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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ways of knowing in ways of moving : A study of the meaning of capability to move

Nyberg, Gunn January 2014 (has links)
The overall aim of this thesis has been to investigate the meaning of the capability to move in order to identify and describe this capability from the perspective of the one who moves in relation to specific movements. It has been my ambition to develop ways to explicate, and thereby open up for discussion, what might form an educational goal in the context of movements and movement activities in the school subject of physical education and health (PEH). In this study I have used a practical epistemological perspective on capability to move, a perspective that challenges the traditional distinction between mental and physical skills as well as between theoretical and practical knowledge. Movement actions, or ways of moving, are seen as expressions of knowing. In order to explore an understanding of the knowing involved in specific ways of moving, observations of  actors’ ways of moving and their own experiences of moving were brought together. Informants from three different arenas took part: from PEH in upper secondary school, from athletics and from free-skiing. The results of the analyses suggest it is possible to describe practitioners’ developed knowing as a number of specific ways of knowing that are in turn related to specific ways of moving. Examples of such specific ways of moving may be discerning and modifying one’s own rotational velocity and navigating one’s (bodily) awareness. Additionally, exploring learners’ pre-knowing of a movement ‘as something’ may be fruitful when planning the teaching and learning of capability to move. I have suggested that these specific ways of knowing might be regarded as educational goals in PEH. In conducting this study, I have also had the ambition to contribute to the ongoing discussion of what ‘ability’ in the PEH context might mean. In considering specific ways of knowing in moving, the implicit and taken-for-granted meaning of ‘standards of excellence’ and ‘sports ability’can be discussed, and challenged. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: In press. Paper 4: Epub ahead of print.</p>

Ways of knowing in ways of moving : A study of the meaning of capability to move

Nyberg, Gunn January 2014 (has links)
The overall aim of this thesis has been to investigate the meaning of the capability to move in order to identify and describe this capability from the perspective of the one who moves in relation to specific movements. It has been my ambition to develop ways to explicate, and thereby open up for discussion, what might form an educational goal in the context of movements and movement activities in the school subject of physical education and health (PEH). In this study I have used a practical epistemological perspective on capability to move, a perspective that challenges the traditional distinction between mental and physical skills as well as between theoretical and practical knowledge. Movement actions, or ways of moving, are seen as expressions of knowing. In order to explore an understanding of the knowing involved in specific ways of moving, observations of  actors’ ways of moving and their own experiences of moving were brought together. Informants from three different arenas took part: from PEH in upper secondary school, from athletics and from free-skiing. The results of the analyses suggest it is possible to describe practitioners’ developed knowing as a number of specific ways of knowing that are in turn related to specific ways of moving. Examples of such specific ways of moving may be discerning and modifying one’s own rotational velocity and navigating one’s (bodily) awareness. Additionally, exploring learners’ pre-knowing of a movement ‘as something’ may be fruitful when planning the teaching and learning of capability to move. I have suggested that these specific ways of knowing might be regarded as educational goals in PEH. In conducting this study, I have also had the ambition to contribute to the ongoing discussion of what ‘ability’ in the PEH context might mean. In considering specific ways of knowing in moving, the implicit and taken-for-granted meaning of ‘standards of excellence’ and ‘sports ability’can be discussed, and challenged. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: In press. Paper 4: Epub ahead of print. </p>

The structure of knowing : Existential trust as an epistemological category

Kalman, Hildur January 1999 (has links)
This thesis investigates the structure of knowing, and it argues that existential trust is an epistemological category. The aim of the dissertation is to develop a view according to which all human activity is seen as an activity of a lived body, and in which the understanding of the structure of such activity is regarded as central for the solution even of epistemological problems. This view is not rooted in any one philosophical tradition, but circles around activity of the lived body. It connects thinkers who in other respects belong to different "isms" in philosophy. Central to the dissertation are Aristotle, Dewey, Merleau-Ponty, Wittgenstein, Ryle, Anscombe, Polanyi, and Grene. Michael Polanyi's concept of tacit knowledge, and connected concepts like attend to, attend from, and subsidiary awareness, are presented. Different kinds of subsidiary awareness, not noted by Polanyi, are distinguished. It is also argued that Polanyi has not seen all the implicatons of his view that instruments can be interiorized and be part of the lived body. Conversely, parts of the normally lived body can be exteriorized. Nor has Polanyi seen that one has subsidiary awareness of oneself as a certain kind ofperson. This fact, in turn, is shown to have implications for the way we constitute ourselves as agents. Since we are engendered agents, we always attend from gender. In the last decade, the concept of trust has definitely entered epistemology. Mostly, it has been in terms of trusting testimony and/or testifier. This thesis wants to deepen that account. There is a more fundamental kind of trust, namely trust in oneself and trust in the world. It is called existential trust, and it is of epistemological importance, too. Existential trust, it is claimed, is necessary in all acts of knowing. Probably, this fact is hard to discover without having recourse to a distinction like that between attending from and attending to. Existential trust is shown in the way we attend from something. Observation and thinking are central epistemological categories, of course, but they should be supplemented by trust. Without trust they cannot perform any epistemological work. Linguistically, 'to know' is a state verb. Superficially, it describes only a state, not an activity. This fact, however, does not contradict the view of knowledge put forward in the dissertation. To know is to have a disposition to perform successfully either some kind of action (= knowing how), or to perform some kind of true assertive speech act (= knowing that). Basically, knowing is an activity. / digitalisering@umu

Tyst yrkeskunnande på Negotium : - En kvalitativ fallstudie av ett konsultföretag

Persson, Simon, Norell, Stefan January 2015 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att inom fältet knowledge management, samt ur ett situerat lärandeperspektiv, skapa en ökad förståelse för hur medarbetares tysta yrkeskunnande synliggörs, delas, integreras och reproduceras i organisationen. För att möjliggöra undersökandet av detta syfte har tre frågeställningar definierats; I vilka situationer synliggörs tyst yrkeskunnande? Hur delas tyst yrkeskunnande? Vilken roll spelar organisationskulturen för delande av tyst yrkeskunnande? Det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom nio semistrukturerade intervjuer på det undersökta fallföretaget. Resultatet från intervjuerna har analyserats med utgångspunkt i Säljös (2005) situerade lärandeperspektiv, Alvesson &amp; Kärremans (2001) modell Four Knowledge Management Approaches samt Nonaka &amp; Takeuchis (1995) SECI-modell. Studiens resultat visar att det förekommer tyst yrkeskunnande i verksamheten och att detta kunnande i stor utsträckning handlar om organisationskännedom, relationsmässiga kunnanden samt identifiering med förebilder. Vidare visar resultatet att det tysta yrkeskunnandet främst synliggörs, delas och reproduceras genom social interaktion där medarbetare får möjligheten att interagera med kollegor från olika delar av verksamheten. Resultatet visar också att tyst yrkeskunnande utvecklas i takt med att erfarenheten växer och att kunnandet är en form av erfarenhetsbaserad kunskap. Studien visar också att organisationskulturen har stor inverkan på delandet av det tysta yrkeskunnandet, som främjas genom en tillåtande kultur där delandet av kunskap uppmuntras och integreras i verksamheten i form av en levande coachingkultur. / The purpose of this study is to, within the field of knowledge management as well as from a situated learning perspective, create a better understanding of how employees tacit knowing is being made visible, shared, integrated and reproduced within the organization. To further specify the purpose of this study the three following questions have been created; In what situations are tacit knowing being made visible? How is tacit knowing shared? What role does the organizational culture have when tacit knowing is shared? The empirical data has been collected through nine semi-structured interviews at the examined company. The results of the interviews have been analysed on the basis of Säljö’s (2005) situated learning-perspective, Alvesson &amp; Kärreman’s (2001) model Four Knowledge Management Approaches and Nonaka &amp; Takeuchi’s (1995) SECI-model. The results of this study show that tacit knowing exists within the company and that this knowing is focused around organizational knowledge, interpersonal skills and the identification with role models. Furthermore, the results show that tacit knowing is mostly made visible, shared and reproduced through social interaction where employees have the opportunity to interact with colleagues from different parts of the organization. The study also shows that tacit knowing grows with experience and that it is a form of experience-based knowing. The study also shows that organizational culture has a major impact on the sharing of tacit knowing, promoted by an allowing and supportive culture in which the sharing of knowledge is encouraged and integrated into the organization in the form of a live coaching culture.

Influencia de la Complejidad de Tareas y Redes Sociales en el Intercambio de Conocimiento (IC)

Bresani Torres, Aldo Eduardo 17 December 2012 (has links)
Aquest treball de recerca se centra en un dels processos més rellevants de les persones: l’intercanvi de coneixements (IC). El coneixement pot ser explícit o tàcit. L’explícit es pot codificar, estructurar i emmagatzemar de manera que pugui estar disponible. El coneixement tàcit, conegut també com a tacit knowing, és l’acció de conèixer que no es pot codificar ni estructurar, sinó que depèn de les experiències, el criteri i els valors de la persona. Les xarxes socials informals de les organitzacions esdevenen un mitjà pel qual es pot facilitar la transmissió del tacit knowing, de manera que mitjançant l’anàlisi de xarxes socials (social network analysis, SNA) es poden entendre i analitzar les relacions entre les persones, més enllà de les estructures formals i jeràrquiques. Aquesta situació és rellevant perquè l’alta direcció potenciï, i no cerqui d’estructurar o de controlar, aquestes xarxes socials i amb una gestió adequada incentivi que el coneixement flueixi a través d’elles. Es plantegen els objectius següents: 1) establir l’impacte de la complexitat de tasques en la intensitat de la interacció de xarxes socials en una organització; 2) establir l’impacte de la complexitat de tasques en el procés d’intercanvi de coneixement, i 3) verificar si hi ha alguna relació entre la intensitat de la interacció de les xarxes socials en el procés d’intercanvi de coneixement (IC). En la recerca, s’ha administrat una enquesta a tres organitzacions peruanes intensives en coneixement. Es planteja que, com més complexes siguin les tasques, la propensió de la persona a intercanviar coneixements ha de ser més gran. Els criteris de classificació de la complexitat es basen en la multiplicitat de resultats, esquemes de solució, conflictes i incertesa, i s’ha pres la qualificació d’experts de les tres organitzacions, els quals indiquen en els individus qualificats el percentatge de temps que dediquen per realitzar cada tipus de tasca en la seva rutina normal. La intensitat de la interacció de xarxes i la propensió a l’IC s’obtenen de les enquestes. De l’anàlisi efectuada, s’observa una relació directa entre la complexitat de tasques i la intensitat en la interacció de la xarxa social de coneixement, com també entre la complexitat i la propensió a intercanviar coneixement. Així mateix, s’ha trobat una relació directa entre les persones que tenen un grau més alt d’interacció en la xarxa social de coneixement i la seva propensió a l’intercanvi de coneixements. Les contribucions principals d’aquesta recerca són aquestes: 1) en l’aspecte acadèmic, la metodologia plantejada quan es treballa amb la qualificació de la persona que coneix millor la naturalesa del treball; 2) en l’aspecte pràctic, la sistematització que es pot obtenir per identificar les persones que tenen més propensió a intercanviar coneixements per potenciar-los dins de l’organització. / El presente trabajo de investigación enfoca uno de los procesos más relevantes de las personas, el Intercambio de Conocimientos (IC). El conocimiento puede ser explícito o tácito. El explícito se puede codificar, estructurar y almacenar de manera que pueda estar disponible. El conocimiento tácito, o también conocido como Tacit Knowing, es la acción de conocer que no se puede codificar ni estructurar; este depende de las experiencias, el criterio y los valores de la persona. Las redes sociales informales en las organizaciones se convierten en un medio por el cual se puede facilitar la transmisión del Tacit Knowing, por lo que mediante el análisis de redes sociales (Social Network Analysis (SNA)) se puede entender y analizar las relaciones entre las personas más allá de las estructuras formales y jerárquicas. Esta situación es relevante para que la alta gerencia potencie, y no trate de estructurar o controlar, estas redes sociales y con una adecuada gestión que incentive que el conocimiento fluya a través de ellas. Se plantean los siguientes objetivos: 1) establecer el Impacto de la Complejidad de Tareas en la intensidad de la interacción de Redes Sociales en una organización, 2) establecer el Impacto de la Complejidad de Tareas en el proceso de Intercambio de Conocimiento y 3) verificar si existe alguna relación entre la intensidad de la interacción de las redes sociales en el proceso de Intercambio de Conocimiento (IC). En la investigación se ha aplicado una encuesta a tres organizaciones peruanas intensivas en conocimiento. Se plantea que a mayor complejidad de tareas, la propensión que debe de tener la persona al intercambio de conocimientos debe ser mayor. Los criterios de clasificación para la complejidad se basan en la multiplicidad de resultados, esquemas de solución, conflictos e incertidumbre y se ha tomado la calificación de expertos de las tres organizaciones, quienes indican en los individuos calificados el porcentaje de tiempo de cada tipo de tareas realizadas en su rutina normal. La intensidad de la interacción de redes y la propensión al IC se obtienen de las encuestas. Del análisis efectuado, se observa una relación directa entre la complejidad de tareas y la intensidad en la interacción de la red social de conocimiento, así como entre la complejidad y la propensión a intercambiar conocimiento. Asimismo, se ha encontrado una relación directa entre las personas que tienen un mayor grado interacción en la red social de conocimiento y su propensión al intercambio de conocimientos. Las principales contribuciones de la presente investigación son las siguientes: 1) en el aspecto académico está la metodología planteada cuando se trabaja con la calificación de la persona que mejor conoce la naturaleza del trabajo; 2) en el aspecto práctico está en la sistematización que se puede obtener para identificar a las personas que tienen una mayor propensión a intercambiar conocimiento para potenciarlos dentro de la organización. / The research addresses one of the most important processes of people, the Knowledge Sharing (KS). Knowledge can be explicit or tacit. The explicit can be structured and stored in a manner that may be available. Tacit knowledge, or also known as Tacit Knowing, is action learning that can not be encoded or structure, this depends on the experience, judgment and values of the person. Informal social networks in organizations become a means to facilitate the transmission of Tacit Knowing, so by analyzing social networks (Social Network Analysis (SNA)) can be understood and analyzed the relationships between people beyond formal and hierarchical structures. This situation is relevant to senior management in order to enhance, rather than try to structure or control, these social networks. An appropriate management should incentive that knowledge flows through them. The research objectives are: 1) establish the Impact of Task Complexity in the intensity of the interaction of social networks in an organization, 2) set the Impact of Task Complexity in the process of knowledge sharing and 3) verify if there is any relationship between the intensity of the interaction of social networks in the process of Knowledge Sharing (KS). A survey has been applied to three peruvian knowledge intensive organizations. It argues that a more complex task, the propensity that the person must have knowledge sharing should be higher. The classification criteria for complexity based on the multiplicity of outcomes, settlement schemes, conflict and uncertainty and has taken the qualification of experts from the three organizations, who qualified individuals listed in the percentage of time each type of task made in their normal routine. The intensity of the interaction of networks and the propensity to KS are obtained from surveys. The analysis conducted, there is a direct relation between task complexity and intensity in the interaction of the social network of knowledge and between complexity and propensity to share knowledge. Also found a direct relationship between people with greater social interaction network of knowledge and their propensity to knowledge sharing. The main contributions of this research are: 1) academically the proposed methodology when working with the qualification of the person who best knows the nature of work, 2) on the practical aspect is that the systematization can get to identify people who have a greater propensity to share knowledge to empower them within the organization.

Die Aufzeichnung des Nicht-Sagbaren: Annäherung an die kommunikative Funktion der Bilder in den Fechtbüchern des Hans Talhofer

Burkart, Eric 15 July 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the communication strategies of medieval fightbooks and the purpose of integrated depictions of their authors and addressees. The point of departure is a series of three articles written by Jan-Dirk MÜLLER between 1992 and 1994, in which he analyses the relationship between mnemonic verses, glosses and didactic images in the tradition of the fencing master Johannes Liechtenauer. On the basis of a case study on the five surviving 15th century manuscripts ascribed to Hans Talhofer, who also stands in the tradition of Liechtenauer, the description of his personal martial art by the use of didactic images is examined.

Såga rakt och tillverka uttryck : En studie av hantverkskunnandet i slöjdämnet

Frohagen, Jenny January 2016 (has links)
Sloyd is related to craft knowing, making traditions and materiality. The meaning of knowing in sloyd is vaguely articulated and thereby can be interpreted by teachers in different ways. This study aims at contributing to an articulation of craft knowing within sloyd education. The study was carried out in the form of two learning studies, each one focusing on a specific object of learning. The knowing of sawing straight was studied through phenomenographic analysis of video recordings of students’ work with handsaws in wood. Different ways of knowing this capability have been described. The second study focused on the knowing of interpreting symbols in sloyd objects. Different ways of perceiving this capability have been described through the learning study’s three iterative lesson interventions. The two objects of learning are discussed as pointing out different aspects of craft knowing in sloyd education. Craft knowing has been recognized as embodied thinking and interaction with tools and materials in order to achieve certain intentions (Dormer, 1994; Illum, 2004). It is often described as embedded in our actions (Polanyi, 1966) and manifested in specific actions: as knowing-in-action (Schön, 1983). Furthermore, it is multimodal and derives from practical knowledge traditions where dexterity, visuality and materiality are central modes of communication (Kress &amp; van Leeuwen, 2006). When engaging in sloyd activities one engages in different communal shared craft techniques and strives to obtain and express intended shapes, functions, lines, patterns and affiliations. To be able to say and make something in a ‘right way’ can be understood as a specific literacy (Gee, 2015). Some aspects of craft knowing are presented and discussed in terms of craft literacy: as embodied interactions with materials and tools in specific ways. These descriptions can contribute to our shared understanding of the meaning of craft knowing as well as the meaning of sloyd knowing.

A Post-Critical Science of Administration: Toward a Society of Explorers

Wickstrom, Craig M. January 2017 (has links)
No description available.


GOISIS, CLAUDIO 31 March 2011 (has links)
Il progetto di ricerca muove dall’interesse per l’emergere di nuove epistemologie della formazione professionale che riconoscono la pratica condivisa come contesto epistemologico di produzione e sviluppo di competenze. Recenti ricerche collegano le possibilità di crescita professionale del singolo allo sviluppo complessivo delle organizzazioni, interpretate come sistemi di comunità che apprendono. Il tema di fondo su cui si confronta la ricerca attiene alla trasformazione delle conoscenze dell’insegnante, all’interno dei vincoli e delle possibilità connesse all’attuale fase di transizione, in favore dell’apprendimento organizzativo. Più in dettaglio, la ricerca indaga il ruolo che assumono le conoscenze tacite nella trasformazione di conoscenza dal livello individuale a quello collettivo. / The research project originates from the interest in emerging new epistemologies of professional formation which identify shared practice as the epistemological context of competence creation and development. Recent research relates the opportunities of individual professional growth to the overall development of the organizations, considered as learning community systems. Given the limits and possibilities connected to the present moment of transition, the main point the research deals with is the transformation of the teacher's knowledge in favour of organizational learning. To be more precise, the research investigates the role of tacit knowledge in the transformation of knowledge from individual to collective level.

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