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The relative effectiveness of periosteal pecking combined with therapeutic ultrasound compared to therapeutic ultrasound in the treatment of medial tibial stress syndrome type IIRobertson, Moira Eleanora January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (M.Tech.: Chiropractic)-Dept.of Chiropractic, Durban Institute of Technology, 2003 / Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome Type II (MTSS), otherwise known as shin splints, accounts for approximately 13% of injuries in American runners. Van Mechelen (1992) reported that 37-57% of recreational runners experience an injury over the course of a year, from which 54-75% of all injuries are caused by overuse.
The American Medical Association defines shin splints as “pain and discomfort in the leg from repetitive activity on hard surfaces, or due to forceful, excessive use of foot flexors. The diagnosis should be limited to musculoskeletal inflammations excluding stress fractures and ischemic disorders.” (Thacker et al., 2002) Treatment protocols vary from biomechanical interventions (orthotics), to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and modalities such as ultrasound all with varying degrees of success (Noakes, 2001). Apart from therapeutic interventions it is the overriding symptom of pain, which patients are left with (Noakes, 2001).
A therapeutic intervention called periosteal pecking has received increased interest with regards to symptomatic treatment of shin splints. Periosteal pecking is a form of *dry needling in which the tip of the needle contacts the periosteum (Raso,1997).
The aim of this study is to establish the effect of periosteal pecking in the clinical
setting with and against that of an established intervention, namely therapeutic
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The relative effectiveness of three treatment protocols in the treatment of medial tibial stress syndrome type IIPayne, Liza January 2007 (has links)
A dissertation presented in partial compliance with the requirements for the Master's Degree in Technology: Chiropractic, Durban University of Technology, 2007. / Objective:
The aim of this study was to investigate the relative effectiveness of TENS, versus, needling, versus Electro-needling in the treatment of MTSS.
First objective
The first objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of TENS therapy on MTSS with respect to the patients subjective and objective responses to the treatment.
Second Objective
The second objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of needling therapy on MTSS, with respect to the patient’s subjective and objective responses to the treatment.
Third Objective
The third objective was to evaluate the effects of electro-needling on MTSS, with respect to the patients’ subjective and objective responses to the treatment.
Fourth Objective
The fourth objective was to integrate the subjective and objective data collected in order to determine the viability of each of the therapies in comparison to one another as treatment options of MTSS. / M
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Quantitative Imaging and Computational Modelling to Estimate the Relationship between Mechanical Strain and Changes within the Distal Tibia in First-Time Marathon TraineesKhurelbaatar, Tsolmonbaatar 21 July 2019 (has links)
Background Running is a popular form of exercise that more than 55 million Americans actively participate. Endurance running like marathon and half- marathon is getting increasingly popular among active runners. Although the effect of running is considered beneficial to bone health, the direct relationship between strains and strain gradients occurred during long distance running and bone changes is still not clear. Especially, given a high rate of injury associated with the first-time marathon, understanding the direct effect of strain stimuli on bone health is an important issue. Based on the previous studies, we hypothesized that the higher values of strain will induce bone adaptation more effectively and will lead to higher bone osteogenic changes. Since osteocytes sense shear stress caused by the interstitial fluid flow, which is created by the deformations, and regulate activities of osteoblasts and osteoclast that govern bone adaptation, we also hypothesized that the local strain gradient will create pressure differences within the interstitial fluid network and will increase fluid flow. Furthermore, due to that increased fluid flow, the regions with the higher strain gradient will experience a higher amount of bone adaptation. Thus, in this study, our purpose was to define the effect of the strains and strain gradients on bone changes within distal tibia, which is the most prone anatomical site to low risk stress fracture, during training for first-time marathon. Methods High-resolution and low-resolution computed tomographic (CT) images of the distal tibia were obtained before and after a self-selected training from runners who were actively training to participate in their first-time marathon in the next calendar year. The low resolution scan covered a 69.864 mm length of the distal end of the tibia while the high resolution CT scan covered a 9.02 mm region of the distal tibia. Using low resolution CT image based subject specific finite element (FE) models, the strains and strain gradients of the distal tibia at the instance of the peak ground reaction force (GRF) were calculated. The baseline and follow-up high resolution CT scans were used in high resolution peripheral quantitative CT (HRpQCT) analysis and the estimation of bone changes over the training period. Finally, the effect of strains and strain gradients on the distal tibia bone changes was estimated based on the FE model driven strain values and HRpQCT analysis driven bone changes. We used a linear mixed model to define the relationship between strain values and bone changes in the distal tibia. Results The strain values that occurred during marathon training had significant effects on bone changes in the distal tibia. Particularly, the strain gradients showed a higher effect than the strains. In the cortical compartment, the strain gradients, which were calculated as a strain difference of a node from the surrounding nodes (Strain Gradient-1), affected the bone mineral density (BMD) negatively, and per 1000 µε increase resulted in 2.123% decrease in the cortical BMD. The strain gradients, which were calculated as a strain difference of a node from the surrounding nodes normalized to distance to surrounding nodes (Strain Gradient-2), presented a positive effect on the cortical bone volume with a slope of 4.335% / 1000 µε. In the trabecular compartment, the strain gradient-1 showed negative effects on the percent change in BMD and bone mineral density (BMC), whereas the strain gradient-2 showed positive effects on the percent change in BMD and BMC. Conclusion The linear mixed model analysis revealed a statistically significant (p < 0.05) relationship between strain gradients that occurred during running and distal tibia bone changes. The strains, biometrics, and initial parameters of bone did not show any significant effect on the bone changes. The connection between local strain environment and bone changes in the distal tibia investigated in this study is an important step to understand the mechanism of mechanically induced bone adaptation.
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Implantes de zircônia reforçada com ítria (Y-TZP): avaliação histomorfométrica / Y-TZP dental implants: histomorfometry analysisMartins, Renato 14 November 2013 (has links)
O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar in vivo a osseointegração de implantes produzidos em zircônia reforçada com ítria (Y-TZP) e compará-los com o implante de titânio usinado e com o de superfície jateada com brushita. Para tanto, nas tíbias de 20 coelhos machos (n=10) e fêmeas (n=10) foram implantadas em uma das tíbias o implante Y-TZP (GE-1, n=10 implantes) e na outra tíbia o titânio usinado (GC, n=5 implantes) ou jateado com brushita (GE-2, n=5 implantes). Os animais receberam marcadores ósseos fluorescentes, tetraciclina (14 e 21 dias), alizarina (28 e 35 dias) e calceína (42 e 49 dias) após a cirurgia de implantação. Ao final de 56 dias, a região dos implantes foi coletada e processada histologicamente para obtenção de cortes teciduais não desmineralizados. Nas imagens obtidas no microscópio confocal foi avaliado o percentual de área para cada marcador. Nos cortes corados pelo azul de toluidina foi avaliado morfologicamente a qualidade do tecido ósseo formado e a existência de interposição de tecido conjuntivo entre osso e implante, e morfometricamente determinado o percentual de contato osso-implante (BIC) e o percentual de tecido ósseo próximo à superfície do implante (BA). Os resultados mostraram que, não houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre machos e fêmeas quanto aos parâmetros avaliados. Com relação aos grupos, GE-1 e GC apresentaram cortical óssea remanescente íntegra e formação de um tecido ósseo maduro/lamelar na superfície dos implantes. No GE-2 ocorreu intensa reabsorção da cortical óssea pre-existente próxima ao implante e extensa formação óssea mais imatura em relação aos observados no GE-1 e GC. Essa intensa reabsorção e extensa formação óssea fez com que o percentual de área dos marcadores fluorescentes fosse em média 0,73 vezes maior no GE-2 em relação aos grupos GE-1 e GC. Com relação ao BIC não houve diferença entre os grupos, sendo em média de 47,8%, porém, o BA no grupo GC (66,2%) foi 0,33 vezes maior em relação ao GE-1(51,6%) e GE-2 (48,2%). No modelo utilizado o implante Y-TZP apresentou osseointegração similar ao titânio usinado e superior ao jateada com brushita, podendo ser considerado uma alternativa para substituir o implante titânio quando a estética esta envolvida. / The aim of this work was evaluate in vivo the osseointegration of implants produced with yttria stabilized zirconia (Y-TZP) and compare it with machined titanium implant and sandblasted surface with brushita titanium. Therefore, on the tibia of 20 rabbits males (n=10) and female (n=10) were implanted in one of the tibias the implant Y-TZP (GE-1, n=10 implants) and on the other tibia the machined titanium (GC, n=5 implants) or sandblasted surface with brushita titanium (GE-2, n=5 implants). The animals received fluorescent bone markers, tetracycline (14th and 21th days), alizarin (28th and 35th days) and calcein (42th and 49th days). At the end of 56 days, the implants regions were collected and histomorphometrically processed to obtain tissue sections not demineralized. On images obtained from confocal microscopy was evaluated the percentage of area for each bone markers. On slides stained with toluidine blue was measured morphologically the quality of formed bone tissue and the existence of interposition of connective tissue between bone and implant, and was morphometrically determined the percentage of bone-implant contact (BIC) and the percentage of bone tissue next to the implant surface (BA). The results showed that there were no statistically significant differences between male and female regarding to evaluated parameters. Concerning to the groups, GE-1 and GC exhibited wholesome remaining cortical bone and formation of mature/lamellar bone tissue on implants surface. In GE-2 ocurred intense reabsorption of preexisting cortical bone next to the implant and extensive bone formation more immature than GE-1 and GC. This intense reabsorption and extensive bone formation made the GE-2 area percentage for fluorescent markers 0.73 times higher on average when compared to GE-1 and GC. About the BIC, there were no differences between the groups, with an average of 47.8%, however, the BA on GC group (66.2%) was 0.33 higher compared to GE-1 (51.6%) and GE-2 (48.2%). In the model used, the Y-TZP implant exhibited osseointegration suchlike machined titanium and better than sandblasted surface with brushita titanium, being considered an alternative to replace the titanium implant when aesthetics is involved.
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Avaliação das propriedades mecânicas de ossos de coelhas submetidas à administração de glicocorticóides / Evaluation of mechanical properties of the bone´s of rabbits induced glucocorticoid administrationSilva Junior, Célio Anderson da 26 August 2003 (has links)
O corticóide é usado nas várias especialidades médicas por ser um fármaco de potente efeito anti-inflamatório e imunossupressor, no entanto, é capaz de produzir algumas alterações metabólicas quando administrado por uso prolongado. Desta forma o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar as possíveis alterações nas propriedades mecânicas de osso cortical e trabecular de coelhas albinas, quando submetidas à administração de corticoesteróide em altas doses e por tempo prolongado, através de ensaio mecânico de flexão em três pontos em tíbia e fêmures avaliados como estrutura, além de ensaios mecânicos em corpos de prova por flexão em três pontos em fêmures e compressão em vértebras (L5). Para o estudo foram utilizados 39 animais, divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos, experimental (GE) e controle (GC). Estes grupos foram divididos em quatro subgrupos, sendo 2 experimentais e 2 controles. Na investigação estrutural foram avaliadas as tíbias e fêmures direito por ensaios mecânicos de flexão em 3 pontos, e na investigação como material foram realizados ensaios mecânicos de flexão em 3 pontos para fêmures e compressão para vértebras (L5) através de corpos de prova. A metodologia utilizada para esta pesquisa foi igual para todos os animais, no entanto, o grupo experimental foi administrado durante 21 dias com o medicamento metilprednisolona (Solumedron) diluída em solução salina numa proporção de 2 mg/Kg/dia, e o grupo controle foi somente administrada solução salina na mesma dosagem. Todos os ensaios mecânicos foram realizados na Máquina Universal de Ensaio do Laboratório de Bioengenharia - FMRP/USP. Durante os ensaios foram registrados os valores das deflexões e as respectivas cargas aplicadas, sendo posteriormente confeccionadas curvas carga versus deflexão para cada osso ensaiado. As propriedades mecânicas determinadas para os fêmures e tíbias analisadas de forma estrutural foram: a carga aplicada no limite de proporcionalidade, deflexão no limite de proporcionalidade, carga máxima, rigidez e a resiliência de cada osso. Já para os fêmures e vértebras analisados como material ósseo, foram avaliados suas tensões máximas através da curva carga versus deflexão. Comparações estatísticas foram realizadas entre os resultados encontrados, através do teste T-Student, com nível de significância estabelecido em 5% para todos os parâmetros analisados. Nas análises estatísticas entre os grupos investigados não foram observadas diferenças significativas em nenhuma das comparações, porém observou-se ao final deste estudo uma perda de peso corporal significativa do grupo experimental. Desta forma foi evidenciado através dos resultados encontrados nesta pesquisa que as propriedades mecânicas investigadas não apresentaram alterações significativas com o protocolo de administração de medicamento, sugerindo-se que novos experimentos sejam realizados, com modificações de dosagem e tempo de aplicação. / Corticoteroids are used in many clinical conditions because they present strong anti-inflammatory and imunessupressor activities. But, at the same time, they can cause many metabolic alterations and side effects mainly when there is prolonged. In the present research we studied the possible alterations caused by steroids on the mechanical properties of lamellar and trabecular bone of rabbits. The mechanical properties were assessed by bending tests performed on intact femurs and tibial as well as in samples of cortical bone. Compression tests were performed in L5 vertebral. Thirty-seven female rabbits were randomly distributes in one experimental group (EG-animals) and control (CG animals). Such groups were divided into four subgroups: two experimentals and two controls. The experimental animals received 2mg/kg/day of methylprednisolone (Solumedron ® ) during three weeks. The control animals received the same volume of intramuscular injections of saline, once a day, during three weeks. From the load x deformation curves the load and deflexion were obtained at the yielding point. The ultimate load as well as resilience were also obtained for the intact bones. When the specimens were analysed the ultimate tension was determined. The statisitical analyses did not show any difference between treated and untreated animals for the mechanical properties. But the treated animals showed a significant loose of body weight. We ful that such results require a deepening in the investigation.
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Desempenho, balanço metabólico, digestibilidade de minerais e mineralização óssea por frangos de corte alimentados com rações contendo diferentes níveis de cálcio e suplementadas com fitase / Performance, metabolic balance, minerals digestibility and bone mineralization of broiler chickens fed diets with different calcium levels and supplemented with phytaseDonato, Daniella Carolina Zanardo 18 December 2009 (has links)
Um experimento foi conduzido no Setor de Avicultura do Departamento de Nutrição e Produção Animal da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo para avaliar o efeito de rações contendo diferentes níveis de cálcio e suplementadas com fitase sobre o desempenho, a digestibilidade e a excreção de nutrientes pelas aves, determinar a energia metabolizável aparente corrigida e avaliar a mineralização óssea de frangos de corte nas fases inicial (1 a 21 dias), de crescimento (22 a 35 dias) e final (36 a 42 dias). No ensaio de desempenho foram utilizados 2.160 pintos de corte machos da linhagem AG Ross 308, de 1 a 42 dias de idade, distribuídos em 6 tratamentos, com 6 repetições cada. Foi utilizado um delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 3 x 2, sendo 3 níveis de fitase (0, 600 e 1200 FTU/kg) e 2 níveis de cálcio (0,94% e 0,66%; 0,84% e 0,59%; e 0,78% e 0,54% para as fases inicial, de crescimento e final, respectivamente). As rações experimentais ainda tinham níveis reduzidos de fósforo disponível (Pd) e níveis mínimos de proteína bruta (PB). Ao final de cada fase avaliou-se o consumo de ração (CR), o ganho de peso (GP), a conversão alimentar (CA) e a mortalidade (Mort). Não houve interação entre os níveis de fitase e de cálcio estudados para CR em nenhuma das três fases avaliadas, entretanto foram observadas para GP (P<0,01 para a fase inicial e P<0,05 para as fases de crescimento e final) e para Mort (P<0,01 para as fases inicial e de crescimento e P<0,05 para a fase final) nas três fases. Foram observados efeitos de fitase para o CR (P<0,01 para ambas as fases) na fase inicial e de crescimento e os níveis de cálcio influenciaram o CR (P<0,05 para ambas as fases) nas fases inicial e final. Nenhum resultado significativo foi observado para CA. Desse modo pode-se concluir que os níveis nutricionais de cálcio podem ser reduzidos em 30% em dietas com níveis reduzidos de fósforo disponível e níveis mínimos de proteína bruta, sem afetar o desempenho, desde que às dietas sejam adicionadas 600 FTU/kg de fitase. Paralelamente foram conduzidos 3 ensaios de metabolismo utilizando-se 108 pintos de corte machos transferidos do galpão de alvenaria para as baterias metálicas aos 15, 29 e 36 dias, respeitando-se os tratamentos e as repetições, onde passaram por um período de 4 dias de adaptação, e 3 dias de coleta de excretas. Neste ensaio avaliou-se a energia metabolizável aparente corrigida (EMAn), o consumo, a excreção e o coeficiente de retenção de nitrogênio (N Ing, N Exc e CR N), fósforo (P Ing, P Exc e CR P) e cálcio (Ca Ing, Ca Exc e CR Ca). Nenhuma resposta significativa foi observada para EMAn na fase inicial. Interações entre os níveis de cálcio e de fitase foram observadas para EMAn nas fases de crescimento (P<0,01) e final (P<0,01), sendo os maiores valores observados para níveis de fitase próximos a 600 FTU/kg, para baixo e alto nível de cálcio, respectivamente. Para o metabolismo de nitrogênio foram observadas interações entre os níveis de cálcio e fitase para N Ing nas fases de crescimento (P<0,01) e final (P<0,01), N Exc na fase de crescimento (P<0,01) e CR N nas fases de crescimento (P<0,01) e final (P<0,05). Os níveis de fitase influenciaram o N Ing (P<0,01) e N Exc (P<0,05) na fase inicial, e os níveis de cálcio influenciaram o N Ing (P<0,05) na fase inicial. Nenhum resultado foi observado para N Exc na fase final e nem para CR N na fase inicial. De uma maneira geral, a redução do nível de cálcio associada a 600 FTU/kg de fitase na fase de crescimento, e alto nível de cálcio associado a 1200 FTU/kg de fitase para a fase final, apresentam os melhores resultados. Para o metabolismo de fósforo foram observadas interações entre os níveis de fitase e cálcio estudados para P Ing (P<0,01 e P<0,05, respectivamente) nas fases inicial e final, e para CR P (P<0,01 e P<0,05, respectivamente) nas fases inicial e de crescimento. Os níveis de fitase influenciaram o P Ing (P<0,01) na fase de crescimento e o CR P (P<0,05) na fase final; e os níveis de cálcio influenciaram o P Ing (P<0,01) na fase de crescimento. Nenhum resultado significativo foi observado para P Exc em nenhuma das três fases estudadas. A adição de 1200 FTU/kg de fitase à dieta melhora significativamente a retenção de P, seja na fase inicial, associada a um baixo nível de cálcio, ou na fase de crescimento. Para o metabolismo de cálcio foram observadas interações entre os níveis de fósforo e cálcio estudados para Ca Ing (P<0,01 para ambas as fases) nas fases de crescimento e final e para CR Ca (P<0,05) na fase de crescimento. Os níveis de fitase influenciaram o Ca Ing (P<0,01) e o CR Ca (P<0,01) na fase inicial; e os níveis de cálcio influenciaram o Ca Ing (P<0,01) e o CR Ca (P<0,01) na fase inicial, o CR Ca (P<0,01) na fase final e o Ca Exc (P<0,01) nas três fases estudadas. De uma maneira geral, os melhores resultados foram encontrados com a redução de 30% dos níveis de cálcio associados à adição de 600 FTU/kg de fitase na dieta. Dessa maneira conclui-se que nas fases inicial e de crescimento, a redução do nível de cálcio da ração em 30% utilizando baixos níveis de fósforo disponível e proteína bruta com adição de 600 FTU/kg de fitase na dieta é adequada para a melhora da EMAn, da retenção de nitrogênio, fósforo e de cálcio. Já, para a fase final, a redução do nível de cálcio não é aconselhada, porém a inclusão de 600 FTU/kg de fitase na dieta melhora a EMAn e a retenção de nitrogênio. Para o ensaio de mineralização óssea, foram utilizados 72 frangos de corte machos, que foram sacrificados e tiveram suas tíbias esquerdas retiradas ao final de cada fase. Foram avaliadas as quantidades (mg) e porcentagens de matéria mineral (MM T e %MM T), fósforo (P T e %P T) e cálcio (Ca T e %Ca T) das tíbias. Houve interação entre os níveis de cálcio e de fitase apenas para a %MM T na fase inicial (P<0,05), provavelmente devido à maior exigência de minerais para a formação óssea nessa fase. Os níveis de fitase influenciaram de maneira linear crescente o MM T (P<0,01) e a %P T (P<0,05) na fase inicial e o P T (P<0,05) e o Ca T (P<0,05) nas fases inicial e de crescimento; e de maneira quadrática o MM T (P<0,01) e a %MM T (P<0,01) nas fases de crescimento e final. Não foi observada nenhuma resposta significativa para %Ca T. Estes resultados permitem concluir que o nível de cálcio pode ser reduzido em 30% em dietas com níveis reduzidos de Pd e níveis mínimos de PB para frangos de corte de 1 a 42 dias, desde que às dietas sejam adicionadas 1200FTU/kg de fitase. / An experiment was carried on Poultry Sector of Animal Nutrition and Production Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science School of São Paulo University to evaluate the effect of diets with different calcium levels and supplemented with phytase on the performance, digestibility and nutrient excretion, determine the corrected apparent metabolizable energy and evaluate bone mineralization of broiler chickens in initial (1 to 21 days of age), growing (22 to 35 days of age) and final (36 to 42 days of age) phases. In performance essay it was used 2,160 male broilers from AG Ross 308 line, from 1 to 42 days of age, distributed in 6 treatments, with 6 replicates each. A completely randomized design in a 3 X 2 factorial schedule was used, being 3 phytase levels (0, 600 or 1200 FTU/kg) and 2 calcium levels (0.94% and 0.66%; 0.84% and 0.59%; and 0.78% and 0.54% to initial, growing and final phases, respectively). The experimental diets had lower available phosphorus (AP) levels and minimum crude protein (CP) levels. At the end of each phase the feed intake (FI), weight gain (WG), feed conversion (FC) and death rate (DR) were evaluated. There was no interaction among phytase and calcium levels to FI on any of the three studied phases, however they were observed to WG (P<0.01 to initial phase and P<0.05 to growing and final phase) and to DR (P<0.01 to initial and growing phase and P<0.05 to final phase) on the three phases. It was observed effects of phytase to FI (P<0.01 to both phases) on initial and growing phases, and calcium levels influenced FI (P<0.05 to both phases) on initial and final phases. No significant results were observed to FC. Thus it can be concluded that nutritional calcium levels can be reduced in 30%, in diets with lower AP and minimum CP levels, without affecting performance, since to the diet is added 600 FTU/kg of phytase. At the same time were carried three metabolism trials using 108 male broilers transferred from experimental house to metal batteries at 15, 29 and 35 days of age, respecting both treatments and replicates, where they passed through a period of 4 days of adaptation and 3 days of excrete collection. In this essay were evaluated the corrected apparent metabolizable energy (AMEn), the consumption, excretion and the retention coefficient of nitrogen (N C, N E and N RC), phosphorus (P C, P E and P RC) and calcium (Ca C, Ca E and Ca RC). No significant response was observed to AMEn on initial phase (P<0.01). Interactions among calcium and phytase levels were observed to AMEn on growing (P<0.01) and final (P<0.01) phases, being the higher values observed to phytase levels near to 600 FTU/kg, to low and high calcium levels, respectively. To nitrogen metabolism, it were observed interactions among calcium and phytase levels to N C on growing (P<0.01) and final (P<0.01) phases, N E on growing (P<0.01) phase and N RC on growing (P<0.01) and final (P<0.05) phases. Phytase levels influenced N C (P<0.01) and N E (P<0.05) on initial phase, and calcium levels influenced N C (P<0.05) on initial phase. No significant results were observed to N E on final phase neither to N RC on initial phase. In a general way, the calcium level reduction associated to 600 FTU/kg of phytase on growing phase, and high clacium level associated to 1200 FTU/kg of phytase on final phase, show the best results. To phosphorus metabolism were observed interactions among calcium and phytase levels to P C (P<0.01 and P<0.05, respectively) on initial and final phases, and to P RC (P<0.01 and P<0.05, respectively) on initial and growing phases. Phytase levels influenced P C (P<0.01) on growing phase and P RC (P<0.05) on final phase; and calcium levels influenced P C (P<0.01) on growing phase. No significant results were observed to P E in any of the studied phases. Adding 1200 FTU/kg of phytase to the diet improves P retention on initial phase, associated to low calcium level, or on growing phase. To calcium metabolism were observed interactions among calcium and phytase levels to Ca C (P<0.01 to both phases) on growing and final phases and to Ca RC (P<0.05) on growing phase. Phytase levels influenced Ca C (P<0.01) and Ca RC on initial phase; and calcium levels influenced Ca C (P<0.01) and Ca RC (P<0.01) on initial phase, Ca RC on final phase and Ca E (P<0.01) on the three studied phases. In a general way, the better results were found reducting calcium levels in 30% associated to 600 FTU/kg of phytase on diet. So, it can be conclude that, on initial and growing phases, calcium levels reduction in 30%, using low AP and CP levels with 600 FTU/kg of phytase on diet is adequate to improve AMEn, N, P and Ca retention. However, to final phase reducting calcium level is not recommended, even so, adding 600 FTU/kg of phytase on diet improves AMEn and N retention. To bone mineralization essay were used 72 male broilers that were slaughtered and their left tibia removed at the end of each phase. It were evaluated tibia quantity (mg) and percentages of mineral matter (MM T and % MM T), phosphorus (P T and %P T) and calcium (Ca T and % Ca T).There was interaction among calcium and phytase levels only for %MM T on initial phase (P<0.05), probably due to higher mineral requirement to bone forming in this phase. Phytase levels influenced on a linear increasing way the MM T (P<0.01) and %P T (P<0.05) on initial phase, and P T (P<0.05) and Ca T (P<0.05) on initial and growing phase; and on a quadratic way the MM T (P<0.01) and %MM T (P<0.01) on growing and final phase. There was no significant response to %Ca T. These results allowed to conclude that calcium level can be reduced in 30% in diets with lower AP and minimum CP levels to broiler chickens from 1 to 42 days of age, since 1200 FTU/kg of phytase are added to the diet.
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An?lise comparativa do efeito de diferentes superf?cies sobre a resposta tecidual perimplantar em regi?es com baixa densidade ?ssea : modelo animal coelhoPost, Let?cia Kirst 13 August 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-08-13 / As possibilidades de modifica??o das propriedades de superf?cie dos implantes s?o muito grandes, tanto com rela??o aos aspectos qu?mico e biol?gico quanto aos morfol?gico e topogr?fico. Pesquisas recentes t?m-se dedicado a buscar uma superf?cie que otimize o processo de osseointegra??o em regi?es com baixa densidade ?ssea. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influ?ncia de diferentes superf?cies implantares sobre a resposta tecidual em regi?es com baixa densidade ?ssea. Foram utilizados para este estudo 8 coelhos machos da ra?a Nova Zel?ndia. Em cada animal foram inseridos, cirurgicamente, 4 implantes cil?ndricos, sendo na t?bia direita as amostras dos grupos G1 (superf?cie usinada) e G2 (tratamento com ataque ?cido de rotina) e na t?bia esquerda as amostras dos grupos G3 (superf?cie com camada porosa de tit?nio) e G4 (superf?cie com camada porosa de tit?nio mais tratamento com ataque ?cido inovador) O experimento foi repetido, de forma id?ntica, em todos os animais. Durante todo o per?odo de observa??o (30 dias), os animais permaneceram saud?veis, com cicatriza??o normal na regi?o operada, sem evid?ncia de infec??o ou deisc?ncia de sutura. Todos os implantes obtiveram estabilidade ao tecido perimplantar, mesmo ap?s o processo de descalcifica??o ?ssea. Em alguns grupos da amostra a neoforma??o ?ssea cobriu a por??o coronal n?o submersa dos implantes. Os resultados da an?lise histol?gica evidenciaram que a interface ?ssea com os implantes dos grupos G1 e G2 foi caracteristicamente linear e regular e com G3 e G4 mais irregular. De modo geral, os implantes do grupo G3 melhor contribu?ram para a din?mica do reparo ?sseo.
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Do running and fatigued running relate to tibial stress fractures?Sasimontonkul, Siriporn 25 August 2004 (has links)
Tibial stress fractures are common in runners. However, it is unclear what
factors are associated with tibial stress fractures. This study aimed to investigate 1)
magnitudes of bone contact forces occurring while running 2) whether or not repeated
application of running loads is sufficient to explain tibial stress fractures and 3)
whether or not muscle fatigue alters the potential of tibial stress fractures. Tibial stress
fractures were predicted through an estimation of the minimum number of cycles to
failure (Nfail) using an integrated experimental and mathematical modeling approach.
Short running trials within a speed range of 3.5-4 m/s of ten male runners were
evaluated with a coupled force plate and 3 dimensional motion analysis system. The
collected data were used to estimate joint reaction forces (JRF) and joint moments.
Using these JRF and muscle forces predicted from optimization, 2-D bone contact
forces at the distal end of the tibia were determined. Next, tibial stresses were
estimated by applying these bone contact forces to a tibial model, which were then
used to predict the Nfail. All procedures were repeated after plantarflexors fatigued
from prolonged running. This study found that peaks of compressive and posterior
shear forces occurred during mid stance, and these peaks equaled 8.91 ± 1.14 BW and
-0.53 ± 0.16 BW, respectively. These bone contact forces led to a backward bending
of the tibia during most of the stance phase and resulted in the maximum stresses of -
43.4 ± 10.3 MPa on the posterior face of the tibia. These maximum stresses predicted
the group mean of Nfail as being 5.28*10⁶ cycles. However, 2.5% to 56% of
population of runners have a chance of getting tibial stress fractures within 1 million
cycles of a repeated foot impact. Within the context of muscle force and stress
estimation procedures used in this study, Nfail appeared to increase after fatigue, not
decrease as we hypothesized. / Graduation date: 2005
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The relative effectiveness of periosteal pecking combined with therapeutic ultrasound compared to therapeutic ultrasound in the treatment of medial tibial stress syndrome type IIRobertson, Moira Eleanora January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (M.Tech.: Chiropractic)-Dept.of Chiropractic, Durban Institute of Technology, 2003 / Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome Type II (MTSS), otherwise known as shin splints, accounts for approximately 13% of injuries in American runners. Van Mechelen (1992) reported that 37-57% of recreational runners experience an injury over the course of a year, from which 54-75% of all injuries are caused by overuse.
The American Medical Association defines shin splints as “pain and discomfort in the leg from repetitive activity on hard surfaces, or due to forceful, excessive use of foot flexors. The diagnosis should be limited to musculoskeletal inflammations excluding stress fractures and ischemic disorders.” (Thacker et al., 2002) Treatment protocols vary from biomechanical interventions (orthotics), to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and modalities such as ultrasound all with varying degrees of success (Noakes, 2001). Apart from therapeutic interventions it is the overriding symptom of pain, which patients are left with (Noakes, 2001).
A therapeutic intervention called periosteal pecking has received increased interest with regards to symptomatic treatment of shin splints. Periosteal pecking is a form of *dry needling in which the tip of the needle contacts the periosteum (Raso,1997).
The aim of this study is to establish the effect of periosteal pecking in the clinical
setting with and against that of an established intervention, namely therapeutic
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TLD Measurements on Patients being treated with a Taylor Spatial Frame : Using Radiation from Na18F PET/CT Studies and from Naturally Occurring RadioisotopesMirzadeh, Kousha January 2014 (has links)
Background: In an ongoing study conducted at Karolinska Institutet & Karolinska University Hospital, Positron Emission Tomography (PET)/Computed Tomography (CT) scans are performed on patients with tibia fractures and deformations treated with Taylor Spatial Frames (TSFs) in order to monitor their bone remodeling progress. Each patients receive an administration of approximately 2 MBq/kg bodyweight of Na18F associated with PET scans on two sessions, six and twelve weeks after the attachment of the TSF. These PET/CT scans provide information about the progress of the healing bone and can be used to estimate the optimal time point for de-attachment of the TSF. The Standardized Uptake Value (SUV) is used as a measure of the rate of bone remodeling for these patients, however, there is a need for verification of this practice by a method independent of the PET scanner. Furthermore, information regarding the biodistribution of the Na18F throughout the body of these patients and the effects of the TSF on the CT scan X‑rays is required. Additionally, an investigation of alternative methods that have the potential to provide similar information with a lower absorbed dose to the patients is desirable. Materials and methods: Thermoluminescent Dosimeters (TLDs) were attached on the skin at the position of the heart, urinary bladder, femurs, fracture, and the contralateral tibia of twelve patients during the first one hour and five minutes after the administration of the Na18F. Additional TLD measurements were performed during the CT scan of two of these patients. From the PET scan images, SUVs at the fracture site of these patients were collected. An investigation of the possibility of exploiting the “naturally” occurring bone seeking radionuclide Strontium-90 (90Sr) in the human body to gain information about the fracture site was undertaken. Using a 90Sr source, three different detection techniques were evaluated and a practical methodology for in vivo measurements on the tibia fracture patients was developed. As it was concluded that TLD based measurements were the most suitable technique for this purpose, and it was tested on five patients with tibia fractures. Results: From the collected TLD data, it was concluded that for these patients the urinary bladder is the organ receiving the greatest amount of absorbed dose and the organ most affected as the administered activity exceeds 2 MBq/kg. On average, a three times higher surface dose was measured on the tibia fracture compared to the un-fractured tibia. A linear relationship between the surface dose and SUVmax was shown. A strong positive correlation between the activity concentration at the fracture site and the amount of injected activity was found, and it was demonstrated that this also affects the SUVs. For patients who were administered different amounts of Na18F for the two PET scans, maximum activity concentrationwas less affected than mean activity concentration. It was concluded that TSF’s effect on the scatter of the X-rays to organs higher up in the body is negligible. Regarding “naturally” occurring 90Sr in the human body, no higher activity at the fractured tibia compared to the non‑fractured tibia could be found. Conclusions: This project assessed the accumulation of Na18F in the fracture site of patients treated with TSF by a method independent of the PET scanner. The methodology of using SUVs as an indicator for bone remodeling was verified. It was shown that the uptake of Na18F by the fracture site is strongly correlated to the amount of injected activity. The importance of considering the amount of injected activity when evaluating and comparing SUVs was highlighted. In vivo measurements using LiF:Mn TLDs did not indicate any quantifiable higher concentration of 90Sr at the fracture in the tibia bone.
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