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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Technicko-ekonomické řešení nožů odkorňovače / Technical and economic solving of barking knives

Novotný, Petr January 2008 (has links)
The target of the study is theoretical explaining the condition of creation of the soldered point with regard to basic and additional mat. Below, the detailed analysis of the existing technical problem and consecutive design of the solution method.Content of the study is also technological process of production of the barking knife and choice of the efficient producer.

Studium elektrochemické inzerce kationtů do oxidů přechodových kovů / Study of Electrochemical Insertion Cations to the Oxides of Transitive Metals

Svoboda, Vít January 2010 (has links)
Electrochromic devices are based on the intercalation processes to the active layer mostly WO3. The optical properties of active layer are changed by intercalation ions from the electrolyte. For that purpose are used Li ions. The mass of thin layer can be observed by the QCM method. This method is based on the changes of the resonance frequency of a quartz crystal resonator. The investigated substance is deposited on the surface of the resonator. Various metals (Pt, Au, Ag) and their compounds should be plated on the resonator. Most frequently, the resonators for the frequency 5,0 MHz are used. This frequency change is used for the detection of chemical changes of the electrode surface and is very sensitive.

Transitions vers des états électroniques complexes et des structures super périodiques dans les bronzes mono phosphates de tungstènes / Transitions toward complex electronic states and super-periodic structures in the monophosphate tungsten bronzes family.

Duverger-Nédellec, Elen 01 December 2017 (has links)
Les matériaux conducteurs de basse dimensionnalité électronique peuvent présenter des transitions vers des états électroniques complexes tels que la supraconduction, les Ondes de Densité de Spins (ODS) et les Ondes de Densité de Charges (ODC). La coexistence de plusieurs de ces instabilités au sein d’un même matériau a donné lieu à une recherche active de nouveaux systèmes conducteurs quasi-bidimensionnels. Dans cette thèse nous avons choisi de nous intéresser à la famille des Bronzes MonoPhosphate de Tungstène à tunnels pentagonaux (MPTBp), de formule chimique (PO2)4(WO3)2m ; l’un des principaux intérêts réside dans la possibilité de contrôler directement la dimensionnalité du matériau et sa densité de porteurs en faisant varier la valeur de m (2 ≤ m ≤ 14). Dans la littérature il a été montré que certains termes de cette famille (m=4, 5, 6) admettent des états ODC successifs alors que d’autres (m=10) présentent des ordres de type ferro électrique ; l’objectif de cette thèse est alors de montrer l’effet de la dimensionnalité du matériau sur l’apparition et la stabilité de ces états électroniques dans les MPTBp. Pour cela, des mesures de transport électronique, des études des structures modulées incommensurables et commensurables par diffraction des rayons X avant et après chaque transition et des mesures de diffusion inélastique ont été effectuées sur plusieurs termes à valeur de m pair. Dans ce travail nous avons pu montrer l’existence d’un état ODC pour les termes m=2, 4, 6, 8 et 10, caractérisé par la formation d’amas de tungstène dans certaines régions du matériau, accompagné, pour les m=8 et 10, de l’installation progressive d’une mise en ordre de type anti-ferroélectrique des déplacements des atomes de tungstène. Un phénomène de dépiégeage d’ODC a été observé pour le terme quasi-unidimensionnel m=2, ce qui n’avait encore jamais été reporté chez les MPTBp. Un couplage électron-phonon fort a pu être mis en évidence pour les hauts termes (m ≥ 8) à la fois via les analyses structurales, l’observation de transitions résistives du premier ordre mais également par des mesures de diffusion inélastique des rayons X. Pour ces hauts termes, une transition de type ordre-désordre est alors à envisager. / Conductive materials with low electronic dimensionality can present some transitions toward complex electronic states as superconductivity, Spin Density Waves (SDW) and Charge Density Waves (CDW). The coexistence of several of these instabilities in the same material leads to bustling investigations on new quasi-bidimensional conductors. In this thesis, we chose to study the MonoPhosphate Tungsten Bronzes with pentagonal channels family (MPTBp), of chemical formula (PO2)4(WO3)2m ; one of the main interests of this family is the possibility to directly control the compound’s dimensionality and its carriers density by varying m value (2 ≤ m ≤ 14). In the literature, it’s been shown that some MPTBp members (m=4, 5, 6) present successive CDW states whereas others (m=10) show ferroelectric-type orders. The aim of this thesis is thus to bring into light the effect of the material’s dimensionality on the appearance and the stability of these electronic states in the MPTBp family. In this way, transport measurements, X-Rays diffraction studies of the commensurate and incommensurate modulated structures below and above each transition and inelastic scattering measurements were done on several members with even value of m. In this work we reveal the existence of a CDW state for the m=2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 members, characterized by the formation of tungsten clusters in some areas of the crystal. For the m=8 and 10 members, the CDW is accompanied by a gradual installation of an anti-ferroelectric-like ordering of the tungsten atoms displacements. A CDW depinning phenomenon was observed for the quasi-unidimensional m=2 member, which has never been reported before in the MPTBp family. A strong electron-phonon coupling was evidenced for the high terms of the family (m ≥ 8) by structural analysis, first order resistive transitions observation and by X-Rays inelastic scattering measurements. For these high terms, an order-disorder transition must be considered.

Characterization of lamellar or nanostrutured materials based on transition metal oxides for liquid phase catalysis / Caractérisation des matériaux lamellaires ou nanostructurés à base d’oxydes de métaux de transition pour la catalyse en phase liquide

Fayad, Ghinwa 05 December 2018 (has links)
Les oxydes de métaux de transition lamellaires peuvent servir de catalyseurs pour la conversion de la biomasse, mais leur développement nécessite une meilleure compréhension de leurs propriétés. En conséquence, plusieurs matériaux lamellaires, tels que HNbMoO6, HNbWO6, H2W2O7 et H2WO4, ainsi qu'un nouveau type d'oxydes en couches basés sur Nb et W et caractérisés par des phases d'Aurivillius “en escalier” ont été largement caractérisés notamment par spectroscopie DRX et spectroscopie Raman. La possibilité de convertir les solides précurseurs au lithium ou bismuth en phases protonées a été étudiée. Ces oxydes ont la spécificité d'intercaler des molécules entre les couches, ce qui peut contribuer à l’activité catalytique en phase liquide. Pour identifier les rôles respectifs de l’intercalation et des propriétés de surface comme l’acidité, les matériaux ont été caractérisés en phase liquide par spectroscopie Raman en utilisant des bases organiques telles que les n-alkylamines (butylamine et octylamine) et la pyridine. L'intercalation avec des réactifs possibles, les n-alcools et le 2,5-hexanediol, a également été étudiée. L'activité catalytique de ces oxydes lamellaires a été déterminée grâce à une nouvelle réaction: la cyclo-déshdrataion du 2,5-hexanediol en 2,5-diméthyltétrahydrofurane. HNbMoO6 s’est avéré le catalyseur le plus actif, comparé à des catalyseurs acides conventionnels ou aux autres matériaux lamellaires. L’acidité et la capacité d’intercalation de ces divers matériaux lamellaires ont été comparées pour comprendre les différences observées pour l’activité catalytique. / Layered transition metal oxides have a potential as catalysts for biomass conversions, but their development necessitates a better understanding of their properties. Consequently, several layered materials such as HNbMoO6, HNbWO6, H2W2O7 and H2WO4 as well as new types of layered oxides based on Nb and W and characterized by a “stair-like” Aurivillius phases were extensively characterized notably by XRD and Raman spectroscopy. The possibility to convert the as-synthesised lithium or bismuth precursors to protonated phases was also thoroughly evaluated. Layered oxides have the specificity to intercalate molecules within their interlayer regions, which may be a key feature to catalytic activity for reactions in the liquid phase. In order to evaluate the respective roles of intercalation and surface properties such as acidity, the materials were characterized in the liquid phase by Raman spectroscopy using organic bases such as n-alkylamines (butylamine and octylamine) and pyridine. Intercalation with possible reagents, n-alcohols and 2,5-hexanediol, was also studied. The catalytic activity of these layered oxides was evaluated using a novel test reaction: the cyclo-dehydration of 2,5-hexanediol into 2,5-dimethyltetrahydrofuran. HNbMoO6 proved to be the most active catalyst, compared to conventional acidic catalysts or other layered materials. The acidity and intercalation ability of the various layered materials were compared to understand the differences observed for the catalytic activity.

Uticaj aktivnog premaza na dubinu uvara pri zavarivanju nerđajućeg čelika netopljivom elektrodom u zaštiti inertnog gasa / Influence of activated flux on the penetration depth in non-consumable electrode welding of strainless steel in inert gas shielding

Dramićanin Miroslav 18 November 2019 (has links)
<p>U disertaciji je prikazan odabir rastvarača, veličine, vrste i udela čestica za aktivni premaz namenjen postizanju povećane dubine uvara na austenitnom nerđajućem čeliku pri zavarivanju netopljivom elektrodom u zaštiti inertnog gasa. Pored sastava aktivnog premaza, u disertaciji je izvršena optimizacija: geometrije elektrode, jačine struje i brzine zavarivanja. Nakon odabira perspektivnih tipova sastava premaza i parametara zavarivanja, na zavarenim uzorcima izvršena je karakterizacija mehaničkih osobina, hemijskog sastava i mikrostrukture.</p> / <p>In this doctoral thesis, the selection of solvent, size, type and the content of<br />oxide particles in activated flux aimed at increasing the penetration on<br />austenitic stainless steel in gas tungsten arc welding is presented. Besides<br />activated flux composition, the optimization of welding parameters such as<br />electrode geometry, welding current and welding speed was done. After the<br />selection of successful activated flux formulations and welding parameters,<br />the characterization of mechanical properties, chemical composition and<br />microstructure was determined.</p>

Tungsten Telluride Quantum dot-based Biosensor for Alpha-Methylacyl CoA Racemase – An Emerging Prostate Cancer Biomarker

Sampson, Zaiyaan Begum January 2019 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / Prostate cancer, commonly referred to as adenocarcinoma of the prostate, is the leading cause of cancer death in men in 46 countries, and it was estimated that by the end of 2018 there would approximately be 1.3 million new cases of prostate cancer worldwide. Currently, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved biomarker for prostate cancer disease diagnostics Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) is not specific to the disease itself but extends to other cases such as Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH) a condition in which the prostate grows uncontrollably. This biomarker is then detected in blood samples via conventional methods which require a qualified individual to operate and are often time consuming. Examples of these methods are spectrophotometry and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Hence, a more efficient biomarker and method of detection is needed for prostate cancer disease diagnostics, as early detection of the disease means early treatment, which could ultimately save lives. Currently, an emerging biomarker for prostate cancer known as Alpha-Methyl CoA Racemase (AMACR) has shown to be more specific to the disease with advantages such as being a non-invasive biomarker. AMACR has been reported to be present in urine, and thus may be detected via a non-invasive method. This study proposed an economical, non-invasive electrochemical biosensor for the rapid detection of AMACR based on mercaptosuccinic acid capped tungsten telluride (MSA-WTe3) quantum dots (QDs). Nanomaterial has shown promise in terms of increasing the sensitivity and specificity of sensors. MSA-WTe3 QDs was successfully synthesized using easy, inexpensive method and was studied by various techniques such as High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HR-TEM) where the size was confirmed to be within the nanometer scale and was reported to be 2.65 nm with a good crystallinity. X-ray diffraction (XRD) confirmed the structural properties and chemical composition of the QDs and it is reported that the QDs are rich in both tellurium and tungsten and comprise of a hexagonal structure. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) confirmed the successful immobilization of aptamer sequence specific to AMACR onto the electrode surface by showing a distinct conformational change when aptamers were introduced to the QDs under study. This study reports the successful detection of AMACR using an MSA-WTe3 QDs based aptasensor immobilized onto a screen printed glassy carbon electrode, with a detection limit of 0.35651 ng/mL and a limit of quantification calculated to be 1.08033 ng/mL.

Textured insert for improved heat extraction in combination with high-pressure cooling in turning of superalloys

Tamil Alagan, Nageswaran January 2017 (has links)
Heat generated in a machining process is a common and critical obstacle faced in today's machining industries. The heat generated in the cutting zone has a direct negative influence on the tool life which, in turn contributes to increase the manufacturing costs. Especially, in machining of Heat Resistant Super Alloys, HRSA this is a very limiting factor. HRSA are capable of retaining their mechanical strength and hardness at elevated temperatures. This property is advantageous in the application in e.g. aero-engines but also a disadvantage, since it also lowers the machinability significantly. This work is an attempt to improve the heat transfer from the cutting zone, which would lead to an increase in the tool life. To achieve this goal, the cutting tool has been modified to create an improved interface between the coolant and tool in the high-temperature areas. Two generations of inserts have been designed and investigated. Firstly, an insert with surface texture features has been created with the purpose of increasing the available surface area for heat dissipation: First generation, Gen I. Secondly, a GenII was designed as a further improvement of Gen I. Here, several channel features on the rake face were added, reaching out from the contact zone to the near proximity of the cutting edge. This with the purpose of improving access of the coolant closer to the cutting edge. The experiments were conducted in facing operations of Alloy 718 with uncoated round carbide inserts. All experiments were carried out with high-pressure coolant assistance, with a pressure of 16 MPa on the rake face and 8 MPa on the flankface, respectively.The two generations of inserts, Gen I and Gen II, were experimentally evaluated by tool wear analysis in comparison with a regular insert. The results shows that the tool life increased significantly for the Gen I insert, compared to a catastrophic failure of the regular insert at the same conditions. Regarding the Gen II insert,an increase in tool life by approximately 30 to 40 percent compared to Gen I insert was observed.

Printing, characterization, and mechanical testing of additively manufactured refractory metal alloys

Sexton, Brianna M. 31 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Pokročilé plazmonické materiály pro metapovrchy a fotochemii / Advanced plasmonic materials for metasurfaces and photochemistry

Ligmajer, Filip January 2018 (has links)
Plazmonika, tedy vědní obor zabývající se interakcí světla s kovovými materiály, nabízí ve spojení s nanotechnologiemi nezvyklé možnosti, jak světlo ovládat a využívat. Výsledkem tohoto spojení může být například zaostřování světla pod difrakční limit, zesilování emise nebo absorbce kvantových zářičů, či extrémně citlivá detekce molekul. Tato práce se zabývá zejména možnostmi využití plazmoniky pro vývoj plošných optických prvků, tzv. metapovrchů, a pro fotokatalytické aplikace založené na plazmonicky generovaných elektronech s vysokou energií, tzv. horkých elektronech. Nejprve jsou vysvětleny teoretické základy plazmoniky a je poskytnut přehled jejích nejvýznamnějších aplikací. Poté jsou představeny tři studie zabývající se využitím plazmonických nanostruktur pro ovládání fáze a polarizace světla, pro vytváření dynamicky laditelných metapovrchů, a pro foto-elektrochemii s horkými elektrony. Společným prvkem těchto studií je pak používání pokročilých, resp. v rámci těchto oblastí netradičních, materiálů, jako např. oxidu vanadičitého nebo dichalkogenidů přechodných kovů.

Characterization of Morphological and Chemical Properties of Scandium Containing Cathode Materials

Mroz, Michael V. 02 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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