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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Du territoire d'approvisionnement au territoire culturel : pétroarchéologie et techno-économie du silex Grain de mil durant l’Aurignacien dans le Sud-ouest de la France / From provisioning territories to cultural territories : petroarchaeology and techno-economy of Grain de mil flint during Aurignacian in South-West France

Caux, Solène 23 October 2015 (has links)
La caractérisation des matières premières lithiques est un important moyen d’étude des territoires paléolithiques, permettant d’inférer les modes de déplacement et d’organisation des groupes humains. Le Bassin aquitain est une des provinces archéologiques les mieux documentées d’Europe. Pourtant, certains matériaux depuis longtemps reconnus au sein des collections archéologiques, restent mal identifiés (origine géographique, unicité…). C’est en particulier le cas d’un type de silex dénommé « Grain de mil » par les préhistoriens. Pour combler cette lacune, ce travail s’organise en deux temps :- Une étude pétroarchéologique de ce matériau, axée sur sa caractérisation et la détermination de son origine géographique et géologique. Cette première phase du travail a permis de définir le Grain de mil comme un matériau typique de Charente-Maritime puisque sa formation est liée à l’anticlinal de Jonzac. Elle montre aussi que les critères de sa caractérisation, principalement issus de l’analyse des faciès sédimentaires, peuvent être appliqués lors de l’étude pétro-techno-économique d’une collection archéologique.- Une caractérisation techno-économique des modes de gestion de ce matériau à l’Aurignacien ancien et récent dans les sites nord-aquitains. A l’Aurignacien ancien, les groupes circulent à travers l’ensemble du Bassin aquitain au cours de grands déplacements saisonniers ; il semble que l’exploitation du Grain de mil témoigne d’une faible circulation dans le Nord-ouest du Bassin. A l’Aurignacien récent au contraire, les territoires d’approvisionnements ont centrés sur le Nord du Bassin aquitain mais ouverts à l’Ouest voire au Nord ; le Grain de mil serait alors au coeur de larges réseaux de circulation des groupes. Les moteurs d’évolution des sociétés à l’origine de ces changements de stratégie de déplacement sont ensuite discutés, testant pour cela le rôle des facteurs environnementaux et humains. / Characterising lithic raw materials is an important means of studying palaeolithic territories, allowing modes of mobilityand the organisation of human groups to be deduced. The Aquitaine Basin is one of the best-documented archaeologicalregions of Europe. However, certain materials have long been recognised within archaeological collections without theirgeographic origin or even their uniqueness being clearly demonstrated. This is particularly the case with a specific type offlint, which prehistorians call “Grain de mil”. In order to address these shortcomings, this work was carried in two phases:- a cross-disciplinary study of this material, focusing on its petroarchaeological characterisation and its geographicand geological origins. This initial phase of analysis lead to the definition of Grain de mil flint as a material typical ofthe Charente-Maritime as its formation is tied to the Jonzac anticline. It also shows that criteria for itscharacterisation, which stem mainly from the sedimentological analysis, can be applied to the petro-technoeconomicstudy of an archaeological assemblage.- a techno-economic characterisation of the management of this material during the Early and Late Aurignacian,from northern Aquitaine sites. During the Early Aurignacian, groups move seasonally across the Aquitaine Basin;exploitation of Grain de mil flint seems to indicate little circulation in the north-west of the Basin. In contrast, duringthe Late Aurignacian, provisioning territories centre to the north of the Aquitaine Basin, but open to the west andalso to the north. Grain de mil then appears to be at the heart of large-scale networks of circulations. Finally, theunderlying forces driving these strategic changes in mobility patterns are discussed, evaluating the role of bothenvironmental and human factors.

Direito homogêneo: harmonização, uniformização e ambivalência do direito nacional / Homogeneous law: harmonization, uniformization and ambivalence of national law.

Andrade, Rogério Emilio de 14 June 2010 (has links)
No escopo de organização econômica do mundo, a globalização conduziu a uma limitação do papel das instituições públicas com relação ao mercado, haja vista a repercussão do poder econômico do capital na tomada de decisões de política econômica interna: a estruturação mundial dos mercados somente se torna plausível por meio da institucionalização de direitos no espaço dos Estados nacionais. Desse modo, os direitos nacionais tendem a uniformizar e harmonizar a regulação dada ao capital: trata-se da homogeneização dos direitos, porquanto, tendo em vista as necessidades decorrentes de uma indefectível interdependência econômica, os Estados nacionais acabam por adotar, com mais ou menos independência e criatividade, as instituições necessárias ao desenvolvimento do capital. É isso que torna a vontade planetária homogênea, por meio da artificialidade jurídica que permite ao direito se libertar dos vínculos terrestres e tradições históricas, instituindo, por assim dizer, uma espacialidade própria do direito, a espacialidade jurídica. Deixa-se, assim, o antigo nomos, que vinculava o direito aos lugares, a uma histórica e específica determinação de uma comunidade, para ir-se em direção ao novo nomos, que, estendendo-se às dimensões planetárias da tecno-economia, desliga-se dos vínculos tradicionais e assume plenamente o caráter da artificialidade. Apesar de os Estados continuarem desenvolvendo um papel importante, não se pode deixar de constatar que sua soberania econômica foi matizada: antes detinham poder absoluto em relação à economia, agora detêm poder relativo. As transformações e arranjos institucionais, que eram congruentes em nível nacional, agora estão dispersos em múltiplos níveis espaciais, pois o desempenho econômico requer que os atores sejam simultaneamente coordenados em todas as áreas espaciais, precisam ser alocados e aninhados em arranjos institucionais conectados a todos os níveis da realidade. Nesse contexto, Redes de Governo constituem um bom instrumento de política pública tanto para os países desenvolvidos quanto para os países em desenvolvimento que procuram participar do processo regulatório global e precisam reforçar sua capacidade de governança doméstica. Pode-se dizer que a partir da homogenia dos direitos pretende-se estudar três movimentos distintos e simultâneos que vêm influenciando a produção normativa dos Estados nacionais: a harmonização dos direitos, a uniformização dos direitos e a ambivalência dos direitos. Procurou-se empreender a revisão do tema escolhido na literatura existente no intuito de perquirir informações e conhecer as contribuições teóricas já produzidas pela ciência até o momento. A partir dessas contribuições teóricas, fez-se a identificação dos alicerces que permitiram dialogar com duas grandes tendências teóricas que prevalecem na análise do tema: a primeira, de cunho técnico, aposta na relevância do papel das Administrações Públicas no processo de regulação do mercado global; a segunda, de cunho político, visa a estabelecer mecanismos políticos de neutralização e compensação dos efeitos da globalização. Em linha com esses pontos, a pesquisa comprometeu-se com a realidade concreta e, simultaneamente, engajou-se com a transformação dessa mesma realidade. De conseguinte, o trabalho procurou evidenciar as formas como as forças econômicas influenciam os fenômenos legais, bem como, em sentido oposto, o direito, como instrumento político, pode e deve afetar a economia. / In the scope of the global economic organization, the international integration of markets led to a limitation of the role of public institutions regarding the markets because of the economic power repercussion of the capital in the decision-making of internal economic policy: the world structuring of markets only becomes plausible by the institutionalization of Law in the national States. Thus, the national Law tends to standardize and harmonize the regulation of the capital: it is the homogenization of the Law as the resulting needs of an economic interdependence, which leaves the national States to adopt the necessary institutions to the capital development. It is this that turns the planetary will homogeneous through legal artificiality that allows the Law gives out of the terrestrial bonds and historical traditions, instituting the legal spatiality. Free from the old nomos, which links the Law to places, to a historical and specific determination of a community, the Law gives place to the new nomos, which detaches itself from the traditional bonds and fully assumes the artificiality character by extending itself to the planetary dimensions of the techno-economy. Despite the States continue to play an important role, it should be noticed that their economic sovereignty was tinged: before, they had an absolute power over the economy, whereas they now have a relative power. The transformations and institutional arrangements that were congruent in national level are now scattered in multiple spatial levels as the economic performance requires actors to be simultaneously coordinated in all spatial areas and they need to be allocated and nested in institutional arrangements connected to all levels of reality. In that context, Government Nets constitute a good instrument of public policies both for the developed countries and for the developing countries that attempt to take part of the global regulatory process and need to reinforce their capacity of domestic governance. It can be said that from the homogeneity of the Law on, this work aims at studying three simultaneous and distinct movements that have been influencing the normative output of the national States: the harmonization, the uniformization and the ambivalence of the Law. A literature review was presented with the objective of looking for specific information as well as knowing the theoretical contributions of the field. Based on those theoretical contributions, it was possible to keep a dialogue with two important theoretical tendencies that prevail in the analysis of the subject: first, the technical theoretical tendency, supported by the relevance of the role of Public Administrations in the process of global market regulation; second, the political theoretical tendency aims at establishing political mechanisms of neutralization and compensation of the globalization effects. In line with those theoretical tendencies, this study was committed to the concrete reality and it was simultaneously engaged with the transformation of that same reality. Therefore, the study aimed at showing the ways the economic forces influence the legal phenomena and the Law, as a political instrument, can and does affect the economy.

Analyse techno-économique des chaînes opératoires lithiques du Témiscouata (Québec), durant le Sylvicole et la période de Contact

Eid, Patrick 01 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’analyse technologique d’assemblages lithiques provenant du Témiscouata dans le Bas-Saint-Laurent (Québec, Canada) et datés entre le Sylvicole moyen tardif (500 à 1000 apr. J.-C.) et la période de Contact (XVIe et XVIIe siècles apr. J.-C.). Cette région, située dans l’extrémité septentrionale de la haute vallée de la rivière Saint-Jean, possède une importante source de matière première lithique, le chert Touladi, qui a été fortement exploitée à la préhistoire et même durant la période historique par les Premières Nations. Les chaînes opératoires lithiques de cinq sites archéologiques du Témiscouata ont été analysées via l’approche technologique afin d’en reconstituer les schèmes techno-économiques et leur implication dans les modes de vie des chasseurs-cueilleurs nomades de la région. Les industries lithiques du Témiscouata montrent l’existence de trois chaînes opératoires : la taille de pièces bifaciales, le débitage de nucléus et l’utilisation de pièces esquillées. Quant à l’outillage, il est constitué par des pièces bifaciales et des outils simples sur éclats (outils ad hoc, grattoirs et pièces esquillées). La production des outils sur éclats a été faite sur des supports issus de ces trois chaînes opératoires, mais c’est le processus bifacial qui est cependant à l’origine de la majorité d’entre eux et c’est pourquoi il occupait une place centrale dans ces industries. Les pièces bifaciales combinaient ainsi les rôles d’outils et de « nucléus » fournissant l’essentiel des supports. Les artefacts en chert local ont permis de mieux comprendre comment les technologies étaient organisées pour les besoins à une échelle locale, mais également territoriale alors que les groupes profitaient des carrières de chert Touladi pour se préparer à leurs besoins futurs, anticipés ou non. Quant aux pièces en matériaux exogènes, même si elles comptent pour une part minime des assemblages lithiques, elles ont permis d’entrevoir les stratégies économiques adoptées préalablement à l’occupation du Témiscouata, dans des contextes de rareté en matières premières lithiques de bonne qualité. Les schèmes techno-économiques mis en œuvre par les communautés de chasseurs-cueilleurs du Témiscouata ont constitué des éléments importants de leur stratégie d’adaptation en leur fournissant l’outillage nécessaire selon les multiples contextes rencontrés au cours de leur cycle annuel de nomadisme. Ils traduisent ainsi des choix révélateurs de leurs modes de vie, de leurs modalités d’occupation des sites et de leur réalité socio-économique. / This thesis presents data and analyses on chipped stone tool techno-economic patterns of nomadic hunters-gatherers at a quarry source area in the Témiscouata region (Québec, Canada) during the latter part of the Middle Woodland (500-1000 AD), the Late Woodland (1000-1550 AD) and also the early historic period (XVIe-XVIIe centuries AD). Located in the hinterland of the Bas-Saint-Laurent region, in the upper St. John river drainage, the Témiscouata region is rich in natural resources, perhaps among the most important is an important chert outcrop. The Touladi chert is present in two main quarries and is also found in pebble form scattered in the vicinity of the surrounding lakes and rivers. We applied a technological analysis, from the technological approach in the French tradition, to five lithic collections with the objective of reconstructing the chaînes opératoires and their economic management patterns (techno-economy). The most prominent artifacts found are of course the countless flakes which have been derived from three different chaînes opératoires: the bifacial process, the multidirectional (ad hoc) core reduction, and the use of pièces esquillées. The production of bifacial tools is the most important process in the Témiscouata lithic industries and is the one which produced most of the flakes found on the prehistoric settlements. The tool assemblage is first characterized by the bifacial tools which are primarily manufactured from tabular blocks of chert. As for the flake tools, they are mostly represented by informal (ad hoc) tools (retouched and used flakes), endscrapers and pièces esquillées. Techno-economic patterns of Touladi chert use have demonstrated that most of the flake tools were made on flake blanks derived from the bifacial process, mostly from the early and middle stages of this chaîne opératoire. The bifacial process was also segmented in time and space so that blanks and preforms could be carried throughout the territory to be used as “cores”. The two other production sequences are quite secondary based on the small amount of tools manufactured and they are far less mobile than the bifacial process. Stone tools that are made of exotic materials, even if they represent a small part of the archaeological record, reveal the patterns that prevailed while hunters-gatherers were outside the quarries zone. The technological analysis provides empirical evidence that hunter-gatherers of the Témiscouata region adopted flexible and simple, yet efficient, techno-economical strategies. These management schemes, which use the bifacial chaîne opératoire as the central element of tool manufacturing, are well adapted to their way of life based on a generalist, seasonal and flexible subsistence economy.

Direito homogêneo: harmonização, uniformização e ambivalência do direito nacional / Homogeneous law: harmonization, uniformization and ambivalence of national law.

Rogério Emilio de Andrade 14 June 2010 (has links)
No escopo de organização econômica do mundo, a globalização conduziu a uma limitação do papel das instituições públicas com relação ao mercado, haja vista a repercussão do poder econômico do capital na tomada de decisões de política econômica interna: a estruturação mundial dos mercados somente se torna plausível por meio da institucionalização de direitos no espaço dos Estados nacionais. Desse modo, os direitos nacionais tendem a uniformizar e harmonizar a regulação dada ao capital: trata-se da homogeneização dos direitos, porquanto, tendo em vista as necessidades decorrentes de uma indefectível interdependência econômica, os Estados nacionais acabam por adotar, com mais ou menos independência e criatividade, as instituições necessárias ao desenvolvimento do capital. É isso que torna a vontade planetária homogênea, por meio da artificialidade jurídica que permite ao direito se libertar dos vínculos terrestres e tradições históricas, instituindo, por assim dizer, uma espacialidade própria do direito, a espacialidade jurídica. Deixa-se, assim, o antigo nomos, que vinculava o direito aos lugares, a uma histórica e específica determinação de uma comunidade, para ir-se em direção ao novo nomos, que, estendendo-se às dimensões planetárias da tecno-economia, desliga-se dos vínculos tradicionais e assume plenamente o caráter da artificialidade. Apesar de os Estados continuarem desenvolvendo um papel importante, não se pode deixar de constatar que sua soberania econômica foi matizada: antes detinham poder absoluto em relação à economia, agora detêm poder relativo. As transformações e arranjos institucionais, que eram congruentes em nível nacional, agora estão dispersos em múltiplos níveis espaciais, pois o desempenho econômico requer que os atores sejam simultaneamente coordenados em todas as áreas espaciais, precisam ser alocados e aninhados em arranjos institucionais conectados a todos os níveis da realidade. Nesse contexto, Redes de Governo constituem um bom instrumento de política pública tanto para os países desenvolvidos quanto para os países em desenvolvimento que procuram participar do processo regulatório global e precisam reforçar sua capacidade de governança doméstica. Pode-se dizer que a partir da homogenia dos direitos pretende-se estudar três movimentos distintos e simultâneos que vêm influenciando a produção normativa dos Estados nacionais: a harmonização dos direitos, a uniformização dos direitos e a ambivalência dos direitos. Procurou-se empreender a revisão do tema escolhido na literatura existente no intuito de perquirir informações e conhecer as contribuições teóricas já produzidas pela ciência até o momento. A partir dessas contribuições teóricas, fez-se a identificação dos alicerces que permitiram dialogar com duas grandes tendências teóricas que prevalecem na análise do tema: a primeira, de cunho técnico, aposta na relevância do papel das Administrações Públicas no processo de regulação do mercado global; a segunda, de cunho político, visa a estabelecer mecanismos políticos de neutralização e compensação dos efeitos da globalização. Em linha com esses pontos, a pesquisa comprometeu-se com a realidade concreta e, simultaneamente, engajou-se com a transformação dessa mesma realidade. De conseguinte, o trabalho procurou evidenciar as formas como as forças econômicas influenciam os fenômenos legais, bem como, em sentido oposto, o direito, como instrumento político, pode e deve afetar a economia. / In the scope of the global economic organization, the international integration of markets led to a limitation of the role of public institutions regarding the markets because of the economic power repercussion of the capital in the decision-making of internal economic policy: the world structuring of markets only becomes plausible by the institutionalization of Law in the national States. Thus, the national Law tends to standardize and harmonize the regulation of the capital: it is the homogenization of the Law as the resulting needs of an economic interdependence, which leaves the national States to adopt the necessary institutions to the capital development. It is this that turns the planetary will homogeneous through legal artificiality that allows the Law gives out of the terrestrial bonds and historical traditions, instituting the legal spatiality. Free from the old nomos, which links the Law to places, to a historical and specific determination of a community, the Law gives place to the new nomos, which detaches itself from the traditional bonds and fully assumes the artificiality character by extending itself to the planetary dimensions of the techno-economy. Despite the States continue to play an important role, it should be noticed that their economic sovereignty was tinged: before, they had an absolute power over the economy, whereas they now have a relative power. The transformations and institutional arrangements that were congruent in national level are now scattered in multiple spatial levels as the economic performance requires actors to be simultaneously coordinated in all spatial areas and they need to be allocated and nested in institutional arrangements connected to all levels of reality. In that context, Government Nets constitute a good instrument of public policies both for the developed countries and for the developing countries that attempt to take part of the global regulatory process and need to reinforce their capacity of domestic governance. It can be said that from the homogeneity of the Law on, this work aims at studying three simultaneous and distinct movements that have been influencing the normative output of the national States: the harmonization, the uniformization and the ambivalence of the Law. A literature review was presented with the objective of looking for specific information as well as knowing the theoretical contributions of the field. Based on those theoretical contributions, it was possible to keep a dialogue with two important theoretical tendencies that prevail in the analysis of the subject: first, the technical theoretical tendency, supported by the relevance of the role of Public Administrations in the process of global market regulation; second, the political theoretical tendency aims at establishing political mechanisms of neutralization and compensation of the globalization effects. In line with those theoretical tendencies, this study was committed to the concrete reality and it was simultaneously engaged with the transformation of that same reality. Therefore, the study aimed at showing the ways the economic forces influence the legal phenomena and the Law, as a political instrument, can and does affect the economy.

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