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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etické prvky v reklamě / Ethical elements in advertising

Stieberová, Šárka January 2012 (has links)
The diploma paper is concerned with the occurrence of ethic issues in advertising. The aim of the paper is to find out whether morality or immorality of the adverting is perceived. After all, the advertising has become a part of our lives. It appeals to our senses and influences human behaviour. Thus, the advertising needs to be monitored. It may seem that the advertising is a category on its own. There are no restrictions applied in the advertising. Every advertising agency has an opportunity to create any kind of advertising. However, this is not true. Some efforts are made through the Council for Radio and Television Broadcasting and the Council for Advertising. Moreover, the Code of Advertising Practice was created and it should ensure the morality of the advertising in the Czech Republic. The morality, nevertheless, cannot be guaranteed so easily. Ethics is a broad term which can have different meanings for anyone.


[pt] No novo mapa das mediações, onde se reconhece o papel essencial dos mei-os de comunicação no Brasil, especialmente a televisão, como espaços-chave de produção cultural, ao lançar um olhar para os textos das chamadas da telenovela e para a forma como estas são veiculadas pela mídia de chamadas, percebemos uma possibilidade de criar um sentido para a trama dessa telenovela, que é estruturada de forma seriada, continuada, por um longo período de até oito meses. Esta tese se propõe a demonstrar como, a partir da produção dos textos de chamadas de uma telenovela veiculados por um mecanismo estratégico mercadológico, usado pela emissora Rede Globo de televisão, que é a mídia de chamadas, constrói-se a tessi-tura de uma micro narrativa dos temas desenvolvidos pela narrativa do folhetim eletrônico ao longo de sua exibição. Para empreender essa pesquisa foram anali-sados todos os textos das chamadas produzidas para o lançamento e a manutenção da telenovela Avenida Brasil, último fenômeno de audiência, também com grande repercussão no ambiente digital, veiculada pela Rede Globo em 2012. / [en] In the new map of mediation, where the essencial role of communication media is recognized, in Brazil especially the television, as key spaces of cultural production, by looking at the texts of de telenovela s so-called TV spot teasers and the way they are broadcast by the TV spot teasers media, one recognizes the possibility of creating sense for this telenovela s plot, which is structured in a se-rial, continued, way for a long period up to eight months. This thesis proposes to demonstrate how, starting from the production of a telenovela s TV spot teasers text broadcast by a strategical market-oriented mechanism, used by the Rede Glo-bo television network, which is the TV spot teasers media, one architects the composition of a micro narrative of the themes developed by the telenovela s nar-rative throughout its exhibition. To undertake this research we analyzed all the texts of the TV spot teasers produced for the release and maintenance of the telenovela Avenida Brasil (translated as Brazil Avenue for the international mar-ket), last audience phenomenon, also with considerable repercussion on the digital environment, broadcast by Rede Globo in 2012.

Des images de l'entreprise à l'image d'entreprise. L'univers visuel de Suchard (1945-1990) / From the pictures of the enterprise to the enterprise's image : the visual world of Suchard (1945-1990)

Huguenin, Régis 11 October 2012 (has links)
L’existence et la mise à disposition d’un important matériau documentaire composé d’archives visuelles(affiches, photographies, films) ont révélé les potentialités d’une recherche approfondie et systématique sur lesmodalités de création d’images par l’entreprise de chocolats Suchard de 1945 à 1990, date qui correspond à lafermeture des ateliers de fabrication de Neuchâtel. Cette recherche est l’occasion de développer dessoubassements méthodologiques à même de participer au renouvellement de l’histoire d’entreprise par lerecours à des sources permettant d’en saisir l’univers visuel. La création des images se réalise au travers d’unecollaboration entre des acteurs internes et externes à l’entreprise. La seconde moitié du XXe siècle correspondà une professionnalisation de la fabrique d’images au cours de laquelle les différents supports s’accumulent,mais aussi s’articulent, se complètent ou parfois se concurrencent, au sein de la pratique de l’entreprise. Lesphotographies se font le reflet d’événements, positifs ou négatifs, qui agissent directement sur la fabrication.Elles apparaissent comme un outil de relations publiques, notamment au travers de la médiatisation des visitesd’usine. Les films institutionnels se veulent le reflet d’une évolution plus structurelle de l’entreprise, sensiblesà sa raison sociale, à sa diversification, à son implantation. Au niveau des collaborateurs, l’image permetd’accroître la reconnaissance envers des corps de métiers qui ne sont en contact avec les autres queponctuellement. Quant aux machines, elles peuvent constituer autant un facteur favorable que défavorable àl’image de l’entreprise. Les facteurs incitant l’entreprise à représenter la machine permettent de définir lescontours du concept de modernité. Jusqu’au milieu des années 1970, l’image productive, incarnée par uneorganisation systématique des ateliers et des machines, prend un sens positif. Dans la seconde moitié desannées 1970, en période de récession économique, la machine permet une réduction des coûts de fabricationpar une diminution de la masse salariale. Sur le plan de l’image du produit, l’étude montre qu’il faut sedébarrasser de l’association unique du chocolat suisse avec la montagne. Cette construction est largement lereflet d’un regard de l’étranger et ne constitue pas une constante en Suisse. Depuis le début des années 1950 etpendant plus d’une vingtaine d’années, le chocolat Milka n’est pas associé à l’image du lait et de la montagne,mais bien à un environnement urbain. Ce refus de « suissitude » pendant les Trente Glorieuses s’évanouit dansles années 1970 en partie sous l’impulsion de l’étranger. Suchard renoue alors avec les symboles alpestresfondamentaux. / The existence and availability of an important documentary material composed of visual archives (posters,photographs, films) have revealed the potentialities of a thorough and systematic research on how thechocolates company Suchard, based in Neuchâtel (Switzerland), created images from 1945 to 1990, date of theclosure of the manufacturing facilities. This research is the cause of developing methodological foundationsable to participate in the renewal of business history by the use of visual sources. The creation of images wasmade by actors both within and outside the company. The second half of the twentieth century correspond to aprofessionalization of the “picture factory” in which different media pile up, articulate, complete or compete.Photographs reflect positive or negative events directly linked with the production state. They appear as apublic relations tool, particularly through the factory visits. Films are intended to reflect an institutionalevolution of the company, sensitive to its name, its diversification, its implementation. Regarding to theproduction image, staff pictures enhance the recognition for the employees that are only occasionally incontact with others. The machines are as much a favourable as an unfavourable factor for the enterprise’simage. Factors inciting the company to represent the machine make it possible to define the concept ofindustrial modernity. Until the mid-1970s, productive image, embodied by a systematic organization ofworkshops and machines, takes a positive sense. In the second half of the 1970s, in times of economicrecession, the machine reduces manufacturing costs by reducing payrolls. In terms of the product image, thestudy shows it takes to get rid of the unique association of Swiss chocolate with the mountains. Thisconstruction is largely a reflection of a view from abroad and is not a constant in Switzerland. Since the early1950s and for over twenty years, Milka chocolate was not associated with the image of milk and mountains,but with an urban environment. This refusal of “Swissness” during the post-war boom faded in the 1970s,partly under the impetus from abroad. Suchard then revived with the basic alpine symbols.

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