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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

臺灣地方稅欠稅影響因素之探討 / A study of the determinants of local tax delinquency in Taiwan

王永勝, Wang, Yong Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
為解決地方財政問題,落實地方自治,自2002年12月「地方稅法通則」發佈以來,各地方政府在於「租稅法定主義」及「公共選擇理論」中官員、民代、利益團體之運作之下,開源確有其困難性,因此開發新稅源或稅目,不如對於現有之租稅債權著手。欠稅係指納稅義務人應繳納而未繳納之稅捐,對於稅制之「公平性」及「效率」均有極大之影響;本文試就當年度欠稅之發生原因著手,期能抑制新欠之發生與擴大。因此利用2003年至2008年共6年間,臺灣地區23縣市欠稅之追蹤資料,別以就總體經濟變數、納稅義務人相關變數、稅目及稅捐稽徵機關相關變數等三方面,針對各縣市政府欠稅原因分為以不動產為主之房屋稅及動產為主之牌照稅及總欠稅之比率進行迴歸分析,實證結果顯示,一:欠稅之主要影響原因為經濟成長率與各縣市每戶平均所得,故所得乃納稅義務人欠稅之主要原因,牌照稅為財產稅中之動產,其流動性較高,故易受總體經濟變數之影響;而房屋稅為財產稅中之不動產,其流動性較低,較不易受總體經濟因素之影響,二:自2007稅捐稽徵法第6條修正後,由於修法前地價稅及房屋稅無優先受償,修法後排擠牌照稅應得受償之部分,故造成牌照稅之欠稅率愈高;三:財產稅中牌照稅之罰則、違章相對較多且重,依牌照稅法第28條第2項納稅義務人車輛逾期未驗車,遭監理機關通知逾檢註銷時,納稅義務人若行使道路遭取締違規時,除罰本稅每年均加罰2倍,造成納稅義務人相當大之負擔,無力繳納;四:都市化程度的上升提高房價,加重人民的負擔,且新屋之折舊年數少,且隨地段率、經濟景氣、房屋建材價格不斷提高,造成核算之課稅現值較重,對於初次貸款購屋者乃為一大負擔,因此本文建議, 重新檢討修正稅捐稽徵法、牌照稅罰則及房屋稅對於購屋貸款者於新購、裝潢中之房屋改採住家用稅率,以減輕民眾納稅的負擔,減少欠稅之發生。

When to pay Tax Moratorium Interest? / ¿Cúando Pagar Intereses Moratorios Tributarios?

Núñez Rivas, Silvia Ysabel 10 April 2018 (has links)
The present article discusses when the tax moratorium interest as part of the tax debt is generated, and which judicial way to discuss its payment. For this purpose, the author starts developing the explicit constitutional principles that are limits to the taxing power of the State; and then she makes a compilation of the judgments of the Constitutional Court regarding the application of the tax moratorium interests. / El presente artículo tiene por objeto analizar la naturaleza del interés moratorio, haciendo presente que la misma forma parte de la deuda tributaria. Dentro del artículo, también se hace referencia a la vía judicial para discutir el pago del mismo. Para tal propósito, inicia desarrollando los principios constitucionales explícitos que sirven de límites al poder tributario del Estado; y luego se centra en analizar la naturaleza restitutoria del mismo, teniendo como base tanto los dispositivos legales como las sentencias del Tribunal Constitucional respecto a la aplicación del interés moratorio tributario.

L'organisation du patrimoine du couple a l'epreuve du droit fiscal / The Organization of the Couple's Estate and the Challenge of Tax Law

Cavalier, Célia 09 December 2013 (has links)
L’efficacité de l’organisation du patrimoine du couple nécessite que les règles civiles et fiscales s’articulent de façon harmonieuse, même si chacune de ces branches de droit poursuit une finalité propre. La recherche de l’optimisation et de la sécurité de la charge fiscale du couple doit donc être appréciée à la lumière de cette relation. En matière de gestion, l’optimisation fiscale du patrimoine du couple suppose que l’imposition des revenus et du capital du couple soit personnalisée. L’impôt doit donc prendre suffisamment en compte les facultés contributives du couple, c’est-à-dire tenir compte de leur situation personnelle. Le système de l’imposition par foyer permet ce respect du principe de personnalisation de l’impôt. C’est donc la mauvaise transposition par le droit fiscal du pluralisme des modes de conjugalité qui conduit à remettre en cause le système. Ces contradictions sont plus nuancées pour le traitement de la dette fiscale. La transposition du mécanisme de solidarité en matière fiscale assure en effet un équilibre satisfaisant entre les garanties du contribuable et le respect de la nécessité de l’impôt.En matière de transmission, l’optimisation fiscale du patrimoine du couple suppose que l’imposition des mutations soit allégée. Bien que les contradictions persistent, l’harmonie entre le droit privé et le droit fiscal est plus prononcée. En matière de droits d’enregistrement, les couples de droit n’ont plus à privilégier la fiscalité au détriment de la stratégie patrimoniale. Pour les couples de fait, l’imposition demeure. Le recours aux techniques d’anticipation successorale leur est donc nécessaire, mais ils restent alors soumis au risque fiscal. / The efficiency of the organization of the Couple's estate requires a harmonious relationship between civil law and tax law, even if each of these two branches of law pursues its own purpose. The search for optimization and for the security of the couple's tax burden should then be assessed in the light of this relationship. As regards management, the tax optimization of the couple's estate implies that the taxation of the couple's income and capital is individualized. Tax should therefore take into account the couple's tax payment capacities, that is to say their personal situations. The household taxation system allows to respect the principle of the individualization of tax. However the fact that tax law translates poorly the pluralism of the modes of conjugality may lead to challenge the system. These contradictions are slightly different for the treatment of tax debt. Indeed, the translation of the mechanism of solidarity into tax law guarantees a satisfactory balance between the taxpayer's guarantees and the respect of the necessity of taxation. As regards inheritance, the tax optimization of the couple's estate implies that the taxation of transfers is reduced. Though there are still contradictions, the relationship between private law and tax law is more harmonious. As far as registration fees are concerned, de jure couples do not have to favour taxation to the detriment of a legacy strategy. For de facto couples, taxation remains. So they need to resort to the techniques of anticipatory inheritance, but they are still subjected to tax risks.

Skatteskuld, flyttkostnad och ineffektivt utnyttjat bostadsbestånd : En kartläggning över Sveriges kommuner / Tax Debt, Moving Cost and Underutilized Housing Stock : A Mapping of the Swedish Municipalities

Kalmertun, Frida, Kjellström, Jens January 2023 (has links)
Det finns många indikationer på att Sveriges bostadsmarknad fungerar dåligt och statistik från Boverket visar att många kommuner upplever ett bostadsunderskott. Samtidigt indikerar statistik från Statistiska centralbyrån att stora delar av Sveriges befintliga bostadsbestånd används ineffektivt. Bostadspriserna har de senaste decennierna ökat kraftigt och i kombination med att många hushåll bor länge i sina bostäder har stora latenta skatteskulder byggts upp runt om i Sveriges kommuner. En bidragande faktor som påverkar ett hushålls vilja att flytta är storleken på transaktionskostnaderna som uppkommer i samband med en fastighetsförsäljning. En stor del av dessa transaktionskostnader utgörs av kapitalvinstskatten som måste betalas när bostaden säljs med vinst. Syftet med studien är att öka förståelsen för den svenska bostadsmarknaden genom att kartlägga latent skatteskuld, flyttkostnader i procent av priset och bostadsrörligheten i Sveriges kommuner. Studien undersöker även om det finns ett samband mellan höga flyttkostnader och låg bostadsrörlighet. Studien har genomförts med hjälp av en kvantitativ metod där data från Statistiska centralbyrån, Skatteverket och Valueguard använts för att skapa en databas över Sveriges kommuner. Studiens resultat visar att de högsta latenta skatteskulderna återfinns i storstäderna Stockholm, Göteborg och Malmö medan kommunerna med högst flyttkostnad i procent av priset för småhusbeståndet är Habo, Åre och Härjedalen. Kommunerna Orsa, Grästorp och Mullsjö har de högsta flyttkostnaderna i procent av priset vad gäller bostadsrättsbeståndet. Störst andel underutnyttjat småhusbestånd finns i kommunerna Malung-Sälen, Härjedalen och Åre där nästan vartannat småhus står tomt medan kommunerna med störst andel underutnyttjat bostadsrättsbestånd är Nordanstig, Berg och Åre. Studien kan inte bevisa att det finns ett positivt samband mellan höga flyttkostnader och låg rörlighet på bostadsmarknaden. / There are many indications that the Swedish housing market is functioning inefficiently, and statistics from the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning show that many municipalities are experiencing a housing deficit. Simultaneously, statistics from Statistics Sweden indicate that large parts of Sweden's existing housing stock are underutilized. Seeing as housing prices have steadily increased during the last decades, combined with the fact that many households live in their houses for many years, a large dormant tax debt has been built up in the Swedish municipalities. One factor affecting the household’s willingness to move is the size of the transaction costs generated by the sale of the property. A large part of the transaction costs includes the capital gains tax if the residence is sold at a profit.  The purpose of this study is to increase the knowledge of the Swedish housing market by mapping the dormant tax debt, moving costs as a percentage of the price and residential mobility in the Swedish municipalities. The study thus examines whether there is a relationship between high moving costs and low residential mobility. The study applies a quantitative approach where data from Statistics Sweden, The Swedish Tax Agency and Valueguard are used to create a dataset of the Swedish municipalities. The results of the study show that the highest dormant tax debt is found in the major cities Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Malmö, while the municipalities with the highest moving costs as a percentage of the price of the single-family houses are found in Habo, Åre and Härjedalen. The municipalities of Orsa, Grästorp and Mullsjö show the highest moving costs as a percentage of the price for the condominium housing stock. The largest proportion of underutilized single-family houses is found in the municipalities Malung-Sälen, Härjedalen and Åre, where half of the single-family houses were empty, while the municipalities with the most underutilized condominium housing stock are Nordanstig, Berg and Åre. The study could however not show that there is a positive relationship between high moving costs and low mobility in the housing market.

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