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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Base de referência para o mapeamento de competências de trabalho em equipe de servidores técnico-administrativos em universidades públicas, no estado de São Paulo / Baseline for mapping teamwork competences of civil servants in public universities in São Paulo state

Roberta Salgado Gonçalves da Silva 03 March 2016 (has links)
O objetivo geral é caracterizar o trabalho em equipe, com base na abordagem das competências, em universidades públicas. Os objetivos específicos são identificar os papéis que o servidor desempenha na equipe; a maturidade das equipes; as características de super equipe; os indicadores de competência (conhecimento, habilidade e atitude) para o trabalho em equipe; e os atributos de competência \'conhecimento\' do servidor com relação à organização (estrutura e processos), informação (comunicação) e desenvolvimento (treinamento e aprendizagem). Alguns trabalhos na literatura destacam a importância das competências e do trabalho em equipe na gestão de competências e a relevância da gestão pública. Entretanto, se faz necessário estudos sobre as competências para o trabalho em equipe na gestão de universidades públicas. Para atingir o objetivo proposto foi feito um levantamento em três universidades paulistas, por meio de um questionário, respondido por servidores técnico-administrativos, além de uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema. Foi possível comparar teoria e prática e obter conclusões sobre o tema estudado. Como principais resultados observou-se os atributos e os indicadores de competências, que tornam possível iniciar um processo de mapeamento de competências para desenvolver um modelo de aprimoramento dos setores que utilizam as equipes. / The overall objective of this work is to characterize the teamwork based on the competence approach in public universities. The specific objectives are to identify the roles that the civil servants plays in the team; the maturity of the teams; the characteristics of super team; competence indicators (knowledge, skills and attitude) to teamwork; and competence attributes \'knowledge\' of the civil servant regarding the organization (structure and processes), information (communication) and development (training and learning). Some studies in the literature highlight the importance of competence and teamwork in competence management and the relevance of public management. However, it is necessary studies about teamwork competence in the management of public universities. To achieve this purpose a survey was done in three São Paulo universities, through a questionnaire answered by technical and administrative staff, as well as a literature review on the topic. It was possible to compare theory and practice and to draw conclusions on the subject studied. The main results observed competence attributes and competence indicators that make it possible to start a competence mapping process to develop an improved model of the sectors that use the teams.

Equipes de trabalho com autonomia no Brasil: um estudo baseado em survey. / Self-managed teams in Brazil: a survey-based approach.

Simonetti, Paulo Eduardo 12 April 2007 (has links)
O tema desta dissertação é o trabalho em equipes com autonomia no Brasil. Percebe-se um ressurgimento do interesse pelo assunto a partir da década de 1990, no país e no exterior, movimento acompanhado pela produção científica nacional, em caráter qualitativo. Esta pesquisa adota uma abordagem quantitativa, do tipo survey, aplicada a uma amostra não-aleatória, intersetorial, de 49 empresas que reconhecem adotar o conceito de trabalho em equipes com autonomia. A partir da revisão da literatura foram desenvolvidas algumas questões de pesquisa e hipóteses, as quais estruturaram o questionário da pesquisa. Utilizando um instrumento já testado em estudos de caso, o questionário tem a capacidade de medir a abrangência e profundidade da autonomia das equipes, bem como: resultados obtidos, caracterização das empresas respondentes, iniciativa para adotar o conceito de autonomia e outras condições de contorno. O questionário foi concebido para ser enviado tanto pelo correio como por meio eletrônico e preenchido sem a presença do pesquisador. A partir da avaliação dos dados coletados, com auxílio de estatística descritiva e testes estatísticos indutivos, percebe-se equipes com grande autonomia, como no modelo Sociotécnico. A condição predominante, no entanto, é a transferência parcial de prerrogativas e responsabilidades às equipes, como no modelo Toyotista/Ohnoísta. Algumas evidências objetivas confirmam elementos da teoria, como a correlação positiva entre o grau de autonomia das equipes e resultados associados à capacidade superior de aprendizado e resposta a variações no ambiente. Informações relevantes sobre as características da amostra foram reveladas: a predominância de empresas de manufatura em grande escala, a significativa presença de empresas de capital nacional, a pequena participação do sindicato nos processos de implementação de equipes com autonomia, o crescente interesse pelo conceito, com demonstrado pelo perfil de \"idade\" dos projetos. As informações obtidas por meio desta pesquisa, bem como a experiência metodológica, podem servir de subsídio para futuros trabalhos sobre o tema, ou mesmo para outros temas, mas em pesquisas que utilizem o survey como método. / The subject of this dissertation is teamwork in Brazil. There has been a growing interest for the issue since the 1990 decade, in this country and abroad, followed by the national scientific production, of qualitative approach. This research project assumes survey-based approach, applied to a non-random, inter-sectorial sample, composed of 49 firms that recognize to adopt the concept oh teamwork. Some research questions and hypotesis were proposed, based on the literature review, as structure to the questionnaire. Making use of an instrument that was already tested by former case study, the questionnaire has the capacity to measure the deepness and the span of teams\' autonomy , as well as: results achieved, characteristics of the firms in the sample, initiative for the introduction of teamwork, and other surrounding conditions. The questionnaire was designed to be sent either by mail or by e-mail, and filled in the absence of the researcher. From the data evaluation, using descriptive statistics and also inductive statistics tests, are found some cases of teams with high degree of autonomy, in the fashion of Sociotechnical systems. The prevailing condition, nevertheless, is the partial transference of power and responsibilities to the work teams, like in the Toyota Production System. Some evidence were found that confirm theoretic elements, like the positive correlation between the degree of autonomy of work teams and specific results associated to the superior ability of learning and answering to variations of process or business conditions. Relevant information regarding the characteristics of the sample were also shown: the prevalence of large scale manufacturing companies, the significant incidence of national capital firms, the timid role that unions play on the introduction of teamwork, and the growing interest for the concept, as demonstrates the \"age\" profile of the teamwork initiatives. The information obtained by this research project, as well as the methodological experience, may serve as foundation to future projects regarding the subject \"teamwork\", or even to others that aim to use the survey approach.

Organisationskultur inom mäklarbyråer / Business culture within real estate agencies

Löfstedt, Caroline January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien var att beskriva den organisationskultur som företagsledare av mäklarbyråer försöker att skapa för de anställda att verka i. Med en kvalitativ ansats samlades data in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer via telefon eller ansikte mot ansikte. Totalt nio intervjuer genomfördes efter tillämpning av ett bekvämlighetsurval. Intervjuguiden innehöll sju teman: Grunden i verksamheten; Organisationsstruktur; Organisationskultur; Lönemodell; Belöningssystem, Rekrytering och Styrutmaningar. Insamlad data transkriberades och bearbetades om till empiri. Därefter användes tematisk analys för analys av materialet. Efter moment av kodning och grupperingar skapades kategorier och slutligen tre huvudteman; Organisationsstruktur, Styrutmaningar och Organisationskultur. Resultatet indikerade att det finns en enhetlig syn på hur de rådande styrutmaningarna ska bemötas hos varje mäklarbyrå. Mäklaryrket är ett individuellt yrke som i många avseenden kan verka slitsamt och hårt. Provisionsbaserad lön utgår till mäklarna för att skapa motivation att utföra sitt jobb i linje med företagets visioner. För att hantera de risker som en provisionsmodell medför, fokuserar företagsledarna på att implementera en kultur präglad av teamkänsla och lagarbete. / The purpose of this study was to describe and discuss the business culture that business leaders are trying to create for their employees to work in. With a qualitative design was used to collect data through semistructured interviews by telephone or face to face. A total of nine interviews were conducted after application of a convenience sampling. The interview guide consisted of seven themes: The business’ foundation; Business structure; Business culture; Salary model; Reward system, Recruitment and Control challenges. The collected data was transcribed and processed into empiricism. Thereafter, thematic analysis was used for the analysis of the material. After coding and grouping the codes, categories were created and also three main themes; Business structure, Control challenges and Business culture. The result indicated that there is a mutual aspect of how the existent control challenges should be responded to in the real estate agencies. Real estate agent is a lonely occupation that in many aspects can seem tough. Commissionbased salary is given to the real estate agents to create motivation to perform in line with the company’s visions. To handle the risks that a commissionbased salary model brings, the business leaders focus on implement a culture that centralizes team spirit and teamwork.

The Operationalization of the Theoretical Antecedents of Collective Teacher Efficacy

Larsen, Kathryn A. 01 April 2018 (has links)
Much research on collective teacher efficacy focuses on outcomes, mainly the benefits to students. However, there is no research that explores how teacher teams enact the theoretical antecedents to collective efficacy set out by Bandura (1977, 1993), namely vicarious learning, verbal persuasion, psychological arousal, and mastery experiences, to make such achievements possible. This qualitative study explores the experiences of two teams of secondary language arts teachers who were collectively efficacious and how they operationalized Bandura's theoretical antecedents of collective teacher efficacy in becoming so. After verification of levels of personal and collective efficacy, team interviews were held specifically addressing the implementation of the four antecedents. Interview transcripts were coded and restoried, highlighting critical incidents in the process of becoming collectively efficacious. The findings for these two teams show an incomplete understanding of collective efficacy. It is often thought that enacting the four antecedents will result in a collectively efficacious team; however, my study demonstrates that teachers must become effective teacher teams before they could develop collective teacher efficacy. My findings indicate that relationships among team members are crucial for successful implementation of other elements. Implications for administrators revolve around their important role in helping teachers develop collegial relationships with each other. Team relationships can also have a significant impact on novice teachers when proper mentoring and support are provided.

The role of teamwork in diagnosis: team diagnostic decision-making in the medical intensive care unit

Ayres, Brennan S. 01 August 2017 (has links)
Diagnostic errors cause significant patient harm and occur among 15 percent of all clinical diagnoses, but research has yet to effectively target, prevent, and mitigate diagnostic errors from occurring. So far, literature has examined how diagnostician decision-makers perform and reach a clinical diagnosis individually. However, the impact of team-based activities on diagnosis is unknown. The purpose of this study is to describe provider perception on how providers come together as a team in order to complete a clinical diagnosis. As a qualitative descriptive study with overtones of grounded theory, 18 semi-structured interviews of medical intensive care unit providers were audio-recorded, transcribed, and coded generating themes of diagnostic teamwork structure and functioning. Diagnostic teams are described using themes of inter-professional and intra-professional teamwork among roles with and without diagnostic team identity. Novel approaches to diagnostic error research, practice implications for current providers, and applications provided for improving education and team training. By providing preliminary insights on the role of teamwork in diagnostic decision-making, this study may assist future studies that improve diagnostic teamwork and prevent diagnostic errors.

Getting to Zero Preventable Falls: An Exploratory Study

Lim, Kate 01 January 2019 (has links)
Objective: The objective of this study is to examine relations between patient safety culture and processes of care, specifically, how patient safety culture influences the prevention of patient falls. The purpose of this inquiry is to identify the barriers and facilitators that can advance an inpatient rehabilitation facility to become a high reliability organization and advance interdisciplinary teamwork. Method: A qualitative phenomenological approach was conducted and an interpretive phenomenological analysis explored the experiences of frontline staff with regard to patient safety culture and fall prevention. The study utilized semi-structured interviews with 24 frontline staff from three inpatient rehabilitation hospitals. Participants were selected using purposive sampling and individually interviewed. Results: Findings revealed barriers and facilitators for each dimension of patient safety culture that drive fall prevention. Teamwork within and across disciplines, such as between nursing and therapy, affect how they communicate with one another. Issues related to staffing were the most common concerns amongst nursing staff; especially the issue of staffing ratio and patient acuity. Leadership played a role in supporting the culture of safety and holding staff accountable. Conclusion: Fall prevention requires collaborative efforts between nursing and therapy in an inpatient rehabilitation setting. Dimensions of patient safety culture such as good teamwork, effective communication, adequate staffing, nonpunitive response to errors, and strong leadership support are essential in maintaining a high reliability process for adaptive learning and reliable performance.

Education Program for Nurses Working in an Immigration Detention Facility

Ray, Dr. Tiney Elizabeth 01 January 2016 (has links)
Nursing response to medical emergencies has been an ongoing issue in immigration detention centers. Lack of teamwork and poor communication with medical and security staff have resulted in detainees sustaining injuries during medical emergencies. This project was developed to persuade Immigration and Customs Enforcement Health Service Corps (IHSC) leaders to consider piloting the TeamSTEPPS emergency response curriculum for nurses working in the immigration detention center. Tuckman and Jensen's model of group development will provide guidance to IHSC leaders in understanding the transformational stages of forming a successful team. TeamSTEPPS will address gaps in emergency health care competency by improving collaboration, communication, and detainee outcomes. Evaluation questionnaires will be offered after each training module and several months after the conclusion of the program. Questionnaires will be distributed, analyzed, and interpreted by IHSC leadership or their designee. Implementation of the Team STEPPS curriculum may result in increased staff morale, decreased staff turnover, and improved detainee outcomes.

Exploring the Importance of Soft Skills Training for Accountants

Gardner, Tonja Annette 01 January 2017 (has links)
Regional accounting firm leaders face challenges with employees who possess strong technical skills, but lack nontechnical communicating and teamwork skills. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore strategies regional accounting firm leaders use to train technical staff on soft skills. The human capital theory was the conceptual framework supporting the study. Data were collected from semistructured interviews with partners, leaders, managers, and human resource personnel with 5 years or more of experience who participated in the hiring, training, and professional development process at 3 regional CPA firms. The review of company documents and company website postings triangulated the semistructured interviews. Data analysis entailed coding, conceptualizing concepts and ideas, identifying themes, and member checking to ensure the trustworthiness of interpretations. Based on the data collected, 3 themes emerged after the analysis including soft skills needed for success, mentoring and leadership programs, and team building initiatives. Findings from this study may contribute to social change by providing strategies regional accounting firms could use to provide soft skills training and mentoring initiatives to technical staff. Improvement in soft skills training may improve employees' lives by increasing their employability, career progression, and transition within the workplace, which may improve the economic wellbeing of local communities.

Relationships Between Interprofessional Teamwork and Clinical Management of

Stephens, Jacqueline G. 01 January 2017 (has links)
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a highly prevalent chronic disease that affects 29 million people in the United States including over 2 million veterans who receive care through the Veterans Administration. Patient-aligned care teams (PACTs) are an interprofessional teamwork system designed to improve outcomes of chronic illness, but empirical explorations of the efficacy of the PACTs have been insufficient. Utilizing the chronic care model, the purpose of this retrospective study was to determine if PACTs have been efficient in the diabetic management of veterans receiving care through a Southeastern VA. Medical records for 114 veterans with type 2 DM were randomly selected. A 1-way ANOVA was used to analyze outcomes for 5 evidence-based standards (SBP, DBP, BGL, A1C, & LDL) among 6 outpatient clinics. A repeated measures ANOVA was used for the same 5 evidence-based standards for the clinics to assess if there were any changes from FY2014 to FY2016. Results revealed that blood pressure readings and LDL levels met evidence-based standards, while A1C and BGL levels did not. No significant differences over the 3-year period were noted nor were there significant differences in patterns of performance between the clinics. The findings provide an essential basis for initiating a discussion on the potential of PACTs for the delivery of quality healthcare to U.S. veterans with diabetes and other chronic diseases. Positive social change can result from improving the delivery of healthcare using the PACT model to decrease morbidity, improve clinical outcomes, and increase the quality of life of U.S. veterans with type 2 DM. Future research that examines perceptions of clinical team members, team stability, and the delivery of shared care is warranted.

Doctors and nurses working together : a mixed method study into the construction and changing of professional identities

Fitzgerald, Anneke, University of Western Sydney, College of Law and Business, School of Management January 2002 (has links)
This research investigates the relevance of professional subcultures in a climate of change at a large hospital in South-Western Sydney and addresses the question : 'How do changes associated with health reform impact upon cultural interdependence between professional identities?'. As a corollary, cultural interdependence between professional identities may have profound consequences for health reform and for hospital management. By exploring the two main ideas, Professional Sub-group culture and change, this research draws from existing theory in areas such as organisational culture and cultural change, professional identities and health reform. The thesis addresses three anthropological perspectives of cultural change. It addresses the integration perspective as a homogenous unity by analysing the organisation-wide key ideas (or myths) that make action possible, often espoused by senior management. It addresses the fragmentation perspective as a gathering of transient concerns, by acknowledging the ambiguity and anxiety associated with a state of constant flux. It analyses the differentiation perspective as a collection of subcultures and its commonalities and differences. The change discussed in the thesis was not of an archetypal nature. There was no transformation of the organisational business model at government level. However, at lower levels, actors in the organisation experienced jolts through decreed change from a small district level hospital to a large tertiary level trauma centre. This research re-evaluates the theory on professional identity by establishing to what extent environmental changes and organisational changes impact upon professional identity from three cultural perspectives. This research does this by first assessing the health care organisation for existence of occupational subcultures through survey. The research continues by investigating the relationships between occupational groups through focus group discussion and in-depth interviews. Participant observation is used to illustrate and reflect commonality and diversity. This combination of methods facilitates the analysis of change and professional identity / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

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