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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Hur olika faktorer i sjuksköterskans arbetsmiljö påverkar patientsäkerheten / How different factors in the nurse's work environment affectpatient safety.

Engerö, Karin, Segerdahl, Pernilla January 2017 (has links)
Sjuksköterskans ansvarsområde är omvårdnad och förutom lagar och riktlinjer ska även etiska regler följas. Sjuksköterskors arbetsbelastning har ökat och studier visar att de upplever arbetsmiljön som stressig och att de inte hinner utföra sina omvårdnadsuppgifter. Genom att arbeta patientsäkert minskar risken att patienten drabbas av vårdskada. Trots flera års satsningar på patientsäkerhetsarbete är bristande patientsäkerhet ett problem både i Sverige och internationellt. Förhållanden i arbetsmiljön har hittills inte i så stor utsträckning tagits med i arbetet kring patientsäkerhet. Syftet med den allmänna litteraturstudien var därför att undersöka hur olika faktorer i sjuksköterskans arbetsmiljö påverkar patientsäkerheten. En systematisk sökning i databaserna PubMed och Cinahl genomfördes med sökord valda utifrån syftet. Resultatet baseras på sju kvantitativa artiklar och tre kvalitativa artiklar och visar att det är flera faktorer i arbetsmiljön som påverkar patientsäkerheten och det är liknande resultat internationellt. En god bemanning, ett gott arbetsklimat på arbetsplatsen och en lyhörd organisation minskar risken för patienter att dö samt minskar även risken för komplikationer, minskar antal uteblivna omvårdnadsåtgärder och minskar vårdtiderna. Mer forskning behövs för arbetsklimatets och utbildningsnivåns betydelse för patientsäkerheten samt även inom andra områden än på sjukhus. / The nurse's responsibilities except nursing are to follow laws, guidelines and ethical rules. Nurses´ workload has increased and studies show that they experience the work environment as stressful and that they report that nursing care is left undone. By working to improve patient safety the risk of a patient being harmed is reduced. Despite several years of patient safety efforts, lack of patient safety is a problem both in Sweden and internationally. Conditions in the working environment have not yet to a great extent been included in the work on patient safety. The aim of this general literature study was therefore to investigate how different factors in the nurse's work environment affect patient safety. A systematic search in the PubMed and Cinahl databases was performed with keywords chosen based on the aim of the study. The result is based on seven quantitative articles and three qualitative articles, showing that there are several factors in the work environment that affect patient safety and there are similar results internationally. Good staffing, a good working environment and a responsive organization reduce the risk of patients dying and the risk of complications. The same factors reduce missed nursing care and reduce the patients’ length of stay. More research is needed for the importance of the ward climate and nurses’ education level for patient safety and also in areas other than hospitals.

Humor - ett redskap i sjuksköterskans profession / Humour – an instrument in the nursing profession

Karlsson, Lisa, Arvidsson, Jennifer, Malén, Susanne January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Humor är ett brett begrepp som definieras på olika sätt. Humor har stor betydelse i kommunikation och bemötande och finns i alla vårdmiljöer. Ett gott bemötande främjar hälsa, vilket är grundläggande i sjuksköterskans profession. Humor har många fysiologiska och psykologiska effekter, till exempel ökad frisättning av endorfiner, minskad oro och stress. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa hur sjuksköterskan kan använda sig av humor i sin profession. Metod: En litteraturstudie genomfördes med en systematisk sökning i tre databaser som genererade i 14 resultatartiklar. Databearbetningen utgick ifrån en manifest innehållsanalys. Resultat: Resultatet belyser tre teman: humorns betydelse i interaktion med patienten, humorns betydelse i interaktion med medarbetare och humorns betydelse för sjuksköterskan. I interaktion med patienten används humor relationsskapande, för att patienten ska känna sig unik, uppleva välbefinnande, för att öka följsamheten, underlätta för och få mer kunskap om patienten. Även olämplig humoranvändning belyses i temat. I interaktion med medarbetare används humor för att hantera arbetet, skapa gemenskap och kommunicera underliggande mening och avsikt. Humor har betydelse för sjuksköterskan som copingstrategi och för att hantera stress. Slutsats: Humor har stor betydelse i sjuksköterskans profession och påverkar många människor i sjuksköterskans närhet. Kunskap om humorns effekter behöver implementeras i sjuksköterskeutbildningen och medvetandegöras i professionen. / Background: Humour is a wide concept, defined in several ways. Humour is important for communication and encounter, existing in all healthcare settings. A good encounter promotes health, which is essential in the nursing profession. Humour has many physiological and psychological effects, for example increased release of endorphins, reduced anxiety and stress. Aim: The aim of the study was to illustrate how the registered nurse can practice humour in the nursing profession. Method: A literature review was conducted with a systematic search in three databases that generated in 14 result articles. A manifest content analysis was the foundation of the data analysis. Findings: The findings illustrate three themes: the importance of humour in interaction with the patient, the importance of humour in interaction with co-workers and the importance of humour for the registered nurse. In interaction with the patient humour is used to build relationships, make the patient feel unique, enhance wellbeing, make it easier for the patient, increase compliance and gain more knowledge of the patient. Inappropriate use of humour is also illustrated in the theme. In interaction with co-workers humour is used to manage work, create communion and communicate underlying meaning and intention. Humour is important for the nurse as a coping strategy and to manage stress. Conclusion: Humour has great importance in the nursing profession and affects many people in presence of the nurse. Knowledge about the effects of humour needs to be implemented in the nursing education and acknowledged in the nursing profession.

Teambelöning : en studie om teambaserade belöningssystem och dess inverkan på medarbetares motivation / Team reward : a study of team-based reward system and its influence on employees motivation

Jansson, Johanna, Sandin, Johanna January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka upplägg och användning av ett teambaserat belöningssystem. Studien utgår från frågeställningar om vad medarbetarna i Handelsbanken har för syn på det teambaserade belöningssystemet Oktogonen som banken använder sig av. Genom att studera teambelöning så kommer det att ge kunskap om hur det fungerar samt hur de anställda uppfattar belöningssystemet. Studien har en kvalitativ metod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Intervjuerna är med fem stycken medarbetare inom Handelsbanken. Vid analysering av det insamlade materialet har vi använt oss av tematisering för att ge läsaren en enkel struktur att följa och för att det tydligt ska framgå vilka huvudteman som studien bygger på. Motivation påverkar medarbetarnas arbetsprestation och Oktogonen är inte en motivationshöjande faktor i och med att utbetalningen sker i slutet av arbetslivet. Oktogonen är därför svår att greppa och påverkar inte arbetsprestationen i någon större utsträckning. Däremot stärker den teamarbetet bland personalen. / This studys purpose is to examine the setup and use of team-based rewardsystems. The study is based on questions about what employees in Handelsbanken think of their team-based rewardsystem Oktogonen. By examining team rewards knowledge will be given about how it works and what the employees think of it. The study has a qualitative formed method with semi-structured interviews with five employees in Handelsbanken. When analyzing the collected material we have used thematisation to give the reader structure and to clearly mention the main themes of the study. Motivation affect employees job performance and Oktogonen is not a motivating factor because the payment is made at the end of working life. Therefore Oktogonen is hard to grasp and do not affect work performance in any significant way, however it strengthens the teamwork among the staff.

Organisationsförändring : en studie om medarbetarnas upplevelser av organisationsförändringar / Organisational change : a study of employee perceptions of organizational changes

Höög, Lina, Bokefalk, Ida January 2016 (has links)
Förändring är en process som de flesta människor kan relatera till, det är även något som anses vara oundvikligt både för den enskilda individen och i det professionella livet. Både yttre och inre faktorer påverkar organisationer till att vilja förändras som därefter påverkar människorna inom organisation. Men reagerar vi som människor lika vid förändringar? Tas det hänsyn till att individer kan ha olika uppfattningar och skilda reaktioner vid förändringar? Huruvida en förändring anses vara lyckad eller inte beror på vems perspektiv som beaktas. Vårt syfte med studien var att undersöka medarbetares upplevelser av en organisationsförändring inom en kommunal skola. Vi hoppas kunna bidra med en ökad kunskap om vad medarbetarna anser vara viktigt för förändringsledare att ta hänsyn till vid införandet av nya förändringsarbeten. Även att kunna ge en vidare teoretisk kunskap om fenomenet för att förändringsledare ska kunna ta del av informationen som hjälp inför framtida förändringsarbeten. Vi vill med studien besvara vilka interna förutsättningar som krävs utifrån medarbetarnas upplevelser för ett positivt förändringsarbete. Vi har gjort en kvalitativ fallstudie och samlat in empiri med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Vår teoretiska grund består av forskning om olika aspekter som påverkar medarbetarperspektivet och tillsammans med vårt empiriska material utgör det grunden för vår analys och tolkning. Den mest konkreta slutsatsen vi kunnat dra utifrån medarbetarnas upplevelser av organisationsförändringar är att stor vikt bör läggas vid att nå en fungerande kommunikation. / Change is a process that most people can relate to. It is also something that is considered to be inevitable for both personal and professional life. External and internal factors affecting organizations that want to change  then affect the people within the organization. But how do different people react to changes? Does it acknowledge the fact that individuals have different perceptions and different reactions to changes? Whether a change is considered to be successful or not depends on whose perspective into account. Our purpose with this study was to investigate the employees' experiences of an organizational change within a public school. We hope to contribute to a greater knowledge of what employees consider to be important for change leaders to take into account the introduction of new change management. Also to be able to provide a wider theoretical knowledge on the phenomenon to change leaders should be able to use the information to help meet future change jobs. We want the study to answer the internal conditions necessary based on employees' experiences for a successful change process. We have made a qualitative case study and collected empirical data from semi-structured interviews. Our theoretical basis consists of research on various aspects that influence employee perspective, and together with our empirical material is the basis for our analysis and interpretation. The most concrete conclusion we have drawn from employees' perceptions of organizational change is that the emphasis should be placed on reaching a workable communication.


Sebastian Garces Palacio (7040948) 02 August 2019 (has links)
There is an increasing needto design and implement technological solutions to span scientific advances, facilitate people’s life and increase the efficiency of daily tasks. This bringsinto the picture professionals with sufficient technical skills to bring to life these technological solutions. Considering the outreach and size of said solutions, technical knowledge is not enough to succeed, but softskills such as communication and teamwork. Engineering and technology professionals need to function effectively in teams to accomplish a common goal. Therefore, this study characterizes the strategies that teams use in order to accomplish their goals through successful team interactions.In addition, this study explores how these strategies vary during asemester-longproject and how these variations mayaffectteam interactions and different performance indicators


Xingyu Peng (6865865) 15 August 2019 (has links)
<p>This research aims to explore a new mobile application platform for group travel planning to improve the experience of communication and cooperation in teamwork. The inspiration was from my own travel experience. Being the leader or one of the people who managed the travel group during the past years, I realized that group travels have been full of fun. However, I also faced a variety of challenges at the stages of planning, preparing, managing, and accounting before travel, during travel, and after travel.</p> <p>According to the literature review, some general problems of group travel were found out. Dealing with the problems in planning, scheduling, packing, communicating, and cooperating with travel partners, and financial issues are defined as the most general travel stressors for travelers. Therefore, travel relieves our living stress, meanwhile, brings new stressors from the other hand. </p> <p>The research started off understanding the current market condition and main competitors through doing market research. Peer product analysis and product positioning map were done during the market research. Then the user study was conducted through an online survey, user interviews, and field research using observational study method. The design direction and target users of the research were defined afterward. The design process began with the brainstorming session, followed by going through App flow structuring, interface wireframing, and visual designing to come out with the mobile application – CooP, a group travel platform to cooperatively manage teamwork and facilitate communication.</p> <p>Thus, a map-list alternating planning platform was developed for more efficient planning in CooP. Users can switch between the map view and the list view to plan the route. Besides, the group checklists, tasks distribution, and group account features were designed to facilitate teamwork in planning. Additionally, A group chat platform was hidden in every page corners to improve group communication. The CooP can also split the group flexibly when different people want to visit different places separately. By connecting with physical devices, CooP can track the people for protection and safety.</p> <p>The usability testing of the post-travel evaluation gathered some future improvements that can be achieved later. From the perspective of technology, AI technology can be better utilized in providing suggestions and recommendations voluntarily based on the user’s data to enhance the efficiency and smoothness of the working experience. From the map perspective, providing a real route line between locations would be more preferred than the straight-line segments. The coop can recommend mid-way attractions for users to select. Overall, CooP achieved the goal of improving communication and cooperation in group travel planning. It innovated the traditional way of doing a group travel plan by combining different functions into CooP to create a multitasking platform which speeds up the process of planning.</p>

Det svåra är inte att intubera - det är att extubera : Anestesisjuksköterskors upplevelser av extubationsprocessen

Svanung Hulén, Linda, Åström Elwinson, Elina January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: I anestesisjuksköterskans ansvar ingår att extubera patienten på ett säkert sätt. I anestesisjuksköterskans arbete fodras ett tvärprofessionellt omhändertagande av patienten inom ett team. Det är ett varierande arbetstempo i en komplex och högteknologisk miljö. Extuberingsprocessen kan medföra många komplikationer som kan ge obehag för patienten som har varit sövd i generell anestesi med endotrachealtub. Extubation ställer därmed höga krav på anestesisjuksköterskan som skall ha fördjupande medicinska och omvårdnadskunskaper vid omhändertagandet av patient. Det saknas forskning kring extubationsprocessen ur en anestesisjuksköterskas perspektiv även om det är ett riskfyllt moment. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva anestesisjuksköterskors upplevelser och erfarenheter av svårigheter i samband med extubation av patient. Metod: Studien innefattade semistrukturerade intervjuer med nio anestesisjuksköterskor från två sjukhus i Västra Götalandsregionen i Sverige. Datamaterialet analyserades med hjälp av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Resultatet visade betydande trygghet i att ha utbildning, erfarenhet och kunskap om extubationsprocessen då arbetssättet bygger på erfarenhet. Förmåga att förhålla sig till utmaningar bygger på att anestesisjuksköterskorna upplever en stor respekt för extubationsprocessen eftersom det kan innefatta många risker. Trygghet av att se patientens individuella behov var en betydande faktor för ett komplikationsfritt omhändertagande av patienter. För att främja ett systematiskt och patientsäkert sätt kring patienten, beskrev anestesisjuksköterskorna vikten av utbildning inom extubationsprocessen. Diskussion: I diskussionen jämförs det aktuella resultatet med tidigare forskning. Vidare diskuteras kunskapsbristen och forskning kring fenomenet. Slutsats: Anestesisjuksköterskornas arbete kring extubationsprocessen kräver god kunskap och erfarenhet inom anestesisjukvård. Förmåga till kommunikation och teamarbete är viktiga faktorer för en lyckad extubation.

Redesigning CATME's Web Interface to Improve User Experience

Youngeun Kang (6639878) 14 May 2019 (has links)
CATME (Comprehensive Assessment of Team Member Effectiveness) is a web-based platform that is intended to improve team experiences for students and faculty in higher education. The goal of this study is to redesign the user interface for CATME employing User-centered Design (UCD) framework. The design process consists of four phases: discover, define, develop, and validate. This study examines the current website to discover potential usability problems by conducting different methodology. Then it moves into robust user research to define the user’s pain points need to be addressed to improve user experience. In order to tackle the usability issues, design solutions are created and evaluated with real users. The result of the study is redesigned UI (user interface) for CATME’s three key pages, the homepage, activity wizard, and data dashboard.

Base de referência para o mapeamento de competências de trabalho em equipe de servidores técnico-administrativos em universidades públicas, no estado de São Paulo / Baseline for mapping teamwork competences of civil servants in public universities in São Paulo state

Silva, Roberta Salgado Gonçalves da 03 March 2016 (has links)
O objetivo geral é caracterizar o trabalho em equipe, com base na abordagem das competências, em universidades públicas. Os objetivos específicos são identificar os papéis que o servidor desempenha na equipe; a maturidade das equipes; as características de super equipe; os indicadores de competência (conhecimento, habilidade e atitude) para o trabalho em equipe; e os atributos de competência \'conhecimento\' do servidor com relação à organização (estrutura e processos), informação (comunicação) e desenvolvimento (treinamento e aprendizagem). Alguns trabalhos na literatura destacam a importância das competências e do trabalho em equipe na gestão de competências e a relevância da gestão pública. Entretanto, se faz necessário estudos sobre as competências para o trabalho em equipe na gestão de universidades públicas. Para atingir o objetivo proposto foi feito um levantamento em três universidades paulistas, por meio de um questionário, respondido por servidores técnico-administrativos, além de uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema. Foi possível comparar teoria e prática e obter conclusões sobre o tema estudado. Como principais resultados observou-se os atributos e os indicadores de competências, que tornam possível iniciar um processo de mapeamento de competências para desenvolver um modelo de aprimoramento dos setores que utilizam as equipes. / The overall objective of this work is to characterize the teamwork based on the competence approach in public universities. The specific objectives are to identify the roles that the civil servants plays in the team; the maturity of the teams; the characteristics of super team; competence indicators (knowledge, skills and attitude) to teamwork; and competence attributes \'knowledge\' of the civil servant regarding the organization (structure and processes), information (communication) and development (training and learning). Some studies in the literature highlight the importance of competence and teamwork in competence management and the relevance of public management. However, it is necessary studies about teamwork competence in the management of public universities. To achieve this purpose a survey was done in three São Paulo universities, through a questionnaire answered by technical and administrative staff, as well as a literature review on the topic. It was possible to compare theory and practice and to draw conclusions on the subject studied. The main results observed competence attributes and competence indicators that make it possible to start a competence mapping process to develop an improved model of the sectors that use the teams.

Prática interprofissional colaborativa e clima do trabalho em equipe na Atenção Primária à Saúde / Interprofessional collaborative practice and team climate in Primary Health Care

Agreli, Heloise Lima Fernandes 07 March 2017 (has links)
Introdução: Nas organizações de saúde, a Prática Interprofissional Colaborativa (PIC) e Clima do Trabalho em Equipe (CTE) são essenciais para promoção do cuidado integrado e melhoria na qualidade da assistência em saúde. Entretanto, a implementação da PIC tem se mostrado um desafio, com lacuna de conhecimentos relacionados a sua operacionalização no âmbito do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Assim como a PIC, o CTE preocupa-se com aspectos relacionais e organizacionais do trabalho interprofissional. Poucas investigações têm explorado a relação entre PIC e CTE. Este estudo considera as implicações do CTE para a PIC, destaca as ligações teóricas e empíricas entre os dois, e sugere como o CTE pode ter um papel na compreensão e operacionalização da PIC. Objetivo geral: Analisar a PIC em equipes de Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) com diferentes perfis de CTE. Método: estudo de método misto sequencial explanatório (quantitativo-qualitativo) realizado em 18 equipes da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF), em município da região metropolitana de São Paulo. Na fase 1 (quantitativa), o CTE foi avaliado com a aplicação da Escala de Clima do Trabalho em equipe (ECTE) em 18 equipes da ESF (N=144). Para análise dos dados utilizou-se estatística descritiva, análise de agrupamentos (método Ward) e análise bivariada (t student). Na fase 2 (qualitativa), realizou-se estudo de caso múltiplo com entrevistas em profundidade com membros das equipes (N=24) que apresentaram escores contrastantes na ECTE. Na coleta e análise dos achados qualitativos foram utilizadas técnicas da teoria fundamentada em dados. Os resultados das fases 1 e 2 foram integrados. Resultados: Na fase 1 foram identificados dois agrupamentos de equipes: (A) com maiores e (B) de menores escores na ECTE. As diferenças entre os grupos foram estatisticamente significativas em todos os fatores da escala: participação na equipe (p<0,001), apoio para ideias novas (p=0,002), objetivos da equipe (p=0,001) e orientação para as tarefas (p=0,015). Achados da fase 2 corroboram os achados da fase 1, sendo as equipes do agrupamento A aquelas que apresentaram características relacionais e processuais mais favoráveis ao CTE e também à PIC. A análise interpretativa permitiu a identificação de duas modalidades contingenciais e dinâmicas de colaboração: 1) colaboração em equipe e 2) colaboração intersetorial, em rede e com a comunidade. Em torno das modalidades identificadas foi proposto um modelo da PIC. O modelo descreve as condições em que a PIC ocorre, as formas como se apresenta e suas consequências na organização da assistência à saúde. Conclusões: A análise do CTE mostrou-se capaz de prover insights sobre a PIC nas equipes. O modelo proposto apresenta conhecimentos que contribuem para compreensão e operacionalização da PIC. Os resultados sugerem que embora o clima de equipe tenha um papel importante na construção da colaboração, a compreensão da PIC no âmbito do SUS requer a consideração de elementos pertinentes à inovação no trabalho interprofissional e da própria forma de organização da APS e das Redes de Atenção à Saúde. / Background: In health care organizations, Interprofessional Collaborative Practice (ICP) and Team Climate (TC) are essential means to promote integrated care and improve health care quality. However, implementing ICP presents a series of challenges, and there is a lack of knowledge of how to operationalize this approach within the Brazilian Health Care System (SUS). Like Interprofessional Collaborative Practice, Team Climate is concerned with the effectiveness of relational and organisational aspects of interprofessional work. Few studies have explored the relationship between these two concepts or the role that Team Climate might play in establishing the operational conditions needed for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice. This study considers the implications of Team Climate for Interprofessional Practice, highlights the theoretical and empirical links between the two, and suggests how Team Climate may have a role in understanding and operationalising Interprofessional Collaborative Practice more effectively. Aim: To analyse ICP in Primary Health Care (PHC) teams with different TC. Methods: This is a mixed methods sequential explanatory study (quantitative-qualitative) conducted with 18 primary care teams from the Family Health Strategy (FHS), in the metropolitan region of São Paulo. In Stage 1 (quantitative), Team Climate was assessed using the Team Climate Inventory (TCI) in all 18 teams (144 participants in total). Data from the TCI were analysed using descriptive statistics, cluster analysis (Wards method) and bivariate analysis (Student t). In Stage 2, which used a multiple qualitative case study approach, data were collected through in-depth interviews with members (N=24) from teams with contrasting scores on the TCI. Grounded theory techniques were employed to analyse the qualitative data. Findings from both stages of the research were then compared and considered together. Results: Two different clusters of teams were identified in Stage 1: (A) teams with the highest mean scores; and (B), teams with the lowest mean scores on the TCI. Differences between cluster A and B were statistically significant for all TCI factors: participative safety (p <0.001), support for new ideas (p = 0.002), team goals (p = 0.001) and task orientation (p=0.015). Findings from Stage 2 reinforced quantitative findings from Stage 1. Teams from cluster A demonstrated more positive relational and processual characteristics to support TC and ICP. Interpretative analysis revealed two dynamic and contingent modalities of collaboration: 1) team collaboration; and 2) collaboration between different health and social sectors, within a healthcare network, and with the community. A framework for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice in primary health care was developed, based on these modalities of collaboration, and describing the conditions, modalities and health care consequences of ICP. Conclusions: Analysis of Team Climate provided insights into ICP in healthcare teams. The proposed framework provides fresh insights into the understanding and operationalization of ICP, and suggests that although Team Climate is important in establishing collaboration, the understanding of ICP within SUS also requires consideration of a range of other factors, including innovation in interprofessional work and the organizational structure of PHC and Health Care Networks.

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