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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influencia de la Complejidad de Tareas y Redes Sociales en el Intercambio de Conocimiento (IC)

Bresani Torres, Aldo Eduardo 17 December 2012 (has links)
Aquest treball de recerca se centra en un dels processos més rellevants de les persones: l’intercanvi de coneixements (IC). El coneixement pot ser explícit o tàcit. L’explícit es pot codificar, estructurar i emmagatzemar de manera que pugui estar disponible. El coneixement tàcit, conegut també com a tacit knowing, és l’acció de conèixer que no es pot codificar ni estructurar, sinó que depèn de les experiències, el criteri i els valors de la persona. Les xarxes socials informals de les organitzacions esdevenen un mitjà pel qual es pot facilitar la transmissió del tacit knowing, de manera que mitjançant l’anàlisi de xarxes socials (social network analysis, SNA) es poden entendre i analitzar les relacions entre les persones, més enllà de les estructures formals i jeràrquiques. Aquesta situació és rellevant perquè l’alta direcció potenciï, i no cerqui d’estructurar o de controlar, aquestes xarxes socials i amb una gestió adequada incentivi que el coneixement flueixi a través d’elles. Es plantegen els objectius següents: 1) establir l’impacte de la complexitat de tasques en la intensitat de la interacció de xarxes socials en una organització; 2) establir l’impacte de la complexitat de tasques en el procés d’intercanvi de coneixement, i 3) verificar si hi ha alguna relació entre la intensitat de la interacció de les xarxes socials en el procés d’intercanvi de coneixement (IC). En la recerca, s’ha administrat una enquesta a tres organitzacions peruanes intensives en coneixement. Es planteja que, com més complexes siguin les tasques, la propensió de la persona a intercanviar coneixements ha de ser més gran. Els criteris de classificació de la complexitat es basen en la multiplicitat de resultats, esquemes de solució, conflictes i incertesa, i s’ha pres la qualificació d’experts de les tres organitzacions, els quals indiquen en els individus qualificats el percentatge de temps que dediquen per realitzar cada tipus de tasca en la seva rutina normal. La intensitat de la interacció de xarxes i la propensió a l’IC s’obtenen de les enquestes. De l’anàlisi efectuada, s’observa una relació directa entre la complexitat de tasques i la intensitat en la interacció de la xarxa social de coneixement, com també entre la complexitat i la propensió a intercanviar coneixement. Així mateix, s’ha trobat una relació directa entre les persones que tenen un grau més alt d’interacció en la xarxa social de coneixement i la seva propensió a l’intercanvi de coneixements. Les contribucions principals d’aquesta recerca són aquestes: 1) en l’aspecte acadèmic, la metodologia plantejada quan es treballa amb la qualificació de la persona que coneix millor la naturalesa del treball; 2) en l’aspecte pràctic, la sistematització que es pot obtenir per identificar les persones que tenen més propensió a intercanviar coneixements per potenciar-los dins de l’organització. / El presente trabajo de investigación enfoca uno de los procesos más relevantes de las personas, el Intercambio de Conocimientos (IC). El conocimiento puede ser explícito o tácito. El explícito se puede codificar, estructurar y almacenar de manera que pueda estar disponible. El conocimiento tácito, o también conocido como Tacit Knowing, es la acción de conocer que no se puede codificar ni estructurar; este depende de las experiencias, el criterio y los valores de la persona. Las redes sociales informales en las organizaciones se convierten en un medio por el cual se puede facilitar la transmisión del Tacit Knowing, por lo que mediante el análisis de redes sociales (Social Network Analysis (SNA)) se puede entender y analizar las relaciones entre las personas más allá de las estructuras formales y jerárquicas. Esta situación es relevante para que la alta gerencia potencie, y no trate de estructurar o controlar, estas redes sociales y con una adecuada gestión que incentive que el conocimiento fluya a través de ellas. Se plantean los siguientes objetivos: 1) establecer el Impacto de la Complejidad de Tareas en la intensidad de la interacción de Redes Sociales en una organización, 2) establecer el Impacto de la Complejidad de Tareas en el proceso de Intercambio de Conocimiento y 3) verificar si existe alguna relación entre la intensidad de la interacción de las redes sociales en el proceso de Intercambio de Conocimiento (IC). En la investigación se ha aplicado una encuesta a tres organizaciones peruanas intensivas en conocimiento. Se plantea que a mayor complejidad de tareas, la propensión que debe de tener la persona al intercambio de conocimientos debe ser mayor. Los criterios de clasificación para la complejidad se basan en la multiplicidad de resultados, esquemas de solución, conflictos e incertidumbre y se ha tomado la calificación de expertos de las tres organizaciones, quienes indican en los individuos calificados el porcentaje de tiempo de cada tipo de tareas realizadas en su rutina normal. La intensidad de la interacción de redes y la propensión al IC se obtienen de las encuestas. Del análisis efectuado, se observa una relación directa entre la complejidad de tareas y la intensidad en la interacción de la red social de conocimiento, así como entre la complejidad y la propensión a intercambiar conocimiento. Asimismo, se ha encontrado una relación directa entre las personas que tienen un mayor grado interacción en la red social de conocimiento y su propensión al intercambio de conocimientos. Las principales contribuciones de la presente investigación son las siguientes: 1) en el aspecto académico está la metodología planteada cuando se trabaja con la calificación de la persona que mejor conoce la naturaleza del trabajo; 2) en el aspecto práctico está en la sistematización que se puede obtener para identificar a las personas que tienen una mayor propensión a intercambiar conocimiento para potenciarlos dentro de la organización. / The research addresses one of the most important processes of people, the Knowledge Sharing (KS). Knowledge can be explicit or tacit. The explicit can be structured and stored in a manner that may be available. Tacit knowledge, or also known as Tacit Knowing, is action learning that can not be encoded or structure, this depends on the experience, judgment and values of the person. Informal social networks in organizations become a means to facilitate the transmission of Tacit Knowing, so by analyzing social networks (Social Network Analysis (SNA)) can be understood and analyzed the relationships between people beyond formal and hierarchical structures. This situation is relevant to senior management in order to enhance, rather than try to structure or control, these social networks. An appropriate management should incentive that knowledge flows through them. The research objectives are: 1) establish the Impact of Task Complexity in the intensity of the interaction of social networks in an organization, 2) set the Impact of Task Complexity in the process of knowledge sharing and 3) verify if there is any relationship between the intensity of the interaction of social networks in the process of Knowledge Sharing (KS). A survey has been applied to three peruvian knowledge intensive organizations. It argues that a more complex task, the propensity that the person must have knowledge sharing should be higher. The classification criteria for complexity based on the multiplicity of outcomes, settlement schemes, conflict and uncertainty and has taken the qualification of experts from the three organizations, who qualified individuals listed in the percentage of time each type of task made in their normal routine. The intensity of the interaction of networks and the propensity to KS are obtained from surveys. The analysis conducted, there is a direct relation between task complexity and intensity in the interaction of the social network of knowledge and between complexity and propensity to share knowledge. Also found a direct relationship between people with greater social interaction network of knowledge and their propensity to knowledge sharing. The main contributions of this research are: 1) academically the proposed methodology when working with the qualification of the person who best knows the nature of work, 2) on the practical aspect is that the systematization can get to identify people who have a greater propensity to share knowledge to empower them within the organization.

Jaunųjų tinklininkių psichomotorinės reakcijos rodiklių vertinimo ir ugdymo galimybės per metinį treniruočių ciklą / Possibilities of establishing and developing psychomotoric factors of young women's volleyball players in one-year workout cycle

Vaštakaitė, Simona 16 May 2006 (has links)
The object of the study is young women's volleyball players' psychomotoric reaction. The work problem - the psychomotoric reaction changes in one-year workout cycle of young women's volleyball players - is being seen now as a rather new and almost unexplored both in theory and practice. The purpose of the work is to explore possibilities of establishing and developing psychomotoric factors of young women's volleyball players in one-year workout cycle. In order to solve this problem, the following tasks were set: · To explore motion velocity factors of young women's volleyball players right and left hands, depending on the complexity of exercises; · To compare specific features both of right and left hand psychomotoric reactions of the young women's volleyball players; · To evaluate changes in response time and motion velocity during one-year workout cycle. · To evaluate strategies of motion performance in respect of velocity. We have carried out a study with players from the Lithuanian young women's volleyball players' team who are preparing themselves for the European Volleyball Championship of the year 2007. In the first study, there were 17 members of the Lithuanian young women's volleyball players' team who participated in this research, and in the second study - 15 members. The age of young players ranges from 15 to 16 years. The average age of persons under the study (young women's volleyball players) during the first stage of the study is that of 15.58±0.12 years. The... [to full text]

Essays on learning-by-doing after information systems implementation in developing countries: the case of Costa Rica

Wu, Tianshi 12 January 2015 (has links)
Developing countries are increasing their adoption of information systems at the country level now. One important aspect distinguishing the implementation of information systems in developing countries from that in developed countries is that developing countries usually lack the resources and capability for training and support, and the workers need to learn to use the system from their own experience. Thus, a better understanding of the workers’ learning-by-doing after the implementation of an information system in developing countries may have important theoretical and practical implications, but empirical evidence on this issue remains limited. This dissertation seeks to fill in the gap by investigating workers’ learning-by-doing after the implementation of an information system at two levels. First, it studies how an individual customs agent’ experience preparing and submitting customs documents influences her performance in document preparation and submission tasks. Second, it also examines how an agent-inspector dyad’s experience working together affects the performance of customs inspection tasks completed through the cooperation of the dyad. The first chapter provides an overview of the dissertation. The second chapter examines how the relatedness of workers’ prior experience affects their learning-by-doing and operational performance in service work. Prior research has viewed relatedness along a single dimension. However, tasks and the underlying knowledge required for task performance can vary along multiple attributes. This chapter extends prior conceptualizations of relatedness by defining it as a multi-dimensional construct and also accounting for the level of task relatedness between different categories in each task dimension. It separates the level of workers’ experience from the relatedness of their experience, and then link the two constructs to workers’ task performance, including their efficiency and quality. Analyzing data on the processing of 998,258 import customs declarations in Costa Rica from 2006-2010, the second chapter finds that customs agents, the major workers processing the customs declarations, learn from their experience to improve their time to complete the task but not their quality of completion. Moreover, it finds that the relatedness of customs agents’ experience to their current task is positively related to the quality of task completion but has a U-shape relationship with completion time, such that the completion time first decreases with and then increases with an increase in customs agents' experience relatedness. The chapter also finds that the impact of customs agents’ experience relatedness is enhanced when the agents have more experience. Overall, the results highlight the role of experience relatedness in workers’ performance in learning-by-doing service work, and help to identify ways for managers to improve different operational performance measures. Many service tasks are completed by dyads rather than by an individual worker. In this setting, the individuals in the dyad not only need to acquire knowledge about the task, but also have to learn to work with each other. Thus, individuals’ experience working together may have significant performance implications for dyads. However, this effect remains largely unexamined, especially when there are conflicts within the dyad. In the third chapter, it theorizes how a dyad’s experience working together influences the dyad’s task performance, and label it as a learning-by-working-together effect. The chapter further proposes that the impact of dyad experience can vary across tasks with different levels of complexity, goal conflict, and combinations of the two. It examines learning-by-working-together in a setting where there is goal conflict, but the dyad must work together to complete the task: customs inspections. Based on a field study on data of 323,520 customs inspections in Costa Rica, the third chapter shows that the number of prior interactions between a customs agent and a customs inspector is positively associated with the agent-inspector dyad’s efficiency in customs inspection. In addition, it demonstrates that the impact of an agent-inspector dyad’s experience working together is greater for high-complexity tasks than for low-complexity tasks, and weaker for high-conflict tasks than for low-conflict tasks. It also shows that due to a joint effect of task complexity and task-level goal conflict, dyad experience exhibits the largest impact on the performance of high-complexity, high-conflict tasks. The chapter discusses the implications of our results for the study of learning curves and for the practice.

任務性、脈絡性及適應性績效表現與主管獎酬決策影響效果之研究 / The study of the effect of task performance, contextual performance and adaptive performance on supervisory reward decision

簡博浩, Chien, Po Pao Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的研究目的在探討工作績效理論中任務性、脈絡性及適應性績效表現對主管獎酬決策的影響。研究一以「特定職位或職系適用」的角度,以業務經理為標的,運用實驗法以影片模擬實驗法的三因子實驗設計來進行,以233位企業主管為受試對象。研究二以「跨職位適用」的角度,運用調查法以150位主管選取一位部屬來評量三種工作績效表現。兩個研究結果顯示,任務性及脈絡性績效表現如過去研究結論一致,對主管獎酬決策有影響;適應性績效表現亦對主管獎酬決策有影響。透過實驗法驗證,適應性績效表現與脈絡性績效表現的交互效果對主管獎酬決策有影響;但與任務性績效表現的交互效果則是不存在的。透過調查法驗證,在任務越複雜的工作,脈絡性績效表現及適應性績效表現對主管獎酬決策的正向關係則越強。在研究三中,針對上述研究結論及實務應用,以兩個職務屬性為干擾效果,發現顧客接觸需求程度及任務相互依賴性越高的職位,適應性績效表現與主管獎酬決策的關係就越強。 本論文之研究延伸工作績效內涵,驗證適應性績效表現對主管獎酬決策有其影響。並以三個不同的研究來驗證假說,從不同的職務適用觀點及研究方法的角度,更具理論及實務的價值。 / The current research aims to examine how adaptive performance, contextual performance and task performance correlate supervisory reward decision. The study employed the methods of survey and laboratory experiments and virtually comprises three parts. In Part One, from the perspective of specific occupations or job families, 233 manager subjects were recruited to view a previously-videotaped simulated sales executive’s job performance and give rating afterwards in terms of his task performance, contextual performance, and adaptive performance. In Part Two, from the perspective of applicable across jobs, 150 manager subjects randomly chose one of their subordinates and rated his/her task, contextual and adaptive performance. The findings in either Study 1 or Study 2 were congruent with results of previous research, which indicated not only the main effects of task and contextual performance but also (that of) adaptive performance affected supervisory reward decision. In addition, the experiment study justified that the interactional effects of adaptive and contextual performance were crucial factors to modify the supervisory reward decision, while the field study illustrated how employees’ contextual and adaptive performances reinforced supervisory reward decision especially when task complexity were taken into consideration. In Study 3, based on the former findings and practical application, we found that a job position of high customer-contact requirements and high task interdependence significantly strengthened the correlation between adaptive performance and supervisory reward decision. This study not only endorses the essentiality of job performance but also testifies effect of adaptive performance on supervisory reward decision. Moreover, this study, using different methodologies, has extended theory and provided practical implications.

L'effet des normes d'équipe sur le leadership partagé

Aqerrout, Madiha 05 1900 (has links)
La présente recherche a pour objectif principal d’étudier l’effet que peuvent exercer les normes d’équipe sur le leadership partagé au sein des équipes de travail. Nous voulions vérifier les relations entre trois normes proposées par Day (2007) comme influençant de façon significative le partage du leadership dans les équipes. Il s’agit de la distance hiérarchique, de la sécurité psychologique et de l’orientation vers l’apprentissage. Cette recherche vise également à vérifier l’effet modérateur, d’une part, de l’interdépendance au travail et, d’autre part, celui de la complexité de la tâche sur les relations entre les normes d’équipe et le leadership partagé. Cette recherche se base sur des données secondaires qui ont été recueillies par Vincent Rousseau (professeur à l’Université de Montréal) et Caroline Aubé (professeure à HEC Montréal) auprès de 394 membres appartenant à 77 équipes et auprès de 77 supérieurs immédiats de ces mêmes équipes. L’ensemble de ces participants travaille dans une organisation de sécurité publique canadienne. Les données ont été collectées en utilisant la méthode du questionnaire. Des analyses de régressions ont été utilisées pour vérifier les hypothèses de cette étude. Les résultats montrent que la distance hiérarchique, la sécurité psychologique et l’orientation vers l’apprentissage sont significativement liées au leadership partagé. Ces normes d’équipe sont également fortement reliées entre elles. Les résultats n’ont, cependant, pas permis de confirmer l’effet modérateur de l’interdépendance au travail et de la complexité de la tâche sur les relations entre les normes d’équipe et le leadership partagé. Globalement, les résultats montrent que les gestionnaires tireront avantage à encourager les normes d’équipe associées à une faible distance hiérarchique, à une forte sécurité psychologique et à une orientation davantage axée sur l’apprentissage afin de faciliter l’exercice du leadership partagé et ce, en vue d’améliorer la performance des équipes et de l’organisation. / This research mainly aims to study the effect of team norms on shared leadership within work teams. We wanted to check the relationship between three norms proposed by Day (2007) as significantly influencing the sharing of leadership within teams. This refers to hierarchical distance, psychological safety and learning orientation. This research also aims to test the moderating effect of the interdependence to the task and of the task complexity on the relationship between team norms and shared leadership. This research is based on secondary data that was collected by Vincent Rousseau (Professor at University of Montreal) and Caroline Aubé (Professor at HEC Montreal) among 394 members from 77 teams and among 77 immediate supervisors of these teams. All these participants work in a Canadian public safety organization. Data was collected using the questionnaire method. Regression analyses were conducted to test the hypotheses of this study. The results show that hierarchical distance, psychological safety and learning orientation were significantly related to shared leadership. These team norms are also strongly interconnected. The results did, however, fail to confirm the moderating effect of task interdependence and task complexity on the relationship between team norms and shared leadership. Overall, the results show that managers will benefit from promoting team norms related to a low power distance, a strong psychological safety, and a strong learning orientation to facilitate the exercise of shared leadership and in order to improve team and organization performance.

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