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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Formas plurais e assimetrias de informação / Plural forms and information asymmetries

Paula Sarita Bigio Schnaider 01 December 2011 (has links)
No presente estudo, salienta-se a necessidade por um referencial teórico destinado à compreensão de um fenômeno empírico recorrente no mundo real: as formas plurais de governança. Mais especificamente, ressalta-se a incapacidade da ECT em explicá-las. Essa limitação, aliada à ausência de um consenso teórico relativo à opção pelas formas plurais, motivaram o desenvolvimento do presente estudo, cujo principal objetivo consiste da exposição de uma nova abordagem relativa ao estudo das formas plurais de governança. Particularmente, pretende-se determinar a influência dos custos de informação quando da configuração dessas formas organizacionais. A abordagem teórica utilizada no presente estudo baseia-se na hipótese de que as firmas selecionariam simultaneamente duas ou mais das três tipologias organizacionais definidas por Williamson (1985) como um instrumento de monitoramento e incentivo, destinado à redução de assimetrias de informação, tanto no âmbito hierárquico quanto naquele contratual. Assim, desenvolve-se um modelo conceitual de decisão, didaticamente segmentado em duas etapas. Na primeira etapa, propõe-se que as formas plurais sejam motivadas pela existência simultânea de vantagens de custos de produção no mercado e de elevados custos de mensuração (BARZEL, 1982). Já na segunda, propõe-se a ocorrência de um tradeoff entre os custos de mensuração e os de agência, o que determinaria o grau ótimo de integração verical no contexto das formas plurais. Como objeto empírico, apresenta-se o caso da empresa Korin, que é interessante, pois a sua cadeia produtiva é caracterizada pela presença das formas plurais, tanto na produção quanto na distribuição de diversos produtos. Além disso, cada um dos produtos analisados - tomate, ovos e milho verde - apresenta diferentes arranjos organizacionais na governança de sua produção, na medida em que seus processos de produção requerem particularidades distintas. A análise empírica deste caso corrobora a primeira etapa do modelo conceitual apresentado no presente estudo, embora não permita avaliar o tradeoff entre os custos de agência e de mensuração e nem a existência de um grau ótimo de integração vertical. Independentemente das limitações apresentadas pelo presente trabalho, ele certamente constitui mais um avanço das teorias da firma em direção ao campo das formas plurais. / In this paper, it is highlighted the need for a theoretical framework aimed at understanding an empirical phenomenon that is recurrently observed in the real world: the plural forms of governance. More specifically, it is emphasized TCE\'s inability to explain them. This limitation, along with the absence of a theoretical concensous relative to the choice of a plural form, motivated the development of this study, whose main objective is that of exposing a new approach to the study of the plural forms of governance. In particular, it is intenteded to determine the influence of information costs on the configuration of those organizational forms. The thoeretical approach that is used in the present paper is based on the hypothesis that firms would simultaneously select two or more of the organizational forms defined by Williamson (1985) as a monitoring device and to proportion incentives aimed at reducing information asymmetries, both within the hierarchy and in contractual relations. Thus, a conceptual decision model is developed and diditically segmented into two steps. In the first step, it is proposed that plural forms are motivated by the simultaneous existence of production cost advantages at the marketplace and high measurement costs (BARZEL, 1982). Whereas in the second, a tradeoff between measurement and agency costs is proposed, determining the optimal vertical integration degree in the context of plural forms. As empirical object, we present the case of Korin company, which is interesting because its production chain is characterized by the presence of plural forms both when producing and distributing various products. In addition, each of the analysed products- tomato, eggs and corn - presents different organizational arrangements in the governance of its production, to the extent that their production processes require different particularities. The empirical analysis of this case supports the first stage of the conceptual model presented in this study, although ramaining unable to assess the tradeoff between agency and measurement costs, as well as the existence of an optimal vertical integration degree. Regardless of the limitations presented by this work, it certainly constitutes an advance of theories of the firm into the field of plural forms.

O papel da reputação na coordenação vertical da cadeia produtiva de frutas, legumes e verduras frescos. / Reputation role in vertical coordination of fresh fruit and vegetable supply chain.

Eduardo Luiz Machado 22 August 2002 (has links)
O objetivo da presente tese consiste na determinação de novas estruturas de governança capazes de fornecer os incentivos e controles necessários para a sustentação de estratégias de diferenciação de produto na cadeia produtiva de frutas, legumes e verduras frescos (FLV), focalizando o papel do varejo moderno na definição e adoção de padrões e classificações privados que visam aumentar a coordenação vertical da cadeia. A tese mostrará que as novas estratégias adotadas pelo varejo moderno utilizam como mecanismo de coordenação das transações com produtores e consumidores a criação de padrões privados próprios, que têm como objetivo principal informar a qualidade desejada dos produtos comercializados aos produtores e, ao mesmo tempo, atender às exigências de qualidade do consumidor. Novas estruturas de governança surgem buscando sustentar tais transações. A conjunção de mecanismos de sinalização, credibilidade e o efeito reputação constituem o fator chave para a efetividade do padrão privado como mecanismo de coordenação ao longo da cadeia. / The thesis’ objective consists in the determination of new governance structures capable of providing the necessary incentives and controls to the maintenance of product’s differentiation strategies in the fresh fruits and vegetables (FFV) productive chain, focusing the role of the modern retailers in the definition and adoption of private standards and classifications that intend to increase the chain’s vertical coordination. The thesis will show that the new strategies adopted by the modern retailers use the creation of private standards as a coordination mechanism of the transactions with producers and consumers, under the main objective of providing information to the producers about the commercialized products’ desirable quality and, simultaneously, fill up the consumer’s quality demands. New governance structures arise in the search of sustain to these transactions. The conjunction of signalizing mechanisms, credibility and reputation effect is the key factor to the effectiveness of the private standards as a coordination mechanism along the chain.

Essays on quality evaluation and bidding behavior in public procurement auctions

Stake, Johan Y. January 2015 (has links)
In this dissertation, I investigate how different aspects of the procurement process and evaluation affect bidding behavior. In essay 1, we attempt to map public procurements in Sweden by gathering a representative sample of procurements. We find that framework agreements and multiple-contract procurements represent a very large share of total government spending. The total value procured by government authorities, municipalities and counties accounts to 215 BSEK yearly, which we believe is an underestimate due to data issues. Essay 2 suggests a simple method for of estimating bidding costs in public procurement, and are empirically estimated to be approximately 2 percent of the procurement value using a comprehensive dataset and approximately 0.5 percent for a more homogeneous road re-pavement dataset. Our method provides reasonable estimates with, compared to other methods, relatively low data requirements. Essay 3 investigates the effect of quality evaluation on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Contrary to common belief, SMEs’ participation does not increase when evaluating quality, and their probability to win procurements decreases compared with that of large firms. In essay 4, the bidders’ decision to apply for a procurement review “appeal” is investigated. Contrary to procurers’ beliefs, evaluating quality is found not to have any statistically significant effect on the probability of appeals. Instead, I empirically confirm theoretical prediction of the 1st runner-up’s decision to claim the evaluation to be redone, as well as free-riding in appealing. In essay 5, we test whether spatial econometrics can be used to test for collusion in procurement data. We apply this method on a known cartel and test during and after the period the cartel was active. Our estimates support the proposition that spatial econometrics can be used to test for collusive behavior.

Exit in buyer-supplier relationships

Habib, Farooq January 2016 (has links)
Exit is an inevitable part of any business relationship. However, despite its importance, exit in buyer–supplier relationships is still a poorly understood phenomenon. Building on previous studies, this thesis addressed these concerns by empirically: a) identifying the economic and social antecedents that influence the exit decision; and b) validating how the antecedents of exit are related with the choice of exit strategies. To achieve these objectives, first, a systematic literature review was conducted to identify 82 studies that documented existing research on exit in buyer–supplier relationships. Second, informed by Transaction Cost Economics and Social Exchange Theory, a set of 88 testable hypotheses was developed and a survey captured data from 505 recently terminated relationships involving UK based firms. Finally, for data analysis, statistical techniques were employed including: a) analysis of variance; b) independent sample t–tests; c) multiple logistic regression; and d) multi–nomial logistic regression. The empirical findings of this thesis validated that: a) there are 8 economic and 14 social antecedents that influence the exit decision; b) lending support to extant research on exit, 57 hypotheses were accepted; c) 12 multiple logit models confirmed the relationship between a set of antecedents and exit strategies; and d) 6 multinomial logit models validated the relationship between a set of antecedents and a choice of one exit strategy over another. The results suggest that the influence of antecedents on the choice of exit strategies was subject to how the antecedents were analysed. The contributions of this research to Supply Chain Management literature are that we know now: a) which economic and social antecedents influence the exit decision; b) how individual antecedents affect exit strategies; c) how antecedents combine to affect exit strategies; and d) how antecedents combine to affect the choice of one exit strategy over another. This work provides an exit management tool box comprising a combination of data collection instrument, empirically derived framework and models that enables the managers to timely review the strength and weaknesses of their business relationships and their management processes.

Standardisering av avtal inom offentliga godstransportupphandlingar vid kommunalt samordnad varudistribution

Axelsson, Chatarina, Persson, Åsa January 2019 (has links)
Vår studie har sin utgångspunkt i avtalen som upprättas mellan kommuner och leverantörer i de projekt som kallas kommunal samordnad varudistribution. Trots att antalet kommuner som idag berörs av detta upplägg ständigt ökar, finns det ingen obligatorisk miljöprofil och ännu inga standardiserade avtalsunderlag. Detta har gjort oss frågande till om det inte finns möjlighet till detta och vilka fördelar och nackdelar det skulle innebära. Genom att granska delar av kommunernas befintliga avtal utifrån avtalstid, utvärderingsgrunder och prisindex ‒ en avgränsning som var nödvändig på grund av avtalens omfattning till antal och storlek ‒ och ställa dessa mot en analysmodell bestående av teorier inom principal-agent-teorin, transaktionskostnadsanalys och hållbarhetsperspektivet kom vi fram till att det absolut finns potential till en standardisering, men att mer forskning inom ämnet krävs. / Our study is based on the agreements established between municipalities and suppliers in the projects known as Municipal coordinated distribution. Although the number of municipalities currently affected by this arrangement is constantly increasing, there is no mandatory environmental profile and not yet a standardized contractual basis. This has made us question if that would be possible and what advantages and disadvantages such arrangement would entail. By examining parts of the municipalities' existing agreements by contract period, evaluation grounds and price index – a delimitation necessary due to the scope of the agreements in number and size – and setting these against an analysis model consisting of theories within the principal-agent-theory, transaction-cost-analysis and the sustainability perspective, we concluded that there is absolutely potential for a standardization, but that more research within the subject is required.

Shared Service Center Strategies in Public Sector

Pritchett, Andrieta G 01 January 2018 (has links)
With the increased demand for doing more with less, public sector managers embrace outsourcing back-office functions through a shared service model; however, maintaining service quality for public sector shared service centers (SSC) in financial management during peak cycles is a challenge. Framed with the transaction cost economy theory, the purpose of this single case study was to explore strategies used by SSC managers in a public sector company to maintain service quality. Seven participants with more than 4 years of SSC experience in public-sector companies participated in phone interviews including SSC department heads, managers, and a supervisor of a public-sector company in Mississippi who implemented strategies to successfully maintain service quality in the SSC relationship. Through method triangulation, a review of service level agreements and key performance indicators supplemented open-ended semistructured interviews. The research findings included emergent themes of training and documentation, employee engagement, control and communication, efficiency and automation, and standardization and metrics. The SSC strategies in training and documentation, control and communication, and employee engagement were fundamental for maintaining service quality in SSC relationship. Study findings may help public sector SSC managers understand how to incorporate and implement successful strategies in financial management divisions to maintain service quality. Positive social change includes identifying methods to increased efficiency and service quality in a financial management division. Society could benefit from improvements in employee work-life balance, reduced turnover, and increases in the economic well-being of community residents.

Analyse économique des éco-parcs industriels : une approche par les transactions pour la valorisation des synergies et la gestion des risques / Economic analysis of eco-industrial parks : a transactional approach for synergies valuation and risk management

Molinier, Robin 28 November 2018 (has links)
Les travaux présentés dans ce mémoire étudient les problématiques transactionnelles posées par le développement des éco-parcs industriels (EPI). Nos travaux visent donc à fournir une analyse économique des synergies éco industrielles (substitution de ressource, mutualisation d'infrastructures) afin de compléter les approches techniques principalement développées en sciences de l'ingénieur. Notre unité d'analyse sera donc les transactions. Nous proposons une typologie des pratiques de synergies éco-industrielles ainsi qu'une représentation de leur processus de mise en oeuvre. Nous analysons le cas de l'EPI Green Valley (France). Nous caractérisons et mettons en perspective son développement et les principaux facteurs ayant affecté son processus de déploiement. Ensuite, en faisant appel à des arguments issus de l'économie des coûts de transaction, nous proposons l'usage de contrats de long terme complexes pour organiser les transactions associées aux SI. En conséquence, un cadre de conception des contrats incluant des clauses spécifiques (tarification, pénalités, garanties) est proposé de manière à tarifer les flux et à partager le risque. Dans une dernière partie, nous étudions les décisions d'investissement en capacités mutualisées. / This thesis report aims at addressing transactional issues raised by the undertaking of eco-industrial parks (EIP) development. The economics of eco-industrial synergies (resource "flow" substitution and infrastructure/service "capacity" sharing) is investigated so as to complement existing engineering-oriented approaches. A focus is made on industrial stakeholders' interplay in industrial symbiosis (IS) and their strategic decisionmaking in terms of investment and contracting practices. First, a survey of practices actually observed in EIPs in function is conducted through a literature review. A taxonomy of eco-industrial synergies is thus proposed and an IS implementation process representation is derived. Then we conduct a case study on the GreenValley eco-industrial park (France) Then, from economic arguments (transaction costs) we advocate the use of long term contracting in organizing IS related transactions. Following this, a contract design framework including specific provisions (tarification, penalties, warranties) is proposed in order to perform pricing of flows exchanges and risk sharing. In a last part, investment decisions in shared capacities is studied using economic modelling both in cooperative and non-cooperative game setting. Key economic parameters (size, back-up costs, scaling factor) and behavioral decisions (investment, commitment) are described and uncertainty is treated in two different approaches.

Effects of Managerial Risk Propensity and Risk Perception on Contract Selection: Revisiting the Risk Neutrality Assumption of Transaction Cost Economics (TCE)

Cevikparmak, Sedat 08 1900 (has links)
Contract selection is at the forefront of risk management and mitigation, yet it is an underrepresented area of research in supply chain management field as well as the influences of individual-level risk propensity and risk perception on supply chain decision-making processes. This dissertation explores effects of managerial risk propensity and risk perception on contract selection through the theoretical lens of Transaction Cost Economics (TCE), using a vignette-based experimental research design. This body of work introduces both a first-ever systemmigram of TCE in relation to contract selection, and a novel measurement scale for TCE contract typology. Furthermore, this dissertation tests the TCE predictions towards contract selection and explores the moderating role of financial risk propensity and risk perception (cost vs. supplier performance) on contract selection. The main theoretical contribution of this research is the opening of an old debate on the risk neutrality assumption of TCE, by providing empirical evidence that individual-level risk propensity and perception effect contract selection. The practical implications are significant and points out to the need for a better fit between individual-level and firm-level risk propensity.

Governance methods used in externalizing information technology

Chan, Steven 11 May 2012 (has links)
No description available.

The role of uncertainty in transaction cost and resource-based theories of the firm

Shin, Hyung-Deok Shin 16 October 2003 (has links)
No description available.

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