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Angels in Unstable Sociomaterial Relations : Stories of Information TechnologyElovaara, Pirjo January 2004 (has links)
I have explored spaces, where negotiations of border transgressions take place and where issues of technology and politics mingle. We meet a diversity of actors in the world of information technology (IT): political texts, people and technology participating in numerous sociomaterial relations. Time is the end of the 1990s and the beginning of the new millennium, 2000. Years, when IT occupied the western world and created its own fuzzy discourse. Years, when IT stole the biggest newspaper headlines and years, when IT became a mundane everyday part of our work practices. Years, when we learned to live in heterogeneous worlds. Actor-Network Theory (ANT) and Actor-Network Theory and After (ANTa) provide analytical and methodological perspectives when working with the empirical material. I present a chronological exposé of some of the key concepts of ANT and ANTa. I also discuss how the classical ANT perspective has changed during the last few years from being a theory of networks to become a methodological and analytical approach to other kinds of spaces such as fluid and fire. The heart of the thesis consists of six empirical cases. My aim of writing stories of information technology has been to investigate the black box of information technology. Investigating includes also efforts of opening. Concepts that are taken for granted, such as the very notion of information technology in my case, can be explored, questioned, transgressed, blurred and opened up. Each of the diffracted stories is specific and unique, with its own actors, context, location and situatedness. But the stories are also connected through ANT, and feminist technology and technoscience studies. Case number one, ‘Discourses and Cracks – A Case Study of Information Technology and Writing Women in a Regional Context ’, is about a project, where questions concerning discourses of information society with a special focus on citizenship are discussed and where global and national politics are translated to local and situated practices. Case number two, ‘Translating and Negotiating Information Technology ’, consists of two main parts. The fi rst one is about a regional library project. The analysis of the project is based on the classical Actor Network Theory (ANT) approach that invites the study of the heterogeneous and negotiable shaping of IT. The second part is about librarians developing web-based services. The analysis is inspired by the later development of ANT (called ANTa in the thesis) in order to include more invisible actors, relations and negotiations. Case number three, ‘Negotiating Information Technology: Politics and Practices of The Public Sector Web Production’, is about work practices of a municipal web developer, through which creation of sociotechnical relations of everyday information technology practices is analysed and also mirrored to national and local IT politics. Case number four, ‘Making e-Government Happen – Everyday Co-Development of Services, Citizenship and Technology’, is presenting the same web developer as in the third case, but now his everyday practices are connected with an expanded and wider circuit of co-constructors of information technology. The text is a co-production of a multidisciplinary research group aiming to describe, analyse and problematise connections when creating practices, where technology and society collaborate. Case number fi ve, ‘Citizenship at the Crossroads of Multiple Layers of Sociotechnical Relations’, enrols technology as an active actor in the construction of citizenship in an IT context in Sweden. The perspective emphasising the active agency of non-humans both enhances and challenges the Scandinavian approach of systems development by suggesting a direction towards a cyborgian approach towards technology design. Case number six, ‘Between Stability and Instability – a Project about e-Democracy ’, takes its point of departure from a small-scale project having as its goal the development of e-democracy in a municipal context. In the text the focus is on the stabilisation processes in shaping the technology (‘e’) and democracy parts of the project. I also discuss what kinds of spaces exist in between (the hyphen in e-democracy) and ask if integration between technology and democracy is possible as a whole. Finally, my intention is to step further into stories and practices not yet existing. Inspired by the French philosopher Michel Serres, I introduce the fi guration of an angel as a cartographer, intermediator and (co-) constructor of sociomaterial relations. Angels are needed to sew the separate fi elds of technology, politics and everyday practices to a rich seamless tapestry. They are the ‘artful integrators’ (Suchman).
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Into the Abyss™ : Toward an understanding of sexual technologies as co-actors in techno-social networksMoyerbrailean, Anne January 2018 (has links)
Much has been written recently in mainstream media about sex robots. However, due to the recent developments in this area of robotic and AI technologies, few academics have critically addressed these humanoid sexual technologies through the frameworks provided by Feminist Technoscience Studies. Through utilizing this critical lens, this thesis works with the tools of becoming-with (Haraway 2004a) and intra-action (Barad 2003) to explore the ways in which sexual technologies manufactured by American company Abyss Creations are co-actors in complicated material-semiotic networks. In line with Haraway (2004a) and Barad (2003), this thesis argues that realities are made through ongoing material-discursive practices, practices which are intra-actions of desire, bacteria, companionship, synthetic cognitive algorithms, capitalism, app programing, Wikipedia, and robo-human becoming-with and becoming-without. It is through these webs of becoming-with and –without that these technologies exhibit relational agency. This thesis argues to view Abyss Creation’s sex robots in a framework of relational co-construction is to begin improving our understandings of the complicated ways in which humans, nonhumans, technology, systems, and forces are co-actors in techno-social networks.
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Synthetic Women: Gender, Power, and Humanoid Sex RobotsWenger, Sara Elizabeth II 16 May 2023 (has links)
Drawing from gender studies, cultural studies, and feminist technoscience literature, this dissertation employs an interdisciplinary approach to analyze the androcentric imaginaries through which humanoid sex robots ("sexbots") emerge. Specifically, I utilize sexbots to interrogate and reflect on issues such as consent, whiteness, and humanity. By situating sexbots as proxies for feminized and racialized humans, I argue that the production, portrayal, and proliferation of sexbots are reflections of how we treat marginalized people, reifying existing hierarchal power relations. This project begins by analyzing the creation and dissemination of sexbots by popular sex technology ("sextech") companies. Critically surveying published papers, interviews, and research from various sexbot texts, I attend to gendered and racialized discourses of sexbot consent and companionship in human-sexbot relationships. Next, I analyze the overwhelming presence of whiteness with/in sexbots, exploring how anti-Black racism manifests in sexbots, and underscoring how both the present and "future" of sextech remains rooted in the past. Then, I catalog and dissect the published materials and interviews of prominent sextech creators, critically juxtaposing the marketing discourses of sexbots and evincing how both the sextech elite and science journalists—specifically writers I refer to as "sexbot journalists"—influence, change, and inform the meanings of sexbots. Finally, I turn to robots and robot alternatives found in feminist speculative fiction, utilizing these stories as a way of looking elsewhere in order to theorize what is possible for sexbots as well as our (current and future) relationships to these emerging technologies. At its core, this dissertation is an invitation to question white heteropatriarchy mediated through the controversial existence of sexbots. While synthetic women are the ostensible "subjects" of investigation—as well as commodities exchanged by creators and subsequently praised by enthusiasts—it is the "real" feminized and racialized humans who lie at the heart of this project. Through a much-needed feminist intervention, this project offers an in-depth analysis of humanoid sex robots and what they reveal about violence and power in the world around us. / Doctor of Philosophy / Humanoid sex robots ("sexbots") have served as inspiration for countless inventors, scholars, and writers of science fact and fiction. Sexbots, as I intend to show, are also shaped by gendered and racialized imaginaries, leading to their condemnation by feminist and race-critical science and technology scholars. At the same time, sexbots are popularly advertised as suitable alternatives for human companionship, promoted as emerging technologies designed for users uninterested in, or unable to, have sexual relations with "real" or "organic" women. Interrogating the troubling imaginaries behind these synthetic women, I analyze the creation, production, and dissemination of sexbots by popular sex technology ("sextech") companies. Specifically, I use sexbots to explore urgent issues such as humanity, consent, and whiteness. Unable to consent to the acts they are programmed to perform, or combat the abuse directed toward them, sexbots are often associated with sexual and gender-based violence. By situating sexbots as proxies for feminized and racialized humans, this project argues that the production, portrayal, and proliferation of sexbots are reflections of how we treat marginalized people, reinforcing existing problems related to patriarchy, misogyny, and anti-Black racism. While this project is deeply interested in sexbots, its heart is intimately human. Ultimately, I use sexbots to critically reflect on issues of power and violence in our world, as well as to (re)imagine feminist relationships to these emerging technologies.
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Cyborg, How Queer Are You? Speculations on Technologically-Mediated Morality Towards Posthuman-Centered DesignÇerçi, Sena January 2018 (has links)
This research deals with the highly-relevant issue of paternalism within the discipline and practice of HCI with a particular focus on the autonomous decision-making AI technologies. It is an attempt to reframe the problem of paternalism as a basis for posthuman-centered design, as the emerging technologies have already started to redefine autonomy, morality and therefore what it means to be a human. Instead of following traditional design processes, queering as an analogy/method is used in order to speculate on the notion of technological mediation through design fictions. Relying on arguments drawn from the relevant theory on philosophy of technology and feminist technoscience studies as well as the insights from the fieldwork rather than conventional empirical design research for its conclusions, this research aims to provide a background for a possible ‘Design Thing’ to tackle the problem in multidisciplinary and democratic ways under the guidance of the ‘queer cyborg’ imagery.
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Robotic Companionship : The Making of Anthropomatic Kitchen Robots in Queer Feminist Technoscience Perspective / Robotsällskap : En technovetenskaplig kulturstudie av skapandet av humanoida hushållsrobotar ur queerfeministiska och posthumana perspektivTreusch, Pat January 2015 (has links)
Specific machines furnish the contemporary socio-technical imaginary: ‘Robot companions’ that supposedly herald the age of robots, an age that is signified by the realization of robot technologies that are taking over labor from humans in every sphere of ‘everyday human lives’. How do we want these robot companions to work and look and how do we want to live with these machines? This thesis explores the engineering of relating humans and machines in the specific context of contemporary robotics from a queer feminist technoscience perspective. The ways in which such engineering processes implement ‘human-likeness’ in realizing the figure of the robot companion are of special concern. At the heart of this study is one robot model: Armar, developed at the Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Participating in the local everyday practices of establishing the efficient robot-human interface in the kitchen laboratory, this study investigates the ways in which Armar is made domestic as a prospective care service provider and companion in the kitchen. This study applies a posthumanist frame of research to investigate the practices of making anthropomatic kitchen robots. It employs an understanding of this making in terms of ‘performing the kitchen’. This further entails querying the ways in which norms of ‘humanness’ are translated into the human-like robot as well as the idea of pre-figured embodied entities with individual properties that meet in the laboratory. Thus, this thesis maps the labors and reciprocities of learning to see and experience this specific robot model as a future human-like companion for humans by analyzing the apparatuses of bodily co-production between human and machine that are at work in the kitchen laboratory. / Avhandlingen undersöker sociotekniska processer inom samtida robotik som både upprätthåller och skapar människa – maskin relationer ur ett feministiskt teknovetenskapligt perspektiv. Speciellt undersöks hur ingenjörer skapar robot-människa gränssnitt för hushållsrobotik och implementerar människolikhet i skapandet av framtidens robotsällskap. En specifik robotmodell, Armar, och dess utveckling följs vid Institutet för Antropomatik och Robotik, Tekniska Högskola i Karlsruhe i södra Tyskland. Armar ”bor” och verkar där i ett kökslaboratorium, en simulerad vardagsyta utvecklad för forskning och offentliga demonstrationer. Men hushållsrobotar har också en speciell plats i vår kulturella föreställningsvärld. I denna studie undersöks det sociotekniska och kulturella processen att domesticera robotar och ge dem status som prospektiva hjälpredor och sällskap i köket. Som en sådan kartläggning av ömsesidigt människa-maskin skapande teoretiserar studien den kroppsproducerande apparaten (Haraway 1991) som sätts i spel i detta kökslabb och i robot-människa gränssnittet. I studien utforskas ickemänsklig agens och posthumanistisk performativitet (Barad 2003) samt gränsdragningsarbetet mellan Jaget och Andra, människa och maskin, subject och objekt. Avhandlingen gör ett bidrag till förståelsen av kroppsliga normer och socio-materiella ömsesidigheter i skapandet av förmänskligat robotsällskap. / Ob in Medienberichten oder Kinofilmen – aktuell prägen Maschinen das sozio-technische Imaginäre, die nach menschlichem Vorbild entwickelt werden, um in das ‘alltäglich-menschliche’ Leben einzutreten und dieses nachhaltig zu verändern. In ihrer Allgegenwärtigkeit künden sie das Zeitalter der Roboter an, das verspricht, den Lebensstandard, den sich der globale Norden zuschreibt, zu verbessern. Im Fokus dieser Studie steht ein spezifisches Robotermodell, Armar, das am Institut für Anthropomatik und Robotik des Instituts für Technologie in Karlsruhe (Deutschland) entwickelt wird. In der Analyse von Interviews, teilnehmender Beobachtung sowie Fotomaterial untersucht diese Studie die alltäglichen Praktiken im Robotik-Küchenlabor, durch die Armar zur Begleiter_in und Care-Arbeiter_in in der Küche wird. Die posthumanistische, queer-feministische Rahmung der Analyse erlaubt es, die Herstellung des anthropomatischen Küchenroboters als ein Performing the Kitchen zu verstehen. Die Arbeit fokussiert damit auf die Bedingungen und die Akteur_innen – sowohl menschliche als auch nichtmenschliche – und fragt nach den Normen des Menschlichen, die bei dem Arbeiten an einer ,menschenähnlichen‘ Maschine produziert, aber auch verändert werden. Dabei zeichnet sie nach, dass Entitäten mit verkörperten Eigenschaften nicht präexistieren, sondern aus komplexen Mensch-Maschine-Verhältnissen der Ko-Produktion hervorgehen.
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AI as Gatekeepers to the Job Market : A Critical Reading of; Performance, Bias, and Coded Gaze in Recruitment ChatbotsVictorin, Karin January 2021 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is AI recruitment chatbots, digital discrimination, and data feminism (D´Ignazio and F.Klein 2020), where I aim to critically analyze issues of bias in these types of human-machine interaction technologies. Coming from a professional background of theatre, performance art, and drama, I am curious to analyze how using AI and social robots as hiring tools entails a new type of “stage” (actor’s space), with a special emphasis on social acting. Humans are now required to adjust their performance and facial expressions in the search for, and approval of, a new job. I will use my “theatrical glasses” with an intersectional lens, and through a methodology of cultural analysis, reflect on various examples of conversational AI used in recruitment processes. The silver bullet syndrome is a term that points to a tendency to believe in a miraculous new technological tool that will “magically” solve human-related problems in a company or an organization. The captivating marketing message of the Swedish recruitment conversational AI tool – Tengai Unbiased – is the promise of a scientifically proven objective hiring tool, to solve the diversity problem for company management. But is it really free from bias? According to Karen Barad, agency is not an attribute, but the ongoing reconfiguration of the world influenced by what she terms intra-actions, a mutual constitution of entanglement between human and non-human agencies (2003:818). However, tech developers often disregard their entanglement of human-to-machine interferences which unfortunately generates unconscious bias. The thesis raises ethical questions of how algorithmic measurement of social competence risks holding unconscious biases, benefiting those already privileged or those acting within a normative spectrum.
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