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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vliv elektronového svazku na grafenové polem řízené tranzistory / Influence of electron beam on graphene field effect transistors

Mareček, David January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with electrical conductivity of a graphene sample, preparation of a graphene field-effect transistor and his irradiation by electron beam. In the theoretical part of the thesis, we describe electronic properties of graphene, preparation of graphene by CVD and its transfer to Si substrate with SiO_2 layer. Experimental part of this thesis is focused on the preparation of a graphene field-effect transistor for use in UHV conditions. Futher describes electron beam scanning over the transistor and creation of current maps of tranzistor. In the last part, the thesis deals with influence of electron beam on transport properties of graphene layer and doping of graphene layer by electron beam.

Příprava grafenu a výzkum jeho fyzikálních vlastností / Fabrication of Graphene and Study of its Physical Properties

Procházka, Pavel January 2018 (has links)
This doctoral thesis is focused on the preparation of graphene layers by Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) and their utilization for fabrication and characterization of field effect transistors. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with different methods of graphene production and measurement of its transport properties. In the first part of the experimental section the growth of polycrystalline graphene and individual graphene crystals with sizes up to 300 m is investigated. Further, graphene layer was also grown on an atomically flat copper foils, which were fabricated in order to achieve the growth of graphene of higher quality. Subsequently, the transport properties of field effect transistors produced from the grown layers were measured. The last two chapters deal with a doping of graphene layer by gallium atoms and X-ray radiation. Whereas the deposition of gallium atoms on the graphene surface causes chemical doping of graphene layer by charge transfer, X-ray irradiation of graphene field effect transistors induces the ionization of positively charged defects in dielectrics, which electrostatically dope a graphene layer.

Electrical transport in nanostructures of the Weyl semimetal WTe₂

Labracherie, Valentin 29 September 2021 (has links)
Recently, different studies on Weyl semimetals have shown some great potential for applications in spintronics. Indeed, spin-chiral Weyl nodes are perfect sources or sinks of the Berry curvature, which give new transport properties due to their topological nature, such as the chiral anomaly, and a large anomalous Hall response. Moreover, type-II Weyl semimetals, such as WTe2, have a specific band structure with tilted Weyl cones and overlapping electron/hole bands that can result in a perfect charge compensation and an extremely large magnetoresistance (XMR) . Yet, in WTe2 , Weyl nodes are usually located about 50 meV above the Fermi energy, a situation that questions the observation of both a large positive XMR and a negative magnetoresistance attributed to the chiral anomaly in some studies. In this work, we investigate the magneto-transport properties of WTe2 nanos- tructures obtained by different methods (mechanical exfoliation, chemical vapor transport), considering both the real electronic band structure and scattering by dis- order. Although the XMR amplitude also depends on charge mobilities, it is shown that the subquadratic response is not strongly influenced by the degree of disorder. Taking carrier densities infered from quantum oscillations into account, a three-band model explains this behavior by a large difference in hole mobilities, as confirmed by numerical simulations. At low temperatures and for small magnetic fields, an isotropic negative magneto-resistance is observed and attributed to a topological property of the band structure far away from the Weyl nodes. This new mechanism, different from the chiral anomaly, allows us to reproduce the experimental results by numerical calculations based on the real band structure of WTe2. / In den vergangenen Jahren haben verschiedene Untersuchungen von Weyl Halb- metallen gezeigt, dass sich diese sehr gut als Spintronische Geräte eignen. In der Tat sind die Spin-chiralen Weyl Quasiteilchen perfekte Quellen und Abflüsse der Berrykrümmung, was auf Grund ihrer topologischen Natur neue Transporteigen- schaften hervorruft, wie beispielsweise die chirale Anomalie und einen großen, anomalen Hall Effekt. Außerdem haben Typ II Weyl Halbmetalle wie WTe2 eine spezifische Bandstruktur mit gekippten Weylkegeln und überlappenden Elektronen-/Lochbändern, die dazu führen können, dass die Ladungsträgerkompensation ideal wird und ein sehr starker Magnetowiderstand (XMR) entsteht. Dennoch befinden sich die Weylknoten in WTe2 ca. 50 meV über dem Ferminiveau, eine Beobachtung die sowohl den starken positiven Magnetowiderstand, als auch den negativen Mag- netowiderstand, der meist mit der chiralen Anomalie in Verbindung gebracht wird, in Frage stellt. In dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir die Magnetotransporteigenschaften von WTe2 Nanostrukturen, die durch verschiedene Wachstumsarten hergestellt werden (mech- anische Exfoliation, chemische Gasphasenabscheidung), um sowohl die reale Band- struktur, als auch Streuung an Störstellen in Betracht ziehen zu können. Es wird gezeigt, dass der extrem große Magnetowiderstand nicht direkt vom Grad der Un- ordnung abhängt und dass das typisch subquadratische Verhalten im Rahmen eines Multibandmodells, was über das Zweibandmodell hinaus geht, verstanden wer- den kann und sich auch mit numerischen Simulationen bestätigt lässt. Bei tiefen Temperaturen und für kleine Magnetfelder kann ein isotropisch negativer Magne- towiderstand beobachtet werden, der der topologischen Eigenschaft der Bandstruk- tur weit weg von den Weylknoten geschuldet ist. Dieser neue Mechanismus, der sich von der chiralen Anomalie unterscheidet, erlaubt es uns die experimentellen Ergebnisse mit numerischen Berechnungen, die auf der realen Bandstruktur basieren, zu reproduzieren. / Récemment, différentes études sur les semimétaux de Weyl ont montré leur large potentiel pour des applications en spintronique. En effet, les noeuds de Weyl avec leur chiralité de spin sont des sources ou puits parfaits de la courbure de Berry, ce qui peut conduire à de nouvelles propriétés de transport, dues à la nature topologique de la structure de bande, comme l’anomalie chirale et une large réponse liée à l’effet Hall anormal dit intrinsèque. De plus, les semimétaux de Weyl de type II, comme WTe2, ont une structure de bande particulière avec des cônes de Weyl inclinés et un chevauchement des bandes de trous et d’électrons qui résulte en une forte compensation de charge et une magnétorésistance extrêmement large (XMR) associée. Cependant, dans WTe2, les noeuds de Weyl se trouvent environ 50 meV au-dessus de l’énergie de Fermi, ce qui remet en cause la possibilité d’observer à la fois une XMR positive à fort champ et une magnétorésistance négative à champ faible due à l’anomalie chirale. Dans ce travail, nous étudions les propriétés de magnéto-transport de nanostructures WTe2 obtenues par différentes méthodes (exfoliation mécanique, transport en phase vapeur), avec des degrés de désordre microscopique différents, en considérant à la fois la structure de bande réelle du matériau et les processus de diffusion liés au désordre. Il est montré que la XMR présente un comportement subquadratique, qui peut être compris dans le cadre d’un modèle multi-bandes, au-delà de deux bandes, comme confirmé par des simulations numériques. A très basse température et faible champ magnétique, une magnétorésistance négative et isotrope est observée et attribuée à une propriété topologique de la structure de bandes loin des noeuds de Weyl. Ce nouveau mécanisme, différent de celui de l’anomalie chirale, nous permet de reproduire nos résultats expérimentaux par des simulations numériques basées sur la structure de bande réelle de WTe2.

Aplikace grafénové membrány v nanoelektronických zařízeních / Application of Graphene Membrane in Nanoelectronic Devices

Kormoš, Lukáš January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the applications and fabrication of graphene membrane from graphene prepared by the chemical vapor deposition. Theoretical part deals with transport properties of the graphene and multiple scattering processes limiting the charge carrier mobility in this material. Included is short review of graphene membrane applications. Experimental part provides fabrication process for achieving suspended graphene device by utilizing electron beam lithography, focused ion beam, chemical etching and patterning of graphene. Graphene membrane is characterized by transport properties measurement and compared to non-suspended graphene.

Synthesis and Characterization of Mn-rich Heusler alloys for magnetocaloric applications

Fichtner, Tina 11 July 2016 (has links)
New magnetocaloric Heusler alloys with larger magnetocaloric effects need to function in relatively low applied magnetic fields ≤ 1 T. Therefore, the emphasis of this Ph.D. thesis was to understand how the first order magnetostructural transformation in Mn-rich Ni-based rare-earth free magnetocaloric Heusler alloys works and to use this understanding for the design of new Mn-rich Ni-based rare-earth free magnetocaloric Heusler alloys. In this context, the rare-earth free, non-toxic, and environmentally friendly Heusler series: Ni2−xMn1+xSn, Mn50Ni50−ySny, and Ni-(Co-)Mn-In were systematically studied. In detail, it pointed out that in the Heusler series Ni2−xMn1+xSn, the structure and the disorder character can be predicted by using simple rules. On the other hand, an isoplethal section of the Heusler series Mn50Ni50−ySny was derived, which is very useful for the design of new magnetocaloric materials. In addition to it, in the Heusler alloy Ni49.9Mn34.5In15.6 a large saturated magnetic moment and a reversible magnetocaloric effect at its purely second order magnetic phase transition was present, which is in reasonable agreement with ab initio calculations. Finally, the effect of post-annealing on the Heusler alloy Ni45.2Co5.1Mn36.7In13 revealed that the magnetocaloric effect could be tuned and improved significantly. Consequently, this work shows that the Heusler alloys are promising candidates for magnetocaloric applications.

Compréhension des phénomènes interfaciaux dans les composites à base de charges carbonate de calcium précipité : influence du traitement de surface et du procédé de mise en œuvre / Interfacial behaviour comprehension in polymer / calcium carbonate composite : effect of surface treatment and processing of composites

Morel, Floriane 10 December 2010 (has links)
Ce travail a eu pour objectif la création de matériaux composites à base de nanocharges de carbonate de calcium. L'étude des phénomènes interfaciaux qui régissent ces systèmes, ainsi que leurs impacts sur les propriétés fonctionnelles du matériau et plus particulièrement des propriétés de transport, ont été réalisées. Pour ce faire, nous avons considéré deux matrices polymères de nature chimique différente : le polylactide et le polyfluore de vinylidène. Les nanocomposites ont été élaborés par deux voies de mise en œuvre : la voie fondu et la voix solvant. Une analyse fine des relations structure/morphologie/propriétés des composites a été réalisée. Nous avons mis en évidence, quelle que soit la matrice polymère choisie, l'importance du traitement de surface des charges afin d'améliorer leurs états de dispersion dans le matériau et d'augmenter la qualité de l'interface charge/polymère. Ces paramètres ont été corrélés aux propriétés de transport de ces matériaux composites. / The aim of this PhD work is to elaborate composites based on calcium carbonate nanoparticles. Polylactide and polyvinylidene fluoride were used as polymer matrix and nanocomposite were elaborated either by melting process and either by casting method. The interfacial behaviour between polymer and calcium carbonate were studied and we especially focused on their impact on the composite gas barrier properties. The importance of filler surface treatment had been highlighted on the filler dispersion state improvment and filler/polymer interface reinforcement. Both parameters were important in the improvement of composite gas barrier properties.

Phase Transitions and Associated Magnetic and Transport Properties in Selected NI-MN-GA based Heusler Alloys

Agbo, Sunday A. 27 July 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Influence of the electric polarization on carrier transport and recombination dynamics in ZnO-based heterostructures

Brandt, Matthias 06 July 2010 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Einfluss der elektrischen Polarisation auf Eigenschaften freier Träger in ZnO basierten Halbleiterheterostrukturen. Dabei werden insbesondere Transporteigenschaften freier Träger sowie deren Rekombinationsdynamik untersucht. Die Arbeit behandelt vier inhaltliche Schwerpunkte. Der erste Schwerpunkt liegt auf den physikalischen Eigenschaften der verwendeten Materialen, hier wird der Zusammenhang der Bandlücke und der Gitterkonstanten von MgZnO Dünnfilmen und deren Magnesiumgehalt beschrieben. Weiterhin wird die Morphologie solcher Filme diskutiert. Auf unterschiedliche Substrate und Abscheidebedingungen wird dabei detailliert eingegangen. Der zweite Schwerpunkt behandelt die Eigenschaften undotierter und phosphordotierter ZnO und MgZnO Dünnfilme. Die strukturellen, Transport- und Lumineszenzeigenschaften werden hier verglichen und Rückschlüsse auf die Züchtungsbedingungen gezogen. Im dritten Schwerpunkt werden Quanteneffekte an ZnO/MgZnO Grenzflaechen behandelt. Hierbei wird insbesondere auf den Einfluss der elektrischen Polarisation eingegangen. Die Präsenz eines zweidimensionalen Elektronengases wird nachgewiesen, und die notwendigen Bedingungen zur Entstehung des sogenannten qunatum confined Stark-effects werden dargelegt. Insbesondere wird hier auf züchtungsrelevante Parameter eingegangen. Den vierten Schwerpunkt stellen Kopplungsphänomene in ZnO/BaTiO3 Heterostrukturen dar. Dabei werden zuerst die experimentell beobachten Eigenschaften verschiedener Heterostrukturen die auf unterschiedlichen Substraten gezüchtet wurden aufgezeigt. Hier stehen strukturelle und Transporteigenschaften im Vordergrund. Ein Modell zur Beschreibung der Ausbildung von Raumladungszonen in derartigen Heterostrukturen wird eingeführt und zur Beschreibung der experimentellen Ergebnisse angewandt. Die Nutzbarkeit der ferroelektrischen Eigenschaften des Materials BaTiO3 in Kombination mit halbleitendem ZnO wurden untersucht. Hierzu wurden ferroelektrische Feldeffekttransistoren unter Verwendung beider Materialien hergestellt. Die prinzipielle Eignung der Bauelemente als nichtflüchtige Speicherelemente wurde nachgewiesen.

Alternative Uses of CZTS Thin Films for Energy Harvesting

Mustaffa, Muhammad Ubaidah Syafiq 07 September 2021 (has links)
The search for renewable energy resources and ways to harvest them has become a global mainstream topic among researchers nowadays, with solar cells and thermoelectric generators among the energy harvesting technologies currently being researched in vast. CZTS (Cu2ZnSnS4), a p-type semiconducting material initially researched to replace copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) as the light absorbing layer in thin film solar cells, was studied in this doctoral work for alternative uses in energy harvesting. This work aims to systemically investigate the prospects of CZTS to be used as hole transport layers and thermoelectric generators. CZTS thin film was successfully fabricated using a versatile approach involving hot-injection synthesis of CZTS nanoparticles ink followed by spin coating and thermal treatment. Results obtained revealed the possibility to fine control CZTS thin film fabrication based on ink concentration and spin. Besides that, thermal treatment temperature was found to affect the film’s overall properties, where an increase in thermal treatment temperature improved the degree of crystallinity and electrical properties. In addition, a phase change going from less stable cubic and wurtzite structures to a more stable tetragonal structure was also observed. Furthermore, CZTS was found to be a good candidate to replace the commonly used organic hole transport layer in perovskite solar cells, with potentials in improving performance and stability. In addition, CZTS also possessed good transport properties to be a potential p-type material in a thermoelectric generator, with the preliminary performance of fabricated CZTS/AZO thermoelectric generator showing a maximum power output of ~350 nW at ~170 KΔT. These findings provide new perspectives for CZTS in energy harvesting applications, despite the struggle in its development as the absorber layer in thin film solar cells. Besides providing a deeper understanding of CZTS and its vast possibilities in energy harvesting applications, promising future research stemming from this work is also limitless, reinventing ways in material studies, in search of alternative applications which may be of benefit.

New solid state oxygen and hydrogen conducting materials. Towards their applications as high temperature electrochemical devices and gas separation membranes

Balaguer Ramírez, María 02 September 2013 (has links)
Los materiales conductores mixtos de electrones e iones (oxígeno o protones) son capaces de separar oxígeno o hidrógeno de los gases de combustión o de corrientes de reformado a alta temperatura. La selectividad de este proceso es del 100%. Estos materiales, óxidos sólidos densos, pueden usarse en la producción de electricidad a partir de combustibles fósiles, así como formar parte de los procesos que forman parte del sistema de captura y almacenamiento de CO2. Las membranas de transporte de oxígeno (MTO) se pueden utilizar en las plantas energéticas con procesos de oxicombustión, así como en reactores catalíticos de membrana (RCM), mientras que las membranas de transporte de hidrógeno (MTH) se aplican en procesos de precombustión. Además, estos materiales encuentran aplicación en componentes de sistemas energéticos, como electrodos o electrolitos de pilas de combustible de óxido sólido, de ambas clases iónicas y protónicas (SOFC y PC-SOFC). Los procesos mencionados implican condiciones de operación muy severas, como altas temperaturas y grandes gradientes de presión parcial de oxígeno (pO2), probablemente combinadas con la presencia de CO2 and SO2. Los materiales más que mayor rendimiento de separación presentan y más ampliamente investigados en este campo son inestables en estas condiciones. Por tanto, existe la necesidad de encontrar nuevos materiales inorgánicos estables que proporcionen alta conductividad electrónica e iónica. La presente tesis propone una búsqueda sistemática de nuevos conductores iónicos-electrónicos mixtos (MIEC, del inglés) con diferente estructura cristalina y/o diferente composición, variando la naturaleza de los elementos y la estequiometría del cristal. La investigación ha dado lugar a materiales capaces de transportar iones oxígeno, protones o cargas electrónicas y que son estables en las condiciones de operación. La caracterización de una amplia serie de cerias (CeO2) dopadas con lantánidos proporciona una comprensión general de las propiedades estructurales y de transporte, así como la relación entre ellas. Además, se estudia el efecto de la adición de cobalto a dicho sistema. Se ha completado el análisis con la optimización de las propiedades de trasporte a partir de la microestructura. Todo esto permite hacer una clasificación inicial de los materiales basada en el comportamiento de transporte principal y permite adecuar la estructura y las condiciones de operación para obtener las propiedades deseadas para cada aplicación. Algunos de los materiales extraídos de este estudio alcanzaron las expectativas. Las familias de materiales basadas en Ce1-x Tbx O2-¿ y Ce1-x Tbx O2-¿ +2 mol% Co proporcionan flujos de oxígeno bajos pero competitivos, ya que son estables en atmósferas con CO2. Además, la inclusión de estos materiales en membranas de dos fases aumenta el flujo de oxígeno. La combinación con una espinela libre de cobalto y de metales alcalinotérreos como es el Fe2 NiO4, ha dado lugar a un material prometedor en cuanto a flujo de oxígeno y estabilidad en CO2 y en SO2, que podría ser integrado en el proceso de oxicombustión. Por otra parte, se ha añadido metales como codopantes en el sistema Ce0.9-x Mx Gd0.1O1.95. Estos materiales, en combinación con la perovskita La1- x Srx MnO3 usada comúnmente como cátodo de SOFC, han sido capaces de disminuir la resistencia de polarización del cátodo. La mejora es consecuencia de la introducción de conductividad iónica por parte de la ceria. Las perovskitas dopadas basadas en CaTiO3 forman el segundo grupo de materiales investigados. La dificultad de obtener perovskitas estables y que presenten conducción mixta iónica y electrónica se ha hecho evidente. De entre los dopantes utilizados, el hierro y la combinación hierro-magnesio han sido los mejores candidatos. Ambos materiales presentan conductividad principalmente iónica a alta temperatura, mientras que a baja predomina la conductividad electrónica tipo p. CaTi0.73Fe0.18Mg0.09O3-¿ se ha mostrado como un material competente en la fabricación de membranas de oxígeno, que proporciona flujos adecuados a la par que estabilidad en CO2. Finalmente, la perovskita La0.87Sr0.13CrO3 (LSC) ha sido dopada con el objetivo de aumentar la conductividad mixta protónica electrónica. Este estudio ha llevado al desarrollo de una nueva generación de ánodos para PC-SOFC basadas en electrolitos de LWO. Las perovskitas dopadas con Ce en el sitio del La (LSCCe) y con Ni en el sitio del Cr (LSCN) son estables en condiciones de operación reductoras, así como en contacto con el electrolito. El uso de ambos materiales como ánodo disminuye la resistencia de polarización con respecto al LSC. El LSCCe está limitado por los procesos que ocurren a baja frecuencia (BF), relacionados con los procesos superficiales, y que son atenuados en el caso del LSCN debido a la formación de nanopartículas de Ni metálico en la superficie. La infiltración posterior con nanopartículas de Ni permite disminuir la resistencia a BF lo que sugiere que la reacción superficial de oxidación del H2 está siendo catalizada. La infiltración más concentrada en Ni (5Ni) elimina completamente la resistencia a BF en ambos ánodos, de forma que los procesos que ocurren a altas frecuencias son ahora limitantes. El ánodo constituido por LSCNi20+5Ni dio una resistencia de polarización de 0.26 ¿·cm 2 at 750 ºC en H2 húmedo. / Mixed ionic (oxygen ions or protons) and electronic conducting materials (MIEC) separate oxygen or hydrogen from flue gas or reforming streams at high temperature in a process 100% selective to the ion. These solid oxide materials may be used in the production of electricity from fossil fuels (coal or natural gas), taking part of the CO2 separation and storage system. Dense oxygen transport membranes (OTM) can be used in oxyfuel combustion plants or in catalytic membrane reactors (CMR), while hydrogen transport membranes (HTM) would be applied in precombustion plants. Furthermore, these materials may also be used in components for energy systems, as advanced electrodes or electrolytes for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) and proton conducting solid oxide fuel cells (PCSOFC) working at high and moderate temperature. The harsh working conditions stablished by the targeted processes include high temperatures and low O2 partial pressures (pO2), probably combined with CO2 and SO2 containing gases. The instability disadvantages presented by the most widely studied materials for these purposes make them impractical for application to gas separation. Thus, the need to discover new stable inorganic materials providing high electronic and ionic conductivity is still present. This thesis presents a systematic search for new mixed ionic-electronic conductors. It includes different crystalline structures and/or composition of the crystal lattice, varying the nature of the elements and the stoichiometry of the crystal. The research has yielded new materials capable to transport oxygen ions or protons and electronic carriers that are stable in the working condition to which they are submitted. / Balaguer Ramírez, M. (2013). New solid state oxygen and hydrogen conducting materials. Towards their applications as high temperature electrochemical devices and gas separation membranes [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/31654 / Premios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorales

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