inconnue à ce jour. Une hypoxie tissulaire pourrait favoriser son développement tout comme elle semble contribuer au développement de cicatrices cutanées pathologiques similaires observées chez l’Homme.
L’objectif de cette étude était d’évaluer la perfusion vasculaire et la disponibilité locale en oxygène de plaies cutanées appendiculaires et corporelles en cours de cicatrisation normale et pathologique chez le cheval, à l’aide de la thermographie infrarouge et de la spectroscopie par réflectance dans le proche infrarouge. Six juments âgées de 3 à 4 ans ont été utilisées. Trois plaies cutanées ont été créées à l’aspect dorso-latéral du canon des membres thoraciques (plaies appendiculaires), et sur la paroi costale de l’un des hémithorax (plaies corporelles). Chez chaque jument, un canon a été aléatoirement bandé dans le but d’induire la formation de tissu de granulation exubérant dans les plaies s’y trouvant, tel que rapporté. La perfusion vasculaire et la disponibilité locale en oxygène ont été évaluées séquentiellement par thermographie infrarouge et spectroscopie par réflectance dans le proche infrarouge pour chaque plaie de chaque site (thorax; membre bandé; membre non bandé) au cours du processus de cicatrisation cutanée.
Un modèle linéaire à doubles mesures répétées associé à une correction séquentielle de Bonferroni a révélé des différences significatives de perfusion vasculaire et de disponibilité locale en oxygène entre les plaies appendiculaires et corporelles. Ainsi la perfusion vasculaire et la disponibilité locale en oxygène étaient significativement plus élevées dans les plaies corporelles (P<0.05) et la perfusion vasculaire était significativement plus élevée dans les plaies appendiculaires non bandées que dans celles bandées (P<0.05). Nous avons récemment rapporté une plus grande occlusion de la micro-vascularisation au niveau des plaies appendiculaires chez le cheval. Nous rapportons maintenant que la perfusion vasculaire et la disponibilité locale en oxygène sont significativement inférieures dans les plaies appendiculaires, en particulier lorsqu’un tissu de granulation exubérant s’y développe. Compilés, ces résultats sous-tendent l’hypothèse que les plaies appendiculaires souffrent d’une altération de la perfusion vasculaire à l’origine possible d’une hypoxie tissulaire qui pourrait favoriser une cicatrisation cutanée anormale, telle la formation d’un tissu de granulation exubérant. / Cutaneous wound healing in horse limbs is often perturbed by the development of exuberant granulation tissue while body wounds tend to repair uneventfully. A delay in healing is usually observed in horse limb wounds, which tend to develop exuberant granulation tissue and excessive scarring. The events leading to exuberant granulation tissue formation in horses are not fully elucidated. Tissue hypoxia has been proposed as a major contributing factor as it appears to contribute to the development of similar abnormal skin scarring in human.
The objective of this study was to investigate skin blood flow and tissue oxygen availability in normal / abnormal healing of full-thickness wounds created on the horse limb and body, using infrared thermography and near infrared reflectance spectroscopy. Six healthy, 3- to 4-year-old mares were used for the experiment. Three full-thickness cutaneous wounds were surgically created on the dorso-lateral surface of each metacarpal area (limb wounds) and on the lateral thoracic wall (body wounds). One randomly chosen distal forelimb was then left to heal by second intention without bandage, while the contralateral limb was bandaged postoperatively to induce the formation of exuberant granulation tissue and lead to excessive scarring. Thermal and spectroscopic data were collected from both anatomic sites (limb without bandage, bandaged limb, thoracic wall) at specific times following wounding.
Mean changes in skin blood flow and tissue oxygen availability at specific wound sites over time were compared by use of repeated measures ANOVA with anatomical location and wound management as within-subject factors. A priori contrasts, submitted to Bonferroni sequential correction, were then used to compare pre-selected individual means. The statistical analysis revealed that there were significant differences in skin blood flow and tissue oxygen availability within wounds. Skin blood flow and tissue oxygen availability were significantly increased within body over limb wounds (P<0.05). Skin blood flow was significantly increased within unbandaged limb over bandaged limb wounds (P<0.05). We have recently reported a greater occlusion of microvessels in limb wounds in horses. We report here that skin blood flow and tissue oxygen availability are significantly inferior in limb wounds in horses, especially when exuberant granulation develops. Taken together, these results suggest that equine limb wounds may suffer from altered vascular perfusion and tissue hypoxia, which could favor abnormal skin healing and exuberant granulation tissue development.
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Experimental Acquisition and Characterisation of Large-Scale Flow Structures in Turbulent Mixed ConvectionSchmeling, Daniel 02 July 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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