Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bleacher expertise"" "subject:"bleacher dexpertise""
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Re-conceptualizing teacher expertise: teacher agency and expertise through a critical pedagogic frameworkSamoukovic, Biljana 01 December 2015 (has links)
Public and scholarly debates on what it means to be a successful teacher are characterized by increasingly pronounced differences in how various political, legislative, and professional groups define successful teaching. In response to pressures posed by these polarized discourses, critical pedagogic research on education contrasts contested views on the nature of knowledge and critiques the standardization of knowledge in schools. There is a general consensus in the research that it is necessary for teachers to develop an understanding of a rapidly changing world, and an understanding of students coming from various social milieus who are often unwilling to accept a uniform set of knowledge and values it promotes. Thus, the body of knowledge and the values which are supposed to be passed on to new generations of students continue to be points of contention in education. It is necessary for teachers to be aware of why certain sets of knowledge, skills, and values should be promoted in increasingly diverse school settings. In this expanded view of the teachers’ role and of teacher expertise, teacher agency, the nature of knowledge, sociopolitical relations, and power relations need to be considered.
In this dissertation I examine the interplay of these factors by examining the extant research and then analyzing the perceptions of a group of teacher participants in a qualitative study. I have synthesized the findings to develop a new concept of teacher agency expertise in a critical pedagogic sense. I clarify the relationship between teacher expertise and teacher agency. The concept of teacher expertise requires that teacher agency be conceived of in terms of its collective expressions and its larger influence, as well as the aim of effective teaching for equity and social justice.
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Understanding L2 Writing Teacher Expertise, Identity, and Agency at an ESL Composition Program in a Post-Pandemic Teaching Environment in the U.S.Weng, Zhenjie January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Ascensão pelo estudo ou estagnação qualificada? Os sentidos da experiência do projeto Bolsa Mestrado para os professores da rede estadual de São Paulo (2004-2009) / Rise by study or qualified stagnation? The directions of bag design experience master for teachers of state network São Paulo (2004-2009)Cruz, Livia Lara da 25 October 2013 (has links)
Esta pesquisa investiga as condições objetivas e os determinantes sociais que permitiram a alguns professores efetivos da rede estadual de São Paulo participar do Projeto Bolsa Mestrado. Tal projeto, desde 2004, faz parte das políticas de formação continuada oferecidas pela Secretaria de Estado da Educação de São Paulo (SEE), com o objetivo de fornecer aos seus integrantes a possibilidade de aprofundar conhecimentos de natureza teórica e prática que pudessem interferir positivamente em seu desenvolvimento profissional. Embora se apresente como universal, pelo fato de ser aberto a todos os 125 mil docentes efetivos da rede estadual, menos de 2% deles se aventuram a participar do projeto, mostrando que a disposição para participar dessa iniciativa se enraíza em condições particulares de existência relacionadas diretamente com as condutas dos seus agentes adaptadas às condições das quais são produtos, em função de uma espécie de acordo existente entre as disposições dos agentes, advindas do âmbito familiar e dos demais processos de socialização sofridos ao longo da vida e as exigências do universo em que estão inseridos. Numa tentativa de compreender esse fenômeno, o presente trabalho, tendo como referência a teoria de Pierre Bourdieu, propõe-se a conhecer as características de alguns professores que participaram do Projeto Bolsa Mestrado, desvelando as condições que, no decorrer de sua trajetória, os levaram a constituir o interesse pelo desenvolvimento de uma pesquisa nesse nível. Na mesma perspectiva, pretende-se apreender os sentidos que esta experiência teve para esses agentes, averiguando se houve transformações em sua posição no campo educacional e relacionando essas transformações com dados que mostram a situação dos cursos de Mestrado no Brasil. Espera-se, assim contribuir para a identificação dos significados da realização do Mestrado para os agentes em questão. Por meio de entrevistas com quatro professores que participaram do Projeto Bolsa Mestrado e que atualmente são mestres, foi possível constatar que o capital cultural amealhado por cada um deles ao longo de sua trajetória resultou em relações específicas com o conhecimento e com a vontade de continuar estudando. Destaca-se que a conclusão do Mestrado possibilitou aos professores investigados estabelecer estratégias de distinção e de obtenção de capital simbólico, além de trazer melhorias em termos de capital cultural e econômico. Entretanto, esses ganhos não encontraram ressonância dentro da própria rede estadual, que não cria condições para a permanência desses professores em suas salas de aula. Esse quadro é agravado pela limitação dos ganhos materiais e simbólicos dos professores da rede estadual, dado o processo generalizado de desvalorização social da docência e ao lugar que esses professores ocupam no campo educacional. / This research investigates the objective conditions and the social determinants that allowed some teachers of São Paulos public education system to participated in the Bolsa Mestrado program. This program is part of the continued education policies offered by the Department of Education of São Paulo government in order to provide its members the opportunity to improve their knowledge and resulting in professional development. Although the program is presented as universal, opened to all 125 000 teachers of São Paulos public education system, less than 2% of them have enrolled. It shows that teachers disposal to participate in this program is based on specific conditions like, personal background, individuals personal dispositions, family influence and interpersonal relationship related to the environment theyre in. In attempt to understand this fact, the present work, with reference to Pierre Bourdieus theory, intends to investigate the characteristics of some teachers who participated in the program. This work also reveals in which conditions postgraduate studies became interest in teachers career and intend to understand the meanings of this experience for them by examining changes in their position in the educational system and relating these changes to master degree programs in Brazil. It is expected to identify the meaning of doing master degree. Through interviews with four teachers, all master\'s degree holders, who paticipated the program, it was established that the cultural capital amassed by each one of them throughout their careers resulted in specific relations between the knowledge and the will to continue studying. It can be observed that the master degree allowed teachers to establish strategies of distinction, achievement of symbolic capital and improvement in economic and cultural capital. However, these gains did not find resonance within the São Paulos public education system which does not create conditions for the teachers permanence in classrooms. This situation is aggravated by the limitations of material and symbolic gains, in a context of social devaluation of teacher expertise and of the positions these teachers occupy in the educational system.
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Ascensão pelo estudo ou estagnação qualificada? Os sentidos da experiência do projeto Bolsa Mestrado para os professores da rede estadual de São Paulo (2004-2009) / Rise by study or qualified stagnation? The directions of bag design experience master for teachers of state network São Paulo (2004-2009)Livia Lara da Cruz 25 October 2013 (has links)
Esta pesquisa investiga as condições objetivas e os determinantes sociais que permitiram a alguns professores efetivos da rede estadual de São Paulo participar do Projeto Bolsa Mestrado. Tal projeto, desde 2004, faz parte das políticas de formação continuada oferecidas pela Secretaria de Estado da Educação de São Paulo (SEE), com o objetivo de fornecer aos seus integrantes a possibilidade de aprofundar conhecimentos de natureza teórica e prática que pudessem interferir positivamente em seu desenvolvimento profissional. Embora se apresente como universal, pelo fato de ser aberto a todos os 125 mil docentes efetivos da rede estadual, menos de 2% deles se aventuram a participar do projeto, mostrando que a disposição para participar dessa iniciativa se enraíza em condições particulares de existência relacionadas diretamente com as condutas dos seus agentes adaptadas às condições das quais são produtos, em função de uma espécie de acordo existente entre as disposições dos agentes, advindas do âmbito familiar e dos demais processos de socialização sofridos ao longo da vida e as exigências do universo em que estão inseridos. Numa tentativa de compreender esse fenômeno, o presente trabalho, tendo como referência a teoria de Pierre Bourdieu, propõe-se a conhecer as características de alguns professores que participaram do Projeto Bolsa Mestrado, desvelando as condições que, no decorrer de sua trajetória, os levaram a constituir o interesse pelo desenvolvimento de uma pesquisa nesse nível. Na mesma perspectiva, pretende-se apreender os sentidos que esta experiência teve para esses agentes, averiguando se houve transformações em sua posição no campo educacional e relacionando essas transformações com dados que mostram a situação dos cursos de Mestrado no Brasil. Espera-se, assim contribuir para a identificação dos significados da realização do Mestrado para os agentes em questão. Por meio de entrevistas com quatro professores que participaram do Projeto Bolsa Mestrado e que atualmente são mestres, foi possível constatar que o capital cultural amealhado por cada um deles ao longo de sua trajetória resultou em relações específicas com o conhecimento e com a vontade de continuar estudando. Destaca-se que a conclusão do Mestrado possibilitou aos professores investigados estabelecer estratégias de distinção e de obtenção de capital simbólico, além de trazer melhorias em termos de capital cultural e econômico. Entretanto, esses ganhos não encontraram ressonância dentro da própria rede estadual, que não cria condições para a permanência desses professores em suas salas de aula. Esse quadro é agravado pela limitação dos ganhos materiais e simbólicos dos professores da rede estadual, dado o processo generalizado de desvalorização social da docência e ao lugar que esses professores ocupam no campo educacional. / This research investigates the objective conditions and the social determinants that allowed some teachers of São Paulos public education system to participated in the Bolsa Mestrado program. This program is part of the continued education policies offered by the Department of Education of São Paulo government in order to provide its members the opportunity to improve their knowledge and resulting in professional development. Although the program is presented as universal, opened to all 125 000 teachers of São Paulos public education system, less than 2% of them have enrolled. It shows that teachers disposal to participate in this program is based on specific conditions like, personal background, individuals personal dispositions, family influence and interpersonal relationship related to the environment theyre in. In attempt to understand this fact, the present work, with reference to Pierre Bourdieus theory, intends to investigate the characteristics of some teachers who participated in the program. This work also reveals in which conditions postgraduate studies became interest in teachers career and intend to understand the meanings of this experience for them by examining changes in their position in the educational system and relating these changes to master degree programs in Brazil. It is expected to identify the meaning of doing master degree. Through interviews with four teachers, all master\'s degree holders, who paticipated the program, it was established that the cultural capital amassed by each one of them throughout their careers resulted in specific relations between the knowledge and the will to continue studying. It can be observed that the master degree allowed teachers to establish strategies of distinction, achievement of symbolic capital and improvement in economic and cultural capital. However, these gains did not find resonance within the São Paulos public education system which does not create conditions for the teachers permanence in classrooms. This situation is aggravated by the limitations of material and symbolic gains, in a context of social devaluation of teacher expertise and of the positions these teachers occupy in the educational system.
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Teachers’ Situation-Specific Skills With a Particular Focus on Classroom Management / Evidence From a Systematic Review and Novice-Expert StudiesStahnke, Rebekka 05 July 2021 (has links)
Situations-spezifische Fertigkeiten sind ein wichtiger Teil von Lehrerexpertise und insbesondere im Bereich des Klassenmanagements bedeutsam. Vor dem Hintergrund der Kompetenz- und Expertiseforschung synthetisiert die vorliegende Dissertation bisherige Befunde systematisch und untersucht, wie sich Novizen- und Expertenlehrpersonen in ihren Fertigkeiten hinsichtlich des Klassenmanagements unterscheiden. Studie 1 fasst den Forschungsstand in einem systematischen Review von 60 empirischen Studien zusammen und arbeitet Erkenntnisse zu Fertigkeiten und ihrer Förderung sowie zum konzeptuellen Rahmen der Studien heraus. Für Studie 2 und Studie 3 werden die Fertigkeiten von 20 Noviz*innen und 20 Expert*innen mit Hilfe von Videoausschnitten untersucht, die für das Klassenmanagement relevante Ereignisse zeigen. Studie 2 erforscht mit Hilfe von Eye-Tracking-Methoden insbesondere die Fertigkeit der Wahrnehmung sowie formatspezifische Expertiseeffekte. Es fand sich bei Expert*innen ein Fokus auf Schüler*innen, während Noviz*innen vor allem beim Partnerarbeitsformat weniger ausgeprägte Fertigkeiten zeigten. Studie 3 untersucht anhand von retrospektiven verbalen Analysen Expertiseeffekte hinsichtlich des Wahrnehmens, Interpretierens und Entscheidens. Expertise war erneut durch einen Fokus auf Schüler*innen gekennzeichnet. Zudem boten Expert*innen mehr Handlungsmöglichkeiten an als Noviz*innen. Zusammenfassend lässt sich feststellen, dass Expert*innen vor allem hinsichtlich des Entscheidens überlegen sind. Weiterhin deuten die Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass offenere Unterrichtsformate für Noviz*innen besonders herausfordernd sind. Die Bedeutung der Ergebnisse wird hinsichtlich der allgemeinen Expertise- und Kompetenzforschung sowie der Klassenmanagementforschung diskutiert. Die Studien zeigen theoretische Inkohärenz hinsichtlich des Konstrukts situations-spezifischer Fertigkeiten auf, sowie eine starke Fokussierung bisheriger Forschung auf Störungen in Frontalunterrichtsszenen. / Situation-specific skills are an important part of teacher expertise and are particularly relevant in the area of classroom management. Against the background of general and classroom management-specific teacher competence and expertise research, this dissertation systematically synthesized previous findings and also investigated how novice and expert teachers differ in their skills with regard to classroom management. Study 1 summarized the state of research in a systematic review of 60 empirical studies, thereby identifying insights into teachers’ skills and their facilitation, as well as the conceptual frameworks of the studies. For Study 2 and Study 3, the skills of 20 novice and 20 expert teachers were examined using video clips that show events relevant to classroom management. Study 2 investigated format-specific expertise effects and, in particular, the skill of perception by using eye tracking methods. Experts were found to focus on students and their learning, while novices showed less pronounced skills, especially in the partner work format. Using teachers’ retrospective verbal analyses of classroom management events, Study 3 examined expertise effects with respect to teachers’ perception, interpretation and decision-making. Again, expertise was characterized by a focus on students. In addition, experts proposed more alternative courses of action than novices. In summary, it can be concluded that experts are superior to novices especially with regard to the skill of decision-making. Furthermore, the results indicate that more open formats of instruction are particularly challenging for novices. The relevance of the results is discussed with regard to general expertise and competence research as well as classroom management research. The studies point to theoretical ambiguities regarding the construct of situation-specific skills, as well as an overemphasis of previous research on behavioral management in whole-group instruction settings.
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Le rôle des interactions dans la reconstruction du savoir-faire d’enseignants formés à l’étranger œuvrant dans des classes d’accueil montréalaisesLiu, Chen Jin 08 1900 (has links)
Depuis quelques décennies, de nombreux immigrants s’établissent au Canada ; une partie d’entre eux s’installent au Québec, surtout à Montréal. Certains de ces immigrants s’orientent vers la profession enseignante, sur la base de l’évaluation comparative de leurs diplômes. En raison de la pénurie d’enseignants à Montréal et de la pluralité ethnoculturelle du territoire, les commissions scolaires situées sur l’île de Montréal font souvent appel à des enseignants formés à l’étranger (EFÉ), notamment en classes d’accueil où ils sont jugés particulièrement pertinents compte tenu de leur connaissance de la migration. Cependant, l’intégration des EFÉ de classe d’accueil soulèverait des défis particuliers étant donné qu’ils n’ont pas toujours pour langue maternelle le français et qu’ils sont peu familiers avec le système éducatif québécois, alors que la transmission de la langue et de la culture constitue les objectifs prioritaires de leur mandat (Grégoire-Labrecque, 2014). Dans ce contexte, leur intégration socioprofessionnelle demande une attention. Néanmoins, la recherche sur cette question a surtout documenté les difficultés qu’ils rencontrent lors de leurs premières années d’exercice dans le milieu d’accueil, de même que les stratégies adoptées pour les surmonter ; peu d’attention a été portée au contexte spécifique dans lequel ils enseignent, tel que celui de la classe d’accueil qui présente des défis particuliers. Ainsi, ce mémoire vise à comprendre comment les EFÉ s’ajustent au travail de la classe d’accueil montréalaise. Les théories du constructivisme de Pépin (1994), de la dramaturgie de Goffman (1973a, 1973b) et de l’action collective de Becker (1982) sont mobilisées pour éclairer ce processus d’ajustement alors conçu comme la reconstruction de leur savoir-faire au coeur de leurs interactions au travail. La recherche sur le terrain s’est réalisée au moyen de neuf entretiens individuels virtuels auprès de trois EFÉ travaillant dans les classes d’accueil montréalaises. Après avoir réalisé une analyse thématique des transcriptions des entretiens, trois processus de reconstruction de leur savoir-faire en classe d’accueil ont été identifiés : la remobilisation des pratiques connues, l’adaptation des pratiques connues mais écartées et l’apprentissage des pratiques inconnues. Une lecture transversale de ces résultats a suscité le besoin d’un éclairage théorique complémentaire pour enrichir l’interprétation de ces processus et du rôle que tiennent les interactions au travail. Ainsi, une théorie interactionniste de la socialisation au travail (Demazière et al., 2019) a permis d’affiner la compréhension par la mise en lumière de quatre modes d’interaction par lesquels s’accomplissent les processus de reconstruction du savoir-faire des participants : la validation, l’ajustement, la confrontation et la tractation. Cette nouvelle analyse met en relief que ces modes d’interaction, qui se déploient autant en classe d’accueil que dans l’école, constituent le moteur de l’adaptation des pratiques des participants en regard des valorisations de la culture de travail dans les écoles montréalaises. / In recent decades, many immigrants have settled in Canada; some of them settle in Quebec, especially in Montreal. Some of these immigrants turn to the teaching profession, based on the comparative evaluation of their diplomas. Due to the shortage of teachers in Montreal and the ethnocultural plurality of the territory, the school boards located on the island of Montreal often call on internationally trained teachers (IETs), particularly in welcoming classes where they are considered particularly relevant given their knowledge of migration. However, the integration of IETs in welcoming class would raise particular challenges given that they do not always have French as their mother tongue and are unfamiliar with the Quebec school system, while the transmission of language and culture constitute the priority objectives of their mandate (Grégoire-Labrecque, 2014). In this context, their socio-professional integration requires attention. However, research on this issue has mostly documented the difficulties that they encounter during their first few years of practice in the host setting, as well as the strategies adopted to overcome them; little attention has been paid to the specific context in which they teach, such as the welcoming class which presents particular challenges. Thus, this research aims to understand how IETs adjust themselves to the work of Montreal welcoming class. Pépin’s theory of constructivism (1994), Goffman’s theory of dramaturgy (1973a, 1973b) and Becker’s theory of collective action (1982) are mobilized to shed light on this adjustment process then conceived as the reconstruction of their expertise at the centre of their interactions at work. The field research was carried out by means of nine virtual individual interviews with three IETs working in Montreal welcoming classes. After carrying out a thematic analysis of the interview transcriptions, three reconstruction processes of their expertise in welcoming class were identified: remobilization of known practices, adaptation of known but deviant practices and learning of unknown practices. A transversal reading of these results aroused the need for additional theoretical insight to enrich the interpretation of these processes and the role that interactions played in the work. Thus, an interactionist theory of socialization at work (Demazière et al., 2019) allowed to refine the understanding by highlighting four modes of interaction through which the reconstruction processes of the participants’ expertise are accomplished: validation, adjustment, confrontation and negotiation. This new analysis emphasizes that these modes of interaction, which appear both in welcoming class and in school, constitute the driving force behind the adaptation of participants’ practices with regard to the valuation of the work culture in Montreal schools.
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