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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kindgesentreerde spelterapie en sandkasspelterapie met 'n kind met die Aspergersindroom / D Faul

Faul, Dinelle January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to research the therapeutic outcomes achieved by a five year-old boy with Asperger Syndrome (AS), by means of non-directive processes of child centred play therapy (CCP) and sand tray play therapy (STP). In this investigative-descriptive qualitative research design, a saturated, holistic, intrinsic single case study was used as research method. The therapeutic process, events and outcomes of a unique single case within the context of AS, non-directive play therapy and the interactional-pattern analysis (IPA), are described. This study was motivated by the fact that the researcher disposed of data for a unique single case study that could contribute meaningfully to the need for a research database that describes effective therapeutic interventions and outcomes with children with AS. From the perspective of Rogerian person-centred theory (RPT), the literature study focused on an integrated discussion of AS, CCP and STP by means of 17 interpersonal variables of the interactional-pattern analysis (IPA). The following data sources was investigated: interviews with parents and teachers; CCP-sessions of J recorded on video; photos of some of J’s STP-sessions and the therapists’ process notes. Triangulation was used to evaluate the various categories of therapeutic outcomes from different viewpoints and to give meaning to them. The conclusions indicated that this boy with AS had used the non-directive processes of CCP and STP to achieve various therapeutic outcomes in the areas of: imaginary play; dramatic play; social interaction with the therapist, parents, family, teachers, his peer group and with strangers; traumatic experiences during visits to the doctor and bath times; identification, expressing and regulating emotions; and minimising acting out behaviour. Therapeutic outcomes have been demonstrated in 8 IPA-variables, namely: empathy, defining of relationships, potential to evoke acceptance or rejection, sincere interest and congruent conduct, control, emotional distance, problem solving and aspects relating to the presenting problem. The conclusion was reached that the conduct of the boy with AS as well as his mother and the therapist, played a mutual role in achieving his therapeutic outcomes within the 17 IPA-variables. The unstructured process of the non-directive play (CCP and STP) was utilised by a young child with AS to achieve therapeutic outcomes that relate to his everyday existence. A final conclusion is that involving the boy’s mother in his therapy and utilising an adapted Filial play program, enabled the mother to make emotional contact with her son and to diminish conflict between them. Guidelines for therapists are suggested with regard to non-directive responding in therapeutic contexts as found in this study. Furthermore, the contribution of this research to Psychology as science and discipline, is presented. Limitations of this study are indicated and recommendations for further research are made. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Psigologie))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2013

Development of a basic design tool for multi-effect distillation plant evaporators / H. Bogaards

Bogaards, Hendrik January 2009 (has links)
A need was identified for a set of basic design tools for Multi-Effect Distillation (MED) plant evaporators. This led to an investigation into the different types of evaporators as well as further research on horizontal falling film evaporators as used in the MED process. It also included the theory on these types of evaporators. In order not to duplicate existing design tools, an investigation was also performed on some of the tools that are currently available. The first set of tools that were developed were tools, programmed in EES (Engineering Equation Solver), for the vacuum system and the evaporator. These programs can be used to simulate different parameters (like different mass flows and temperatures). That enables the correct selection of components for the vacuum system and can be used to address sizing issues around the evaporator. It can also be used to plan the layout of the plant. The second of the design tools was developed by designing and building a flow pattern test section. From the flow pattern test section a set of curves for the wetted length under different conditions was obtained which can be used in order to design the sieve tray. This set of curves was found to be accurate for municipal as well as seawater and can be used in the design of the sieve tray of the evaporator. Further development can be done by implementing the figures of the wetted length into a simulation package like, for example, Flownex (a system CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) code that enables users to perform detail design, analysis and optimization of a wide range of thermal-fluid systems). The background gained from the study done on the evaporator can also be implemented into such a package. This could solve the problem of different design packages by creating a single design package with all of the above mentioned options included. / Thesis (M.Ing. (Nuclear Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.

Development of a basic design tool for multi-effect distillation plant evaporators / H. Bogaards

Bogaards, Hendrik January 2009 (has links)
A need was identified for a set of basic design tools for Multi-Effect Distillation (MED) plant evaporators. This led to an investigation into the different types of evaporators as well as further research on horizontal falling film evaporators as used in the MED process. It also included the theory on these types of evaporators. In order not to duplicate existing design tools, an investigation was also performed on some of the tools that are currently available. The first set of tools that were developed were tools, programmed in EES (Engineering Equation Solver), for the vacuum system and the evaporator. These programs can be used to simulate different parameters (like different mass flows and temperatures). That enables the correct selection of components for the vacuum system and can be used to address sizing issues around the evaporator. It can also be used to plan the layout of the plant. The second of the design tools was developed by designing and building a flow pattern test section. From the flow pattern test section a set of curves for the wetted length under different conditions was obtained which can be used in order to design the sieve tray. This set of curves was found to be accurate for municipal as well as seawater and can be used in the design of the sieve tray of the evaporator. Further development can be done by implementing the figures of the wetted length into a simulation package like, for example, Flownex (a system CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) code that enables users to perform detail design, analysis and optimization of a wide range of thermal-fluid systems). The background gained from the study done on the evaporator can also be implemented into such a package. This could solve the problem of different design packages by creating a single design package with all of the above mentioned options included. / Thesis (M.Ing. (Nuclear Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.

An exploration of the Sandtray Play Approach for narrative skills development in first language Afrikaans-speaking Grade 3 learners with specific learning disability

Saaiman, Louise 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Children with specific learning disability (SLD) struggle with reading, spelling and/or writing, and tend to have poor narrative skills (Fey, Catts, Proctor-Williams, Tomblin & Zhang, 2004; Scanlon, 2013). Although learners with SLD mostly use grammatical sentences after discharge from conventional speech-language therapy, they often still struggle with creating narratives and find comprehension tasks challenging. For this study, I chose an action research design (McNiff & Whitehead, 2013). I used a lesser known therapy approach with some of these learners, in an attempt to ascertain whether kinetic methods of teaching language can improve their narrative skills. The research question posed was: What changes in narrative skills (if any), measured in terms of micro and macro structure, are brought about by the Sandtray Play Approach (STPA) in first language (L1) Afrikaans-speaking Grade 3 learners with SLDs? I used the STPA with four L1 Afrikaans-speaking Grade 3 boys with SLD over a course of six weeks (on average two therapy sessions per week). During each session, they each choose a variety of miniature objects with which they individually built a so-called “Sandworld” in their own sandtray. After each Sandworld was built, the boys took turns telling their story and listening to those of the other group member. After each narration, each listener made one positive comment and asked one question about the story. During the intervention period, I regularly presented mini-sessions teaching the participants how to create, improve and expand their narratives. The Language in Multilingual Society: Multilingual Assessment of Narratives (LITMUS: MAIN-Afrikaans) (Gagarina, Klop, Kunnari, Tantele, Valimaa, Baluciuniene, Bohnacker, & Walters, 2012) was used to analyse pre- and post-intervention narratives in terms of story structure components; (in)completeness of episodes; mean length of utterance (in words); and use of subordinating and co-ordinating conjunctions, conjunctive adverbs and internal state terms. The pre- and post-intervention results of the four boys in the experimental group were compared to those of four boys who did not receive any STPA intervention and who formed the control group. All eight participants had been clinically diagnosed as presenting with an SLD. Comparisons of the LITMUS: MAIN-Afrikaans scores indicated inter-group differences: Post-intervention, the experimental group used a higher number of story structure components, internal state terms, words, and utterances (those linguistic aspects introduced and practised during STPA intervention) than the control group. The experimental group’s Sandtray narratives also increased in multiple areas of structural complexity – e.g., in the use of conjunctive adverbs; subordinating and co-ordinating conjunctions; and embedding. These results have implications for speech-language therapy practice, showing that the STPA is potentially a valuable resource for teaching narrative skills to learners with SLD, and that positive changes can be observed in as little as six weeks. The STPA has been used in Europe with learners with hearing or learning impairment and with mainstream learners. In the South African context, it appears only to have been used to teach oral language use to deaf learners; and no South African studies on the use of the STPA for narrative skill development could be traced. This study was the first of its kind and indicated that using the STPA can assist Speech-Language Therapists in developing narrative skills of children with atypical language development. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kinders met spesifieke leergestremdheid (SLG) sukkel met lees, spelling en/of skryf, en neig om swak narratiefvaardighede te hê (Fey, Catts, Proctor-Williams, Tomblin & Zhang, 2004; Scanlon, 2013). Alhoewel leerders met SLG meestal grammatikale sinne gebruik ná ontslag uit konvensionele spraak-taalterapie, sukkel hulle steeds gereeld met narratiefproduksie en begripstake. Vir hierdie studie het ek gekies om ‘n aksienavorsingsmetode (McNiff & Whitehead, 2013) te gebruik. Ek het ‘n minder bekende terapiebenadering met sommige van hierdie leerders gevolg, in 'n poging om vas te stel of kinetiese metodes van taalonderrig hulle narratiefvaardighede kan verbeter. Die navorsingsvraag was: Watter veranderinge in narratiefvaardighede (indien enige), gemeet in terme van makro- en mikrostruktuur, word teweeg gebring deur die Sandbak-Speelbenadering (SBSB) in eerstetaal- (T1) Afrikaanssprekende Graad 3-leerders met SLG? Ek het die SBSB met vier T1 Afrikaanssprekende Graad 3-seuns met SLG oor ses weke gebruik (gemiddeld twee terapiesessies per week). Tydens hierdie sessies het elkeen ‘n verskeidenheid miniatuur voorwerpe gekies waarmee elkeen individueel ‘n sogenaamde “Sandwêreld” in hulle eie sandbakkie gebou het. Nadat elke Sandwêreld gebou is, het die seuns beurte geneem om hulle storie te vertel en na die stories van die ander groeplede te luister. Nadat elke storie vertel is, het elke luisteraar een positiewe punt van kommentaar oor die storie gelewer en een vraag oor die storie gevra. Gedurende die intervensietydperk het ek gereeld mini-sessies aangebied om die deelnemers te leer hoe om narratiewe te skep, te verbeter en uit te brei. Die Language in Multilingual Society: Multilingual Assessment of Narratives (LITMUS: MAIN-Afrikaans) (Gagarina, Klop, Kunnari, Tantele, Valimaa, Baluciuniene, Bohnacker, & Walters, 2012) is gebruik om voor- en ná-intervensie-narratiewe te ontleed in terme van storiestruktuurkomponente; (on)volledigheid van episodes; gemiddelde lengte van uiting (in woorde); en die gebruik van onderskikkende en neweskikkende voegwoorde, verbindingsbywoorde en interne toestand-terme. Ek het hierdie tellings vergelyk met dié behaal deur 'n kontrolegroep (vier manlike klasmaats van die eksperimentele groep). Ek het ook 'n seleksie van drie verteenwoordigende sandbaknarratiewe per eksperimentele groepdeelnemer in terme van hierdie metings geassesseer Al ag deelnemers is klinies gediagnoseer met SLG. Vergelykings van die LITMUS: MAIN-Afrikaans-tellings het inter-groepsverskille aangetoon: Die eksperimentele groep het ná intervensie ‘n groter aantal storiestruktuurkomponente, interne toestand-terme, woorde en uitinge (d.i. daardie linguistieke aspekte wat bekendgestel en geoefen is tydens SBSB-intervensie) gebruik as die kontrolegroep. Die eksperimentele groep se sandbaknarratiewe het ook toegeneem in terme van veelvuldige areas van strukturele kompleksiteit – byvoorbeeld in die gebruik van verbindingsbywoorde, onderskikkende en neweskikkende voegwoorde, en inbedding. Hierdie resultate het implikasies vir spraak-taalterapiepraktyk: Dit toon aan dat die SBSB potensieel ‘n waardevolle hulpbron is vir die leer van narratiefvaardighede aan leerders met SLG, en dat positiewe veranderinge in so min as ses weke waarneembaar is. Die SBSB word in Europa met leerders met gehoor- of leergestremdheid gebruik asook met hoofstroomleerders. In die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks is dit skynbaar nog slegs gebruik om gehoorgestremdes te leer praat; geen Suid-Afrikaanse studies oor die gebruik van die SBSB vir narratiefvaardigheidsontwikkeling kon gevind word nie. Hierdie studie was die eerste van sy soort en toon aan dat die gebruik van die SBSB Spraak-Taalterapeute kan help om narratiefvaardighede te ontwikkel in kinders met atipiese taalontwikkeling.

Análise teórico-experimental de um tabuleiro misto madeira-concreto composto por vigas circulares

Alcântara Segundinho, Pedro Gutemberg de [UNESP] 14 February 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:25:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2005-02-14Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:12:02Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 alcantarasegundinho_pg_me_ilha.pdf: 4485630 bytes, checksum: 0e58733013f71fa0d93bb68c2fdabebb (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / O estudo em estruturas mistas é dedicado ao emprego do material madeira-concreto em estruturas de pontes, mais precisamente no seu tabuleiro. No entanto, a aplicação desse material no Brasil não está regulamentada por normas que permitam ao engenheiro civil fazer sua aplicação nas estruturas correntes. Com a proposta de viabilizar o uso desse material madeira-concreto esse estudo vem contribuir com um melhor entendimento do comportamento físico da ligação entre os materiais madeira e concreto. O estudo dessa ligação foi realizado quantificando o módulo de deslizamento em corpos-de-prova do tipo push-out, vigas T e tabuleiro de madeira-concreto. Os resultados experimentais do módulo de deslizamento obtidos por esses três tipos de ensaios foram comparados com os resultados obtidos teoricamente pelo Eurocode 5 (1993). Também, no seguinte estudo foi feito uma simulação numérica do tabuleiro de madeira-concreto usando um programa para análise estrutural baseado no Método dos Elementos Finitos (MEF). Na conclusão dessa pesquisa verificou-se que o comportamento estrutural desse material misto pode-ser calculado usando o Eurocode 5 (1993) e o Método dos Elementos Finitos (MEF). / The study of mixed structures is dedicated to the use of timber-concrete material in bridges' structures, more precisely in its tray. However, the application of this material in Brazil is not regulated by standards that allow the civil engineer to make its application in the current structures. With the proposal to make possible the use of this timber-concrete material this study contributes to understand better the physical behavior of the linking between wood and concrete. The study of this connection was carried through quantifying the slip's module in specimens of push-out type, T beams and timber-concrete's tray. The experimental results of the slip's module from these three kinds of tests had been compared with the results obtained theoretically for Eurocode 5 (1993). Also, in the following study it was made a mathematical simulation of the wood-concrete's tray using a numerical analysis' program based on the Finite Elements' Method (MEF). In the conclusion of this research it was verified that the structural behavior of this mixed material can to be calculated using Eurocode 5 (1993) and the Method of the Finite Elements (MEF).

Avaliação da transferência de quantidade de movimento, energia e das espécies químicas em um prato perfurado de destilação através da fluidodinâmica computacional

Justi, Gabriel Henrique 24 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Regina Correa (rehecorrea@gmail.com) on 2016-09-21T20:17:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseGHJ.pdf: 12148265 bytes, checksum: 1180759f1c9f8691c3ce486239959cf5 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2016-09-23T18:39:16Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseGHJ.pdf: 12148265 bytes, checksum: 1180759f1c9f8691c3ce486239959cf5 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2016-09-23T18:39:23Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseGHJ.pdf: 12148265 bytes, checksum: 1180759f1c9f8691c3ce486239959cf5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-23T18:39:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseGHJ.pdf: 12148265 bytes, checksum: 1180759f1c9f8691c3ce486239959cf5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-24 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / The development of the design of chemical processes has received increasing improvement, incorporating sophisticated mathematical models, which allowed better simulation of its real behavior. Distillation is one of the most important and used separation techniques of components at industrial level, applied in a wide range of processes and its perfect working and optimization are economically crucial factors. Its great importance is due to the capacity of purify components of a mixture using the volatility difference among them as driving force. However, this technique represents 40% of the total energy consumption of an industrial facility. Some of models used for this, such as the models based on equilibrium and non-equilibrium stage concepts, usually provide useful results, but consider empirically many of the fluid dynamics phenomena by assuming a perfect mixture in each phase. Due to the development of the Information Technology (IT), in the numerical methods and improvement in models of multiphase flows, the investigation of complex turbulent flow problems is possible. One way to investigate these problems is to use the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) tecniques. Therefore, it was adopted for this study a CFD model, with the main objective of evaluating the transport phenomena for the isothermal (water-air) and non-isothermal (ethanol-water) flows through the CFD techniques to simulate a distillation sieve tray. The proposed models had the following characteristics in common in the modeling: heterogeneous, three-dimensional, shear stress transport as turbulence model, and Eulerian-Eulerian approach at 1 atm. The continuity and momentum conservation equations were used to describe the isotherm model and for non-isothermal model it was added the energy and chemical species conservations equations. The simulated sieve trays geometries were based on experimental work of Solari e Bell (1986), to which it were observed the influence of the inlet downcomer presence or not on sieve tray. The results for isotherm flow showed the velocity profiles, the volume fractions, and clear liquid height under the influence of the inlet downcomer. For the non-isotherm flow, the results showed moreover the hydraulic parameters, the temperature profiles and ethanol mass fractions for vapor flow rates. Thus, the simulations of the isothermal system indicated a strong influence of the liquid velocity profile for the domain with downcomer inlet. In the non-isothermal system it was possible to determine the separation efficiency, which varied with the vapor flow rates on the sieve tray. The proposed methodology in this work proved to be appropriate and the computational fluid dynamics techniques presented to be an important tool in the design and optimization of sieve trays. / O desenvolvimento de projetos de processos químicos tem recebido aperfeiçoamento cada vez maior, incorporando modelos matemáticos mais sofisticados, os quais possibilitam uma maior aproximação do seu comportamento real. A destilação é uma das mais importantes técnicas de separação de componentes empregada a nível industrial nos mais diversos processos e o seu perfeito funcionamento e otimização são fatores economicamente cruciais. Sua importância dá-se na capacidade de separar os componentes de uma mistura utilizando a diferença de volatilidade entre eles como força motriz. Entretanto, trata-se de uma técnica que representa cerca de 40% da energia consumida em uma planta industrial. Alguns modelos utilizados nesses dispositivos, tais como os modelos baseados em conceitos de estágios de equilíbrio e não-equilíbrio, geralmente fornecem resultados úteis, mas consideram empiricamente muitos fenômenos fluidodinâmicos e assumem uma mistura perfeita em cada fase. Com o avanço da Tecnologia de Informação (TI), dos métodos numéricos e aperfeiçoamento em modelos de fluxos multifásicos, é possível a investigação de problemas complexos de escoamentos turbulentos. Uma das formas de investigar esses problemas é a aplicação das técnicas da Fluidodinâmica Computacional (CFD). Dessa maneira, foi adotado para o presente trabalho um modelo de CFD, tendo como objetivo principal a avaliar os fenômenos de transportes para os escoamentos isotérmico (água-ar) e não isotérmico (etanol-água) através das técnicas de CFD na simulação de um prato perfurado de destilação. Os modelos propostos, possuem em geral, as seguintes características em comum: modelo heterogêneo, tridimensional, modelo de turbulência shear stress transport e abordagem Euleriana-Euleriana a 1 atm. As equações da continuidade e de conservação da quantidade de movimento foram empregadas no modelo isotérmico e para o modelo não isotérmico foram adicionadas as equações de conservações de energia e das espécies químicas. Os domínios computacionais foram baseados no trabalho de Solari e Bell (1986), onde foram observados a influência da presença ou não do downcomer de entrada no prato perfurado. Os resultados para o escoamento isotérmico mostraram os perfis de velocidades de líquido, as frações volumétricas e a altura de líquido claro sob a influência do downcomer de entrada. Para o escoamento não isotérmico, os resultados mostraram, além dos parâmetros hidráulicos, os perfis de temperatura e das frações mássicas de etanol para várias vazões de vapor. Assim, as simulações do sistema isotérmico indicaram uma forte influência do perfil de velocidade de líquido na entrada prato para o domínio com downcomer. No sistema não isotérmico foi possível determinar a eficiência de separação, a qual variou com a vazão de vapor no prato. A metodologia proposta neste trabalho foi adequada para aplicações em internos de coluna de destilação, mostrando-se uma ferramenta viável e importante no desenvolvimento e otimização de pratos perfurados.

Aplicação da fluidodinâmica computacional na avaliação da hidrodinâmica de estágio em colunas de destilação

Justi, Gabriel Henrique 26 March 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:56:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4497.pdf: 8936250 bytes, checksum: a23101fb063b44abfcf0e8b680623fc7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-26 / The development of the design of chemical processes has received increasing improvement, incorporating sophisticated mathematical models, which allowed better simulation of its real behavior. The distillation column is one of the most widely used separation equipment in the industry and therefore, its perfect working and optimization are economically crucial factors. Thus, the study of the hydrodynamic in distillation column sieve trays has increased over the years with the purpose to optimize the flow patterns, which is of great importance on the mass and energy transfer efficient. Due to the development of powerful computers, advances in numerical methods and improvement in models of multiphase flows, the investigation of complex flow problems is possible. One way to investigate these problems is to use Computational Fluid Dynamics. Thus, in this work we used commercial package CFD software to predict the hydrodynamics in a sieve tray, with the main objective to evaluate the velocity fields and compare them with the experimental work of Solari and Bell (1986). We proposed a two-fluid model with Eulerian-Eulerian framework, three-dimensional (3D), steady-state and the standard k-ε turbulence model for air/water system at 1 atm. The continuity and momentum conservation equations were used to describe the gas and liquid phases. The simulated sieve tray geometry was based on experimental work of Solari e Bell (1986). The simulation domain included the downcomer region. New sieve tray geometry design was proposed to evaluate the hydrodynamics. The results show the velocity profiles, volume fractions and liquid recirculation zones on the sieve tray for several combination of liquid and gas flow rates. The simulation indicated the presence of recirculation and stagnation zones, and it reproduced satisfactorily the results of Solari e Bell (1986) and the new geometry design reduced the liquid recirculation zones on tray. The proposed methodology in this work proved to be appropriate and the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) techniques presented to be an important tool in the design and optimization of sieve trays. / O desenvolvimento de projetos de processos químicos tem recebido aperfeiçoamento cada vez maior, incorporando modelos matemáticos mais sofisticados, os quais possibilitam uma maior aproximação do seu comportamento real. A coluna de destilação é um dos equipamentos de separação mais empregados na indústria e por isso, o perfeito funcionamento e otimização são fatores economicamente cruciais. Deste modo, o estudo da hidrodinâmica de pratos perfurados em coluna de destilação vem crescendo ao longo dos anos, no intuito de otimizar os fluxos de escoamento, que tem uma grande importância sobre a eficiência na transferência de massa e energia. Com o desenvolvimento de poderosos computadores, avanços em métodos numéricos e aperfeiçoamento em modelos de fluxos multifásicos, é possível a investigação de problemas complexos de escoamentos. Uma das formas de investigar esses problemas é a utilização da Fluidodinâmica Computacional. Assim, neste trabalho foi utilizado um pacote comercial de CFD para prever a hidrodinâmica em um prato perfurado, tendo como objetivo principal avaliar os campos de velocidades e compará-los com o trabalho experimental de Solari e Bell (1986). Foi proposto um modelo de duas equações com abordagem Euleriana-Euleriana, tridimensional (3-D), estado estacionário e o modelo de turbulência k-ε padrão para um sistema ar/água a 1 atm. As equações da continuidade e de conservação de quantidade de movimento foram empregadas no modelo para descrever a fase líquida e a fase vapor. A geometria do prato perfurado foi baseada no trabalho experimental de Solari e Bell (1986), na qual foi incluída a região do downcomer. Uma nova geometria de prato foi proposta para observar a hidrodinâmica. Os resultados mostram os perfis de velocidades, frações volumétricas e zonas de recirculação de líquido no prato perfurado para várias combinações de vazões de líquido e vapor. A simulação indicou a presença de zonas de recirculação e estagnação. A simulação reproduziu satisfatoriamente os resultados experimentais de Solari e Bell (1986) e a nova geometria reduziu as zonas de recirculação de líquido no prato. A metodologia proposta neste trabalho foi adequada e a técnica da Fluidodinâmica Computacional mostrou-se uma ferramenta viável e importante no desenvolvimento e otimização de pratos perfurados.

Uppskalning av en svampkaka : process från avfallsbröd med en ätlig svamp / Scaling up a Fungal Cake : Process from Waste Bread Using an Edible Fungus

Ricky, Ricky January 2020 (has links)
Stale bread contributes to the biggest volume of food waste in Sweden. Current method on recovering bread waste is by producing biogas or bioethanol. Despite advantages in the energy sector, the bread which still has relatively high quality could be recovered into new products with higher value, such as food for human consumption. Development of a product, termed ‘fungal cake’ by solid state fermentation on bread waste using Neurospora intermedia in small scale petri dishes have previously been successfully conducted. This study aims to scale up the production of fungal cake into bench scale production. Two systems using different bioreactors were used in this study. The first system operated in batch mode using a tray bioreactor, in which the effect of particle size, mixing, and bread loading were evaluated. The fermentation was conducted during 5 days. Bread crumb with a larger particle size of 2 mm resulted in similar outcomes as bread crumb with a smaller particle size of 0.5 mm in terms of CO2 evolution rate, cumulative CO2 production, starch, and protein content of the final product. However, larger particle size resulted in a more homogeneous growth of the fungus throughout the product, which is preferred. The presence of daily mixing had no significant effect compared to static condition for all measured variables. Thus, mixing could be introduced to promote product homogeneity. Likewise, bread loading had no significant effect on the measured variables, which implies that a higher productivity can be achieved using a higher bread loading. The second system operated in continuous mode using a newly developed continuous tubular bioreactor with product recycle. Two experiments, in which the residence time (48h and 24h) and recycle ratio (10/65 and 20/55) were conducted. Both experiments yielded product with stable starch and protein content, indicated by a stable CO2 evolution rate over time. The performance using continuous tubular bioreactor was compared to batch fermentation in tray bioreactor using the same ratio of inoculum and both system yielded product with the same starch and protein content. Successful operation in continuous bioreactor certainly improved the productivity of fungal cake production.

Improving the Robustness, Thermal and Noise Performance of a Radio Transmitter Fan Tray / Robusthet-, termisk- och ljudprestandautveckling av en radiofläktlåda

Olausson, Mattias, Rahman, Selma January 2022 (has links)
With the growing demand of compact radio transmitters, so do the need for silent and efficient thermal management systems. Given the restricted form-factor, ensuring robustness of a unit with a detachable fan tray imposes a challenge. In this thesis the authors were tasked with creating a new design solution where the robustness, thermal and noise performance of the cooling system is revised. The project was initiated with an investigation of the baseline product, the AIR5322, to identify areas of in need of improvement. The initial goal was to design an integrated fan tray that would not require in-field maintenance. A literature study was performed to evaluate common integrated cooling solutions in compact electronic devices, which was then followed by concept generation study. These were then ranked based on Pugh’s selection method. An integrated solution was deemed not feasible due to the average lifespan of common fans used in this type of product. A CAD model of said design was created, for which a prototype was manufactured by Ericsson. The final design consisted of a set of 80mm Noctua (NF-A8) fans in a new fan tray, retrofitted onto a modified stock AIR5322 heatsink. Experimental tests were conducted where heat dissipation, noise generation and mechanical robustness was tested. The results concluded that the prototype design managed to reduce the temperature of the entire unit, up to 17°C cooler and lower the sound levels by up to 18 dB. The prototype, despite halving the number of fans, retained the single fan failure redundancy, as running just one fan allowed for performance that was equal to or better than the reference solution at full capacity. The prototype was deemed robust enough to withstand the drop test, which was performed at −18°C. Additional work would include to incorporate fans with an appropriate IP rating and to fully complete the testing using a climate chamber and performing impact testing. / Med den växande efterfrågan på kompakta radiosändare ökar också behovet av tysta och effektiva kylsystem. Givet den begränsade formfaktorn innebär det en utmaning att säkerställa robustheten hos en enhet med en löstagbar fläktlåda. I denna avhandling fick författarna i uppdrag att skapa en ny designlösning där kylsystemets robusthet, termisk prestada och ljudprestanda revideras. Projektet inleddes med en undersökning av basprodukten, AIR5322, för att identifiera eventuella förbättringsområden. Det ursprungliga målet var att designa en integrerad fläktlåda som inte skulle kräva fältetunderhåll. En litteraturstudie genomfördes för att utvärdera vanliga integrerade kyllösningar i kompakta elektroniska enheter, som sedan följdes av konceptgenerering. Dessa utvärderades sedan och rangordnades utifrån Pughs urvalsmetod. En integrerad lösning ansågs inte möjlig på grund av den genomsnittliga livslängden för typiska fläktar som används i liknande produkter. En CAD-modell av denna design skapades, för vilken en prototyp tillverkades av Ericsson. Den slutliga designen bestod av en uppsättning 80 mm Noctua (NF-A8) fläktar i en ny fläktlåda som monterades i en modifierad kylfläns för AIR5322. Experimentella tester där värmeavledning, bullergenerering och mekanisk robusthet testades. Med resultaten kunde följande slutsats dras: prototypdesignen lyckades sänka temperaturen på hela enheten med upp till 17°C och sänka ljudnivåerna med upp till 18 dB. Prototypen visade sig ha en fläkt vara termiskt redundant, eftersom en fläkt igång resulterade i en prestanda som var lika med eller bättre än referenslösningen. Prototypen ansågs vara robust nog att motstå falltestet, som utfördes med prototypen nedkyld til −18°C. Ytterligare arbete som kan vara till nytta för detta projekt skulle vara att införliva fläktar med en lämplig IP-klassning och att fullständigt testa prototypen med klimattester och slagtester.

Cross-Contamination Risk of Dental Tray Adhesives: An In Vitro Study

Paczkowski, Isabel, Stingu, Catalina S., Hahnel, Sebastian, Rauch, Angelika, Schierz, Oliver 05 May 2023 (has links)
Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the risk of cross-contamination in dental tray adhesives with reusable brush systems. Methods: Four dental tray adhesives with different disinfectant components were examined for risk as a potential transmission medium for Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Streptococcus oralis, and Candida albicans. Bacterial and fungal strains were mixed with artificial saliva. The contaminated saliva was intentionally added to tray adhesive liquid samples. At baseline and up to 60 min, 100 microliters of each sample were collected and cultivated aerobically on Columbia and Sabouraud agar for 24 or 48 h, respectively. Results: At baseline, contamination with Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans could be identified in three out of four adhesives. In the subsequent samples, low counts of up to 20 colony-forming units per milliliter could be observed for Staphylococcus aureus. All other strains did not form colonies at baseline or subsequently. Adhesives with isopropanol or ethyl acetate as disinfectant additives were most effective in preventing contamination, while adhesives with hydrogen chloride or acetone as a disinfectant additive were the least effective. Conclusion: Within 15 min, the tested adhesives appeared to be sufficiently bactericidal and fungicidal against all microorganisms tested.

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