Spelling suggestions: "subject:"4teachers - boservice training"" "subject:"4teachers - bservice training""
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A metodologia do Aprendizagem Sequencial nas percepções e ações de participantes de atividades formativas em Educação Ambiental / The methodology of Flow Learning in the participants perceptions and actions in training activities of Education Environmental ExperimentalMaragni, Arianne Rabelo Brianezi 24 February 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Maria de Lourdes Mariano (lmariano@ufscar.br) on 2017-01-18T10:30:25Z
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MARAGNI_Arianne_2014.pdf: 2331152 bytes, checksum: c37dece840fb70850b086d16dc0db537 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria de Lourdes Mariano (lmariano@ufscar.br) on 2017-01-18T10:30:33Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2014-02-24 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / This dissertation discusses the training workshop “Vivências com a Natureza” (offered by the Associação Brasileira de Vivências com a Natureza, Instituto Romã) from May 2003 until June 2012. The survey consists on mapping the educators who have participated, their professional actions using the methodology, what impact on their personal and professional lives it has had and how the methodology relates to Environmental Education. It also examines the complementarity between the processes of awareness and knowledge within the field of the Environmental Education. The results indicate that educators work with the Flow Learning methodology because they believe that consciousness-raising processes are important to start changing behavior and attitudes in the environmental area. They also believe that information and more objective questions are complementary to this process. / Esta dissertação se propõe a analisar a oficina de formação de educadores na metodologia do Aprendizado Sequencial, oferecida pela Associação Brasileira de Vivências com a Natureza – Instituto Romã desde o ano de 2003 até junho de 2012. A pesquisa consiste num mapeamento dos educadores participantes desta formação, das suas ações profissionais utilizando a metodologia do Aprendizado Sequencial, os impactos que esta formação teve em suas vidas profissionais e pessoais, e como eles relacionam a metodologia com a Educação Ambiental. Também analisa a complementaridade entre processos de sensibilização e de informação dentro do campo a Educação Ambiental. Os resultados apontam que os educadores que trabalham com a metodologia do Aprendizado Sequencial o fazem por acreditar que processos de sensibilização são importantes para iniciar mudanças de comportamentos e atitudes na área ambiental, mas que informações e questões mais objetivas são complementares a este processo.
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Manifestações de obstáculos gnosiológicos para a seleção de conteúdos na implementação de um currículo crítico em ciênciasAlves, Anaí Helena Basso 13 February 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Maria de Lourdes Mariano (lmariano@ufscar.br) on 2017-03-06T17:47:16Z
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ALVES_Anaí Basso_2014.pdf: 4679981 bytes, checksum: 3b6305c36661b2779784273dcead4fc7 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria de Lourdes Mariano (lmariano@ufscar.br) on 2017-03-06T17:47:24Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
ALVES_Anaí Basso_2014.pdf: 4679981 bytes, checksum: 3b6305c36661b2779784273dcead4fc7 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria de Lourdes Mariano (lmariano@ufscar.br) on 2017-03-06T17:47:34Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2014-02-13 / Não recebi financiamento / From literature searches and semi - structured interviews with educators, science, high school, the state education Sorocaba - SP network, we sought to characterize possible manifestations of gnosiological obstacles that constitute a limit for a content selection in implementation of a critical science curriculum. For the critical science curriculum implementation, participation of the subjects of the school community in building and curriculum implementation review in science, standalone and conscientious manner, collective, socially committed and dialogical, become sociocultural, political and epistemological fundamental requirements. From references to Bachelard, Fleck, and Freire, we sought to deepen understanding about the manifestations of gnosiological obstacles in the school context. To that end, we explored some possible manifestations , such as fear of freedom (Fromm) for the selection of content, the denial of epistemological discontinuity (Delizoicov) for the genesis of knowledge, the claim of scientific truth (PINTO) and epistemological arrogance (Freire). Then we were given some considerations about the methodology of qualitative research that guided data collection. And finally, we systematize possible obstacles gnosiological assumed as for theoretical work, in that educators share showed naive conceptions of knowledge, science and education, for example, the vision of continuous knowledge, cumulative and linear, the content- of the curriculum, the vision of universal and common knowledge to all, denying the specifics of the community, among other visions that can be considered as limits for the implementation of a critical science curriculum. As a proposal for overcoming the obstacles shared by educators, are suggested to be organized new models of teacher education to consider the limits, especially regarding the understanding of curriculum development and selection of contents in critical curricular context. Take practical problem-solving and dialogical freireanas, to question entrenched and culturally shared beliefs can be constituted as alternatives and possibilities for overcoming and mobilization of the conceptions of teachers, pointing to a new model of teaching-learning, critical and committed to a humanizing education and emancipation of the socially oppressed subjects. / A partir de pesquisas bibliográficas e entrevistas semi-estruturadas com educadores, de ciências, do ensino médio, da rede de ensino estadual de Sorocaba-SP, buscou-se caracterizar possíveis manifestações de obstáculos gnosiológicos que se constituam como limite para uma seleção de conteúdos na implementação de um currículo crítico de ciências. Para a implementação curricular crítica em ciências, a participação dos sujeitos da comunidade escolar na construção e implementação curricular crítica em ciências, de modo autônomo e consciente, coletivo, socialmente comprometido e dialógico, se tornam exigências socioculturais, políticas e epistemológicas fundamentais. A partir de referenciais de Bachelard, Fleck, e Freire, buscou-se aprofundar a compreensão a respeito das manifestações de obstáculos gnosiológicos no contexto escolar. Para tanto, foram exploradas algumas possíveis manifestações, como o medo da liberdade (FROMM) para a seleção de conteúdos, a negação da descontinuidade epistemológica (DELIZOICOV) para a gênese do conhecimento, a pretensão da verdade científica (PINTO) e a arrogância epistemológica (FREIRE).Em seguida, foram indicadas algumas considerações a respeito da metodologia da pesquisa qualitativa que orientou a coleta de dados. E, por fim, pudemos sistematizar possíveis obstáculos gnosiológicos, assumidos como referencia teórica para o trabalho, na medida em que os educadores demonstraram compartilhar concepções ingênuas a respeito do conhecimento, da ciência e do ensino, como por exemplo, a visão de conhecimento contínuo, cumulativo e linear; a visão conteúdista do currículo; a visão de conhecimento universal e comum à todos, negando as especificidades das comunidade; entre outras visões que podem ser consideradas como limites para a implementação de um currículo crítico de ciências. Como proposta de superação dos obstáculos compartilhados pelos educadores, são sugeridos que se organizem novos modelos de formação de professores que considerem os limites, sobretudo quanto a compreensão da construção curricular e a seleção de conteúdos no contexto curricular crítico. Tomar práticas problematizadoras e dialógicas freireanas, que questionem as crenças arraigadas e culturalmente compartilhadas, podem se constituir como alternativas e possibilidades de superação e mobilização das concepções dos educadores, apontando para um novo modelo de ensino-aprendizagem, crítico e comprometido com uma educação humanizadora e emancipatória dos sujeitos socialmente oprimidos.
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Percepções de professores iniciantes de Geografia sobre o trabalho de campo na escola: um estudo de caso / Perceptions of beginning teachers of Geography on fieldwork in school - A case studyRoethig, Camila 18 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Maria de Lourdes Mariano (lmariano@ufscar.br) on 2017-01-18T14:09:59Z
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ROETHIG_Camila_2016.pdf: 9961201 bytes, checksum: 5152af15735fd51fb8c56df6baf9ad09 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria de Lourdes Mariano (lmariano@ufscar.br) on 2017-01-18T14:10:09Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2016-03-18 / Não recebi financiamento / Resumo em inglês não informado pelo autor. / O tema desta dissertação de mestrado em educação é sobre o Trabalho de Campo na formação do licenciado em Geografia e na sua atuação docente. O seu objeto de estudo é a interpretação das falas dos professores iniciantes de Geografia, egressos da UFSCar (turmas: 2009, 2010), à luz da bibliografia que o trabalho traz e orientada pelos métodos da pesquisa qualitativa em educação (BOGDAN, BIKLEN). Nesta perspectiva de pesquisa, o estudo de caso é o melhor caminho para a condução deste trabalho, tendo como principal instrumento de produção de dados a entrevista (LÜDKE, ANDRÉ). Objetiva investigar de que maneira os professores de Geografia iniciantes interpretam o Trabalho de Campo na sua graduação e na atuação na educação básica. Para isso tem como objetivos específicos: identificar e localizar os egresso da licenciatura em Geografia da UFSCar – Sorocaba, atuantes na educação básica, especialmente os que realizaram atividades extra-sala de aula (ou a tentaram em algum momento do seu percurso profissional); entender de que modo o Trabalho de Campo contribuiu para a formação do egresso, professor iniciante de Geografia; e clarificar as contribuições das atividades de Trabalho de Campo da graduação para a prática do professor iniciante de Geografia. Alguns autores foram elencados paras as discussões de fundamentação teórica e dialogo com as interpretações dos sujeitos de pesquisa, entre os quais: Fiori, Girotto, Pontushchka, Cavaco e Loureiro.
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Salas de Recursos Multifuncionais: um estudo sobre a formação e a atuação de professores / Multi-functional resources: a study on the formation and operation of teachersCamargo, Miriam Rosa Torres de 25 February 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Maria de Lourdes Mariano (lmariano@ufscar.br) on 2017-01-18T18:08:50Z
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CAMARGO_Miriam Rosa_2014.pdf: 3429547 bytes, checksum: f634212d3f59b6103179777c29cf6884 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria de Lourdes Mariano (lmariano@ufscar.br) on 2017-01-18T18:08:59Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
CAMARGO_Miriam Rosa_2014.pdf: 3429547 bytes, checksum: f634212d3f59b6103179777c29cf6884 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria de Lourdes Mariano (lmariano@ufscar.br) on 2017-01-18T18:09:07Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2014-02-25 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / The present study aimed to investigate aspects of the formation and action of teachers, working with pupils with special educational needs, in inclusive perspective, in multifunctional resource rooms, specifically in the city of Sorocaba- SP. The specific objectives included: the possibilities and challenges perceived by teachers working in SEM; investigation as to how the educators felt and acted in the face of difficulties encountered in educational practice; and evaluation, according to the existing continuing education, offered by the Department of Education through the Center for Excellence in Education - Don Jose Lambertt. Four teachers, working in multifunctional features, participated in this study. The procedures used were: semistructured interviews, participant observation, records from field diaries and document research. The results were analysed based on four axes: the profile of teachers of specialized educational services (AEE), subsequent to their initial training offered by Pedagogy courses; the challenges and possibilities facing teachers within Specialized Educational Services (ESA), in the Multi-Functional Room Appeal (SRM); the articulation between the meaning of skilled labor and teaching practices; and the perceptions of on-going education promoted by the Department of Education (SEDU) / Reference Center for Education (CRE). These axes have some major aspects, some of which have been highlighted: the importance of continuing education, according to the teachers interviewed; and the contribution and limitations of this proposal in terms of their teaching practices, in the use of multi-functional rooms. In conclusion, despite the weaknesses of continuing educational programs for teachers of SRMs, there have still been major advances and the participants themselves recognize how these formations can influence the way we act towards the obstacles encountered in the daily lives of SRMs. / A presente pesquisa visou investigar aspectos da formação e a atuação de professores que trabalham com alunos com necessidades educativas especiais, na perspectiva inclusiva, em Salas de Recursos Multifuncionais, especificamente, na cidade de Sorocaba-SP. Os objetivos específicos abrangeram: investigar as percepções dos professores em relação às possibilidades e aos desafios do trabalho na SRM; conhecer como os educadores se sentiam e atuavam diante das dificuldades encontradas na prática educativa e como avaliavam a formação continuada existente no município, oferecida pela Secretaria da Educação por meio do Centro de Referência em EducaçãoDom José Lambertt. Participaram desta pesquisa quatro professoras que atuavam em salas de recursos multifuncionais. Como procedimentos foram utilizados: entrevista semiestruturada, observação participante e registros em diários de campo, além de consulta documental. Os resultados foram analisados a partir de quatro eixos: perfil das professoras do Atendimento Educacional Especializado (AEE) quanto a sua formação inicial; desafios e possibilidades que a professora do Atendimento Educacional Especializado (AEE) enfrenta na Sala Recurso Multifuncional (SRM); articulação entre o sentido do trabalho especializado e as práticas docentes; percepções sobre a formação continuada em serviço promovida pela Secretaria da Educação (SEDU)/Centro de Referência em Educação (CRE). Nesses eixos, foram destacados alguns aspectos principais, a saber: a importância da formação continuada, segundo o relato das professoras entrevistadas e as contribuições e limites desta proposta em relação as suas práticas docentes na sala de recurso multifuncional. Concluímos que, apesar das fragilidades dos programas de formação continuada, para as professoras das SRMs representou um grande avanço e que as próprias participantes reconhecem o quanto estas formações podem influenciar na forma de agir perante os obstáculos encontrados no cotidiano das SRMs.
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Astronomia no ensino médio: uma proposta de sequência didática / Astronomy in middle school: a proposal for didatic sequenceCarboni, Ariovaldo 07 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Milena Rubi (milenarubi@ufscar.br) on 2017-02-02T12:33:23Z
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CARBONI_Ariovaldo_2016.pdf: 13971760 bytes, checksum: b47c55f64dc7e79f89247172d4b06328 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Milena Rubi (milenarubi@ufscar.br) on 2017-02-02T12:34:04Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2016-12-07 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Astronomy classes in the high school, are usually used only to elucidate some physical issues when they could be addressed in a way to make students learn physics using astronomy. Astronomy is no longer a curricular subject for a long time, but belongs of the physics curriculum and can be taught to high school students through the structuring theme Universe, Earth and life. This work developed a didactic sequence that addresses the theme the Solar System and Stellar Evolution, to be applied in high school initial series. Our intention is to provide the teacher a study that it is possible to make the astronomy classes attractive to students, boosters and able to keep students intrested in physics. The proposed activities are based on many teaching methodologies that fit according to the content to be worked making more relaxed classes, where the student is no longer mere supporting and becomes an essential part of the process. In the project development was revealed that several students who at first were reluctant, yielded to the methodology proposed by the didactic sequence, spontaneously started to participate. We also noted, after the analyses of the results with qualitative data, that students were more engaged in the learning process, facilitating the development of the proposed abilities, ensuring the skills needed to finish the process. / As aulas de Astronomia no ensino médio, geralmente são utilizadas apenas para elucidar alguns temas de física quando poderiam ser abordadas de maneira a fazer com que o aluno aprendesse física pela Astronomia. A Astronomia já não é uma disciplina curricular há muito tempo, mas faz parte do currículo de física e pode ser ensinada aos alunos do ensino médio através do tema estruturador Universo, Terra e Vida. Neste trabalho foi desenvolvida uma sequência didática que aborda como tema o Sistema Solar e Evolução Estelar, para ser aplicada na série inicial do ensino médio. Nossa intenção é disponibilizar para o professor resultados de um estudo de que é possível fazer com que as aulas de Astronomia sejam atraentes aos alunos, incentivadoras e que prendam os alunos a física. As atividades propostas são baseadas em várias metodologias de ensino que se encaixam de acordo com o conteúdo a ser trabalhado tornando as aulas mais descontraídas, onde o aluno deixa de ser mero coadjuvante e se torna parte essencial da aula. No desenvolvimento do projeto foi possível perceber que vários alunos que a princípio estavam relutantes, cederam à metodologia proposta pela sequência didática, participando espontaneamente do projeto. Notamos também, após a análise dos resultados com dados qualitativos, que os alunos se mostraram mais empenhados nos processos de ensino, facilitando o desenvolvimento das habilidades propostas, garantindo as competências necessárias ao fim do processo.
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Mediação pedagógica: um estudo de caso sobre formação continuada e intervenção docente no contexto de uma escola públicaMendes, Agatha Fernandes da Cunha 29 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Milena Rubi (milenarubi@ufscar.br) on 2017-02-14T12:37:55Z
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MENDES_Agatha_2016.pdf: 106870683 bytes, checksum: 7515d486a2fba327125c31710578df17 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Milena Rubi (milenarubi@ufscar.br) on 2017-02-14T12:38:07Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
MENDES_Agatha_2016.pdf: 106870683 bytes, checksum: 7515d486a2fba327125c31710578df17 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Milena Rubi (milenarubi@ufscar.br) on 2017-02-14T12:38:18Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
MENDES_Agatha_2016.pdf: 106870683 bytes, checksum: 7515d486a2fba327125c31710578df17 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-14T12:38:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2016-04-29 / Não recebi financiamento / This study aimed to investigate how is the mediation in teaching do about the teaching and learning of written language, and demonstrate how this work may have been impacted by the areas of continuing education. Therefore, we take as the object of analysis the work of a teacher with a class of 3rd year of elementary school in a public school in the state of São Paulo. The study also aimed to understand the meanings attributed by the teacher about the pedagogical proposal of the school and its influences to the teaching practice; the structuring of the pedagogical work in the pedagogical mediation in textual production activities and the perceptions of the teacher on the practices, activities and studies that are configured as a possibility for development for students in relation to textual production, and the teacher in relation to their teaching practice. The research was configured as a case study, using as methodological procedures participant observation and an interview with the participating teacher of this investigation. Descriptions and analyzes of the data produced during this process have been made taking as the theoretical foundations of the Theory Historical-Cultural. The results showed that the proposed studies and training undertaken at school was perceived as important for the teacher and influenced changes in their teaching practices, educational activities related to text production were organized systematically with mediation as an essential aspect in the activities proposals. This has contributed to advances in students' learning processes and influencing the teaching own relationship with knowledge. It discusses the important role of mediation and systematic and intentional interventions by the teacher as well as capabilities that arise from organized labor and grounded in theoretical foundations that depict the worldviews and subject to be formed. / Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar como ocorre a mediação pedagógica no fazer docente em relação ao ensino-aprendizagem da linguagem escrita, além de demonstrar como esse trabalho pode ter sido impactado pelos espaços de formação continuada. Para tanto, tomamos como objeto de análise o trabalho de uma professora com uma turma do 3º ano do Ensino Fundamental, em uma escola pública no interior do Estado de São Paulo. O estudo também visou compreender os sentidos atribuídos pela professora acerca da proposta pedagógica da escola e suas influências para a prática docente; a estruturação do trabalho pedagógico em relação à mediação docente nas atividades de produção textual e quais as percepções da professora sobre as práticas, atividades e os estudos que se configuraram enquanto possibilidade de desenvolvimento para os alunos, em relação à produção textual, e para a professora, em relação à sua prática docente. A pesquisa configurou-se como um estudo de caso, utilizando como procedimentos metodológicos a observação participante e uma entrevista realizada com a professora participante dessa investigação. As descrições e análises dos dados produzidos ao longo deste processo, foram feitas tomando como aporte teórico os fundamentos da Teoria Histórico-Cultural. Os resultados apontaram que a proposta de estudos e formação realizada na escola foi percebida como importante para a professora e influenciou mudanças em suas práticas pedagógicas, as ações educativas referentes à produção de texto foram organizadas de forma sistemática tendo a mediação como um aspecto essencial nas atividades propostas. Isto contribuiu para avanços nos processos de aprendizagem dos alunos e influenciando a relação do próprio docente com o conhecimento. Discute-se a importância do papel da mediação e das intervenções sistemáticas e intencionais pelo professor além de potencialidades que se apresentam a partir de um trabalho organizado e embasado em fundamentos teóricos que evidenciem as visões de mundo e de sujeito que se pretende formar.
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A professional development programme for teachers of the deaf in South AfricaStorbeck, Claudine 20 August 2012 (has links)
D.Ed. / Education for the Deaf in South Africa appears to be insufficiently researched, contributing to a less than ideal educational situation. Teachers are not trained to address the special needs of Deaf learners, there is limited cohesive instructional theory and the educational policy focussing on the needs of Deaf learners is limited in both range and depth. Due to the ineffectiveness of Deaf education in South Africa, the majority of Deaf school leavers leave school linguistically impoverished, 'disabled' by the lack of effective educational opportunities, thus carrying the main barrier to learning' with them into life. In an effort to ascertain why the educational system is deemed ineffectual, I identified the lack of training programmes for teachers of the Deaf in South Africa as a main cause of inadequate Deaf education in South Africa. In order to assess this working hypothesis, I initiated an investigation into the perceptions of the crucial role players in Deaf education, namely the teachers of the Deaf and Deaf adults (former learners). The purpose of the study was thus to find out why the Deaf education system is ineffectual. An inquiry was therefor conducted into the emic views of teachers of the Deaf and also Deaf adults who had experienced the education system in South Africa first-hand. I aimed to study rigorously and methodically these perceptions and experiences with the view of contributing to the discourse about the improvement of Deaf education in South Africa. These personal views were obtained in a 'bottom-up' research mode and could be essential in contributing to the sparse body of knowledge on Deaf education in South Africa from the Deaf adult's perspective. The study should also contribute to the Deaf community's move toward empowerment and equality. The findings that emerged from the study support the hypothesis that the present situation in Deaf education is unacceptable to both educators and learners alike and that specialised training for teachers of the Deaf, including knowledge of Sign Language, is essential. The investigation concludes with a consolidation of the findings into a framework for a proposed teacher training programme for teachers of the Deaf, which is presented within the outcomes based paradigm.
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Clinical supervision as a strategy for educator developmentPhiri, Isaac Tshwarisang 17 March 2014 (has links)
M.Ed. (Educational Management) / This research has shown that developing educators who can compete locally and globally within the education sector is to a large extent the responsibility of school principals. The research further shows that educators can be developed effectively through the use of clinical supervision. Clinical supervision in this research is viewed as a strategy to improve the knowledge base, teaching skills and competencies of educators. Furthermore, the research reveals that in today's competitive environment, continuous educator development is key to enhancing the quality of education and classroom practice. One of the major challenges facing school principals today is to continually create and maintain contexts for effective teaching and learning. New demands for survival include the ability to provide better education, accessibility to learnership regardless of the diminishing essential resources. The background, aims, and research methods are provided in chapter one. The qualitative research approach was employed in the investigation of clinical supervision as a strategy to develop educators in the school. The literature search revealed that the principal as the supervisor can use different methods to develop educators. However, clinical supervision was identified as the most effective way of assisting educators to grapple with their day-today actions in the classroom. The data was collected and analysed using the constant comparative method. Focus group interviews were conducted with two groups of educators and individual interviews with two principals of senior secondary schools, in Mantserre Circuit in the Rustenburg District of Education, North West Province. The research revealed that some principals are not aware of clinical supervision as a strategy to assist educators with lesson preparation and effective teaching. In all schools that the researcher conducted interviews, the concept was strange. On the other hand, the research revealed that educators expected their principals to guide them with the execution of their work...
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Teacher and in-service training as factors influencing competency in English as a second language in black schoolsMukhuba, Theophilus Tshisaphungo 16 August 2012 (has links)
M.Ed. / The study examines the nature of English competence in both learners and teachers in black schools. It was conducted as a result of the investigator in this study being directly involved in teaching English as a second language in a black high school and being a beneficiary of English language teaching projects. As is shown in the study, these projects do not effectively serve their stated purpose, that is, to improve teacher and learner competency in English. The study was conducted by exploring existing literature on the topic and investigations already undertaken. An empirical component is included comprising an observation of an English lesson in progress. The conclusion reached in the study is that an unfortunate cycle still persists where learners taught by teachers who are incompetent in English go through the existing inadequate and inefficient milieu in education to become incompetent English language teachers themselves. The recommendations in this study are that there needs to be a re-evaluation of present English language teaching methods particularly in the light of the fact that the government is in the process of implementing a new educational system called Outcomes Based Education. Furthermore, this study draws attention to the inadequacies prevalent in teacher training and subsequent teacher practice in the classroom.
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Primary maths teacher learning and identity within a numeracy in-service community of practicePausigere, Peter January 2015 (has links)
This study focuses on the processes of primary maths teacher learning and how their identities and practices evolve in relation to participation in a primary maths focused in-service teacher education programme, called the Numeracy Inquiry Community of Leader Educators (NICLE).Additionally it investigates activities, relations and forms of participation within the Community of Practice (CoP) which enable or constrain evolving primary maths identities and practices and how these relate to the broader context. The study draws from the situative-participationists (Lave, 1996; Wenger, 1998; Sfard & Prusak, 2005; Wenger et al, 2002) theoretical framework supplemented by Bernstein’s (2000) pedagogic identity model. Using a qualitative educational interpretive approach I sampled 8 primary teachers drawn from NICLE and gathered data through participant observations, interactive interviews, document analysis and reflective journals. Analysing the key data themes that emerged from teacher learning stories, which I have called stelos, the study explains the nature of the primary maths teachers’ learning, transformation and participation experiences in NICLE using the synonyms reinvigoration and remediation and activation and relating these semantics to the teachers’ mathematical identities and histories. The study also explains the processes through which primary maths teacher identities evolve in relation to participation in an in-service CoP as ‘insiding’ and ‘outcropping’. Interpreting qualitative data from the empirical field indicates that teachers participating in NICLE mostly took-up into their maths classrooms key numeracy-domain concepts, resources and issues presented by primary maths experts which are informed by research and theory that link to practices. Teachers collaboratively and actively engaged in a range of activities that relate to classroom practices. Teacher learning was also enabled when teachers engaged in maths overlapping communities of practice, shared classroom experiences in friendly ways with fellow NICLE teachers and engaged with NICLE presenters who mutually respected and regarded them as professionals. Such affordances were said to enable teachers to engage learners in maths classes and improve their understanding of specific primary maths concepts. On the other hand teachers felt challenged by the travelling distance, limited time and also raised the tension of how to scale-up maths professional development initiatives to include schools from their community. The study makes a theoretical contribution by illustrating how Bernstein’s pedagogic identity model and its elaboration by Tyler (1999) provides analytical tools to interrogate macro educational changes and connect these to the micro processes and teacher identities.
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