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Establishment of a novel technique to study G protein-coupled receptor activation / Entwicklung einer neuen Technik zur Analyse der Aktivierung G-Protein-gekoppelter RezeptorenDjannatian, Minou Susan 17 August 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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The TeV gamma-ray binary PSR B1259-63 / observations with the high energy stereoscopic system in the years 2005 - 2007Kerschhaggl, Matthias 13 July 2010 (has links)
PSR B1259-63 ist ein Binärsystem in welchem ein Pulsar um einen massereichen Be-Stern kreist. Dieses System weist variable, nicht thermische Strahlung um den Periastron herum auf, welche vom Radiobereich bis zu sehr hohen Energien (engl. very-high-energy VHE; E > 100 GeV) sichtbar ist. Die vorliegende Dissertation präsentiert VHE Daten des Systems, gemessen in den Jahren 2005, 2006 b.z.w. vor und kurz nach dem Periastron im Jahr 2007. Diese Daten erweitern das Wissen um die Lichtkurve dieses Objektes über alle Phasen der Umlaufbahn. Diese Daten wurden mit den H.E.S.S. Teleskopen gewonnen. Gamma-Strahlung in einem Energiebereich von 0.5-70 TeV wurde gemessen. Von PSR B1259-63 wurde, unter Verwendung von 55 h Detektorzeit im Jahr 2007, VHE Strahlung mit einer Gesamtsignifikanz von 9.5 Sigma detektiert. Der monatliche Photonen-Fluss wurde vermessen was erstmals zu VHE Lichtkurvendaten noch weit vor dem Periastron führte. PSR B1259-63 wurde auch in den Jahren 2005 und 2006, weit weg vom Periastron, ueberwacht. Hierbei war kein signifikanter Ueberschuss an gamma-Strahlung über Untergrund zu verzeichnen. Die signifikante Detektion von VHE Photonen, die bei einer wahren Anomalie von -0.35 , also bereits 50 Tage vor dem Periastron, ausgesendet wurden, schliesst ein Szenario mit stellarer Scheibe als Zielmaterial für hadronische Wechselwirkungen als Hauptemissionsmechanismus eher aus. Weiters konnten innerhalb einer phänomenologischen Studie Hinweise gefunden werden, dass PSR B1259-63 ein periodischer VHE Strahler ist. Darüber hinaus wurden Modellrechnungen, die auf inverser Comptonstreuung (IC) von schockbeschleunigten Pulsarwindelektronen basieren, durchgeführt. Das dargestellte Modell berücksichtigt strahlungsfreie Verluste, die möglicherweise im Bereich, in dem der Pulsarwind terminiert wird, eine Rolle spielen. Die gefundenen Ergebnisse zeigen ein eigentümliches nicht radiatives Kühlverhalten um den Periastron, das die VHE Emission in PSR B1259-63 dominiert. / PSR B1259-63 is a binary system where a 48 ms pulsar orbits a massive Be star. The system exhibits variable, non-thermal radiation around periastron visible from radio to very high energies (VHE; E>100 GeV). This thesis presents VHE data from PSR B1259-63 as taken during the years 2005, 2006 and before as well as shortly after the 2007 periastron passage. These data extend the knowledge of the lightcurve of this object to all phases of the binary orbit. Observations of VHE gamma-rays with the H.E.S.S. telescope array were performed. Gamma-ray events in an energy range of 0.5-70 TeV were recorded. VHE gamma-ray emission from PSR B1259-63 was detected with an overall significance of 9.5 standard deviations using 55 h of exposure, obtained in 2007. The monthly flux of gamma-rays during the observation period was measured, yielding VHE lightcurve data for the early pre-periastron phase of the system for the first time. PSR B1259-63 was also monitored in 2005 and 2006, far from periastron passage, comprising 8.9 h and 7.5 h of exposure, respectively. No significant excess of gamma-rays is seen in those observations. The firm detection of VHE photons emitted at a true anomaly of -0.35 of the pulsar orbit, i.e. already ~50 days prior to the periastron passage, disfavors the stellar disc target scenario as a primary emission mechanism, based on current knowledge about the companion star''s disc inclination, extension, and density profile. In a phenomenological study indirect evidence that PSR B1259-63 could in fact be a periodical VHE emitter is presented using the TeV data discussed in this work. Moreover, model calculations based on inverse compton (IC) scattering of shock accelerated pulsar wind electrons were performed. The model presented accounts for non-radiative losses possibly at work in the region where the pulsar wind is shocked by stellar outflows. The presented results show a peculiar non-radiative cooling profile around periastron dominating the VHE emission.
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Search for Gaugino Mediation Non-Universal Higgs Masses Model with Tau-Sneutrino NLSP withthe ATLAS Detector in Final States with Jets and Missing Transverse Momentum and 20.3 fb-1of sqrt(s) = 8 TeV Proton-Proton Collision DataMamužić, Judita 13 October 2016 (has links)
Supersymmetrie (SUSY) ist eine der am besten motivierten Erweiterungen des Standardmodells, und Suchen nach Hinweisen auf Supersymmetrie am LHC sind ein wichtiger Beitrag zum Verständnis von neuer Physik. Das Thema dieser Doktorarbeit ist die Analyse von zwei SUSY-Szenarien unter Verwendung von 20.3 fb−1 an ATLAS Daten, die bei einer Schwerpunktenergie von 8 TeV aufgezeichnet wurden. Den Hauptteil der Arbeit stellt eine Untersuchung des "Nicht-Universelle Higgs Massen Modells mit Gaugino Mediation" (NUHMG) mit Tau-Sneutrino als NLSP dar. Es wurde gezeigt, dass NUHMG unter Verwendung von Ereignissen ohne Leptonen, mit mehreren Jets, und fehlendem Transversalimpuls zu finden sein müsste. Eine neue Methode zur schnellen Optimierung unter Verwendung von multivariaten Methoden wurde entwickelt und in die Analyse eingebracht. Da kein signikanter Überschuss an Ereignissen in den untersuchten Daten beobachtet wurde, wurden experimentell ausgeschlossene Parameterbereiche des NUHMG-Modells bestimmt (bei einem Konfidenzniveau von 95 Prozent). Hierbei wurden Squark und Gluino Massen unterhalb von 1250 GeV bzw. 1400 GeV ausgeschlossen. Das zweite SUSY-Modell, das in dieser Doktorarbeit untersucht wird, ist das Nicht-Universelle Higgs Massen Modell (NUHM) mit Neutralino als LSP, welches innerhalb der Theorie der “Radiatively Driven Natural SUSY” (RNS) motiviert ist. Eine Datenanalyse mit einer statistischen Kombination von Ereignissen mit 2 bis 4 Leptonen wurde durchgeführt. Da kein signikanter Überschuss von Ereignissen beobachtet wurde, wurden ausgeschlossene Parameterbereiche des RNS-NUHM Modells bestimmt. Der größte Beitrag kommt hierbei von der Analyse mit 3 Leptonen, und es werden Werte von m1/2 / Supersymmetry (SUSY) is one of the best motivated extensions of the Standard Model. The subject of this thesis is the analysis of two SUSY scenarios using 20.3 fb-1 of ATLAS data at 8 TeV center of mass energy. The main topic is a study of the Non-Universal Higgs Masses model with Gaugino mediation and Tau-Sneutrino NLSP (NUHMG). A study showed that NUHMG can be found using Squark and Gluino production, using final states with zero leptons of transverse momenta higher than 10 GeV, multiple jets and missing transverse energy. A new method for fast optimisation using multivariate techniques was developed for the analysis with 2-6 jets and missing transverse momentum. No significant excess of data has been seen, and 95 percent CL exclusion limits have been set on the model, where Squark and Gluino masses are excluded up to 1250 and 1400 GeV respectively. Second SUSY model studied, is the Non-universal Higgs Masses model with Neutralino LSP (NUHM). It is well motivated in the framework of Radiatively Driven Natural Supersymmetry (RNS). A data analysis using a statistical combination of 2, 3 and 4 leptons has been performed. No significant excess of data has been observed, and 95 percent CL exclusion limits have been set. They reach up to 300 GeV in m1/2, and extend up to the highest tested value of μ = 500 GeV. In addition to physics analyses, a program developed for online monitoring of the ATLAS trigger, called Trigger Presenter (TriP), is described in this thesis.
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Mise en oeuvre du calorimètre électromagnétique d'ATLAS et de la reconstruction des électrons avec les premières données du collisssionneur de protons LHC. Détermination du potentiel d découverte d'un boson de jauge lourd chargé W^(' )→evKuna, Marine 20 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
En ce début d'année 2010, le collisionneur de protons LHC a commencé son fonctionnement avec une énergie dans le centre de masse de s = 7 TeV, faisant du CERN le laboratoire abritant le plus puissant accélérateur de particules au monde. La nouvelle fenêtre d'observation offerte par cette machine offre aux physiciens la possibilité d'observer des phénomènes physiques encore inconnus et détendre nos connaissances sur le fonctionnement de l'univers. Parmi les expériences placées sur l'anneau du LHC se trouve l'expérience généraliste ATLAS, dont les objectifs de physique comprennent la complétion du Modèle Standard de la physique des parti- cules par la découverte du boson de Higgs, la mesure des propriétés du quark top, mais également la mise à l'épreuve de théories comme la sup er-symétrie, les modèles de grande unification et de dimensions supplémentaires. Le chapitre 1 illustrera l'état des connaissances théoriques en physique subatomique avant le nouvel éclairage que le LHC a la vocation de lui app orter, tandis que le chapitre 2 décrira l'exp érience ATLAS sur lequel repose le travail effectué pendant cette thèse. L'exploitation des données d'un collisionneur de hadrons n'est cependant pas aisée, et la réduction du bruit QCD est un des enjeux majeurs des expériences placées auprès du LHC. Dans cet environnement hadronique, la maîtrise des leptons est cruciale. Leur signature relativement simple et leur présence dans des canaux de découvertes importants sont des atouts pour la recherche de nouvelle physique. L'électron, sa reconstruction, son identication, sa mise en oeuvre et celle du calorimètre électromagnétique qui est un sous-détecteur crucial pour sa mesure a été le conducteur de ma thèse qui se découpe comme suit. La reconstruction de l'électron commence dans le calorimètre électromagnétique
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W boson measurement in the muonic decay channel at forward rapidity with ALICE / Mesure de la production du boson W dans le canal muonique à rapidité à l'avant avec ALICEZhu, Jianhui 01 April 2017 (has links)
La haute densité d’énergie atteinte au Large Hadron Collider (LHC) au CERN permet une production abondante de sondes dures, telles que quarkonia, jets à haute impulsion transverse (p<sub>T</sub>) et bosons vecteurs (W, Z), qui sont produits lors de la collision partonique initiale. Les bosons vecteur se désintègrent avant la formation du Plasma de Quark et de Gluons (PQG), une phase déconfinée de la matière, qui peut être produite lors de collisions d’ions lourds ultra-relativistes. Les leptons issus de la désintégration des bosons électrofaibles ne sont pas sensibles à l’interaction forte avec le PQG. Pour ces raisons les bosons électrofaibles fournissent une référence pour l’étude des modifications induites par le milieu sur les sondes colorées.La production de bosons W en collisions pp à √s=8 TeV et en collisions p-Pb à √s<sub>NN</sub>=5.02 TeV est mesurée dans le canal de désintégration muonique au LHC avec le détecteur ALICE. En collision pp, la gamme de rapidité couverte par la mesure est -4<y<sub>cms</sub><-2.5. En collision p-Pb, la différence d’énergie entre le proton et l’ ion plomb donne lieu à un décalage en rapidité. En inversant la direction des faisceaux, il est possible de couvrir les régions de rapidité -4.46<y<sub>cms</sub><-2.96 et 2.03<y<sub>cms</sub><3.53. Les résultats présentés dans cette thèse consistent dans la mesure de la section efficace de la production de muons avec pT>10GeV/c issus de la désintégration des bosons W+ et W-. La mesure de l’asymétrie de charge, définie comme la différence des taux de production des muons positifs et négatifs divisée par leur somme, est également effectuée. Les résultats sont comparés avec des calculs théoriques obtenus avec ou sans tenir compte des modifications des fonctions de distribution partonique dans les noyaux. La production du boson W est aussi étudiée en fonction de la centralité des collisions : nous observons que, dans les erreurs expérimentales, la section efficace des muons issus de la désintégration du boson W est proportionnelle aux nombre de collisions binaires entre les nucléons. / The high collision energies available at the LHC allow for an abundant production of hard probes, such as quarkonia, high-p<sub>T</sub> jets and vector bosons (W, Z), which are produced in initial hard parton scattering processes. The latter decay before the formation of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP), which is a deconfined phase of QCD matter produced in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. Their leptonic decay products do not interact strongly with the QGP. Thus electroweak bosons introduce a way for benchmarking in-medium modifications to coloured probes. The production of W-boson in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV and p-Pb collisions at √s<sub>NN</sub>=5.02 TeV are measured via the muonic decay channel at the LHC with the ALICE detector. In pp collisions the rapidity covered by the measurement is -4<y<sub>cms</sub><-2.5. In p-Pb collisions, on the other hand, the different energies of the proton and lead ion give rise to a rapidity shift. By exchanging the direction of the beams, it is possible to cover the rapidity ranges -4.46<y<sub>cms</sub><-2.96 and 2.03<y<sub>cms</sub><3.53. The production cross section and charge asymmetry of muons from W-boson decays with p<sup>μ</sup>T>10 GeV/c are determined. The results are compared to theoretical calculations both with and without including the nPDFs. The W-boson production is also studied as a function of the collision centrality: the cross section of muons from W-boson decays is found to scale with the average number of binary nucleon-nucleon collisions with uncertainties.
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Search for supersymmetry using a Higgs boson in the decay cascade with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron ColliderDavid, Claire 02 May 2016 (has links)
The Standard Model of particle physics is a successful theory, yet it is incomplete. Supersymmetry is one of the favoured extensions of the Standard Model, elegantly addressing several unresolved issues. This thesis presents a search for the pair production of supersymmetric particles chargino one and neutralino two, where the neutralino two decays to the lightest neutralino and the 125 GeV Higgs boson. The final states considered for the search have large missing transverse momentum, an isolated lepton and two jets identified as originating from bottom quarks. The analysis is based on 20.3 inverse femtobarns of 8 TeV proton-proton collision data delivered by the Large Hadron Collider and recorded with the ATLAS detector. No excess over Standard Model predictions is observed. The analysis has been combined with three independent searches that probe other decay modes of the Standard Model Higgs boson. Limits are set at 95% confidence level in the context of a simplified supersymmetric model. Common masses of chargino one and neutralino two are excluded up to 250 GeV for a massless neutralino one. The analysis of this dissertation has been reinterpreted in the context of a large scan of the phenomenological Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model, along with 22 other ATLAS Run 1 searches. The resulting summary paper represents the most comprehensive assessment of the ATLAS constraints on Supersymmetry models to date. / Graduate / 0798 / cdavid@uvic.ca
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Biocontainment system for bacterial antigen delivery carriersAl-Mamari, Ahmed January 2017 (has links)
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are confined physically in order to contain their spread in nature and to minimise chances of horizontal gene transfer. However, with the potential that GMOs hold as cheap, reliable and efficient micro-machines, their eventual uncontrolled release into the wider space is becoming more likely. Indeed, their application as environmental sensors is largely increasing. Nevertheless, the field of synthetic biology may also afford solutions to the problem. A major potential application of GMOs is the delivery of antigens to human and animal hosts, through the utilization of live, engineered microbes. Recombinant technology is promising for several reasons including their capacity to be less reactogenic, more potent, safer and genetically definable. Also, they have the potential to provide protection against multiple targets simultaneously, are relatively inexpensive and can be eradicated with antibiotics, as the need arises. Besides, delivery of vaccines to mucosal surfaces is more efficient. Mutant Salmonella expressing heterologous antigens have been shown to induce protection against a variety of pathogens. Nevertheless, limited containment systems are available that can be applicable for bacterial antigen carriers. This project aims to design safeguards for the bacterial antigen delivery systems that limit ORF translatability and self-inactivates/destructs upon exit from the host. In this work, double quadruplet codons were suppressed by orthogonal tRNAs, providing a barrier for gene translation in the recipient cells when antigen is horizontally transferred. Furthermore, three kill switches were designed that are activated by a decrease in temperature from 37 °C. First, Sau3AI endonuclease was activated by protein self-splicing at low temperature mediated by Mtu recA intein. The activation of the endonuclease led to three-fold logarithmic decrease in the number of viable cells within two hours of gene expression. Second, RNA-dependent activation of RNase 7 showed a reduction in the number of viable cells at low temperature of three logarithmic folds. RNase 7 was controlled by the cspA 5’UTR, which sequesters ribosome binding site at 37 °C and allows translation at low temperature. Third, CspA 5’UTR was shown to regulate expression of TEV protease at 37 °C and low temperature. This led to bacterial cellular inhibition within two hours of TEV induction and five-fold logarithmic reduction in the number of viable cells at low temperature. In addition, for the first time and contrary to previous studies, the TEV protease was shown to inhibit cellular growth. It was also shown that biofilm formation was drastically impaired by the TEV activity. The three killing switches and the quadruplet translation system are poised to function as robust safeguards for bacterial antigen delivery systems.
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Intracellular systems for characterization and engineering of proteases and their substratesKostallas, George January 2011 (has links)
Over the years, the view on proteases as relatively non-specific protein degradation enzymes, mainly involved in food digestion and intracellular protein turnover, has shifted and they are now recognized as key regulators of many biological processes that determine the fate of a cell. Besides their biological role, proteases have emerged as important tools in various biotechnical, industrial and medical applications. At present, there are worldwide efforts made that aim at deciphering the biological role of proteases and understanding their mechanism of action in greater detail. In addition, with the growing demand of novel protease variants adapted to specific applications, protease engineering is attracting a lot of attention. With the vision of contributing to the field of protein science, we have developed a platform for the identification of site-specific proteolysis, consisting of two intracellular genetic assays; one fluorescence-based (Paper I) and one antibiotic resistance-based (Paper IV). More specifically, the assays take advantage of genetically encoded short-lived reporter substrates that upon cleavage by a coexpressed protease confer either increased whole-cell fluorescence or antibiotic resistance to the cells in proportion to the efficiency with which the substrates are processed. Thus, the fluorescence-based assay is highly suitable for high-throughput analysis of substrate processing efficiency by flow cytometry analysis and cell sorting, while the antibiotic resistance assay can be used to monitor and identify proteolysis through (competitive) growth in selective media. By using the highly sequence specific tobacco etch virus protease (TEVp) as a model in our systems, we could show that both allowed for (i) discrimination among closely related substrate peptides (Paper I & IV) and (ii) enrichment and identification of the best performing substrate-protease combination from a background of suboptimal variants (Paper I & IV). In addition, the fluorescence-based assay was used successfully to determine the substrate specificity of TEVp by flow cytometric screening of large combinatorial substrate libraries (Paper II), and in a separate study also used as one of several methods for the characterization of different TEVp mutants engineered for improved solubility (Paper III). We believe that our assays present a new and promising path forward for high-throughput substrate profiling of proteases, directed evolution of proteases and identification of protease inhibitors, which all are areas of great biological, biotechnical and medical interest. / QC 20110516
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Searches for dijet resonances using √s = 13 TeV proton-proton collision data recorded by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron ColliderBeresford, Lydia Audrey January 2017 (has links)
This thesis presents three searches for new resonances in dijet invariant mass spectra. The spectra are produced using √s = 13 TeV proton-proton collision data recorded by the ATLAS detector. New dijet resonances are searched for in the mass range 200 GeV to 6.9 TeV in mass. Heavy new resonances, with masses above 1.1 TeV, are targeted by a high mass dijet search. Light new resonances, with masses down to 200 GeV, are searched for in dijet events with an associated high momentum object (a photon or a jet) arising from initial state radiation. The associated object is used to efficiently trigger the recording of low mass dijet events. All of the analyses presented in this thesis search for an excess of events, localised in mass, above a data-derived estimate of the smoothly falling QCD background. In each search no evidence for new resonances is observed, and the data are used to set 95% C.L. limits on the production cross-section times acceptance times branching ratio for model-independent Gaussian resonance shapes, as well as benchmark signals. One particular benchmark signal which is considered in all of the searches is an axial-vector Z' dark matter mediator model whose parameter space is reduced due to the results presented in this thesis.
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Implementação dos serviços de comunicação e monitoração em um ambiente para desenvolvimento de sistemas distribuídos.Góis, Lourival Aparecido de 30 August 2002 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2002-08-30 / The TEV (Teaching Environment for Virtuoso) environment is a set of teaching tools that support the phases of analysis, design, implementation, depuration and test of real-time applications which are executed using the
Virtuoso (Virtual Single Processor Programming System) kernel. This environment allows the application designer to graphically define the application data structures through an editor, write the C language code of the tasks and
functions of the application and, finally, generate the necessary files to compile
the application. These facilities solve most of the problems while generating of real-time applications, however, they do not support distributed applications. This master research aims at modeling and implementing an API (Application Programming Interface), based on TCP/IP protocols, to be used together with the
TEV environment in order to provide some functionality related to real-time application generation on a network structure as well as to deal with some problems related to transparency in the communication between the protocols and
the application processes. Based on this API, a generator, called AGAD, was developed to be used in the implementation and monitoring of the tasks involved with the communication. This work presents the API modeling, its utilization on the creation of the AGAD and the integration of the with TEV. / O ambiente TEV (Teaching Environment for Virtuoso) é um conjunto de ferramentas de ensino que suportam as fases de análise, projeto,
implementação, depuração e testes de aplicações de tempo real que são executadas usando o kernel Virtuoso (Virtual Single Processor Programming
System). Tal ambiente permite ao projetista da aplicação definir graficamente suas estruturas de dados através de um editor, escrever o código em linguagem C das suas tarefas e funções e, por fim, gerar os arquivos necessários para sua compilação. Estas facilidades resolvem grande parte dos problemas encontrados na geração de aplicações de tempo real, porém, as mesmas não dão suporte a
aplicações distribuídas. O objetivo deste trabalho de mestrado é a modelagem e implementação de uma API (Application Programming Interface), baseada na pilha de protocolos TCP/IP, para ser utilizada em conjunto com o ambiente TEV de
forma a prover funcionalidades relacionadas com a geração de aplicações de tempo real em uma estrutura de rede, bem como tratar problemas originados pela transparência existente na comunicação entre os protocolos e os processos destas aplicações. A partir desta API foi desenvolvido um gerador, denominado AGAD
(Ambiente para Geração de Aplicações Distribuídas), para ser utilizado na implementação e monitoração das tarefas envolvidas com a comunicação. Este trabalho apresenta a modelagem da API, sua utilização na construção da
ferramenta AGAD e a integração desta com o TEV.
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