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TIC et apprentissage de l'interculturalité / ICT and learning interculturalityAl Sahyouni Bou Fadel, Reine 24 June 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat a pour finalité de conduire une réflexion informée expérimentalement sur le rôle, voire sur la fonction des TIC dans le processus d’acquisition de L.E et sur l’apprentissage de l’interculturalité et l’ouverture à l’autre. Elle vise également à évaluer le potentiel acquisitionnel des élèves en matière de connaissances, de compétences, de communication et d’ouverture à d’autres cultures. La problématique soutenue par cette recherche est également en rapport avec le rôle que jouent les TIC dans le processus d’apprentissage en milieu scolaire primaire : Dans quelle mesure ces nouvelles technologies participent au développement des compétences des jeunes en matière de langue française et d'interculturalité ? Les TIC permettent de faire des simulations de divers phénomènes (physiques, historiques…), elles offrent aux élèves des moyens très diversifiés de se rendre compte des compétences et des connaissances qu’ils peuvent développer tout en réveillant leur curiosité ainsi que leur motivation. Le terrain de recherche est basé sur deux expérience concrètes de formation à la langue et à la culture française par la mise en réseau d'établissement scolaire dans différents pays francophones utilisant chacune les TIC. La méthode du travail repose sur l'observation des pratiques des élèves et leur évolution dans la connaissance de l'autre d'où l'interculturalité, une analyse de contenu de site web, des enquêtes par entretiens semi-directifs ainsi que par questionnaire auprès des élèves et des enseignants. / This thesis has aimed at conducting experimentally informed reflection on the role or the function of ICT in the process of acquisition of LE and learning of multiculturalism and openness to the other. It also aims to evaluate the potential of students’ acquisitionnel in knowledge, skills, communication and openness to other cultures. The research supported by this problem is also related to the role of ICT in the learning process in primary school: To what extent these new technologies involved in developing young people's skills in the field of French language and intercultural? ICT allow for simulations of various phenomena (physical, historical ...), they provide students with very diverse ways to realize the skills and knowledge they can develop while awakening their curiosity and motivation. Field research is based on two concrete learning experience language and French culture through networking school in various Francophone countries each using ICT. The method of work based on the observation of the practices of students and their evolution in the knowledge of the other where interculturalism , an analysis of web site content , surveys by semi -structured interviews and questionnaire with students and teachers.
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Développement de l'usage des TICE dans le système éducatif gabonais / Development of the usage of the TICE in the Gabonese educational systemMoualou Nzigou, Carelle Ariana 09 July 2014 (has links)
L'intégration des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication appliquée à l'Enseignement (TICE) dans le système éducatif nécessite d'accompagner les enseignants par des dispositifs de formation. Malheureusement au Gabon ce n'est pas toujours le cas. Cette intégration qui dépend largement des facteurs technologiques, pédagogiques et humains entraine des changements dans les pratiques des enseignants. Tout changement de pratiques suppose d'apprécier l'impact que ces technologies ont sur les pratiques à travers les acteurs principaux que sont les enseignants. Ma thèse s'est donc intéressée à ce que pensent les enseignants de l'apport de l'usage des TICE dans leurs pratiques. Pour cela j'ai procédé à une analyse quantitative des données recueillies auprès de 50 enseignants. Cette analyse permet de faire ressortir les différents usages des enseignants dans les établissements étudiés mais aussi leurs représentations concernant ces usages. Les résultats montrent qu'il existe effectivement dans ces établissements certains usages des TIC par les enseignants. Toutefois, il n'existe pas encore de véritables programmes de formation des enseignants mettant l'accent sur les compétences technologiques liées aux programmes scolaires ou aux disciplines enseignées. Les enseignants reçoivent plutôt une formation axée sur la maîtrise des outils informatiques et de certaines applications informatiques. / The integration of information technology and the applied communication to teaching in the educative system needs to accompany teachers by strategies of training. Unfortunately in Gabon it is not always the same. This integration which largely depends on technological, pedagogical and human factors brings changes in the uses of teachers. My thesis was focused on what teachers think about the advantages of the Information and Communication Technology for Teaching usage in their practices. For this reason, I made a quantitative analysis of received schemas towards fifty teachers. This analysis allows to find out different uses of teachers in the studied schools but also their representatives concerning these uses. Not only this analysis allows to find out different uses of teachers in the studied schools, but also their representatives concerning these uses. The results show that there are in these schools certain uses of Information and Communication Technology by teachers. In addition, there hasn't been mere programs of teachers training putting amphasis on technological competences linked to the school curricula or taught disciplines yet. The teachers receive rather a training focused on the mastering of computers tools and certain computers practices.
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A communicational approach to burnout by interpretative phenomenological analysis : Understanding the role of stress-inducing communications in burnout : a comparative analysis of two groups of ICT workers in France and Norway / Pour une approche communicationnelle du burnout, les apports de l’Analyse Phénoménologique Interprétative : Le rôle des communications stressantes dans l'épuisement professionnel : une analyse comparée France-Norvège de groupes d'informaticiensEvenstad, Solveig Beyza 12 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet central l'un des risques majeurs pour la santé au travail dans le monde d'aujourd'hui : le phénomène de burnout, envisagé ici, d'un point de vue communicationnel, comme la résultante d'un stress chronique. Accompagné par des idéaux technicistes et les technologies d’information et communication, le paradigme d’efficacité imprègne les pratiques concurrentielles et les discours qui structurent les dispositifs sociotechniques des organisations. Ces derniers, à leur tour, influencent les relations interpersonnelles et la communication intra personnelle des individus. D'où un phénomène de colonisation des mondes vécus des employés qui altère leurs subjectivités. Au cours de ce processus, des communications pathologiques peuvent se produire et entraîner stress et puis burnout.Nous avons mené une recherche qualitative basée sur l'analyse phénoménologique interprétative. Quatorze informaticiens de la France et de la Norvège ont été choisis comme ‘échantillon ciblé’. Nous avons montré que les facteurs de stress dans les modèles du burnout découlent d'un processus de communication stressante. Nous avons identifié trois grands paradoxes : le paradoxe de l'‘accélération-décélération’ ; celui de la ‘densification-qualification’ ; enfin, celui de l'autonomisation-contrôle qui ont soumis nos enquêtés à des doubles contraintes. Nous avons identifié deux cercles vicieux : travailler plus intensément et prendre ses distances par rapport au travail. Empêtrés dans les dialogues intérieurs pathologiques, nos enquêtés ont perdu leurs croyances en leur propre efficacité. Nous avons découvert des différences fondées sur la culture nationale. / This thesis addresses what is called the biggest occupational health risk of 21st century, namely burnout, the result of chronic stress, from a communicational perspective. We propose that coupled with technicist ideals and information and communication technologies, the efficiency paradigm permeate the competitive practices in business and their organizational discourses; shape the managerial discourses and socio-technical devices in the organization. These discourses and dispositifs, in their turn, influence and structure the interpersonal and intra-personal communications. They colonize the life-worlds of the employees and shape their subjectivities. In this process, communication pathologies and deficiencies may occur and lead to stress and burnout. We have conducted a qualitative research based on Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Fourteen participants from France (seven) and Norway (seven) were chosen as a purposive sample; they have all worked with ICT and experienced burnout. We have shown that the job-related stress factors that are used in the burnout models do not exist independently, but they arise out of stress-inducing communication processes. We have identified three major paradoxes that our participants have experienced: ‘acceleration-deceleration paradox’; ‘intensification-quality paradox’; ‘autonomy-control paradox’. These paradoxes trapped them in a double bind. We have identified two vicious circles: ‘working harder and harder’ and ‘distancing from work’. Entangled in pathological inner dialogues, they lost their self-efficacy beliefs. We have compared our two groups and discovered differences based on the national culture.
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A disciplina Sociologia no ensino médio: perspectivas de mediação pedagógica e tecnológica. Um diálogo possível / The discipline sociology in high school: prospects for mediation training and technology. A possible dialogue.Leodoro, Silvana Aparecida Pires 07 April 2009 (has links)
Esta pesquisa analisa situações de diálogo e interação pelo computador e web motivados por temas, autores e conceitos da disciplina Sociologia. Investiga as potencialidades dialógicas de construção do conhecimento em situações de diálogos virtuais entre alunos e o professor da disciplina - em uma modalidade de ensino apoiado por recursos da web que ocorrem fora do espaço-tempo da aula tradicional. Tem como hipóteses verificar se o compartilhamento de informações através da rede e a mediação tecnológica são demandas incorporadas pela escola e se a comunicação em ambientes virtuais amplia a perspectiva dialógica de construção do conhecimento escolar, na qual o professor enquanto provocador cognitivo (PICONEZ) possa (re)avaliar as relações ensino-aprendizagem na disciplina Sociologia. Sob a perspectiva da pesquisa-ação, foi estruturada na observação e participação direta e análise qualitativa de situações concretas de diálogos educacionais em ambiência virtual envolvendo as seguintes ferramentas tecnológicas: correio eletrônico (e-mail), pesquisa pela internet, análise a partir da exibição de filmes em DVD, interações através de um BLOG publicado pela professora e reuniões através do MSN. A proposta dos temas e a análise dos diálogos dão-se a partir da perspectiva de uma rede sinérgica, isto é, de que o conhecimento é resultado da articulação de reflexões individuais. Estas reflexões são orientadas e motivadas pelos objetivos da disciplina Sociologia, explicitados nas Orientações Curriculares Nacionais (OCN), documento oficial do governo, elaborado por especialistas das Ciências Humanas e complementar aos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN). Tais objetivos estão representados no processo da disciplina Sociologia e sua abordagem requer a presença de um professor que oriente sua prática pelos princípios dialógicos da construção do conhecimento a partir da reflexão de todos os envolvidos no ato educativo; pelo compromisso com a educação problematizadora (FREIRE), em seu papel transformador e emancipatório representada pela função social da escola. Os resultados apontam que o uso das tecnologias de comunicação amplia o espaço-tempo da aula presencial e permite que os objetos da disciplina se articulem ao cotidiano do aluno. Também apontam para a necessidade de inserção - pela escola - do uso dessas tecnologias e o reconhecimento de suas potencialidades pedagógicas. As Tecnologias de Informação e de Comunicação (TIC) ampliam a função social dos conteúdos da disciplina ao permitir que a reflexão sobre a própria realidade - pelo aluno - possa ser complementada sob perspectiva da interatividade como elemento constitutivo do novo modelo conversacional, descentrado e bidirecional. A mediação tecnológica, nos diálogos virtuais, proporciona terreno fértil de novos (outros) contornos à prática (mediação) pedagógica orientada pelos princípios da dialogicidade ao permitir, entre outros aspectos, que os alunos proponham novos temas para as aulas, realizem novas leituras e interpretações e tenham acesso permanente ao professor. Tal postura metodológica constata a presença de transformações na arquitetura de poder da sala de aula tradicional polarizada na figura do mestre. As TIC possibilitam pela cooperação e diálogo crítico-reflexiva, ampliação da rede sinérgica do conhecimento favorecendo a dialogicidade, interação e mediação pedagógica e tecnológica incrementando a qualidade da relação entre os atores do ato educativo abrindo novos caminhos para construção do conhecimento em Sociologia. / This research examines situations of dialogue and interaction through the computer and web motivated by subject, authors and concepts of the Sociology discipline. Investigates the potential of dialogical construction of knowledge in situations of virtual dialogues between students and teacher of the discipline - in a mode of teaching supported by web resources that occur outside the space-time of traditional classroom. It has as hypothesis to verify if the sharing of information through the network and the technological mediation demands are incorporated by the school and whether the communication in virtual environments broadens the dialogical perspective of scholar knowledges construction, in which the teacher as a provocative cognitive (PICONEZ) may (re)evaluate the relationships in the teaching-learning Sociology discipline. From the perspective of the action research, it was structured in the observation and direct participation and qualitative analysis of concrete situations of conversations involving virtual educational environment, the following technology tools: electronic mail (e-mail), researches on the internet, analysis from the exhibition of DVD movies, interactions through a blog published by the teacher and meetings through MSN. The proposal of the issues and analysis of the dialogues from the perspective are from a synergistic network, that is, that knowledge is the result of the articulation of individual thoughts. These thoughts are guided and motivated by the goals of the Sociology discipline, explained in the National Curriculum Guidelines (OCN), official government document, prepared by experts from the Social Sciences and complementary to the National Curriculum Parameters (PCN). Such goals are represented in the process of Sociology discipline and its approach requires the presence of a teacher to guide the practice through the dialogical principles of the construction of knowledge from the reflection of all those involved in the education act; the commitment to education problematizing (FREIRE), its role as a transformers and emancipator represented by the social function of the school. The results indicate that the use of communication technologies broadens the space-time of the presential class and allows the objects of discipline to articulate the student\'s daily life. They also point the need of integration for the school for the use of these technologies and the recognition of their educational potential. The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) expand the social content of the discipline by allowing the discussion about the reality -by the student may be supplemented under the perspective of interactivity as a component of the new conversational model, off center and bidirectional. The technological mediation, in virtual dialogues, provides fertile ground for new (other) outlines to practice (mediation) guided by the principles of dialogicality when allowing, among other things, that the students propose new topics for classes, performing new interpretations and readings and have permanent access to the teacher. This methodological posture constates the presence of changes in the architecture power in the classroom in the traditional figure of the polarized master. The ICT allows by the cooperation and critical-reflexive dialogue, synergistic expansion of the network of knowledge favoring dialogicality, interaction and pedagogical and technological mediation increasing the quality of the relationship between the actors of the education action opening new avenues for the construction of knowledge in Sociology.
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"Transtornos do espectro obsessivo-compulsivo e febre reumática : um estudo de transmissão familiar" / Obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders and rheumatic fever: a family study.Hounie, Ana Gabriela 20 August 2003 (has links)
Resumo HOUNIE, A.G. Transtornos do espectro obsessivo-compulsivo e febre reumática: um estudo de transmissão familiar. São Paulo, 2003. 174p. Tese (Doutorado) Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo. A febre reumática (FR) é uma doença autoimune causada por anticorpos desenvolvidos contra o estreptococo beta hemolítico do grupo A (SBHGA). Estudos recentes amparam a noção de que a FR esteja associada ao transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo (TOC), independentemente da presença de outras manifestações no sistema nervoso central (ex.: coréia de Sydenham - CS). O TOC freqüentemente surge acompanhado por outros transtornos, como aqueles denominados de transtornos do espectro obsessivo (TEO), entre eles, a síndrome de Tourette (ST), o transtorno de tiques crônicos (TTC) e o transtorno dismórfico corporal (TDC). Alguns deles parecem apresentar uma relação geneticamente determinada. Um subgrupo de TOC é geneticamente relacionado à ST, podendo ser considerado uma expressão fenotípica alternativa de seu genótipo. Um recente estudo de famílias de portadores de TOC encontrou alta freqüência de TDC nos seus familiares de primeiro grau, além de transtornos de tiques. Neste estudo de famílias buscamos verificar a freqüência de TOC e TEO relacionados em familiares de portadores de FR, com ou sem CS e em um grupo controle, na tentativa de determinar se existe agregação familiar desses transtornos em famílias com FR. Foram avaliados 98 probandos e seus 381 familiares de primeiro grau (FPG). Dos 98 probandos, 31 eram portadores de FR sem CS, 28 tinham FR com CS e 39 eram controles sem FR recrutados em um ambulatório de ortopedia. Entrevistadores treinados avaliaram os sujeitos por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas (KSADS e SCID). Vinhetas clínicas foram elaboradas e avaliadas por psiquiatras independentes que faziam a melhor estimativa diagnóstica (best estimate diagnosis). Estes avaliadores eram cegos quanto a se os sujeitos eram probandos ou familiares e quanto ao grupo a que pertenciam. As comparações entre as freqüências dos transtornos entre os três grupos foram feitas por meio dos testes de Fisher, qui-quadrado, pelas Equações de Estimação Generalizadas (GEE) e pela análise de Kaplan-Meier. Resultados foram considerados estatisticamente significantes quando o nível descritivo (p, bicaudado) do teste foi menor ou igual a 0,05. Os TEO combinados foram mais freqüentes em FPG de portadores de FR como um todo (com e sem CS) do que em FPG de probandos controles (p=0,03). O TTC foi mais freqüente em FPG de probandos com CS do que FPG de controles (p=0,05). O TAG foi mais freqüente em FPG de portadores de FR do que em FPG de controles (p=0,008). Subdividindo os probandos baseados na presença de um TEO, os transtornos de tiques somados (p,GEE=0,01), o TDC (p,GEE=0,02), e o TAG (x2=0,004) individualmente e os TEO combinados (p,GEE=0,02) foram mais freqüentes em FPG de portadores de FR na presença de TEO comparados aos FPG de controles. Os TEO foram mais freqüentes (sem alcançar significância estatística, p=0,09) nos FPG de portadores de FR sem um TEO do que nos FPG de controles. A febre reumática nos probandos elevou o risco de seus familiares apresentarem um TEO. Esse risco foi ainda maior se o probando, além de apresentar FR, tinha ele próprio um TEO. É possível que um subgrupo da FR seja relacionado a TEO e que fatores de susceptibilidade para FR e para TEO tenham um efeito aditivo. Portanto, a FR pode ser considerada um fator de risco para TEO. / Summary Hounie, A.G. Obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders and rheumatic fever: a family study. São Paulo, 2003. 174p. Tese (Doutorado) Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo. Rheumatic fever (RF) is an autoimmune disease caused by antibodies against group A beta hemolytic streptococcus (GABHS). Some studies support the notion that RF be associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) independent of its manifestations on the central nervous system (eg., Sydenhams Chorea - SC). OCD is often accompanied by other disorders, which are known as obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders (OCSD), such as Tourette syndrome (TS), chronic tic disorder (CTD) and body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). Some of those putative OCSD seem to share a genetic relationship. An OCD subgroup is genetically related to TS, being considered an alternative phenotype. A recent OCD family study found higher rates of BDD and tic disorders among first-degree relatives (FDR) of OCD probands. This is a family study that assessed the frequency of OCD and OCSD in first-degree relatives of RF probands (with and without SC) in order to verify if there was aggregation of those disorders in RF families. We assessed 98 probands and their 381 first-degree relatives. Of the 98 probands, 31 had RF without SC, 28 had RF with SC and 39 were controls without RF recruited in an orthopedic clinic. Trained interviewers assessed subjects with semi-structured interviews (KSADS and SCID). Clinical vignettes were elaborated and evaluated by independent psychiatrists that assigned best estimate diagnosis. These raters were blind to subject status regarding group and if they were probands or relatives. Comparisons between frequencies of disorders were done with Fisher and chi-square tests, generalized estimated equations (GEE), and Kaplan-Meier survival analyses. Results were considered statistically significant if their level of significance was less or equal to 0.05 (p, two-tailed). OCSD combined were more frequent in FDR of RF probands (with or without SC) than in FDR of controls (p=0.03). CTD was more frequent in FDR of SC probands than FDR of controls (p=0.05). Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) was more frequent in FDR of RF probands than in FDR of controls (p=0.008). Subdividing probands based on the presence of an OCSD, tic disorders combined (GEE, p=0.01), BDD (GEE, p=0.02), GAD (x2=0.004), and OCSD combined (GEE, p=0.02) were more frequent in FDR of RF probands with an OCSD than in FDR of controls. OCSD were also more frequent (non-significantly, p=0.09) in FDR of RF probands without an OCSD than in FDR of controls. RF in the probands increased the risk of OCSD in their family members. This risk was even higher if the proband had RF plus an OCSD. It is possible that a subgroup of RF is associated to OCSD and susceptibility factors linked to RF and to OCSD may have an additive effect. Therefore RF may be a risk factor for OCSD.
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Appropriation de l'ordinateur et d'internet dans les points d'accès public : les cas comparés de Brest, de Saint-Denis de La Réunion et d'Antananarivo / Uses of computers and internet in public access points : a comparative study of Brest, Saint-Denis (La Réunion) and AntananarivoRakotomalala Harisoa, Ny aina 28 September 2012 (has links)
Les points d'accès public à internet ou au multimédia sont des dispositifs permettant aux usagers qui les fréquentent d'utiliser les équipements numériques et d'avoir un accès à internet. Selon les structures qui en sont à l'origine et selon le public cible, plusieurs dénominations existent pour désigner ces lieux : les espaces publics numériques (EPN), les Netpublics, les cyberbases, les cybercases, les espaces culturels multimédias (ECM), les Points-cyb, les cybercommunes, les points d'accès public internet (PAPI) et les cybercafés. En France, les points d'accès public ont un double objectif : permettre à toute personne qui n'a pas les moyens de s'équiper et de se connecter à internet d'avoir accès aux outils numériques et accompagner le public à l'apprentissage et à l'utilisation des TICs. A Madagascar, les points d'accès public proposent un libre accès au public sauf que contrairement aux précédents, leur stratégie est basée sur une logique marchande. L'objectif de cette thèse est de s'interroger sur les rôles des points d'accès public auprès du public qui les fréquente dans l'appropriation de l'ordinateur et d'internet. Du point de vue théorique, la notion d'appropriation des TICs est d'abord questionnée en ayant recours à trois approches : celle de la diffusion, celle de la traduction et celle de l'appropriation. Dans un second temps, une analyse comparée des usages de l'ordinateur et d'internet dans les points d'accès public brestois, réunionnais et tananariviens permet de souligner le rôle important que jouent les facteurs sociétaux, économiques et géographiques sur les trajectoires d'appropriation des TICs. Au-delà de la définition des pratiques effectuées dans ces espaces, ce travail de recherche tente d'identifier les usagers et d'évoquer les raisons pour lesquelles ces espaces sont fréquentés. Il s'appuie sur des observations, des enquêtes par questionnaires dans 18 points d'accès public brestois, réunionnais et tananariviens complétées par des entretiens auprès des usagers sur leurs pratiques de l'ordinateur et d'internet, leur apprentissage, les raisons qui les poussent à fréquenter les points d'accès public, leur dépendance aux TICs et leurs opinions sur ces technologies. / Internet access points are a place where users can access and use digital equipment and connect to internet. Various terms are used to indicate these places : « espaces publics numériques (EPN) », « Netpublics », «cyberbases », « cybercases », « espaces culturels multimédias (ECM) », « Points-cyb », « cybercommunes », « points d’accès public internet (PAPI) » and « cybercafés ». In France, internet access points help people without computer and internet access to use these technologies, to learn and to be assisted in their uses. In Madagascar, internet access points provide access to computer and internet networks but services are fee-based. The objective of this dissertation is to examine the roles of internet access points in ICTs appropriation process by public who visit these places. This research work analyses the theoretical concept of appropriation by using three approaches: the diffusion, the translation and the appropriation. This is followed by a comparative analysis of the uses of computer and internet in internet access points situated in Brest, Reunion Island and Antananarivo. The analysis shows the important role played by societal, economic and geographic contexts on ICTs appropriation. Beyond the uses of ICT in these places, this research attempts to identify users and discuss the reasons of their visits. The results are based on observations, questionnaire surveys and interviews with users in 18 internet access points in Brest, Reunion Island and Antananarivo.
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Politique, médias et développement : l'usage des technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) dans le cas du Gabon en Afrique centrale / Politics, media and development : The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the case of Gabon in Central AfricaDitengou, Rockaya 08 December 2016 (has links)
La Gabon, pays d’Afrique centrale, compte une population d’environ 1 500 000 habitants.L’économie gabonaise repose principalement sur ses ressources en matières premières.Ouvert à l’environnement international le Gabon est depuis le tournant des années 1990 inscrit dans une logique de développement visant une diversification de ses secteurs économiques. C’est dans ce contexte que le pays s’intéresse aux TIC et à leur insertion dans son processus de développement. Ces TIC posent pourtant un triple défi : celui du savoir-faire ; du savoir-être ; et celui du maintien de l’intérêt général. Néanmoins, comme dans d’autres Etats africains francophones (notamment le Maroc, le Sénégal), les dirigeants gabonais ont perçu l’enjeu stratégique que constituent les TIC pour l’avenir du pays. En effet, l’usage et l’appropriation des TIC peuvent, s’ils sont maîtrisés et accompagnés par une politique publique clairvoyante, être une formidable chance de cohésion et d’intégration sociale. Ou, au contraire, en cas d’échec, un moment occasionnant une fracture sociale supplémentaire. Car si l’environnement défini par les TIC est celui de l’évolution accélérée et de la performance structurante, les difficultés restent importantes quant à l’adaptation et l’appropriation de ces outils par le plus grand nombre. Cette recherche s’intéresse précisément aux conditions d’une réelle cohésion sociale qui serait induite par les TIC. Celle-ci nécessite un contexte politique capable de favoriser l’accès à l’information au sens le plus large du terme. Dans cette perspective, cette thèse interroge l’exercice du pouvoir au Gabon et en Afrique centrale, les projets initiés par les acteurs étatiques et non étatiques, ainsi que divers mécanismes d’appropriation pouvant faciliter ou ralentir une intégration efficace de ces nouvelles technologies. / Gabon, a country of central Africa, has a population of about 1 500 000 inhabitants. TheGabonese economy relies mainly on its natural resources. Since the begining of 1990, this countryhas chosen a development plan, aiming at the diversification of its economic sectors. It is in thisperspective that the country pays a particular attention to ICT (Information and CommunicationTechnology) and to its intergration in the process of development. However, ICT poses a triplechallenge: that of know-how; social skills; and that of the preservation of the general interest. Asin the other french-speaking countries, Gabonese leaders have understood the strategic importanceof ICT in the future of Gabon. The fact remains that the use and appropriation of ICT can bebeneficial, if they are mastered and guided by a farsighted public policy,which is a greatopportunity for social cohesion and intergration. On the other hand, when this fails, it can bringabout additional inequalities. As a matter of fact, if the environment defined by ICT is that ofaccelerating change and structural performance, the difficulties are significant when it comes tothe adaptation and the appropriation of these tools by many people. This research is interested inthe conditions of a real social cohesion which would be fostered by ICT. This requires a politicalcontext which favours access to Information Technology in the largest sense. We are thereforefocusing our attention on the political structures.
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O uso das TIC por professores da rede pública: as contribuições de uma formação continuadaSantos, Vanessa Lara 26 November 2018 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2018-11-26 / This work aimed to identify in the graduates of a specialization in technologies carried out by
the UAB what were the contributions of a continuing training course for the pedagogical
practice of the participants, presenting a reflection about the challenges faced by the graduates
of a continuous training in ICT to apply which had been addressed in said course and understood
if the principles proposed by the course were adopted. Therefore, a questionnaire was applied
with space for the research participants to discuss each subject. A bibliographical research of
the theme was also carried out to better contextualize the theme. Considering the objectives of
this study, a qualitative approach was used to consolidate the answers obtained in a more
descriptive way, reflecting on what happened in the training process, using the questionnaire
and the interview as a method of collecting data, systematizing the respondents' speeches on
the course contributions, challenges and principles provided by the course. With the research,
it was noticed that this training provided significant changes in the pedagogical achievement of
the interviewees, in their relationships within the school space, but there is still a lot to be done,
such as the monitoring of those coming from this type of training, so that to understand the
scope of continuing education / Este trabalho buscou identificar em egressos de uma especialização em tecnologias realizada
pela UAB quais foram as contribuições de um curso de formação continuada para a prática
pedagógica dos participantes, apresentando uma reflexão acerca de quais os desafios
enfrentados pelos egressos de uma formação continuada em TIC para aplicar o que fora
abordado no referido curso e compreendendo se os princípios propostos pelo curso foram
adotados. Para tanto, foi realizada a aplicação de um questionário com espaço para que os
participantes da pesquisa discorressem sobre cada assunto abordado. Também foi realizada uma
pesquisa bibliográfica do tema para uma melhor contextualização do tema. Considerando os
objetivos deste trabalho, foi feita a opção pela utilização de uma abordagem qualitativa com o
intuito de consolidar as respostas obtidas de um modo mais descritivo, refletindo sobre o que
ocorreu no processo formativo, utilizando o questionário e a entrevista como método de coleta
de dados, sistematizando as falas dos entrevistados nas contribuições, desafios e princípios do
curso proporcionados pelo curso. Com a pesquisa, percebeu-se que esta formação proporcionou
mudanças significativas no fazer pedagógico dos entrevistados, em suas relações dentro do
espaço escolar, porém ainda há muito a ser feito, como por exemplo o monitoramento dos
oriundos deste tipo de formação, para que se tenha elementos para perceber o alcance da
formação continuada
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USOS DAS TIC POR PROFESSORES DO CURSO DE LICENCIATURA EM MATEMÁTICA DA PUC GOIÁS / Uses of ICT by teachers of the course of Graduation in Mathematics at PUC Goiás.Dias, Divina Rosangela de Souza Costa 10 February 2012 (has links)
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DIVINA ROSANGELA DE SOUZA COSTA DIAS.pdf: 1350338 bytes, checksum: 194361f4412d3a23637ad6b4fd1ccb69 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012-02-10 / This research thematizes the uses of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) by
teachers trainers course in Mathematics at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás
(Goiás-PUC). The overall objective is to analyze the proposed uses of ICT by teachers of
undergraduate course in Mathematics at PUC Goiás. The sample consisted of subjects by
teachers Education, Communication and Media and New Technologies in Mathematics
Teaching . We adopted a qualitative approach, through the following instruments for data
collection: document analysis and classroom observation. To analyze the integration of ICT in
society and education in theoretical studies on the following: Castells (1999), Barreto (2002),
Peixoto (2009), Sancho (2006), Santos (2007), among others. The study of official proposals
and models of teacher training was based on the following authors: Freitas (2002), Gatti
(2008, 2010), Libâneo (1985, 1998), Mizukami (2002), Pimenta (2007), Saviani (1994, 2006,
2008, 2009, 2010). The analysis of the data was based on two fields: 1) The relationship
between ICT and education (FEENBERG, 2003; PEIXOTO, 2008); 2) The rationales
underlying conceptions of teacher (TARDIF, 2000, 2007; TARDIF, LESSARD e
GAUTHIER, 2001, THERRIEN, 2006). It was understand that the forms of ICT use by
teachers of the degree course in Mathematics at PUC Goiás follow the deterministic and
instrumental conceptions (FEENBERG, 2003; PEIXOTO, 2008, 2009; SANCHO, 2006). It
was observed that the inclusion of ICT in teaching practice is based on rationality cognitive
instruments (HABERMAS apud THERRIEN, 2006) and prioritizes the disciplinary
knowledge (TARDIF, 2007) and science to the modern world. / A presente pesquisa tematiza as formas de uso das Tecnologias da Informação e da
Comunicação (TIC) por professores formadores do curso de Licenciatura em Matemática da
Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás (PUC-Goiás). O objetivo geral proposto é analisar
os usos das TIC por professores do curso de licenciatura em Matemática da PUC Goiás. A
amostra foi constituída pelos professores das disciplinas Educação, Comunicação e Mídia e
Novas Tecnologias no Ensino de Matemática . Adotou-se a abordagem do tipo qualitativo,
por meio dos seguintes instrumentos de coleta de dados: análise documental e observação de
aulas. Para analisar a inserção das TIC na sociedade e na educação foram estudados os
seguintes teóricos: Castells (1999), Barreto (2002), Peixoto (2009), Sancho (2006), Santos
(2007), dentre outros. O estudo das propostas oficiais e dos modelos de formação de
professores foi fundamento nos seguintes autores: Freitas (2002), Gatti (2008, 2010), Libâneo
(1985, 1998), Mizukami (2002), Pimenta (2007), Saviani (1994, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010). A
análise dos dados empíricos foi baseada em dois campos: 1) As relações das TIC com a
educação (FEENBERG, 2003; PEIXOTO, 2008); 2) As racionalidades subjacentes às
concepções de formação de professores (TARDIF, 2000, 2007; TARDIF, LESSARD e
GAUTHIER, 2001, THERRIEN, 2006). Foi possível compreender que as formas de uso das
TIC por professores do curso de licenciatura em Matemática da PUC Goiás seguem as
concepções determinista e instrumental (FEENBERG, 2003; PEIXOTO, 2008, 2009;
SANCHO, 2006). Observou-se que a inserção das TIC na prática docente está baseada na
racionalidade cognitivo instrumental (HABERMAS apud THERRIEN, 2006) e prioriza os
saberes disciplinares (TARDIF, 2007) e científicos para o mundo moderno.
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Educação Tecnológica no Brasil Contemporâneo: problematizando a aprendizagem das competências curriculares no campo da tecnologia da informaçãoLima, Ricardo Cirino de 30 August 2012 (has links)
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Ricardo Cirino de Lima.pdf: 1032258 bytes, checksum: 5b406140a5e736baae67d48a1f1dce97 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012-08-30 / This dissertation research which is linked to the online Education Culture and Society of the
Post Graduate Education course of the Goias Catholic University, had the task of asking about
subject courses and the extent of the effectiveness of the construction of learning curricular
competencies defined in PPCs. Two technology courses were chosen: GTI Management of
Technology Information and TADS Technology and Analysis Development Systems. Both of these
courses are taught by IF Campus of Urutaí, Goias. This is an exploratory study that is descriptive
and qualative in nature. The theoretical framework was built on legal normative documents and
contributions by Levy ( 1999 ), Castells ( 2005 ), Bordieu ( 1978 ), Frigotto ( 2008), Ferretti ( 1999 ),
Deluiz ( 2001 ) and Dias ( 2010 ) among others. Sixty five students participated in a survey of this
study ( GTI with 32 students, TADS with 33 students ) also used in this study were 11 teachers and 1
coordinator giving classes to the two courses. A semi structured instrumentation of open and closed
questions were used from certain specific markers for each individual participant. Most students in the
GTI course were women ( 53 % ) and TADS were mostly men ( 64 % ) and ages for both current
entries were mostly between 17 to 24 years; of age and attended elementary and secondary
education in public schools; The GTI study and work and only TADS study, indicateed that their current
occupations were related to their technological courses and their two main reasons for choosing the
course were the same: Labor Market and Affinity with the area. The effectiveness of the range of skills
for both groups are as follows: GTI, 51 to 75 % and TADS, 67 %. Students pointed out that the main
factors for not reaching 100 % was that GTI gave few practical curricular lessons and TADS had a
short duration and a change of curriculum for its course. Teachers defining the two main competencies
of their disciplines involved in the project evaluated the curriculum as being in the range of 51 to 75 %.
As to explanatory factors that explained the reasons, they gravitate toward the lack of commitment and
student interest, lack of market experience and student immaturity. As the effective range of learning
skills defined curricularly, the coordinator of both courses evaluated the effectiveness at 100 % in the
range between 26 to 50 %. The employability of the two courses that analyzed the coordinator,
evaluated the category directly linked to technological training, the rate of 100 % was in the range of
25% for both; the category not linked, the rate of 100% was in the range of 51 to 75 % for both. These
findings should not be taken as absolute. And yes it is indicative to feed a continuous form of a
learning and teaching process for the proffessional IF Goiano. Urutaí campus has developed from the
perspective of human and technological ethics which are creative, competent, committed and
innovative. / Esta dissertação vinculada à linha de pesquisa Educação Cultura e Sociedade do Programa
de Pós- Graduação em Educação da PUC Goiás, tem como problema, interrogar quem são os
sujeitos discentes dos cursos tecnológicos, bem como suscitar a avaliação que eles, os docentes e
o coordenador de curso fazem acerca do alcance da efetividade da construção da aprendizagem das
competências curriculares definidas nos PPCs. Foram escolhidos dois cursos tecnológicos: GTI -
Gestão da Tecnologia da Informação e TADS- Tecnologia em Análise e Desenvolvimento de
Sistemas, ministrados pelos IF Goiano campus Urutaí Goiás. Trata-se de uma pesquisa
exploratória - descritiva, de natureza qualitativa. A fundamentação teórica foi construída com base em
documentos normativos legais e contribuições de Levy (1999), Castells (2005), Bourdieu (1978),
Frigotto (2008), Ferretti (1999), Deluiz (2001), Dias (2010), dentre outros. Participaram da pesquisa
sessenta e cinco discentes (GTI: 32, TADS: 33), onze professores que ministram aulas nos dois
cursos e um coordenador (GTI e TADS). Utilizou-se, com instrumento, um questionário semi -
estruturado com questões abertas e fechadas a partir de determinados marcadores específicos para
cada sujeito participante. A maioria dos discentes do curso de GTI são mulheres ( 53% ) enquanto do
TADS são homens ( 64% ); com idade tanto quando do ingresso como atual, na maioria entre até 17
a 24 anos; cursaram o ensino fundamental e médio em escolas públicas; os do GTI estudam e
trabalham e do TADS apenas estudam. Suas ocupações atuais tem relação com o cursos
tecnológicos e duas principais razões da escolha do curso são as mesmas: mercado de trabalho e
afinidade com a área. Quanto o alcance das competências propostas pelo PPP do Curso, os
discentes do GTI avaliam que as disciplinas contribuem com o percentual na faixa de 51 à 75%
enquanto os do TADS, 67%. Como os principais fatores que impossibilitam construí-las 100%, os
discentes do GTI apontam as poucas aulas práticas e a grade curricular e do TADS curta duração do
curso e mudança da grade curricular. Os docentes ao definirem as duas principais competências de
suas disciplinas integrantes do projeto curricular, as avaliam como atingidas na faixa de 51 à 75%.
Quanto aos fatores explicativos, as razões gravitam em torno da falta de comprometimento e
interesse discente, falta de experiência de mercado por parte do aluno e imaturidade discente.
Quanto o alcance efetivo da aprendizagem das competências curricularmente definidas, o
coordenador de ambos os cursos avalia que a efetividade estaria 100% na faixa compreendida entre
26 à 50%. Quanto a empregabilidade dos dois cursos analisados o coordenador avalia que na
categoria diretamente vinculada a formação tecnológica, o índice de 100% está na faixa de até 25%
para ambos; na categoria não vinculada, o índice de 100% esta na faixa de 51 à 75% para ambos.
Estas constatações não devem ser tomadas como absolutas e, sim, indicativas para alimentar, de
forma contínua, o processo didático pedagógico profissional que o IF Goiano campus Urutaí
vem desenvolvendo na perspectiva de uma formação humana e tecnológica ética, criativa,
competente, compromissada e inovadora.
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