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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A comparative study of entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial intentions amongst students at selected South African institutions of higher education

Matsheke, Moses Jametane 01 1900 (has links)
PhD. (Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences), Vaal University of Technology. / Entrepreneurial intention (EI) is considered as an element used by researchers to measure the propensity of individuals to become entrepreneurs. Higher education institutions (HEIs) have been utilised globally by governments as mechanisms to increase the EIs of students by establishing entrepreneurship as an academic discipline and instituting entrepreneurship programmes at all educational levels. However, in South Africa, the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) reports a decline in EIs in the last decade of the population aged 18-64 years. The current study investigated the influence of the entrepreneurship education (EE) at one selected Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) college and a University of Technology (UOT) located in the Gauteng Province, South Africa through a comparative analysis. The Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) and the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) were used as theories to underpin the study. In addition, Self-efficacy (SE), Need to Achieve (NA) and Instrumental Readiness (IR) were included as constructs to examine further variables for EIs. The study adopted a survey design and followed a quantitative research approach in determining the relationship between the identified variables. A self-administered survey questionnaire was used to gather the data from the sampled students at the selected HEIs. The total number of usable questionnaires was 390 from the TVET college and 362 from the UOT, giving a total of 752 responses. The empirical analysis was performed by means of the descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis (EFA), Pearson correlations, and regression analysis. The descriptive analysis procedure was utilised to examine the demographic profile of the respondents as well as the perceptions of the respondents towards the research constructs of the study. The EFA procedure confirmed that all measurement scales applied in the study were unidimensional. The Pearson correlation analysis was used to examine the linear association between the constructs while the regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses. The results of the hypotheses tests revealed that EE was statistically significant in predicting the EI of the students from both the TVET college and UOT. The tests further revealed that EE was also statistically significant in predicting the Attitude towards Behaviour (ATB), Subjective Norm (SN), Perceived Behavioural Control (PBC), SE, NA and IR of the students from both HEIs in a similar manner. However, PBC, SE, and NA were found to be statistically insignificant for the TVET college students while for the UOT students only SN, NA and IR were statistically insignificant. The study concludes that EE is an important tool that can be used to enhance the EI of the students at both types of HEIs. It further draws the conclusion that students from the TVET college are more dependent on external factors such as the support of their families and friends as well as the availability of resources to start thinking of starting their own business, whereas those from the UOT are more reliant on internal motivation. Based on the results, the study recommends that subjects in the curriculum in HEIs should have a learning unit dedicated to stimulating entrepreneurship amongst students. Such an approach might inspire students to venture into entrepreneurship.

Managing the continuing professional development of lecturers in a Mpumalanga technical and vocational education and training college

Ndlovu, Nhlanhla 12 August 2019 (has links)
The aim of this research is to find out if a Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) college in Mpumalanga, South Africa has any CPD programme for its lecturers and how it is managed. Through personal experience, interaction with fellow lecturers and literature review, I noted the evident lack of college-driven continuous professional development (CPD) of lecturers. I discovered that most TVET college lecturers are holders of teaching qualifications suitable for schools and not the TVET college sector. The research was qualitative. I conducted in-depth interviews with the senior management of the college, a focus group interview with lecturers and finally document analysis. Data analysis was inductive and verbatim quotations from participants were used. I found that although the college did have a CPD programme, there were many shortcomings. Strengths of the programme include funding and a planned CPD committee. Deficiencies relate to non-communication between staff members and management and a laissez-faire attitude of management in the handling of CPD. Based on the findings numerous recommendations are made concerning the way CPD is managed at this college and by the Department of Higher Education. These recommendations may relate to other colleges to make their CPD programme more effective for their academic staff. / Educational Management and Leadership / M. Ed. (Education Management)

De la pastorale migratoire à la coopération technique : missionnaires italiens en Égypte : les salésiens et l’enseignement professionnel (1890-1970) / From the pastoral care for migrants to the technical cooperation : Italian missionaries in Egypt : the Salesians and the vocational education (1890-1970)

Turiano, Anna-Laura 29 January 2016 (has links)
En 1896, les missionnaires salésiens fondent une école des arts et métiers à Alexandrie destinée à un prolétariat immigré d’origine européenne. Dans les années suivantes, la mission multiplie les ouvertures d’écoles dans les villes du Delta et du Canal, mais sa réputation est avant tout liée aux filières professionnelles. Menacées de disparition sous Nasser, à l’instar des autres établissements d’enseignement étrangers, les écoles salésiennes se maintiennent dans le cadre d’accords de coopération bilatérale entre l’Égypte et l’Italie. Ce travail interroge la longévité de la présence missionnaire et la durabilité d’un ensemble d’établissements scolaires au-delà de dates retenues comme points de rupture entre une Égypte coloniale et postcoloniale. Il est question de l’investissement éducatif sur un modèle étranger d’enseignement professionnel et du rôle que les écoles missionnaires ont joué dans la formation de communautés de métiers. Au miroir des établissements salésiens, c’est la mise en place d’un enseignement technique en Égypte, les enjeux éducatifs, économiques et politiques qu’il incarne qu’on entrevoit. Par ailleurs, l’histoire des missionnaires salésiens et de leur réseau scolaire s’inscrit dans un cadre plus large : l’histoire des migrations méditerranéennes vers l’Égypte, l’histoire de l’Église, de la mission et de son aggiornamento et celle des relations italo-égyptiennes. C’est une histoire tout à la fois locale et globale qu’il s’agit d’éclairer. En rupture avec les approches nationaliste et nostalgique, ce travail se veut une contribution originale à l’histoire des missions et de l’enseignement étranger en Égypte. / In 1896 the Salesian missionaries established a school of Arts and Crafts in Alexandria, which was intended for working class European immigrants. In the following years, the mission founded other schools in the Delta and Suez Canal regions, but its reputation was particularly tied to its vocational training institutes. Threatened with disappearance under Nasser, like others foreign schools, the Salesian institutes managed to survive within the framework of Italo-Egyptian cooperation agreements. This dissertation questions the longevity of the missionary presence and the durability of the Salesian school network, hence expanding the boundaries between what is commonly delineated as colonial and post-colonial Egypt. The educational investment that Egyptian families made in Salesian vocational schools is analysed as well as the role the mission played in training trades and professional communities. Through the lens of the Salesian schools we catch a glimpse of the emergence of vocational education in Egypt, its educational, economic and political stakes. Moreover, the history of the Salesian missionaries and their schools is analysed within a broader framework: the history of Mediterranean migrations to Egypt, Church and mission histories as well as their aggiornamento, and eventually the history of Italo-Egyptian relations. The aim is to shed light on a history which is concurrently local and global. Distancing itself both from nationalistic and nostalgic approaches, this work aims to provide an original contribution to the history of missions and foreign education in Egypt.

Evaluating the perceived effectiveness of the leadership styles of deans in Ethiopian governmental technical and vocational education and training (TVET) colleges

Mesfin Molla Demissie 08 1900 (has links)
The study evaluates the perceived effectiveness of the leadership styles of deans in Ethiopian governmental Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges. The study was contextualised within the domain of relevant leadership theory in chapter 2 (with specific emphasis on the Full Range Leadership model developed by Bass and Avolio), and within the field of Technical and Vocational Education and Training in chapter 3. A mixed method research methodology was employed in the empirical research. The quantitative part received the most emphasis, while a qualitative part was added to attempt to corroborate findings. Quantitative data were collected from teachers (219), student council members (65) and deans (10) in ten TVET colleges using the MLQ 5x short-form questionnaire, which is a standardised questionnaire of high repute. The quantitatively collected data were analysed and presented using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The qualitative part consisted of semi-structured interviews conducted with the ten deans and one TVET Bureau Head. Quantitative findings indicated that the transformational and transactional leadership styles were observed far more frequently than the laissez-faire style. Perceptions regarding the effectiveness of deans, teachers’ job satisfaction and teachers’ willingness to make an extra effort were positively and statistically significantly influenced by the presence of both the transformational and the transactional leadership styles and to a slight extent, influenced negatively by the interaction effect of the two styles. Qualitative findings mostly corroborated the quantitative findings. Recommendations emanating from the research inter alia include: Leadership training opportunities for TVET deans should be scheduled to enhance the appropriate leadership style practice of deans (especially the transformational style); resources (human, financial and materials) should be made available to TVET colleges to develop desired types of leadership in colleges; as part of the selection process when appointing new TVET deans, the leadership style/s that applicants use at that stage should be assessed; a staff-dean-team-approach will be productive if the dean practises a transformational-orientated style of leadership. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Educational Management)

Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Support of Strategic Sustainable Development

Gu, Chen Chen, Gomes, Telma, Brizuela, Victor Samuel January 2011 (has links)
This thesis looks at how Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) be carried out to help society move towards sustainability. It starts by introducing the reader into the essential concepts about Strategic Sustainable Development (SSD), Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), TVET, and the barriers to integrating ESD into TVET. It also provides information about the case study conducted in a TVET organization in Ireland which is integrating ESD into TVET. The thesis presents the key aspects that TVET organization need to have in order to successfully support SSD and it also provides a definition of success which is developing a workforce skilled for sustainability where sustainability is defined by the four sustainability principles. After presenting the key aspects, it looks at the strengths and weaknesses, in the lens of the key aspects, of the case study and three other TVET organizations. It later provides with recommendations based on the challenges found integrating ESD into TVET and the presented key aspects in order for TVET organizations to reach the vision of success. / <p>Telma Gomes - phone: 0736280415 - tegomes@uol.com.br Victor Samuel Brizuela - samworks@gmail.com Chen Chen Gu -guchenchen880309@163.com,</p>

Enhancing lecturing staff morale at a technical and vocational education and training college in Newcastle, KwaZulu- Natal

Rampersadh, Satish Harilal 06 1900 (has links)
The study was conducted to determine strategies that could be used by relevant managers and authorities in promoting the morale of lecturers at a TVET College, in Newcastle, KwaZulu-Natal. A qualitative research design and methodology was used to gather data from semi-structured interviews with the participants by means of two focus groups of six lecturers each and face to face interviews with the three programme managers. Purposive sampling was used to select the lecturers from the two engineering campuses of the sampled college. Data were constantly compared and analysed using the constant comparative analysis of data. The study found that aspects that contribute to low morale exceed those for high morale in the sampled college. Therefore, by studying the results obtained from the data, it can be deduced that lecturers at the College are not content with the current working conditions and the senior management style of the college. It is the duty of managers to consider the holistic welfare of employees. This is necessary for the creation of a suitable workplace for all staff of the college. To achieve this, supervisors and lecturers need to know what aspects influence staff morale. Henceforth, this study focused on effective strategies and recommendations that could be implemented to promote the morale of lecturers at the college. / Educational Management and Leadership / M. Ed. (Education Management)

Management of the migration process of a TVET college to the Department of Higher Education and Training

La Cock, Wium 05 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate the management of the function shift of Technical and Vocational Education and Training Colleges at the Department of Higher Education and Training. When the function shift of TVET Colleges took place, it provided an opportunity to research a phenomenon and obtain data that were not previously researched, as this was the first ever function shift or migration of colleges from the Department of Basic Education to the Department of Higher Education and Training. As such, this research not only explores a new phenomenon but also contributes to the body of knowledge regarding TVET in South Africa. This research was conducted at a TVET College in Newcastle, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. A qualitative, phenomenological study was conducted. The instruments for collecting data were individual and focus group interviews. Field notes were compiled during the various interviews, as deemed necessary by the researcher. All interviews were recorded digitally. The said digital recordings were transcribed and emanating themes were identified. Managers were selected as the interviewees. As this research was based on the management of the function shift, they were the most appropriate choice. A sample of staff was also interviewed, as two separate focus groups, to balance the scope and extent of the data, thus attempting to not only view the managerial paradigm as the sole reality. Findings made from the data were that the function shift was preceded by a previous migration of staff. That migration, however, saw colleges remaining in the same educational stream or level namely that of basic education. The staff at colleges, or technical colleges as they were called at the time, were previously employed by the State. This changed when the State created governing bodies for colleges or college councils, as they are known. Technical Colleges were then renamed Further Education and Training Colleges. These colleges were reporting to the Department of Education which saw a name change to the Department of Basic Education, as explained above. Employees were given the opportunity to migrate from State employment to council employment, which most staff members did. These college councils were later found to be dysfunctional, and the State arranged for colleges to be returned to the auspices of the State, but this time round they were usurped in the newly formed Department of Higher Education and Training. From a management perspective, the function shift was successful with minor challenges. Thus the staff felt that they did not receive adequate communication, thereby adversely affecting their financial positions. The researcher recommends further research among TVET Colleges regarding the management of this function shift. It is also recommended that all current channels of communication with staff be revisited, and improvement therein pursued, where possible. A final recommendation is that managers involved in a function shift be subject to a refresher course in change management before a function shift is implemented. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Education Management)

The management of student retention and success at technical and vocational education and training colleges in Limpopo Province

Baloyi, Masenyani Levy 16 July 2020 (has links)
With reference to the demands for innovation facing the systems of tertiary education internationally, the Department of Higher Education in South Africa has been revamped since the realization of the democratic Government. In recent years, the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) College institutions became the potential learning institutions of choice that could revitalize the economy. This resulted in merging the former 152 TVET Colleges into 50 with the intention to streamline access in order to accommodate a larger number of students for technical and vocational training. The purpose of this study was to determine how student retention and success in the TVET Colleges can be effectively managed. The study was mainly guided by the theoretical framework of Bronfenbrenner’s (1979, 1995) ecological systems theory that explains individuals’ relationships with their environments by means of interrelated ecological systems functioning. Secondly, applied to this study was the principles of systems theory which supplemented Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory. A mixed-methods research approach was used in determining the perceptions of TVET College personnel from different levels of institutional functioning and from students from different years of registration to determine the main factors influencing student retention and success at TVET Colleges. The empirical investigation comprised of a quantitative research approach (as phase 1) using questionnaires administered to students which was followed by a qualitative research approach (as phase 2) entailing semi-structured individual interviews with TVET College employees. The researcher used the chi-square and analysis of variables tests as analysis techniques in analysing and presenting the results in in this study. The research findings indicated a strong need for relevant career guidance provided to prospective TVET College students from primary school onwards, and the establishment of a constructive student support unit at TVET Colleges to promote student retention and success. Factors that promote the management student retention and success were identified as relating to the image and reputation of TVET Colleges, sources of effective communication, and student support activities that initially and continuously motivate or hinder student retention and success in the TVET College institutions. / Na aanleiding van die oproepe om vernuwing wat tersiêre-onderwysstelsels op internasionale vlak in die gesig staar, het die Departement van Hoër Onderwys en Opleiding in Suid-Afrika sedert die instelling van 'n demokratiese regering verskeie verbeteringe ondergaan. In die afgelope aantal jare het instellings in die tegniese en beroepsonderwys- en opleidingsektor potensiële voorkeurleerinstellings geword wat die vermoë het om die ekonomie nuwe lewe te gee. Dit het gelei tot die samesmelting van die voormalige 152 kolleges in die sektor tot 50 kolleges, met die doel om toegang te vergemaklik sodat meer studente vir tegniese en beroepsopleiding ingeneem kan word. Die doel van hierdie studie was om te bepaal hoe faktore wat studentbehoud en -sukses beïnvloed, doeltreffend in die tegniese en beroepsonderwys- en opleidingskollegesektor bestuur kan word. Die studie is gerig deur die teoretiese raamwerk van Bronfenbrenner (1979, 1995) se ekologiese-stelselteorie. Hierdie teorie verklaar individue se verhoudings met hul omgewings met behulp van ekologiese stelsels wat in verhouding met mekaar funksioneer. Tweedens, aan die studie was beginsels van stelsels teorie toegevoeg wat Bronfenbrenner se ekologiese stelsels teorie aanvul. Die empiriese ondersoek het bestaan uit ʼn kwantitatiewe navorsingsbenadering waarby vraelyste aan studente uitgedeel is, gevolg deur ʼn kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering wat semi-gestruktureerde individuele onderhoude met werknemers by tegniese en beroepsonderwys- en opleidingskolleges behels het. Die navorsingsbevindinge het gedui op ʼn sterk behoefte aan die voorsiening van toepaslike beroepsvoorligting aan leerders op laerskool en verder wat voornemens is om aan tegniese en beroepsonderwys- en opleidingskolleges te studeer, asook die vestiging van ʼn konstruktiewe studentesteuneenheid by hierdie kolleges om studentebehoud en -sukses te bevorder. Faktore wat studentebehoud en -sukses bevorder is geïdentifiseer as dié wat verband hou met die beeld en reputasie van tegniese en beroepsonderwys- en opleidingskolleges, bronne van doeltreffende kommunikasie, en studentesteunaktiwiteite wat aanvanklik en deurlopend as motivering vir studentebehoud en -sukses in hierdie sektor dien of dit belemmer. / Mayelana na xilaveko xa vutumbuluxi lebyi mafambiselo ya swikolo le ya langutiseneke na wona misava hinkwayo, Ndzavisiso ya tidyondzo ta le henhla ya Afrika Dzongayi cincile ku sukela loko hi ri eka mfumo wa xidimokirasi, Eka masiku ya namuntlha, tikholichi ta Vuthikiniki na dyondzo na vuleteri (TVET) ti hundzukile swikolo leswi nga langiwaku ku pfuxelela ikhonomi. Leswi swi endlile leswaku ku katsiwa tikholichi to ringana 152 leswaku ti va 50 ku ri ku endlela leswaku ku tekiwa na ku leteriwa vana va ku tala. Xikongomelo a ku ri ku endlela leswaku machudeni va nga lawuriwa na ku humelerisiwa njhani eka ti kholichi ta ti TVET. Dyondzo leyi yi rhangeriwa hi mavonelo ya malavisiselo ya Bronfenbrenner’s (1979, 1995), mavonelo ya matshamelo na mahlamuselo ya vuxaka eka mpfanganyiso wa matirhiselo, xavumbirhi, Dyondzo leyi yi tirhisile milawu ya mafambiselo na mavonelo lama tatisaku maendleo ya matshamelo na mafambiselo ya Bronfenbrenner. Malaviseselo ya maendlelo yo pfanganana ya tirhisiwile eka mavonelo ya va tirhi ya tikholichi ta ti TVET ku suka eka matshamelo na matirhelo yaku hambana hambana ku sukela eka malembe ya ntsariso ku endlela ku kuma nsusumeto wa ku humelela ka machudeni etikholichi. Ndzavisiso lowu wu katsakanya maendlelo ya khwalithethivhi, eka xiyenge xo sungula hi ku tirhisa swivutiso leswi nga ta xiyisisiwa eka machudeni swi tlhela swilandelerisiwa hi maendlelo ya malavisiselo ya khwalithethivhi (eka xiyenge xa vumbirhi) hi ku kandzelerisiwa hi nwangulano wa xiphemu na vatirhi va ti kholichi ta ti TVET. Mulavisisi u tirhisile xikwere xa chi na ku xopaxopa swiphemu swa swikambelo leswi a swi xopa xopiwa loko ku bumabumeriwe / hlayiwe mbuyelo wa ndzavisiso. Mbuyelo wu kombisa swinene leswaku kuna ku yelana eka ndzetelo lowu nyikiwaku machudeni ya ti kholichi ta TVET ku suka eswikolweni swa le hansi ku ya ehenhla, na ku tumbuluxiwa ka xiyenge xa mpfuno wa machudeni etikholichini ta ti TVET ku tlakusa ku tiyisa na ku humelela ka machudeni. Swi nwana leswi susumetaku ku tlakusa na ku tiyisa vufambisi eku tlakuseni na ku humelerisa machudeni ya ti kholichi ta ti TVET swikombisa swi fananisiwa na xiyimo na xindzhuti xa swikolo leswi, swipfuno swa mavulavulelo, na swipfuno swa switirhisiwa swa mpfuno wa machudeni wa masungulo kumbe wa ku yisa nkucetelo kumbe xirhalanganyi xa ku tlakusa na ku pfuna ku humelela eka tikholichi ta ti TVET. MARITO NKULO / Educational Management and Leadership / D. Ed. (Education Management)

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